
Magizianif any of you want a copy of WMHT OS Zx86/64v2 you have a short window to do so.. http://magizian.hopto.org01:02
LjLvery short, site's already offline............01:03
r00t4rd3dcan i be unbanned please.05:15
rwwr00t4rd3d: Your current ban was set pursuant to an IRC Council blanket ban. #ubuntu-ops is unable to overturn those; please email the IRCC.05:16
r00t4rd3dbut im cold05:18
r00t4rd3dthe blanket aint covering05:18
rwwAnything else I can help you with?05:20
rwwalthough considering that you're banned from all core channels and #ubuntu-ops is for core channels, I'd guess not05:20
r00t4rd3dI have lots of problems05:20
rwwSo do I. One must stick to the channel topic, though ;P05:21
r00t4rd3di cant wait till winter05:22
rwwr00t4rd3d: If there's nothing else on-topic, please note the no-idling policy for this channel, per /topic.05:22
r00t4rd3dok , i wont idle05:22
r00t4rd3dhi !05:22
r00t4rd3dhows everyone feeling ?05:23
rwwAlrighty, I think we're done. Have a nice night.05:23
Magizianfyi, deleted my unreleased linux process hyperaccelerator due to lack of interest. It will probabbly never be rewritten.06:06
IdleOnethey spammed some link earlier today06:07
ubottuIn ubottu, spenca said: ununti is open source?07:02
IdleOneUnity is open source07:02
spencahey EVERYONE READ THIS07:02
hypatiaspenca: i'm sure folks will read it on the twitters, please don't spam it around irc.07:03
IdleOnespenca: this is not a support channel nor a place to come spam nonsense07:03
spencai don't care07:03
spencaand it's not nonsense07:03
spencais ubuntu open source?07:04
rwwspenca: mostly07:04
spencawell then you should be way concerned07:04
spencapeople like apple,sony,microsoft would and do look at you guy sideways07:04
spencai don't07:05
spencabut they do and if people like them had the ability to control what people see07:05
spencapoeple wouldn't be seeing you guys07:05
spencanot on google07:05
spencanot on irc07:06
spencanot even in search results07:06
spencayou all should be way worried07:06
spencawell not worried, concerened07:06
rwwOkay. Do you have an on-topic thing to talk about, or just this?07:06
spencawell yea do you guys like to offer ubuntu open source?07:06
spencado you enjoy helping others?07:07
bazhangspenca, wrong channel07:07
spencano i just wanted to inform you guys07:07
bazhangspenca, we now know.07:07
rwwOne of those days. Potential issue in #u-w now too :|07:08
bazhangalso the same user?07:08
rwwno, different07:08
rwwor I assume issue, since Google thinks what they said is "Here are the women?" in Chinese07:09
LjLwhat are our feelings on someone saying "perhaps you could try askubuntu" just after someone asks a question for the first time?14:28
bazhangI recall a user named matthews doing that14:30
bazhangbut it was more like while you wait type thing (at first)14:31
bazhangeventually he just said that right off.14:31
LjLit was Lekensteyn saying that now14:32
bazhangcould be the same fellow with a different nick14:33
CarlFK"...askubuntu" - not good, but harmless enough.  trying to control it won't be worth the hassle.16:16
CoreySo what exactly is uBOTu-fr?16:49
rwwI'm guessing, but an ubottu clone for the French LoCo channels?16:49
CoreyLet me rephrase-- while obviously a French bot as indicated by Niko's involvement, why's it parked in #ubuntu-es as well? :-)16:49
rwwmaybe it's bi-lingual!16:52
CoreyYeah, but if we're going to have it in #ubuntu-fr and #ubuntu-es, shouldn't we call it ubottu-basque? :-D16:53
nhandlerCorey: He makes it available to several channels that ask for it iirc. See the entry for it on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots16:54
jussiCorey: its a bit of a ubottu clone, but it also has some floodbot capabilities iirc16:56
IdleOneubottu-fr has taken Spanish lessons17:00
ubottuIdleOne: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:00
IdleOneI know!17:00
rwwdo not touch the bots, they may bite17:01
CoreyYeah, I"m planning to take Spanish lessons myself this summer.17:02
CoreyI'm tired of being mono-lingual.17:02
IdleOneyou are off to a good start17:03
IdleOneoh, I read tired as trying17:03
rwware you tired?17:03
IdleOneI'm going back to sleep17:03
CoreyMy body wonders what the heck time it is.17:10
Corey5PM locally, 9AM back home...17:10
IdleOneyou're in UTC+1 now17:11
* IdleOne maps17:11
CoreyIdleOne: Give or take.  The Mac seems to think Morocco time is an hour off of what it actually is.17:11
rwwIdleOne's going to write a GUI in Visual Basic and track you down!17:11
CoreyYeah, I'm "the guy in Rabat who speaks English."  Not that hard to narrow it down. :-)17:12
rww@now Africa/Casablanca17:12
ubottuCurrent time in Africa/Casablanca: May 28 2011, 17:12:2617:12
IdleOneLearn some French while you are there17:12
CoreyIdleOne: I took four years of it, I understand a lot of it.  Unfortunately my pronounciation is horrid.17:15
IdleOnepronunciation comes with practice17:16
jussiCorey: you are in Morocco?18:01
Coreyjussi: I am.18:02
CoreyThis week.18:03
jussiAhh, just for a week18:03
* jussi has an american friend who lived in morocco for several years18:03
CoreyI'm just an American in Morocco for a week so my wife's best friend can get married.18:05
Corey(Not to me, FYI)18:05
charlie-tcame has heard that marrying one's wife's best friend causes issues18:08
charlie-tca(especially with one's wife)18:09
CoreyThey're both lawyers.18:33
CoreyI'm quite certain that I'd not survive that.18:33
* charlie-tca thinks that rumor must be true then :-)18:36
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (lolmatic appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)19:40
IdleOne!language > lolmatic19:40
rwwLjL: imho that was a little excessive, though perhaps I'm missing something ^19:41
IdleOneI think he just got caught by accident but perhaps making flood bot do timed +q would be good19:42
IdleOnesay 5 minutes or so19:42
IdleOne!away > reliableNrd|away22:45
guntberthas somone got a little time for #ubuntu? the off-topicness rises and rises...23:18

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