
Laneymaybe we'll get this finished in debian over the weekend00:00
Laneyfingers crossed00:00
cjwatson33 left, seems doable00:01
Laneyeven fewer in sid00:01
cjwatsonhmm, how come we're behind?00:02
cjwatsonor is that just the difference from today?00:02
Laneya couple of outstanding syncs and today's uploads00:02
cjwatsonoh wow, http://release.debian.org/transitions/html/ghc7.html looks good00:03
Laneythat is broken :-(00:03
Laneyhttp://pkg-haskell.alioth.debian.org/haskell-pkg-graph.pdf is probably the best view00:04
cjwatsonI don't see any Haskell-related sync requests00:05
cjwatsonthere was one retry request oddly in the archive queue, for alex00:05
cjwatsonI'll do an autosync run now, might as well00:07
cjwatsonovernight capacity and all00:07
Laneyoutstanding> I haven't requested them00:08
Laneyhopefully almost all of the deltas should go away00:08
LaneyI had to introduce a lot in natty due to moving haskell-utf8-string ahead of Debian00:08
cjwatsonthere you go, have a bunch of syncs00:19
cjwatsonLaney: shouldn't we flag .build-depends ~ /ghc6/ as bad?00:31
cjwatson(but not symmetrically for good, since the new packages have to build)00:31
Laneycould do, yeah00:32
Laneymight correctly make the apps show up as bad00:32
cjwatsonthat was my thought00:32
cjwatsonI'll try it00:32
cjwatsonLaney: that didn't have any effect that I noticed.  Maybe it doesn't process build-depends for is_good/is_bad :-(00:41
cjwatsonLaney: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/72490176/buildlog_ubuntu-oneiric-i386.haskell-hs3_0.5.6-1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz - does missingh need to be rebuilt against current hslogger or something?09:09
Laneyurgh, yeah09:10
Laneythought we'd avoided those this time09:10
ScottKWould someone please promote libdlrestrictions1 and libdlrestrictions-dev to Main?  They come from existing source in Main and will be depends/bulid-depends for the current set of KDE uploads we are preparing.14:36
doko__please file a MIR to document that17:02
ScottKdoko__: For promotion of a new binary from existing Main source?17:11
doko__yes, it's non obvious; did do the same for other packages too17:21
=== doko__ is now known as doko
ScottKdoko: Bug #78965921:08
ubot4Launchpad bug 789659 in pkg-kde-tools (Ubuntu) "MIR libdlrestrictions1 and libdlrestrictions-dev (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78965921:08

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