
Aboradyanybody figured out the new issue of the blank screen and blinking cursor17:02
MenopiaAborady, sadly no :(17:05
MenopiaAborady, are you from tanta?17:05
MenopiaI think I know you17:05
AboradyMenopia : yes i'm from tanta17:52
AboradyMenopia : u ?17:52
AboradyMenopia : u here ?17:55
Aboradywhen i type sudo gdm start17:56
Aboradyi got WARNING : faild to acquire org.gnome.displaymanager17:56
MenopiaAborady, Do you know ahmed toulan?17:58
Aboradyyes i talked to him long time ago17:59
MenopiaI have some contacts of a non profit organization in tanta which gives free courses to people, can you give a free Ubuntu course there?17:59
MenopiaSorry the courses is not free but for a very small amount of money18:00
Aboradybut i'm not very good to give ubuntu cources18:00
Aboradyi'm amature at all18:00
AboradyI really hope i can do it18:00
MenopiaJust an intro course to the free softwares and how to install and use Ubuntu18:00
Aboradyits ok to give what i know18:01
Menopiaok and if you know anyone who can give more courses in Ubuntu just tell me or send an email to the mailing list18:01
Aboradyi'm professional web designer18:02
Aboradyand i give courses18:02
Aboradyhey !18:04
MenopiaIf you want to give these courses for free18:04
Menopiain the name of Ubuntu-eg team it will be more than great18:05
Aboradyits ok i've no problems but it has to be after my exams18:05
Aboradyi'll finish 15/718:06
Menopiaa bit late18:06
Menopiabut it's not a problem at all18:06
Aboradyi'm free to participate anytime after 15/718:06
MenopiaCan you add me in your private email18:07
Aboradyheres my no : 016505687518:07
Menopiamy email is al.wazery@gmail.com18:07
Aboradyok great18:07
Aboradyi just added u18:08

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