
=== kwwii_ is now known as kwwii
coz_anyone on the desing team, hey guys, out of curiosity,, long before natty was in the works,  you guys posted a contest for new sounds for 11.04  , including the darn bongos :). it was also mentioned that you were planning a utility or more options for easiy changing sound themes,, that never happended,  so I was wondering if this is going  to be implimented in oneiric11:12
Ronniecjohnston: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/pagesaver/ is a really nice addon for screenshots11:19
thorwilcoz_: after all this time, you still don't know the nicks of the design team members and notice their absence during the weekend? ;)11:57
coz_thorwil,  lol sorry,, I know I probably should11:57
coz_thorwil,  well  at least I have the question failry well composed :)11:58
coz_heidi ho17:59

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