
TheMusodebian bug 62807200:11
ubottuDebian bug 628072 in wnpp "RPF: mudita24 -- ALSA GUI control tool for Envy24 (ice1712) soundcards" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/62807200:11
TheMusoScottL: ^^00:11
persiaTheMuso, You mean because RPF should be RFP, or that ScottL should have filed an ITP?00:19
TheMusopersia: No, just showing ScottL how to ref debian bugs in channel to display them using the bot.00:20
ScottLlol, thanks TheMuso but i had got it already ;)00:32
ScottLi was just playing with trying other methods00:32
ScottLpersia, lol, i'm a goof...it should have been RFP00:32
ailoScottL, Is there a git tree for 2.6.39 yet?03:39
ailoScottL, Or, how and when is it time to build the kernel for Oneiric?03:40
ailo-lowlatency, that is03:40
ailoScottL, I just uploaded the -lowlatency for natty to my PPA. Remains to see if it will be built. Just following the instructions on your scratchpad.04:25
ailo__ScottL, I have linux-lowlatency available at this PPA now: ppa:ailo.at/testing06:33
ailo__Still waiting for linux-meta-lowlatency to appear though06:34
ailo__It uploaded fine, but hasn't showed up yet. Perhaps that's normal06:34
aboganiscott-work: ping13:10
scott-workhi abogani , good morning to you my friend!13:10
aboganiscott-work: good morning to you too!13:10
aboganiscott-work: 1) Oneiric -lowlatency kernel is almost finished 2) Could yuo recall me where you have written the guide to build -lowlatency kernel.13:12
scott-workabogani: oustanding!  persia would be really interesting in hearing this!13:13
aboganiscott-work: By the way Do you remember when you have helped me about English on some my Linux kernel commits?13:18
scott-workabogani: yes i do and would be happy to do so again :)13:19
aboganiI would want let you know that all commits are mainlined successfully. I hope that they pass "merge window". :-)13:20
aboganiscott-work:  So thank you for your help!13:20
aboganiLately I have received a lot of support requests about -realtime/-lowlatency kernels.13:24
aboganiI would want let you know that I'll don't provide that support anymore.13:25
aboganiObviously the first reason is that I don't like still maintain that packages and I don't have enough spare time to work on Linux kernel and Ubuntu.13:25
aboganiMoreover I'm very exhausted to help (or exhausted helping???)  people that don't return nothing back.13:25
aboganiI hope in your comprehension.13:25
aboganiObviously people in this room is excluded. ;-)13:32
aboganiscott-work: Which tense should I use after "I'm very exhasuted"? Infinitive with to or ing form?13:33
* abogani often thinks to be very stupid....13:34
astraljavaabogani: "I'm exhausted" is correct. :)13:39
aboganiastraljava: Hei Janne!13:40
aboganiastraljava: How are you?13:40
scott-workabogani: sorry, had someone at my desk, am reading backscroll now13:48
scott-workabogani: you are very welcome for the help and congratulations!  that is extremely cool to get something into the mainline kernel!  outstanding :)13:49
scott-workabogani: i understand about the -realtime/-lowlatency kernel and the responsiblity (or burden) of support13:50
aboganiscott-work: Next time i'll give you credits. ;)13:51
aboganiscott-work:  I'm wondering about "I'm very exhausted to help" or "I'm very exhausted helping" is the correct form13:51
scott-workabogani:  i would probably say, "I am too exhausted to help people that do not return anything"13:51
* jussi eyes the channel...13:53
scott-workabogani:  will you still be able to host your git repo for the -lowlatency kernel so that I can package and maintain it?13:53
scott-workhi jussi 13:53
jussihi scott-work13:53
scott-worki know that persia is keen to get the -lowlatency kernel into the repos (and i don't think he is waiting for UKT to do this :P )13:54
scott-workspeaking of this, TheMuso, were you able to talk to Andy at UDS about the kernel?13:54
aboganiscott-work: Of course I'll help in any way you think is necessary.14:06
aboganiscott-work: It is sufficient that you let me known ;)14:08
scott-workabogani: perhaps later you can help me understand the process to create your git repo and i can relieve you of that responsibility as well :)14:21
aboganiscott-work: Don't worry indeed it is the next step ;)14:21
astraljavaabogani: Not very well, but hopefully getting better. How about you?14:23
aboganiastraljava: I'm fine.14:24
astraljavaabogani: Good to hear. :)14:26
astraljavaabogani: Sorry I couldn't do much on last cycle for kernel stuff. I was in the middle of the divorce, so in a very bad, dark place.14:26
aboganiastraljava: Take care of your life guy.14:26
astraljavaabogani: If you're still continuing that work, I'll try to act more actively on the testing part and stuff.14:26
astraljavaabogani: I will try. :)14:27
aboganiastraljava: Don't worry after all Studio is an open source effort. So I suppose that life takes precedence.14:27
aboganiastraljava: And you have already done a lot of work in previous release.14:28
astraljavaabogani: I wouldn't say a lot, but participated every once in a while. Looking forward to make my contributions more stable and predictable.14:29
astraljavaOkay, gotta take the dog for a walk. Talk to ya later!14:30
aboganiI'll wait for that. :-)14:30
aboganiastraljava: Ciao14:30
astraljavaCiao! :D14:31
aboganiOk At https://launchpad.net/~abogani/+archive/broken/+packages amd64 version of -lowlatency kernel is ready  (it isn't tested yet). 15:35
aboganiAs you probably  know the -lowlatency kernel is threaded by default (where vanilla requires a specific kernel option at command line).15:36
scott-workabogani: so the plan would be to test your build, then i pull from your git repo, package it, test it again, and persia upload it?15:39
aboganiYes. Please consider that we have to wait the final version.15:41
aboganiof the kernel.15:41
aboganiI have also added a kernel option (which don't exist in vanilla kernel) "nothreadirqs" which force -lowlatency in normal no threaded mode.15:41
aboganifor testing purpose.15:41
aboganiThe package force the installation of the rtirq-init package which it should be use to set up the right priorities.15:44
astraljavaCool. I will do a Oneiric test install over the weekend, so I can test this.15:45
aboganiWe should also have to  disable irqbalance...15:47
aboganiBut it is very advance configuration.15:47
scott-workhi charlie-tca 17:13
charlie-tcaHello, scott-work 17:15
charlie-tcajust thought I should add this, since it makes it easier to see what's really happening17:15
scott-workcharlie-tca: add this channel to your client?17:45
scott-workthat sounds good17:45
charlie-tcayeah, I did17:45
charlie-tcaEasier to find you here than in #ubuntustu17:45
charlie-tcaEasier to find you here than in #ubuntustudio17:45
scott-workcharlie-tca: when do you think you will have the new xfce packages (what, 4.8?) for your -settings package?17:45
scott-workcharlie-tca: oi, yes, that would be much better ;)17:46
charlie-tcaHard to say, right now. I am hoping we get things synced for alpha1, but it might be a little later. I got to get with Lionel and see what his schedule is.17:46
scott-worki ask about the xfce packages because cory wants to compare what you have to what we are doing17:46
scott-workbut we are also making quite drastic changes to UI as well17:47
charlie-tcano problem17:47
charlie-tcaI will get to Lionel tonight if possilbe17:47
=== JayFo is now known as JFo
ScottLhi ailo i didn't see your comment this morning23:48
ailoScottL, Seems like you covered that topic :)23:49
ailoScottL, Just messing with it a little bit. I'm going to work with packaging somewhat these coming weeks, is my plan23:50
ailoInteresting about the latest kernel23:50
ailoIt will be fun to see how well it does23:51
ailoI had a problem uploading the linux-meta-lowlatency package23:52
ailoIt uploaded, but is not appearing23:52
ailoWhen preparing, debuild -S -sa failed because there was no control file23:53
ailoSo, I just very quickly copied the control.common and named it control23:54
ailoJust shows you I need to learn about packaging23:55
ailoScottL, Were you able to upload the linux-meta-lowlatency, and did you need to do something other than described in your scratchpad?23:55

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