
wohnpalsurunveri, I guess you have to install samba and point it to your linux partition00:07
wohnpalI have a videoproblem, my videocard does not work with kubuntu 11.04, I need to drop to a shell and change some drivers, however, the grub loader in kubuntu 11.04 does not show the "escape" option with which it is possible to go to a textboot!00:08
wohnpalhow can I overcome this00:08
gr8m8wohnpal:  you get a grub menu?00:10
wohnpalnow I have the next problem... I have a nvidia geforece 240 card, it gives garbled video ever since 10.04, so I deleted the nouveau xorg driver and installed nvidia drivers using the text mode... now kde starts and video is ok, howerver, all the fonts are gigantic!!!! even the login screen has gigantic fonts...00:28
wohnpalhow can I change this00:28
DarkriftXanyone able to help me connect to my wifi via cli? iwconfig shows my card, iwlist scan shows my ap. iwconfig essid sets it for a few second, but it doesnt stay and running dhclient wlan0 takes a minute or so but also does nothing, ap has security disabled00:35
wohnpalnow I have the next problem... I have a nvidia geforece 240 card, it gives garbled video ever since 10.04, so I deleted the nouveau xorg driver and installed nvidia drivers using the text mode... now kde starts and video is ok, howerver, all the fonts are gigantic!!!! even the login screen has gigantic fonts...00:38
sithlord48wohnpal:have you set your fonts in system settings -> application apperance -> fonts, also dpi setting is there00:42
wohnpalyes I did... it solved the problem, but everything looks like windows 3.11 style... very pixely and ugly...00:44
sithlord48have you tried the sub pixel smoothing ?00:44
sithlord48or run the nvidia settings to see if maybe it can help you00:45
wohnpalI had the same thing on another box after installing kde within ubuntu, after I did a clean kubuntu install the problem was not there... I did not cahnge the hardware so it is a software problem...00:45
wohnpalthe force dpi option needs to be "deactivated" or it looks like sht00:46
sithlord48idk i don't have a machine w/ an nvidia card. in a long time00:47
wohnpalit just sucks...00:47
wohnpalI tried everything.. new xserver settings, nvidia drivers etetc... to no avail!!01:21
wohnpalI am going to delete kubuntu from this box.. it just doesn't work...01:21
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solifugusKubuntu is virtual box is only allowing me max of 1024x768 resolution--how can I fix this?03:05
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solifugusInstalling virtual box guest additions didn't seem to provide anything higher..03:06
solifugusI think I see why..  I read at the end of the messages after installing guest additions and didn't see any errors.03:13
solifugusWhen I looked up above further, it said I didn't have a build environment setup... ok.. fixing that now..03:14
DarkriftXwhat is the kde 4.X wifi manager?03:26
DarkriftXi cant get any sort of useful tools for wifi to load but i thought oen was included03:26
LINKSWORD2... *facepalm*03:29
LINKSWORD2Hey guys, I'm stuck on something. I'm running Kubuntu 11.04. I've downloaded a piece of software to install, and when I click on it, GDebi package installer comes up with an error that says; "This installer is already being used."03:32
wn1ziddo you have synaptic or a terminal open ?03:33
wn1zidor package manager ?03:33
LINKSWORD2The downloaded file is saved to the harddrive, and the error keeps coming up, even after I have shut the computer down and brought it back up.03:34
wn1zidthats a new one on me, but then again, i havnt tried 11.04 either03:34
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »03:37
DragnslcrGive that a try03:37
LINKSWORD2How can I find open package managers and kill them?03:49
LINKSWORD2All right.03:53
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ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »04:06
LINKSWORD2Wow. Just out of curiousity, I selected and copied the commands recommended by ubottu, then pasted them in the terminal. I didn't know you could do that...04:08
LINKSWORD2So cool. xD04:09
LINKSWORD2Bye! :D04:12
SIR_TacoIn the beginning, the universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.04:17
SIR_Tacohey Linkmaster, how's it going?04:19
LinkmasterIts going, its going. Trying to help a friend shake off the terror known as iTunes04:19
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: sorry to hear haha04:20
LinkmasterYeahh..they use Windows, so even worse04:20
SIR_Tacoit's a brutal peice of software... things tacked on here and there04:21
Linkmastertacked on? Better definition is that iTunes is tacked onto things here and there04:22
SIR_Tacowell... it's a cluster* of many things.... [*]add your own curse04:23
LinkmasterAny suggestions as to what I could use to help a computer-illiterate girl drop iTunes, with something much nicer, like Amarok:windows?04:23
* Linkmaster wonders why the hell people even like iPods...cruddy firmware, even worse software, even WORSE price tag, not to mention they become obsolete three days after they are released....04:24
SIR_Tacohttp://www.mediamonkey.com/ was the best I could find for my sister... who is also computer-illiterate04:25
SIR_Tacoit's amarok-ish and seems to work with IPhones and Pods....04:25
LinkmasterWhen I mean computer-illiterate, I"m talking like, she doesn't even know that iTunes is a cluster[*]. She suspects its slowing her computer down, but she still uses it. never defrags her computer. Doesn't do anything. I worry about her04:26
arbitrarynickSo I'm having an issue with my router.04:26
SIR_Tacoarbitrarynick: what kind of issue?04:26
LinkmasterSIR_Taco: this looks good, and arbitrarynick tell us, we might be able to help04:27
arbitrarynickThe router works wonderfully. The primary (XP) computer connects without any setup, the Xbox connects without any setup, but the Kubuntu machine can't connect.04:27
arbitrarynickParticularly, it claims the router refuses connections.04:27
arbitrarynickNow, I had to modify some settings from factory default to hook it up over lan to the other computer at one point, but it's otherwise 9.10 Kubuntu newborn.04:27
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: the answer is always 42... so... it can't be too bad :)04:28
LinkmasterYep, I concur! :D04:28
SIR_Tacoarbitrarynick: first... before we get too carried away... wireless? wired? what kind of security, if wired?04:28
LinkmasterAnd hm...04:28
SIR_Tacoif wireless I mean04:28
arbitrarynickWired, I think it includes a firewall.04:28
LinkmasterIs the ssid broadcast? Oh04:29
arbitrarynickEBR-2310 from D-Link, if you prefer specifics.04:29
* Linkmaster has never had a kubuntu machine refuse connections from a wired connection....04:29
arbitrarynickIt claims the Router is refusing the connection :|04:29
arbitrarynickWhich, at least, suggests the connection is acknowledged.04:29
SIR_Tacoarbitrarynick: Ok... and you don't have any restrictions on number of connections and/or MAC adresses, etc?04:30
arbitrarynickI don't believe so, the connection settings are sort of confusing, but they seem to be set by default extremely liberal.04:31
arbitrarynickAbout the only frownyface it makes by default is turning the firewall on.04:31
SIR_Tacoarbitrarynick: ok.... the XP computer and the Xbox are also wired?04:32
arbitrarynickQuite so. The Router doesn't even have wireless options.04:32
arbitrarynickIt was $14, so I was quite okay with that.04:33
SIR_Tacoarbitrarynick: haha ok... just assumed it was both...04:34
SIR_Tacoarbitrarynick: what is the exact error message that you get when trying to connect?04:34
arbitrarynickYep. Just a wired routing option. I think, possibly, it may be the settings I had to modify whilst fiddling around to get a lan setup between the two systems. Error message to follow.04:34
LINKSWORD2I *LOVE* the new Kubuntu 11.04!!!04:34
arbitrarynickKonqueror (9.10) - The requested operation (connecting to the router's IP address) could not be completed. Connection to Server Refused. Details of Request: Url: Protocol: http: Datetime blah blah Additional Information: Host unreachable Description: The server Refused to allow this computer to make a connection.04:36
SIR_Tacoarbitrarynick: ok.... so you can connect to the internet, but not to other computers on the network?04:37
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arbitrarynickPossible causes: The server, while connected to the internet (this is misleading due to it being a router), may not be configured to allow requests. The server, while blah, may not be running the requested service (http), A network firewall, either protecting your network or the network of the server, may have intervened, preventing this request.04:37
arbitrarynickNo, it can't connect to the internet either. Different message on internet connect fail.04:37
SIR_Tacook... what if you do "sudo dhcpd" in a terminal04:38
SIR_Tacomight want to try to tab-complete that... been a while since I had to do that command04:39
arbitrarynickGuhh, what is the name of the terminal in Kubuntu again? This is my first kubuntu machine and the different names confuse me.04:39
LINKSWORD2Is there a way to get the system to notify you if the keyboard locks are on/off, llike the Caps Lock, Num Lock, etc?04:39
arbitrarynickThere it is04:40
arbitrarynickCommand Not FOund.04:40
SIR_Tacoarbitrarynick: give me a second... let me boot back into Kubuntu and I'll walk you through it04:41
arbitrarynickMany thanks.04:41
LINKSWORD2arbitrarynick: Try to copy the command and then paste it into Konsole.04:41
LINKSWORD2That will help bypass any mistypes on your part.04:42
arbitrarynickNot really doable. I just doublecheck like a fiend.04:42
LINKSWORD2Why is it not really doable?04:42
arbitrarynick"dhcpd" was said, "dhcpd" was entered, it was not found.04:42
arbitrarynickThis is not that machine. I have no real way to copy and paste from one machine to the other.04:42
LINKSWORD2That would present a problem, yes...04:43
arbitrarynickLet's see, I don't believe the problem is with the ethernet cord, it's a straightthrough, which is what one uses with a router. . .04:45
arbitrarynickIndeed, they both seem to be aware of each other at least.04:46
LINKSWORD2Networking between computers with different operating systems?04:46
LINKSWORD2I.E. One has Kubuntu Linux, another has... Windows?04:47
arbitrarynickNot. . . really. . .04:48
SIR_Tacoarbitrarynick: ok, back in Kubuntu04:48
arbitrarynickI'm not really interested in them even knowing each other exist. That would be cool, that would be handy, but really I just want all of them to be able to connect via the router to the internet.04:48
arbitrarynickAnyway, hey SIR_Taco.04:49
LinkmasterLINKSWORD2: its possible, I've done similar before04:49
LINKSWORD2Difficult, though. I used to work in I.T. services.04:50
SIR_Tacoso, it seems I'm stuck back 10 years ago in Slackware days.... try "sudo dhclient"04:50
arbitrarynickWhat info needst thou from it?04:50
DarkriftXim getting a message that that nepomuk service is not started04:51
DarkriftXhow do i start it?04:51
DarkriftXor tell it to auto start04:51
arbitrarynick(The command worked)04:51
arbitrarynickShould I pastebin the output?04:51
SIR_Tacoarbitrarynick: it worked as in it connected? or not? if not then yes pastebin it04:51
LINKSWORD2Simple question: I'd like to switch the digital clock on the taskbar to 24-hour format. How may I do this?04:51
SIR_TacoLINKSWORD2: right-click and select "digital clock settings"04:52
SIR_TacoDarkriftX: under "System Settings" go to "Desktop Search" all the options are there04:53
DarkriftXi see the options04:54
DarkriftXbut there is no obvious way to start the service04:54
DarkriftXor tell it to start04:54
DarkriftXthe check boxes were all  already checked04:54
ubottuYou can find mouse-related settings in System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse04:54
LINKSWORD2Hehe. Ubottu is so helpful.04:55
SIR_TacoDarkriftX: and it still says it's not running?04:56
arbitrarynickSIR_Taco: http://pastebin.com/b6nXGivS04:56
DarkriftX"the nepomuk backup services do not seem to be running......"04:56
arbitrarynickI realise there's annotations, but I have to copy this stuff by hand.04:56
SIR_Taco DarkriftX: backup is one thing... the service is another.,..04:57
DarkriftXthats why i assumed there was a diff place to start it04:57
DarkriftXthats what i get when i go to the nepomuk backup icon04:57
DarkriftXit says backups will not work without the service04:58
SIR_TacoLINKSWORD2: seems I can't find it at the moment.... used to be as easy as I said... but I run on 24hour time so I haven't noticed04:59
SIR_TacoDarkriftX: that's only backups of the meta-data it collects.... not backups of the files themselves04:59
LINKSWORD2lol xD04:59
LINKSWORD2I do, also, and this is the first time I haven't been able to find it.05:00
dan__Has anyone been able to use the 6/7th button on a mouse in kde?05:00
SIR_Tacoarbitrarynick: it seems as though it connects to the router05:01
dan__wait a second!05:01
arbitrarynickYeah, the implication it gives is that the router subsequently tells it to shove it.05:01
dan__The buttons work, but only in firefox.  Plasma doesn't seem to knwo they're there05:01
SIR_Tacoarbitrarynick: that is very strange indeed.... have you tried resetting the defaults on the router? or checking the logs on the router?05:02
arbitrarynickI have no idea what to look for, this is my first router. I understand networks on a theoterical level, but don't have much practice.05:02
SIR_Tacohave you been into the settings page of your router? usually in your browser you can type in the address bar (from your pastebin)05:04
arbitrarynickYeah, that's what I have open on the XP machine. The thing is, trying to do that from the Kubuntu machine results in the refused connection error.05:05
arbitrarynickI get the unknown host error trying to connect to the internet.05:05
SIR_Tacoarbitrarynick: and if you reset to defaults?05:05
SIR_Tacoon the router I mean05:06
LINKSWORD2SIR_Taco: I've got to reboot my system. Would you please research for me how to change the time format?05:06
SIR_TacoLINKSWORD2: sure... why not... I've had enough beer to do that :)05:06
* LINKSWORD2 passes SIR_Taco another beer.05:07
arbitrarynickHonestly, I'm having trouble finding the reset feature. It's hardly necessary, though, the router's only been connected for a few hours and I haven't made any changes to the settings.05:07
SIR_Taconot a good idea lol05:07
SIR_Tacoarbitrarynick: ok... what about the log files?05:07
* LINKSWORD2 passes SIR_Taco's beer to anyone else that wants it. :D05:07
SIR_TacoLINKSWORD2:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40851905:08
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arbitrarynickIt's just started working all on its own.05:09
arbitrarynickI was sending requests to the router and net from the Kubuntu machine to make sure I had the right info in my log, and it started completing connections successfully.05:09
dan__Arbitrarynick:  What's the router make/model?05:10
=== dan__ is now known as dan_l
arbitrarynickD-Link EBR-231005:10
SIR_Tacoarbitrarynick: It knew you were talking to me and it got scared... obviously :)05:11
dan_lNow I'm not saying05:11
dan_lI'm just saying05:11
dan_lI have a little experience with that particular device05:11
dan_lI' want to put this nicely.05:11
dan_lIt's not very good.05:11
SIR_Tacodan_l: I05:11
SIR_Tacodan_l: just05:11
SIR_Tacodan_l: thought05:12
arbitrarynickI'd say05:12
arbitrarynickIt worked out pretty okay.05:12
SIR_Tacodan_l: maybe you could put everything into one line05:12
dan_lSorry Sir_taco.  I'm eating dinner and typing.  It shortens my sentences a hair.05:12
SIR_Tacodan_l: no problem, just bugging05:13
arbitrarynickThat being said, I think my router is magical.05:13
arbitrarynickNothing, and I mean NOTHING has EVER gone right with a computer in my hands.05:13
dan_lAritrarynick:  Oh.  If it was only 14 bucks fine and dandy.  but the thing has quite a few quirks.  I installed it at my inlaws house.05:13
dan_lAnd installed it for them because I don't like them.  so that tells ya something.05:13
arbitrarynickThis router just successfully handled three entirely different machines with NO setup on any of them, and just a bit of dicking around with the Kubuntu one (as in, it was messing with me, not that changes were required).05:14
arbitrarynickThat is honestly the single most successful installation of anything I've ever had.05:14
SIR_Tacoarbitrarynick: honestly... if they are wired... there should be no dicking around what-so-ever05:14
SIR_Tacowell in the last 10 years or so anyway05:15
arbitrarynickRun by that last sentence again. Nothing ever goes this well for me. Ever.05:15
arbitrarynickBut if you want to talk about things that require dicking around, try an AOL connection (I am incredibly pleased to be free of them).05:15
SIR_Tacoarbitrarynick: haha ok.... my brother would say you're magnetic05:15
wohnpalwell I had one kubuntu installation that went this well yesterday. I was impressed, on my other box I have problems though05:15
LINKSWORD2SIR_Taco: The link you gave me appears to be for an older version of Linux.05:15
LINKSWORD2I am currently running 11.04.05:15
wohnpalkubuntu does not like a geforce 240 videocard...05:16
SIR_TacoLINKSWORD2: ok... give me a second... and  you owe me a beer lol05:16
arbitrarynickOkay, so continuing on my merry way. . .05:16
LINKSWORD2But I gave it to dan_l! lol05:16
arbitrarynick"Distribution upgrade process exited with code 127"05:16
SIR_Tacowell then dan_l owes me a beer... it really doesn't matter lol05:17
arbitrarynickSeems to be related to sources.list05:18
rosco_yI just installed suse on a second drive.  Does anyone know how I can add it to my grub menu?05:21
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)05:21
rosco_ythanks LINKSWORD205:21
LINKSWORD2That may help you, but it may also not be accurate.05:22
LINKSWORD2See if it helps, and if not, you're welcome to come back.05:22
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dan_lAlright.  I'm back.  Who was getting the 127 on upgrade?05:22
arbitrarynickOne thing I hate about sudo is how unforgiving it is with file editing.05:22
SIR_TacoLINKSWORD2: seems to be a problem with the release.... if you go under System Settings -> Local -> Date & Time... the changes don't effect your clock... but maybe they would on reboot05:23
LINKSWORD2That's surprising....05:23
SIR_TacoI work on 24-hour clock, so I haven't really noticed the change... it's now 00:2405:24
* LINKSWORD2 shoots SIR_Taco with a potato gun.*05:25
SIR_TacoLINKSWORD2: been hit with worse than potatoes haha05:25
LINKSWORD2 I'm a vengeful SOB.05:26
SIR_TacoLINKSWORD2: http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=91784 not looking good05:28
SIR_Tacoseems it's a bug that's been reported.05:30
LINKSWORD2Oh, fun... >.>05:30
SIR_Tacoif it's not your computer, then I would suggest setting the locale settings the correct way, and an update will fix it eventually05:31
SIR_Tacoor teach them the beauty of subtracting by 12 :)05:32
LINKSWORD2I want to use 24 hour format. 12 is fine, but not my style.05:33
dan_lCuz sir taco is a vampire05:34
SIR_TacoLINKSWORD2: I would hope that the next minor release of 4.6 would fix this05:34
SIR_Tacodan_l: a Canadian beer vampire maybe05:35
dan_lYou're a......Canadian?05:35
SIR_Tacodan_l: yea... that mythical creature05:36
dan_lI'm playing.  I love Canadians.  For the most part.  It depends on the part of Canada really.05:36
SIR_TacoSouthern Ontario05:37
dan_lVancouver?  Great.  Victoria?  Awesome.  Thunder Bay:  a blast. But there's another part.  It's sinister.  Very scary.05:37
dan_lI go up to a town called ignace in Ontario for fishing and hiking.05:38
LINKSWORD2Well, SIR_Taco, I suppose I'll just keep this computer on standard 12-hour format...05:39
SIR_Tacodan_l: I'm the other side of Ontario... between Toronto and Ottawa05:40
SIR_TacoLINKSWORD2: you figured it out?05:40
LINKSWORD2It was already on 12-hour. I want 24.05:41
SIR_TacoLINKSWORD2: ah, lol05:41
xieyiI am using kubuntu 11.04 on my laptop. the function keys layout always change to a one which is different from what is printed on the keyboard after a few weeks. I can recover the correct keyboard layout through plugout the battery and plugin again. Why this problem haunts? Anyone has any ideas?05:41
SIR_TacoLINKSWORD2: I was thinking the other way around, but you still have the same problem05:42
dan_lSir_Taco lives too close to montreal.  I will not crash on his couch.05:42
dan_lxieyi:  make/model of your laptop?05:42
SIR_Tacodan_l:  it's an uncomfortable couch to sleep on anyway haha05:43
xieyihow to do this? what is model05:43
dan_lxieyi:  what's the brand of the laptop?05:44
xieyiit is not listed in the keyboard layout05:45
xieyiWhen I am runing windows, the problem never happens05:45
xieyiI don05:46
xieyii don't know whether is the problem of the laptop or os05:46
xieyiwhat is model? Do you mean the keyboard layout?05:46
SIR_Tacoxieyi: the issue is that it's likely a common laptop keyboard that the manufacturer has made the keys different. With Windows they have mapped the keys correctly... but not with Linux...05:47
xieyiis there anyway to solve the problem once for all?05:48
dan_lthe basics are there05:48
dan_lbut you'll have to figure out what exactly the problem is first05:49
dan_lI would think you could start at that link05:49
xieyithanks, I will check it out05:49
SIR_Tacooh wow... that brings me back to my days working on LinEAKd :)05:49
SIR_Tacoeven got published in an O'Riley book for that one haha05:50
dan_lO'riley will publish anybody these days :)05:52
SIR_Tacoseems so lol05:53
SIR_Tacooh... found it... just a little ego stroke I guess lol : http://books.google.ca/books?id=sxFKWViD-7YC&pg=PA100&lpg=PA100&dq=phil+%22sir_taco%22+woodland&source=bl&ots=gjDtmxaSUo&sig=1LMFnTULXbfC7sbO-DzY_xZRBMg&hl=en&ei=yn_gTbDlCs3r0QHbp-2rBw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CBkQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=phil%20%22sir_taco%22%20woodland&f=false05:54
dan_lSir_Taco:  you know quite a bit of linux, it would appear05:56
SIR_TacoI know enough05:57
dan_lWhy kubuntu?05:57
SIR_Tacobecause I got lazy :)05:57
dan_lI'm not beefing.  I'ts more a matter of curiousity.  It seems like a lot of the linux god users are all on other distros.05:57
dan_land being lazy seems like a pretty reasonable answer:)   I use linux because I'm too lazy to use windoze05:58
SIR_TacoI am no god user.....05:58
dan_lAn experienced user though, I'd imagine05:58
LINKSWORD2.. Wow.05:59
SIR_Tacowhen I was 15 I was asked to come to LucasArts for an interview also06:01
akishi all. is there any possibility to make the system notificate about incoming emails (using kmail) but with kmail closed. it make it only once when the systme starts, but is it possible to make it continiously the same way as if kmail was open?06:01
SIR_Tacoakis: as far as I know.... you need to have Kmail open.... or else how would it know you have a message?06:02
akisthis is what i know too. but today when i started the system without to open kmail i recieved a notification for system tray that i had 2 messages and i opened kmail and i found them in. how system can konw about email's arrival before i opened kmail?06:05
SIR_Tacoakis: I don't use Kmail... but it is possible, since it's a part of KDE, that the message indicator is tied closely to Kmail and logs you in automatically06:08
SIR_TacoI've just gone down a crazy path of nostalgia... thanks LINKSWORD2 and dan_l lol06:10
LINKSWORD2... What did I do? I swear I'm innocent!!!06:11
dan_lSir_Taco will have nightmares for a week about the month he spent following RMS around06:11
SIR_Tacohaha not quite06:11
SIR_Tacomore nightmares of the very old Outlaws level editor I think06:12
LINKSWORD2Oh, crap...06:12
SIR_Tacoand the scripting that went with it06:13
dan_llinksword2:  NOOOOB.  Richard Matthew Stallman06:13
LINKSWORD2I'm not a noob. Excuse me if it's MIDNIGHT here~!!06:13
* LINKSWORD2 kills dan_l with a glass shard.06:13
SIR_Taconow now..06:14
LINKSWORD2You assume too much....06:15
SIR_TacoLINKSWORD2: ok... you assume dan_l assumes too much.... what line of work do you assume I'm in?06:16
LINKSWORD2Does it really matter?06:16
SIR_Tacono.... but we're running on assumptions06:17
LINKSWORD2 *Sigh.*06:18
dan_lI was teasing.  You're in a linux chatroom and didn't know who RMS was:)06:20
SIR_Taconow I feel bad06:20
lsvI didn't know...06:20
SIR_Tacoit was leading to a joke lol06:21
akisany trick to load faster blogspot.com pages. already installed adblock but still is the only server that chrome cannot negociate with (you tube also sometimes, google maps too). any further idea?06:21
SIR_Tacoakis: other than getting your ISP to cache it, I'm not sure06:26
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akismy ISP gave me dns entries but the problem persists.06:32
akisonly under kubuntu. under windows everything is fine.06:33
akisin the same system i mean.06:33
SIR_Tacoakis: do you use the same browser in each?06:33
akiswell yes. i tried opera 11.11.06:34
akisopera is very-very fast under windows. but it is not under kubuntu. cannot "translate" pages as fast it do it under xp.06:35
SIR_Tacoakis: ok... so it's the rendering time that's the problem?06:36
akisfirefox under kubuntu is very slow, so i am now with chrome which is really fast loadin evey pages but stops in blogspot pages, google maps and everywhere google is involved.06:36
SIR_Tacoakis: it doesn't load those pages? or it's slow loading them?06:38
akismaybe..who knows...it is very very strange...an other machine under win7 connected in the same wireless network running opera 11.11 is going fine, very very fast.06:38
akiscertain times cannot load them, certain times load half page, certain load whole page but after some minutes!06:39
SIR_Tacowhat if you do "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer" in konsole?06:40
akisi have already installed all the plugins. is it necessary to do it?06:40
SIR_Tacoit's necessary to have flash plugin to do what you want06:41
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akisShockwave Flash Version:10.3 r181 Location: opt/google/chrome/libgcflashplayer.so06:43
akisis already installed, thati is not enough?06:43
akisand if the problem it's rendering time, how can i solve it?06:46
SIR_Tacoakis: well the big problem is that Flash in Linux doesn't make use of a lot of the hardware accelerated drivers06:48
TeslaTonyIs there a way to set KDEWallet to not ask for authentication every time I connect to a network?06:49
akismaybe you have this the point, but i am running suse 11.2 in a desktop machine over 18 months and before i run in the machine for over another 18 onts previous version fo opensuse using firefox and i hadn't any problem browsing.06:51
akis@tesla. in wallet's configuration must be an exception or even a deletion06:51
akis@tesla. system settings/kde wallet/access control06:53
akistry to delete knetwork manager06:54
SIR_Tacoakis: same versions though? there's been quite a few changes as of late06:54
akisso...what do u think can i do to solve this very annoying problem before i get the decision to go back to xp (oh my God) just to have fast internet access in every page i want using the extremely fast opera 11.11?06:57
SIR_Tacoakis: there's a bottle-neck somwhere... but I doubt it being Linux07:00
SIR_Tacounless it's all Flash based, then possibly.... but I don't have a problem07:01
akisbottle-neck? what is this?07:09
SIR_Tacoakis: I mean that it's likely a problem with Flash and the video driver07:15
akishmm. that is very possible...because i test my system using live cd of opensuse 11.4/11.4 and lxde 11.4 (based on opensuse) and i had the same problem. for conlusion the problem is always the same using different distros, diffenrent browsers, but it isn't a bandwith problem as other machine in the network work fine and the same machine under xp was very fast too. So how video driver's problem negotiating with flash can be solved?07:23
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akisi found the way to have kmail closed but to take email's notification. just enable system tray icon always option. very simple and convinient.07:47
fayazhow can i add dvorak layout support in kdm?08:43
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akishi all. is it worth to try Rekonq?12:31
soeeguys suddenly today i have problem with my desktop, i have only black screen and error widnow whows up that plasma-desktop couldnt be load but i can open apps using alt+f2 and kwin effects also work, any ideas what can be wrong ?12:31
tsimpsonakis: it's a relatively simple (and so light) browser. it's like arora, but more integrated with KDE12:33
Peace-akis: btw firefox is the standard to surfe in the web12:34
juanantonioHi, I have two questions: how can I install hotot in Kub64 10.10?12:36
tsimpsonPeace-: I'll recommend FF when 1) the Qt UI becomes supported, and 2) it stops eating my RAM like some techno-delicacy12:36
juanantonioThe other one is, anyone knows something about aMule going wrong in 11.04?12:36
akisas i have a problem without solution (ff/opera/chrome cannot load certain pages related to google) is any possibily to solve it with rekonq. ok ... i know the answer... try it!12:36
Peace-tsimpson: well you right it eats ram12:37
Peace-tsimpson: btw it looks good to me , http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/28/plasma-desktopTW1739.jpg12:37
juanantoniobrowser battle, I usually prefer Firefox, but if I'm in a hurry I use Chromium, it's faster12:38
tsimpsonPeace-: themes are all well and good, but dependencies are annoying ;)12:39
tsimpsonjuanantonio: if I12:39
tsimpsongerr, enter spam12:39
tsimpsonif I'm in a hurry, I use arora12:39
Peace-tsimpson: xD you right , btw ... there is an alpha ui made in qt for firefox12:39
Peace-tsimpson: xD but .. it freezes12:40
tsimpsonit's quick to load (because it's Qt) and not bogged-down with features12:40
juanantonioCan anyone help me with the questions12:40
Peace-tsimpson: arora chromium chorme konqueror and others can't do print selection :(12:40
tsimpsonPeace-: who prints web pages these days? ;)12:42
Peace-tsimpson: :( me12:42
Peace-tsimpson: i read a lots ;)12:42
tsimpsonbut I think that's likely a webkit issue, and most use (some variant) of webkit12:42
Peace-tsimpson: yes !! it's a webkit issue but in true it was a khtml issue12:42
tsimpsonPeace-: webkit came from khtml12:43
tsimpsonbut you'd think apple would have "fixed" it, maybe it's just hard to do (IDK)12:43
Peace-tsimpson: it's hard i have asked a lots of time and it seems it's a nasty bug12:48
BluesKajkfilebox won't launch the connection wizard , it appears to install, ok mbut on first use it establishes a connection to the dropbox server , which in my case isn't happening13:19
greekmidway through installing gnome while in the KDE , the packages intaller stopped installing (downloading was complete) at 71%. i retsarted and now it will not finish the inmstall, i can not boot into Gnome , and i do not know how to fix this.13:57
greekdoes any one know how nto fix a gnome desktop ?13:57
grhi. i install firefox with the command 'sudo apt-get install firefox' but the system doesn't create an icon in my menu under internet option. how can i meke it manually to start ff?13:58
greekKDE gr?13:58
greekkubuntu or ubuntu ?13:58
greekok , right click the KDE icon that normally opens the app launcher ... and choose "edit applications", there you will be able to create a menu item for firefox.14:00
greekas far as running fire fox directly... use the text area on the app launhcer and type in firefox14:00
greekif firefox is installed it will show up in the list .. and you can run it form there14:00
greekthe text area is title "search"14:01
thangaveljoin #ubuntu14:01
greekmy gnome install is damaged14:01
greekok thangavel, are yoyu suggesting i goto #ubuntu for my gmone troubles?14:02
sarasany idea if i can install kubuntu on cruz t30114:03
grhow can i find the appropraite command to place it in the new item with name firefox to start the progam everytime i click it?14:03
gri mean which the path14:04
sourav7mishrahi, I use Kubuntu.. Every time I go full screen mode on youtube, my os hangs and I have to reboot.. I use chrome browser..14:06
Peace-sourav7mishra: mmm14:07
Peace-sourav7mishra: i guess it's a chrome bug14:07
thangavelhello..does anybody here know why the " modem hung up the phone exit code=16" comes when i try to connect using wvdial??14:07
Peace-sourav7mishra: did you try with antoher website that works with flash ?14:07
Peace-sourav7mishra: another browser?14:07
thangavelhello..does anybody here know why the " modem hung up the phone exit code=16" comes when i try to connect using wvdial??14:08
Peace-thangavel: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=35188214:08
sourav7mishra@Peace, which other website should I try? Can you name any..14:09
Peace-sourav7mishra: wth search on google14:10
thangavel<peace> : here i'm taking abt my laptop..bt tht thread deals with mobiles...and fr tht too the proper solution is not there..14:11
Peace-thangavel: use the brain the guy has changed a string...14:12
Peace-it's the same error14:12
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gerno hay nadie que hable castellano14:16
kavitaJust installed kubuntu after a long time. Please advise what has replaced Automatix these days?14:23
Peace-kavita: mmm14:25
Peace-kavita: kpackagekit can install software from a list14:25
kavitaPeace-: I know but I am looking for extra stuff and codecs ;)14:25
Peace-kavita: well sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras14:26
Peace-should be fine14:26
Peace-kavita: or read this14:26
Peace-kavita: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2011/04/29/kpackagekit-export-import-all-your-software-in-one-click/14:26
Peace-kavita: sorry14:26
Peace-kavita: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/usefull-link-for-kubuntu-and-multimedia-stuff/what-you-would-want-to-do-on-startup-multimedia-side/14:27
silv3r_m00non kde desktop can I have an icon for "My Computer" which opens up to show all drives14:27
Peace-silv3r_m00n: of course14:27
wirelesshi all. i just realised that the problem i had to load heavy pages is because of my pc's wireless which under windows worked pretty fast. i am connecto now through a cable and everything is fine. google maps load in millisecs, the same heavy blogspot pages with many ads on them. so is there any procedure to make my pc's wireless get a better signal or bandwith. in the same network i connected other wireless pc running win7 and it is extremely fast, so the14:28
wirelessproblem it isn't in router for sure. the problem is for sure in my pcmcia card and the driver kubuntu installed for me. well any idea to update it so i will stay wireless?14:28
FloodBotK1wireless: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:28
silv3r_m00nPeace-: how ?14:28
Peace-silv3r_m00n: install lancelot14:28
Peace-silv3r_m00n: then add shelf widget14:28
Peace-then configure it14:28
Peace-i have to go14:28
Peace-silv3r_m00n: read this http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2011/05/27/unity-kde-another-test/14:29
DarthFrogAlso http://maketecheasier.com/easy-organization-with-kde-plasma-shelf-widget/2010/11/10/14:29
silv3r_m00nhow to list drives in konqueror ?14:32
DarthFrogsilv3r_m00n: Linux doesn't use drives in the same way as Windows.  There's no real equivalent to C:, D:, etc.  Instead, partitions are mounted into the file system.  So you would have Konq or Dolphin show the mount points instead.14:34
silv3r_m00nthat would be fine , on 8.10 konqueror used to show all partitions14:34
silv3r_m00nbut now konqueror doesn't show like that14:34
silv3r_m00nI need something like the my computer of gnome14:34
silv3r_m00njust like that14:35
sourav7mishraHI Peace, I checked with other sites, the same thing happening...os getting hanged...14:37
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wirelesswell any help?14:38
wirelesswell any help?14:40
Walzmyn!ask | wireless14:41
ubottuwireless: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:41
sourav7mishrahi, I use Kubuntu.. Every time I go full screen mode on youtube, my os hangs and I have to reboot.. I use chrome browser..14:42
wirelessok. thanks i know it. i dont want not obay the rules. i just was disconnected so i  asked again in case i lost the answer.14:46
wirelessi would appresiate any help14:46
BluesKajsourav7mishra, have you installed kubuntu-restricted-extras14:51
sourav7mishrais that the exact package name?14:52
BluesKajsourav7mishra, yes14:52
sourav7mishraterminal is not able to recognize any such commands..14:53
BluesKajsourav7mishra,  open a terminal , sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras14:54
sourav7mishra@BluesKaj, it's really kind in your part to write the command..well 1st i was searching the package, i dint straight way go for installing it..14:55
BluesKajsourav7mishra, are you installing it?14:56
sourav7mishraits a microsoft product..14:57
sourav7mishrait is asking me to sign some "END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR MICROSOFT SOFTWARE"14:58
BluesKajsourav7mishra, that's the agreement for java , it's a licence , just agree14:58
sourav7mishrawhy should kubuntu depend upon some microsoft efforts..?14:59
grhi. i unistalled some two packages: 'firefox' and 'rekong' using purge command. does this command every file of the packages or they are left some in my system exept those in /home which i removed them manually.14:59
sourav7mishraI agree, you want to help me..!14:59
sourav7mishrabut can you please tell me, what you are suspecting..14:59
BluesKajuse the tab button to switch to yes15:00
sourav7mishrawhat for that package is needed?15:00
BluesKajI suspect nothing , it's just a licence agreement15:00
sourav7mishrai mean what this package is used for/15:01
BluesKajjava, flash and other codecs and plugins , sourav7mishra that you require15:01
wojtekcould you tell me what is the name of packages required for compilling KDE/Qt apps? It was perhaps build-essentials but I am not sure15:05
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BluesKajbuild essential is one compiler , make will also be required , Wojtulas15:06
BluesKajerr ryrych15:06
WojtulasBluesKaj: what?15:07
BluesKajWojtulas, sorry , he changed his nick and the tab filled in yours15:07
WojtulasBluesKaj: ok np15:07
ryrychBluesKaj: thanks15:09
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BluesKajryrych, also look at  automoc, and python-kde4-dev15:12
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simontolHi, I'm trying to enable desktop effects on Natty15:32
Peace-simontol: so...15:33
simontolI actually have installed Nouveau experimental drivers but kwin crashes and automatically disables desktop effects15:33
Peace-simontol: so...15:35
simontolI've also tried to install proprietary drivers, but I can't boot to desktop at all.... ;-(15:37
Peace-simontol: use the noveau15:37
Peace-simontol: try xrender instead of openg l15:38
simontolPeace- : do you use nouveau?15:38
Peace-simontol: i have intel15:38
Peace-simontol: i use this http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/28/plasma-desktopnG9174.jpg15:39
simontolI really can't get what's wrong with nvidia proprietary drivers in Natty.... :-(15:40
simontolPeace- :thanks , I'm logged in a Gnome session now, I'll try to switch to Xrender later.15:44
darthanubishigh X usage again16:10
c2tarunwhere can I get a good looking digital clock widget?16:36
c2tarun*analog clock16:37
montfrasc2tarun: add widgets -> search for analog clock?16:39
montfrasor do you want an other design16:40
c2tarunmontfras: yeah other desing16:40
montfrashmmm not much to find on kde-apps/look16:41
c2tarunoh... yeah.. how can I forget about kde-apps :)16:41
montfraswell, I don't see too much analog clocks16:42
montfrassorry mate16:42
c2tarunmontfras: no prob :) thanks for replying16:43
BluesKajc2tarun, check this out , you need to setup window decor and colour themes to get this , but just keep trying til you find a clock you like , set it up i n add widgets first.. http://imagebin.org/15561916:50
c2tarunBluesKaj: hey, that clock is nice, and how did you manage to get that kind of panel?16:52
c2tarunBluesKaj: ping16:53
SporkWitchaudio issue on 11.04; plugging in headphones no longer disables the speakers on my laptop.  what's worse, sometimes it decides to only output over the headphones, instead of speakers, even when i unplug the headphones.  I can't place exactly when this began to occur (hadn't installed any audio or system-related packages), and it was working fine initially after the clean install i did (reformated my old 10.10 install).  The only thng i can think of is16:55
SporkWitchthat when phonon prompted me to remove "unused devices" and I clicked yes, that this is the issue.  No amount of googling seems to be turning up any help in resolving the issue, or restoring those devices to see if that was the issue.  Trying to avoid another clean install at all costs, because of a really poor net connection (caps out at 50KB/s, but usually is closer to 10-20KB/s).  Anyone have any ideas?16:55
SporkWitchoh, and now i don't get sound over either speakers OR headphones, whether headphones are plugged in or not16:55
BluesKajadd widgets, then in application appearance/style=oxygen , colours=marble, then in workspsce appearance /window decor=vistairglass16:55
c2tarunBluesKaj: nope about the panel? how did you got that kind of panel?16:56
c2tarunthat can't be daisy/16:56
BluesKajnope it's just a regular plasma panel , that I setup16:56
BluesKajadd icons from the kemenu16:57
c2tarunBluesKaj:  how its edges are not touching the screen?16:57
SporkWitchaudio issue on 11.04; plugging in headphones no longer disables the speakers on my laptop. what's worse, sometimes it decides to only output over the headphones, instead of speakers, even when i unplug the headphones. I can't place exactly when this began to occur (hadn't installed any audio or system-related packages), and it was working fine initially after the clean install i did (reformated my old 10.10 install). The only thng i can think of is17:00
SporkWitchthat when phonon prompted me to remove "unused devices" and I clicked yes, that this is the issue. No amount of googling seems to be turning up any help in resolving the issue, or restoring those devices to see if that was the issue. Trying to avoid another clean install at all costs, because of a really poor net connection (caps out at 50KB/s, but usually is closer to 10-20KB/s). Anyone have any ideas?17:00
BluesKajc2tarun, click on the cashew , then you'll see the adjustment arrows on both ends of the panel , click and hold and move them17:00
BluesKajSporkWitch, install alsa-base and alsa-utils17:01
SporkWitchBluesKaj: won't that conflict with phonon?17:02
SporkWitchnm, both are already installed anyway, heh17:02
BluesKajSporkWitch, after that open alsamixer in the terminal ,17:02
BluesKajthere's no conflict with phonon ... they work together17:03
BluesKajmake sure alsamixer sees the soundcard/driver ..it will be listed at the top left17:04
SporkWitchit does, and it's set to the correct one17:05
SporkWitchstarting that up seems ot have at least restored the headphone audio, but still won't turn the main speakers back on when i unplug the headphones17:05
SporkWitchsettings APPEAR to be good, though...17:05
SporkWitchBluesKaj: laptop is a toshiba l505d, card reads as HDA ATI SB, realtek alc272 chipset17:07
BluesKajSporkWitch, make sure your ctrls are all turned up in alsamixer , f6 and choose the souncard17:07
SporkWitchall volumes maxed, mics at 50%, and mic boosts at 017:07
BluesKajf6 and choose the souncard ,, try that with the headphones and without \\17:09
BluesKajwhich backend are you using in phonon, SporkWitch?17:10
SporkWitchBluesKaj: let me double check, i was trying vlc and xine based on what little i turned up in google; thought i switched back to gstreamer though17:10
SporkWitchBluesKaj: set to VLC at the moment17:11
BluesKajif you use vlc .make sure you setup the audio under tools17:11
SporkWitchBluesKaj: somewhere in the system settings? or you mean in VLC player? (i'm using amarok with an ogg going as my audio output to test)17:12
BluesKajmarch the output device to the card setup in phonon device preference17:12
SporkWitchBluesKaj: sry about that, kwin locked up and wouldn't accept any keyboard input, ended up having to restart17:18
SporkWitchBluesKaj: in any case, no luck with the unplugging and replugging and reselecting sound card; one thing does stand out, though, is that "master" and "headphone" show "00" highlighted green at the bottom, whereas everything else except mic boost and PCM show "MM" (the rest have nothing)17:19
SporkWitchson of a monkey >_<17:20
SporkWitchfixed, alsa had it muted, phonon didn't17:20
SporkWitchBluesKaj: ok, so that solves the no sound issue (though when i mute headphone, the speakers turn off as well..), now it's on to getting it to disable the speakers when the headphones are plugged in17:22
BluesKajSporkWitch, MM means muted , click M to unmute ir mute'17:24
BluesKajamarok is clunky for me on 11.04 , it doesn't import the music from the path I give it17:25
SporkWitchBluesKaj: yup, figured that much out, felt like an idiot, and got the speakers to work; now muting headphones turns off speakers and headphones; turning off speakers only turns off speakers, and plugging / unplugging has no effect.  but at least i have sound again, heh17:25
SporkWitchonly issue i noticed in amarok was that it doesn't store a local cache of an external drive i told it to add when plugged in, so loading it takes a while when i mount it17:25
SporkWitchand that it seems to think this 4 minutes song is 47 seconds, but will still play the whole thing lol17:26
BluesKajthe headphone issue is quirky , some headphone outputs bypaas the sound card ...17:26
SporkWitchsee, that's the thing, it didn't work in 10.04, didn't work in 10.10 at first, then one of the updates it came up with fixed it and it worked17:30
SporkWitchi installed 11.04 a week ago, clean install, and it worked fine17:30
SporkWitchthen seemingly randomly i started getting these issues17:30
SporkWitchat least you helped me get control of which i'm using, so at least i can make it do what i want, even if it's not automated.  i might just end up doing another clean install eventually and just watch very carefully as i add packages to see what caused the issue17:31
SporkWitchbottom line is, this is definitely a software issue and switch, not hardware.17:31
SporkWitchBluesKaj: in any case, i just realize what time it is; DFAC closes in 30, and i need food before i take my malaria pill; chat with ya in a bit if you like, and thanks for the help getting sound back17:33
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c-c-mhello, I want to install Kubuntu on a HP laptop and I don't get the option to install it alongside Windows7 nor I can create new partitions18:05
c-c-mI am using the same USB I used to install kubuntu on this computer18:06
david_what's the best font for Konsole?18:12
jussic-c-m: thats because you can only have 4 partitions and HP has taken them all...18:15
jussi(I have a hp laptop and was annoyed at the same thing)18:16
c-c-moh, you're right18:16
c-c-mso, what can I do?18:16
jussiremove a partition...18:16
jussior 218:16
jussiI removed the last partition (about 2 gig) - it was some quick boot thing they had on there (a media player and webbrowser perhaps). I never used it...18:17
c-c-mthe problem is that there are two partitions which I don't know what they are18:17
c-c-mand I don't feel confident removing things I don't know what they are18:18
c-c-mand the two I know are rescue to defaults and programs + data18:18
jussic-c-m: one is a "boot" partition - really small iirc18:18
c-c-mby the way: that sounds weird, since I have more than two partitions on my current installation if I count swap partition18:19
jussic-c-m: but more than 4?18:19
jussiI think there might be some work around, I have no more info than what Ive given to you, so you can either wait or ask the master of our souls.... oh wait, I mean google :P18:21
c-c-mlet me check, hold on18:21
c-c-mha ha ha18:21
c-c-mok, thank you very much18:21
c-c-mI think that my partition table says sbda and sbdd or something like that18:21
c-c-mit's like I had two hard disks, although I only have one18:21
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satahello folks, just ck to kubuntu after a few years. everything going well. I am not a big fan of 24 hour clock, could some one point me i nthe direction of how to convert to 12 hours18:39
JontheEchidnasata: In the Locale section of System Settings you should be able to change that18:42
JontheEchidnaThe "Date & Time" tab18:42
satak thx18:43
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rosco_yDoes anyone know how to add openSUSE to the grub menu?19:43
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BluesKajrosco_y, did you sudo update-grub ?19:55
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dan_lanybody running a copy of amarok right now?  Perhaps you can help me with a little experiment?20:03
dan_lI want to find out if Amarok is broken or if the stream is broken.20:03
rosco_ydan_l: try some other streams20:10
rosco_yBluesKaj: no I didn't, would that add openSUSE to my menu?20:11
rosco_ychupa_: are you haveing troubles with your keyboard?20:11
dan_lah.  It was the stream!!20:17
dan_lcbs :(20:18
Ankhwatcherdan_l: don't cross them20:18
Ankhwatcherdoes kubuntu support mdadm raid during installation?20:18
dan_lankwatcher:  why?  They'll make me watch more of their bad prime time tv:)20:18
Ankhwatcherdan_l: I dunno, just don't cross the streams bro20:19
dan_lOh.  the streams.  Don't cross the streams.20:19
dan_lI heard that in a movie once.20:19
BluesKajrosco_y, try it, see if it does20:24
rosco_yBluesKaj: ok, can't hurt :)20:24
BluesKajit will list the OSs20:25
rosco_yBluesKaj: I think that did work--thanks a lot!20:27
BajKhm, waiting for 4.7 :(20:31
BluesKajBajK, 4.6.3 is still a bit unstable20:41
BluesKajso 4.7 will be worse20:43
BajKwhy should it?20:43
BajKthe only things that annoy me to hell are those laggy resizings in plasma20:43
BajKespecially when it comes to animations, change of content size and scroll bars20:43
BajKbut I dont know, there are no packages for kubuntu :(20:44
BajK4.7 again sounds so awesome, as does every new kde major relase :)20:45
BluesKajBajK, I'm having scrn freezes if i don't use the default window decor and appearance etc20:45
BajKhm dunno, I use the default window deco :D20:46
BluesKajBajK, how long til 4.7 is available?20:46
BajKend of july? but on wednesday there has been 4.7 Beta 1 release20:46
BajKbut no kubuntu packages yet although it is saturday already.20:47
BluesKajno ppa ?20:47
BajKnone in ppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta20:47
BajKand there would have been an announcement on kubuntu.org20:48
BajKI checked it and there has been a packages for 4.6 beta 1, so its not because of "beta 1"20:48
BajKhm maybe they have compilation problems, are too lazy, or canonical finally wants to push its [swear here] unity stuff and kill kubuntu :D20:48
BluesKajBajK, intersting " KDM, KDE's login manager now interfaces with the Grub2 bootloader"20:51
BajKI would appreciate a noob-friendly kdm20:51
BajKor family friendly20:51
BluesKajyeah, fewer probs with grub and kdm loading20:52
BajKBluesKaj: Krunner starts on typing on the empty desktop (no need for Alt-f2), nice new shadow effects, dolphin's interface is much more sleaker20:52
BajKI was more talking of a family friendly kdm, i.e. HAVE A LIST OF USERS20:53
rosco_yDoes anyone know a name of a utility I can install to graph my disk usage?20:55
rosco_yGot it.  I think I'll try Baobab....20:57
dirk_I have an 8-button mouse, and while some applications have sensible defaults most don't know how to handle buttons 3-8. How can I configure dolphin, or kde globaly to treat the buttons as some kind of action? I ahve been trying to use the "configure shortcuts" menu but it doesn't seem to work for mouseclicks.21:02
LinkmasterHypothetical situation to present to you my friends:21:05
LinkmasterHelp! My /home was deleted, what do I do????21:06
BluesKajBajK, how do the apps run on 4.7. ..any probs ?21:07
BajKI dont have 4.721:07
BajKsince: problem stated above ^^21:07
* BluesKaj decides to wait til it's got a ppa with upgrades for the apps21:08
BluesKajI don't mind compiling , but i avoid it unless absolutely necessary21:09
LinkmasterBluesKaj: your running 4.7?? How does it compare to 4.6?21:09
dirk_Linkmaster: remake home and create a new user.21:09
BluesKajnope , I'm not Linkmaster21:09
Linkmasterdirk_: how do you remake home though exactly?21:10
dirk_cd /21:10
dirk_mkdir home21:10
Linkmasterwow really? I could've done that...I thought it was more complicated then that though21:10
dirk_if you have home on your root partition21:10
Linkmasterand BluesKaj alright, I wanted to upgrade to 4.7, but didn't know if 4.6 stuff worked on it or not21:11
dirk_if you have home on a seperate partition the steps are slightly different.21:11
BluesKajdirk, could he use the live cd and just find the old home partition and name it over again without a reformat21:11
dirk_no reformat needed.21:12
LinkmasterYeah, its on the root partition, its all good, Im just paranoid, and afraid someone'll hack into my computer, and simply erase /home. that'll do a lot more damage to me then screwing around in /21:12
BluesKajdirk_, I didn't say reformat21:12
dirk_you could also just create a new blank home directory and all applications are supposed to fix their own configuration but IIRC both kde and gnome sometimes have trouble with that.21:13
BluesKajLinkmaster, your /home partition should show up in places in dolphin as the larger of the 221:14
Linkmaster^That doesn't make much sense to meh :o21:14
dirk_so if your username is 'user' then you would create the directories; '/home' and then '/home/user' every app is supposed to be able to handle recreating their own configuration data.21:15
gomiboyadd a cp /etc/skel /home/user ; chown -R user /home/user ;)21:17
BluesKajLinkmaster, I naturally assumed you have a separate /home partition21:17
LinkmasterI guess?21:18
BluesKajnot a /home dir21:18
* Linkmaster is wondering how its a /home partition..always thought it was inside root21:18
ubuntuim currently running 11.04 live i havnt installed it yet i have a question does it matter if i have my /home  on a differen partition?21:18
LinkmasterHuh, I guess it is possible xD21:18
BluesKajit sure is21:19
ubuntui did on 10.1021:19
dirk_ubuntu: generally it's a better practice to have /home on a seperate partition.21:19
ubuntui didnt know if would cause any problems21:19
dirk_that means you could forinstance install a different unix derived OS in the root partition and still keep all your user settings.21:20
LinkmasterOkay...now I need some explanation. I have two partitions. WIndows and Kubuntu. How is my /home in a seperate partition??21:20
ubuntuty deik21:20
BluesKajI just upgrade my install to 64 bit , and all my data and conf files/settings were retained , because /home was on it's own partition..very handy21:20
ubuntulink, you should have three then21:20
ubuntui think21:21
dirk_partitions are subdivisions of harddrives (keeping it simple for now)21:21
ubuntuthe last windows operating sytem i installed was 4 months ago it was xp on a old computer21:21
ubuntublue, the max you can normal have is 421:21
ubuntublue, so watch out21:21
LinkmasterI know how partitions work..Im just trying to figure out how its working. I open up dolphin, and I have: home, random stuff, Root[in red], trash, and other HD's I have connected.21:22
ubuntui dont have my glasses on sorry21:22
ubuntui was using the incorrect name21:22
dirk_in linux partitions are largely invisible to users.21:22
LinkmasterI go to Root, and right there staring happily at me is my /home21:22
dirk_run "mount -l" and look at the output.21:23
BluesKajLinkmaster, it's beside your / on the drive and it's ext4 , when you install , you make a smaller partition for the OS as / . then the larger one alsom ext4 for /home21:23
LinkmasterI didn't recall doing this though21:23
dirk_on my computer I have a line that reads "/dev/md1 on /home type ext4 (rw,commit=0)"21:23
ubuntuthank you for your help dirk21:23
Linkmasterlet me open up fdisk real fast..21:24
BluesKajubuntu, I've has as many 4 OSs on this drive ..it's no biggie21:24
LinkmasterHm...fdisk does say theres three21:24
Linkmasterwell, four rather, including the Windows21:24
dirk_that means that home is a seperate partition formated as ext4 and it resides on device /dev/md121:25
Linkmastersda2, 5, and 6. Hm21:25
LinkmasterOne is 1.5gigs, the other is 122 gigs, and its listed twice21:26
Linkmasterthe 1.5gig one is my SWAP partition21:26
gomiboyLinkmaster: 5 is the 'extended' which contains 621:26
Linkmasterwell, it says here 2 contains 5, though I believe thats the same thing that your talking about21:28
gomiboyyes, i was guessing :)21:28
dirk_anyway, does anyone have the answer to my question? I have an 8-button mouse, and while some applications have sensible defaults most don't know how to handle buttons 3-8. How can I configure dolphin, or kde globaly to treat the buttons as some kind of action? I ahve been trying to use the "configure shortcuts" menu but it doesn't seem to work for mouseclicks.21:28
* Linkmaster has a trackpad, so he's useless21:29
gomiboy8 buttons?!?! where do you put your hand without clicking everywhere? :)21:30
dirk_two tubm buttons, and 3 are small and in line with the scrollwheel. It's actually quite comfortable.21:32
CrellHi folks.  Is the usb-creator program to make an installable USB stick only available on (K)Ubuntu?21:32
LinkmasterIts one of those hi-end gaming mouses. I'm jealous21:32
CrellI'm on a Suse system at the moment and cannot locate it.  (I want to switch back over to Kubuntu.)21:32
LinkmasterCrell: nope, any OS[linux I'm positive, Windows I'm not sure]21:32
LinkmasterI've used usb-creator to install ubuntu, kubuntu, mint, fedora, and a couple others21:33
CrellOK, I'll go bug the Suse folks to figure out where it's hiding.  Thanks.21:33
dirk_yeah it cost me a good 80$ :) worth it though, even if I mostly use it for firefox browsing so far. Having a back button on the mouse is invaluable.21:33
Linkmastercan't you install it through Yast?21:33
Linkmasterdirk_: I used to have a microsoft moues that had a back button. so useful. and yes, microsoft makes good mouses :P21:34
CrellI never use the gui. :-)  I've checked in zypper (the cli tool21:34
Crell) and haven't found it yet.21:34
* Linkmaster doesn't use SUSE, so he doesn't know anything about it21:34
CrellI installed it last fall when Kubuntu was being cranky and buggy.21:35
CrellI found Suse to be just as cranky and buggy. :-)21:35
CrellAnd is now acting even weirder, so it's time to go back.21:35
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent21:35
Linkmaster10.10? I liked it..I picked up Kubuntu when it was still in its alpha stages in 10.10, and I loved it xD21:35
CrellNo, I was on 10.04 at the time.21:35
CrellBasically no distro I've tried has liked my video chip (Intel X3100) since Kubuntu 7.10. :-(21:36
LinkmasterHmm...I believe 10.04 is the best LTS yet. According to some of the members I've heard from that is21:36
BluesKajCrell, are talking about startup disk creator21:37
CrellBluesKaj: Yes, so I can install 11.04 to a netbook, and then eventually to this laptop.21:38
BluesKaj!netbook |Crell21:39
CrellWas that supposed to PM me something from the bot? :-)21:39
BluesKajCrell, I think netbook edition is only available as 10.04 LTS21:40
CrellThat's not what the website implies.21:41
CrellWell, it says it's not a separate "edition" anymore.21:41
BluesKajthe bot was supposed to give give us a factoid here in the text21:41
BluesKajCrell,, well look around , I'm sure you'll find something suitable21:42
LinkmasterBluesKaj: netbook edition is incorporated with all additions. Its not a seperate 'addition' in fact. Go to system settings, plasma workspace behavior, you can change from desktop to netbook any time you'd like21:42
BluesKajLinkmaster, well, thanks for the info , but there's no netbook in my future :)21:43
CrellI don't actualy USE mine.  It's just a backup device.21:44
LinkmasterI dislike netbooks Dx21:44
BluesKajI'm waiting for my laptop to be returned once my daughter is settled and I can return her imac21:44
DaskreechBluesKaj: She took your netbook?21:47
BluesKajDaskreech, laptop ..she was working in the UK for 8mos so lent her my laptop ...she's back in Toronto , but not ready for all her stuff yet ...needs to find a decent apt21:50
Daskreechah right iMac21:51
Daskreech not laptop21:51
BluesKajher imac is abit old , but it still serves the purpose21:53
CrellOh good.  The suse usb image burning tool only works for Suse installer images specifically.21:57
LinkmasterThats...depressing D: I know that the Kstartup-creator is universal[for linux, once again, not sure about Windows]22:00
* Crell doesn't even have a windows computer in the house.22:00
BluesKajCrell, well there must be a kubuntu site that has the image22:06
=== tchangang is now known as TTA
LinkmasterCrell: you can always download K3b can't you? I know that works :P22:07
CrellThat can make a bootable usb?22:07
Mario__may i ask a noobish question please?22:08
TTAis there a channel for python programmer on freenode irc?22:08
yofel#python ?22:08
gomiboyMario__: just ask22:09
CrellLinkmaster: I didn't know k3b could make a bootable usb install key.22:09
LinkmasterCrell: I believe so22:09
Linkmasterinstall key? Not sure..22:09
yofelusb-creator can do that, but I don't think k3b can22:09
CrellThat's what I'm trying to do: Create a bootable Usb key to install the latest kubuntu on a netbook.22:09
Crellyofel: Yes, and I'm on Suse and the moment and can't find usb-creator. :-)  The suse equivalent doesn't seem to support anything other than the suse install image, which I don't get.22:10
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent22:10
TTAthanks a lot22:10
DaskreechLinkmaster: It's not universal it only works for Debian Distros22:11
Crellyofel: Yes, I've already been there.  It's getting a copy of usb-creator that is the problem.22:11
DaskreechMario__: please ask :)22:11
yofeltry unetbootin22:12
yofelI never used it though22:12
Daskreech!info unetbootin22:12
ubottuunetbootin (source: unetbootin): installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive. In component universe, is optional. Version 471-2ubuntu1 (natty), package size 276 kB, installed size 820 kB22:12
TTAwhat can i do to be root in the case that i am not ?22:14
yofel!sudo | TTA22:15
ubottuTTA: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo22:15
TTAhow to register on freenode?22:17
TTAhow to register on freenode?22:18
Mario__so, i always used windows until now and i want to switch to linux.. i have read that kubuntu = ubuntu jsut with different graphic environment, is that the only thing which differs between them? or something else changes aswell?22:23
BluesKaj!register | TTA22:23
ubottuTTA: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode22:23
* Linkmaster thinks that Kubuntu is better because of many reasons22:23
Linkmasterthough Mario__ they use the same core, but many different applications22:23
Mario__i tried looking some stuff on the internet but i didnt end up with any conclusion22:24
LinkmasterWhat are looking for exactly?22:24
Mario__well, from a windows user which wants to quit using windows and moving to linux what i should do22:25
Mario__i dont know much about linux generally22:25
BluesKajMario__, it's mostly a matter of taste ..try both for yourself , altho currently gnome is suffering some graphics probs on the new Unity desktop , so a lot of gnome users are using classic gnome or switching to kde (kubuntu)22:26
Mario__the question which bothers me mostly is if ill lose something more than graphics between ubuntu or kubuntu22:27
Mario__idc about graphics tbh22:27
Linkmasteryeah, my advice having done the same as you, just dive right in22:27
Mario__consider that i use windows classic theme lol22:27
LinkmasterMario__: everything in ubuntu will work in kubuntu, you'll just need to port some libs over that aren't KDE based. Graphics are beautiful though22:27
BluesKajMario__, well anything you can do in windows can be done in linux and thensome , some gamers may disagree22:28
LinkmasterBluesKaj: if he uses windows classic, I don't think he games too much..though currently, Windows is the gaming platform. Otherwise, Mario__ theres only like one thing that isn't made for Linux that is in Windows, that I know of22:29
Mario__im a gamer, but i want to explore more of computer and expand my knowledge, which i have a bit already, but i know that if ill keep being on windows ill nevr be able to know how computers really work like22:30
dirk_you can just install gnome/kde on (K)Ubuntu and they become practically the same except for the login screen. Then each user can choose their window manager.22:30
* BluesKaj won't mention the thing ppl use to run (k)ubuntu on windows22:31
Mario__"choosing" the linux os makes me feel like "choosing" the programming language22:31
LinkmasterFunny story: you can use any programing language in linux :D22:31
Mario__im always undecided.. im like ok ill go for that one then a while later i feel i regret what i do22:32
LinkmasterI know someone who is planning on creating his own DE using python, and someone else who recommends me to learn Qt22:32
Mario__no well tbh i wanted to learn c++, but then i wonder if c or python or something else would be more useful..22:32
LinkmasterLinux is about freedom and choices. If you dont like it, okay, uninstall it and try something new. If you don't like that, try something new. I know of...a couple thousand different OS's alone that you can choose from22:32
CrellDepends what you want to do with it.22:33
CrellLearning C++ is useless if you're doing web apps.22:33
* BluesKaj is too old and impatient to learn programing22:33
CrellLearning PHP is useless if you're writing system drivers.22:33
LinkmasterLearning Lua isn't the best if you want object-orienting22:33
Mario__i dont want to do web apps22:33
Mario__thats for sure22:33
* BluesKaj wonders what ppl mean by object-orienting22:34
Crellobject-oriented programming techniques.22:34
DarkriftXok, so i seem to be confused on wtf a plasmoid is vs a plasma widget. where do i go to find more plasma widgets that I can put on the kde 4.x panels?22:34
* Linkmaster never really figured it out himself22:34
DarkriftXi keep getting these plasmoids that dont work22:34
BluesKaji orient objects all the time when I work around the house:)22:34
LinkmasterDarkriftX: I think plasmoids and widgets ar the same thing, just different names22:34
DarkriftXall the plasmoids i dl dont install22:35
DarkriftXits been that way for a year but i normally just give up22:35
LinkmasterHm..where/how are you downloading them?22:35
Mario__i kinda would like to get on game programming but probably if ill focus on that i wont be able to do anything else i guess22:35
DarkriftXdownloaded that, tried to follow the directions, missing the 5. \"SuperKaramba: Karamba Desktop Theme\" -> \"Next\"22:35
DarkriftXi dont have that, i have "native plasmoid widget"22:36
BluesKajI'll leave the programming for the nerds , just using linux  fulfills my nerd-needs22:36
LinkmasterBluesKaj: hahah22:36
LinkmasterMario__: what type of games are you looking to create? Because you can make some nice games using Lua and the LOVE game engine[2D though]22:37
BluesKajagostino, no mp3s here22:37
Mario__i know lua is used a lot in mmorpg with c++ aswell usually its used to manage events and such, tbh i had in my mind to go for c++ > SDL, i wonder if tht is a good road to follow22:38
LinkmasterHm, not sure22:40
LinkmasterI know that Lua is the main language in WoW22:40
Mario__isnt lua an extension usually? like "attached" in the program lets say to add more stuff22:41
LinkmasterHmm, no. Its a fully developed extremely powerful language22:41
LinkmasterFor example, using Lua, the LOVE game engine can, with three lines of script, display the words "Hello World!" in a simple window with black background. With more simple coding, you can have it go up and down, and left and right, by itself. Its ingenious coding22:42
Mario__i have never thought of lua this way.. now im gonna wonder more which language i should learn and focus on the most lol22:43
Linkmasterall of them :P22:44
Linkmastergo to www.love2d.org, learn more. The wiki is especially useful22:44
Mario__you take it easy :P22:44
DarkriftXwhats the best way to uninstall something yo installed while compiling?22:44
Mario__so this love2d uses lua22:45
Linkmastergo to the file you compiled from and type 'uninstall' or 'unmake' depending on how far you went with it. If you installed it, type uninstall then unmake22:46
BluesKajDarkriftX, go to the app folder and in the  install textfile you'll find the uninstall instruction but it's usually make uninstall if you used make install during the compile22:47
Mario__i already know the general basics of programming as in functions passing values if while for switch and those things, even something about pointers, but i always feel i dont know enough basic stuff :P22:47
DarkriftXcrap, thats the answer i was hoping not to hear22:47
DarkriftXi installed something a few years ago that i need to get rid of22:47
BluesKajDarkriftX, what was it ?22:48
LinkmasterMario__: you can never learn enough :P22:48
DarkriftXyasp-scripted (a system monitor widget)22:48
Mario__what languages do you knw linkmaster22:49
LinkmasterI'm a dabbler in Lua, C++, and just am about to dive into Qt and Python22:49
DarkriftXworked great, but stopped with a recent upgrade to kde. ive tried to update it but installing the new verison over it doesnt upgrade it. i need to remove it to install the new one22:49
DarkriftXso now i have to find where i installed it from, if i didnt delete that folder22:50
Mario__do you think if i learnt how to use love  it would help me understand more about programming? obviously i believe i take it that if i learn something in a language it will somehow be useful anyway in another one since the logic behind is the same kinda22:50
DarkriftXit depends on the lang22:51
DarkriftXsome langauges are like many others, some arent22:51
Mario__i wish it was easier because i hate to feel what i learn may not be useful later on for something else22:52
Mario__dont know if any of you feels like me or im the only one :P22:52
LinkmasterMario__: no, your right. The best way to become a suburb programmer is to be a mediocre one in several languages22:56
Mario__what does suburb mean? :S english is not my main language and translator doesnt help lol22:57
Linkmasterhaha, superb. I spelled it wrong, I type too fast sometimes, my bad22:58
LinkmasterYour English is so good, I didn't know until you told me. I gave you a non-real word Dx22:58
Mario__well my speaking sucks :P22:59
Mario__i learnt it through internet22:59
Mario__just by chatting and such22:59
Mario__im 1822:59
Mario__i guess these years wasted gaming gave me a boost in what i want to do now anyway xD22:59
Mario__if it wasnt for games i wouldnt know english this much23:00
Linkmasterwriting and talking a language is two vastly different things. I can work my way through spanish on paper, but expect me to speak it? Youd be crazy xD23:00
Mario__and italian sucks because there arent as much resources as in english23:00
LinkmasterHey, Italian is a very nice language[from someone who cant' understand it]23:01
Mario__i hate to be italian :P23:01
Mario__just feel i would have loved to be born somewhere else23:01
LinkmasterSame here23:02
Mario__where are you from?23:02
Linkmasterlets take this to #kubuntu-offtopic, so that we aren't spamming the support channel23:02
Mario__im there23:06
BluesKajdinner and tv and all that , bbl23:09
octocppwhat is the diff between the LTS and the non LTS ?23:50
octocppok, the LTS has support, but vr 11.04 still has plasma and stuff right? what ver of KDE is kubuntu  up to right now?23:52
octocppahh, seems the same as suse factory23:53
LinkmasterLTS means its supported for 3 years23:53
octocppnice and up to date23:53
LinkmasternonLTS is for 18 months23:53
octocppI see23:53
octocppdo you know is the kms/intell driver issue has been resolved in the kernel or intell drivers yet?23:53
LinkmasterIts possible somehow to use KDE4.7 on Kubuntu, but I dont' know how at the moment23:54
octocppi havent had 3d in about a year now lol23:54
LinkmasterHm, no..though I've heard about that, I think they are working on it.23:54
octocppcant even run gl screensavers, got tired of the lockups23:54
octocppman, that one really killed us23:54
octocppmakes me wonder if intell is perpetuating some of this on purpose23:55
LinkmasterI think it is honestly23:58

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