
nit-witAlanG2, not quite as busy but great help here.;)02:10
ApOgEEhello all03:13
truepurpleI had a usb flash drive folder that i accidently did something to, now I can't find it, how do I find out what happened to it?04:02
ApOgEEtruepurple: did u unmount it?04:07
truepurpleI might have accidently moved it or something04:07
truepurpleI was trying to open it, but I messed up in my mouse movement04:07
ApOgEEcheck with this command on terminal: sudo mount04:08
ApOgEEif you can see your flash drive is mounted, then just go to the dir04:08
truepurpleit says a bunch of stuff I don't understand04:08
ApOgEEcopy & paste it to http://pastebin.ubuntu.com and give me the link04:09
ApOgEEi see...04:11
ApOgEEthe /media/2 is your second partition04:11
ApOgEEso, you don't have your usb flash drive mounted04:12
ApOgEEjust unplug and replug again will do04:12
truepurpleI did that04:13
ApOgEEit didn't automount?04:13
truepurpleI did that before I even came in here04:14
holsteintruepurple: and it didnt auto-mount?04:14
truepurpleThats what I said04:14
holsteintruepurple: so thats a no?04:15
truepurpleWell I said I did that before I came in, and apogee said its not mounted, so clearly it didn't automount04:15
holsteinthe media i have like that, that wont auto-mount, is bad in some way or other04:16
ApOgEEtruepurple: can you find your usb drive in : fdisk -l04:17
ApOgEE$ sudo fdisk -l04:17
truepurpleput that as a terminal command?04:17
ApOgEEsudo fdisk -l04:17
ApOgEEthen paste the output on pastebin again04:18
truepurplenot there04:18
truepurple   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System04:18
holsteintruepurple: if it were my drive, i would take it to another machine, and see if it mounts, or shows up04:19
truepurpledev/sda1               1      243202  1953514583+  ee  GPT04:19
truepurpleIt was mounted and working before, the drive was fine, I just mismoved my mouse or something when trying to open it and it disappeared04:21
* ApOgEE gtg04:23
holsteintruepurple: can you try it in another machine though?04:24
holsteinjust to confirm*04:24
truepurpleConfirm what?04:24
holsteintruepurple: that the USB stick is functional04:24
truepurpleWhy would a misclick destroy the functionality of the usb drive?04:25
truepurpleI mean how could it04:25
holsteinwell, im proposing the stick died04:25
holsteinwe can go around for a long while troubleshooting a dead stick, which is exactly the behavior i would expect from a bad USB stick04:25
truepurplehow could I kill the stick from a misclick?04:28
holsteintruepurple: im proposing you didnt04:28
holsteinwhat im saying is, the stick went bad, and whatever you did is irrelevant04:28
truepurpleI will try it04:28
holsteinBUT, just plug it in another machine, and if it boots, then thats *not* the case04:28
holsteinand we can look at your OS configuration04:29
truepurplewell its light does flash when its in04:31
holsteintruepurple: we dont know what that means though04:31
holsteinif you cant get it to mount as expected on another machine04:32
holsteinthen, i think its safe to assume its the stick and not the OS04:32
holsteinthe light could just mean the computer/os is trying to mount it, causing the activity light to blink04:32
=== Captainkrtek1 is now known as Captainkrtek
truepurpleI tested it on my other PC, it works05:23
truepurpleholstein: You still there?05:23
holsteintruepurple: hmmm, wonder whats gotten borked then...05:23
holsteintruepurple: i would probably do the usually stuff, check and apply updates, restart05:24
holsteinsee what happens and go from there05:24
truepurpleHow would I manually remount the drive?05:26
holsteintruepurple: if you dont see it in sudo fdisk -l, then you cant AFAIK05:27
holsteinthe OS needs to see it, then you can mount it where ever you like05:27
holsteintruepurple: i would reboot, then plug the stick and if you dont see it show up, open a terminal and run05:28
holsteinsudo fdisk -l05:28
holsteinyou should see it there, something like /dev/sdb1 probably*05:28
truepurpleI see a "/dev/sda1"05:30
holsteintruepurple: you can pastebin the output if you like, but if you just see one...05:31
holsteinthats going to be your hard drive05:31
=== styx is now known as [styx]
Klojum50+ people and nobody is talking, hehe...10:32
KlojumAnyone up for a VNC Server question? With several computers in my network, how do I change the VNC default listening port (5900) on Ubuntu 11.04 ..?10:32
nick_Hi :D somebody who can help me here?12:34
tsimpsonyou'd probably need to ask a question first, plus it's a weekend and everything...12:35
ubot2Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:37
nick_so, I installed ubuntu 11.04. The first thing i do is setting the screen resolution right. But now there's some kind of fuzziness (small flashing blue pixels) on my screen..12:38
duanedesignnick_: all over the screen?12:39
nick_no on certain places on my screen, it forms small lines of blue pixels that flash12:40
nick_i already rebooted, and updated my drivers12:40
duanedesignnick_: what card do you have? You can use this command:    lspci -nn | grep VGA12:42
nick_this one:        ATI Technologies Inc M92 [Mobility Radeon HD 4500 Series] [1002:9553]12:43
duanedesignnick_: do you know which driver you are usiing?12:49
duanedesignlooks like that card uses the open source version and not the fglrx/Catalyst12:49
nick_ok, how do i install the other driver?12:52
duanedesigni take that back:)12:55
duanedesignnick_: it does use the fglrx. sorry12:55
nick_no problem12:55
nick_so i need the open source driver?12:56
duanedesignyour card can use the proprietary driver which works better12:56
duanedesignproprietary == fglrx12:57
duanedesignnick_: did you install the driver by going to "Hardware Drivers"?12:59
duanedesignso it was already installed?13:01
duanedesignWhat version of ubuntu?13:01
duanedesignnick_: Can  you open the Dash by clicking the Ubuntu logo in the upper left and trping in the Search 'additional'. You should see an entry for additional drivers. Click to open that13:04
lucky105hello !! I m new here....unable to install gnome3..13:04
duanedesignhello lucky10513:05
lucky105hi duanedesign13:06
duanedesignlucky105: their is a PPA for installing Gnome3 but it is for Natty only13:06
duanedesignlucky105: are you running 11.04?13:06
lucky105ya !! used that ppa but it crashed unity !!!13:07
lucky105gnome3 also didnt installed13:08
lucky105I have to remove it through my kde13:08
duanedesignlucky105: you might have to run Gnome Shell13:09
leoquantsw0rdfish, what irc client do you use?13:23
leoquantif xchat set your join delay: /set irc_join_delay 10 (the default 2 sec. is too short to be ident. by services)13:25
sw0rdfishi actually did do that a week ago13:26
sw0rdfishno effect13:26
leoquantset your nickserv as serverpass: sw0rdfish:topsecretpassblowfish13:32
leoquantmind the:13:33
* duanedesign waves at leoquant 13:34
leoquantotherwise: http://askubuntu.com/questions/6332/prevent-xchat-from-trying-to-join-channels-until-i-have-been-authenticated  using the sasl script13:36
leoquant /sasl set freenode your_nick your_password plain13:36
leoquant /sasl save13:36
leoquant /save13:36
sw0rdfishspeaking of sasl13:48
sw0rdfishsasl has to authenticate every single time13:48
sw0rdfishi connect???13:48
sw0rdfishleoquant, ?13:48
leoquant<leoquant>  /sasl set freenode your_nick your_password plain13:51
leoquant<leoquant>  /sasl save13:51
leoquant<leoquant>  /save13:51
leoquantmakes a  sasl directory13:51
leoquantin your ./xchat213:52
leoquantyou could experiment with it, back-up your working ./xhat213:53
leoquantand make some noise ツ13:54
sw0rdfishsetting up sasl13:58
sw0rdfishi can't believe it but in my script that loads with the auto command LOAD -e .xchat2/freenode13:59
sw0rdfishit tries to identify with sasl every single time i connect13:59
bioterrorofcourse it will identify you every time you connect?14:01
bioterrorhow else it would know that it's you14:01
leoquanthmm your ports have to change too: 7000/707014:03
leoquant [sw0rdfish] is using a secure connection14:04
leoquantindeed done14:04
sw0rdfishwell does it do it on its own14:09
sw0rdfishshould i remove the sasl commands on my auto script14:09
sw0rdfishthere is the same command on my auto script14:10
sw0rdfishmeaning it runs every single time i connect14:10
sw0rdfishno one told me /sasl -set should be a one-time thing, only!14:11
sw0rdfish:o how do you do that14:12
sw0rdfishi removed the /sasl command from my script and set the delay14:12
sw0rdfishto 15 seconds from 1014:12
leoquantin ./xchat you could remove the sasl set-up....but i like it very much in combin. with join-delay14:14
leoquantsasl auth is the name of it14:15
leoquantit is a very reliable set-up sasl xchat(script) with join delay, no more double joining, one uncloaked the other cloaked14:16
leoquantand indeed the sasl set-up has to be done once:)14:18
stlsaintleoquant: o/14:19
stlsaintrebelldoR: roger14:19
stlsaintleoquant: how ya been14:20
rebelldoRfine you14:20
stlsaintrebelldoR: so so14:21
rebelldoRhave u leveling up your grade to advance user14:21
rebelldoRon ubuntu system14:22
rebelldoRi am new with this OS14:22
rebelldoRthought so many to learn14:23
stlsaintoh ok14:23
stlsaintwell welcome aboard14:23
rebelldoRwanna help me14:24
stlsaintrebelldoR: what is your issue?14:25
stlsaintor not.....14:28
rebelldoRbout command14:30
stlsaintwhat command14:30
stlsaintrebelldoR: ??14:33
rebelldoRi am trying to message using other window14:35
rebelldoRbut failed14:35
rebelldoRwe use /q nick to chat with specific user right14:36
stlsaintrebelldoR: what irc client are you using?14:36
rebelldoRi am newbie14:37
stlsaintrebelldoR: cool i use irssi as well14:37
stlsaintrebelldoR: so you want to send someone a private message??14:38
rebelldoRdid u get my private message14:38
stlsaintrebelldoR: the command in irssi is: /query14:38
stlsaintno, put: /query14:39
stlsaintthen my username14:39
stlsaintso: /query <username> (without the <>)14:39
rebelldoRbut it says /q is work as well as typing /query14:39
stlsaintsure sure14:41
stlsainti never use /q just query14:41
rebelldoRlemme try14:41
rebelldoRdid u get  my message14:42
stlsaintrebelldoR: no14:43
stlsaintrebelldoR: show me the command you are using14:43
rebelldoR:/query +stlsaint14:44
rebelldoRwithout :14:44
stlsaintremove the +14:45
rebelldoRi guess it works14:46
sw0rdfishleoquant, what about now15:36
sw0rdfishdid i join, with my vhost?15:36
stlsaint17:35 -!- sw0rdfish [~Johnson@unaffiliated/robinux] has joined #ubuntu-beginners15:36
sw0rdfishthank you sir15:37
sw0rdfishso logged in as root, to change the passwd of sw0rdfish15:38
sw0rdfishpasswd sw0rdfish?15:38
sw0rdfishbtw i'm not sure but i think i got hacked a few minutes ago15:38
holsteinJohnson is your user right?15:39
holsteinsw0rdfish is your nick15:39
sw0rdfishmy laptop shut off by itself and didn't wanna start again, i removed ethernet cable and power and externall hdd cables and then it accepted to power up haha15:39
holsteinsw0rdfish: sounds like a hardware issue to me15:40
sw0rdfishholstein: heh, yeah buddy, it could be15:44
leoquantsw0rdfish, would you please rejoin this channel?15:51
leoquantor did you got your cloak without troubles now?15:53
leoquantah stlsaint gave you some feedback....15:55
sw0rdfishyep yep15:56
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lucky105hi, my gwibber doesn't show tweets in natty..however it worked fine in 10.10...17:19
=== braiam is now known as braiam-lnch
yax51I'm trying to install ubuntu voa USB stick, is there a USB creator that I should be usuing other then the one suggested by ubuntu? the universal USB creator?17:52
bioterroror that universal17:53
=== braiam-lnch is now known as braiam
coalwaterfirst, hello every body :D , then what's a good download manager lol18:05
hiptobecubiccoalwater, as part of a browser or ... ?18:06
coalwaterno, i want an individual program18:06
coalwaterum i wanted something with like a gui and i could track several downloads together, i use wget when im on ssh or terminal18:07
coalwateris there a gui for curl or something?18:07
coalwaterlike a gui that uses curl internally18:07
bioterrorive never had aneed for th@t18:08
coalwaterand another question, is there a way to control transmission (the torrent program) with cli?18:08
coalwaterok guess ill just use wget, im fine with that18:09
coalwaterdoes that use the same settings/queues and stuff as transmission-gtk ?18:09
bioterrori dunno, im a web interface user :D18:11
coalwaterwhat about transmission-remote, just found that, is that a remote way to use it ? (that what i was actually trying to do)18:11
bioterrori have a port forward for webui18:12
hiptobecubiccoalwater, remote is for the daemon18:13
coalwateri have problems with my screen resolution, tried every thing that was in the screen help page, the xorg.conf, the xrandr , and every thing, and i couldnt get my screen get above 1027x786 or w/e18:22
yax51ok I am going through the installation process of ubuntu, and by default it asks me if I want to resize windows, but I don't want to resize windows, I want to install ubuntu and not have windows....18:22
coalwaterresize windows? i dont know what that means18:23
coalwaternever saw that option before18:23
coalwatero wait, maybe u only have 1 drive18:23
coalwaterubuntu needs to cut a space for it self18:23
coalwatersorry, i meant 1 partition18:24
coalwaterthe other option would be installing ubuntu under windows, it wont modify the partition, but it will use a file that is inside the windows partition18:25
yax51I just want to wipe windows though and just have ubuntu.....18:26
coalwaterdo u have some personal files that u want to keep? if not there's a simple option that tells ubuntu to use the whole hard disk, and i think there's other options to wipe other operating systems18:27
bioterroryax51, then use whole disk?18:29
bioterroror do a manual partition table ;)18:29
yax51I know thats what I thought, I am wondering if it was the ISO I downloaded from the dell website, it seems to be a ubuntu light recovery disc, and not the installation disc....18:29
yax51bioterror: I would if it gave me that option18:30
coalwateryax51, maybe it's the alternative iso18:31
yax51I'm trying to install it on my dell inspiron mini net book, and was actually directed to the dell site for the ubuntu ISO, but I'm going to try the netbook ISO from the ubuntu site18:31
coalwaterit doesnt have the live cd option, just takes u to command line installation directly , does that what it do ?18:31
yax51it loads up into ubuntu, does a verification check then takes me straight to asking me to resize windows, or quit18:32
yax51I really think that it's just the ISO, that it is a recovery ISO and not an install ISO18:33
yax51well I'm going to try the netbook ISO from ubuntu and see what happens18:34
yax51woot woot!! so the netbook ISO is working!!18:58
=== braiam is now known as Exio-
kosaidpohello guys21:48
kosaidpohow can i get mp4 from avi using ffmpeg ?? tnx21:49
holsteinkosaidpo: http://www.catswhocode.com/blog/19-ffmpeg-commands-for-all-needs seem relevant21:53
kosaidpoi already check that it doesnt work for me the mp4 i want are for phone holstein tnx21:54
holsteinkosaidpo: probably need to look for a specific container that your phone can deal with then21:55
kosaidpoholstein: i have sumsang sgh-f490v ;]21:55
holsteinkosaidpo: i dont, so you probaly will need to do some research :/21:56
kosaidpoholstein: okies tnx21:56
holsteini could stab in the dark, but without the unit to test with, id just be guessing...21:56
holsteinThe phone has a multiple video format file support - WMV, MPEG4, H.26321:57
holsteini would just try a differnt container21:57

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