
andres_kaingood night! a quicky: I heard that people don't ever minimize and every new aplication will open in a new workspace how00:00
andres_kainI'll look into it some other day... but forums talk about devil's pie... but unity probably already can do this... something like00:08
andres_kaingotta go!00:08
n1md4Are there any gnome3 fans here?01:15
culinorI like gnome in general01:23
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Problems Open Doors To Solutions - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/05/28/problems-open-doors-to-solutions/01:28
ali1234stupid open office won't let me write GPs02:08
ali1234it always changes it to Gps02:08
ali1234even adding it to the dictionary doesn't help02:11
ali1234this sucks02:11
MartijnVdSmaybe you mean GPS06:53
MartijnVdSali1234: does it autocorrect when you type the space?06:53
MartijnVdSali1234: those are in a separate configuration bit06:53
ali1234yeah i found it eventually06:54
ali1234i meant GPs as in general practitioners06:54
MartijnVdSalso.. don't you need sleep? :)06:54
dutchieargh, dpkg has got stuck again09:16
czajkowskimorning to you too dutchie09:16
dutchiemorning czajkowski09:17
dutchiethis happens annoyingly often09:17
gingclearly dpkg is like an action movie baddy09:21
gingwon't die that easily09:21
n1md4morning.  what's the name of the default image viewer in ubuntu ... the one that allows you to order all your photos.10:03
MartijnVdSshotwell? or eye of gnome?10:05
MartijnVdSit used to be f-spot in older versions10:06
n1md4MartijnVdS: It was shotwell I was thinking of, thanks :)10:09
n1md4Not really an image viewer, more picture organizer.10:10
czajkowskiI think I want to curl up and die with the pain today so not in the moood10:13
ikoniaany uk chaps with sky tv awake10:53
lubotu3Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:55
ikoniaI'm asking if ther are any UK people with Sky TV awaky10:55
MartijnVdSSure, but you want to ask those people something10:55
MartijnVdS(I guess)10:55
ikoniayes, but it's pointless asking unless there is a uk user with Sky TV awake10:55
MartijnVdSIf someone with Sky TV wakes up in 5 minutes, they'll read your question and answer it10:56
ikoniathen it will be pointless,10:56
MartijnVdSWhy? What's the question? :)10:56
ikoniaI need someone to test something10:56
Laneythis one is better11:05
lubotu3A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.11:05
brobostigongood morning everyone,11:20
shaunogot a funny feeling I'm gonna be kinda rude to o2 when I go to insert .. err .. return this modem on monday :/11:30
livingdaylightcan the unity bar be moved to the bottom, or is it stuck to the left side?12:21
ali1234it's stuck to the left hand side12:24
Oli``Anybody know if there's a way of keying in the dimensions (width/height/etc) of an existing shape in photoshop. I need to very precisely resize something.12:38
jacobwafternoon hamitron14:20
hamitronhi jaco14:21
hamitronhows things?14:21
jacobwgood, at a lose end.. yourself?14:24
hamitronok here ty14:29
hamitronjust a bit lost in what direction to go in, with my computer systems14:30
jacobwits a bank holiday. and i can't think of ANYTHING to do :|14:40
Laneyfix some bugs14:44
* jacobw checks harvest14:49
hamitronI think I may move some of my older machines to linuxfromscratch14:51
hamitroncan't think of what else to use14:52
hamitronlets me choose what I want14:52
hamitronas everything else is just not what I want14:52
hamitronother option is a ubuntu base, then some custom packages to replace ones I don't like, but give them high version numbers14:54
hamitronbut that could get messy14:55
hamitronnot even sure it would be that easy to work14:55
jacobwdebian + apt-pinning ?15:03
hamitrondebian lenny works fine tbh15:08
hamitronbut I'm wanting something that is easier to tweak myself, after support is gone15:09
jacobwlenny is oldstable15:09
hamitronthat, or something with a longer life15:09
hamitronyeh, it won't be supported much longer?15:10
jacobwha, debian stable isn't supported long enough for you?!15:10
jacobwto be fair, i don't know how long its supported for.15:10
hamitronI read it will end about a year after 6.0 was released15:11
hamitronand 6.0 has the same problems as ubuntu15:11
hamitronso no real gains15:11
jacobwwhat problem are these?15:12
hamitronthere is a version of Puppy Linux 5.0 that is nearer the mark, but puppy really isn't what I need15:12
hamitronI need/want an old version of X.org15:12
jacobwcentos/scientific linux perhaps?15:12
hamitroncentos is compiled for i68615:13
hamitronnot sure about scientific15:13
hamitronwill check it out15:13
* jacobw goes to sit in the park15:15
hamitronthe centos images say i38615:15
hamitronbut they lie15:15
hamitronI downloaded the whole thing, labelled i386 and then found that out15:15
hamitronCentos 4.x is the last version to work on i58615:16
jacobwi wonder whether redhat themselves support i38615:16
hamitronthat is why centos doesn't15:16
jacobw4.x is really old15:16
hamitronsupport ends very soon15:16
hamitronI was wanting centos 5.x15:16
hamitronit comes with Xorg 7.215:16
penguin42hamitron: You could build X from source15:20
jacobwit sounds like debian lenny is the best option before LFS15:20
hamitronpenguin42: I think it is either that, with ubuntu 10.04, or lfs15:21
Laneywhy would you want something old to tinker with?15:21
Laneythat sounds bizarre15:21
penguin42hamitron: Gentoo?15:21
hamitronI'd want something that works wtih my hardware15:21
hamitrongentoo is too new15:21
hamitronat least, from what I could figure out15:22
penguin42what feature of old X does it need?15:22
MartijnVdSa config file!15:22
hamitronxserver 1.4.1 or lower15:22
hamitronand a config file is helpful15:22
hamitronI can make the config file on another system if needs must15:23
penguin42hamitron: What hardware needs that though?15:23
hamitronthe nvidia 71 driver15:23
hamitronso geforce 2 and earlier15:24
dreamcoderok so bene using ubuntu for years tried arch other week i do like it, but now i have fedora on my laptop and dont know what i want to keep on it15:24
hamitronI can run with the open source drivers, but pointless running newer software just to lose features15:25
dreamcoderdont know wether to go back to windows 7 for battery life15:25
hamitrondreamcoder: it is healthy to use lots! ;)15:25
dreamcoderi hate distro hopping though lol15:26
jacobwstick with ubuntu/debian15:26
dreamcoderi am starting my degree in oct so I thought windows would be better for that with office, but libre office seems pretty stable15:26
jacobwif ubuntu doesn't do what you want, you be that debian will.15:26
dreamcoderwhat is battery life like in the new ubuntu?15:27
jacobwwhat is you're degree in/15:27
dreamcoderComputing & I.T15:27
jacobwya, stick with ubuntu/debian ;)15:27
jacobwdreamcoder, are you by any chance doing it with the open university/15:27
penguin42hamitron: Well you could try adding stuff to the open driver?15:28
hamitronit is beyond me15:28
dreamcoderyeah I am thought would give me something extra on my c.v15:28
* jacobw started Computing & IT with the OU in February15:28
dreamcoderoh right15:28
hamitronall I want is 3d15:28
dreamcoderhow are you finding it?15:28
jacobw3 parts boring 1 part easy..15:29
hamitronpenguin42: you think an old version of Xorg would be easy to integrate?15:29
jacobwbut then the introductory modules were always going to be boring15:29
dreamcoderyeah i imagine digital life will be boring15:29
penguin42hamitron: There will be loads of things that have dependencies on newer versions but I bet most of them work (except GL drivers) care15:30
dreamcoderand I have chosen microsoft server tech for othe rmodule15:30
jacobwyeah, i'm doing the last presentations of M150/T17515:30
jacobwmicrosoft server tech is really boring :|15:30
dreamcoderI know but I really cantb bothered with maths15:30
dreamcoderdid that at college thought server may be a bit more interesting15:30
hamitronpenguin42: dunno if to make custom package versions to replace what is there, or to not install xorg, then compile into /usr/local or something15:31
jacobwi'm considering doing maths as a second subject with the computing & it or just plain switching to maths.15:31
penguin42hamitron: Yeh well a compilation into /somewhere/safe shouldn't break stuff15:31
hamitronideally, I'd want the package manager to still work15:31
hamitronand to be able to install GUI apps from apt-get15:32
hamitronbut run it all on Xorg 7.315:32
dreamcoderso does ubuntu do what you need it too for the course?15:32
jacobwyeah, all i need to do is the open the PDF format assignments, write the assignment libre office, save it as a microsoft word 2003 document (i'm not sure that's even necessary now with word 2007/2010 supporting ODF) and submit it through their web interface.15:35
jacobwi use tomboy notes to collect my thoughts on the assignment and dump my responses to a text file with vim..15:35
dreamcoderyeah have you tried submitting as odf? would it be allowed15:36
jacobwas long as they can open it they don't care.15:36
dreamcoderoh right15:36
jacobwsome tutors are more technically able then others15:37
hamitronpenguin42: you've talked me around15:37
hamitronas I really want to stick with ubuntu if I can15:37
dreamcoderso any linux distro would be fine the course then15:37
dreamcoderI dont like the new unity rubbish, but i do like gnome 3 so I dont think ubuntu is the way unless I want to revert back to gnome 2 or install gnome 3 on ubuntu which I have heard can break a system15:38
dreamcoderarch is nice though and fast, fedora takes an age to boot15:38
jacobwfedora 15?15:38
dreamcoderthats what i am using atm15:39
dreamcoderinstalled it yesterday15:39
jacobwso much for their fast booting system :)15:39
dreamcoderI know.. suppose to be alot faster with the new symlinkv? is it cant remember, arch is quick booing so is ubuntu but fedora is quite slow in comparison15:40
dreamcoderfedora is quick once booted tho!15:40
dreamcoderfinding yum very slow compared to pacman too15:40
jacobwyum is painful15:40
dreamcoderanother thing when I had ubuntu on my laptop prevously my battery was dead in a month or so ubuntu killed it lol well the kernel did so i am unsure as i have just ordered a new bttery and dont ant that to die15:41
dreamcoderthats the only thing tempting me to windows 715:42
jacobwyou don't know that ubuntu killed the battery ;)15:42
dreamcoderit is a bug in the kernel apparently there is a similar bug currently15:43
hamitrondreamcoder: you could use ubuntu lts15:43
hamitrongnome 2 goodness15:43
hamitronfor another 22 months15:43
dreamcoderyeah! i am usisng 11.04 with classic desktop on my main pc atm15:43
dreamcoderthink ubuntu chosethe wrong route with unity tbh15:44
hamitronI'm keeping an open mind15:44
* jacobw prefers unity to gnome shell15:44
dreamcoderI tried both, but gnome 3 is preferable to me15:44
jacobwunity gives applications more space15:44
acperkinsI love GNOME Shell but everything was so chunky on my netbook15:45
jacobwthey've gone feature hiding again15:45
dreamcodergnome 3 is perfect on my laptop its 16" screen15:45
dreamcoderi dont like the big title bars tho that is a waste of space15:46
* hamitron likes LXDE15:46
jacobwpeople don't care about graphical environments, people care about applications15:46
acperkinsI also had some issues in Fedora 15 where programs would refuse to maximise15:47
jacobwso in my view the more the graphic environment stays out of the way of the applications the better15:47
dreamcoderi have'nt tried lxde15:47
acperkinsbut I don't know if that was a Fedora or a GNOME3 issue15:47
dreamcoderi am currrently using fedora 15 and have no problems with maximsing etc15:47
dreamcodergood point jacobw15:48
dreamcoderneed to find a replacment dvd drive for my 6920g15:49
hamitronlxde is very light, and is functional enough for me.... kinda like windows 9515:49
jacobwabout battery life, newer kernels (including the version in 11.04 IIRC) have improved power management15:50
dreamcoderyeah acer, it has a bluray drive that hasnt worked since i have had the laptop lol15:51
dreamcoderso looking for a normal dvdrw for it15:51
jacobwi'd recommend ubuntu over fedora15:58
jacobwfor these reasons..15:59
jacobwapt/dpkg, launchpad/PPAs, better support for proprietary audio/video formats, longer life cycles and LTS releases.. and last but not least; the community :)16:01
jacobwargh :|16:02
* jacobw really is going to the park now.16:02
kvarleyis there a prebuilt version of gtkmm3.0 available for Ubuntu?16:05
MartijnVdSkvarley: maybe in the gnome3 ppa?16:06
kvarleyMartijnVdS: Yes, thank you :) was looking for a gtkmm ppa, doh. It's on the gnome3 ppa tho :)16:06
oimonhamitron: just caught up on what u were saying about an hour ago16:11
oimonscientific linux might be up your street..i use it at work all the time.16:12
oimonthey do 64 bit too16:12
oimonit's really nice for rolling out systems with kickstart16:13
oimonplus it is supported for another million years16:13
hamitronoimon: does it use the same compile options as redhat and centos?16:14
oimonhmm i dunno - i think SL is closer to RH than centos is16:15
oimonbut u can easily rebuild srpms16:15
oimonwhat's the issue with compile options?16:15
hamitronboth RH and CentOS are i68616:15
oimonu want optimisation for a partilclar processor?16:16
hamitroni386 or anything that runs16:16
hamitronto get CentOS working, I was going to have to recompile the kernel and some of the libs16:16
hamitronI should maybe customise Wary Puppy16:17
oimonwhich processor are you trying to run on?16:17
oimonwhat's the actual processor?16:17
hamitronthey range from pentium 1 to Core i316:18
hamitronintel, amd and via cpu16:18
hamitronbut most don't do i686 instructions16:18
oimonwe run SL on some pretty old machines16:19
oimonSL5 runs just fine on a P416:19
hamitronP4 is i68616:19
hamitronso is P316:19
hamitronit is cpu like the AMD K6-216:20
hamitronand the VIA C316:20
hamitronthat are the main ones I need i58616:20
oimonhow old/slow are these machines16:20
hamitron120mhz to 850mhz16:21
penguin42hamitron: Do the K6-2's have cmov ?16:21
hamitronthe 850mhz are not that old tbh16:21
penguin42oh, yeh if it's 850 it'll be relatively recent16:21
hamitronthe AMD Geode are only i586 too i believe, but I don't have one of them16:22
hamitronand h6-2 does not have cmov16:22
hamitronnor does the VIA C316:22
oimoni can give u a newer machine if u need it :D16:23
hamitronbut I know they run fine, if compiled for i586 cpu or lower16:23
hamitronoimon: ty, but I have 14 machines here needing love16:23
hamitronI should maybe not bother caring16:26
oimonshould say "slower than treacle"16:28
hamitronthat is worst I've had it tbh16:28
oimonon 2g mobile or something?16:28
hamitronADSL Max I mean16:28
hamitronI must say, it was faster without the Max bit16:29
oimonas already mentioned, debian tends to be the one with the best architecture support16:29
oimoni run debian on my linksys nlsu216:29
hamitronyeh, debian works well tbh16:29
hamitronbut ubuntu works just as well16:30
hamitronI mean, compiling for i686 over i586 doesn't really give that much of a performance increase16:30
hamitronthere was talk of changing to i68616:31
hamitronbut not sure what is happening16:31
hamitroni should maybe just learn a different distro, that is targeted more to what I need16:32
hamitronbut ubuntu is where its at imo16:33
hamitrondefinately the place to be16:33
oimonso long as i can run a decent DE16:34
oimonand ubunt has sufficient users that all tastes can be catered for :D16:35
oimonalthough there's a lot to bne said for using the default DE...16:36
hamitronI choose default normally16:36
hamitroni use LXDE on some machines, for performance reasons16:37
hamitronbut the rest I just leave everything default16:37
kvarleyHow do I add my button to the window? http://paste.ubuntu.com/614214/16:37
=== OmNomDeBonBon is now known as GentileBen
kvarleyInstalling gtkmm3.0 has made ambiance stop working17:16
=== bladedemon is now known as GeorgeTI
ballhello kazade17:56
livingdaylightis there a preference dialog somewhere for the unity bar? I'd like to change the time it takes for the bar to hide and re-appear for eg, or even whether to set autohide to "on" or "off"18:23
MartijnVdSthat's not configurable (yet?)18:25
livingdaylightno? is nothing configurable on unity bar?18:25
MartijnVdSthe fact that it authides (and how) is configurable18:25
MartijnVdSbut the time it takes isn't18:25
MartijnVdSbut I guess they take patches18:26
livingdaylightor how?18:28
MartijnVdSask gord18:34
penguin42my DSL is feeling very non-interactive today even though ping times to my machines seem to be consistently low18:38
penguin42ssh to my mail machine being laggy and beeb radio listen again dropping in and out18:38
MartijnVdSsounds like a large background upload?18:39
penguin42no tthat I can see and the router lights aren't a blinkin18:39
MartijnVdShave you tried resetting the router?18:40
penguin42nah, not yet - but given ping times to my machines are Ok and no drops to them I doubt the DSL connection itself is bad18:41
MartijnVdSsometimes the os in your router will do that18:43
MartijnVdSIt happens18:43
penguin42hmm it shouldn't - it's Linux18:43
MartijnVdSdoctor time :)18:48
MartijnVdSyes, him18:48
AlanBellevening all19:07
* AlanBell is in a bar in France19:07
AlanBellwith a rather cloudy local beer19:07
AlanBelland unexciting broadband19:11
gordAlanBell, i think thats about the uk average broadband, should be just like home ;)19:48
* MartijnVdS reflects on the fact that the "archaeological theme park" (i.e. medieval houses, bronze age huts, etc.) here got fibre before me19:49
gordthere is fibre in my area, i just can't seem to find a good ISP for it19:53
MartijnVdSMy project at work is writing (part of) the code that makes us (ISP) able to use fibre :)19:55
MartijnVdSI think the projects will be finished around the same time (my work and the fibre-laying)19:55
gordis your job (ISP) a company (place of business) called be?19:56
MartijnVdSgord: xs4all19:56
MartijnVdSgord: in Amsterdam19:57
AlanBellit is a bit slower than home, but I only get 4Mbit19:59
MartijnVdSgord: pics of the park though: http://www.flickr.com/photos/treenaks20:00
penguin42ah yeh, they've hosted some useful sites for many years20:00
penguin42gord: FTTC I assume?20:00
* MartijnVdS will get ftth \o/20:01
gordpenguin42, yup, to the home would be nice but not bothered20:02
penguin42gord: I think A&A do FTTC but they aren't cheap but they are well respected20:02
gordnever heard of htem20:03
penguin42gord: aaisp.net.uk20:03
shaunoI've heard good things about them too20:03
gordjust took a look, looks like they limit you to X-gb during the day, which is bad20:04
AlanBellthis bar is getting rather full of people here watching some football game20:04
penguin42gord: I think they let you pay for as much as you like - but as I say they aren't cheap20:05
* AlanBell posts slightly controversial blog post20:05
* MartijnVdS reads20:05
shaunoI'm so lazy, that I'll wait until the bot gives me the url :)20:06
gordhttp://aaisp.net.uk/kb-broadband-bebt.html confuses me about their relationship with be20:06
gordwhy would they host that article?20:06
penguin42gord: Because they let you choose - they're intended for the technical people who actually care about how their DSL works20:07
penguin42(and that it does)20:07
gordyou have lost me, i already have be internet20:08
penguin42gord: ok so most ISPs don't have equipment in exchanges, but they use someone elses - e.g. BTs or BEs20:08
gordoh christ they mean sky right?20:09
penguin42gord: That then routes to the ISPs equipment that then actually does IP routing and billing and peering onto whatever bandwidth they are going to pay for20:09
AlanBelltalktalk have equipment I think20:09
penguin42AlanBell: Yeh there are a few20:09
gordnot be the isp20:09
penguin42gord: I'm not sure of the relationship between Be and Sky; It all got a bit complex with Sky buying bits of different people20:11
gordwhat i'm saying, is that its not referring to the isp be20:11
ali1234gord: a&a have their own irc channel so you can go and ask them20:11
penguin42gord: Yes it is20:11
gordwhich run on bt stuff20:11
penguin42gord: Be/O2 have their own equipment in many exchanges20:12
penguin42gord: See http://www.samknows.com/broadband/llu20:12
gordit doesn't matter, aa are too ridged - you can't get much bandwidth during the day without paying £30020:12
penguin42yeh I said they weren't cheap - they will work though20:13
gordthey aren't cheep because they are rediculous ;)20:13
penguin42gord: They have the reputation as the only ISP who can get BT to unscrew a line20:13
ali1234a&a are funny20:14
ali1234it's the same guy who redirected all the unused phone numbers to a time wasting message to annoy telemarketers20:15
penguin42ah that's right; Sky bought the Easynet network, not the Be one20:15
MartijnVdSpenguin42: so it's Skynet now?20:20
* penguin42 gulps20:20
shaunooh oh oh .. I just remembered it's saturday ..20:20
JonTheNiceGuyAnyone know much about xen?20:21
ali1234the isp?20:21
penguin42ali1234: That's Zen20:21
ali1234oh, the virtualization?20:22
AlanBellthe virtualisation thing?20:22
ali1234then, no20:22
JonTheNiceGuyI'm trying to figure out whether xm destroy <subdomain> actually does anything other than "pull the virtual power lead"20:23
JonTheNiceGuyMaybe I'll ask in #xen :)20:23
jacobwmost OLOs have their own equipment in exchanges20:28
ubuntuuk-planet[Alan Bell] Ubuntu UK LoCo CDs - http://www.theopensourcerer.com/2011/05/28/ubuntu-uk-loco-cds/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ubuntu-uk-loco-cds20:28
shaunoI can't see why that'd be controversial.  it was only k*  :)20:30
AlanBellwell yeah, that was my feeling too :)20:31
Azelphurpopey: you run totally vanilla on your mc server?21:22
dutchieAzelphur: yes, he does iirc21:24
Azelphurfun :p21:24
popeyDear Steam. Download faster.21:29
gordpopey, you can change your location in the settings to get put on a different server, best thing to do is pick somewhere in eastern europe21:30
gordi normally have to do that when say, valve release free DLC for left4dead or something21:31
bigcalmGood evening peeps :)21:35
* jacobw hopes to panic bigcalm 21:38
popeyevening bigcalm21:40
bigcalmHey popey21:41
popeyfancy some minecrafting? ☺21:41
bigcalmI am envious of you for still having a Wimpy21:41
bigcalmSure :)21:41
popeyi didnt have one21:41
popeysam did21:41
popeyi just had a coffee21:41
bigcalmIndeed, but you have the 'choice' :P21:42
popeypizza hut was horribly scuzzy21:42
bigcalmOh dear :(21:42
bigcalmThey are quite good around here21:42
popeyalso the guy in wimpy gave sam a toy21:42
popeyyeah, usually fine21:42
popeybusy saturday21:42
popeyits a spinning top with LEDs inside21:42
popeyits _awesome_21:42
emorrishi, I've noticed a couple of times that the Update Manager just hangs with "waiting" and no progress. Is there anything I can do to get some useful information to report a bug?21:44
penguin42emorris: Gnome or KDE?21:45
emorrisPendulum, Gnome21:45
penguin42hmm not seen the Gnome one do that21:46
emorrisPendulum, sorry21:46
jacobwi guess that it cannot `apt-get update`21:46
penguin42it's worth trying it from the command line with apt-get and see if it works21:47
emorrisFinally something happened. I got "There isn't any need for an installation" "Package [dbus.String(u'adobe-flash-properties-gtk')] is already installed", but I did have updates available21:47
emorrisoh, now there's no updates :-s21:48
jacobwhmm, i think this a bug.21:52
jacobwyou shouldn't be seeing dbus.String(..)21:52
lubotu3If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots21:53
jacobwi think the gtk program is upsetting dpkg and getting strings back from gtk that doesn't expect21:54
jacobwsorry, apt not dpkg21:54
jacobwalso 'from apt' not 'from gtk'21:55
jacobwo/ Bassetts22:43
shaunotoffee dodgers advert is possibly one of the best things I've seen on TV this year22:50
gordgeez, windows is really really bad at two finger scroll22:53
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