
wrstvychune: the bot is on hold :)01:05
cyberangerwe ran out of WD-4001:07
cyberangerso unless you want the bot to rust ;-)01:08
Svpernova09Anyone familiar with LVM?05:07
oriasfeeling the caffine?05:32
Svpernova09doing scary shit :_X05:35
Svpernova09proxmox:~# lvscan ACTIVE            '/dev/pve/swap' [4.00 GB] inherit ACTIVE            '/dev/pve/root' [96.00 GB] inherit ACTIVE            '/dev/pve/data' [930.00 GB] inherit05:35
Svpernova09The file copy finished, so I wiped your drive05:36
Svpernova09added it to LVM, extend the logical drive05:36
Svpernova09extended proxmox:~# lvscan ACTIVE            '/dev/pve/swap' [4.00 GB] inherit ACTIVE            '/dev/pve/root' [96.00 GB] inherit ACTIVE            '/dev/pve/data' [930.00 GB] inherit05:36
Svpernova09I extended /dev/mapper/pve-data to 930gigs05:36
Svpernova09now I'm extending the actual fs05:36
oriasand the other 500?05:36
Svpernova09So this should make /var/lib/vz (where the VMs get stored) 930 gigs05:37
Svpernova09You're gonna have to recreate your VM :-/05:37
Svpernova09I don't think it's going to be able to be recoverd cause it's missing your home folder now05:37
orias*awkward silence*05:37
Svpernova09I may be able to do some magic05:38
oriasits all good05:38
oriasi bet I can have it back to where it was in under 4 hours05:38
oriasfrom here arer the keys to wanna have a listen?05:38
oriascan you do a debian vm for me?05:39
oriassince you're going to recreate it anyways?05:39
Svpernova09yeah if thats what you want I can do that05:39
oriasif nothing else, we can make a symlink from the backed upu data05:39
Svpernova09I'm going to create you a new VM, and copy your data back to it.05:40
oriasto the new ~ mount05:40
oriasthats fine05:40
oriasroot should be within / in the vm05:40
Svpernova09This whole thing was really easy05:40
oriasand i can just remount and re symlink ~05:40
oriasthats the way it should be05:40
Svpernova09you won't have to symlink or mount anything05:40
Svpernova09it'll just be there..05:40
Svpernova09before we had to link and moutn that way since it was a seperate drive05:41
Svpernova09now it's just 1 drive05:41
Svpernova09So the system sees a 1.3tb drive now05:41
Svpernova09instead of a 500/100005:41
Svpernova09check this out05:43
oriasBAD ASS!05:44
Svpernova09I'm gonna boot your VM, and see if I can get into it05:45
Svpernova09If I can create you a clean user, you can get in and snag your system conf stuff05:45
Svpernova09that'll save you some time yea?05:45
Svpernova09it won't even boot :(05:46
oriasgive it time05:46
oriasshe's been through a lot!05:46
Svpernova09oh may have it05:46
oriasif nothing else, I have everything in ~ backed up, and i grabbed the 2 conf's i needed05:47
oriaseverything else is just a LAMP away05:47
orangeninjahey anyone up?06:29
orangeninjahey chris06:41
chris4585whats up?06:43
orangeninjanothing much just hanging out.06:44
orangeninjado you use beeps in irssi?06:44
chris4585I don't really use irssi much, but no06:45
orangeninjawhat do you use? xchat?06:45
orangeninjabeen trying to find how to set up irssi to beep whe someone types orangeninja ....lol'06:46
orangeninjaHell I don't know if it is even possible06:46
chris4585you would think it is06:47
chris4585cyberanger, would know06:47
orangeninjayeah, I'll ask him next time he is around06:47
orangeninjawhere are you at chris458506:47
chris4585I used to live in Kingston06:48
orangeninjawhere are you at chris4585 that's right i remeber talking to you about that before06:48
chris4585I'm kind of the odd ball I guess, I can't really contribute living in FL but I love this channel06:49
orangeninjawell, i don't see why you can't stay....lol. guess you came here long before you moved06:50
chris4585yeah I came in when it was dead in here about 3 years ago06:51
orangeninjayeah, I figured that.06:52
orangeninjado you go to FL room any?06:52
chris4585I tried once but its just not the same06:53
orangeninjalol, is it real busy?06:53
chris4585actually it was probably about the same as this channel06:53
chris4585its been a while06:53
orangeninjawhy did you go to florida? work?06:54
chris4585I had to go where my parents go lol06:56
orangeninjalol, ahhhh well that is a good reason.06:58
vychunegooood moooorning13:38
cyberangerchris4585: it can be done15:29
cyberangersetting beeps for irssi can be done15:31
vychuneyou home18:12
wrsthello everyon19:53
wrsthello everyone19:53
chris4585 hey wrst19:59
cyberangerorangeninja: irssi beep is doable21:09
cyberangerand anyone else I metioned the squid issue to, I found part of the issue is their servers are not set for the correct time21:10
cyberangerand set with no-cache21:10
cyberangerso the storeurl rules are screwed on that, since the clock flucuates a great deal21:11
cyberangervychune didn't really stay long enough for an answer, shame21:12
cyberangerorangeninja: what is your terminal?21:12
cyberangervychune: I'm not home, I'm here ;-)21:21
orangeninjacyberanger: sorry I missed that I am on irssi gnome terminal 2.30.221:33
cyberangerorangeninja: no beep?21:59
cyberangervychune_: I'm not home, I'm here ;-)21:59
orangeninjanope, not yet22:00
vychune_whats going on guys?22:00
cyberangerorangeninja: run 'echo -e "\007"'22:00
orangeninjanothiong much vychune_22:00
cyberangerand let me know if it flashes, beeps or anything22:01
orangeninjain irssi or terminal/22:01
cyberangerwe wanna see what the terminal does, since it's the same sort of signal irssi will send the underlying terminal22:02
cyberanger(most of the howtos don't metion this bit, but I find it saves some debugging)22:02
orangeninjadidn't seem to do anything.22:02
cyberangerorangeninja: at all?22:15
orangeninjain case I did it wrong I did both ways...22:18
orangeninjaorangeninja@orange-crush:~$ echo -e "\007"22:18
orangeninjaorangeninja@orange-crush:~$ 'echo -e "\007"'22:18
cyberangeryeah, first time (used single quotes to signify it as code to run, since double quotes were in the code)22:19
cyberangerorangeninja: I can see that being a few things22:21
cyberangertry loading the kernel module 'pcspkr' which is the beep speaker22:21
cyberangersudo modprobe pcspkr22:21
orangeninjasudo: modprob: command not found22:23
orangeninjaapt-get modprob?.....lol22:23
cyberangeryou left out a letter22:24
orangeninjaok I fixed it. still nothing...22:26
cyberangerby 'still nothing' I take it you re-ran the echo command above?22:26
cyberangerxset b 10022:30
cyberanger(sorry, gotta go down the list, they tried very hard to DISABLE this in karmic, that's why I'm trying to get this first, then irssi after)22:31
orangeninjaok i ran that22:31
cyberangerand any sucess?22:32
orangeninjanothing happened again.....sorry22:33
=== vychune is now known as vychune_food
cyberangerorangeninja: perhaps I forgot (or presumed it was implied) to metion that you need to also set the terminal beep in the gnome-terminal profile22:40
cyberangerand that still might not be enough22:40
cyberangerpeople have joked about this being an 8 mile process (my version isn't stock ubuntu, part of why it's not that bad)22:40
orangeninjahow do you do that?22:41
cyberangerright click on the terminal, and in the menu, look for profile22:45
cyberangerit'll open a new dialog box, with a bunch of properties22:45
cyberangerand one of them will be a checkbox with terminal bell22:46
=== vychune_food is now known as vychune
orangeninjayep terminal bell checked22:47
orangeninjai know....22:49
cyberangerorangeninja: sorry here, I'm on a timecrunch, that's what's really irratiting22:49
orangeninjathat's ok, buddy. I appreciate you trying22:50
cyberangeris I can see this point it's gonna be shooting down the 8 mile long road22:50
cyberangerorangeninja: when are you on, I don't mind another time, just sorta deadlined22:50
orangeninjaI have to go into work until 0230 anyway. So maybe I can get back on this tomorrow or something..22:50
orangeninjano worries I appreciate it cyberanger22:51
cyberangerprimary focus must be meeting that deadline, I'm still chatting on IRC, just gotta think on one task22:51
cyberangerorangeninja: 24-26 hours from now?22:51
orangeninjayea, prob at least22:51
cyberangerif we can do it sooner, swell, just figure that's my soonest within your routine (at least what I can tell by when your on)22:53
orangeninjayeah, i might get on earlier tomorrow, but I got a couple of family tings to take care of first. why I usually am not on until later when son and wife go to bed.22:54

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