
* roryy wonders why update-notifier depends on udisks06:16
Kilosgood morning superfly and others09:35
KilosMaaz, coffee on09:35
* Maaz washes some mugs09:35
KilosMaaz, coffee for all09:35
MaazSure thing, Kilos. Hey guys, bring your own mugs! I'm tired of doing all the dishes on my own.09:35
Kiloshi lengau 09:36
panphriedmorning all09:37
Kiloslo panphried 09:38
panphriedcan i have some coffee pls?09:38
Kilosjust ask maaqz coffee please09:38
panphriedMaaz, coffee please09:38
Maazpanphried: Sure09:38
panphriedah, a coffee bot, i seee09:38
Kiloshe is an everything bot09:39
Kilosweather bot too09:39
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos and panphried!09:39
superflyhi Kilos09:39
panphriedMaaz, weather in johannesburg today09:39
Maazpanphried: Too many places match johannesburg today: Johannesburg, California; Johannesburg, Michigan and Johannesburg, South Africa09:39
KilosMaaz, ty09:39
MaazEnjoy Kilos09:39
panphriedMaaz, ty09:39
MaazEnjoy panphried09:39
panphriedMaaz, weather in Johannesburg, South Africa today09:40
Maazpanphried: City not found09:40
KilosMaaz, weather in johannesburg south africa09:40
MaazKilos: In Johannesburg, South Africa at 10:30 AM SAST on May 28, 2011: 11°C; Humidity: 44%; Wind: WNW at 20 km/h; Conditions: Clear; Sunrise/set: 6:44 AM SAST/5:23 PM SAST; Moonrise/set: 2:40 AM SAST/2:18 PM SAST09:40
panphriedlol. thanks Kilos09:40
panphriednot too horrible09:40
Kiloshe doesnt forcast just on the spot09:41
panphriedwhos joining for the africa day concert in newtown?09:41
panphriedwish the weather was a bit better, but i think its going to be nice.09:46
Kilosshould be a nice day09:47
panphriedanyone close to Newtown - Baaba Maal, Habib Koite, and many more - free concert09:47
panphriedlets hope Kilos09:47
roryywill this icy winter never end? *sob*09:59
Kilosmorning roryy 09:59
Kiloslol i also suffer in the cold10:00
Kilosso does the vodacom network10:00
Kilosstill months to go and most likely gonna get colder some10:01
roryyah well10:02
Kiloshi |3o|3 Squirm 10:56
|3o|3Hey Kilos10:56
Kiloshere is a site maybe interesting for you guys with servers11:04
Kilosor maybe some of you can go teach/help them even11:05
roryylooks stackoverflowish11:12
Squirmhiya Kilos 11:38
=== nlsthzn is now known as nlsthzn-work
* nlsthzn-work waves16:29
* Symmetria growls at people attempting to brute force his infrastructure16:48
nlsthzn-workScary... :p17:01
Symmetriaeasy way to deal with such people17:07
Symmetria:P null route their asses, complete ban to the entire network17:07
nlsthzn-workNever incur the wrath of the SysOp :p17:24
nuvolariwhere's the monkey?18:53
nuvolariKerbero: naand oom18:53
nuvolariKilos: naand oom18:54
nuvolarisorry Kerbero 18:54
nuvolarig'evening anyways :P18:54
nlsthzn-workhey nuvolari, what's up?18:58
nuvolarihey nlsthzn-work 18:59
nuvolariit's a bit nippy here18:59
nuvolariall of a sudden :/18:59
nlsthzn-worknuvolari did you get that picture app in diasp.org to work for you now?18:59
nuvolarihow are things there?18:59
nlsthzn-workhot as hell18:59
nuvolarinlsthzn-work: will check just now18:59
nuvolarinlsthzn-work: as long as it *is not* hell :P19:00
nlsthzn-workah, ok... I got it to work for me... seems a bit silly (... except if you like to collect lol cats I guess)19:00
nlsthzn-worknuvolari, I am not sure... it might be (this being my 4th night straight at work it might really be) ;)19:01
nuvolarithis is ubsurd. every time I log in it tells me the page I'm looking for doesn't exist19:04
nuvolariafter it seems to successfully authenticate me19:04
nlsthzn-workMust be a conspiracy19:05
nuvolariI blame M$19:06
nlsthzn-workUncle Bill does not approve19:09
Kiloswinter in africa22:29
Kilossleep warm all. see ya morrow time22:29

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