
James2^2 can i use that with some kind of hack to make a combined frontend/backend give the backend an extra few seconds to load before the frontend connects00:17
James2^2<+kormoc> James2^2, just add a sleep to your startup script?00:18
James2^2<James2^2> im new to ubuntu, which script actually starts the frontend?00:18
James2^2"apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras"  wants to remove libavcodec52 and libavutil50. are these required by nythbuntu for normal operation?02:45
James2^2or without it, how do i play mp3's with mythmusic?02:45
=== Captainkrtek1 is now known as Captainkrtek
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gandalfcomeI have MythTV 0.24 using mythbuntu 11.04. I also use the MCE remote, whenever I press down it jumps 2 instead of one. is that a known error?10:47
superm1gandalfcome, run your apt updates11:41
superm1there is a fix in updates11:41
=== TandyUK is now known as James2
James2hey guys11:56
James2during setup, on graphics options, does HDMI output count as tv out?11:58
qwebirc73479I have just installed the repo on my 10.04 machine and about to move to 0.24.  When doing the upgrade is it best to do a apt-get dist-upgrade or just apt-get updgrade?  I notice just using upgrade it doesn't want to remove libmyth0.2311:58
James2qwebirc73479: dont do it imho11:58
James2well are you staying to 10.04 or wanting to upgrade the whole system to 11.04 as well?11:59
James2just changing the mythtv repo should be ok, but if you want to upgrade the distro be prepared for some fun11:59
James2i tried it a few days ago, upgrading from 10.04 with 0.23.x, did a backup first, did the upg to 0.24.x, then dist upgrade to 10.10, then to 11.0412:00
qwebirc73479just staying at 10.0412:00
James2the machine ended borked12:00
James2you should be ok then, but still do a backup first imho12:01
qwebirc73479I have some iso images I want to play but am using storage groups, so that is my motivation for going to 0.2412:01
James2if you do "apt-get dist-upgrade" you are telling it to upgrade yo to 10.1012:01
James2so do "apt-get upgrade"12:01
James2once it finishes, do it again12:02
qwebirc73479ah ok, and if I get a libmyth error remove libmyth0.23 manually?12:02
qwebirc73479ok, I'll do the apt-get upgrade12:02
James2i noticed it didnt upgradee everything first time, it took a couple of runs to update everything12:03
James2then i did the 10.10 update which seemed to work, but 10.10 to 11.04 i will never recommend to anyone lol12:04
James23 days later im still configuring the system12:04
qwebirc73479I think I will be staying clear of 11.0412:04
James211.04 itself is cool12:04
James2having installed clean from an iso12:04
James2im just setting up my new secondary backend atm12:05
James2anyone know about the "master backend info" page of setup12:06
James2i have put in my pin, but it definiitely wont see my backend12:06
James2i assume its looking at my local subnet, not the other building subnet where the master is12:06
James2anyway i can tell it where to find it?12:06
James2(this will b in the same building once configured)12:07
James2well it continued ok :P12:09
James2just connection test moaned about "couldnt find db logins"12:09
James2ah cool, on first boot it pops up upnp failed and lets me specify the logins :)12:20
qwebirc73479James2 just to let you know apt-get upgrade didn't work12:25
qwebirc73479I needed to do an apt-get dist-upgrade because I was upgrading major package versions of mythtv12:26
qwebirc73479works flawlessly now12:26
qwebirc73479upgrade went smoothly12:26
James2ah cool12:26
qwebirc73479thanks for your help and advice on not upgrading to 11.0412:26
James2any idea why a frontend would be blank12:26
James2and not responding12:26
James2just how much data does a frontend pull from the backend on startup?12:26
qwebirc73479when I run the front end on my laptop (via wifi) it can take anywhere between 2-6 minutes12:27
qwebirc73479not sure on the amount of data it pulls12:27
James2"the front end crashed unexpectedly (exit code 137)12:29
James2and then reloads automatically12:29
=== James is now known as Guest31539
=== Guest31539 is now known as TandyUK
=== TandyUK is now known as James2
=== James2 is now known as TandyUK
TandyUKok i have done 2 clean installs of mythbuntu in the last 3 days, rom the same disk14:17
TandyUKone is primary backend and frontent, the other is a secondary backend and frontend14:17
TandyUKthey have completely different themes, and on the second theme chooser doesnt even list the one the primary is using as an option14:17
rileypTandyUK:  its you its not the disk14:19
TandyUKand wow mythtv is slow over a vpn link (1mb link, with 35ms ping)14:19
TandyUKwell i hvent chosen a theme on either of them14:19
TandyUKso what does it do, pick one at random?>14:19
rileypdefault is terra isnt it?14:19
rileypwith mythbuntu14:20
TandyUKsurely id expect the same themes to be available though14:20
rileypdid you run an update on 114:20
TandyUKthey are both as up to date as can be14:20
TandyUKive followed the same process on both14:20
rileypsec backends are more trouble than joy in my experience14:21
TandyUKdont think i want the sec backend for tv tho lol14:21
TandyUKmy primary backend is buried14:21
rileypas teh recording are only avaible while its switched on unless you record everything on the master14:21
TandyUKthe secondary frontend, is in the users lounge, and will have 2 vcr's attached to it for converting vhs tapes to digital format14:21
TandyUKit has no 'tv' tuners14:22
rileyperr  ok  vhs yuk14:22
TandyUKyeah lol14:22
TandyUKthe user has several hundred old vhs movies to convert14:22
rileyp i run a 1080 projector on a screen 3 long a vhs tape would look like a sand pit on it14:23
TandyUKthen theyll get vido editing treatment on a different machine14:23
rileypthats 3 m long14:23
TandyUKyeahwould look proper ugly on that lol14:23
TandyUKthe attraction of using myth for it, is the videos are all 3 hours long,14:24
TandyUKso we can just tell myth to record from source X for 3 hours, job done14:24
TandyUKthen he has fun and games editing using LiVES on another machine14:25
rileypbettor off downloading said movie14:25
TandyUKsaid movie only exists on vhs14:25
rileypunles its home movie14:25
TandyUKor id say exactly the same thing :P14:25
TandyUKand theres about 400 of them lol14:25
TandyUKi wont tell you what the content is, Zinn might ban me lol14:26
ZinnHi TandyUK, something I can help you with today?  I am a bot, use !help to see what I can do.14:26
rileypcombo vhsmachine/dvd burner and sell when finished hit play and rec and done ? remove tab from vhs tape auto eject when finshed insert next tape and dvd14:27
TandyUKno because they are up to 20 years old, and will need some remastering14:28
TandyUKso it needs a stage between the vhs and dvd parts14:28
TandyUKbut that is the general idea, yeah14:28
TandyUKthey may also get edited, with selected scenes from different movies being turned into a new movie14:29
rileypso you need the best vcr player you can find and connect to  to video camera and then firewire to pc or buy a tv card with component or just svideo in14:30
TandyUKa myth tv with a pvr-500 in it14:30
TandyUKwith 2 vcrs attached to speed up the process14:30
TandyUKoh and bonus, the mythtv can also play any content from the master backend in glorious 1080p on his 50" plasma screen14:31
TandyUKso stop trying to suggest worse ideas lol14:32
TandyUKhaving spent about £5000 on various things (including a vcr/dvdr combo, various windows based video input cards/usb devices/etc), and about 8 years14:33
TandyUKthis IS the finall solution ;)14:33
TandyUKand umpteen pc upgrades lol14:33
TandyUKthe last bit is a nice media center case to put  the 2nd backend in14:33
TandyUKits the old primary backend, which i just replaced with a i7 quad core with 6gb ram14:34
TandyUKand a 4tb raid 6 array14:34
TandyUKthat should handle 4 dvb-s2 streams lol14:35
TandyUKi was testing it last night doing 11 simultaneous recordings, 4 simultaneus ad stripping and transcoding jobs14:35
TandyUKand it once peaked out at 20% cpu use lol14:35
TandyUKi *think* it should be ok for the next 10 years :P14:36
rileyplol i has atom 1.6 be and could record 12 channels at once  I did com flagging in teh ear;y hours and nver bothred with transcoding14:51
TandyUKperhaps i did overspec the new backend a touch then :P14:51
rileypDVBt in au so mpeg2 goes straight to disk14:51
TandyUKbut the 3ghz i7 and gigabyte mobo were eon special offer14:52
rileyp nice setup I must admit14:52
rileypoverkill but at least you can do whatever you want whenever you want no problem14:53
Zinn[www.dvbshop.net] Mystique SaTiX-S2 V2 CI Dual, 2xDVB-S2 CI HDTV/MPEG4/H.264 - DVBSHOP - Technotrend,Mystique,Anysee,Digital Devices,Tevii,Shop14:59
TandyUKthats the dual dvb-s2 card, plus the master backen has a nova-t 50014:59
TandyUKthe second backend has a pvr-50014:59
TandyUKthe original card we used with myth, before dvb was common :14:59
TandyUKand of them ll i still thinnk the pvr-500 gives the best picture (given a decent source ofc) thanks to its hardware mpeg2 encoders15:00
TandyUKICE default IO error handler doing an exit(), pid = 1684, errno = 3215:14
TandyUKmy second frontend wont start, any ideas what that is?15:14
TandyUKah X problem15:16
TandyUKBlackCurves-OSD) is missing a themeinfo.xml file  (and Gray-OSD)15:18
TandyUKok, so why would this frontend be missing the MythBuntu theme?15:20
TandyUKits using Terra instead15:20
TandyUK2011-05-28 15:22:30.500 RingBuf(myth:// Warning: Taking too long to be allowed to read..15:22
TandyUKdammit so you mean i cant watch live tv over a 1mbps vpn, that just sucks :P15:23
=== TandyUK is now known as TandyUK^2
=== TandyUK^2 is now known as TandyUK
=== James2^2 is now known as TandyUK^2
TandyUK^2"apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras"  wants to remove libavcodec52 and libavutil50. are these required by nythbuntu for normal operation?16:03
TandyUK^2or without it, how do i play mp3's with mythmusic?16:03

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