
bassoi get some crashes here and there, but its working quite well00:03
bassoi cant go back to gnome 200:04
bassoits impossibru00:04
bassoits so impossibru00:04
bassoi have to take a shower now to clear away the bad thoughts00:04
broderhmm...i'm trying to detect whether or not my (dell) laptop is sitting in a docking station, but i don't see anything from udevadm monitor (other than the power state changing in a way that's indistinguishable from plugging a power adapter directly into the laptop)00:54
broderanybody have ideas on other places to look?00:54
broderhmm...i guess i also see the usb ports on the docking station removed, but that's not really helpful either01:00
cyphermoxbroder: I thought there was some kind of extra device when you're docked02:14
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brodercyphermox: i would have too! but not that i'm seeing with this particular dock02:51
cyphermoxbroder: I also saw some stuff about ACPI events03:24
broderyeah, that seems like a good place to look03:24
cyphermoxbut it's hard to look at any of this, I don't have hardware that has docking03:24
broderi'll have to experiment more on monday03:24
brodererr, tuesday03:24
* cyphermox wonders if there's something like a fake "button" under /proc/acpi03:25
cyphermoxanything special on monday?03:25
brodermemorial day in the us :)03:25
cyphermoxthis monday will be let's upload NM day ;)03:27
stgrabercyphermox: wasn't that supposed to be today? didn't want to break everyone's machines for the weekend? :)03:27
cyphermoxstgraber: I think NM 0.9 is important enough that I could have forgotten something that would break people's systems03:28
cyphermoxit's in the ~network-manager/+archive/trunk PPA though03:29
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lucidfoxWhen is empathy going to be updated to 3.0.x?07:26
lucidfoxIs it blocked by something?07:26
zniavre_good morning , does nautilus 3.0 will integrate zeitgest thingy ?08:24
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cdbscyphermox: ping12:52
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cyphermoxcdbs: pong?21:42

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