
=== yaili_ is now known as yaili
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Ronnieping mhall119, cjohnston, nigelb13:53
nigelbRonnie: hi13:53
Ronniehey nigelb, im starting to work on the rss feed thing, for LD...13:53
Ronniei can already retrieve the feeds, but only one per team13:54
nigelbRonnie: can you talk to mhall119? He has done some work on RSS thingy because of his experience with the feed reader he wrote13:54
Ronniei know13:54
nigelbRonnie: ooh, good!13:54
nigelbwell, last night chris and I had a call with jono13:54
Ronnieasof ubuntu-nl, we have planet software to combine all the different user feeds13:54
Ronniebut i guess a lot of locos does not have it13:54
nigelbThe initial idea I think is to have feeds to be added by admin.  It can be associated with a team, but don't make it like every team has a feed.13:55
nigelbbah, we all need to have a meeting soonish to coordinate13:55
Ronnieim thinkin about multiple feeds per team13:55
nigelbI know, I like what you're thinking13:56
nigelbBut this is the way we want to start13:56
nigelbRather, jono wants to start ;)13:56
Ronnieso wer can abondon our planet software13:56
Ronnienigelb: can you inform me when the meeting is taken place. im not much online anymore since i have a solid job13:58
nigelbRonnie: I'll be taking a poll among the 5 of us.  We want you there for the meeting :)13:58
nigelbRonnie: you and daker too!13:58
nigelbokay, Doodle poll! http://www.doodle.com/rpt4wkeipi4pidak14:04
nigelbPlease consider those times as UTC14:05
mhall119Ronnie: good morning14:08
Ronnienigelb: submitted14:09
Ronniehey mhall119, i started today with the team-rss14:09
Ronniebut i think we should not limit the feeds to one per team14:10
mhall119I agree, my plan was to allow multiple feeds per team, and even some feeds without a team14:11
mhall119initially moderated by the loco-council, but maybe eventually letting teams manage their own14:12
RonnieFeed-> Team:optional, VisibleOnHome:False(loco-admin-only), feed_url:required14:13
mhall119Ronnie: what do you have done so far?14:13
Ronniei have one field in teams, and it displays on team-detail14:13
mhall119how about the part that pulls the feeds?14:14
Ronniecurrently on page request, but i need to cahce that14:14
mhall119we already have a cron job for LD, so we can use that to run a management command to update them14:15
mhall119like nigelb said, I've already done a lot of this back-end stuff for another project14:15
mhall119so if you want to split the work, I'll take the backend if you take the frontnend14:15
mhall119Ronnie: did you see jono's page mockup?14:16
Ronniemhall119: yes, i like that one14:16
mhall119think you can implement it?14:17
Ronniemhall119: i think caching is a lot better than cron jobs, because caching splits the load over the whole day14:17
Ronniemhall119: probably14:17
Ronnieand caching does not update items that are never viewed14:18
mhall119Ronnie: we're going to be showing a combination of all team feeds on the front page, it'll need to be updated by cron14:18
mhall119he front page is going to be like planet.ubuntu.com14:18
mhall119only for loco-team feeds14:18
Ronniewhy do we need cron for the frontage. i think caching will do (we can set cashing on once a day)14:19
Ronniecashing = caching14:19
mhall119because we want it up to date14:19
* Ronnie wishes it cashing ;)14:19
Ronniecaching allows to set an expiration time14:20
Ronnieso if we set that to like 1 hour or something14:20
mhall119when you go to loco.ubuntu.com, you should see the very latest blog posts by loco teams14:20
Ronnieor 10 minutes if we want14:20
mhall119assume it'll take about 5 seconds to load each feed14:21
Ronniehmm... i see your point14:21
mhall119there are currently 160 teams14:22
mhall119and we're going to allow multiple feeds per team14:22
Ronniethe feed model shoul also have a language to it, so we can filter english only for home14:23
mhall119hmmm, I'm not sure we want to do that14:23
mhall119I don't think planet.u.c does14:24
Ronnieno, but almost all planet.ubuntu-nl.org are dutch. if we allow teams to add own rss. that the majority can be non-english14:25
Ronnieplanet.u.c is for ubuntu-members only14:25
mhall119I think that would be okay14:25
mhall119ideal even14:25
Ronniemost of them know english14:25
mhall119I think it would be good to show that loco teams aren't just english14:26
mhall119anybody curious can use google translate14:26
Ronnieits good to show there is also non-english, but if for example 3 out of 5 are non-english, than the home is not tab-worthy for me anymore14:28
mhall119I think the vast majority will be english, so chances are the front page will have a majority-english posting at any given time14:28
Ronnieif not we can filter them if needed14:29
czajkowskimhall119: sup?14:30
mhall119czajkowski: we're discussing adding blog feeds to the loco directory, and the question is should we filter it to show english posts only, or allow non-english posts as well?14:30
czajkowskiahh see that time old question14:30
czajkowskiI don't see any reason why non english posts shouldnt be there14:30
czajkowskiit's an international community14:30
mhall119my opinion is, showing non-english posts is a good representation of the community14:31
czajkowskibut I also know this has been an issue raised by planet14:31
mhall119the concern is that if the majority of posts shown are non-english, the page loses it's "tab-worthiness" to english-only speakers14:31
czajkowskimhall119: I do also, however I cannot and dont speak for the entire loco council so on topics like this possibly emailing us would be better14:31
czajkowskiI concur14:31
Ronniethe discussion was about 'on the homepage' . on the team details there should be no discussion and allow all languages.14:31
Ronniethe current planet is only for ubuntu-members to post14:32
mhall119czajkowski: okay, I just specifically wanted to get your opinion first14:32
czajkowskifair enough14:32
Ronniemost of them are english, some of them blog in native language, which isnt a problem14:32
mhall119Ronnie: ours will be for loco-members only, so how is that different?14:32
Ronnieubuntu-members are much more involved into the international community, so most of them speak english14:33
Ronnieloco-members are usually more local orientated and therefore blog in native language14:33
czajkowskiwould it be possible14:34
czajkowskito put a blog feed per loco team page14:34
Ronnieso there will be a bigger amount of non-english feeds14:34
czajkowskiand maybe only show the curent 5 on main page14:34
czajkowskiI've had a mail from one team already saying they don't use the LD due to it being too formal14:34
mhall119czajkowski: our plan is to allow multiple feeds per team14:35
Ronniei think teams should be allowed to add mutliple feeds. all the feeds are shown on the teams-detail page14:35
mhall119as well as non-team feeds14:35
Ronnieon the homepage however, we could filter the feeds or individual posts. i have not yet a clear vision on that one14:35
czajkowskiall I want as a mandatory field is the contact details to be filled in by a contact name address not a team address14:36
czajkowskibut that's gonna require getting it fixed elsewhere14:36
mhall119say what?14:36
mhall119I don't understand14:36
czajkowskiwhen I go to click contact person for a team14:37
czajkowskisome teams have a team as a contact14:37
czajkowskidrives me batty14:37
czajkowskior there is no team contact named14:38
czajkowskieven worse14:38
cjohnstonyaili_: good morning14:38
Ronnieczajkowski: example-link ?14:38
yaili_cjohnston: hello14:38
czajkowskiRonnie: I actually cant atm I will come back to you on it14:39
czajkowskijust kinda in the middle of stuff and I was asked to pop in for a min14:39
czajkowskihope you don't mind14:39
Ronnieczajkowski: thats oke14:39
mhall119Ronnie: I'm going to send an email to the loco-directory ML and the loco-council ML asking for more opinions on this, okay?14:40
cjohnstonRonnie: mhall119 I think we need to look at caching for pages other than the front page14:40
Ronniemhall119: oke14:40
mhall119cjohnston: definitely14:40
mhall119any page that doesn't change often should be cached14:40
Ronniethere are even options to cache certain parts of pages14:41
Ronniewe denenitly need to look at that14:41
cjohnstonyaili_: I guess you are going to help me with some graphics work for the about page of the status site?14:41
cjohnstonmhall119: would also be cool if we could somehow make use of the cdn that canonical has ;-)14:42
czajkowskiit would be nice on the team contact page to have a contact me on their page http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-ie  as an example which would go to the team contact14:42
czajkowskiwould people think that's a good idea ?14:42
czajkowskirathher than click onto rory there14:42
mhall119czajkowski: don't we already have that to contact the team?14:42
czajkowskiand then ont his lp page to find an email address?14:42
yaili_cjohnston: I already spoke to Kate about that, right? I can't really work on the graphics14:42
cjohnstonczajkowski: a link to an email address or a form for them to post?14:43
czajkowskimhall119: I can join this team14:43
mhall119I thought we had a contact too....14:43
czajkowskicjohnston: I was thinking a form...14:43
czajkowskimhall119: no14:43
czajkowskibut for me as a LC person14:43
czajkowskiit would make my life soooo much easier14:43
mhall119czajkowski: we can't always get email addresses from LP14:43
cjohnstonyaili_: my understanding was that I was going to take screenshots, and there is something with css that could make it like the what's new page with the hover areas14:43
czajkowskimhall119: yeah welcome to my hell14:43
cjohnstonczajkowski: I agree, since not all contacts have email14:43
cjohnstonczajkowski: will you please file a bug on it?14:44
czajkowskicjohnston: if you mark it invalid I will go over there and kick you :)14:44
cjohnstonIn that case I'm marking invalid on principal14:44
czajkowskiand somewhere on the footer can we have a link to file a bug!14:44
czajkowskiya have to go out of your way to find the page to file the bug14:44
yaili_cjohnston: yes, basically copy that styling, that page uses both CSS and JavaScript to make that work, I thought you could just use that visual style for the tooltips, not necessarily make them in JS14:44
cjohnstonczajkowski: yes... That is I believe already committed, just not live14:45
cjohnstonyaili_: ok.. I'll take a look and see what I can do :-)14:45
czajkowskicjohnston: https://bugs.launchpad.net/loco-directory/+bug/78914514:46
ubot4Launchpad bug 789145 in loco-directory "Contact a team on the team page (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]14:47
Ronniecjohnston, mhall119: do you have time soon to review https://code.launchpad.net/loco-directory/+activereviews14:48
czajkowskiRonnie: http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-ru-loco-nsk14:48
czajkowskisee no team contact listed14:48
czajkowskiI really want to make team contact a mandatory field14:48
czajkowskias it has a knock on effect for the bug I just logged as well14:49
cjohnstonczajkowski: mhall119 the only issue I could see would be that it may need to link to the contact page of LP since we don't have email capability that im aware of14:49
mhall119Ronnie: this afternoon maybe, I have some pressing work-work to do first14:49
mhall119cjohnston: yeah, I think that's what we'd need to do14:49
cjohnstonczajkowski: it is required..14:50
cjohnstonbut there is no where to import it from14:50
cjohnstonso it starts out blank14:50
cjohnstonthe only thing we could do would be set the default to the team admin14:51
czajkowskicjohnston: mhall119 so maybe I should the bug in this instance upstream on lp14:52
Ronniecjohnston: i think that should be ok14:52
czajkowskiand make creating a team contact there as mandatory ??14:52
czajkowskiif that is where you pull things from14:53
czajkowskiatm, on phone so if I reply slowly sorry14:53
mhall119czajkowski: good luck with that14:53
cjohnstonczajkowski: upstream what?14:54
Ronnieteam contact isnt fetched from LP i thought. only the team-admins (owner on LP)14:54
Ronniehmm https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-ru-loco-nsk has an owner, why isnt that one fetched mhall119, cjohnston14:55
mhall119Ronnie: owner != contact14:56
Ronniei think the owner should be filled in, if empty. so it can be overwritten in LD14:57
mhall119Ronnie: make it so!14:58
Ronnieill do14:59
cjohnstonRonnie: owner is imported from LP in LD..15:02
cjohnstonContact is not.. there is no such thing in LP15:02
Ronnieso if contacts is not supplied, ill add the owner in it15:03
cjohnstonThats what I said, is that set by default the contact to the owner, but do NOT require that the owner be the contact.. alow the contact to be changed away from the owner15:04
Ronnieyes, only set if empty15:05
cjohnstonczajkowski: will that satisfy your requirement?15:06
czajkowskiwill what sorry multitasking here15:06
czajkowskiowner yes15:06
czajkowskiand I'd hope owner would be up to date15:07
cjohnstonIf there is no contact, set the team owner as the contact, but not require that the team owner be a contact15:07
cjohnstonthats why dont require that the team owner be a contact15:07
czajkowskiyeah I just want that field filled15:07
czajkowskiif that makes sense15:07
Ronniecjohnston: the fix is only 2 lines of code :D15:09
cjohnstonI'm hoping to get a big project off my lap in the next week..15:09
Ronnieneed to test is for the all the teams, but it works for the russion15:09
cjohnstonWhich will free up time for me15:09
Ronnierunning the test with all the teams not, that could take a while15:10
Ronniethe contact form will be harder, because LD needs an email server for that15:11
nigelbRonnie: yeah, I mentioned that in the bug :)15:12
Ronnienigelb: i think LD needs to be able to send emails15:12
cjohnstonRonnie: we need to figure that out with IS to see if they will let us15:13
nigelbRonnie: That leads to a whole bunch of headaches. We also need permission from IS.15:13
Ronnieif the permission is granted, then the code will not be a problem i guess15:13
nigelbThe problem is not the code.15:14
nigelbThe problem is make sure LD does not get used as something to send spam out.15:14
Ronniebut the sys-admins are not very responsive. i have a quation (bug) posted 2 mponths ago. still no response.15:15
Ronniewe can use recapcha for that15:15
Ronniei've done some recaptch and django already15:16
nigelbI'm still very skeptical of LD sending emails.15:18
nigelbI already have LP spamming me enough ;)15:18
Ronnienigelb: you dont like to eat spam?15:19
Ronniefor the record, i think mail in LP should be optional15:19
RonnieLP == LD15:19
mhall119LD would only send emails for actions taken by logged-in users, that should prevent outside spam15:26
mhall119also, we can (and will) get email capability if we need it, there's enough backing form higher-ups15:26
Ronniemhall119, cjohnston: https://code.launchpad.net/~ronnie.vd.c/loco-directory/team-contact-lp-owner/+merge/6268715:28
Ronniehmm, im not sure if owners are teams itself.....15:29
Ronnieits possible in LP rigth?15:30
czajkowskiwe do have email capactity15:30
czajkowskiI did clear that at UDS orlando15:30
cjohnstonRonnie: yes, it is possible for an owner of a team to be a team15:31
cjohnstonand someone wrote something that in LD, if the owner is a team, it lists the members of the teams15:31
Ronniein that case, i have to set all members o that team as contacts15:32
Ronniethe person that wrote that code was me, didnt remember it tought till i saw the code. the LD.owner is always a LP.person (not team). so the contact 'import' will not fail when the LP.owner is a team15:40
Ronnieso the code is ready to be reviewed and merged15:40
Ronnieczajkowski: ^15:40
czajkowskiI dont review code15:41
czajkowskiI log bugs and find developers :)15:41
cjohnstonhe wasnt asking you to15:41
czajkowskiahh I read the first bit15:42
czajkowskicjohnston: less of jmping on me mister!15:42
cjohnstonYou should be jumping for joy15:42
czajkowskiyeah I may fall over15:42
czajkowskiRonnie: great stuff thank you15:42
cjohnstonok.. say yippie15:42
czajkowskiat least you dont mark my bugs as wish lists!15:42
cjohnstonwho Ronnie?15:43
* czajkowski makes a mental note to file tons of bugs against cjohnston 15:43
cjohnstonIt is a wishlist item!15:43
czajkowskisarcasim is waster on you today cjohnston15:43
cjohnstonczajkowski: at the present time, I dont have enough time to do any of them15:43
Ronniealways nice to help people with a 2 line patch15:43
cjohnstonczajkowski: thanks15:53
czajkowskiyou're welcome15:53
nigelbczajkowski: That's a worthy bug for LP.  Sending a copy of the mail you sent others to yourself.15:56
cjohnstonya.. thats an lp thing15:56
czajkowskioff to file a bug there15:56
cjohnstonthere may already be one15:57
nigelbI think your use-case is very genuine and I can help fix if LP guys are okay with it :)15:57
cjohnstonczajkowski: after you file it, bug a LP developer named nigelb and it will be done15:57
czajkowskiI'm doing so now15:59
czajkowskionce I figure how to file a bug aginst lp itself15:59
cjohnstoni believe16:00
czajkowskigot it16:00
ubot4Launchpad bug 789171 in launchpad "sending mail to LP - copy to sender also (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]16:03
czajkowskisee launchpad now16:04
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* daker doesn't like jono's blog post18:09
cjohnstonwhich why18:10
cjohnstoncause it says Ahmed's work?18:11
dakersome of his ideas are partially wrong18:11
dakerthat's one18:11
cjohnstonwhat else?18:11
dakerthis one Michael Hall, Chris Johnston, and Nigel Babu – these guys all contribute to the awesome loco.ubuntu.com.18:11
cjohnstonTo help with this I have scheduled some calls with a few folks: Michael Hall, Chris Johnston, and Nigel Babu – these guys all contribute to the awesome loco.ubuntu.com.18:12
cjohnstonRead it as one statement18:12
dakerwhy he didn't says loco-directory-dev like18:13
dakerwe also did18:13
cjohnstonHe is referring to who he has scheduled calls with18:13
cjohnstonThat's the way I read it18:14
cjohnstonTo help with this I have scheduled some calls with a few folks: Randall, blah blah blah about Randall; Laura, blah blah blah about Laura; Mike Chris and Nigel contributors to LD.18:15
dakerit's demotivating18:19
cjohnstonHow could it have been done better to make it not feel that way?18:21
dakeri really don't know18:22
czajkowskidaker: :(18:22
czajkowskidaker: try talking to him please18:23
czajkowskiit's not meant to be that way18:23
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czajkowskidaker: did you get my pm18:26
dakerno :/18:26
czajkowskinow ?18:27
dakerladies and gentlemen let me go home, i wish you a happy w-e18:38
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czajkowskidaker_: take care18:39
cjohnstonnewz2000: bug #789236  - oops.. should probably get escilated pretty quick18:59
ubot4Launchpad bug 789236 in ubuntu-website-content (and 1 other project) "Video on main Landscape page is no longer available (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78923618:59
nigelbcjohnston: escalated :)19:17
mhall119w 2419:27
mhall119 blah19:27
nigelbmhall119: tut tut, 42 ;)19:33
mhall119nigelb: 42 is someone else20:17
mhall119lift off?21:16
czajkowskinearly packed22:12
czajkowskinow I just need someone to lift my bags and float me somewhere please22:30
mhall119w 2322:31
czajkowskiok what is it wiht ye two22:31
cjohnstonone of them weeks22:32
pleia2they were like this at uds too23:10
pleia2one of them months!23:10
joeymhall119: thanks :-)23:39
joeymhall119: the only downside to the job is ... um... me :-)23:40
* joey laughs.23:40
mhall119heh, I'm okay with that23:40
czajkowskijoey: eh would you mind if I dropped you a pm if you're not busy and not too late where ever you are?23:41
joeyczajkowski: I was wondering if you were listening. :-) Please do23:42
czajkowskiyeah I don't sleep23:42

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