
culinorhi guys00:49
culinorloco teams provide support for different language speking people, right00:50
culinorhow am I supposed to start a new one00:51
cjohnstonWere are you locatd00:51
cjohnstonculinor: take a look at http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ and if there are none that are nearby, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoFAQ00:54
culinorthank you00:54
locodir-userhow come the 11.04 interface is mainly in English even though i chose "Simplified Chinese" during system setup?09:27
leoquantyou did get a complete chinese translated system on other installs like 10.10/10.4?09:29
leoquantplease report this 09:31
leoquantas a bug09:31
locodir-userlast version 10.10, i install the Netbook edition and select Simplified Chinese then i get a complete Chinese interface09:31
locodir-useralso, the Chinese is traditional chinese even though i chose "simplified Chinese".. anyhow, the interface mainly in English09:31
locodir-userhow to report?09:32
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=== braiam is now known as braiam-lnch
=== braiam-lnch is now known as braiam
serfusi have sent shipit a mail 5 days ago and no answer yet. is it possible they don't answer info@shipit.ubuntu.com anymore?18:17
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YoBoYhttp://photos.rocknpol.org/index.php?showimage=33 << end of today, group photo :D23:29

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