
smoserlifeless, i dont think so. i get all kinds of mail for things i do. just not for when i open bugs via email.01:11
lifelessdo the bugs get opened ?01:13
smoserand when they do not get opened (ie, when i forget to sign the message) i get a "rejected"01:39
smoseri've went looking around for them too, afraid a  procmail filter might have hid them from me. but they dont go where all my other bug mail goes.01:40
GTRsdkWhen trying to put a package on a PPA, do I upload just the change log at first?03:50
CarlFKGTRsdk: I think that's all you upload04:09
GTRsdkCarlFK, ok. Then how does it build the .deb?04:09
CarlFKGTRsdk: or don't worry  about what gets uploaded.  just do dput my-ppa P_V_source.changes04:09
CarlFKGTRsdk: I don;t know or care how.  I just enjoy the fact that it does :)04:10
GTRsdkI should probably make a new PGP key and get that set up with my launchpad04:10
wgrantGTRsdk: You upload the *_source.changes file.04:10
wgrantGTRsdk: That references the .dsc, .orig.tar.gz and .diff.gz, which comprise the source package.04:11
GTRsdkwgrant, and I am assuming the program was supposed to build the change logs?04:11
wgrantMore correctly, you tell dput to upload the changes file, and it automatically uploads the other files.04:11
wgrantThe program?04:11
GTRsdkwgrant, I used gedit to make the .changes file04:12
wgrantdebuild creates the changes file.04:12
GTRsdkwgrant, and does it also create the debian folder?04:13
CarlFKGTRsdk: .chages or chagelog?04:13
GTRsdkCarlFK, I typed a .changes changelog04:13
GTRsdkI am trying to build a PPA that has applications like Mozilla Firefox 5 beta 304:14
GTRsdkand Thunderbird 3.3 and Gimp 2.7.204:14
GTRsdkCarlFK, I downloaded the source from the repositories, then I tried to run debuild04:15
GTRsdksince I don't have a PGP key yet, it might not have worked they way it would if I have a key04:15
GTRsdkwgrant, I am going to try again in a few minutes04:23
GTRsdkI ran debuild -S04:28
GTRsdkand got an error "No rule to make target" with a .mk file04:28
* microcai sendmail has been patched to support systemd socket activation and path activation10:36
microcaigot get it from my overlay :)10:36
=== braiam is now known as braiam-lnch
=== braiam-lnch is now known as braiam
hggdhyo folks a few questions :-)18:31
hggdhand yes, on a Saturday. Nothing like being an heretic18:32
hggdhhow many users do we have nowadays on LP (powers of 10 is enough, like 5x10^6)18:33
hggdh(2) is there a way (apart from a full walk with the API) to find (1) how many users per day/week/month; (2) how many new bugs per day/week/month18:34
hggdhrephrase: (1) how many *new* users per day/week/month18:35
=== braiam is now known as Exio-
=== doko__ is now known as doko
* maxb blinks22:59
maxbWell that's a new one. A user whose launchpad id is the name of their project, and their project's launchpad id is the name of the user23:00
maxbThat's not confusing in the slightest :-)23:00
* maxb chuckles at "** Tags added: not-pie-critical23:12

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