
ScottKdebfx: Would you be up for taking a crack at merging Qt?03:58
ScottKAre people bumping boost to 1.46?04:08
ScottKWe need to do that and get rid of 1.42 ASAP.04:08
ScottKJontheEchidna: Has kubuntu_01_fix_dialog_focus.diff in polkit-kde-1 been sent upstream?04:36
JontheEchidnaI think I committed it directly04:36
JontheEchidnayup: https://projects.kde.org/projects/extragear/base/polkit-kde-agent-1/repository/revisions/0701f84a57156f8f584bb4fe928811a26ceefcf004:40
JontheEchidnathere just hasn't been a new release of it yet04:40
ScottKThat's our only diff with Debian, so I just mailed the patch back to them for consideration.04:43
ScottKJontheEchidna: Would you be up for reviewing shadeslayer's kde4libs merge?  i think that's next.04:45
JontheEchidnaI'll put it at the top of the list for tomorrow04:46
=== tazz_ is now known as tazz
debfxScottK: I though Quintasan wanted to do that since he participated in the patch review08:11
bambeedebian kde team has renamed libkonq5a to libkonq5abi1 ? I need to do the same thing ? 09:04
debfxbambee: yes, I think we should09:10
bambeeanother thing about libdlrestrictions: actually it's into universe, many kde apps will use this package09:11
bambeedebfx: okay thanks09:11
Peace-==> i did a debian package for this http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Active+Application?content=13968609:12
debfxScottK: ^ I thought you are able to move new binary packages to main :)09:12
Peace-plasma looks good now => http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/28/plasma-desktopwq1739.jpg09:13
Peace-yofel: morning09:32
bambeedebfx: ping09:57
bambeeapparently there is a missing cmake macro in libdlrestrictions-dev09:58
debfxbambee: where is it used?10:01
bambeeor the debian patch is wrong and does not use the right macro....10:01
bambeedebfx: in kdebase10:01
bambeedebfx: http://paste.ubuntu.com/614095/10:01
bambeeit's a patch imported from debian10:01
bambeeI don't find it in the orig tarball (even with a recursive grep) o_O10:06
bambeeand there is no diff.gz in debian....10:07
bambeewell, Modestas Vainius is on irc ? (the author)10:08
yofelthere should be a debian.tar.gz10:08
debfxit looks like some cmake magic10:09
yofelbambee: MoDaX in #debian-qt-kde@irc.oftc.net10:10
yofelyou should be in there anyway10:10
bambeeshadeslayer: ping me when you've finished to merge kdelibs (I need it for kdebase)10:20
debfxagateau: in dbusmenu-qt you export various classes from private headers. are those really needed?10:41
shadeslayeryofel: could you do a apt-get upgrade on your thinkpad?12:55
shadeslayerbambee: i'm nearly done, waiting for pkg-kde-tools to be upgraded :)12:55
debfxupgraded to what?13:07
bambeeshadeslayer: ok13:18
bambeeshadeslayer: yeah , upgraded to what ?13:18
shadeslayerdebfx: i need pkg-kde-tools upgraded on yofel's system so i can work xD13:18
shadeslayermy idiotic ISP throttles my connection after 8GB's of download :(13:20
bambeesomeone could take a screenshot of userconfig on a mobile (or tablet) ? just to see ui integration on embedded devices with small screens13:23
ScottKdebfx: Good point.  We'll leave it for Quintasan.14:03
ScottKdebfx: I can move things to Main if they are in New.  For moving packages otherwise it requires shell access in the Canonical data center that I don't have, so I have to ask.14:04
saras any idea if i can install kubuntu on cruz t30114:04
debfxScottK: Yeah I got that. I was just referring to libdlrestrictions which should have ended up in main14:33
ScottKdebfx: Yeah.  I could have done it then, but I didn't think of it.14:34
ScottKI thought of it approximately a minute after I hit accept.14:34
ScottKdebfx: I've asked to have them promoted.14:36
bambeeapachelogger: I have a lord question for you :P14:37
bambeeapachelogger: look at this module http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdeadmin/kuser/ku_editgroup.cpp?view=markup <--- anything is deleted ?14:51
kubotubambee meant: "apachelogger: look at this module http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdeadmin/kuser/ku_editgroup.cpp?view=markup <--- nothing is deleted ?"14:51
apacheloggerthat is not a question, that is 339 sloc I do not have time to read through14:52
bambeeso my question is :  does kdelibs or qt free them in a case like that ? typically this module uses a qtreewidget and add qtreewidgetitems allocated dynamically, does qtreewidget free them ?14:52
apacheloggerbambee: no14:55
shadeslayerQuintasan: have you tried to get oxygen-appmenu running in neon?14:55
apacheloggerbambee:       QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem(m_list_in, sl);14:55
apacheloggerfirst arg there is the parent14:55
apacheloggerqobject children get deleted bythe qobject upon destructin14:55
apacheloggerso by maing the QTW parent of QTWI, latter will be deleted once former is being destructed14:56
apacheloggerQObjects organize themselves in object trees. When you create a QObject with another object as parent, the object will automatically add itself to the parent's children() list. The parent takes ownership of the object; i.e., it will automatically delete its children in its destructor. You can look for an object by name and optionally type using findChild() or findChildren().14:57
shadeslayerapachelogger: so it recursively calls delete on each of its children in its destructor?14:58
bambeeinteresting feature14:59
shadeslayerapachelogger: oh and you have oxygen-appmenu right?14:59
apacheloggershadeslayer: how else would this work15:01
shadeslayerapachelogger: right, just asking, btw is there a better way to start a command than QProcess?15:01
apacheloggerdepends on what you need to do, what the command is, why you call it at all, why you do not use kprocess...15:02
shadeslayerapachelogger: its a command to start the dbus server15:03
shadeslayerof a app15:03
apacheloggerthe what?15:03
shadeslayer( yes i know, its weird )15:03
shadeslayerapachelogger: syncevolution has a seprate command to start it's dbus server xD15:03
apacheloggerthis is all wrong15:04
apacheloggerALL WRONG15:04
apacheloggerkubotu: google dbus message bus starting service15:04
kubotuResults for dbus message bus starting service: 1. D-Bus Specification: http://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-specification.html | 2. D-Bus: http://dbus.freedesktop.org/ | 3. D-Bus: Message bus APIs: http://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/api/html/group__DBusBus.html15:04
shadeslayerapachelogger: syncevolution has 3 binaries, one for starting the dbus interface, one for syncing and one to start the http server15:05
shadeslayerthe one for syncing can also be used to add/remove configs15:05
apacheloggerhttp://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-specification.html#message-bus-starting-services http://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-specification.html#message-bus-starting-services http://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-specification.html#message-bus-starting-services http://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-specification.html#message-bus-starting-services http://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-specification.html#message-bus-starting-services 15:05
apacheloggerthy shalt not do things that other software does for you15:06
shadeslayerapachelogger: lol15:06
apacheloggerbambee: oh, btw, https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Specs/MaverickCodestylePolicy15:08
shadeslayerthanks btw ...15:08
bambeegreat! thanks15:08
apacheloggerbambee: especially note the i18n part, while you are redoing everything you might as well switch from i18n to i18nc to make translators love you15:08
shadeslayercya laterz15:09
* bambee reads the documentation about i18nc15:09
bambeeohhh. it's almost my coding style... except for the getter :)15:11
bambeeand for includes :\15:12
charlie-tcaTime for me to be a pain in the side?15:18
charlie-tcaThe colors of the menu on the Kubuntu alternate cd are no good for visually impaired people. Black is not a good contrast on the color of blue15:18
charlie-tcaIs it possible to use white for the menu, and black for the selection?15:19
charlie-tcaAt least it would make it more easily readable15:19
apacheloggerwhy, sure, once I remember where one sets this15:20
* apachelogger thinks it is in either ubuntu-cd or debian-cd or something related but undocumanted15:20
apacheloggercharlie-tca: what is the menu though?15:20
ScottKcharlie-tca: We plan to drop the alternate this cycle, so it's probably not worth spending time on.15:20
charlie-tcaI know that feeling15:20
apacheloggerthe thing at the bottom?15:20
ScottKapachelogger: IIRC debfx knows which knob to turn.15:21
apacheloggerScottK: doesn the DVD have the very same selection screen>15:21
charlie-tcano, the entire menu, install from cd, use hard disk, etc15:21
ScottKapachelogger: Good point.15:21
charlie-tcabut you are right, if the cd won't stay, don't bother fixing it for alpha1. It is a waste of time.15:21
ScottKcharlie-tca: I image the Canonical purple used on Ubuntu images wasn't so great either?15:21
charlie-tcayou're right15:21
apacheloggerScottK: it is aubergine!15:22
ScottKcharlie-tca: It is an issue for the DVD, but we don't generally worry much about DVDs until later.15:22
charlie-tcaIt is pink on my laptop15:22
charlie-tcaI will complain again later about it15:23
ScottKWe put the blue in just in order to avoid shipping a Barneyfied installer.15:23
charlie-tcayeah, we did that too15:23
charlie-tcaI think the purple is highly dependent on the actual video of the system. It changes on each one of my computers15:24
ScottKhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney_%26_Friends <-- For those not familiar with the relevant Barney.15:27
ScottKOdyX is going to do a new kdesudo release with all of our changes included, so we should be able to sync kdesudo soon.16:48
ScottKIf anyone has additional changes, please coordinate with him on #debian-qt-kde.16:48
debfxScottK: have you looked at the diff? I don't think we can sync the package16:52
ScottKdebfx: Not yet, but after the next upstream release we'll be able to.16:52
ScottK(I think, I actually just looked at the patches)16:53
debfx- Use update-alternatives instead of dpkg-divert to override kdesu.16:53
debfx- Remove debconf support.16:53
ScottKMaybe not.16:53
ScottKI'd say we should consider if we really want the diff or not.16:53
jussiMy imx53 is now in memphis... lets see how efficient fedex is.17:03
ScottKdebfx: apachelogger made the dpkg-divert change, so it'd be nice if you two would sort out if we really need to maintain the diff.  The new upstream is uploaded to Debian.17:10
debfxScottK: the other problem is that it uses a debconf prompt (which defaults to not using kdesudo)17:16
debfxso we certainly can't sync the package as it is now17:16
DarkwingDuckMorning guys17:19
ScottKdebfx: Can we preseed the debconf thing?17:32
ScottKIn any case, the diff is now reduced.17:33
debfxno idea how that works17:33
ScottKProbabyl more trouble than it's worth.17:34
ScottKdoko wants a MIR for libdlrestrictions1 and libdlrestrictions-dev.17:35
ScottKAnyone up for a bit of MIR writing?17:35
debfxScottK: is there a particular reason why you've used "[i386 amd64 powerpc]" instead of "[!armel]" in kdegames?18:00
=== mgraesslin_ is now known as mgraesslin
bambeehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/614243/  -> "no known conversion for argument 1 from ‘QWidget*’ to ‘QObject*’ " -> wtf ? o_O18:27
Peace-bambee: mm18:30
Peace-did you do sudo apt-get build-dep stuff?18:30
Peace-i guess yes18:31
Peace-but :)18:31
bambeePeace-: no it's a personnal project, not packaged yet18:31
Peace-it's a kcm module then ?18:31
Peace-this is a nerd solution but... i have fixed a lots of times , with sudo apt-get build-dep kcm-anothermodule 18:32
Peace-well i am lazy yes18:32
Peace-a lots of time i forgot some dev xD18:33
bambeeas it's not packaged yet, the packages manager won't know its build dependencies ;)18:34
Peace-just use another kcm 18:34
Peace-bambee: kdelibs5-dev is on right ?18:36
yofelshadeslayer: sry, not at home. Upgrading now18:37
bambeemy request was not for that, it was for the message ""no known conversion for argument 1 from ‘QWidget*’ to ‘QObject*’ ""18:37
bambee(qwidget inherits from qobject)18:37
Peace-bambee: ok sorry i dunno 18:37
bambeenp :)18:37
yofelhm... Do we have a backport of pkg-kde-tools somewhere yet?18:39
JontheEchidnabambee: could you pastebin the constructor of that class?18:46
bambeeJontheEchidna: http://paste.ubuntu.com/614250/ + http://paste.ubuntu.com/614251/18:48
bambee(the coding style and the code is not perfect yet)18:49
JontheEchidnaChange "AbstractItemModel::AbstractItemModel( QWidget *parent ):" and the corresponding bit in the header to QObject *parent and everything should work as expected.18:50
JontheEchidnaThe constructor will be able to take an QObject-inheriting class that way18:50
bambeeohhh you're right the QAbstractItemModel constructor takes a QObject * as argument... :)18:53
bambeewell done thanks18:53
JontheEchidnaIn code you will be able to pass a QWidget in as a parent since it does inherit from QObject, but you have to be more specific in a subclass constructor18:56
JontheEchidnaScottK: do you know where shadeslayer's merge landed?19:09
yofelLying around on my server it seems, not sure what's what though..19:16
yofelshadeslayer: pkg-kde-tools upgraded.19:19
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: test building now19:29
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: altho, symbols are left after test building, but i hope that will be quick19:31
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: for some reason libudev-dev isn't being installed in the pbuilder, but if i install it manually it works ... the build dep is : libudev-dev [linux-any] ....19:40
bambeeonce merged where I need to upload kdebase ?19:41
debfxshadeslayer: that's a bug in pbuilder19:49
shadeslayerdebfx: yeah i removed linux-any for now19:49
debfxusing the one in oneiric fixes that19:49
shadeslayerand it builds19:49
shadeslayeroh .. hmm19:49
shadeslayerwill put it back after build then19:50
debfxok, but re-add it before pushing to bzr19:50
shadeslayerbtw did anyone merge Qt?20:00
debfxno, but I hope Quintasan will do that20:05
shadeslayeroh .. okay20:12
shadeslayerhey yofel20:16
yofelgrrr, that pbuilder bug again20:16
shadeslayeryofel: any ideas how nvidia performs over DVI?20:16
yofelon my 250GTS perfectly fine20:16
yofelah, oneiric has merged pbuilder, I'll install that on the server20:16
yofelserver is on natty20:17
shadeslayeryofel: your server is quite messed up xD20:17
shadeslayerit has debian and ubuntu entries in sources.list i think ... :P20:17
yofelwell, that was my karmic desktop setup converted into a server, pretty messy :S20:17
yofelthat's intentional20:18
yofeldebian is pinned to -120:18
shadeslayeryofel: could you : sudo rm -rf /home/shadeslayer/livecdtmp 20:20
shadeslayershould free up about 2 GB's of space20:20
yofelwell, plenty left anyway20:21
shadeslayerthanks :)20:25
yofelyou don't have a quota anyway :P20:25
yofeland that freed 5G ^^20:25
shadeslayerok i got scared for a moment there ... tried to switch between screens and nothing happened :P20:26
* QuintasanWEB cant boot recovery mode20:29
QuintasanWEBI updated nvidia driver from Xorg edgers20:30
QuintasanWEBrebooted my pc and now i get KP20:30
QuintasanWEBclaims it is not able to mount /20:30
shadeslayerQuintasanWEB: you have 270.41.06 ?20:31
QuintasanWEBI had20:31
QuintasanWEBupdated to 27520:31
QuintasanWEBwhich apparently fixes the weird Konsole resize bug20:31
QuintasanWEBupgrading nvidia shouldnt break mounting / 20:32
shadeslayerok ... i lost my screen now ^^20:33
shadeslayerQuintasanWEB: i tried out GNOME3 recently20:38
shadeslayerQuintasanWEB: they don't have a visible shutdown option xD20:38
shadeslayeri had to manually sudo halt -h NOW20:39
yofelwho needs that, we have ttys20:39
yofelwe spoil users too much :P20:39
shadeslayertrue ^^20:39
bambeeshadeslayer: uploaded ?20:40
shadeslayernope, it just FTBFS'd20:41
bambeewe've also a shutdown plasmoid no ?20:42
ScottKJontheEchidna: In bzr under ~kuubntu-packagers AFAIK.20:42
jussibambee: lock logout iirc20:42
bambeeoh indeed20:42
ScottKshadeslayer: Why do you need a shutdown option when you have a power button.20:43
JontheEchidnaScottK: shadeslayer hasn't pushed yet20:43
bambeewell, the user can logout and shutdown from kdm then :P20:43
ScottKdebfx: re kdegames: So it would still work if we get armhf20:43
ScottK(which is likely, but not certain this cycle)20:43
ScottKJontheEchidna: Oh.  OK.20:44
shadeslayeryofel: can i have sudo permissions for cp?20:44
shadeslayeror nvm20:47
debfxScottK: ok, another issue is that the Architecture field presumably doesn't support "!"20:48
ScottKdebfx: I think it does now, but I'm not 100% sure, since I had no reason to care.20:48
shadeslayerok ...  debian/kdelibs5-data/usr/share/doc/kde4 is gone20:58
ScottKOK.  Did the MIR for libdlrestrictions1 and libdlrestrictions-dev 21:01
shadeslayerquestion : ln -s kde debian/kdelibs5-data/usr/share/doc/kde4 seems to fail in kdelibs because there is no kde4 dir there anymore, any ideas how to fix? should i touch a file there and link it ?21:05
shadeslayerln -s kde debian/kdelibs5-data/usr/share/doc/kde fails as well21:05
yofeldoes debian/kdelibs5-data/usr/share/doc/kde already exists?21:06
shadeslayernope, but i tried that before listing debian/kdelibs5-data/21:06
shadeslayerdpkg-gensymbols: unknown option `-u' bwahahahaha21:07
shadeslayerwe used -u-c0 before ..  can i replace that with just -c0 ?21:09
debfxreplace it with whatever debian has21:09
shadeslayerdebian just had -V21:10
shadeslayerdebfx: we had -V -u-c0 ... 21:10
debfxthat's what debian had as well21:11
yofelhm, -c0 meant never fail on missing symbols, what's the point then ...?21:12
shadeslayeryofel: -u isn't a option in dpkg-gensymbols apparently21:12
yofelcan't find it either21:13
shadeslayerand there seems to be no point in adding verbosity to the dpkg-gensymbols output either21:13
shadeslayerso i'll loose both of those options21:13
yofeluse whatever debian has21:14
shadeslayerany ideas about the linking of docs?21:14
yofelnot without knowing what the error actually is21:15
shadeslayerone sec21:18
yofelI guess debian/kdelibs5-data/usr/share/doc/ doesn't exist21:19
shadeslayeryofel: i figured as much, but how do we fix it xD21:20
yofelmkdir -p ?21:20
shadeslayerthats what i was thinking as well21:20
debfxI'd say we can just drop that symlink21:20
debfxthere is only one package that installs into /usr/share/doc/kde4: backintime-kde21:21
shadeslayeraren't we considering backintime as a backup option?21:22
shadeslayerdebfx: that package might go into the DVD 21:22
shadeslayerso i think we have to keep that symlink21:23
debfxdoesn't matter that package should be fixed regardless21:23
shadeslayeroh okay21:23
shadeslayerQuintasan_: ^^21:23
* shadeslayer drops symlink then21:23
shadeslayerdebfx: is this feature new? : debian/source/include-binaries21:29
debfxshadeslayer: it's a feature of source format 3.021:29
shadeslayerah nope21:29
yofelthat's 3.0 for including binary files21:29
shadeslayeri just saw it for the first time :P21:30
debfxhm maybe we need to keep that symlink after all21:31
shadeslayerdebfx: so i should keep it?21:32
QuintasanDroidpew pew21:33
QuintasanDroidat least the fs is not corrupted21:33
debfxshadeslayer: you could just put it into kdelibs5-data.links21:33
QuintasanDroidnow how do I fix this mess21:33
shadeslayerdebfx: thats cool21:33
QuintasanDroidoh s21:34
shadeslayerdebfx: so like : kde usr/share/doc/kde4 ?21:34
QuintasanDroidcant chrootn into 64 bit from 32 bit21:34
shadeslayerQuintasanDroid: un supported21:35
debfxshadeslayer: man dh_links21:35
QuintasanDroidoh great21:35
shadeslayerQuintasanDroid: how do you even expect that to work :P21:35
QuintasanDroidI have no idea, I want to somehow rescue my machine21:35
QuintasanDroidno, just great21:36
shadeslayerok i'll bbl ...21:44
shadeslayerkde4libs is building ;)21:44
ScottKQuintasanDroid: What kind of install is the actual system on your machine?  32 or 64 bit?22:02
QuintasanDroidScottK: 64 bit22:13
QuintasanDroidwill debian amd64 net inst be capable of chrooting?22:13
* QuintasanDroid wants to download the least amount of data possible22:14
ScottKHow about http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/22:18
ScottKWon't it boot in recovery mode?22:18
QuintasanDroidScottK: I have no idea how to use that22:32
ScottKQuintasanDroid: Burn the mini ISO to CD and boot it.  http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/mini.iso22:34
ScottKShould be ~the same as netinst on Debian.22:35
ScottKOf course that'll install the system, now that I think about it.22:35
ScottKProbably not what you actually want.22:35
shadeslayerQuintasanDroid: you need a amd64 cd afaik22:47
QuintasanDroidnetinstall did the trick22:53
QuintasanDroidhmm, now I wonder how to fix this shit22:57
shadeslayerQuintasanDroid: btw for symbols, can't i get them in one neat patch with some tool?22:57
QuintasanDroidread the whole page22:58
QuintasanDroidit is there22:58
QuintasanDroidomfg and kernel panic22:58
shadeslayerQuintasanDroid: you mean "Updating a symbols file for a new library version" right?22:58
QuintasanDroidI mean the whole page I sent you22:58
shadeslayerQuintasanDroid: yes, i'm reading that22:58
QuintasanDroidI just freaking updated graphics drivers22:59
shadeslayerQuintasanDroid: what i'm asking is, is there something that can extract the diffs inside the build log22:59
shadeslayerQuintasanDroid: erm .. i have the new nvidia blob now, no issues yet23:00
QuintasanDroidfrom xorg edgers?23:00
QuintasanDroidso what the fcks is wrong with my booting23:01
* QuintasanDroid cant reboot via keyboar23:01
QuintasanDroidand shutting down is painful because I have to wait ~20 minutes before I can successfully turn on my computer23:01
shadeslayerah i get it now23:04
QuintasanDroidno, just great23:05
QuintasanDroidthe fs is there23:05
QuintasanDroidnot corrupted but it cant mount it23:05
QuintasanDroidwhile I can mount it just fine from liveusb23:05
QuintasanDroidand RSEIUB doesnt work23:06
QuintasanDroidnow, another 20 minutes to waste23:07
shadeslayerpkgkde-symbolshelper: warning: there are LOST symbols (including optional): 0.o23:07
QuintasanDroidIm so fckking going to send that mobo to get a replacement23:07
QuintasanDroidcant even reboot my computer normally23:07
QuintasanDroidWHY IT HAPPENS ONLY TO ME?23:08
* QuintasanDroid quits whine mode23:08
shadeslayerQuintasanDroid: its a mobo issue?23:08
QuintasanDroidno idea23:08
QuintasanDroidIf I shut down my PC23:08
QuintasanDroidand then try to power it up23:08
QuintasanDroidI get no beep23:08
QuintasanDroidno POST23:08
ScottKQuintasanDroid: If it mounts from a live CD, the FS isn't actually corrupted, is it?23:08
QuintasanDroidmy display flashes between digital and vga output, then stops doing anything23:09
QuintasanDroidthe fans are working etc but it wont boot for some reason23:09
QuintasanDroidScottK: I can mount it just fine from LiveCD23:09
QuintasanDroidtherefore it cant possibly be corrupted23:10
ScottKThen the FS iteself is fine.23:10
ScottKThe pic you posted says kernel panic23:10
QuintasanDroidbecause it cant mount rootfs23:10
QuintasanDroidthe rootfs is sdh723:10
ScottKQuintasanDroid: I note the you are trying to boot the kernel from natty-proposed.  23:10
ScottKCan you manage to boot the actuall natty kernel?23:11
QuintasanDroidScottK: how do you know that?23:11
ScottKYour picture says 2.6.38-9-generic.23:11
ScottKI'll also mention that's a 32bit kernel.23:11
QuintasanDroidoh wait23:12
ScottKSo your problem may well be your trying to use a 32 bit kernel with a 64 bit userspace.23:12
QuintasanDroidhow is that even possible?23:12
* QuintasanDroid couldnt have possibly installed 32bit kernel23:12
ScottKSomehow you are managing to boot one.23:12
ScottKBoot the right kernel and I bet you're in business.23:13
QuintasanDroidhow can you say it is 32bit kernel?23:13
* QuintasanDroid cant see anything apart from version there23:13
ScottK2.6.38-9-generic is the name of a 32bit kernel23:14
QuintasanDroidand how is amd64 kernel named?23:14
ScottKI'm double checking this.23:15
debfxthe same :)23:15
QuintasanDroidI thought what debfx said23:15
ScottKActually I'm wrong23:15
QuintasanDroidthats why I was wondering how then hell I could pull a 32bit kernel23:15
ScottKIn any case, it is the natty-proposed one, try the regular natty kernel23:15
shadeslayeri'd say both are named the same23:15
ScottKSorry about taht23:15
QuintasanDroidScottK: I really want to file a bug if the regular one works?23:16
* QuintasanDroid wonders how can he save a log of that23:17
ScottKThe picture you took will be a good start.23:17
QuintasanDroidthe system hangs right after I boot it so I cant take any pictures before that one23:17
ScottKalso booting the live cd now and saving relevant logs would be good.23:17
QuintasanDroidScottK: hah, I have to wait 20 minutes to be able to boot my pc back23:18
ScottKPatience is a virtue.23:18
QuintasanDroidstupid hardware23:18
shadeslayerokay i was saved by the fact that my dist-upgrade is broken xD23:18
QuintasanDroidScottK: Sure it is,  but wasted 20 minutes are wasted 20 minutes no matter how you look at iy23:19
QuintasanDroidshadeslayer: do you get sigsegv on update?23:19
ScottKNah.  You learned something in the process.  It's not a complete waste.23:19
shadeslayerQuintasanDroid: yes23:19
QuintasanDroidso it wasnt just me23:19
shadeslayerQuintasanDroid: broken plymouth 23:20
QuintasanDroidany idea what the hell is going wrong there?23:20
shadeslayerbut ... suprsingly .... it worked when i just ran it O_O23:20
shadeslayerQuintasanDroid: it's fixed now i guess23:20
QuintasanDroidshadeslayer: what? I even got sigsegv when doing apt-get update23:20
shadeslayerQuintasanDroid: i think it might be the xorg edgers ppa23:20
shadeslayerthat fixed it23:20
QuintasanDroidlets try booting it now...23:21
* QuintasanDroid prays to any listening god23:21
QuintasanDroidScottK: no shit, it is alive23:21
* QuintasanDroid hugs ScottK23:22
QuintasanDroidkubotu: order cookies for ScottK 23:22
* kubotu slides a whole bunch of world's finest cookies down the bar to ScottK.23:22
QuintasanDroidnow I need to enforce nvidia-glx build for older kernel23:25
* QuintasanDroid did it23:26
QuintasanDroidnow I shall go and complain to kernel team23:27
shadeslayerdebfx: could you go over my debian/rules once? just to check it23:29
debfxshadeslayer: sure, have you pushed the branch already?23:30
shadeslayerdebfx: not yet, thats why :)23:30
shadeslayerdebfx: http://paste.ubuntu.com/614343/23:30
shadeslayeri'm just cleaning up the changelog23:31
* QuintasanDroid herps derps and kills fsck with fire23:31
QuintasanDroidcomplains about superblock being in future but doesnt want to do anything about it23:31
shadeslayerQuintasanDroid: the superblock probably traveled to india and back ;)23:32
shadeslayerdebfx:     -DKDE_DISTRIBUTION_TEXT="Debian packages" \ << what do i do about that  23:32
shadeslayerdo we keep it? do we change it?23:33
QuintasanDroidHow do I enforce fsck before boot?23:33
debfxshadeslayer: yes, change it to Kubuntu packages23:33
debfxshadeslayer: those variables at the top are never used23:34
shadeslayerQuintasanDroid: touch /forcefsck23:34
shadeslayerdebfx: oh override_dh_auto_configure overrides them?23:34
QuintasanDroidSUP FSCK23:35
debfxthey are just not used by anything23:35
shadeslayeralright, so i'll just get rid of them23:36
debfxDEB_DH_MAKESHLIBS_ARGS_libkdecore5 <-- that's definitely cdbs23:36
QuintasanDroidI heard you like checking superblocks so we put a superblock in future so u can superblock while you superblock23:36
shadeslayerdebfx: do i even need them?23:36
debfxwhat does DEB_KDE4_LIBRARY_PACKAGES do? debian doesn't seem to have it defined23:36
shadeslayerdebfx: it was DEB_KDE43_LIBRARY_PACKAGES in debian 23:37
shadeslayerbut i talked to yofel and he suggested that it should be DEB_KDE4_LIBRARY_PACKAGES23:37
debfxI don't know what that variable does but it's not there anymore in the debian 4.6 package23:39
debfxmight also be cdbs cruft23:39
QuintasanDroidDIE DKMS23:40
shadeslayerdebfx: uhm .. where did you upload the pkg-kde-tools for natty?23:40
debfxI didn't23:41
debfxshadeslayer: DEB_FIXPERMS_EXCLUDE := usr/lib/kde4/libexec/fileshareset <-- needs to be translated to dhmk23:41
* QuintasanDroid pc works now23:41
shadeslayerdebfx: where can i find docs for this?23:42
debfxshadeslayer: you need to exclude that file from the dh_fixperms call23:43
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
shadeslayerdebfx:         $(overridden_command) --exclude usr/lib/kde4/libexec/fileshareset23:45
shadeslayer( i have override_dh_fixperms: before that )23:45
shadeslayeranything else?23:47
Quintasanshadeslayer: 275.09 doesnt fix the resize bug for me :/23:47
shadeslayerQuintasan: i haven't tried it out23:48
* shadeslayer tries23:48
shadeslayerQuintasan: le fixed23:48
shadeslayeri mean konsole still resize weird, but no more artefacts23:48
QuintasanThen it is not fixed23:49
droidslayerQuintasan: adding transperency makes it crap out23:50
droidslayerQuintasan: dirty fix : don't use transperency23:51
shadeslayertime to pushy pushy23:57

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