
bluebomberHey, my ~/Templates folder isn't working. It contains items, but my context menu still says "No templates installed." Moreover, clicking in Nautilus Go -> Templates does nothing. Could anyone help?00:39
mhall119bluebomber: no idea, I've never used that folder00:50
bluebomberFigured it out.00:50
mhall119what was it?00:50
bluebomberBTW it might be a mint-only issue. I filed a report.00:51
bluebomberThe Templates target in ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs was pointing to ~ instead of ~/Templates inexplicably.00:51
mhall119huh, that's an odd change for them to have made intentionally00:51
bluebomberYes. Especially so considering they do add a ~/Templates file.00:53
bluebomberErr folder.00:53
RoAkSoAx.win 201:25
ShawnRcan someone help me with this? http://imgur.com/mP9Wg04:01
ShawnRi run weechat on my 10.04 server and connect via ssh04:02
ShawnRit was working fine until a system update last night on my laptop, now i get this funky stuff04:02
ShawnRworks fine using putty from my windows pc and from the server itself04:02
ShawnRlooks fine if i run puTTY on my laptop, though04:04
ShawnRanybody? beuler? beuler?04:10
itnet7ShawnR: not sure if this is even remotely related04:20
itnet7Could be a TERM setting04:20
ShawnRitnet7: i foundit does work fine with that Byobu terminal, and P04:22
ShawnRand puTTY04:23
ShawnRbut not with anything based off the old terminal04:23
ShawnRi'm not sure what settings i would need to change or where to look04:24
ShawnRi'm overall having a terrible time with 11.04 :(04:24
itnet7Sorry to hear that :-(04:25
itnet7I am trying to find something now that might help04:25
ShawnRmy bigger problem is one that i can't avoid... gnome3 and unity, neither one i like, but eventually, i'm gonna have to move to something else04:26
ShawnRbut that isn't something anyone can just help me with... i just gotta pick the lesser of two evils04:26
itnet7Well, hopefully the refinement of this development cycle will improve the usability of unity... I really like it personally, but I can see what you mean04:27
ShawnRif i had more customization options, i might give it another go04:29
itnet7Check out Quicklists and little things like that... plus lenses04:32
itnet7if you do04:32
ShawnRwell, thanks itnet7 for all the help, i'm about to pass out, that's my cue to go to bed04:32
itnet7I will keep looking and hit you up tomorrow 04:32
ShawnRthanks,just PM me and i'll see it sometime or another04:33
ShawnRi haven't used that since middle school... lol04:34
ShawnRthis girl i had a crush on used it all the time... wait, are you her? :P04:34
itnet7I think not ;-P04:35
ShawnRg'nite, thanks again04:35
itnet7no problem04:35
ShawnRhmm... another small problem04:35
ShawnRctrl+A, D escaped me out of my screen before... now it seems to escape me out of my terminal on my laptop...04:36
itnet7Wow... I had that issue too when I upgraded to 10.10 on my server04:36
ShawnRthe screen deal?04:37
ShawnRever find a fix?04:37
itnet7the Ctrl+A D thing04:37
itnet7I will have to go through my bugs, I did what someone suggested04:37
itnet7and it seemed to work04:37
itnet7I will send you the bug number if I locate it04:38
ShawnRthanks, i'd love to read up on why the heck it is messing up04:38
ShawnRi wonder what would happen if i upgraded my server to 11.0404:38
* ShawnR isn't going to try that just yet, though04:38
itnet7I am upgrading mine as we speak04:38
itnet7I'll let you know how it goes...04:38
ShawnRyou're a glutton for pain, eh?04:39
ShawnRi guess it probably won't be nearly as bad on my headless server where unity/gnome know no existence04:39
itnet7I am running a gui on my server.. since it's the only way I have contact with the outside world while at work04:41
itnet7It's my unproxied webrowser :-)04:41
ShawnRwell, fixed that one04:43
ShawnRF9 to get into the menu, then change escape key sequence04:43
ShawnRby default, the esc. sequence for byobu terminal is ctrl a04:43
ShawnRactually, now that you mention it, i set the same thing up a while ago, so i guess i do have gnome on it04:44
ShawnRi used it once to use baobab for my disk usage graph04:45
ShawnR-X for the win :)04:45
ShawnRso i use mine to have an always on IRC, you use yours to untracably look at porn at work, huh?04:45
ShawnRj/k :P if I had a cubicle job, i'd do that so i could feel safe doing online banking at work, or even just logging into email04:46
itnet7I can't even go to any site that mentions iptables04:47
itnet7at work04:47
ShawnRthat stinks04:47
ShawnRi've known places that blocked pretty much anything and everything for "shopping" even if they just had an ad on the site for shopping04:47
itnet7Yeah, but they'll open up websense to let a Doctor stream a golf tournament04:48
itnet7to his machine04:48
ShawnRi used to stream music via http from my home server to work via a auto-generated winamp playlist (that used my dyndns domain)04:49
ShawnRbut it seems like they blocked all traffic to dyndns domains04:49
ShawnRbut it is ok, now i am on the road and i just use subsonic to stream to my android phone :)04:50
ShawnRi honestly think i have my music shared from my server 7-8 different ways, currently all running and operational04:50
ShawnRok, now that i can properly exit this friggin screen.... g'nite04:52
bluebomberSo... SELF plans?05:13
munz\o/  FRIDAY!!!  \o/13:52
=== mscahill is now known as tiemonster
chayniemunz: Gotta get down on Friday!14:23
* mhall119 shoots chaynie 14:27
chayniemhall119: I can see you're clearly not a fan of the Rebecca Blacks.14:28
mhall119there's more than one?!?14:29
chayniemhall119: mwahahahahahahahahahahahaha14:40
chaynie.. and I would have gotten away with it too, were it not for you meddling kids.14:41
mhall119just one I want to see an actual criminal say that when the reporters are following them into the court hosue14:41
mhall119I mean, imagine if Bernie Madoff had done that, I might actually like the guy14:42
chayniemhall119: Jinkies!14:42
chayniemhall119: I'm inclined to agree with you. Although I think most criminals take themselves too seriously to make a scooby doo joke on their way into court.14:43
mhall119sad though14:44
bluebomberI forgot already: Are either of you going to SELF?14:46
bluebomber( mhall119 or chaynie )14:47
chayniemhall119 is going for me.14:47
* chaynie lives vicariously through mhall11914:47
bluebomberI see.14:47
mhall119chaynie: right now you're enjoying coffee and corn chex then14:47
chayniemhall119: Hell yes!14:48
bluebomberCoffee sounds good. I'll live my morning breakfast vicariously through you right now, too.14:48
chaynieHooray 10 minute flash build times!14:49
chaynieProductivity, GO!14:49
itnet7munz, my timeout in my irssi config was too low, so I was joining channels without my cloak, you may need to modify that be quadrupling the value if you would like yours to work properly :-)15:32
itnet7s/that be/that by/15:32
munzitnet7: so change line 13 wait time?15:36
itnet7munz: yes, I changed the value from 2000 to 8000 and it now works for me... 15:38
itnet7I have increased the number of channels that I autojoin, so maybe that's why it used to work in the past, but doesn't any longer :-)15:38
munzhow can i tell if it is working?15:39
itnet7munz: do you have a cloak?15:40
munzlol guess not15:40
munzit hides your ip?15:41
munzlol wrong window16:15
munzi guess i now need to change that16:15
mhall119aspirational passwords, FTW16:17
munzlol mhall119, exactly :)16:29
munzat least it has been rotated out and is not on anything public16:30
nigelbmunz: nice try at making us beleive that.18:46
* nigelb proceeds to try that on all accounts munz has :P18:46
itnet7nigelb: lol19:04
nigelbitnet7: :)19:04
nigelbitnet7: I have done that before.  Type my most important password into an IRC window.19:04
nigelbI've never enabled screenlocking after that :P19:05
munzlol nigelb 19:16
nigelbmunz: :)19:16
munzworst part, this irc is logged :( oh well19:18
nigelbitnet7: ^^ see it was a critical password :D19:18
nigelbIt always is :)19:19
* munz denys everything19:38
RoAkSoAx 20:58

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