
seattlegauchoUber_Geek:  I loved that thing!00:41
valorieright, what happened to the fuzzy clock!?00:45
Uber_Geekok so I got a question, have any of you delt with encrypted drives?01:00
valoriemine's encrypted02:22
valorieI've never had an issue02:22
valoriein fact, in the netbook, I didn't even realize it *was* encrypted02:23
valorieI was busy with other stuff, so son was doing a clean install to 11.04 for me02:23
valorieI said, why did you encrypt it without asking me first!02:24
valoriehe said, it was already02:24
valoriejust keeping it the same, MOM.....02:24
valoriealthough, I think just /home02:24
valorienot the whole drive02:24
Captainkrtekhey valorie 02:39
valoriehi Captainkrtek02:40
Captainkrtekcrazy weather eh?02:40
Captainkrteksun then rain as usual02:40
valoriesun, rain and hail today here02:44
valorienow sun again02:44
valorieat least we don't have TORNADOES02:44
Captainkrtekmost we get around here is like earthquakes02:46
valoriethe next big one could finish us all02:48
valorieoh, well02:49
valorieno sense in worrying about it02:49
valorieJapan was horrifying, but most of Japan is OK03:03
CaptainkrtekI have a buddy over there03:03
valorieone of our *buntu devels lives there03:04
valoriehe was out of touch for like a month03:04
valoriebut OK in the end03:04

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