
KerberoMobileinterwebz: y u no working :(02:51
kbmonkeymore mense06:07
kbmonkeyonly 4 more weeks left then I'm free of the corporate windows world :D06:38
kbmonkeyhello maiatoday I trust you arewell!08:31
maiatodayhi kbmonkey 08:32
maiatodayyeah I'm fine08:32
maiatodaybusy but good :)08:32
maiatodayand you?08:32
kbmonkeybusy and good thanks :)08:32
maiatodaycool we are on the same page then ;)08:32
kbmonkeyyes :] back to work for now.08:36
kbmonkeyenjoy the friday!08:36
Kilosgood morning superfly and others08:57
superflyhiya Kilos08:59
sakhiyo Kilos superfly #ubuntu-za08:59
Kiloshi sakhi sdehaan 09:00
superflyhey sakhi09:01
Kiloshiya panphried 09:58
Kilosnothing new yet10:15
=== nlsthzn is now known as nlsthzn-work
KilosMaaz, coffee on17:17
* Maaz starts grinding coffee17:17
nlsthzn-workMaaz: tea please17:19
MaazEverybody here drinks coffee or goes thirsty17:19
nlsthzn-workMaaz: :p17:20
Maaznlsthzn-work: Huh?17:20
Kiloshehe hiya nlsthzn-work 17:20
Kilosif you really want tea you will have to ask cocooncrash to teach him17:21
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!17:21
KilosMaaz, thank you kind bot17:21
Maazno probs, Kilos17:21
Kiloshi roryy 17:24
roryyhow are you, Kilos ?17:24
Kiloswell ty and you roryy 17:24
Kilosjust very cold here in ptown17:24
roryycold in jhb too17:25
Kilosyeah that place is like 2 degrees less than here every night17:26
nlsthzn-worknice and hot over here :p17:39
nlsthzn-workKilos: hey Mr. Kilos, all is well?17:40
Kiloslol. send some here nlsthzn-work 17:40
Kilosyip ty and you?17:40
nlsthzn-workAlways well... if this place could export heat they would be even richer :)17:41
Symmetrialo all17:48
Kiloshi Symmetria 17:48
Symmetria*sigh* I keep running otuta network interfaces17:49
SymmetriaI was just going through just how much bandwidth and how many router interfaces we're now using just in joburg and pretoria17:49
Symmetriaand its completely SICK17:49
SymmetriaI have a total of 37 10G interfaces into the routers in joburg and pretoria combined 17:49
Symmetriawhich is nuts17:50
Kilosand you still need more?17:50
Symmetriaheh a lot more17:51
SymmetriaIm adding something like 25 10G interfaces in capetown in the next 2 months17:51
Kilosthey gonna be happy17:52
Symmetriaheh the costs are bizarre though17:52
Symmetriayou're looking at anywhere from 60 to 100 grand an interface17:52
Symmetriaheh I managed to get my ass shot at early this morning as well17:56
Symmetriaafter I got lost driving back from a client after working all night17:56
Symmetriaand ended up in the middle of diepsloot17:56
Kiloswhew that dont sound good17:57
SymmetriaLOL the guy was drunk and missed me and my car thank god17:57
Kilosit must be your intimidating hairstyle17:58
=== nlsthzn is now known as nlsthzn-work
Kilosnlsthzn-work, wb17:59
nlsthzn-workKilos: thanks... problem when you use a common PC...  I turn my back and someone else has logged in  :/18:00
Symmetriamy twin sister just got hijacked18:04
Kilosis she ok Symmetria 18:05
Symmetriavolvo s40 gone though, but that can be replaced, thats what insurance is for18:08
Symmetriabut Im so fucking pissed off 18:08
Symmetriasorry excuse the language18:08
Symmetriabut man18:08
nlsthzn-workSucks :/18:13
nlsthzn-workCrime is the one thing I don't miss about SA...18:14
* Symmetria is renewing his gun license tomorrow18:16
Symmetriaand then going out and replenishing my gun colllection18:16
* Kilos lol @ nlsthzn-work inna mail18:49
nlsthzn-workKilos: :p19:20
Kilosi go creep into bed for warmth now. sleep tight all of ya.19:30
* nlsthzn-work lurks22:23

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