
=== asac_ is now known as asac
asacchrisccoulson: there?22:16
chrisccoulsonasac - yeah22:16
asacchrisccoulson: you rock ... so we have a problem ;)22:16
asacchrisccoulson: we dont have a native speaker and need a proof read of an announcement22:16
asacchrisccoulson: can you take a look?22:16
chrisccoulsonasac - how urgent is it?22:16
asacchrisccoulson: super urgent22:16
chrisccoulsonasac - ok, i can have a quick look then22:17
asacchrisccoulson: needs to go out before 0000 UTC ... https://wiki.linaro.org/Cycles/1105/Final22:17
asacchrisccoulson: but at best before 0000 my time ;)22:17
asacwhich is in 40 minutes22:17
asacchrisccoulson: dont read everyghing22:17
asacchrisccoulson: just the announcement box at the bottom22:17
asacchrisccoulson: https://wiki.linaro.org/Cycles/1105/Final#Announcement22:17
asacchrisccoulson: any comments?22:27
chrisccoulsonasac - i would probably change the first paragraph under "Using the Ubuntu-based images" to http://paste.ubuntu.com/614322/22:28
chrisccoulsonoh, paste.ubuntu.com sucks for not adding linebreaks ;)22:28
chrisccoulsonasac - also, under "Known issues", i think the first paragraph should probably be split in to 2 sentences22:30
chrisccoulsonie, "Bug reports for this release should be filed in Launchpad against the individual packages that are affected. If a suitable package cannot be identified, feel free to assign them to:"22:30
asacchrisccoulson: you rock!22:31
asacfor working on saturday night ;)22:31
chrisccoulsonheh :)22:32
asacchrisccoulson: kind of saved me ... again! ;)22:32
asaclast time was taking over mozilla ;)22:32
chrisccoulsonheh :)22:33
chrisccoulsonasac - also, i'm not sure about this point either: "Linaro GCC 4.5, GCC 4.6 and GDB 7.2 2011.05, the most recent released Component done by the toolchain working group"22:34
chrisccoulsonshould that be "recently released components created by the toolchain working group"?22:34
asacnot sure ;)22:35
chrisccoulsonyeah, i think that makes more sense :)22:36
asacwe took it22:41
asacall updated22:41
asacnow we spoof timezone to get the release out today ;)22:41
asacRM is in UTC+322:41
chrisccoulsoncool :)22:42

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