
kisuwhere am i :O00:00
rwwkisu: the technical support channel for Ubuntu Linux00:00
red-ashesi wish someone would upgrade epsxe to the new gtk library00:00
adrian15dtcrshr: Pastebin the output of this command: lsb_release00:00
BorgTK2001You can tell the update-manager to only show you LTS releases, ev_00:01
adrian15dtcummin: Pastebin the output of this command: lsb_release00:01
RaylinMmm, gurl.00:01
RaylinIt works.00:01
Descriptionedbilly_: Tor work with games?00:01
ev_BorgTK2001, ok, i will look into that00:01
nit-witev_, 8.04 hit end of life on the 12th of this month. There were some significant changes from 8.04 to 10.04 grub-legacy to grub2 and ext3 to ext4 among a few, you might consider a backup and a fresh install.00:02
adrian15Can anyone other pastebin also their lsb_release output (if it is different from: No LSB modules are available.  string only)? Thank you.00:02
rwwadrian15: try lsb_release -a00:02
dtcumminadrian15, http://paste.ubuntu.com/613956/00:02
ev_nit-wit, thats what i want to do, my 10 live cd wont load(burnt 3) but 8 boots right up, just want to make sure the upgrade is to 10.04 or 10.10, not 1100:03
adrian15dtcummin: Please also pastebin the "lsb_release -a" output.00:03
maheanuuAnyone here willing to help me repair a No Sound situation?00:03
hiexpoit would beslow to use tor for gaming00:03
dtcumminadrian15, it's the same00:03
red-ashesNo LSB modules are available00:03
adrian15dtcummin: Ok. We are going.00:03
adrian15dtcummin: One minute.00:04
BorgTK2001ev_ you have a USB stick? USB installs are pretty swift00:04
nit-witev_, so the original disc was burned as an image at the slowest speed and you checked the md5sum, these are all variables with that 10.04 iso and cd burned.00:04
sparrHow can I make "Guest Session" an option when my screen is locked?00:05
adrian15dtcummin: Please backup /usr/bin/lsb_release because we are going to edit it.00:05
=== michiel_ is now known as Guest9888
dtcumminadrian15, ok00:06
RaylinTHanks guys for the help.00:06
RaylinI'm outty.00:06
quinti can't mount my ntfs drive via nfs now that i've upgraded to natty.00:07
nit-witev_, here is a link for checking the disc.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM00:07
ev_BorgTK2001, this laptop has been quite finiky, i have tried all avenues and the ubuntu 8.04 live cd i burnt work just fine, had problems with 10.04 live cd's and usb sticks, two differnt programs to make the bootable usb00:07
ev_nit-wit, yes the cd was burned slow and md5 sum checks out00:07
wohnpalI have a videoproblem, my videocard does not work with kubuntu 11.04, I need to drop to a shell and change some drivers, however, the grub loader in kubuntu 11.04 does not show the "escape" option with which it is possible to go to a textboot!00:08
adrian15dtcummin: Line 64. verinfo = lsb_release.check_modules_installed()  it should read: #verinfo = lsb_release.check_modules_installed() . Save it. Edit it as root user.00:08
wohnpalhow can I overcome this00:08
adrian15wohnpal: I think you should use shift key instead of esc key.00:08
wohnpallet me try that00:09
adrian15dtcummin: After that please run lsb_release again.00:09
AlexanderosSome pdf that I open have really blurred fonts, making them impossible to read (using adobe reader)00:09
nit-witev_, the only time  have seen a propmt for a password s with a bad burn, if you have a xtrta usb thumb you might try that with a loader called unetbootin.00:09
BorgTK2001Bummer, ev_ :(00:09
Alexanderoswhat can be the problem?00:10
Alexanderosis my adobe reader missing fonts?00:10
Alexanderosnever used to have this problem00:10
wohnpalyou were right!!!! thanks!00:10
donkamilloreinstall it00:10
nit-witev_, sorry for the spelling.;(00:10
quintargh i was so happy with my nfs server until i upgraded to natty !!00:10
=== MacGyverNL is now known as MacGyver2L
dathernhow do i see a windows pc on the network? tnks00:11
dtcumminadrian15, the output is the same00:11
dtcumminis there a specific python version that must be used?00:11
ishkabobhi dathern, when you say "see" a windows pc, do you mean for file sharing?00:11
Alexanderosthe pdf is not blurry in other readers00:12
lisa_Ok, My Sony Bravia no longer is full screen mode with 11.04.  The Ubuntu splash screen is!  But after logon, it's 1024x768... HELP00:12
Alexanderosonly in adobe reader00:12
ev_nit-wit, have tried a sandisk and kingston00:12
tripelbhelp. I have system sounds (glass,drip bark) but I dont hear webpage sounds?00:12
dathernfile sharing ..yes00:12
tripelblisa_, system >preferences>monitors00:13
ev_nit-wit, i have a working version 8.04 cd, im going to install that to the hd and do what BorgTK2001 said about the update manager only showing LTS versions00:13
ishkabobdathern: the open source implementation of windows file sharing is called samba00:13
ishkabobdathern: try this http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Natty#Samba_File_Sharing00:13
lisa_It's shown as UNKNOWN when it used to show up as Sony00:13
adrian15dtcummin: Same output?00:14
dtcumminadrian15, yes, no change in the output00:14
datherntnx ... will have a look.00:14
tripelbmy sound is off on web pages. still get system sounds. Help Ub10.0400:14
ishkabobdumb question here: i'm running the new natty livecd and wanted to test Unity, but it seems to have started Gnome instead, am I missing something?00:14
adrian15dtcummin: Can you check that you edited the file ok? Please close editor and open it again. Thank you.00:14
nit-witev_, sounds like good advice.;)00:14
CentallithAs for the person wanting Unity, you need to use the program called "additional drivers" to activate your graphics card.00:15
CentallithNo card, no Unity.00:15
ev_nit-wit, didnt know update manager had that option till i came here00:15
thomiWhat's the correct channel to ask questions regarding debian packaging?00:15
ishkabobCentallith: ah, I have a pretty nice vid card, but maybe its a driver problem?00:15
adrian15thomi: Maybe ubuntu-dev or a similar name channel ?00:16
CentallithYeah. You need to search for additional drivers just to find it. I have Nvidia and I needed to use it before I could do Unity.00:16
ishkabobgreat, thanks!00:16
nit-witev_, the IIRC is a helpful place.00:16
dtcumminadrian15, http://paste.ubuntu.com/613961/00:16
dathernhey ..that’s cool . takes you right to the web link. been awhile since i used irc. tnx.00:16
ev_nit-wit, indeed00:16
lisa_tripelb, any other ideas?00:17
adrian15dtcummin: Instead of the line we have just edited (just beginning in the same column) please write: verinfo = false                      . I am not expert at Python but I think it might work00:18
dtcumminadrian15, ok one sec00:18
BorgTK2001ev_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades :)00:19
lisa_So, the logon screen for gdm is full screen on my Sony Bravia, but once you logon, it's 1024x768...00:19
tripelbmy sound is off! but system sounds works. no youtube sound. musicplayer sound works. (chrome) tedtalks silent OH NO  closed musicplayer (doesnt show on top) but the SOUND continues.00:19
alejandro__Xubuntu 11.04 SUCKS00:19
ev_BorgTK2001, thanks00:19
alejandro__please help00:19
dtcumminadrian15, no change00:19
BorgTK2001That is more detailed info than my one liner telling you update-manager has the function inbuilt ;)00:19
tripelblisa_, e no idea what happened when you tried it. You want me to play, I need feedback.00:19
alejandro__i updated xubuntu to 11.04 and now is slow and sucks00:20
novoidI am having things installed in $HOME/bin/* and I want them to be included in the Dash and in the preferred applications list. How?00:20
lisa_tripelb, The monitor shows UNKNOWN when I go to  prefernces and monitors.  It used to say Sony00:20
CentallithFor the sound, you should just check the built-in volume in Chrome from the wrench menu bar.00:20
lisa_So, the logon screen for gdm is full screen on my Sony Bravia, but once you logon, it's 1024x768...00:20
hiexponovoid, you wanna what00:21
adrian15dtcummin: verinfo = 0            . This one should work I think00:21
BorgTK2001lisa_, just to confirm, it used to work on Ubuntu before you went to 11.04?00:21
lisa_Is there a way to tell what settings GDM is using?  And copy that to my xorg.conf somehow?00:21
hiexpo!hello | mun_00:22
tripelbThen (windows logic -- I would reboot) OK it didnt load the Sony driver is what I would think. How to do that. -- My system has the driver of my video card, NVIDIA. what card is reported for it in lspci?  (lspci | grep VGA) note caps00:22
tripelblisa_,  Then (windows logic -- I would reboot) OK it didnt load the Sony driver is what I would think. How to do that. -- My system has the driver of my video card, NVIDIA. what card is reported for it in lspci?  (lspci | grep VGA) note caps00:22
mun_i've changed the default for opening a directory from nautilus to thunar, but i typed something wrong when i first did it and xdg-open wouldn't open thunar but prompted me. i set it to thunar but now i want to change it back to nautilus. reverting defaults.list doesn't seem to help. does anyone know where the prompt made the change?00:22
hiexpo!hi | mun_00:22
hiexpobots broke00:23
PsydollHello I need help with an openssh related query is there anyone knowledgable in this specific area?00:23
nibbler_!ask | Psydoll00:23
ubottuPsydoll: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:23
pp7just ask the question!!00:23
tripelblisa_, did you do "detect monitors" ?00:23
hiexpooh ya maybe we took hi and hello out   :000:24
dtcumminadrian15, ok the 0 didn't work but  if I change #!/usr/bin/python to #!/usr/bin/python2.7 it will actually output http://paste.ubuntu.com/613963/00:24
PsydollSorry basically I want to use Openssh to use an external hdd as a NAS (network attached storage)00:24
lisa_tripelb, Yes, detect monitors says UNknown.00:25
dathernubuntu 11.04 what the heck works great for me. ms7, vista and xp i'm running them all on different pc's . ms os's can be a challenge.00:25
CentallithI have a question about Open Source softwre. If I was going to replace Windows XP with Ubuntu on all my School computers should I get a license prior to doing it? Or am I permitted to do it under the GPL?00:25
adrian15dtcummin: What python version did you say that you had originally ?00:25
adrian15dtcummin: In order to run the python interpreter you should write python or you need to write python2.7 ?00:26
dtcummini have 2.7 and 3.200:26
BorgTK2001Centallith: permitted and recommended ;)00:26
hiexpoopen a terminal and type python hit tabtwice to see what v ersions you have00:27
dtcumminadrian15, when you run python it actually uses 3.200:27
wohnpalcentallith: you don't need a license.. there is even a OEM install option00:27
BorgTK2001But, Centallith, only if YOU are the IT manager making the decisions...00:27
adrian15dtcummin: python 3.2 is an experimental version or something ?00:27
dtcumminadrian15, I don't think so00:27
tripelbsound, fixed. killed shockwave/flash00:27
CentallithI am. I figured my students would like 11.04's futuristic look. And I like the security / reliability of it. So everyone wins.00:27
PsydollHello still needing help with openssh related query00:27
BorgTK2001win-win, and it'll only 'cost' you your time and a few blank CD's ;)00:28
Logan_!please | Psydoll00:28
ubottuPsydoll: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude00:28
adrian15dtcummin: Ok. Please recover lsb_release backup.00:28
BorgTK2001And, Centallith, there is even a network instal feature available00:28
adrian15dtcummin: Restore, I mean.00:28
BorgTK2001instal = install00:28
dtcumminadrian15, ok00:28
CentallithI will be installing it one by one on all 50 computers. It is the style I am most comfortable with. My plan is also to outfit them with nice Themes and Docky. It's what I do.00:29
adrian15dtcummin: After that I recommend you to ls -l /usr/bin/python it should be a symlink to python3.2 isn't it? We need to convert it into a python2.7 symlink? Do you know how to do that ?00:29
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g[r]eekHi. I want to rip a DVD to AVI. What are my options?00:29
s3r3n1t7Centallith, wouldn't imaging or netinstall be a lot faster?00:29
BorgTK2001Centallith, yep - whichever way you are comfortable with :)00:29
g[r]eekRunning 11.0400:29
dtcumminya, I'm trying that now00:30
BorgTK2001Perhaps (if the students are of age) they can look over your shoulders for a few of the installs?00:30
CentallithProbably. But  I like having total control over what is happening on the Computers. Which is why I started using Linux in the first place.00:30
teageDo I have to be connected to the Internet to use ssh? Cant i just connect via wireless card?00:30
adrian15dtcummin: I am using Debian unstable and it is using python 2.6 so ... python 3.2 might be a major release of python with too way changes that lsb_release packages (and maybe other packages) might not be updated to deal with.00:30
s3r3n1t7Centallith, a netinstall would give you as much control as a physical installation. However, it's what you prefer. May I wish you the best of luck! :)00:31
wohnpalnow I have the next problem... I have a nvidia geforece 240 card, it gives garbled video ever since 10.04, so I deleted the nouveau xorg driver and installed nvidia drivers using the text mode... now kde starts and video is ok, howerver, all the fonts are gigantic!!!! even the login screen has gigantic fonts...00:31
teageconnect to other machine via wireless cards that is00:31
CentallithIt is a 4-8th grade school. I doubt many would be too interested.00:31
smwCentallith, install ssh server on all the computers you install. That way, you can administer all 50 remotely00:31
quinti can't mount my ntfs drive via nfs now that i've upgraded to natty.00:31
dtcumminadrian15, I wouldn't think the syntax of a language would change across versions00:31
adrian15teage: If you can see the other machine in your network. You should use ssh with no problem.00:31
BorgTK2001Something like VNC, smw?00:32
bencchow can I find out which package in the repository depends on postfix?00:32
teageadrian15, is there a way to communicate with no internet connection?00:32
s3r3n1t7dtcummin, the syntax wouldn't change, but some of the functions could change, such as variables, thereby breaking older programs. Might i also suggest update-alternatives to switch to other versions?00:32
smwBorgTK2001, not exactly... It only allows command line access. But you can push one command to 50 computers00:32
Centallithteage, The United States Postal Service00:33
smwBorgTK2001, for example. "I just realized that every computer in this school needs gimp installed"00:33
quinti was so excited about nfs :(00:33
kwvargaQ - Bash scripting, is there a way I can call a function that runs everything in background? I know I could write a separate bash script and call it with &, but wondering if there is another way. Basically I have an analytics call to make when certian functions are called00:33
quintcan't use it now, its a real shame00:33
teageCentallith, hahaha too funny. Im just trying to connect to my living room machine which is not connected to the net.00:33
BorgTK2001Ahhh, now that is a good feature, smw - I would not like to type that command in multiple times00:33
BorgTK2001teage, what you are describing can be done, yes00:34
CentallithYeah, you can set up Network communications. I thought that Empathy had a built in option for that.00:34
g[r]eekHi. I want to rip a DVD to AVI. What are my options? Running 11.0400:34
adrian15s3r3n1t7: Can you please ellaborate on update-alternatives? Does it mean that the packaging system knows that python2.7 is the default python and not python3.2?00:34
Tyrnisplop all00:34
smwCentallith, what?00:34
BorgTK2001ffmpeg, g[r]eek00:34
BorgTK2001and de-CSS00:35
s3r3n1t7adrian15, update-alternatives should be able to switch between different version, most frequently used to switch between versions of java. If memory serves me well, it also works for python.00:35
CentallithDownload and run the Dvdvideosoft suite. Has all the tools that you should need. You need Wine and the .Net Framework.00:35
adrian15teage: Yes. I use ssh to communicate with my other machines in my lan.00:35
BorgTK2001I'm sure there are linux native solutions, Centallith ;)00:35
novoidhiexpo: I have iron (chromium-fork) in ~/bin/iron. I want to choose it as my default browser. And I want Ubuntu to find things in ~/bin/* in order to start them.00:36
g[r]eekBorgTK2001, I've read about k9copy and handbrake on ubuntu guide, but when i try install k9copy it gives me an error about not finding the right packages00:36
CentallithTrue, but the suite offers a huge arsenal of all the tools you need for video downloading or editing. I've used it a long time. If you want a Linux-built one search google. I have no ideas.00:36
adrian15s3r3n1t7: Ok. My suspicition is that update-alternatives might depend on package dependencies system so I'll advise dtcummin to run it after the symlink change.00:36
quinti can't mount my ntfs drive via nfs now that i've upgraded to natty.00:36
Logan_g[r]eek: dvdrip00:36
BorgTK2001You need the medibuntu repos enabled00:36
BorgTK2001and g-streamer00:36
adrian15dtcummin: Any progress?00:37
PalinBachman2012novoid: your system should pick up any executable in a home bin dir automatically, but you will have to have a link to the exectuable in that dir00:37
s3r3n1t7adrian15, Update-alternatives changes the symlinks to for example python and java, saving you from having to do that by hand.00:37
adrian15teage: You are connecting from A machine to B machine. Does B machine have an ssh server running on it?00:37
teageadrian15,,,sorry, was googleing,,,I tried to start a new network from network manager and i am not having any luck. How do you have your lan setup?00:38
adrian15teage: Don't you have a router with dhcp ?00:38
PalinBachman2012novoid, ie, if your program starts up by ~/bin/iron/iron.sh, make a symlink to iron.sh in ~/bin00:38
novoidPalinBachman2012: oh. why can't I start iron or select it as my default browser?00:38
teageadrian15 : yes it does00:38
novoidPalinBachman2012: I see.00:38
dtcumminadrian15, ya, that seems to have been the problem00:39
teageI acually have two wifi cards00:39
novoidPalinBachman2012: Shouldn't it be better /usr/local/bin instead?00:39
adrian15teage: You do have the network manager...00:39
teageadrian15 : no router00:39
mahir256PalinBachman2012: you again; novoid: you should add ~/bin/ to your path, then just run iron/iron (not much of a hassle, unless the same program is in /bin)00:39
BorgTK2001teage - how are you using the internet when you are telling us you don't have the internet?00:40
teageadrian15 : Just wifi cards. lappy connects via ethernet00:40
adrian15teage: In network manager you should be able to create a wireless network in one of the computers.00:40
novoidmahir256: ~/bin/ is in my zsh (my preferred interactive shell) path. Is Ubuntu using another path definition? bash?00:41
adrian15teage: I do not understand your network setup. Can you ellaborate on that?00:41
BorgTK2001router = adslmodem, teage00:41
CentallithI am looking to customize the look of my desktop. I have a heavily themed appearance, so I am mainly looking for programs. Aside from Docky, Conky, and screenlets, what could you recommend?00:41
PalinBachman2012novoid: the included bashrc or whatever in ubuntu already includes ~/bin in your path, idk about zsh tho00:41
Centallith( I am NOT looking to run Rainmeter through Wine)00:42
kwvargaIs there a way to hide the process id from terminal when launching something in background with 'functionCall &'00:42
teageadrian15 : Yes, my lappy is in the kitchen connected via ethernet, Desktop in the living room with a wifi card usb connected and im trying to connect to it to transfer files00:42
BorgTK2001LOL, Centallith RE: Rainmeter ;)00:42
mahir256novoid: try using bash00:42
PalinBachman2012novoid: as far as those programs ending up in dash, is beyond me, however, you can select your browser manually thru 'Preferred Applications'00:42
novoidPalinBachman2012: I have to check wether I did overwrite standard .bashrc when moving my old ~HOME to the new Ubuntu-system ...00:42
BorgTK2001YOUR laptop has wifi, teage?00:43
Alexanderoscould someone convert this pdf to text for me? http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
novoidPalinBachman2012: iron is not yet in Dash. But I'll check my bash-settings. Good point!00:43
adrian15teage: Lappy connects via ethernet to ROUTERA. And Desktop connects to ROUTERA too.     Is that your setup  ?00:43
AlexanderosI want to know if its just me, or that the pdf is crap and the text is all messed up00:43
teageadrian15 : both have 10,04 installed, BorgTK2001, yes I want to use both wiif cards to communicate00:44
PalinBachman2012novoid: i am wrong, there is no more manual selection in Preferred Applications00:44
=== mikey is now known as TheGame
BorgTK2001Desktop connects to nothing, adrian15 - that is how teage is describing it00:44
BorgTK2001Which is strange00:44
BorgTK2001OKies: I assume you have ADSL teage?00:44
teageBorgTK2001-adrian15 that is correct00:44
TheGameI want to get windows back onto my laptop and don't know how since I don't have a disk, only the product key....?00:44
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teageBorgTK2001-yes i do00:45
Logan_!windows | TheGame00:45
ubottuTheGame: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents00:45
adrian15teage: Lappy has a ethernet cable device and a wifi device. You want Lappy wifi device to communicate with Desktop wifi device without any ROUTERA intervention at all.   Is it that ?00:45
Logan_Alexanderos: doing00:46
novoidPalinBachman2012: so if I install a browser via tarball, I am not able to select it in Preferred Apps?00:46
BorgTK2001SO, teage, what you want is: your ADSL router connects to your laptop via eithernet, and your laptop has Wifi capability, and your desktop has a wificard to...00:46
=== co-ax_ is now known as Clicker
teageadrian15 yes, would adhoc work?00:46
BorgTK2001And what you want, teage, is to connect your desktop to your laptop wirelessly to share files and the internet00:46
teageBorgTK2001, dont care about internet on my desktop just want to transfer files00:47
adrian15teage: You can create a new wireless network on Desktop. Network icon -> Create a new wireless network00:47
PalinBachman2012novoid: not directly from the Preferred apps gui, seemingly, but you probably have to edit gconf or some config file00:47
=== Clicker is now known as clickmaker
teageadrian15, tried that but maybe i did something wrong. will try again00:47
PalinBachman2012i know i used to be able to manually tho00:47
novoidPalinBachman2012: Oh, thanks. (I'm completely new to Ubuntu/Gnome and have to get used to those new files *g*)00:48
adrian15teage: Did you try to connect from Lappy to that new wireless network?00:48
quintim sure im just mad now about this bug.. but i feel very disappointed with natty at the moment.00:48
Logan_Alexanderos: http://www.mediafire.com/?holw78yflwq9ns800:49
PalinBachman2012novoid: when you install thru apt-get, the deb notifies the system that a potential browser/email client, etc is present and so it shows up in the drop down list00:49
AlexanderosLogan_ how you do this?00:49
py9371what she different between evaluate the limit00:49
AlexanderosIt looks really good and nice..00:49
py9371and find the limit?00:50
AlexanderosWhen I do it it comes out totally unreadable00:50
Centallithquint, what error are you talking about?00:50
Logan_Alexanderos: did you use the pdftotext command?00:50
teageadrian15, no i didnt, and yes that worked. adhoc network. thank you for barring with me. ;)00:50
novoidPalinBachman2012: This I know. But unfortunately my browser is not available in a deb package. It't00:50
novoidPalinBachman2012: It's tarball only :-(00:50
Logan_Alexanderos: hm00:50
AstronoutGrub2 is not detecting the Windows 7 partition, but I can mount it and browse it just fine from Ubuntu.  I tried grub-repair which allowed me to boot into Ubuntu again.  Any idea what I need to do next?00:51
hiexpocompile it00:51
AlexanderosSomething is wrong with my computer then00:51
novoidPalinBachman2012: Where can I locate gconf settings file?00:51
Logan_Alexanderos: I just did pdftotext <pdf name> <txt name>00:51
quintnow that i've updated to natty i can't mount a directory on an NTFS drive via NFS00:51
Logan_Alexanderos: are you running natty?00:51
AlexanderosYes I did same :<00:51
AlexanderosDon't think so00:51
CentallithOh... Then I can't help you quint.00:51
adrian15Astronout: What is grub-repair, a new command, a new tool, Ubuntu live cd rescue option ?00:51
Logan_Alexanderos: okay, I am - the poppler-utils package may be newer for natty00:51
quintthanks though00:51
Logan_Alexanderos: unless you just haven't updated your packages recently, in which case I would using Update Manager00:52
steve1I just installed 11.04-amd64, but I need to run 32-bit java inside Google Chrome.  I installed the ia32-java* packages, but Google Chrome still wants to use the 64-bit plugin.  Does anyone know a way to force it to use the 32-bit java plugin?00:52
kwvargaIs there a way to hide the process id from terminal when launching something in background with 'functionCall &'00:52
adrian15Alexanderos: Have you tried to run: sudo update-grub            ?00:52
PalinBachman2012novoid:  you need gconf-editor00:53
novoidPalinBachman2012: I found ~/.gconf/desktop/gnome/applications/browser/gconf.xml - Am I supposed to modify this during a logged in session or do I have to do this without being logged in?00:53
Alexanderoswill try, I'm a bit slow, I'm at another PC right now00:53
adrian15kwvarga: Have you tried 2> /dev/null or similars ?00:53
ActionParsnipsteve1: why not run 64bit java?00:53
hiexpohola ActionParsnip00:53
Logan_!es | hiexpo00:53
ubottuhiexpo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:53
CentallithYeah, that's what I was going to say. There are versions other than the 64 bit.00:54
steve1the VPN my work uses doesn't work on 64-bit java on Linux.00:54
PalinBachman2012novoid: i suspect its higher level that that00:54
ActionParsnipsteve1: i see :(00:54
* hiexpo shakes his head at quik draw key Logan_ 00:54
PalinBachman2012i could be wrong, manually editing it is beyond me.. i wish they hadn't removed 'Custom' as a menu option!00:54
ActionParsniphiexpo: howdy00:54
Astronoutadrian15: sorry I meant grub-install00:54
Logan_hiexpo: :300:54
novoidPalinBachman2012: wow. thanks for the hint for gconf-editor. Did not knew that too :-(00:55
ActionParsnipsteve1: you can install 32bit browser, then grab the 32bit java .bin file from java.com and extract it in /opt then symlink the .so file into the plugins folder00:55
ActionParsnipsteve1: i'd grab the 32bit ubuntu ISO and use a chroot ;)00:56
steve1ActionParsnip: ah, so you think java-32 is failing b/c Google Chrome is 64?00:56
rationalOgrenovoid: gconf-editor - the regedit of Gnome. :D00:57
kwvargaadrian15 when I do 'functionCal &' it works but still has output and the [1+] Done later. When I do 'functionCall &> /dev/null' it does not launch in background and takes a while before it allows next command to run00:58
novoidPalinBachman2012: whenever I exchange "firefox" in gconf-editor with either "iron" or the full path to iron-binary, it gets replaced by firefox again and does start URLs in firefox too. :-(00:58
mahir256rationalOgre: the windows registry has too much than what gconf was for00:59
dksoba88ucsdI'm trying to run a custom program that was working fine on 10.10. For some reason I now get this error: ./GetNormals: error while loading shared libraries: libmpich.so.1.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. I'm trying to avoid recompiling the program if necessary, and I'd like to understand where the error actually came from so I can avoid it in the first place.00:59
mrproperHow do I see what type of video card I am using?00:59
rationalOgremahir256: I am aware. It just amuses me.00:59
Soupermanitomrproper, lspci | grep VGA01:00
mrproperIs this supported by Unity: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)01:00
ActionParsnipsteve1: makes sense, I believe there are guides around to install 32bit browser in 64bit OS. Why don't you just run 32bit OS as it suits your needs better?01:00
ActionParsnipmrproper: you may need the xorg edgers update ppa, intel make great linux drivers01:00
hiexpomrproper, lshw01:01
dksoba88ucsdI'm trying to understand how a program searches for the shared libraries it needs01:01
mrproperActionParsnip, What are the package names for that?01:01
PalinBachman2012novoid: try 'man update-alternatives' or try editing /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/x-www-browser01:02
PalinBachman2012at your own risk :P01:02
maheanuuIs anyone available to work on Sound probs with me,  I lost all sounds this morning, I do not know know the how or why behind the loss01:02
steve1ActionParsnip: I'm also running MongoDB for development, and was hitting the 2GB cap running 32-bit.  damned if I do, damned if I don't. :)  I'll search around for those 32-bit browser articles you mentioned.  thanks.01:02
hiexpodksoba88ucsd, magic   of linux     >   it has pointers01:02
rationalOgrenovoid: you can't switch it in System>Preference>Preferred Applications?01:02
novoidrationalOgre: No, my bin (from a tarball, not deb!) is not listed there.01:03
DarkriftXwhat is the best way to find why my computer stops at "* stopping system v runlevel compatibility [ OK ]" ?  how do i find what happens next to narrow down the cause?01:04
DarkriftXfresh dist-upgrade to 11.04 and hasnt booted since01:04
hiexponovoid, what are you tring to do   most won't help you with compiling a tarball here    but look if you have the terball untar it and read the install file or read me01:04
maheanuuI am running Ubuntu 10.10 on a Toshiba laptop A355 and had it configured with alsa then changed to pulse when alsa failed and now pulse is no longer working>>>01:04
chrislu5ticHi, Im using aircrack-ng  I cannot change the channel i am running on,   eg. wlan0 is on channel 1 but ap uses channel 3,      and sudo airmon-ng start wlan0 "number of channel"  will not change it either : /01:05
novoidhiexpo: my browser is a chromium fork that comes in binary form in a tarball.01:05
hiexponovoid, what browser01:06
bazhangchrislu5tic, try #aircrack-ng01:06
novoidDo I have to update something in order to make changes via gconf-editor valid?01:06
chrislu5ticAWESOME THANKS01:06
novoidhiexpo: iron SRWare01:06
Logan_!caps | chrislu5tic01:06
ubottuchrislu5tic: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.01:06
rationalOgrenovoid: have you seen if there is a ppa out there for your browser?01:06
chrislu5ticit was an accident,01:06
hiexpobazhang, you sent someone to my channel      :)01:06
novoidrationalOgre: Sorry, no deb and no ppa.01:07
rationalOgrenovoid: otherwise you could use checkinstall to make a deb01:07
hiexponovoid, where not gonna support that01:07
novoidhiexpo: I know. But you might support $CUSTOMBINARY for $DEFAULTBROWSER I guess :-)01:07
Logan_novoid: Why don't you just use Chromium?01:08
Logan_Ironware is basically Chromium with a different logo.01:08
hiexpoi don't even think that is open source  novoid01:08
dksoba88ucsdhiexpo, I use the pointer to pass a specific library to a program?01:08
PalinBachman2012hiexpo: hes not asking for support for the browser, hes asking for how to make a custom preferred application, an option which was removed recently01:08
novoidLogan_: you asked for it: http://www.srware.net/en/software_srware_iron_chrome_vs_iron.php :-)01:09
woodworksi'm running 10.10 on a 1 meg laptop, would it be advantageous to run Xubuntu to save resources and can i do so without losing everything i have on the system currently?01:09
woodworksoops. 1 meg s/b 1 gig01:09
bazhangwoodworks, not much difference; lubuntu-desktop would show it though01:09
novoidLogan_: hiexpo: I know what I am doing by chosing Iron instead. Trust me :-)01:09
Logan_woodworks: Xubuntu is very bloated - it probably won't help - Lubuntu is one of the lightest Ubuntu distros, though01:09
hiexpoPalinBachman2012, oh the way i understood it he wanted help with installing that browser01:09
PalinBachman2012he prob doesn't want to be datamined, tracked, and turned over to the NSA01:09
PalinBachman2012a worthy goal01:09
bazhangwoodworks, install the package lubuntu-desktop and choose at login window01:10
Logan_novoid: Chromium, not Chrome - Chromium doesn't track, I think01:10
Pirolocitowoodworks: have tou tried crunchbang?01:10
novoidhiexpo: setting iron as default browser is only half of my problem. I want to start any binary in ~/bin/ using this Dash01:10
hiexponovoid, than you should know how to compile the binary tarball01:10
bazhangPirolocito, thats not supported here, why suggest it.01:10
BorgTK2001TinyCore may be the way to go, woodworks ;)01:10
Pirolocitowoodworks: im running it on a eee with 512mb01:10
bazhangPirolocito, lubuntu does the exact same thing and is supported01:10
dvillarpSaludos a todos01:11
novoidhiexpo: I do not compile anything. Itäs just a binary package in a tarball. No source.01:11
dvillarppodéis ayudarme con el grub en ubuntu 11?01:11
woodworksthanks guys!01:11
Pirolocitobazhang: ok never mind, but they are all debian... and linux01:11
bazhang!grub2 | dvillarp01:11
ubottudvillarp: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)01:11
novoidLogan_: there are lots of privacy issues with Chromium and far less with Iron.01:11
hiexponovoid, wheres it atlet me look at it01:11
dvillarpno consigo que me ponga la línea por omisión, ni el tiempo de espera, y no sé como acceder al fichero..01:11
Logan_!es | dvillarp01:11
ubottudvillarp: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:11
PalinBachman2012hiexpo: no, there used to be an easy way to, from the Preferred Applications gui, to set custom email and browsers, as there currently is for the terminal application. But evidently, this business has been turned over to the debian 'alternatives' system01:11
bazhangdvillarp, english here please01:11
novoidhiexpo: pardon? Did not get your last message ...01:12
hiexpoPalinBachman2012, oh01:12
hiexponovoid, oh01:12
dvillarpbazhang,  i'll try to go to #ubuntu-es01:12
ar0nichey guys01:12
novoidPalinBachman2012: OK, this information is cool: then I have to learn to use the Debian alternatives then. Fair enough ...01:13
PalinBachman2012novoid: did you look at that file in /var/lib/dpkg, it looks pretty straight forward01:14
Astronouttrying to fix grub2, I get this error when grub-install tries to find the windows partitions.. cannot access /var/lib/os-prober/mount/boot.  What is broken?01:14
ar0nichey isnt there an audio program channel somewhere on linux, what program could i use to rip the audio from a movie out an remux it to mp3 or wav, and also does anyone know what a good program to make samples with is for ubuntu/linux01:14
DarkriftXwhat is the best way to find why my computer stops at "* stopping system v runlevel compatibility [ OK ]" ?  how do i find what happens next to narrow down the cause?01:14
chrislu5tic#aircrack-ng    everyones asleep lol01:14
ar0nicer *is not isnt01:14
Pirolocitochrislu5tic: Whatamessat what about aircrack?01:15
ar0nichey is there an audio program channel somewhere on linux, that i could use to rip the audio from a movie out an remux it to mp3 or wav, and also does anyone know what a good program to make samples with is for ubuntu/linux01:15
KeegersQuestion: What file do I edit in order to change boot options? menu.lst does not exist for me.01:15
KM0201!grub2 | Keegers01:15
ubottuKeegers: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)01:15
rationalOgrenovoid: It looks like inability to select custom preferred apps is a known bug/regression.01:15
KeegersKM0201, I am on there. The file that is specified does not exist01:16
KM0201Keegers: are you actually reading it?01:16
novoidrationalOgre: I see. Agree.01:16
ar0nichey is there an audio program channel somewhere on linux, that i could use to rip the audio from a movie out an remux it to mp3 or wav, and also does anyone know what a good program to make samples with is for ubuntu/linux, this sint for piracy reason, i need to find audio apps for ubuntu01:16
ar0nicto make samples and etc01:16
rationalOgrenovoid: Do you have chromium installed?01:16
rationalOgreand is it a "selection"01:16
novoidrationalOgre: no.01:16
rationalOgreThe reason I ask is that there is a workaround for this.01:17
KM0201Keegers: so what file are you saying doesn't exist?01:17
KeegersKM0201:  OK I am at help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Change Boot Options Permanently On An Existing Installation01:17
KeegersKM0201:  The directions say to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst01:18
mrproperHow do I enable 3d graphics in 11.04 after upgrading from 10.10 so I can use Unity?01:18
KeegersKM0201:  menu.lst does not exist for me01:18
PirolocitoKeegers: /etc/default/grub01:18
Pirolocitoafter change it run update-grub01:18
PirolocitoKeegers: :P01:18
AstronoutKeegers: edit /etc/default/grub for some grub2 settings.01:19
KM0201Keegers: and what does it say right there?... "grub2".. did you click that link01:19
br4dock3rsomeone speaks Portuguese??01:19
Logan_!pt | br4dock3r01:19
ubottubr4dock3r: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.01:19
rationalOgrenovoid: how computer literate are you? (No offense meant I just am asking so that I know what level to write the workaround for you at.)01:19
Pirolocitobr4dock3r: eu não!!01:19
KM0201Pirolocito: grub2 does not update in a similar fashion to menu.lst... so Keegers will need to do some reading01:19
KeegersKM0201:  No since I am not on 9.10\01:19
PirolocitoKM0201: its very similar01:20
KM0201Pirolocito: lol, no its not.01:20
KM0201Keegers: read the grub2 link01:20
=== desudesudesu is now known as desu
itaylor57KM0201 o/01:21
KM0201itaylor57: \o/01:21
KeegersBah! that should be changed to say 9.10 OR LATER01:21
itaylor57KM0201 back to good ol xchat01:21
PirolocitoKM0201: to pass 1 or to options to boot its enough01:21
KM0201Keegers: it should, but i told you twice to read the grub2 wiki, and you kept teling me you were... well, if you're reading about menu.lst, you're not reading about grub2.01:21
KM0201Pirolocito: lol, ok01:21
novoidrationalOgre: advanced user, programmer, console-user, vim and emacs :-)01:21
rationalOgrenovoid: Sweet01:22
PirolocitoKM0201: maybe for me its easy...01:22
KeegersKM0201:  Aye. Well thank you for correcting my ignorance. Time to reset my computer a few hundred more times (Sorry frustrated).01:23
rationalOgreI'm editing a chrome.desktop file I have. I will put it up on a pastebin for you to dl and edit. Then  you can install it to /.local/share/applications and run update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications01:24
desuI'm using Atheros AR928X and my wireless network randomly "locks-up". ie. I do not recieve replies when I try to ping anything (even my wireless router). However, the correct LEDs on the wireless router blink when I ping. Any idea why this may be happening?01:24
ActionParsnipdesu: check:  dmesg | tail    output immediately after the lock up01:26
desuActionParsnip, Alright, I'll do that the next time it locks up. It does so rather frequently, but randomly, so I think it should soon.01:27
DoonzHey guys I have a script that when i run it manually from the terminal it detects that the program its checking to make sure is running is sactually running works. When i run it through crontab it doesnt detect that the program is running. any ideas?01:28
novoidrationalOgre: no problem. thanks!01:28
desuActionParsnip, I have tons of these in my dmesg: http://www.fpaste.org/p2j7/01:29
hiexpothanks bazhang     hehe01:29
stuck_I am trying to update 10.04 to 10.10 but it freezes at php5-cli (5.3.3-1ubuntu9.5) ...01:30
rationalOgrenovoid: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/396462/01:30
stuck_what can I do?01:30
novoidrationalOgre: cool. this directory content looks interesting and seems to contain all my binaries Ubuntu has found in $HOME.01:30
rationalOgrenovoid: for some reason my ~ key is not showing it should be ~/.local01:30
Vonhintenoh boy, another Atheros AR928x sufferer eh... I feel ya buddy01:30
rationalOgreOh there it is.01:31
desuVonhinten, :P You facing issues with Atheros as well?01:31
rationalOgrenovoid: Just switch out the <editME>'s for your commands.01:31
Vonhintendesu, already worked through it :)01:31
desuVonhinten, Ah, how did you manage to fix it?01:31
VonhintenI missed what your issue was, are you just not able to connect?01:31
Vonhintenand what type of machine?01:31
rationalOgrenovoid: And that should add your browser to the list of options for Preferred Applications01:32
desuVonhinten, I'm able to connect, but it randomly refuses to receive packets.01:32
desuVonhinten, It's an Acer laptop running Ubuntu 10.1001:32
rationalOgreAfter you run the update-desktop-database01:32
rationalOgreof course01:32
kaushalI am running ubuntu 11.04 using gnome-screensaver. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pidgin-awayonlock/+bug/444851 does not wortk01:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 444851 in pidgin-awayonlock (Ubuntu) "add support for xscreensaver" [Wishlist,Confirmed]01:32
kaushalPlease suggest01:32
kaushalis it being fixed ?01:33
novoidrationalOgre: nothing to execute in order to let Gnome see the new file?01:33
Vonhintendesu, let me find the option01:33
rationalOgrenovoid: you need to run the "gnome-desktop-update ~/.local/share/applications" in a terminal01:34
desuVonhinten, Ah, thanks!01:34
rationalOgreSorry, update-desktop-database or something like that01:34
rationalOgreLemme look it up again01:34
rationalOgreyeah It's "update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications/"01:35
novoidrationalOgre: sorry, no gnome-desktop-update here on my 11.04 and apt-cache search doesnt find it either.01:36
rationalOgrenovoid: I mistyped it is "update-desktop-database"01:36
novoidrationalOgre: sorry, i just saw your last correction!01:36
rationalOgreand don't forget to pass it the directory you installed the whatever.desktop to. (~/.local/share/applications/)01:37
novoidrationalOgre: you're great! It works now :-) I can select iron from the dropdown and it works with clicking an URL in my Twitter-client :-)01:38
Vonhintendesu, disclaimer, this worked for me with a AR9285 in an Asus N53JF on 11.04, I don't know if it'll work with 10.1001:38
Vonhintendesu, sudo echo "options ath9k nohwcrypt=1" > /etc/modprobe.d/conf01:38
Vonhintensudo echo "options ath9k nohwcrypt=1" > /etc/modprobe.d/ath9k.conf01:38
PwrSurgeuh oh, i get segmentation fault when trying to sudo something01:39
desuVonhinten, Something tells me this is an issue with the hardware that manages the encryption/decryption of WPA/WEP encrypted packets?01:39
PwrSurgeafter doing sudo dpkg-reconfigure ldap-auth-config01:39
PwrSurgeanyone know how I can regain root access?01:40
Vonhintendesu, that's one guess, I don't actually know what it does, but I found it on some web page related to this device, and it solved my issues :)01:40
rationalOgrePwrSurge: do you have Samba installed?01:40
desuVonhinten, Ah, alright. Thanks a ton! :)01:40
VonhintenYou're welcome, hope it helps01:40
DoonzHey guys I have a script that when i run it manually from the terminal it detects that the program its checking to make sure is running is sactually running works. When i run it through crontab it doesnt detect that the program is running. any ideas?01:40
novoidrationalOgre: thank you very much for your support! I learned new things and managed to fix the default browser problem. But now I have to catch some sleep - it's almost 3 a.m. here :-) Greetings from Graz/Austria!01:41
rationalOgrenovoid: You are welcome. Have a great sleep!01:41
kaushalrationalOgre: hi01:41
rationalOgrekaushal: Hello.01:41
kaushalI am running ubuntu 11.04 using gnome-screensaver. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pidgin-awayonlock/+bug/44485101:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 444851 in pidgin-awayonlock (Ubuntu) "add support for xscreensaver" [Wishlist,Confirmed]01:42
PwrSurgerationalOgre: yes01:42
kaushalrationalOgre: When i lock my screen my status does not set to away01:42
kaushalin Pidgin01:42
kaushalI have checked with #pidgin. They have asked me to check in #ubuntu01:43
rationalOgrePwrSurge: My limited googling suggests this could be a problem with samba's "pam" authentication and that purging samba and samba-common may resolve the issue.01:43
kaushalrationalOgre: please guide01:43
stuck_what can I do if the update 10.04 to 10.10 freezes?01:43
rationalOgrekaushal: I'm not sure. I don't use pidgin. lemme look at the bug report01:43
kaushalrationalOgre: sure01:44
PwrSurgerationalOgre, : problem is that I need root to purge right?01:44
PwrSurgei.e. sudo01:44
rationalOgrePwrSurge: Reboot into recovery mode and select Root shell01:45
rationalOgreFrom there you can purge them01:45
PwrSurgehow do I boot in recovery mode?01:45
peeps[lappy]how do i type a backtick in gnome, it keeps opening my applications menu01:46
rationalOgreReboot your computer and tap ESC repeatedly while it is doing the POST01:46
rationalOgrethe GRUB menu should come up01:46
rationalOgrethen select the option that says (Recovery)01:46
PwrSurgeok thank01:46
kaushalrationalOgre: Any clue ?01:46
rationalOgrethat will ask you what kind of recovery and you select Root01:46
PwrSurgewill try now01:46
FloodBot1PwrSurge: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:46
rationalOgrekaushal: Investigating, a moment please.01:47
BowblesI set up Ubuntu on my friend's laptop, he is pretty new to computers in general, and has 0 experience with linux. Is it a good idea to disable hibernation? I hear that it is very unreliable in ubuntu.01:47
Bowbles10.04 for what it is worth.01:48
rationalOgrekaushal: Have you installed the pidgin-awayonlock package for 11.04?01:48
ActionParsnipBowbles: for now, I would01:48
nit-witBowbles, is it a dual boot?01:48
kaushalii  pidgin-awayonlock                    0.5.2-1                              pidgin plugin to set as away on screensaver activation01:48
rationalOgrekaushal: and the plugin is not activating when it should? Did you configure the plugin?01:48
ActionParsnipBowbles: it depends on the hardware / model etc to if it will work or not01:48
Bowblesnit-wit: no, it is ubuntu only.01:49
BowblesActionParsnip: This is on an Hp Pavillion dv200001:49
BowblesI have installed the nvidia drivers01:49
nit-witBowbles, I would second ActionParsnip  in the information then01:49
Bowblesand tried hibernating by hand, and it looks like everything works01:50
Bowblesbut I have heard reports that in real usage, it is not trustworthy01:50
rationalOgrekaushal: any error messages or such?01:51
ActionParsnipBowbles: have a quick websearch, see what is going on01:51
=== olskolirc is now known as irssetester
ActionParsnipBowbles: its not something ive every bothered with considering boot times now01:52
rationalOgrekaushal: check for a pidgin folder in /var/log01:53
BowblesActionParsnip: kk, I will just disable it via the /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/50-admin.pkla file01:54
Bowblesthank you for your input01:54
Bowblesunless there is a better way to disable hibernation systemwide01:55
Dr_Zaxxonhas anybody played with the samba option with ubuntu 10.10 ?01:55
Dr_ZaxxonSamba Server Configuration Tool 1.2.6301:55
AlanG2guys i am not used to xchaat?01:56
rationalOgreAlanG2: ok.01:57
AlanG2pplease forgive my mystakes01:57
robawticwe will remember them all and always hold them against you and your will01:57
irssetesterif i type ls in this window with the /exec command will my direcory show up?01:58
irssetesteroops wrong channel01:59
OsmodivsHello, everytime my screen monitor resolution is messed up, I añways re install the nVidia .run file, But now I cant, I get this in the terminal   osmodivs@Djiin:~$ sudo service gdm stop01:59
Osmodivs[sudo] password for osmodivs:01:59
OsmodivsWarning: Fake initctl called, doing nothing.01:59
Osmodivs I am using Ubuntu 11.04 64bits01:59
FloodBot1Osmodivs: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:59
ActionParsnipOsmodivs: if you use the driver in the repo, you won't have an issue02:00
ActionParsnipOsmodivs: no need to stop gdm or anything02:00
OsmodivsActionParsnip, I am Using Nvidia's for a reason...02:00
ActionParsnipOsmodivs: why? Its the same version02:01
ActionParsnip!info nvidia-current02:01
ubottunvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 270.41.06-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 27828 kB, installed size 81488 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)02:01
ActionParsnipOsmodivs: there is also a PPA with the beta 275 driver02:01
hiexpobazhang, i can't believe it   that guy or girl   whatever cussed me out in aircrack   lol   >    thanks  lol   >    the bad part was i gave him the link to my aircrack-ng book02:02
kaushalActionParsnip: hi02:02
AlanG2hello ubuntu users?02:03
OsmodivsActionParsnip,  Do you know how to stop Graphical mode in Ubuntu 11.04?02:04
rationalOgreAlanG2: Hello02:04
=== Random833 is now known as Random832
ActionParsnipOsmodivs: hold shift at boot, select recovery mode, select root02:04
ActionParsnipkaushal: howdy02:04
nit-witAlanBell, hello to YOU.;)02:04
OsmodivsActionParsnip, I have tried that, is not working02:04
ActionParsnipOsmodivs: or add the boot option: single02:04
DoonzHey guys I have a script that when i run it manually from the terminal it detects that the program its checking to make sure is running is sactually running works. When i run it through crontab it doesnt detect that the program is running. any ideas?02:05
nit-witAlanG2, hello to YOU.;) close02:05
ActionParsnipOsmodivs: so why are you not using the packaged version exactly?02:05
AlanG2shoould i bookmark this page for help in the future?02:05
mcphailDoes anyone have any idea why my DVD drive will mount DVD-Rs but not DVD-ROMs? On 10.0402:05
OsmodivsActionParsnip, All I get is some debug info, or something like that, I can't even switch to other tty02:05
OsmodivsActionParsnip, Because Luxrender told me so02:05
ActionParsnipOsmodivs: is that it?02:05
ActionParsnipDoonz: if you cron it as root, does it work?02:06
nit-witDoonz, does it need to be run in root?02:06
Doonzi dont run it as root in terminal02:06
Doonzlet me try that tho02:06
ActionParsnipDoonz: i see02:06
ActionParsnipDoonz: worth a try ;)02:06
OsmodivsActionParsnip, Well, they need to have the latest drivers so Luxrender can work Flawlessly02:06
nit-witDoonz, just wondering, that's all.02:06
KeegersI have a problem that requires me to type modprobe -r at1lc, However the command must be given before the system starts (or I need to have an Ethernet cable plugged into start). Can anyone tell me, can I at that command to rc-update and have it run at start, or will I need to do something different? Details here: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-nettool/+question/15927702:06
* Doonz waits for the cronjob to run02:07
AlanG2could u give me another channel where it's not to techie02:07
ActionParsnipOsmodivs: the site has 270.41.19 Certified which is a tiny difference02:08
nit-witAlanG2, #ubuntu-beginners02:08
rationalOgreKeegers: Why not just blacklist at1lc?02:09
KeegersIt doesnt work02:09
KeegersrationalOgre:  it doesnt work02:09
OsmodivsActionParsnip,  So there is no way to turn off graphical mode, eh?02:10
DoonzActionParsnip: nit-wit  nope running crontab as root didnt sork02:10
KeegersrationalOgre:  see comment #16]02:10
Doonzin terminal i just type ./script.sh02:10
ActionParsnipOsmodivs: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates has the 270.41.19 if it really kills you to have the very newest02:10
AlanG2didn't work hehe place was shut for the night :)02:10
ActionParsnipOsmodivs: add the boot option: text02:10
ActionParsnipOsmodivs: i've use the root recovery mode to install it in the past, you need to run a command after getting there so the driver can install but it tells you what to do02:11
KeegersHello ActionParsnip! I have been working with you all day. Sorry to be a pest.02:11
AlanG2omg i t looks like i will use transmission to torrent e books on ubuntu!02:11
mcphailOn 10.04 I can play DVD-Rs and CDs but not DVD-ROMs. Can anyone point me in the right direction?02:11
AlanG2mcphail keeep windowsw hehe :)02:12
Dr_Zaxxonhas anybody played with the samba option with ubuntu 10.10 ?02:13
Dr_ZaxxonSamba Server Configuration Tool 1.2.6302:13
vindiceI can't figure out where chm2pdf is saving files. Googling not helping and nor is reading the man02:13
Dr_Zaxxonmsg nit-wit no go on that xrandr02:13
vindicePlease advise02:13
Osmodivsvindice, Yahoo it02:13
AlanG2dr i canget to win7 but not the other way:(02:14
ActionParsnipvindice: did ou read the man page?02:14
vindiceActionParsnip: as I said, yes02:14
AlanG2win7 seeems coolwe in picking up yer network!02:15
nit-witDr_Zaxxon, that was a couple of days ago,are you saying it doesn't stay with a reboot?02:15
ActionParsnipDr_Zaxxon: the config tool for me is smb.conf02:15
Dr_Zaxxonactionparsnip..ill check it out thx02:15
mkanatI have two respositories with different versions of firefox. apt-get install installs an older version of firefox instead of a newer version. Why, and how do I fix it?02:15
eosswhere do i put tar files i dl02:16
ActionParsnipvindice: if you specify the output filename, it will be where you say#02:16
ActionParsnipvindice: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-convert-chm-files-into-pdf-files-in-ubuntu.html02:16
Dr_Zaxxonnit-wit it gave me a display mode not found, prolly cause when i remote in it only sees the default display02:16
ActionParsnipvindice: i don't even use the app and found that in 100 seconds...02:16
Dr_Zaxxonso hence if i remote in @ 800x600 it only sees 800x60002:16
vindiceActionParsnip: Right, but it's not the answer to my question02:16
vindiceActionParsnip: I've read that page02:17
Dr_Zaxxonill e in front of that machine tomorrow ill mess with it then02:17
nit-witDr_Zaxxon, I remember the remote ssh, would be nice if it did, if you can't configure that end.02:17
vindiceActionParsnip: you can either assume I'm a moron and waste your time acting on that assumption, or read what I've written02:17
ActionParsnipvindice: It will save the file wherever you specify the output directory and file to be02:17
Dr_Zaxxonyeah i havet tried ssh,  since thats one of the number 1 tools maybe i should be playing wif that02:18
vindiceActionParsnip: you don't know the answer, that's fine. It's kind of you to google for answers and report to me what you suspect I'm too lazy/stupid to have done myself02:18
irssetesterhow many users in this channels please im on irssi and i can't see it02:18
vindiceActionParsnip: but it does default folders it saves to defined in a config file I can't find02:18
nit-witmkanat, look in software sources and turn one off and run the update to see if that would be the one to leave off. Or tell us the repositories in question if you an.02:18
edbianirssetester: 1523  why does it matter?02:19
irssetesterbragging rights edbian ;-)02:19
edbianvindice: What folder are you working in.  It isn't dropping them there?02:19
digitalstimulusdoes anyone know how to setup a networked update server?  if such a thing exists for ubuntu02:19
vindiceedbian: nope02:19
ActionParsnipvindice: /usr/bin/chm2pdf [options] input_filename [output_filename]   therefore if you run:  chm2pdf somefile.chm ~/Desktop/result.pdf   it will output the file to ~/Desktop/result.pdf as you defined ~/Desktop/result.pdf in the command, that is where is "saves the files" as you stated in your question...02:19
edbianvindice: What app are you we talking about?  I just got here02:19
CN_guyi just try out the 11.04 version, is it only available in Server edition and Desktop edition? no more Netbook edition?02:19
edbianchm2pdf  ?02:19
vindiceedbian: some docs mention /usr/tmp/chm2pdf but that directory doesn't exist02:20
PirolocitoCN_guy: yes no more02:20
Bowblesthank you for your help ActionParsnip I got it set up the way I need it.02:20
edbianCN_guy: That's correct. The interface is different now.  Desktop edition can be used on laptops desktops or netbooks.  (That's the idea anyway)02:20
vindiceActionParsnip: this is like flogging a dead horse. I get it, you can specify an output directory. But I'm the kind of anally retentive person who needs to know what it's done with every conversion so far02:20
ActionParsnipvindice: why use defaults if you can't find where it is spitting the files to when the command clearly shows you can indefinately specify where the resulting files go.02:20
edbianvindice: What about /tmp/chm2pdf ?02:20
AlanG2guys tnx this bookmarked!02:21
CN_guyalso, i choose Chinese language during setup , but finally, the interface is still in English, what happened?02:21
ActionParsnipvindice: then you are wasting your time02:21
vindiceActionParsnip: you don't see the irony in that?02:21
edbianvindice: What commands did you run?  chm2pdf somefile.chm result.pdf  ?02:21
ActionParsnipvindice: none at all02:21
mkanatnit-wit: How can I tell which package comes from which source?02:21
mkanatnit-wit: I have too many sources to be able to debug them one by one.02:22
ActionParsnipvindice: you want to know where the files go, i told you that you can instruct the command where to put the files so you know as you tell it where they will go, you now know where they go02:22
AlanG2you guys all experienced in ubuntu? or Linux in general?02:22
ActionParsnipvindice: not simple enough?02:22
edbianAlanG2: Some both, some just Ubuntu02:22
edbianAlanG2: some neither :P02:22
AlanG2tnx emb02:23
vindiceedbian: basically the same, but with various options including --book and --extract-only02:23
edbianvindice: Whoever wrote that app does not think like me.  I would FULLY expect the files to have been dropped into the CWD.02:23
vindiceActionParsnip: and I've told you several times that I want to know where the files already created are, and preferably where the configuration file is. It uses at least one variable02:23
ActionParsnipvindice: then run:  sudo find / -iname "*.pdf"    and you will find them no doubt02:24
vindiceActionParsnip: I appreciate the initial attempt to help, but you're now wasting both mine and your time.02:24
AlanG2guys really want to have crack at ubunti tnx :)02:24
roger21i removed the Desktop folder and now all my floders are on may destop and if i remove then they are actually removed, wtf ?02:24
roger21i don't want them on the desktop02:24
edbianvindice: The find command is a great idea.  What did you name them?02:25
nit-witmkanat, your source is probably mozila daily build or the stablbe ppa both are ppa's02:25
AlanG2want to peogramme it to stop my phone rining lol!02:25
vindiceedbian: This is a huge partition. I'll do a find, but I'd really like to know where the config file would be. I can't find anything in /etc02:25
ActionParsnipAlanG2: use the button on it marked 'power' ;)02:26
edbianvindice: I'm researching02:26
edbianvindice: Look for a .chm2pdf in your home02:26
mkanatnit-wit: I'm pretty experienced with Linux. Could you perhaps simply explain to me what in .deb packages or apt would cause it to pick an older version over a newer one?02:27
vindiceedbian: It's hidden!?02:27
mkanatnit-wit: If I know that, I can debug it myself.02:27
vindiceedbian: the variable, I assume it's a variable, I've seen mentioned on various sites is: CHM2PDF_TEMP_ORIG_DIR02:27
edbianvindice: ? perhaps.  Lots of apps have .appName folders02:27
edbianvindice: Environment variables?02:27
semitonesActionParsnip, I decided to try ndiswrapper (with some drivers that worked with puppy linux)02:27
edbianvindice: If that is a bash env. variable do you know how to read it02:28
Keegers_ShyiaI have a bash script I want to run when the computer starts. How would I accomplish such a task in Ubuntu02:28
semitonesActionParsnip, I get "driver installed, hardware present" so I depmod -a and modprobe ndiswrapper. No errors so far02:28
semitonesActionParsnip, but I still don't have a wlan0 interface02:28
edbianKeegers_Shyia: update-rc.d  :)02:28
vindiceedbian: you can just echo it right?02:28
semitonesany idea where I'm going wrong?02:28
nit-witmkanat, I'm assuming you have added a PPA the mozilla daily build and the firefox stable would be the culprits. I'm not questioning your ability. You need to share more info what have you done to set this up?02:28
edbianvindice: Yeah.  echo $VAR_NAME02:28
vindiceedbian: I thought environment variables were preceeded by $?02:28
Keegers_ShyiaThanks edbian02:29
edbianKeegers_Shyia: Sure02:29
mkanatnit-wit: I'm on Lucid and I've added mozillateam/firefox-stable.02:29
roger21may i change the name "home folder" in the places menu ?02:29
mkanatnit-wit: I'd like to install firefox 4 but I get firefox 3.6 when I "apt-get install firefox".02:29
nit-witmkaay, intick t that is one that is not usable if you want the latest FF402:29
digitalstimulusno one has set up a networked update server for ubuntu?02:30
Keegers_Shyiaedbian: Can I see the status after its added as well?02:30
mkanatnit-wit: It has Firefox 4 in it.02:30
roger21mkanat, just add the mozilla ppa02:30
edbianKeegers_Shyia: See that status?  What do you mean?02:30
mkanatnit-wit: I can see the package there if I go to the repo in my web browser.02:30
rationalOgreKeegers: you still there?02:30
AlanG2forgive me...i use ubuntu like i use windows7 but i forgot to use win7 ???????"""""02:30
nit-witmkanat, do you have the mozilla daily?02:31
mkanatnit-wit: I do not.02:31
Keegers_Shyiaedbian: For example, in Gentoo you say rc-update <command> default. Then you can run rc-status and it returns all the jobs that the rc command controls and their level of execution02:31
nit-witmkanat, have you turned off the stable and run a update to confirm that the stable is still the FF402:31
ActionParsnipAlanG2: I don't follow...02:31
vindiceedbian: looks like it's not an environment var. This is prob not worth wasting any more of your time on but thanks for helping. Unless there's somewhere for storing app config files except /etc, I'll move on02:31
edbianKeegers_Shyia: Ah-Ha!  I have no idea if there is an rc-status.  If you find one let me know :)02:32
AlanG2i think it it something to gringing my teethlol!02:32
mkanatnit-wit: I'm not sure what you're asking.02:32
rationalOgreKeegers_Shyia: You the same as just Keegers?02:32
edbianvindice: /home/vindice/.appName  is a common place for personal settings for apps02:32
ActionParsnipvindice: /tmp would make sense02:32
Keegers_ShyiarationalOgre: Yeah02:32
=== Keegers_Shyia is now known as Keegers
edbianActionParsnip: He already looked there02:32
vindiceActionParsnip: Thanks. Sadly nothing in there02:33
rationalOgreKeegers: Are you sure the issue is with your Ethernet and not with your wireless drivers?02:33
vindiceedbian: directory doesn't exist02:33
mkanatnit-wit: In Lucid, Firefox is 3.6. I added the mozillateam ppa to get Firefox 4 on my Lucid.02:33
AlanG2win7 is awfull yes ?!!!!!02:33
rationalOgrei.e. when you run with modprobe -r does the wireless work properly?02:33
edbianvindice: Yeah I know  .appName is a variable   An example value for appName might be 'mozilla'  get it?02:33
KeegersrationalOgre: Pretty sure. Once the atl1c mod is disabled I am able to work normally.02:33
vindiceedbian: er yes.02:34
ActionParsnipvindice: gah02:34
KeegersrationalOgre: If you have anything you wish to try please let me know02:34
nit-witmkanat, but yet you said that the stable was the source of FF4 I'm confused.02:34
nit-witnot really02:34
edbianvindice: Then what do you mean no such directory?02:34
vindiceedbian: I mean the director /home/[me]/.chm2pdf does not exist02:35
mkanatnit-wit: Lucid has 3.6, I installed mozillateam/firefox-stable to get Firefox 4. When I do "apt-get install firefox", I get Firefox 3.6, despite the fact that I can clearly see Firefox 4 in the mozillateam repo there, and "apt-cache show firefox" shows there being a "firefox" package with a "4.0.1" version.02:35
edbianvindice: Aaaah, sorry for the misunderstanding.  Perhaps it's under a similar but slightly different name?  Look around a bit (e.g. it's mozilla not firefox)02:35
rationalOgreKeegers: edit your atl1c.conf and instead of putting blacklist atl1c write "install atl1c /bin/true"02:35
rationalOgrethen reboot02:35
AlanG2mknat same here02:36
vindiceedbian: I think I'm going to look at the source. It's just a python script I think. Is now doing my head in. Thanks for your help02:36
rationalOgreOf course it goes without saying make sure you are typing all properly.02:36
rationalOgre(can't count the number of times I've transposed 1 and L02:36
rationalOgrelowercase l that is02:36
KeegersrationalOgre: I need to undo the update-rc.d then02:36
edbianvindice: Sure.  Have fun, I saw on their wiki people complaining about how the source is a mess and the code is buggy (apparently it doesn't follow conventions either so...)02:37
AlanG2reboot! what a godly change to yer system:)02:37
rationalOgreKeegers: Ok02:37
VustomI don't seem to have the ability to type in a gedit text file?02:37
rationalOgreKeegers: Do you know how?02:37
vindiceedbian: oh. I saw the first few lines of the wiki, and that was a mess. Thanks for the warning02:37
edbianvindice: hahah, have fun!02:38
AlanG2reboot reboot !!!! :)02:38
VustomFile is located at /usr/share/themes/Equinox Evolution Dawn/gtk-2.0 and is called gtkrc02:38
nit-witmkanat, the mozillateam ppa has no lucid install that is probly the one to turn off I suspect. The stable ppa is probably the FF 4 support. Open the software sources go to other software untick the mozillateam ppa run a update and see if you still get the FF3 prompt.  Bro your asking us to hold your hand on some basic stuff here.;)02:38
VustomAny ideas why I can't edit the text inside of it?02:38
VustomEh it's read only..02:38
edbianVustom: Because it is outside /home so only root can edit / write it.02:39
KeegersrationalOgre: No02:39
VustomWhat's the line of code that I type into the terminal to put a file in the File System?02:39
edbianVustom: use sudo or gksudo02:39
mkanatnit-wit: Third package listed on this page is Firefox 4 for lucid: https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable02:39
KeegersrationalOgre: -n ?02:39
edbianVustom: touch /path/to/some/newFile.txt02:39
AlanG2there's a homicidal lunatic deep in the linux code and he is called BALLMER!!!02:39
brad_Do you guys like Unity so far?02:39
Vustomgksudo touch /qwef/qwf/qwfd/?02:39
rationalOgreKeegers: update-rc.d -f scriptname remove02:39
ActionParsnipbrad_: it's ok02:39
rationalOgrereplace scriptname with the name of the script you placed in /etc/init.d02:40
ar0nichey is there an audio program channel somewhere on linux, that i could use to rip the audio from a movie out an remux it to mp3 or wav, and also does anyone know what a good program to make samples with is for ubuntu/linux, this sint for piracy reason, i need to find audio apps for ubuntu02:40
edbianVustom: ummm.  sudo touch /qwef/qwf/qwfd/02:40
KeegersrationalOgre: Thanks02:40
ActionParsnipar0nic: is the "movie" an avi etc?02:40
KeegersrationalOgre: OK I'll try a reboot02:40
edbianVustom: gksudo is for graphical apps. sudo for is cli.  That path is gibberish though02:40
ar0nicits for ripping samples from movies02:40
ar0nicthen a proggie to edit the samples02:41
Vustomvustom@Vustom-Ubuntu:~$ sudo touch /usr/share/themes/Equinox Evolution Dawn/gtk-2.0/gtkrc touch: cannot touch `Dawn/gtk-2.0/gtkrc': No such file or directory vustom@Vustom-Ubuntu:~$02:41
ActionParsnipar0nic: ffmpeg -i file.avi -f file.mp302:41
ar0nicoh so get ffmpeg first, or is native on koala?02:41
nit-witmkanat, when you said  mozillateam ppa I found this. https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/ppa02:41
ActionParsnipar0nic: or better quality: ffmpeg -i video.avi -acodec copy audio.mp302:41
edbianVustom: to create the folders that don't exsit use mkdir -p02:41
edbianVustom: mkdir -p /these/are/all/new/folders02:42
ar0nicActionParsnip the codec needs to be mp3 or wav02:42
mkanatnit-wit: Ah. I had typed firefox-stable so many times I figured you knew.02:42
Vustomgtkcr is a file.. just with no extention02:42
ar0nicis ffmpeg native?02:42
ar0nicor does he ahve to grab it02:42
edbianVustom: So you want to create that file?02:42
ar0nicer he/me02:42
trismVustom: you need to quote the path or escape the spaces02:42
VustomNo, It's read only and I need to edit it02:42
edbianVustom: yes, no spaces allowed you!02:42
ActionParsnipar0nic: http://dimitar.me/extract-audio-mp3-from-video-files-like-flv-mov-avi/02:42
ar0nicok ActionParsnip02:42
ActionParsnipar0nic: all i'm doing is websearching02:43
edbianVustom: gksudo gedit '/path/to/file/file name.txt'02:43
ActionParsnipar0nic: you should try it]#02:43
ar0nici looked but didnt catch much02:43
nit-witmkanat, I only know what you tell me, i think you will get better help from another .;)02:43
ar0nici more need a good audio program to cut up audio clips and convert them to wav or mp302:43
ActionParsnipar0nic: http://www.jonathanmoeller.com/screed/?p=307102:43
ActionParsnipar0nic: http://tinyurl.com/3w5xpot02:43
VustomThanks edbian, that worked. C:02:44
edbianVustom: no problem02:44
KeegersrationalOgre: Nope. It froze right away... like usual.02:44
edbianVustom: Got to go. have a good one!02:44
ar0nicyeah i know how to use terminal to do that, im trying to find a PROGRAM to make clips and samples, my search didnt turn up well02:44
mkanatnit-wit: I do appreciate your attempts. I did tell you. :-) <mkanat> nit-wit: I'm on Lucid and I've added mozillateam/firefox-stable.02:44
hwcHas anyone noticed that you can never find Ubuntu-certified hardware for purchase?02:45
ar0nicthis is for someone who is a ubuntu noob who knows nothing of terminal, dont ask me why the are using it02:45
ActionParsnipar0nic: ffmpeg will do it, ffmpeg IS a program02:45
ActionParsnip!hcl | hwc02:45
ubottuhwc: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection02:45
ar0nicActionParsnip it will rip the audio, but i need a proggie to be able to edit and change the audio he pulls out, into samples and etc02:45
hwcubottu: Yeah, I looked there.  I can't find anything from that list to buy.02:45
ubottuhwc: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:45
hwcActionParsnip: what does that mean?02:46
ActionParsnipar0nic: mp3splt can pull out sections of the resulting audio, or you can use sound editting apps to cut it up02:46
ActionParsniphwc: read what ubottu said02:46
rationalOgreKeegers: :(02:46
ar0nicthats what im tryuing to find ActionParsnip02:46
ar0nicthese audio apps02:46
ActionParsniphwc: i triggered her to output the factoid02:46
hwcYes I did. And I have questions about it.02:47
ar0nicmp3splt awesome02:47
hwcYou guys are the most unhelpful people anywhere.02:47
ActionParsnipar0nic: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Audio/ApplicationIntroductions02:47
nit-witmkanat, you must understand my dilemma; I am trying to help a user that can't do this themselves, or just give a pastebin of their source lst. So I have to pick aprt every bit to see if I can understand I saw you mention the two separately. I ask what would you do? ;)?02:47
Jordan_Uhwc: System76 always has Ubuntu systems available, and there are other companies that specialize in Free systems. Dell usually has some Ubuntu offerings as well.02:47
mkanatnit-wit: Sure, I understand the difficulties of remote support. :-)02:47
bazhangJordan_U, he quit02:48
KeegersrationalOgre: My script worked... not a good solution but it works02:48
=== tchanphysics is now known as being
mkanatnit-wit: I believe that the installed package comes from lucid-security.02:48
ar0nicthanks so much02:48
mkanatnit-wit: But oddly, disabling lucid-security does not make apt-get see the newer firefox in mozillateam/firefox-stable.02:49
nit-witmkanat, not sure if all the ppa will show on the apt list but pastebin cat /etc/apt/sources.list02:49
ActionParsnipar0nic: np :)02:49
=== tchanphysics is now known as being
=== OSSandPulse is now known as kdg
mkanatnit-wit: I actually can't do that.02:50
maheanuuHow would I go about removing all my sound drivers and re-install them, I am having a real bitch of a time trying to keep the sound up and operating on this notebook, and am running Ubuntu 10.10 64 b it and I lose sound without fail about once a month then I have to scramble like the devil to clear up the problems and so far today I am batting zero02:50
bazhangmaheanuu, language please02:50
mkanatnit-wit: It's not a technical inability, it's other things that prevent me at the moment from doing it.02:50
gundyAnyone in here happen to know about Qt's QtMultimedia Module?02:50
maheanuuEnglish if at all possible02:50
nit-witmkanat, okay .02:51
bazhangmaheanuu, no cursing02:51
carnage1maheanuu: install srs audio in wine02:51
maheanuuI am not running windoze on anything here02:51
nit-wit! dialogue |02:51
rationalOgreKeegers: Well, that it works is great02:51
maheanuuDo I need wine?02:51
rationalOgreKeegers: Why it has to be that way is what is baffling me02:51
kdgOSS (opensound.com) and PulseAudio. I've got both installed but can't find any docs to get them working together.  Anyone know of any links?02:52
carnage1wine doesnt need windows02:52
KeegersrationalOgre: No its not great. I would prefer if it was fixed and I didnt have to disable my Ethernet port02:52
angrydragondoes anyone here know samba?  I'm getting nmdb: command not found02:52
maheanuuI thought that it was a windows emulator02:52
rationalOgreKeegers: Understandable.02:52
carnage1doesnt need windows02:52
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
rationalOgreKeegers: I wonder if nm-applet is doing something not so nice02:53
KeegersrationalOgre: Now I just need my trackpad to work so I can type normally again02:53
hamneggaanyone know how to force a disk check on reboot, or from terminal?  I was looking in fdisk, but didn't see anything, and I can't remember the tool which runs the forced disk check after so many mounts...02:53
VustomCan someone help? I installed a Equinox theme but instead of it looking like this: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-4h762lPyrg4/Tbaq_YG2NTI/AAAAAAAAB98/Beusbk0ZZSY/s1600/Screenshot-2.png it looks like this... http://i.imgur.com/gw4Ja.png02:53
agrundnerspeaking of pulseaudio... is there a way to save your audio settings for the next time you boot up?02:53
IdleOnecarnage1: what does wine have to do with sound problems?02:53
carnage1the file is .exe02:53
mkanatnit-wit: Okay, if I disable *every* repo except the mozillateam/firefox-stable repo, I see them.02:53
maheanuuSo I will need to install wine then install srs audio in it?02:53
* bodi shakes hi head02:54
IdleOnecarnage1: why does he need to install an exe to fix his sound problem?02:54
carnage1download srsaudio.exe to your desktop02:54
agrundnermy sound preference settings never remembers what I used for my USB headset.02:54
carnage1cuz nobody fixed 10.1002:54
ActionParsnipVustom: what's the difference, both look fine to me02:54
bazhangcarnage1, thats not a solution02:54
IdleOnecarnage1: stop offering non helpful advice.02:54
Keegershttps://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-nettool/+question/159315   -Can anyone else give any input on this?02:54
carnage1can i install my winmodem driver in wine?02:55
VustomActionParsnip Where the folder is, look at the address bar, on my side theres no > thingy02:55
rationalOgreKeegers: have  you looked at /var/log/kern.log to see if it has anything about your ethernet device in there?02:55
IdleOnecarnage1: ask #winehq02:55
VustomActionParsnip It's like it got cut off. :/02:56
KeegersrationalOgre: No02:56
ActionParsnipVustom: i don't know what that is02:56
ActionParsnipVustom: i can see where you mean02:56
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xiackokafter reboot i cant use turkish characters on terminal or gvim but other gnome programs working right.02:56
maheanuuAt present I cannot get into /System/Preference/Sound, it just brings up a window telling me that it is searching for my sound card and that continues forever02:56
rationalOgreKeegers: open a terminal and run "cat /var/log/kern.log | grep -i network" and see if you spot anything02:57
VustomActionParsnip What should I do? D:02:57
ActionParsnipVustom: ive no idea, i dont even know what that does02:57
hamneggaanyone chkdsk solution for ubuntu?02:57
rationalOgreYou can also replace network with "ethernet"02:58
ActionParsnipmaheanuu: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh02:58
KeegersrationalOgre: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/613986/02:58
ActionParsniphamnegga: fsck02:58
Maninhohamnegga use the utility units, there is a tool that lets you check and is very good02:59
VustomWhat's Super + A? :/02:59
hamneggafsck on reboot?02:59
KeegersrationalOgre: ethernet was empty02:59
ActionParsnipVustom: super = windows key02:59
IdleOne!fsck | hamnegga02:59
ubottuhamnegga: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot02:59
nit-withamnegga, as the others suggest, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SystemAdministration/Fsck02:59
rationalOgreKeegers: what about replacing ethernet with eth003:00
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maheanuu_AP, I have all that information you asked for on the terminal, how do I get it to you?03:02
=== tchanphysics is now known as being
KeegersrationalOgre: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/613988/03:02
ActionParsnipmaheanuu: it will make a red URL, what is the URL?03:03
C_Smith__RationalOgre: actually, that's just http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/03:03
VustomCould someone help me fix this error? http://paste.ubuntu.com/613990/03:03
hiexpohamnegga, is in wikis i seen you ask in backtrack03:03
ActionParsnipmaheanuu: select to upload to the servers, or you can manually pastebin the text03:03
angrydragondoes anyone here know samba?  I'm getting nmdb: command not found.  I think it has to do with the install on 10.04 server03:04
ActionParsnipVustom: burg isn't supported here03:04
irreverantHas anyone  run a cluster off Ubuntu? Or would you recommend centOS or scientific linux?03:04
maheanuu_wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh03:04
ActionParsnipmaheanuu: yes run that in terminal and select to upload to the servers, it will make a red url03:04
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ActionParsnip!away > RKyle|away03:05
ubottuRKyle|away, please see my private message03:05
C_Smith__so, are Ubuntu CDs I make with Lightscribe disks an acceptable Ubuntu disk to give out?03:06
ActionParsnipC_Smith__: sure03:06
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C_Smith__k, just had to make sure I wasn't crossing any legal boundaries.03:06
rationalOgreKeegers: so it goes belly-up when "link is not ready" it would seem03:06
d_atharvahi need help..Is der any software to recover formatted data ??03:06
ActionParsnipC_Smith__: as long as you don't charge or charge nly the cost of making the CD, it's fine03:06
ActionParsnipd_atharva: foremost03:07
ActionParsnipd_atharva: your backups are a far better option03:07
bazhang!undelete > d_atharva03:07
ubottud_atharva, please see my private message03:07
C_Smith__rationalOgre: use http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/03:07
ActionParsnipangrydragon: you sure you aren't running:  sudo service smbd restart03:07
rationalOgreC_Smith__: Sorry?03:07
rationalOgreC_Smith__: What for?03:07
C_Smith__use the link I provided to use pastebin to show the problem to him.03:08
VustomActionParsnip where can I get help with burg then..?03:08
maheanuu_Action Parsnip, I ran that and it gave me a tmp file but also gave me an error msg before the tmp file03:08
ActionParsnipVustom: #burg  maybe03:08
rationalOgreC_Smith__: You've got it backwards. I'm helping him. :)03:08
C_Smith__oh, lol03:08
VustomOnly 1 person in there. :/03:08
KeegersrationalOgre: yup03:08
carandraughi! I like the way one can have apache configuration files on /etc/apache2/conf.d. However, files there are global and seem to apply to all the sites I have. Is it possible to limit some of the files to the default-ssl site?03:08
C_Smith__Rationalogre: sorry, my bad.03:09
angrydragonno I just installed it03:09
rationalOgreC_Smith__: No worries. Just was confused a moment.03:09
ActionParsnipVustom: check the burg site, they may have a channel elsewhere03:09
rationalOgreKeegers: Have you updated 11.04 since installing it or did it auto-update when installed?03:10
ActionParsnipmaheanuu_: if you pastebin the file you can give the link in here03:10
carnage1why is kaemar so u n de fined?03:10
KeegersrationalOgre: I did the auto update and I ran the update manager since03:10
bazhangcarnage1, what?03:10
angrydragonActionParsnip: its a brand new install and I have never run it even once.  I think the problem was with install but thats just a guess03:10
rationalOgreKeegers: Ok. Just checking.03:11
ActionParsnipangrydragon: what is teh output of:  lsb_release -d03:11
rationalOgreKeegers: All I can figure is that for some reason NetworkManager is making ethernet the mandatory connection.03:11
KeegersrationalOgre: Couldnt tell you. Its a fresh install on a new computer.03:12
angrydragonActionParsnip: Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS03:12
ActionParsnipangrydragon: try: http://monespaceperso.org/blog-en/2010/05/02/upgrade-alsa-1-0-23-on-ubuntu-lucid-lynx-10-04/03:13
ActionParsnipangrydragon: gets you to 1.0.23 alsa03:13
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maheanuu_AP,   http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=db006c29c4c8697f6092111b0c59c0f4eef7132403:15
rationalOgreKeegers: If you bring up the wired connection with the line plugged in and look at Edit Connections information for eth0, do you see anything odd?03:15
angrydragonActionParnsip: I think that last message was meant for another03:15
ActionParsnipangrydragon: d'oh, tired :(03:15
stuck_Hello, after upgrade to 11.xx I see grub only.. what can i do? :-(03:15
ActionParsnipmaheanuu_:  try:03:15
angrydragonActionParsnip: me too.  i think I'll try again tomorrow with a fresh head.  thank though03:17
KeegersrationalOgre: I cant actually get it to turn back on03:18
C_Smith__So, is the Intel Integrated GMA Chipsets just not compatible with running Windows programs in Wine AND OpenGL?03:18
rationalOgreKeegers: did you open a terminal and run modprobe atl1c?03:19
C_Smith__I know they don't exactly make great chipsets, but I don't know exactly HOW bad they are....03:19
KeegersrationalOgre: Yeah... its not coming back up03:20
KeegersrationalOgre: apparently with my script in place eth0 doesnt even get started03:20
rationalOgreKeegers: Well that's not good..03:21
dijonyummy123whats the best gui based unzip/unrar that can correctly extract multi-part archives?03:21
MK``Are Firefox & Gnome-panel issues common?03:21
ActionParsnipC_Smith__: lots of folks game on intels under wine03:21
rationalOgreModprobe should bring it up though03:21
roger21is it possible to rename the "homme folder" entry in the places menu ?03:22
ActionParsnipC_Smith__: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0tPrBhsS7003:22
C_Smith__yeah, I can run World of Warcraft fine without OpenGL, but it crashes almost right on startup with OpenGL.03:22
KeegersrationalOgre: Wont lie... it just makes me want to change distros... again... but I have yet to find one without problems...03:22
rationalOgreKeegers: have you tried 10.10?03:23
rationalOgreJust curious, not that you have to stick with Ubuntu or even Linux tbh.03:23
carnage110.04 ultimate edition03:24
rationalOgreI run 10.04 as well.03:24
ActionParsnipC_Smith__: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttImjSlR-PQ03:24
rationalOgreWaiting for the bugs to settle down on 11.0403:24
ActionParsnipcarnage1: ultimate is offtopic here03:24
KeegersrationalOgre: Yeah 10.10 didnt support my wireless and the trackpad still didnt work03:24
C_Smith__btw, is there any way to get OpenGL to work on World of Warcraft on a intel gfx card?03:25
KeegersrationalOgre: The advantage of 11.04 was the native wireless support...  just one less hassle replaced with another03:25
C_Smith__because I'd like to be able to see the other players properly rendered or w/e instead of black figures in the shape of the race with hair and a cape.03:26
rationalOgreKeegers: you don't have to answer of course but what is your desire in installing Linux? Is it just that you want to learn about Linux?03:26
KeegersrationalOgre: And the video quality on 11.04 is better than 10.10 without enabling the 3rd party software03:26
rationalOgreKeegers: Understood.03:27
ActionParsnipC_Smith__: the appdb has a how to guide03:27
russjr08Hey, guys, I want to resize my home and root partition and create a new partition (going to make a triple boot with GRUB), do I just resize them and then run sudo update-grub from the live cd? I don't know if it will run the utility directly from the usb or...?03:27
C_Smith__k, thanks03:27
maheanuu__AP, I started in that page and got down to the rm and it is telling me that rm is not there03:28
KeegersrationalOgre: No. I fully respect the purpose of Linux. This is not the first distro I have used. I have set up several gentoo servers, centOS servers, and linuxmint clients03:28
maheanuu__AP are you still in here03:28
KeegersrationalOgre: I tried Gentoo on here but there were a lot more issues. I was hoping that a robust distro like Ubuntu would have less issues. It does... sorta. Mostly because I dont have the time to invest in trying Gentoo again03:29
MK``Since I updated to Natty, Plymouth changed to use the text version, not the graphic one. How do I change it back?03:29
rationalOgreKeegers: Cool, I was asking because sometimes knowing why someone wants linux can help to answer which distro they should be looking at.03:29
KeegersrationalOgre: So far in trying to get gentoo and ubuntu to work, I have tried 3 others on here. Each with their own issues. Ubuntu has one big plus tho... this chat server. I really do appreciate the fact that I can talk to people03:30
ActionParsniprussjr08: no need to run update-grub if you are only resizing partitions03:31
maheanuu__Ok, since I started this goat roping contest, its the goats 100 and me zero...03:32
rationalOgreKeegers: Wanna try something?03:32
russjr08ActionParsnip: I'm going to create a new partition too, I think that would change the UUID of all of the partitions, right?03:32
KeegersrationalOgre: Sure03:32
ActionParsniprussjr08: possibly, can't hurt I guess ;)03:32
russjr08ActionParsnip: would running update-grub already know that I want to update my installation's grub and not the live usb's grub?03:33
rationalOgreKeegers: turn off your script, then reboot with the ethernet plugged in, when the desktop comes up open system>preferences>network connections and select Auto eth0 and click the EDIT button. Then uncheck "connect automatically", hit apply and reboot03:33
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carnage1Can i get ndiswrapper on disk?03:34
russjr08carnage1: I think it already comes on the ubuntu disk03:34
carnage1only in the os03:34
maheanuu__I think that I will back up all my files then do a re install of 10.10...   This is becoming a real PITA03:38
metrixI would like to run ubuntu (desktop/server doesn't matter) but I ONLY want to use the command line.  I also need the state of the drive to be persistent so that I can add ssh, etc and run it as a server off of USB.03:38
rationalOgremetrix: then you want ubuntu server and you need to use UUID's in fstab instead of using /dev/blah entries03:39
metrixHow do I set all of this up on a USB stick?03:39
metrixis there a howto somewhere? I did a quick google03:40
metrixI will google that :)03:40
ActionParsniprussjr08: you will need to chroot03:40
hamneggaor you could try usb-creator03:40
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russjr08ActionParsnip: what's that?03:41
Keegers_ShyiarationalOgre: Its Keegers... that didnt work. The computer still crashed on the next reboot.03:42
carnage1 I ooo03:42
rationalOgreKeegers_Shyia: bah, makes no sense.03:42
Keegers_ShyiarationalOgre:  Its got to be the module/driver03:43
rationalOgreKeegers_Shyia: yeah03:43
VustomCan someone help me fix this error? http://paste.ubuntu.com/614000/03:43
rationalOgreKeegers_Shyia: I'm thinking it's some kind of conflict between your wireless and wired connections when the wire is unplugged, but I can't think of why.03:45
ActionParsniprussjr08: have a websearch and you'l see, you need to change the root where the command is ran so it affects the installed disk03:45
=== tchanphysics is now known as being
russjr08Ok, thanks ActionParsnip03:46
ldrafVustom, why don't you try "sudo apt-get update" first?03:46
EvanescenceVustom: you can try: sudo apt-get -f install ply..... ,03:46
VustomAre all the dots needed? -.-03:46
rationalOgreKeegers_Shyia: Ok. You know how to use VI or do you use gedit?03:46
Vustomldraf: I did, just didn't include it, was the first thing I did before upgrade03:46
ldrafVustom, I see.03:47
Keegers_ShyiarationalOgre: I use vim03:47
EvanescenceVustom: no03:47
rationalOgreKeegers_Shyia: kk. sudo vi /etc/default/bootlogd and change No to Yes03:47
Keegers_ShyiarationalOgre: OK03:48
Keegers_ShyiarationalOgre: Done03:48
MK``Since I updated to Natty, Plymouth changed to use the text version, not the graphic one. How do I change it back? and, are Firefox & Gnome-panel issues common?03:48
rationalOgreThen boot it in the bad way and then afterwards we can reboot and see what /var/log/boot has to say03:48
carnage1o  ooo o o |==03:48
carnage1oo ooo  o  |;;03:48
jmcantrellwhy was plymouth even included in ubuntu? it seems to add so many headaches for just a pretty boot03:50
rationalOgrejmcantrell: Because "pretty boot" is how most people first judge an OS and Ubuntu want's to be Linux for the Masses... Honestly, I don't know. :)03:50
carnage1o  o  o  o o03:50
carnage1oo  oo    o03:50
ActionParsnipjmcantrell: its does a bit more than that03:50
MK``I just want the default graphic, rather than the ugly, off-center plain text03:51
jmcantrellActionParsnip: enlighten me03:51
ActionParsnipjmcantrell: if you remove the boot options: quiet splash    it won't show up03:51
jmcantrellActionParsnip: i know. i'm just pondering its existence03:51
tecoI can't boot into ubuntu 10.10 after a Firefox Upgrade from 3.6 to 4.0.1, I just get a black screen with a unmovable mouse pointer.. any solutions?03:51
ActionParsnipjmcantrell: i believe it does some mounting and such, it helps the boot03:51
rwwcarnage1: please visit #ubuntu-ops in a few days when you've decided to be on-topic in #ubuntu. Thanks :)03:52
KeegersrationalOgre: Back03:52
rationalOgreMK``: install plymouth-manager03:52
rationalOgreKeegers: Ok, so cat /var/log/boot | less and scroll through, see if it says anything about conflicts or whatnot03:53
MK``not in the software sources rationalOgre03:53
rationalOgreMK``: You have to add the ppa for it03:53
rationalOgreMK``: ppa:mefrio-g/plymouthmanager03:53
MK``Eh, I'd rather fix it via terminal, I just want to know the command03:53
KeegersrationalOgre: (Nothing has been logged yet.)03:53
rationalOgreMK``: Then I suggest heavy googling for info on plymouth. :D03:54
tchanphysicsdoes anybody know how to hack a .dll file03:55
MK``I did D: all the results I found were how to change between graphic and text versions, but not how to switch from one to the other03:55
reliableNerdVery small hatchet03:55
Aginortchanphysics, maybe #windows will know more about dlls03:55
tchanphysicsoooh okay03:55
rationalOgreMK``: http://paolobernardi.wordpress.com/2011/05/01/fix-plymouth-on-ubuntu-after-installing-nvidia-or-ati-proprietary-drivers-for-ubuntu-11-04-natty/03:55
rationalOgreKeegers: ... *cry*03:55
KeegersrationalOgre: Yeah....03:56
KeegersrationalOgre: Where was that command again? I want to make sure it is set03:56
russjr08ActionParsnip: Ok, I have a Ubuntu 10.04 CD, but I have installed Ubuntu 11.04, will update-grub still work and stuff, and can I resize the partition from there?03:57
rationalOgreKeegers: /etc/default/bootlogd03:57
KeegersrationalOgre: Nevermind. I verified it: BOOTLOGD_ENABLE=Yes03:57
=== RKyle is now known as RKyle|away
MK``thanks rationalOgre03:58
notyournameplease help with the scroll option on touchpad03:59
tecoI can't boot into ubuntu 10.10.. only black screen and mouse pointer.. help please03:59
pythonirc101anyone using puppet here?04:00
rationalOgreKeegers: What about cat /var/log/boot.log | less?04:00
truepurpleI had a usb flash drive folder that i accidently did something to, now I can't find it, how do I find out what happened to it?04:01
BBHoodI have two a 250 GB HDD (master) and a 40 GB HDD (Slave).  The master drive was where my windows install was.  I have formatted the smaller drive and backed up everything important to it, and now it has little over 1GB remaining.  I want to install ubuntu to the master drive.  Should I just put a new installation to that drive, or try to transfer the contents of the smaller drive04:01
notyournametouchpad scroll problems. any help?04:01
Lenin_CatIs there any way I can optimumize ubuntu?04:01
rationalOgreBBHood: Are you wanting to dual-boot?04:02
BBHoodno I am not04:02
rationalOgreThen why bother transferring the contents of the smaller drive?04:02
KeegersrationalOgre: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/614006/04:03
wn1zidLenin_Cat-  explain (optomize)04:03
BBHoodIt is the slave drive.  The larger drive is the master and I want to boot from it.  I'd likely empty the contents of the msaller drive and use it for back up04:03
BBHoodlike I did with windows04:04
philip_Request for ideas: Backing up a server, and don't want to forget important files as the image will be erased. Web locations, database (mysql) and web server conf (etc/nginx) come to mind. And user home dir. Any other ideas for what I might miss?04:06
rationalOgreKeegers: Nothing in there smacks as the answer to me.04:06
billybigriggerhey all...can someone shed some light on why i can't hear any audio through hdmi using flash??? lspci shows this...04:07
billybigrigger01:05.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc RS880 Audio Device [Radeon HD 4200]04:08
Keegers_ShyiaBah stupid networking!!04:08
rationalOgreKeegers: Anything of interest in /var/log/debug?04:08
billybigriggeri've tried firefox and chrome...both nothing04:08
sabgenton_whats a good partiontioning tool04:09
sabgenton_moving etc04:09
Keegers_ShyiarationalOgre: Did you get the pastebin?04:09
sabgenton_I like that cause it's shell based04:09
olskolircgparted sabgenton_04:09
rationalOgreKeegers: I did, nothing in it smacked of the answer to what was wrong.04:09
sabgenton_olskolirc: other than guiness is it any better than parted?04:09
Keegers_ShyiarationalOgre: kk04:09
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
rationalOgreCould try various greps on /var/log/debug and see if you find anything of interest04:10
=== Keegers_Shyia is now known as Keegers
olskolirci never heard of parted sabgenton_04:10
=== tchanphysics is now known as being
KeegersrationalOgre: there isnt a /var/log/debug file04:11
rationalOgre*sigh* this is the challenge, you never know what they change from version to version...04:12
rationalOgreNot your fault, just complaining in general.04:12
selvakumaranHey Dukes, i have problem with installation of aptana studio., Can any 1 help me on this..?04:12
KeegersNo worries rationalOgre  I appreciate the effort04:12
sabgenton_olskolirc: type sudo parted04:12
sabgenton_olskolirc: oh there one in the same04:13
sabgenton_ok I'll happily use ethier04:13
selvakumaranHow to chat in IRC, being Hard to track my conversation.,04:14
sabgenton_olskolirc: thx04:14
BWMerlinzfs isn't compatible with linux licensing so can only be used in FUSE so what are alternatives for a home server to get raidz2?04:14
rationalOgreselvakumaran: It's a learned skill. You learn to watch for names of people you are chatting with or for people using your name.04:14
selvakumaran help...! help...! help...!help...!help...!help...!help...!help...!help...!help...!help...!help...!help...!help...!help...!help...!help...!help...!help...!04:14
FloodBot1selvakumaran: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:15
rationalOgreselvakumaran: Protip, don't do that.04:15
selvakumaran:-( ok04:15
selvakumarani m sorry for that need help04:15
philip_imagine if all 1,502 people here did that04:15
zakwilsonWell, now that you've gone and annoyed us, do you think you're going to get it? Would you stand on the table and yell to get attention at a dinner party? Then why do it here?04:16
rationalOgreselvakumaran: Go to #aptana for help with their products04:16
nit-witselvakumaran, have you fallen and you can't get up?04:16
selvakumaranNo use., just followed the instructions, itz a peculiar prob i have faced.04:17
rationalOgreKeegers: I don't know man, it's a mystery.04:18
rationalOgreKeegers: We could try solving the others.04:18
Keegerstis ok rationalOgre04:18
rationalOgreKeegers: Since you have at least a passable solution to the first.04:18
rationalOgreYou were having trouble with it recognizing your touchpad, no?04:19
KeegersrationalOgre: Yeah I would really appreciate a solution to the trackpad issue04:19
rationalOgreKeegers: what's the result of xinput list?04:19
KeegersrationalOgre:  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/614011/04:20
rationalOgreKeegers: Is there actually a PS/2 mouse on there or is that the touchpad being misrecognized?04:21
KeegersrationalOgre: No PS/2 mouse04:21
VustomI got rid of the folder toolbar and can't get it back.. how do i get it back?04:21
rationalOgreKeegers: Do you know what type of touchpad you have? Synaptics?04:22
KeegersrationalOgre:  I am unsure04:22
ActionParsnipVustom: do you mean on the panel?04:23
VustomI got it back. C:04:23
ActionParsnipVustom: winner :)04:23
rationalOgreKeegers: Just so I am clear, there is no PS/2 mouse on your system.04:23
tsohello, i get the in my network manager regarding my wireless adapter, that the firmware is missing04:23
tsohow do i fix this?04:24
KeegersrationalOgre:  No there is not a PS/2 mouse attached to my system04:24
ActionParsniptso: what wireless chip do you use?04:24
rationalOgreKeegers: Ok, so yeah it's misrecognizing it.04:24
KeegersrationalOgre:  yep04:24
tsoBroadcom BCM431804:24
ActionParsniptso: sudo apt-get --reinstall install b43-fwcutter04:25
e0s__how do i get something to reappear at the top of my panel after i hit remove from panel by accident04:25
Vustomhow to refresh nautilis04:25
Vustomor what ever it is.04:25
rationalOgreKeegers: Ok, sudo apt-get install tpconfig04:25
idleone_Vustom: ctrl-r04:26
VustomDoesn't do anything..04:26
KeegersrationalOgre:  Done04:26
idleone_Vustom: click on View > Reload04:27
VustomI meant the theme..04:27
rationalOgreKeegers: tpconfig -i04:27
Vustomnautilus -p or something04:27
VustomI forgot :/04:27
idleone_Vustom: no idea what you are talking about sorry04:27
rationalOgreYou may need to do sudo tpconfig -i04:27
VustomAheh, i'll figure it out. c;04:27
VustomFound it; it was nautilus -q04:28
ActionParsnipVustom: nautilus -q04:28
KeegersrationalOgre:  thats encouraging04:28
VustomI bet you to it ActionParsnip. :D04:28
rationalOgreKeegers: :)04:28
KeegersrationalOgre:  Got a next step?04:31
rationalOgreKeegers: Was reading bugreports to see solutions04:32
KeegersrationalOgre:  Ah kk04:32
semitonesif i'm editing grub to be apci=off, where do I put it?04:33
econdudeawesomeHey all. I'm in a bit of a pickle. I cannot seem to boot up a livecd of Ubuntu 11.04 from either a cd or a thumb drive. I tried Ubuntu 11.04, 10.10, and Xubuntu 11.04, and all of them died when (I believe) finishing the initial Plymouth routine. However, I was able to boot rescatux without a problem. I need to restore my MBR (installed windows, don't want to wipe Ubuntu partition)04:33
ActionParsnipsemitones: in the quotes wit quiet splash in /etc/default/grub04:33
QueopsI'm running ubuntu server on a machine with a nvidia card. Does the card need to be loaded or I can black ist it? I'm not sure the motherboard has any integrated gpu... but does it need it? I'm controlling via SSH04:33
ActionParsnipsemitones: you will need to save the file then run: sudo update-grub   to apply04:34
semitonesActionParsnip, I'm in grub itself right now, trying to boot up04:34
rationalOgreok, try this04:34
ActionParsnipsemitones: ahhhh then press E on the kernel and type it in04:34
semitonesActionParsnip, I know it generally goes after "ro" but do I put it after vt.handoff=7?04:34
ActionParsnipsemitones: if you see quiet splash, put it just after that04:35
rationalOgresudo rmmod psmouse && sudo insmod /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/input/mouse/psmouse.ko04:35
semitonesActionParsnip, ok, I deleted quiet splash also04:35
econdudeawesomeAnyone know how to restore an MBR without a livecd?04:36
VustomActionParsnip I need to be able to put a file into /usr/share/themes, but it says I don't have permission?04:36
rationalOgreKeegers: See if that adds the touchpad tab to the mouse properties window in System>Preferences>Mouse04:36
tianshiz_hey guys i need a bit of help getting my squirrelmail to work. I'm using ubuntu lucid. I know my server is receiving emails but it doesn't show at all on squirrelmail. Can someone guide me in troubleshooting this?04:36
KeegersrationalOgre: Nope04:37
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rationalOgreKeegers: Damn04:37
KM0201econdudeawesome: u'd need either a live cd, or a live USB04:38
rcconfHow can I make VLC Player to use 99% of CPU?04:38
ActionParsnipVustom: run: gksudo nautilus    and you can04:38
KM0201rcconf: the current version of VLC, has a lot of bugs.. i love VLC, but i had to dump it.. there's several bug reports on it's CPU and RAM usage...04:38
ActionParsnipVustom: once you move the file, close nautilus04:39
econdudeawesomeKM0201: That's the issue. I cannot seem to boot Ubuntu livecd's, and no idea why. But I can boot old Ubuntu-based distros (Rescatux)04:39
ActionParsniprcconf: so you want it to use 99% ?04:39
VustomAction I bet you to it again. xD04:39
VustomI'm on a roll. C:04:39
rationalOgreKeegers: gconftool-2 --set --type boolean /desktop/gnome/peripherals/touchpad/touchpad_enabled true04:39
Keegersecondudeawesome: Are you on a notebook?04:39
econdudeawesomeKeegers: No04:39
ActionParsnipVustom: yeah, but i'm shattered dude :P04:39
KM0201econdudeawesome: are you sure you're not having some sort of hardware isssue?04:39
rcconfActionParsnip: KM0201: im playing a file but in 2 scenes it cant handle the bitrate it only reaches 71% of CPU04:39
ActionParsniprcconf: try: killall vlc; rm -r ~/.config/vlc    then rerun it04:40
econdudeawesomeKM0201 It may be a hardware issue, but it booted Rescatux fine (but couldn't install GRUB2 tot he MBR)04:40
rcconfnot a problem with config lol04:40
KeegersrationalOgre: Done04:40
ActionParsniprcconf: it may be, deleting it will give vanilla config04:40
rcconfI have a core 2 duo btw04:40
Gskellighow do I use rc.local to make commands run on startup?04:40
KM0201econdudeawesome: dunno, somethin ain't right... can the machine boot USB.. and if so, do you have a usb drive at least 1gig?04:40
ActionParsniprcconf: bad config will make apps go crazy04:41
KeegersGskellig: update-rc.d04:41
ActionParsniprcconf: I suggest you try other apps like gnome-mplayer04:41
* KM0201 <3's parole media player04:41
rcconfActionParsnip: VLC isnt crazy it's just that video04:41
econdudeawesomeKM0201 machine can boot USB, set up to boot USB. Ubuntu starts to load from the liveCD (CD and USB tried) but then crashes04:41
rationalOgreKeegers: Check to see if the touchpad options are up in Mouse Properties04:41
MGMTMusic on console! lol04:41
rcconfthose 2 scenes04:41
KeegersrationalOgre: nope :(04:41
KM0201econdudeawesome: so it also crashes upon trying to boog the live USB?04:41
econdudeawesomeKM0201 downloaded from multiple sites to ensure I didn't have a bad cksum04:42
cpc4what's the deal with alternate command line install? has that feature been removed with GRUB2?04:42
KeegersGskellig: yes type that into terminal04:42
QueopsHow can I find graphics card model so I can blacklist it? (Like snd_hda_intel for my soundcard)04:42
econdudeawesomeKM0201 and the live CD also04:42
ActionParsnipQueops: sudo lshw -C display04:42
Gskelligsays its not stable and might change in the future04:42
KM0201econdudeawesome: dunno, sounds like you got some kinda hardware issue going there.04:42
cpc4or do I need to pass in a boot flag with the 11.04 alternate install discs?04:42
KeegersGskellig: thats if you use the disable|enable04:42
econdudeawesomeKM0201 Thanks, I'll work from that assumption. I'll try unplugging the video card and seeing if that works.04:42
ActionParsnipcpc4: hold shift at boot and you will get old skool grub stylee04:42
econdudeawesomethanks again, and adieu04:43
cpc4ActionParsnip: even if booting EFI?04:43
rcconfgraphic cards= max performance04:43
KM0201econdudeawesome: hmm, not sure why it would be the video card, but i guess it could be04:43
KeegersGskellig: place the command you want to run in /etc/init.d04:43
rcconfcore 2 duo cores = performance04:43
Gskellignot /etc/rc.local ?04:43
QueopsActionParsnip, thanks, and on which of these parameters is it? :x is it the driver=?04:43
almoxarifeGskellig: you also could add them to 'startup applications' but that might be too easy a way04:43
Gskelligi was told different last time04:43
rcconfrenice vlc = very high priority04:43
KeegersGskellig: then type update-rc.d commandname defaults04:43
tsoActionParsnip: after the sudo apt-get --reinstall install b43-fwcutter04:43
Gskelligneeds to be as admin almoxarife04:43
Gskelligbut thanks04:43
ActionParsnipcpc4: not sure, i dont use it04:43
tsoshould it work?04:43
tsodo i have to restart?04:43
VustomActionParsnip, I fixed it, kindof. C: http://i.imgur.com/zNbsm.png04:43
ActionParsnipQueops: yes, driver=04:43
cpc4ActionParsnip: thanks, will try now.04:43
KeegersGskellig: this will run the command as root on startup\04:43
tsoActionParsnip: i still get the message no firmware in the wireless part of network manager04:44
semitonesActionParsnip, when I boot, nothing happens. I just get the blinking cursor in the top left :/04:44
Gskellig/etc/init.d doesnt exist. should I just make it?04:44
tsoActionParsnip: do i have to set fwcutter?04:44
rcconfwhat is libvdpau104:44
ActionParsniptso: sure, reboot away04:44
semitonesI just got done installing lubuntu from a live cd, any ideas?04:44
billy_semitones: is grub configured correctly04:44
semitonesbilly_, I just installed it, so I don't know04:45
cpc4Anyone been able to install from the mini.iso lately? All mirrors fail for me when it gets to the base install04:45
ActionParsnipsemitones: add the boot option: nomodeset  usually fixes that04:45
billy_semitones: it's possible you forgot to configure it near the end of the install04:45
ActionParsnipcpc4: mini iso rocks!04:45
ActionParsnipcpc4: do you get dhcp ok?04:45
billy_semitones: did it prompt you to enter some input regarding grub and you left it blank?04:45
cpc4ActionParsnip: I know! But it wasn't working all day yesterday, yeah dhcp was up, connected fine, got ntp and all04:45
KeegersGskellig: thats strange... it should be there04:45
ActionParsnipcpc4: try the gb servers, never fails here04:46
semitonesbilly_, I don't remember that at all, so it's a good chance I didn't configure it. :/04:46
semitonesActionParsnip, thanks! What does that fix?04:46
billy_semitones: ok boot from the live cd04:46
cpc4ActionParsnip: yeah, trid that, au, jp, us, sp04:46
Gskelliginit.d is a directory?04:46
billy_semitones: i think its under advanced, there is a rescue mode04:46
ActionParsnipsemitones: some of the display timings are in the kernel now, using the option makes it not do it04:46
Gskelligthats why I couldn't edit it -_-04:46
billy_semitones: in there is a tool that will reinstall grub04:46
QueopsActionParsnip, it still shows up on lshw -C display, is that normal? driver= is gone though04:47
billy_semitones: it will instruct you what to do04:47
Gskelligso I should use the rc.local in etc/init.d not the one in /etc/04:47
Gskelliggot it04:47
ActionParsnipQueops: did you run it with sudo?04:47
tsoActionParsnip: it stills says firmware missing in the wireless network manager :(04:47
semitonesbilly_, alright great04:48
ActionParsniptso: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx04:48
semitonesActionParsnip, that didn't seem to work, I'm going to boot from the livecd now I suppose04:48
rationalOgreKeegers: ok, cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep -i synaptics04:48
KeegersrationalOgre:  Nothing04:49
QueopsActionParsnip, however it also says unclaimed now, same with my sound card, so I guess it worked, thanks04:49
ActionParsnipQueops: yayah!04:49
semitonesbilly_, sorry about the wait, I'm letting it cool down for 5 minutes04:52
cpc4ActionParsnip: holding shift doesn't work for me, do you know the boot command to pass to run the command line installer vs normal installer?04:52
billy_semitones: lemme know how it goes04:52
semitonesafter booting a lot, things like USB boot tend to stop working04:52
billy_semitones: i had this same issue yesterday so i feel pretty confident this is what the problem is04:52
semitonesbilly_, awesome! Thanks a bunch for taking the time to help me :)04:53
Gskelligokay i edited rc.local in /etc/init.d and ran update-rc.d04:53
Gskelligdo I need to put scripts in there or can i put the commands right in rc.local04:53
KeegersSorry Gskellig  I am unsure. When I added my scripts I did it the other way.04:55
Gskelligother way?04:55
rationalOgreKeegers: Do you have a /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ folder?04:56
KeegersGskellig: I created a bash script and put it in the the /etc/init.d directory. Then I ran update-rc.d commandname defaults04:56
KM0201!zh | lukai04:56
ubottulukai: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn、/join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk。04:56
AfteraffektQuestion, is there a linux thing to disable num pads? when i turn the num pad on, it acts like a mouse and moves my curser lol04:56
KeegersrationalOgre: yup04:56
Gskelligi dont know how to make a bash script =/04:56
Gskelligi was just looking for a place i could put commands.04:57
rationalOgreKeegers: Do you have a 10-synaptics.conf in there?04:57
KeegersrationalOgre: 50-synaptics.conf04:57
KeegersGskellig: Putting commands into a file is a bash script :)04:57
Gskelligoh. lol04:57
rationalOgreKeegers: contents pls sir.04:57
KeegersGskellig: I would do a quick google seach on it04:58
billy_semitones: did that work?04:58
KeegersrationalOgre: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/614028/04:58
semitonesbilly_, i got a drink of water, trying it now04:58
rationalOgreGskellig: A bash script is a place where you can put commands. :)04:58
Gskelligso I just make a file named example.x or whatever, put the commands in there and put the "example.x" in rc.local04:58
Gskelligi'll google it =P04:58
semitonesbilly_, part of the reason this is taking awhile is because I have multisystem on usb -- theoretically that lets you boot many live-cds from one usb drive, but it doesn't seem to work every time on this old computer05:00
billy_semitones: oh thats pretty neat05:01
danileigh79QUESTION - can you search for all files on your filesystem by file extension?05:01
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList05:01
semitonesbilly_, alright, booting from a live cd now05:02
KM0201danileigh79: open a terminal and type "man ls" no quotes (thats a lowercase L) and read away05:03
billy_danileigh79: you might try "find" too05:04
Keegerssemitones: ls -r *.ext05:04
Keegerswhere ext is the file extension05:04
danileigh79billy_: i tried that, but i'm used to windows putting for examply *.doc05:04
Keegerssorry semitones05:04
Keegersdanileigh79: : ls -r *.ext05:05
Keegersdanileigh79: : ls -r *.doc05:05
rationalOgreKeegers: cat /proc/bus/input/devices and look for the whole section related to PS/2 generic mouse (Also look for Synaptics to see if it shows in there)05:05
_olskolirccan ubuntu users use "konversation" without installing the whole kde?05:06
danileigh79Keegers: i also tried that, got "ls: cannot access *.flv: No such file or directory05:06
rationalOgreOr you can just cat /proc/bus/input/devices > ~/devicelist.txt05:06
billy_danileigh79: i believe find uses regular expressions which are far more poweful05:06
BWMerlinzfs isn't compatible with linux licensing so can only be used in FUSE so what are alternatives for a home server to get raidz2?05:06
danileigh79Keegers: In other words, I'm looking for my temp internet files associated with Chrome05:07
pishguyschmidtm: ping :)05:07
KM0201!info catfish05:08
ubottucatfish (source: catfish): file search tool that support several different engines. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.2-1 (natty), package size 31 kB, installed size 384 kB05:08
se7en_danileigh79: that is because it is not ls -r but ls -R05:08
KM0201danileigh79: ^05:08
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se7en_you could always do ls --help to see for your selfe danileigh7905:09
izinucsSuddenly the icon program launcher bar will not retract when moving a window to the left or when a program is full screen .. how do I check it's settings?05:09
pishguywhats problem when i putting this code into bashscript:     number=$[ $RANDOM % 3 ]    .that say:/usr/share/gdm/autostart/rp.sh: 2: %: not found05:09
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semitonesbilly_, alright, it's almost all started up05:10
KeegersrationalOgre: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/614031/05:10
billy_semitones: will brb, changing window manager05:10
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cpc4anyone know the boot option for doing command line install?05:11
Keegersdanileigh79:  ls -R | grep *.flv05:11
KM0201Keegers: how can you get that to search subdirctories also?05:13
KeegersThe -R does that05:13
KM0201Keegers: not for me05:14
Keegersoh sorry05:14
KeegersKM0201 and danileigh79 ls -R | grep .flv05:14
Keegersno *05:14
KM0201Keegers: that works fine, but it doesn't search subdirectories05:15
KeegersKM0201: it does for me05:15
KM0201Keegers: not for i.05:15
solovoyhi, i installed a build version of banshee with some patches but didn't work ok05:15
KM0201Keegers: it searches that directory fine05:15
solovoyi uninstalled and installed again but the repository version now don't work ok05:16
KM0201but it doesn't search subdirectories05:16
magn3tsCan anyone tell me what media player is featured in this image: http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/146/b/c/ambiance_evolution_by_simplygreat-d3golt2.png05:16
magn3tsOh crap, it says it in the titlebar.05:16
magn3tsEr, and in the sound menu apparently.05:16
KeegersKM0201: Weird... -R  in ls should give you the recursive directory listing05:16
solovoyhow can i delete completly banshee to can install again ?05:18
Keegersoh and danileigh79 it should be ls -R | grep \\.lst05:18
=== SquishyNotHere is now known as squishy
econdudeawesomeHowdy! I can't remember the name of the helpful person who gave me the advice on the MBR. But unplugging my video card did the trick: seems like the livecd was guessing the wrong firmware for the video card, and caused a kernel panic at loading. Removing hte errant video card (and using the built-in onboard video for display) did the trick05:18
econdudeawesomeKeegers: thanks to you, you were one of the ones who helped05:18
billy_semitones: how'd that go?05:19
pishguy  whats problem when i putting this code into bashscript:     number=$[ $RANDOM % 3 ]    .that say:/usr/share/gdm/autostart/rp.sh: 2: %: not found05:19
KM0201econdudeawesome: well thats good news (what model video card?)05:20
econdudeawesomeKM0201: yes, you wer ehte one I wanted to thank05:21
econdudeawesomeKM0201: erm, nvidia GX410 or 420 I think...05:21
KM0201hmm, weird it didnm't work w/ the live cd05:21
econdudeawesomecan't remember off the top of my head to be honest05:21
semitonesbilly_, alright, live cd all booted05:21
Keegersnot sure pishguy. When I echo that, it works... there must be something further up the code that is causing the issue05:21
econdudeawesomeKM0201: really no idea why that happened. But it works now, so whoohoo :-)05:22
rationalOgreKeegers: What is the make/model of your laptop?05:22
econdudeawesomehave a good one05:22
KM0201econdudeawesome: well, u 205:22
KeegersrationalOgre: Toshiba Satellite C650D05:22
Keegerspishguy: number is a program (FYI)05:22
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pishguyKeegers: i use that for generate file name . not uise for echo and i can't use it in shellscript like gn.sh05:23
semitonesbilly_, what tool were you goint to refer me to?05:24
billy_semitones: its something when you boot into rescue mode05:24
Keegerspishguy: I figured, but in general if you cant echo it, it wont work05:25
billy_something like reinstall grub05:25
rationalOgreKeegers: Do you have a /etc/modprobe.d/psmouse file?05:25
KeegersrationalOgre: no05:25
tsowhy do i always get this error?05:26
tsoE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)05:26
semitonesbilly_, what's rescue mode?05:26
billy_semitones: i belive it's an option under the advanced selection05:27
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C_Smith__well, I just tried to run World of Warcraft in OpenGL, and I now know what causes the error that makes it crash: other players.05:27
pishguyKeegers: http://paste.ubuntu.com/614036/05:27
tsoActionParsnip: do you know what this means?05:27
tsoE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)05:27
semitonesbilly_, I might be able to reinstall grub without rebooting into that05:29
semitonesnomodeselect, was that it ActionParsnip ?05:29
Keegerspishguy: do me a favor... change the word number to something else05:30
solovoyhi, i have a problem with banshee, it don't appear in the apps menu or in the options to open a music file05:31
C_Smith__it tried to render them, and threw me an error, anyone where I might get help for it? being that i'm running 3.3.5a, Wineappdb won't get me an answer.05:32
C_Smith__solovoy: what version of Ubuntu are you running?05:32
solovoyC_Smith__, 11.0405:33
C_Smith__hmmmm, and have you changed any settings for media?05:33
solovoyC_Smith__, the problem started when i uninstalled a dev version that i had and installed the repository version05:33
se7en_did you remove or purge?05:34
se7en_i would rm all config files and start all over05:35
C_Smith__Solovoy: have se7en help you, he seems to know what is going on.05:35
solovoyse7en_, purge and then autoremove and autoclean, I delete some PPAs and delete the banshee folders in .config and .cache05:36
Keegersok well I am off for now. rationalOgre if you have anything for me I'll be on later or add it to the launchpad thing (if you can)05:36
solovoyok, thanks C_Smith__05:36
rationalOgreKeegers: You still there?05:36
KeegersrationalOgre: ya05:36
rationalOgreKeegers: It would seem that the issue is the patches to the kernel to make your touchpad recognized were rejected by the ubuntu team05:37
rationalOgrefor 11.04 beta at present05:37
KeegersrationalOgre: o...k...05:37
rationalOgreAt some point they probably will be accepted and then it should be recognized properly.05:37
Keegersso I'll have to wait for the next release?05:37
rationalOgreWell, the next set of kernel updates.05:38
Keegersah kk05:38
Keegerswell thanks rationalOgre05:38
rationalOgreThey update the kernel periodically throughout the beta and even during the lifetime of the product.05:38
irreverantI have a general question. I started using Ubuntu and generally am pleased, especially with package management. However, I've had a steep learning curve with apt get vs yum install.05:38
rationalOgreThe problem is you have a touchpad that doesn't respond to the traditional "magic knock" sequence for touchpads.05:38
rationalOgreTook me forever to figure this out.05:39
KeegersWell thank you very much for everything05:39
rationalOgreKeegers: No problem. You may want to file a bug for your particular make and model, if for no other reason than to let them know what's up.05:39
irreverantI just downloaded and installed CentOS and just like that yum install xchat was flawless of course i have previous experience with RH/Fedora so that's obvious. However I did not conisder how using ubuntu as a desktop solution would impact me professionally when learning multiple flavors.05:40
rationalOgreYou have a great evening.05:40
KeegersYou too rationalOgre05:40
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rationalOgreirreverant: So the question is?05:40
irreverantBasically, has anyone else here in the IT field had great success with Ubuntu in an IT position as a requirement or would you recommend just remaining with a distro that i'm familiar with and is well accepted professionally such as RHEL?05:40
celthunderirreverant: depends what you want in your environment05:42
celthunderirreverant: i've used both and many other distro's both at work and on my own...05:42
irreverantcelthunder: could you provide examples?05:42
sonifyI bow to the TOS05:43
rationalOgreirreverant: I'm just an amateur IT guy so I don't know. I do know that Ubuntu is frustrating in all the little tweaks and deviations it makes from LSB stuff from time to time.05:43
celthunderirreverant: pm?05:43
irreverantcelthunder: would you say ubuntu is gaining a share in the IT market. Right now my focus is on learning and maintaining an effective skillset which is marketable to employers to maximize my payscale.05:44
qinirreverant: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/casestudies/wikimedia05:44
sonifyhow do i get mp3 playing on fedroa15?05:44
irreverantcelthunder: pm sounds fine05:44
Genghizsonify, install gstreamer ugly05:44
celthundersonify: mpd/mpc?05:44
solovoyany idea se7en_  ?05:45
rwwsonify: step 1: /join #fedora05:45
irreverantqin: that's exactly what I was looking for thanks!05:45
GenghizIs there anyway to save a session/workspace ? Like a bunch of programs with files open05:45
Genghizand continue everytiime I log on ?05:45
lsvGenghiz: I think there is05:47
C_Smith__does anyone know where I can get help with World of Warcraft 3.3.5a on linux used with OpenGL? I now know the cause of the crashes with it, but don't know how to fix it.05:47
qinC_Smith__: #winehq and their website05:48
lsvits on System -> Preferences -> Startup Applications05:48
pishguyschmidtm: ping05:48
C_Smith__hmmm, k, I checked the appdb, and 3.3.5 appdb was not to be posted on...05:48
lsvon the window that comes up, click on the Options tab, and check the "Automatically remember running applications when logging out"05:49
Genghizalso, is there a tool which can help you search for strings in files in a folder ?05:51
Genghizfor locating functions in code, etc05:51
lsvGenghiz: grep?05:51
Genghizlsv, any GUI tool ?05:52
qinGenghiz: Bluefish editor, kate?05:52
lsvGenghiz: I don't know of any, but you could just open the file in a text editor and use the search function.05:52
semitonesWhen I boot in recovery mode from grub, I get a very scary flickering screen: the whole screen has lines like this: [   0.068003] [<c1xxxxx>] ? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx05:53
semitoneswhere xxx are numbers and letters that flicker very rapidly05:53
ActionParsnipsemitones: test ram05:54
Genghizlsv, there are like 20 .py inside the folder05:55
rationalOgresemitones: Looks like the CPU initilization stuff.05:56
lsvGenghiz: maybe is time to start using grep???  Sorry Genghiz05:56
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Genghizlsv, ok :) I'll learn it05:57
semitonesActionParsnip, ok I'll run memtest05:58
lsvGenghiz: :D05:58
semitonesrationalOgre, what does that mean?05:58
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rationalOgredunno, just 0.068003 is generally where the cpu reporting info happens06:00
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LoshkiGenghiz: also, look at the man pages for etags and ctags, and then find something similar for whatever editor you use...06:11
DrunkytonesActionParsnip, so far 0 errors06:14
sam___Is it possible to ask someone for a little help with Unity ?06:15
Drunkytonesit went through one complete test06:15
sje46hey, what's the default password for root?!06:15
sje46I just installed ubuntu...and I can't su.  I know that's a dumb question...06:16
Drunkytonessjakie, you can do sudo su, with the password you made for your main account06:16
Drunkytonesubuntu doesn't come with a root password by default06:16
Drunkytonesnot even a random one06:16
sigmab3tahey guys, anyone using the fglrx ati driver? I have this weird issue where sometimes windows won't refresh until i minimize/restore them -  anyone know a fix for that06:17
lsvDrunkytones: use sudo su06:17
lsvDrunkytones: and use your normal password as the password06:17
sje46thanks Drunkytones06:17
lsvDrunkytones: oppss my bad... >.< I meant sje4606:18
lsvsje46: use sudo su06:18
Drunkytoneshehe that's alirhg06:18
hexdump_Hi all!06:18
hexdump_Hey I'm having issues with my internal network adapter06:19
Drunkytonesany ideas for how to fix my boot issue? regular boot fails quietly, "recovery mode" results in the scary screen06:19
hexdump_It's not showing up in ifconfig06:19
hexdump_is there a way I can remove it and reinstall it so it shows up again?06:19
Drunkytoneshexdump_, wifi adapter?06:19
hexdump_yes internal pci06:19
hypatiahexdump_: rmmod and then modprobe the driver06:19
DrunkytonesI was going to say that :p06:20
hexdump_how do I find which one it is?06:20
hypatiaor, alternately, physically remove the card, reboot, reboot, reinstall card, reboot06:20
hypatiabut um rmmod is easier06:20
Drunkytonesyou can use lsmod to find out what modules are in use06:20
hypatiayeah lspci06:20
hypatiahey folks what does "manga mode" do in comix06:20
Loshkihexdump_: did this work previously, or is this a new install?06:20
sam___Feel so overwhelmded reading all this lol, you guys know so much more than me06:20
hexdump_realtek rtl810106:20
hypatia(comix = cbr/z/7 viewer)06:20
hypatiasam___: we were all noobs once :)06:21
hexdump_Loshki:  previously worked fine then one day boom screwed up06:21
hypatialook for a module in lsmod that has rtl in it06:21
hypatiathen rmmod that06:21
hexdump_hypatia:  I must have missed it hang on06:21
Drunkytoneshypatia, sounds like it would just read right to left, but I have no real idea06:21
sam___I just came in wondering if anyone knew how to manuely edit any form of config file that lists disabled/enabled plug ins for compiz06:22
hexdump_so sudo rmmod rtl818706:22
Drunkytonesdo you have to do sudo depmod -a at any point?06:22
hypatiaDrunkytones: you'd think that, but i can't see it doing anything06:23
Loshkihexdump_: so either an update killed it, or the hardware died. Have you tried booting the previous kernel?06:23
hexdump_Loshki:  nope I'll give that a shot?  I did have an update recently hang on.06:24
Drunkytones http://www.chnorton.com.au/2007/06/13/comix-linux-comic-viewer/ looks like it is supposed to do that, maybe it's broken06:24
hexdump_Loshki:  thanks!  I'll be right back mkay06:24
hexdump_thanks be back soon06:24
ActionParsnipsam___: usually you use ccsm06:25
ActionParsnipsam___: use any OS long enough and you start to learn it ;)06:25
sam___Yeah I have been using Ubuntu for about a month now but this one is a real bummer for me..06:25
DrunkytonesActionParsnip, any idea how to deal with that scary text06:26
ActionParsnipDrunkytones: let me see06:26
sam___Using ccsm I wanted to disable the 4 windows plug in and it disabled some Unity plug in at the same time06:26
sam___Now I'm un able to get any form of DE..06:26
severinhi, anyone with a running bcm4312 wireless chipset? tried all the solutions in the internet, but cant get it running06:26
ActionParsnipDrunkytones: which text?06:27
severinI can use eth1 for browsing wlan spots, but im not able to connect to one :S06:27
DrunkytonesWhen I boot in recovery mode from grub, I get a very scary flickering screen: the whole screen has lines like this: [   0.068003] [<c1xxxxx>] ? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx06:27
Drunkytones<semitones> where xxx are numbers and letters that flicker very rapidly.06:27
ActionParsnipsam___: under general there is desktop size, you can set it as big or small as you need06:27
bazhangDrunkytones, check ram is what was said before06:27
dgathrightWhat's the best way to upgrade Jaunty to Karmic or Lucid at this point? I can install update-manager-core because apt-get sources 404.06:27
ActionParsnipDrunkytones: is the ram ok? Does it boot liveCD ok?06:27
DrunkytonesActionParsnip, it happens booting from the live cd if I don't specify apci=off, and in the "recovery mode" kernel, even if I do specify it06:28
bazhangDrunkytones, ie memtest06:28
DrunkytonesActionParsnip, bazhang checked ram with memtest, no errors06:28
dgathrightoops, I meant I can not install update-manager-core06:28
DrunkytonesActionParsnip, I was able to boot into the livecd and install lubuntu with apci=off, I just can't boot into it from grub it seems06:28
ActionParsnipDrunkytones: did you add the boot option in grub2?06:29
DrunkytonesActionParsnip, manually, yes. I haven't done it permanently since I can't get into the OS to change it06:29
ActionParsnipdgathright: use the alternate ISO for Karmic, you can upgrade that way. I would clean install at least lucid persoanlly06:29
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sam___Hm sorry I'll explain properly, the option that let you view 4 different desktops as default was enabled in Unity, disabling that disabled some form of Unity plug in in compiz, now when I log in I can not use Gnome classic/Unity/recovery console anything06:30
ActionParsnipDrunkytones: boot to liveCD and use a chrrot to do it06:30
dgathrightActionParsnip: It's actually a VPS, so I have no physical access to the box.06:30
DrunkytonesActionParsnip, alright, here goes06:30
ActionParsnipdgathright: thats fine, you dont need physical access06:30
severinthe thing is I can scan for all the networks, and I see mine but Ubuntu tells me that wireless connections are disabled :/06:30
ActionParsnipdgathright: for the alternate ISO method anyhoo06:30
dgathrightActionParsnip: So download, mount, and install?  Cool06:30
ActionParsnipdgathright: yeah, there is a script on the ISO ;)06:31
dgathrightawesome, thanks06:31
ActionParsnipseverin: what is the output of:  rfkill list06:31
ActionParsnipseverin: use a pastebin to host06:31
ActionParsnipseverin: or just try: sudo rfkill unblock all06:31
r0fs3ck5severin: have you enabled your wireless adaptor?06:31
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severinhttp://slexy.org/view/s2Qkhuhhz9 <-- ActionParsnip06:32
severinr0fs3ck5, I think so ... it is blinking :)06:32
DrunkytonesActionParsnip, alright, starting from this guide (chroot) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20from%20LiveCD06:32
amd64doe any one know "how to become a released candidate of ubuntu ??"06:33
hexdump_jeeze I can't get my wirless enabled!06:33
hexdump_rahhh lol damnit!06:33
hexdump_keeps saying my wireless is disabled06:34
severinhexdump_, same here ... what card?06:34
obelixproblems with edubuntu http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/61404706:34
hexdump_it says ath9k06:34
hexdump_when I do lsmod06:34
ActionParsnipamd64: I'd join the lubuntu mailing list and ask06:34
silv3r_m00nhi there , skype has stopped working , how to fix06:34
hexdump_I try lspci and...06:34
amd64ActionParsnip : ok06:35
ActionParsnipseverin: do you have a switch or keyshortcut to enable / disable wifi?06:35
severinActionParsnip, yes06:35
ActionParsnipseverin: if you press it, does it work ok then?06:36
hexdump_so should I rmmod ar9285?06:36
severinit changes the softblocked value of brcmwl-1 adapter, ActionParsnip06:36
ActionParsniphexdump_: no, the driver is ath9k ar9285 is the chipset06:36
hexdump_nope doesn't work06:36
hexdump_doesn't work when I rmmod ath9k06:36
ActionParsnipseverin: ok, did you try the unblock command I gave06:36
severinActionParsnip, it starts blinking then and I can scan for networks but cannot connect to my wlan06:36
severinActionParsnip, yes06:37
obelixanyoe can help me ?06:37
r0fs3ck5hexdump_: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart06:37
hexdump_rofs3ck5:  thanks I'll give er a shot06:37
severinActionParsnip, I think the driver is buggy ... there are so many posts about it ... but none of the solutions helped me :/06:38
severinor am I too stupid to connect to a WPA secured wifi? :D06:38
hexdump_Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth006:38
ActionParsnipr0fs3ck5: use: sudo service networking restart    nowadays :)06:38
severingot the same as hexdump_ : Ignoring unknown interface eth1=eth106:39
r0fs3ck5ActionParsnip: thanks, i keep forgetting. ubuntu is developing faster than I can keep track of :D06:39
DrunkytonesActionParsnip, so do you think I should have apci=off and nomodeselect as the only boot options?06:39
Drunkytonesor should i have something else as well06:40
ActionParsnipDrunkytones: leave the usual: quiet splash   to06:40
hexdump_gawd good thing my external works, but jeeze06:40
amd64<ActionParsnip> : When would u tell abt RC ??06:40
hexdump_I don't see why my internal doesn't work06:40
lsvcould anyone help obelix with the upgrade problem?06:40
ActionParsnipamd64: what is "abt RC"?06:40
DrunkytonesActionParsnip, I thought taking them off might give more information, and I can always put them back later06:41
ActionParsnipDrunkytones: true, you can always readd later06:41
amd64<ActionParsnip> : about released candidate06:41
Drunkytonesok, update-grubbing and grub installing06:41
ActionParsnipamd64: do you mean Natty?06:41
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Guest83481Does anyone by chance no how to get vista back with a disk?06:42
severinhm need a shower ... cu later, hopefully there is a solution for my problem :S06:42
C_Smith__does anyone know how I can check for the latest version of the Intel GMA Driver for Ubuntu?06:42
Guest83481without a disk*06:42
hexdump_can't I just reinstall the hardware06:42
ActionParsnipC_Smith__: there is the xorg edgers ppa, its very experimental but will have the latest goodies. It may make your desktop not load06:43
hexdump_heck I dunno.  I guess I'll have to use the external adapter until I find out what the deal is.06:43
C_Smith__hmmmm, well, I'll look there.06:43
hexdump_Crazy the external usb works fine06:44
NRCAndersonhave you got my password guessed yet?06:45
ActionParsnipNRCAnderson: howdy06:45
DrunkytonesActionParsnip, alright rebooting06:46
r0fs3ck5NRCAnderson: do you want us to guess your password?06:47
DrunkytonesActionParsnip, I still get the scary text06:47
Drunkytonescan I call that something else?06:47
ActionParsnipDrunkytones: boot messages06:47
NRCAndersonr0fs3ck5: im thinking it right now06:47
DrunkytonesActionParsnip, these are not normal boot messages though06:48
NRCAndersoncant change screen res06:48
NRCAndersonhello teslo06:49
r0fs3ck5Drunkytones: that can sometimes mean the kernel is trying to find the driver for a device06:49
r0fs3ck5Drunkytones: or is trying to access an unmounted or missing drive06:50
r0fs3ck5Drunkytones: at least that is the most common cause.06:50
Drunkytonesmaybe it's not mounting the partition it's trying to access06:50
r0fs3ck5Drunkytones: normally, if that is the case, it will ask you to press 's' to skip mounting the drive, unless it is the boot partition.06:51
DrunkytonesI have all of / on one partition06:51
Drunkytonesso I guess it is the boot partition06:51
silv3r_m00nskype has suddenly stopped working , how to fix it ?06:52
r0fs3ck5Drunkytones: I imagine so.  does it proceed to the login screen after the 'scary text'?06:52
MK``silv3r_m00n:     mv ~/.Skype/shared.xml ~/.Skype/shared~.xml06:53
MK``that should fix it06:53
Drunkytonesr0fs3ck5, no, it just stays that way until I hold the power button down06:53
silv3r_m00nMK``: thanks06:53
Drunkytonesr0fs3ck5, I could try letting it go for 3-4 minutes next time06:53
r0fs3ck5have you tried spamming the 's' key?06:53
Drunkytonesno, I could try doing that too06:53
r0fs3ck5Drunkytones: have you tried spamming the 's' key? then let it go for a few minutes.06:54
Ruloringlet-ubunalguien habla español?06:54
MK``!es | Ruloringlet-ubun06:54
ubottuRuloringlet-ubun: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.06:54
Drunkytonesr0fs3ck5, got it06:54
NRCAndersoncant change screen res06:55
irreverantthe people over at centos are no way near as helpful as ubuntu users06:55
irreveranttalk about attitude06:55
NRCAndersonwere can i edit xorg conf?06:55
ActionParsnipMK``: been reading omgubuntu eh ;)06:55
carnage1i wish to thank everyone involved06:55
ActionParsnipNRCAnderson: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:55
MK``I found it randomly AP, when looking up something else heh06:55
GranMarioanyone with ubuntu on macbook??06:56
ActionParsnipMK``: hehe it's listed there, I expect we'll get a lot of folks asking06:56
carnage1macs have v-chips06:56
ActionParsnip!anyone | GranMario06:56
ubottuGranMario: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.06:56
NRCAndersonisnt that handled by randir something?06:56
ActionParsnipNRCAnderson: in some cases yes, in some cases the file is needed06:56
MK``I love how immediately after Microsoft gets Skype, the client gets 1000 issues and they sever an open source link06:57
GranMarioi cant see my isight on my macbook with ubuntu 11.0406:57
Drunkytonesthere is a GRUB_BADRAM line in /etc/defaults/grub that I could uncomment if it could help06:58
Drunkytonesexcept memtest said there were no errors06:58
r0fs3ck5Drunkytones: did you see 'kernel panick' anywhere in your scary text?06:59
NRCAndersonSection "Device"06:59
NRCAndersonIdentifier "Videocard0"06:59
NRCAndersonDriver "vesa"06:59
spencaAnonymous has a grave announcement to make to all users of the World Wide Web. The Internet you have come to take for granted has once again come under attack. Several interest groups have been successfully lobbying to consolidate internet censorship within the United States. They are rallying for the right to forcibly remove any websites they deem "inappropriate" and, ultimately, remove any content that disagrees with their profit m06:59
FloodBot1NRCAnderson: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:59
irreverantMK": yeah but it was a smark business move on their part06:59
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate06:59
rwwspenca: #ubuntu is for Ubuntu technical support, not announcements like that. Thanks.07:00
spencai know07:00
NRCAndersonthe internet is doom i knew it07:00
rwwThen don't do it.07:00
spencabut this is important07:00
rwwI don't care.07:00
spencasorry to bother you guys\07:00
spencathats all i have to say though i'll see you07:00
Drunkytonesr0fs3ck5, the scary text is very specific and follows one pattern. I get a very scary flickering screen: the whole screen has lines like this: [   0.068003] [<c1xxxxx>] ? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,  where xxx are numbers and letters that flicker very rapidly.07:00
NRCAndersonspenca: so what are you going to do about it? :-)07:00
rwwNRCAnderson: take it to #ubuntu-offtopic or something ;)07:01
spencame, i'm gona spread the word07:01
r0fs3ck5spenca: thanks spenca.  We do read news.07:01
NRCAndersonho lord07:01
carnage1oh thats a dos virus07:01
spencai'm taking it to the most popular IRC chats07:01
spencaso be informed07:01
r0fs3ck5Drunkytones: back up your home folder using a live cd07:02
NRCAndersonit seem he was right07:02
Zerstit is true, the gorenetz is doomed.07:02
NRCAndersonhes site was already banned07:02
r0fs3ck5Drunkytones: if yoou can boot a live cd, that would eliminate some hardware issues07:02
ZerstEh, just making a joke07:03
felixsullaI'm on 10.04, is there a way to upgrade right to 11.04 (skipping any version in between?)07:03
spencahey ubuntu related question here07:03
Drunkytonesr0fs3ck5, I'm in the livecd environment right now07:03
NRCAndersonspenca is a cop07:04
rwwNRCAnderson: let's get back to support please :)07:04
NRCAndersonhes trying to lure the freaks out07:04
Drunkytonesr0fs3ck5, I should mention that I get the same scary text booting the live cd, unless I specify apci=off07:04
ActionParsnipspetrea: yes07:04
NRCAndersoni hope they do wikipedia in07:04
ZerstSo, I'm new to ubuntu.  Anyone willing to discuss desktop environments with me?07:04
felixsullaI'm on 10.04, is there a way to upgrade right to 11.04 (skipping any version in between?)07:04
reliableNerdduring 10.04 - 11.04 upgrade, at which i believe was the 2nd last phase (installation?)  I got this error ....       replace the customized configuration file '/etc/sane.d/dll.conf'?07:04
ActionParsnipspetrea: although there are non-opensource items in the repos which are installable by the user, the default install is all open07:05
ActionParsnipfelixsulla: leapfrogging releases is not advised or supported. You could wipe and clean install Natty07:05
r0fs3ck5Drunkytones: def sounds like a hardware incompatibility.  list your devices please.07:05
reliableNerdI also clicked to review an app in the software center which may be coincidence or not... and it prompted me to create a software center account at the same time i got the error07:05
felixsullaActionParsnip: Thank you, will just follow the upgrade its suggesting : )07:05
billy_Zerst: what of them?07:06
Drunkytonesr0fs3ck5, well it is a compaq presario 3000. I'm not sure of its components off the top of my head, except that the PCMIA wifi is a TI ACX11107:06
ZerstWell, I'm not sure that I really understand the difference between unity and gnome and kde and xfce or w/e.  Are they simply different looks, or do they actually act differently or have different functions?07:07
agrundnerreliableNerd: best bet is keep you custom configurations when asked07:07
MK``The difference is layered. A desktop environment is composed of multiple parts: a window manager, a file manager, various other applications they may want to include. The primary difference is looks, since you can install any applications you want on Ubuntu, regardless of which environment it was designed for07:08
hamneggathey are different desktop environments, programmed differently with different directories and more/less resource to run07:08
Drunkytonesr0fs3ck5, is there any command I can run to get more of a hardware list07:08
reliableNerdok agrundner thank you07:08
agrundnerZerst: similar functionality -- different environments07:08
ZerstLike, my machine has a decent gpu, so should I be using one desktop environment or another to fully utilize it?  I spent quite a while playing around with gnome and compiz and emerald to get it the way that I liked it.  If I decide to install kde and choose it from the login menu, will it disturb my gnome/compiz settings at all?07:09
hamneggatry to stay away from packages designed specifically for one or the other (desktop env), and use the defaults07:09
hamneggajust makes a mess imo07:09
MK``Zerst: KDE is entirely separate from GNOME. Your system settings will remain the same, but they will not look the same at all. KDE does not use compiz normally, it has its own window manager07:09
r0fs3ck5Drunkytones: sudo lshw07:10
hamneggadepends if you used the original compiz packages or the customized ones07:10
agrundnerreliableNerd: usually you're asked if you want to install the developer version or keep your custom configuration (your config. obviously is already working -- changes usually break your system)07:10
LoshkiZerst: ...and run a backup before you change guis, just in case....07:10
agrundnerreliableNerd: I've learned this the hard way07:10
Zerst=/  How to run a backup?  Is there a command, or should I just start my googling there?  =D07:11
MK``KDE is more resource intensive, and is more familiar to people who are coming over from Windows. GNOME is aiming for a more slick, bling look these days. Xfce is made to be more simplistic, while Lxde is extremely lightweight07:11
reliableNerdagrundner, i opened the file and viewed its contents, and agree i don't think i should replace lol.  thank you for the tips :)07:11
ZerstThanks, MK.07:11
MK``I'd back up your settings the same as any other backup. You can just have more than one desktop environment installed and play with them as you see fit07:12
hamneggawhat's the general consensus on unity?07:12
hamnegganot complete?07:12
MK``The other day I broke gnome's panel and had to login with xfce to fix it07:12
ZerstThat sounds thoroughly confusing07:12
hamneggamy gnome is finally all setup07:12
MK``So, don't mess with settings unless you have an alternative.07:12
hamneggalooks nice07:12
ActionParsnipMK``: why is kde aimed at windows folks and not gnome?07:12
hamneggaI prefer gnome, but I would recommend kde for beginner07:12
MK``ActionParsnip: Well, all of Linux is aimed at it, I mean in the overall way things are presented and organized07:13
agrundnerhamnegga: I've grown to like it (still needs work, though)07:13
hamneggaaimed at windows? no07:13
ActionParsnipMK``: both can be manipluated and changed...07:13
ZerstWhat specifically about kde would cause you to recommend kde over gnome to a beginner?07:13
MK``while GNOME duplicates all the functionalities, KDE duplicates the process as well out of the box, with analogous things07:13
hamneggathe file setup, autostart works, etc07:13
MK``Like, the start menu and the control panel, etc.07:13
ZerstI see07:13
ActionParsnipMK``: what about Enlightenment, or Awesome or flwm, or openbox, or fluxbox and all the other DEs available...07:14
MK``whereas Unity (which also runs on gnome) is more similar to the Mac thing07:14
C_Smith__is 11.04 Desktop packages from the Software Center supposed to delete your current Desktop manager? I haven't tried it in this install, but I almost installed KDE before it asked me if I wanted to remove Ubuntu-Desktop....07:14
rwwActionParsnip: most of those are WMs, not DEs ;P07:14
MK``Those are just window managers :P, not full07:14
Drunkytonesr0fs3ck5, http://paste.ubuntu.com/614056/ all the output of lshw07:14
ActionParsniprww: you get the idea :P07:14
kelvinellahi every time i restart the computer the title bar and the buttons are gone, and i have to run gtk-window-decorator --replace & disown in the terminal to get them back, how do i set it up so that i dont have to run the command every time i restart?07:14
ActionParsnipMK``: you can run just openbox without DE07:14
MK``yeah I know, WMs should all be that way07:15
ShogootHi people. I installed ubuntu 11.04 and the unity thing was nice! then i started upgrading, rebooted and i got a mesage saying my video card cant take unity and reseted my desktop to gnome classic. Ive instaled the drivers  now for my vid card (nvidia) but i cant find out how to restart unity. I need help with this... :)07:15
ZerstOut of all those other environments you mentioned, are any of them particularly resource intensive and full of eyecandy?  =307:15
ActionParsnipMK``: it would give less flexibility if it was07:15
MK``That's what standards are for, we all know those never slow anyone down!07:15
ActionParsnipZerst: compiz can be as heavy or light as you make it07:15
MK``Zerst: KDE and Compiz are both very eyecandyable07:15
MK``KWM, I should say :P07:15
MK``Kwin* sorr07:16
ActionParsnipis it not kwin ?07:16
C_Smith__I'll repeat: is 11.04 Desktop packages from the Software Center supposed to delete your current Desktop manager? I haven't tried it in this install, but I almost installed KDE before it asked me if I wanted to remove Ubuntu-Desktop....07:16
agrundnerShogoot: you can select Unity from the login screen -- at the bottom -- when you boot up.07:16
MK``iirc gnome's Metacity wm does not work with other DEs? Or was that Mutter07:16
MK``C_Smith__: it won't. That's just the meta package07:16
ZerstShogoot, you might try logging out to get to the login screen.  Then Click on your name to put your cursor in the password box, and at the bottom of the screen switch from Ubuntu Classic to Ubuntu07:16
ZerstThat should get you back to unity07:16
C_Smith__ah, k07:17
Shogootill check taht out07:17
MK``installing kubuntu-desktop will not remove anything07:17
ActionParsnipC_Smith__: you can remove the ubuntu-desktop package, its only a metapackage07:17
r0fs3ck5Drunkytones: I can't see anything there that should cause what you are describing, unless it is defective in some way.07:17
MK``But then again, GNOME wants to fork and make its own OS anyway :P07:17
C_Smith__ok, I see, I always thought it was the actual environment, just goes to show how much of a newbie at Linux I am.07:17
kyle__Hi all - My mouse (Razer Naga) doesn't seem to work with ubuntu. Can anyone help me to get it to work? This is as far as I've gotten: Typed xinput list in terminal and under vitrual core pointer it lists "virtual core XTEST pointer" and "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad" (no mouse).07:17
C_Smith__doesn't mean I can't learn, though! :D07:18
r0fs3ck5Drunkytones: can you actually log in and access the filesystem?07:18
Drunkytonesr0fs3ck5, I see.. So I'll try to boot, spam s, and let it go for 4 minutes07:18
Drunkytonesr0fs3ck5, I can chroot from the live cd07:18
r0fs3ck5Drunkytones: that may be the way to go.07:18
ActionParsnipZerst: personally I think the ozone theme in lxde+openbox looks awesome :)07:18
Drunkytonesr0fs3ck5, to do what?07:18
r0fs3ck5Drunkytones: "I can chroot from the live cd"07:19
C_Smith__so, how is everyone?07:19
r0fs3ck5Drunkytones: then back up and reinstall07:19
MK``I just stick to gnome-shell on gnome 2 for now07:19
Drunkytonesr0fs3ck5, oh, this is a fresh install07:19
astald0It was set to Ubuntu (not clasic)... I logged back in no, and unity is still not up..... its broken someway07:19
ActionParsnip_kad: tired but off home from work now :)07:20
Drunkytonesr0fs3ck5, you think a reinstall could fix everything :)07:20
r0fs3ck5Drunkytones: did you check the disc for erros?07:20
ActionParsnipC_Smith__: tired but off home from work07:20
Drunkytonesr0fs3ck5, yes I did. however I went ahead and burned a new disk at slowest speed07:20
ActionParsnipC_Smith__: i'll chat on the bus, gotta love andchat07:20
Drunkytonesr0fs3ck5, because I read that even with no errors, older computers can't handle a writespeed greater than their readspeed07:21
r0fs3ck5Drunkytones: kernel version?07:21
C_Smith__kinda liking my Lightscribe setup, makes some good labels with l307:21
Drunkytonesr0fs3ck5, it's regular natty, so 2.6.38-8-generic07:21
=== astald0 is now known as Shogoot
Shogootit did not work. It was set to Ubuntu (not clasic)... I logged back in no, and unity is still not up..... its broken someway07:22
r0fs3ck5Drunkytones: I'm struggling to discern the problem.  maybe track down your local ubuntu community for some IRL support.07:22
Drunkytonesr0fs3ck5, alright, I'll give it a shot. Thanks for all your help!07:23
MK``what is the name of gnome's workspace?07:23
r0fs3ck5Drunkytones: unless someone else here has an opinion07:23
MK``I forgot07:23
C_Smith__is there any way I can check my x.org and Intel driver version?07:23
DrunkytonesActionParsnip was helping me earlier, but it looks like he went to bed07:24
Drunkytonesr0fs3ck5, I had better get some sleep too. I can try again later, and maybe reinstalling would help sometime, but this is a really old computer for sure07:25
r0fs3ck5Drunkytones: no probs.  Sorry I couldn't fix it for you.07:25
MK``There's an easy way C_Smith__ but I forgot it07:25
Drunkytonesthats ok, I learned a lot07:25
Drunkytonestake it easy everyone, good night07:25
Zersthave a good one, man07:26
ShogootAnyone to help me  with my unity problem?07:26
ZerstWish I could.  =.07:26
LoshkiC_Smith__: check /var/log/Xorg.0.log07:26
C_Smith__k, thanks07:27
agrundnerShogoot: if you're in the Unity version and Unity is not coming up, try: $unity --reset07:28
kyle__anyone know how to edit xinput to get my mouse to show up as a pointer?07:29
Shogootagrundner, gonna try that07:29
agrundnerShogoot: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/how-to-reset-unity-launcher-icons-or.html07:29
Shogootagrundner, i get a error, can you take a look at this? http://pastebin.com/pq43RkgR07:30
ActionParsnipkyle__: do you have the mouse issue where its a branded thing but not working07:31
agrundnerShogoot: try it without the sudo07:31
kyle__ActionParsnip: I'm not sure what you mean by branded. From what I can tell ubuntu doesn't know my mouse exists at all.07:31
zmyrgelhi, how to configure wireless network on boot in ubuntu?07:32
ActionParsnipkyle__: does the device have a make/model ?07:32
kyle__ActionParsnip: Yes. Make: Razer Model: Naga07:33
Shogootagrundner, more errors. http://pastebin.com/65Ln8jfF07:33
ActionParsnipzmyrgel: network manager will connect to networks you teach it07:33
zmyrgelActionParsnip: I'm using CLI only tools07:34
zmyrgelit's for a HTPC box07:34
ActionParsnipkyle__: you may need an xorg.conf to define it07:34
agrundnerShogoot: you've installed the latest nvidia drivers, right?07:34
Shogootagrundner, the ones that is recomended on the additional drivers thingy.07:35
ActionParsnipzmyrgel: it would have been useful to add that to the initial question don't you think?07:35
kyle__ActionParsnip: How do I do that?07:35
agrundnerShogoot: I have one last tip for you... one sec07:35
MrokiiHello. I want to set a VPN-connection with "itshidden.com". Can somebody provide me with a manual for it?07:36
ActionParsnipzmyrgel: you can use nmcli in command line, or even better install wicd and use wicd-curses as a nice text based gui07:37
zmyrgelActionParsnip: ok, thanks. I'll look into it07:37
agrundnerShogoot: $gksu nvidia-settings     <- open this up and THEN save your settings to Xorg or whatever the option is -- I forget. After that reboot and try the reset function again if Unity doesn't come up. Good luck!07:38
C_Smith__isn't there a mailing list for support? I looked, and there wasn't a support mailing list there.07:39
ActionParsnipkyle__: search for the make and model of the mouse but add xorg.conf to the search. You can get write access to the file with: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:39
dpn`hey I'm following the steps here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution#Adding undetected resolutions and I still can't get my external monitor to display 19200x120007:39
ActionParsnipkyle__: the OS doesn't ship with the file but if one is present it will be obeyed07:40
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ActionParsnipDpn: what video chip do you use?07:41
dpn`ActionParsnip, it's an intel in a dell laptop07:42
kyle__ActionParsnip: Yeah I don't have xorg.conf, already tried editing it.07:42
dpn`ActionParsnip, "intel integrated" 2nd gen according to dmsg07:43
ActionParsnipkyle__: if you find a suggested entry for you mouse, add it i07:43
ActionParsnipIn the file07:43
r0fs3ck5bastard spoiting my insecure kvirc lol07:43
lapion!ubottu pastebin07:43
dpn`ActionParsnip, i used xrandr to add the resolution and refresh rate... when i try to use it in "Monitors" it says it can't set it07:44
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:44
r0fs3ck5when is the patched kvirc going into the ubuntu repos?07:44
ActionParsnipDpn: my video skills are low except for nvidia chips07:44
dpn`ActionParsnip, fair enough. same here... i've always had nvidia before this too :)07:45
ActionParsnipPure nvidia here except my lappy which just works in any distro i throw at it07:46
Dr_Williskvirc patched for what?07:48
kyle__ActionParsnip: When I type gksudo gedit /etc/x11/xorg.conf and try to add stuff and save it says "could not find the file /etc/x11/xorg.conf"07:49
Dr_Williskyle__:  by default the file does not exist. the nvidia-settings tool can make the file (if you are on ncvidia)07:49
ActionParsnipkyle__: ok then run: sudo touch /etc/X11/xorg.conf   then edit it07:50
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: its some intel thing07:51
seesallhave they ported ambiance for gtk3 yet?07:52
kyle__Dr_Willis: Do you mean "NVIDIA X Server Settings"? If so how do I use it to make the file?07:52
Barrett__anyone aware of the 11.04 bug that doesn't allow it to be installed as a Xen guest?07:52
Dr_Willisif its Intel . then you dont use  the 'nvidia-settings' program :)07:52
Barrett__and actually seems to be ubuntu specific even when trying 2.6.38 on 10.0407:53
kyle__Dr_Willis: If what is intel? My processor?07:53
Barrett__doesn't find any devices07:53
vexati0ncool, i fixed all my issues with Unity and now I'm a happy camper!07:54
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UngicskaOla bruederz08:08
UngicskaOla penguinz08:08
UngicskaDr_Willis bro good mornin' to you:D08:09
UngicskaJo reggelt dicsoseges testvereim08:10
EvildaemonWhat does dd do if you don't give it a target device?08:10
Dr_WillisI would say  it gives an error.. since dding output to the stdout  might be a little silly.08:11
EvildaemonJust print to stdout?08:11
Dr_WillisTry it and see. :)08:11
EvildaemonBecause I just did it and got binary08:11
Dr_Willisdd if=/dev/random08:11
Dr_Willislooks like its goes to std out then.08:11
EvildaemonSo I just want to know that it didn't overwrite my bootloader, lol.08:12
Dr_Willisthats now most of those apps work. so they can vbe chained together.08:12
Dr_Willisit would only write to where you teold it to wite08:12
Dr_Willis!wireless | ozzloy08:12
ubottuozzloy: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:12
EvildaemonI thought it might default to /sdb or something.08:12
Dr_Willistheres more to 'dd then writing to hard drives.. :)08:12
EvildaemonLike? It's a program for reading sectors.........08:13
Dr_Willisits a program for reading 'data'  -08:13
Dr_Willishard drives are just another file to dd.08:14
Dr_Willisdont forget about 'dd_rescue' and 'ddrescue' if trying to recover bad hard drives08:16
EvildaemonOkay then, lastly, why does binary use so many weird characters?08:16
ricalanyone know of a way to share a large amount of photos to personal computers? All I can think if is VPN+SAMBA.08:16
ricalI want to be able to access my photos from anywhere08:16
ricalSome webmagic would do if there is any08:17
Dr_WillisEvildaemon:  it dosent use characters at all.. its binary data08:18
Dr_WillisYou are seing binary converted to 'ascii'08:18
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines08:18
Dr_Willisrical:   theres services like 'orb' that let you access a remote pc  via special interfaces/web inteface. Not sure if ORB is out for linux yet.08:19
DirtyDawgguys, i have a cable modem + router and 2 copies of Ubuntu, one on desktop and one on laptop, what should i do so they can see each other and share files etc?08:19
Dr_Willisrical:  then thers the dozens of online photo shareing sites..08:19
Dr_WillisDirtyDawg:  easy way. install ssh on both. set up 'sshfs' so you can mount the remote box to a local directory. Samba and the normal shareing method can work also.08:20
EvildaemonI know, the point being that whats the conversion supposed to be? Even MORE cryptic then machine code?08:20
DirtyDawgDr_Willis: thx mate i will look into that :)08:20
Dr_Willisas for 'seeing each other' - put them all on the network - see if they can ping each others ip.. if so then they are 'seeing each other'08:20
agrundnerrical: perhaps pogoplug?08:20
Dr_Willisthe windows 'network neighborhood' is 'samba' in the linux world.08:21
Dr_Willisive seen PogoPlugs' but never bought one.08:21
Dr_Willispcs do not have to 'see each other via network neightborhood' to be networked..08:21
agrundnerDr_Willis: they have a desktop app now, too -- linux version available08:21
ricalagrundner: whats that? I have the server, just need a way of remotly access the photos08:21
Dr_Willisagrundner:  saw those plugs just the other day. Theres getting to be a lot of NAS gizmos out.08:22
ricalthinking about using webdav perhaps.08:22
Dr_Willisrical:  now many users accessing the stuff and how many files you talking about?08:22
agrundnerrical: pogoplug.com08:22
ricalDr_Willis: 25gb of photos, just me from 3 machines08:23
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Dr_WillisYou could just set up sshfs or somthing i guess to get to them if its just you.08:23
Dr_Willisdepends on how you want to access them08:23
ricalDr_Willis: that could be a sollution, I will try it out, thanks08:24
ricalagrundner: looks to magical to me ;)08:25
agrundnerrical: I'm trying to think of another option for you. You say you have all the images on a home server?08:25
ViOhi guys, where is ubuntu dev channel?08:26
Dr_Williswhy go complex is fimple ssh or ftp can work08:26
Dr_Willis#ubuntu-dev  perhaps?08:26
ubottuInterested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment08:26
agrundnerDr_Willis: that's true08:26
vexati0nso, serious question for Natty users....08:26
vexati0nwhy did Ubuntu invent Unity when it turns out Gnome3 does all that, and better?08:26
Gskelligbecause gnome3 wasn't out yet08:27
agrundnerDr_Willis: it depends who he wants to give access to and their level of expertise.08:27
maj-why doesn't apt-get properly install xml2 or python-4suite-xml correctly in 11.04?08:27
agrundnervexati0n: good question. Just to be different, I guess.08:27
maj-have I found reason #10 to reconsider 11.04?08:28
vexati0nif you need xml2 you're obviously too advanced to be an ubuntu user.08:29
Dr_Willischeck bug reports, check the forums, check askubuntu.com08:29
Dr_Willisfile a bug report..08:29
vexati0nor call microsoft, i hear they love it when you call them with questions about apt-get.08:29
Dr_Williscould be a issue as simple as a bug in the pckageing..08:30
maj-i guess I could spend 5 hours tomorrow on my day off to hunt down all the dependencies required to install it myself08:30
agrundnervexati0n: I believe Ubuntu wants to pave its own path with Unity -- not do more of the same.08:31
ripthejackerhi everyone08:31
Dr_Willisor you could check th forums and askubuntu.com and perhaps find a fix..08:31
ViOis Ubuntu working on any android tablet?08:31
ripthejackerneed help dual boot mandriva and ubuntu08:31
ripthejackeri have mandriva installed in sda608:31
ripthejackerand ubuntu in sda508:32
Dr_WillisVi0 ive not seen any tablets that come with ubuntu yet.   ive heard there are ARM based ubuntu tablets in the works. but not seen any in stores.08:32
agrundnerViO: where did you hear that?08:32
ripthejackerim using mandriva's grub to load ubuntu08:32
ripthejackerbut it shows an error file not found08:32
ViOagrundner, I did not08:32
ripthejackerplease help08:32
ViOthat is why I am asking08:32
Dr_Willischeap android tablets are getting to be in every sale paper at every little store ive seen... I got a $75 one at CVS last month08:32
ViOwould be awesome08:32
ViOboth are open source08:33
Dr_WillisMost are so low powered. i dont think they would run ubunu very well08:33
irreverantWhat an adroid tablet at cvs?08:33
Dr_Willismany are so locked down.. installing any other OS is a big hassle.08:33
ViOlow powered @ doublecore 1ghz08:33
Dr_Willissome cheap SYlvania tablety.  $99 and i had a 25% off cupon08:33
ViOlinux runs fine on 100mhz 386 cpus08:33
ViOsorry 586*08:33
ripthejackersomeone help please08:33
Dr_Willislinux may run fine.. but   a full desktop is a bit more...08:33
Dr_Willisand 'fine' is relative. :)08:34
ViOit has a decent graphics driver08:34
agrundnerViO: I did hear about kubuntu coming to mobile - http://apachelog.wordpress.com/2011/05/20/kubuntu-11-10-mobile-devices-sneak-peak/08:34
ViODr_Willis, how about backtrack ?08:34
Dr_WillisViO:  what about  backtrack?08:34
ViOon an android tablet..08:34
ViOwouldn't that be something08:34
irreverantTablets suck anyways why own one?08:34
Dr_WillisI dont see the point of using backtrack on a real pc... much less a tablet..08:35
irreverantNo keyboard, crap storage, poor ram, low processor speed.08:35
Dr_WillisTablet = mobil video screen for the grandkids here.08:35
ViOirreverant, BT keyboard08:35
ViOcrap storage?08:35
Dr_WillisMany tablets do not come with BT.08:35
irreverantfor the same price you can buy a beefed up netbook.08:35
Dr_Willisit depends on the tablet.08:35
Dr_Williswhat do you expect from a $100 tablet...08:35
ViOirreverant, but people don't08:35
ViOit's more like using the material we already have08:36
ViOand it is clear that tablets are the future08:36
ViOthey will become even more powerful08:36
irreverantBesides, your going to be carrying around a BT keyboard and a tablet... what's the diff?08:36
ViOthey are going def. the correct path so far08:36
ViOkubuntu is looking awesome atm08:36
aukIs there a way to fix this issue without windows? Since I do not have any windows, and the harddrive I'm trying to mount to is my backup drive with no OS on it for me to "/checkdsk thingy f" it.  My error message upon mounting: http://pastebin.com/5NyrJ09U08:36
agrundnertablets are more of a consumption device. It's hard to get any actual work done with them without adding accessories to them.08:36
Dr_Willisauk:  there are some legal (from what i hear) MS windows minimal rescue cd's that can boot and check the fs and stuff08:37
ViOwe are the future08:37
irreverantagrundner: I agree.08:37
ViOit's important we start shaping it to our likings, agrundner08:37
lotuspsychjeanyone knows why Network controller: Ralink corp. RT2800 802.11n PCI disconnects wifi on natty?08:37
ripthejackerplease a real issue here08:37
ViOsuch as BT, f.ex08:37
ripthejackeri cannot boot ubuntu using grub08:37
ViOjust examples08:37
computerauk systemrescuecd08:37
aukripthejacker: Define "real issue". Lol.08:37
Dr_WillisThe most amazing thing about Backtrack is the # Of users that have NO clue what they are doing with it.. comming in here and asking about how to do trivial things with BT..08:38
agrundnerViO: look into the ASUS Transformer -- best of both worlds (sort of)08:38
ripthejackerauk: i mean we can have debate on ubuntu chat room08:38
ViOit does look nice agrundner08:38
ripthejackerauk: i dont mean you but some others08:38
DirtyDawgi think alot of backtrack users use it to crack wep and think they anr now hackers08:38
ViObut the battery life is not really something you should be talking about08:39
ViObut more like the actual droid based tablets, with multi-boot08:39
ViOlol @ wep, DirtyDawg08:39
ViOthat is true08:39
reliableNerdUbuntu running on my smartphone was nice.  I'd dig it on a tablet08:40
lotuspsychje..or they accidentily crack s0ny web with sqlinject08:40
Jordan_UI'd recommend letting Ubuntu's grub2 control the mbr as it should detect Mandriva automatically.08:40
nit-witripthejacker, if you want to run a script and pastebin it we could probably figure it out.  http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/08:40
ViObut yeah, ubuntu + tablet == future?08:40
Jordan_Uripthejacker: ^^08:40
agrundnerViO: also checkout http://www.alwaysinnovating.com 's Touch Book -- more linux-y than the transformer08:40
lotuspsychjeViO: i would love ubuntu running on ipad or something08:41
ViOlotuspsychje, it's in the works08:41
ViOthey are porting over the drivers08:41
lotuspsychjetnx for that!08:41
ripthejackernit-wit: what script im trying to dual boot ubuntu and mandriva using mandriva's grub08:41
Gskelligwhats that08:41
Gskelligidroid project?08:41
Gskelligoh nvm08:41
ripthejackernit-wit: but when i try to boot it says file not found08:41
Gskelligdroid != android08:41
Gskelligi got excited08:41
Jordan_Uripthejacker: Why do you want to use mandriva's grub?08:41
ViOGskellig, they are making the drivers for linux (ubuntu will be a separate project) once the drivers are on board08:42
ripthejackerJordan_U: im a linux newbie so i dont know how to use the terms08:42
ViOgoing to make the ipad boot all linux :)08:42
Gskelligi dont use idevices08:42
ViOthat will take some time, as they are missing kernel devs08:42
ripthejackerJordan_U: i mean the grub mandriva installed08:42
Gskelligdoesnt really matter08:42
ViOlinux (based)08:42
Gskelligi thought it was ubuntu for DROIDS08:42
Gskelligmotorola droid line08:43
FloodBot1Gskellig: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:43
lotuspsychjeinteresting ViO08:43
Gskelligdroid, droid2, droidx, etc. oh stfu floodbot108:43
ViOlotuspsychje, need to get the word out08:43
drMike_hello.  I've got a file by performing a mysqldump  - therefore it has multiple databases.  How can I restore a single database only?08:43
lotuspsychjesame here shopping08:43
Jordan_Uripthejacker: The terms you're using are fine. But I would recommend that rather than trying to restore the grub Mandriva installed, which is grub legacy, you restore Ubuntu's grub which is grub2.08:44
casey_does anyone know how to successfully install and use Burg Bootloader?08:44
Jordan_Ucasey_: BURG isn't supported here. I can help you install graphical themes for GRUB2 though.08:44
PhoebusOff-topic-ish: anyone really good with Chi-squared based statistics? PM me, cheers.08:44
casey_Jordan_U: why is that?08:44
Dr_Willisi never got burg working right.08:44
ripthejackerJordan_U: with grub2 mandriva wasnt booting08:45
Jordan_Ucasey_: Because it's a one person fork (and one that is starting to look abandoned).08:45
Jordan_Uripthejacker: What problem were you having specifically with grub2?08:45
casey_Jordan_U: Gotcha. Well can I get help for making some changes to Grub 2?08:46
casey_Jordan_U: I am using 10.10 btw.08:46
Jordan_Ucasey_: Sure. What changes do you want to make?08:46
Jordan_U!bootinfo | ripthejacker08:46
ubotturipthejacker: To diagnose boot issues, you can use the Boot Info Script available from http://sourceforge.net/projects/bootinfoscript/ Run the script with !sudo and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).08:46
casey_Jordan_U: I'd like to get a custom background and some sort of graphical buttons if possible.08:47
drMike_this failed for me last time08:47
drMike_mysql -u [username] -p [password] [database_to_restore] < [backupfile]08:47
agrundnerFYI, http://www.alwaysinnovating.com/products/touchbook.htm <- Can run Ubuntu, Android, Chromium OS08:47
drMike_instead, it ended up migrating all the databases08:47
agrundnerThe Touch Book is a hybrid netbook / tablet08:48
ViOagrundner it's awesome capabilities, but it's also fugly08:48
ViOit has*08:48
drMike_so no one here knows how to use mysql ?08:48
ripthejackerJordan_U: when i tried to load mandriva it loaded but then it stopped with some kernel error08:48
ripthejackerJordan_U: this is using grub208:48
irreverantagrundner: it's still a laptop. I mean, you can just remove the display.08:49
Jordan_Uripthejacker: Please run boot info script and pastebin the RESULTS.txt it creates for us to see.08:49
irreverantwhat we should have focused on was the UPPC08:49
ripthejackerJordan_U: ok08:49
agrundnerirreverant: you can say the same thing about the ASUS Transformer08:49
___samIs there any way to edit CCSM profile settings without a GUI ?08:49
zmyrgelhow can I get bluetooth keyboard connected on boot using cli tools?08:50
casey_Jordan_U: Did you know how to edit Grub2 in the ways I specified above?08:50
zmyrgelall the info I could find details old methods or GUI apps08:50
Dr_Willis___sam:  compiz can set its settings in the gnome configs via the gconf tools  so perhps use that gconfeditor08:50
nit-wit___sam, is this because you can't get a gui or your just looking for  torture?08:50
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ripthejackerJordan_U: i run it in mandriva or ubuntu?08:51
agrundnerAnyway, if you want a Linux-based tablet that you can swap your own OS to, find a JooJoo.08:51
Dr_Willisthere are some simple commands to reset compiz/gnome/unity back to defaults08:51
Jordan_Ucasey_: I know how to do just the former, and just the latter (using a theme with the background the theme comes with by default) and I'm sure both are possible and I'm looking into how to accomplish that now.08:51
Jordan_Uripthejacker: Either will work.08:51
___samLol, can not get a GUI any form of desktop for that matter08:51
casey_Jordan_U: Thank you for help :). Let me know when you might know.08:51
irreverantnow that's a computer08:51
___samSo I found a profile someone made that is as close to the default Unity to see if it re enables a few plug ins that will let me use my desktop again08:51
Jordan_Ucasey_: Does this theme look good to you? http://apebox.org/wordpress/linux/261/08:52
avernosis there anyway to close evolution window but keep it active in the background so i can use the applet near the time?08:52
nit-wit___sam, try a reboot if you do enough changes that is the best way to get back in shape if possible.08:52
john_rambohow to add service squid to startup?08:52
___samYeah didn't work, all I did was disable 1 plugin(the unity one) and it all went down hill08:53
irreverantWhat do you think about the UMPC or Micro PC's?08:53
casey_Jordan_U: Yes that would be a much improvement :). Is there any othere themes by any chance?08:53
Dr_Willis___sam:  unity is the main plugin for the unity desktop. :)08:53
___samjust loooking through gconfeditor08:53
___samto see if I can enable the plug in that way08:53
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ripthejackerJordan_U: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/123666908:54
___samI know this lol, I didn't think it was going to disable the entire desktop08:54
agrundnerUbuntu on a tablet would be nice, but it *can't* offer the same experience of a proper tablet OS.08:54
___samI only wanted to get rid of the option to have 4 desktops view08:54
irreverantagrundner: what do you think of the umpc's?08:54
nit-wit___sam, you need to install like synapse or docky when you mess with compiz so you have other ways of getting toa  cli etc.  if you can bring up a terminal if you have the compiz config manager installed a ccsm in a terminal brings it up..08:55
Jordan_Ucasey_: Yes, unfortunately I don't have screenshots for them off hand: http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/grub-extras/themes.tgz08:55
Dr_Willis___sam:  the webupd8 site has a little guide with commands to reset, compiz, unity, and the gnome desktop back t defauilts08:55
casey_Jordan_U: I clicked on the link and got the tgz package. What next?08:55
agrundnerirreverant: I don't think much about them. The gadget world has moved on. First it was PMPs, then MIDs and UMPCs, and now tablets.08:56
lonejackHi, I'm working with UB 10.04. Why the system doesn't propose me to switch on UB 11.04?08:56
nit-wit___sam along with the other info this works for setting up the cube read carefully. http://reformedmusings.wordpress.com/2011/05/05/howto-get-the-compiz-desktop-cube-in-ubuntu-11-04-natty-and-unity/08:56
irreverantagrunder: but they offer them in open source and offer a builtin keyboard with the same power as a tablet with much more storage space.08:56
agrundnerirreverant: however, Ubuntu would be better suited for an UMPC.08:57
___samWasn't intrested in the cube sorry just to get rid of the 4 desktop view that was default in Unity08:57
john_rambohow to add service squid to startup?08:57
i_is_brokelonejack, try going into the settings and taking it off of lts only. just uncheck the box08:57
george__does anyone set to me one switcher program?08:57
llutz_!ot | irreverant agrundner could you please take your chat to a more suitable place? thx08:57
ubottuirreverant agrundner could you please take your chat to a more suitable place? thx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:57
___samSo far thank you for your help I can sort it out if I could bring up a terminal08:57
Jordan_Ucasey_: Unpack the directories somewhere, add 'GRUB_THEME=/path/to/theme_directory/theme.txt' in /etc/default/grub in /etc/default/grub, then run "sudo update-grub".08:57
___samwill try when I get back08:57
ViOagrundner, the best part about ubuntu is that is it suited for anything08:57
___sammuch thanks08:57
ViOor it can be .)08:57
Dr_Willis___sam:  the commands to reset. can be used from the cosole08:57
i_is_brokelonejack, then reload the update manager08:57
casey_Jordan_U: Let me give it a shot.08:57
ripthejackerJordan_U: please help08:57
irreverantllutz_: moving back to ubuntu.08:58
Jordan_Ucasey_: For any theme you should be able to replace the background image supplied by replacing the file with one of the same name (standard png format), or by changing the value of 'desktop-image:' in the theme.txt.08:58
agrundnertrue, ubuntu can work anywhere -- that's why I like it.08:58
Jordan_Uripthejacker: Please be patient, I'm trying to help multiple people at once (and not just in this channel).08:58
agrundnerI also like XBMC Live -- based on Ubuntu08:58
ripthejackerJordan_U: oh sorry08:58
ViOagrundner, but why is'nt it the #2 bootable system on android && tabletS?08:58
ViOit should be08:58
george__hello i want on multivote program08:58
greg606how cant i disable nasty alt+shift+up shortcut?08:59
casey_Jordan_U:  Awesome. Thanks for the help. Let me give this a shot.08:59
greg606I fount it ;)08:59
Jordan_Ucasey_: You're welcome.08:59
agrundnerViO: it could be. I've seen tablets by ViewSonic that were dual-booting Android and Windows 7.08:59
xbmcuseranyone got good, simple, effective command to backup my entire linux partition so i can reformat it and later if I like restore it?09:00
agrundnerViO: an Ubuntu / Android tablet would be nice :)09:00
ViOagrundner, it should be09:00
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning09:00
Dr_Willisxbmcuser:  some skill and use of 'dd' is one way09:00
llutz_xbmcuser: mount a backup-media, "sudo tar --one-file-system -cf /media/backup.tar /"09:00
agrundnerViO: there was talk previously that Android apps were going to be support on Ubuntu. Not sure what happened with that.09:01
Dr_Willisxbmcuser:  it would depend on the details of how you want to backup, and how you plan on restoreing the data as to what would be the most effective09:01
dusfshouldn't ifconfig give me my default gateway? i only have inet, bcast and mask09:01
ViOagrundner, everything starts with the "want"09:01
Jordan_Uripthejacker: I recommend installing Ubuntu's grub2 to replace Mandriva's grub legacy. If you're OK with that I'll walk you through how to do it.09:02
ViOthe fact that we are able to talk about our wants is important09:02
llutz_agrundner ViO could you please also respect the rules here and take it to #ubuntu-offtopic09:02
ViOnext up is "is it possible"09:02
ViOllutz_, mm?09:02
llutz_dusf: route -n09:02
ripthejackerJordan_U: ok then ill see you in ubuntu09:02
agrundnerllutz: we're talking Ubuntu.09:02
llutz_agrundner: this is ubuntu-support, not general ubuntu09:02
xbmcuserDr_Willis llutz - I just want to back up everything once, compressed or not (under 32gb) and later if I want, to restore it EXACTLY as it was, without too much hassle09:03
llutz_read the topic please,09:03
Jordan_Uripthejacker: It can be done from within Mandriva as well, though it's easier to do from within Ubuntu if you can load Ubuntu conveniently.09:03
ViOllutz_ is there even a general ubuntu09:03
agrundnerllutz: please direct me to Ubuntu General channel please.09:03
llutz_!ot | ViO09:03
ubottuViO: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:03
Dr_Willisxbmcuser:  some skill and the use of 'dd' can clone the hard drive image exactly to a file - then back to HD...09:03
xgt001hey guys... I was installing an app using terminal using apt-get install command... I closed that window by mistake.. how to get it back??09:03
casey_Jordan_U: Where do abouts should I add the path in the Grub file? Or does it matter?09:03
ViOllutz_ talking about where we can install ubuntu is OT? wtf09:03
Dr_WillisViO:  its not techincally support related.. so yes.09:04
Jordan_Uxgt001: You don't. Do you know if it had already finished downloading and started installing?09:04
dusfllutz_: thanks, had been trying just route09:04
xbmcuserDr_Willis DD does not look very friendly for a backup for a novice..09:04
Jordan_Ucasey_: On its own line, other than that it doesn't matter.09:04
george__please vote me with 5 stars http://www.couchlove.com/couch-details/?id=700609:04
agrundnerAlright, I'll respect the groups wishes. Just talkin' Ubuntu...09:04
xgt001Jordan_U: its not yet finished downloading :( I closed it by mistake :(09:04
Dr_Willisxbmcuser:  you never said you wanted friendly.. You wanted EXACT  copies..09:04
ViOsame same09:05
casey_Jordan_U: Okie dokie. Is there a GUI interface to use to pick or theme, or how will I select a specific one?09:05
xbmcuserllutz - TARing your install is easy enough, is it as simple as UNTARing it onta a blank ext3 part to restore it09:05
Dr_Willisxbmcuser:  and its a 1 line command to make the backuip.. and the restore..09:05
xbmcuserDr_Willis - by exact I just mean I want it to boot back up as it was when I restore it09:05
lonejacki_is_broke, I tried in both cases selector:(1) normal/common release(probably my translation IT->EN isn't correct), in this case I've  10.01, (2) only LTS, nothing....09:05
llutz_xbmcuser: untar it, check fstab for changed UUIDs,  reinstall grub09:05
Dr_Willistar wont restore the UUID's will it? that can confuse things09:05
Dr_Willis:) tricky little UUIDs09:06
llutz_better to use labels09:06
Dr_Willisyep. Labels are handy.09:06
Jordan_Ucasey_: There is no GUI for selecting themes. You change themes by changing which theme.txt file you point to in /etc/default/grub.09:06
casey_Jordan_U: Gotcha. Thanks for the help. Also, i'm trying to paste the path and the file is read only? WOuld I change this in properties of the file?09:07
xbmcusercheers fellas - might just throw it in the lake n save myself some stress :)09:07
lonejacki_is_broke, a frind explained me the question 10.04->12.0409:07
Jordan_Ullutz_: Dr_Willis: tar won't restore labels either :) You can set UUIDs manually at any time.09:07
llutz_Jordan_U: no need if you use labels (and use them when creating new fs too)09:07
casey_Jordan_U: I saw that I need to open the Grub folder in root. I am still a linux newbie and don't know how to do this.09:08
Jordan_Ucasey_: You need to open the file as root. What is your preffered text editor?09:08
casey_*Grub file09:08
Dr_Williscasey_:  it maybe best if you leave grub alone then..09:08
llutz_Jordan_U: but you're right, tar won't care about all that. admin has to09:08
casey_Jordan_U: Honestly I don't have one. Anything is good for me :)09:09
casey_Dr_Willis: Whats your problem man? Everytime I get on here you have a stick up your a$$. Find something better to do.09:09
Dr_Williscasey_:  i see dozens of peopele break their systems trying to set up advanced things when they should be spending time learning the basics first.09:10
Dr_Williscasey_:  so go do what you want. good luck09:10
Jordan_Ucasey_: Then open a terminal and run "gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub". But Dr_Willis does have a point. While I don't think adding a theme is particularly dangerous you should be prepared with a liveCD/USB and ready to get your hands dirty if things do break.09:10
casey_Dr_Willis: And that's fine. All i'm saying is you don't have to sound like a sarcastic prick when you spout these random things out. But thanks for the tip ;).09:11
Dr_WillisDefinatly learning how to  FIX things.. is a top 10 skill to learn.09:11
Dr_WillisI also have a  low tolerance for all this eyecanty that gets tossed in and makes the support work in this channel much harder to do.09:11
Dr_Willisbut thats the ubuntu designers decissions not ours.09:12
casey_Jordan_U: I agree he might have a point as I did have to fix my system the hard way though lots of help after messing with Burg. But still, he's a dark cloud in this chatroom.09:12
casey_Jordan_U: let me give this a try though.09:12
Dr_WillisI alwys suggest 'learning the basics' whenever possible. People are often too 'get this specific task done, dont try to educate me' focused. I teach ubuntu and linux to other people at work all the time.. when in doubt 'learn the basics'09:13
llutz_Dr_Willis - the unheard voice of rationality :)09:14
Dr_Willisbe SURE to backup the files you are editing :)09:14
Dr_Willisllutz:  yep. scary.09:14
Dr_Willisllutz:  im used to not being listened to... im married..  :)09:15
casey_Jordan_U: Alright. Bout to give this a whirl. Thanks for all your help again :).09:16
llutz_since 16yrs, no pardon (sry ot)09:16
Dr_WillisI can honestly say - the biggest thing danger to a ubuntu system is the users.09:16
Dr_Willishmm that dident come out right. nevermind.09:16
SyriaHi, I am updating to Natty, Am I gonna lose any files or emails from thunderbird?09:17
dangergrrlthe biggest danger is that ubuntu makes it seem simpler than it really is09:17
dangergrrlSyria: in an update?09:17
Dr_WillisSyria:  You shouldent.. but you proberly should make backups just in casem09:18
Dr_Williswhen in doubt.. backup.09:18
dangergrrlif you are worried back up your home dir09:18
llutz_always backup09:18
Dr_Williswhen in doubt.. backup the backups :)09:18
dangergrrlbut apt-get dist-upgrade should not change anything in your home directory09:18
SyriaThank you guys :) I will back up the home folder on my external hard disc09:18
llutz_dangergrrl: apt-get dist-upgrade without changing your sources won't do an upgrade to 11.0409:19
dangergrrlof course you have to have the right sources09:19
dangergrrlsorry i am used to debian where you use the stable symlink09:20
Dr_Willisthunderbird may crash when tying to update first time you run it.. or the upgrade could fail. and you get a nonbootable system09:20
Dr_Willisor power fails as upgradeing... dozens of things can go wrong.09:20
Syriadangergrrl:  I have received a message telling me something about the third party sources but I didn't know what should I do, and now the updater is still working09:20
dangergrrland when a new rel comes apt-get dist-upgrade will do what i suggested09:20
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dangergrrlyes things can go wrong09:21
Dr_WillisSyria:  the upgrade process disables any 3rd party repos to be on the safe side.09:21
Dr_WillisYou may want to reenable them after the upgrade is done.09:21
SyriaBut things are normal till this moment right?09:22
Flash_Jordancoming from ubuntu 10.04 to 11.04, i have a couple questions regarding how i want it to run. I dont like the default launcher and want to replace it with docky, i also want some input on if i should just go back to 10.04. because its more stable and all09:22
Dr_Willisit just commendted them out in your apt/sources/ listings.09:22
Jordan_Udangergrrl: Neither does update-manager, but the newer Thunderbird could decide to go crazy and corrupt everyting on the first run shortly before killing your dog.09:22
Dr_WillisFlash_Jordan:  you could use the gnome-classic desktop and install docky if you wanted.. or run docky over unity.09:22
Jordan_Udangergrrl: Always backup, and avoid assumptions about safety when dealing with backups :)09:23
dangergrrlyes always a good idea to have /home saved09:23
dangergrrlusually i can not09:23
Flash_Jordanhow do i use gnome classic, at login?09:23
Dr_WillisUbuntu One is a good place to store things also. :)09:23
Dr_Willis!classic | Flash_Jordan09:23
ubottuFlash_Jordan: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.09:23
Flash_Jordanthanks, and by default, unity wont load in classic?09:24
dangergrrlmy /home includes several source trees, video i plan to watch...09:24
Dr_WillisUnity is the new default..09:24
Dr_WillisClashic wont even be in the next release i hear.09:24
Flash_Jordanthats ridiculous09:24
Dr_Willisthats the way it is...09:24
Flash_Jordanbrb gonna try classic09:24
Dr_Willisgnome3 is as radical as unity from what little ive used Gnome309:24
Dr_Willisclassic gnome = going bye bye..09:25
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gnnrdoes gnome 3 run smoother on systems that struggle some with gnome09:25
gnnri mean is it more intensive09:25
gnnrso on a decent system would you notice a performance dip upgrading, in the sense that gnome3 takes more resources?09:26
ikoniagnome 3 is supposed to be more effecient09:27
gnnroh ok thanks for the info09:27
Dr_Willisonly gnome 3 testing i did was on a nvidia box using the nouvea drivers.. it was so sluggish it was unbearable. :) so thats not a good test09:27
lysy_o czym wy gadacie/09:27
Dr_Williswas on Fedora also. so its not really a good comparison vs ubuntu09:27
llutz_ikonia: like kde4 was. it took "ages" 4.5.x to realize that09:27
ikoniallutz_: it's the start of the building blocks.....09:28
Jordan_Ugnnr: The only difference you would likely notice is in the shell. GNOME Shell uses Compositing and GPU accelleration. Since that's excersising entirely different parts of the computer and infrastructure (like drivers for your specific hardware) it could go either way depending on your exact system.09:29
Dr_Willisthats the problem with radical changes to the desktop.  It turns off so many people.. its hard to get your user base back09:29
gnnri've been stuck on lxde for awhile but i miss some of the gnome interface09:30
Dr_WillisI imagine there will be a lot more people Interested in Lubuntu  when the gnome3/unity stuff startes getting to be the defaults09:30
xgt001hello... I am installing ubuntu-desktop in kubuntu natty.... are there any bugs/ issues??09:30
Dr_Willislxde is very useable. i dident really notice any features missing.. comapred to a year+ ago when last i tried it.09:30
ikoniaxgt001: launchpad will show open bugs for the desktop09:31
Dr_Willisxgt001:  i do that sort of thing all the time. You may notice a lot of extra items in the menus, or  duplicated names that run differnt apps.09:31
Dr_Willisother then that annoyance. i mixx kde and gnome app the time.. add in lxde and i get even more icons in the menus :)09:31
Dr_Willisgotta love having 4+ options for your terminal prgram. or 4 text editros to choose from09:32
xgt001last time I tried it was when I did a kubuntu-desktop install in ubuntu natty beta 2 ... things were in a pretty bad shape.. what's the condition now?09:32
Dr_Willisbut when the 'screensaver' config tool is shown 4 times with the same name. but running differnt config apps.. thats an annoyance.09:32
Dr_Willisxgt001:  all we can say is try it and see..   You may want to ask in #kubuntu09:33
xgt001will ping back from ubuntu desktop :)09:33
Flash_Jordanafter going to ubuntu classic i got what i wanted except that the title and menu bars were on the wrong screen09:34
Flash_Jordanso when i deleted one (the top one) and moved the bottom one so they would be on my bigger monitor, i realized i could re-add the top bar i deleted, there is simple no way to add panels even in ubuntu class?09:35
Flash_Jordanubuntu classic?*09:35
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Dr_Willistheres known issues with multi monitor suppoert.09:36
SyriaI am about to finish the update operation but i got this error message http://paste.ubuntu.com/614086/09:36
Dr_WillisYou could tried alt-click and dragging the panel  to the other monitor09:36
Flash_Jordanooo i have an idea brb09:37
Dr_Willis'classic' is not identical to the old gnome2 - but its close.09:37
SyriaCould not download upgrades,, http://paste.ubuntu.com/614086/09:38
ikoniaSyria: you've just posted that09:39
llutz_Syria: try a different mirror09:40
Syriaikonia:  Sorry about that.09:40
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LekensteynSyria: it works for me, even if I replace archive.ubuntu.com by
ikoniaconfirmed, the repo is responding09:41
SyriaI know why did this happened, but where should i place this files?09:41
ikoniaSyria: you should be able to re-run and it should work09:41
ikoniait would appear that repo was unavailable to you for a moment09:41
SyriaI see, Thank you guys.09:42
paradox_whats the problem?09:51
asdofindiawhats not?09:51
paradox_you are not able to mount a partition or a usb device..09:52
Flash_Jordanif i login as ubuntu classic, and turn my computer off.. will it by default choose ubuntu classic on startup?09:52
asdofindiaan dr0id hello!09:52
dr0idI upgraded to 11.04 , and the font size of some websites have gone quite small compared to my 11.04 setup09:52
dr0id9.10 setup*09:52
dr0idhi asdofindia09:52
Lekensteyndr0id: perhaps some fonts got uninstalled09:53
paradox_One could change size of fonts from within firefox09:53
asdofindiaFlash_Jordan: did you try restarting?09:53
dr0idbut the fonts are correct. the font-family are all correct, the issue is with font-size09:53
Dr_WillisFlash_Jordan:  Login screen rembers your last selection09:53
dr0idI am using chrome, if someone could help ?09:53
asdofindiawell, try ctrl + +09:53
Flash_Jordansweet, just wanted to make sure09:53
dr0idthe font-size is perfect in firefox, it's the same as it was in 9.10 setup09:53
paradox_Have you checked preferences?09:54
dr0idyes I have tried that, but that's not a valid fix :Dx09:54
paradox_You could make that as default for firefox09:54
Flash_Jordananyone here really good at IRC/android? i know this isnt quite the channel but other channels arent responding09:54
dzupdr0id: if you http://justin.tv   <--click any channel, can you see any video stream?09:54
asdofindiai will never consider myself as being really good in anything09:55
Syriaikonia:  Can I ask you something regarding this issue please? http://paste.ubuntu.com/614086/09:55
LekensteynSyria: try it again: sudo apt-get update09:55
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paradox_This should work.09:56
SyriaLekensteyn:  It will not work, this links were bloked by the isp that i am using because it contains the word "proxy"09:56
kevinyounghi all09:56
AlexandrosGRi got a problem09:56
anddamthe 'ù' was a gift from this keyboard09:56
AlexandrosGRi have connected my sansa fuze v2 but ubuntu won't detect it09:56
paradox_It's libproxy name of a library file09:56
LekensteynSyria: what about using another proxy, possibly SSH?09:56
AlexandrosGRhelp me plz09:56
dr0iddzup: yes09:56
benjamin_franklidr0id: in chrome settings, under the hood, there seems to be a default zoom... try changing that... or font09:57
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paradox_It can be downloaded through Synaptic Package Manager09:57
dr0idyes, I changed that, seems to fix09:57
SyriaLekensteyn:  I have downloaded this files but I don't know how to use them.09:57
dr0idbut tell you what, gmail and other websites were fine, funny09:57
dzupdr0id: hmm, never mind09:57
AlexandrosGRi have connected my sansa fuze v2 but ubuntu won't detect it09:57
anddamI'm trying to install 11.04 from USB stick, I'm on OS X and following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick I get a non bootable USB stick with the fs correctly burned09:57
paradox_Hey, how are you anddam?09:58
Flash_Jordanhave you possibly tryed holding down the control key and scrolling the middle part of your mouse?09:58
anddamparadox_: fine, do we know each other?09:58
asdofindiaAlexandrosGR: may be that things has an unsupported format09:58
Flash_Jordanthat resizes text within the browser09:58
LekensteynSyria: what files? The .deb files?09:58
paradox_Not in any way.09:58
LekensteynSyria: or the Packages file?09:58
paradox_Use Synaptic Package Manager09:59
anddamparadox_: why specifically greeting me, then?09:59
anddamjust curious09:59
SyriaLekensteyn: Yeah the .deb files.09:59
asdofindiaanddam: what's your problem now? it's not bootable?09:59
paradox_No particular reason, I just wanted to greet someone thats all.09:59
LekensteynSyria: you could install them directly using dpkg -i [package-name], but that does not handle dependencies10:00
Guest91323AlexandrosGR: you have a scope aviable?10:00
LekensteynSyria: put it in /var/cache/apt/archives10:00
paradox_Perhaps the downloaded OS was corrupt10:00
LekensteynSyria: and then just run sudo apt-get install [package-name]10:00
anddamasdofindia: it's not, about making it bootable the help.ubuntu.com page says "the easiest way to do the whole thing is to run the Ubuntu usb-creator program. Versions of this are available for Ubuntu and for Windows."10:00
SyriaLekensteyn:  I can't install them I have tried., okay I will copy the files to that address.10:00
asdofindiaanddam: ok, so you want it ported to mac?10:01
paradox_There are other softwares also available like USB-Multiboot10:01
Dr_Willispendrivelinux site has several differnt tools10:01
anddamasdofindia: actually I'd like to make the flashdrive bootable, can I do with OS X system tools?10:01
SyriaLekensteyn:  I am not installing anything, I am upgrading the system.10:01
anddamI have an ASUS p50IJ begging to have ubuntu installed10:02
Dr_WillisUnetbootin is not for OS-X last i checked.10:02
paradox_Perhaps, but it might not work10:02
SyriaLekensteyn: all I have to do is copy and paste the deb files right?10:02
LekensteynSyria: in that case just run sudo apt-get upgrade10:02
Dr_WillisPendrivelinux site might have some OS-X tools.10:02
paradox_He is right.10:02
anddamI can burn a CD/DVD but I'm curious about trying install from USB drive10:02
Dr_WillisI dont even know if GRub2 works on Mac Machines wither.10:02
LekensteynSyria: are you using a graphical browser (Nautilus / Dolphin) or a Terminal?10:02
SyriaLekensteyn: Graphical.10:02
LekensteynSyria: would you mind opening a terminal?10:03
anddamonce I dd the .img onto the flash drive OS X doesn't show the drive's partition table type10:03
paradox_grub2 works on PowerPC Macs.10:03
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SyriaLekensteyn:  Okay what should I do now?10:03
anddami.e. it doesn't says one of MBR/APT/GUID10:03
paradox_Download .iso file and then create bootable USB10:04
anddamparadox_: me?10:04
Dr_Willisanddam:  you dont 'dd' a ubuntu iso file to flash drive.  img files I think you can dd.10:04
anddamparadox_: that's what I did, almost10:04
paradox_Thats how I did it. It worked for me.10:05
Dr_Willisare there img files for 11.04? i never noticed any10:05
anddamDr_Willis: that's why I wrote "I dd the .img"10:05
LekensteynSyria: where did you put your *.deb files?10:05
paradox_<Dr_Willis> anddam:  you dont 'dd' a ubuntu iso file to flash drive.  img files I think you can dd. It works, believe me10:05
asdofindiaLekensteyn: won't double clicking the deb files help installing?10:05
SyriaLekensteyn:  this location /var/cache/apt/archives10:05
anddamparadox_: so you're suggesting I dd the iso file, right?10:05
Dr_Willisyou can setup grub2 on a flash drive and have it boot ISO files  -10:05
Dr_Willisdding an ISO file will not work for ubuntu iso's - it can work for other disrtos.10:06
paradox_I am saying is it might work.10:06
Lekensteynasdofindia: yep, but imo it's cleaner to use the package manage directly10:06
Dr_WillisI think redhat ISO's can be dd'd10:06
paradox_I did it with Ubuntu 9.1010:06
ranjanhi all how to make bootable usb from iso without using any tools like unetbootin10:06
LekensteynSyria: you downloaded the *.deb files using an internet browser like Firefox, right?10:06
Dr_Willisthe askubuntu.com site had a thread on using dd and iso files10:06
SyriaLekensteyn: Yeah, exactly.10:07
anddamDr_Willis: I've no problem with that, in fact I converted to .img and dumped that onto the drive, the point is the flash drive is not bootable10:07
paradox_Be right back.10:07
Dr_Willisranjan:  set up grub2 on the flash drive to boot the ISO file.10:07
asdofindiahey ranjan may be that's what we are discussing10:07
anddamdo I need to perform further steps or is it a thing of this usb stick?10:07
dspaceDr_Willis: Why can't Ubunto iso's, specifically, be dd'd?10:07
Dr_Willisanddam:  you convertecd an ISO to img.. Hmm.. never heard of anyont trying that.10:07
LekensteynSyria: did you download the deb files to ~/Downloads?10:07
Dr_Willisdspace:  theya re not set up to work that way. No idea whats differnt10:07
anddamDr_Willis: "Creating a bootable Ubuntu USB flash drive" at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick10:07
dspaceI thought it's just a block level write no matter what10:07
ranjanasdofindia, i am so fortunate to login to irc becuase your are discussing the subject which i want a solution for :)10:07
SyriaLekensteyn: Yes, then moved the files to /var/cache/apt/archives10:08
anddam"Convert the .iso file to .img using the convert option of hdiutil (e.g., hdiutil convert -format UDRW -o ~/path/to/target.img ~/path/to/ubuntu.iso)"10:08
Dr_Willisanddam:   that guide might be out of date also.   I tend to go the grub2 booting an ISO file route these days. I can easially copy over new iso's or add more to the same flash drive.10:08
anddamthe resulting flash drive is not bootable either on the ASUS notebook or this very same iMac10:08
anddamDr_Willis: I understand10:09
ranjanDr_Willis, any help links available for that?10:09
Dr_WillisI have had issues with some flash drives and some machines.. trying other flash drive would work on the problem machine.   but these where older machines and flash drives that gave me issues.10:09
anddamDr_Willis: can I create a bootable flash drive with grub2 using OS X?10:09
doxinthe alternate instal cd doesn't boot, is says "unknown keyword in the configuration file", and then dumps me to a "boot:" prompt, any ideas? i've tried everything to get ubuntu installed :/10:09
anddamDr_Willis: I can install GNU tools10:09
LekensteynSyria: now open your Package manager and press Update, followed by Apply10:09
Dr_Willisranjan:  theres guides for doing grub2/iso  - i got some bookmarked at the delicious.com/dr_willis10:09
Dr_Willisanddam:  you could use a ubuntu live cd to do it also.10:10
ranjanDr_Willis, thank you let me check10:10
Dr_Willisthe pendrivelinux site has some tools that automate the grub2-iso method also i belive10:10
Dr_Willisteh biggest issue with Grub2-iso method - is the disrto has to support the 'feature' and every disrto seems to want differnt options passed to its kernel to boot properly from the iso file.10:11
SyriaLekensteyn: It didn't work, I got the same message.10:11
Dr_Willisdoxin:  this is the cd? or a cd put on flash drive?10:11
doxinDr_Willis: the cd.10:11
ranjanDr_Willis, but as u said again there is grub2 dependency no? isnt it possible by using some stuffs like syslinux.10:11
LekensteynSyria: what is the message you received? Could you post the filenames of your debfiles?10:12
ranjanDr_Willis, if we are on an older distribution then again it would be trouble to find grub210:12
SyriaLekensteyn:  thats is the message http://paste.ubuntu.com/614086/10:12
SyriaLekensteyn:  My stupid isp is blocking me from downloading anything that contains the word "proxy"10:13
=== tchanphysics is now known as beyond
asdofindiasyria is in china?10:13
LekensteynSyria: so, you can't download the deb file?10:14
beyondare you syrious10:14
Syriaasdofindia: No, Syria is Syria.10:14
SyriaLekensteyn:  I have downloaded the files and moved them to the archive folder, but the updater is not detecting them.10:14
anddamDr_Willis: does the partiion map type matter when dumping an img? My guess is no, it's an information contained by the img itself, is this correct?10:15
Dr_Willis|2weird. got disconected and chat.ubuntu.com couldent get resoloved.10:15
doxinfudge this, imma go with LMDE10:15
Dr_Willis|2anddam:  its a complete image. so  any partition info gets overwritten. correct.10:15
anddamDr_Willis|2: it's better to check hdiutil manpage10:15
LekensteynSyria: what if you open a terminal and run sudo apt-get upgrade manually? Can you post the output on paste.ubuntu.com?10:15
Dr_Willis|2I hav3ent used an img file in years.. there may be other issues with using img files.10:16
Dr_Willis|2test the img file in virtualbox. :)  that would be a neat trick10:16
SyriaLekensteyn:  sudo apt-get upgrade out put http://paste.ubuntu.com/614102/10:16
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.10:17
LekensteynSyria: and the output of: dpkg -l libproxy010:18
SyriaLekensteyn:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/614104/10:18
LekensteynSyria: what Ubuntu are you using? Natty?10:19
SyriaLekensteyn:  10.10 and upgrading to natty10:19
anddamDr_Willis|2: what I find odd is that once dumped the img onto the flash drive the system doesn't show a proper partition map scheme…10:19
LekensteynSyria: are you now in the process of upgrading to natty?10:19
anddamDr_Willis|2: that suggests me that the img wasn't properly created10:19
Dr_Willis|2anddam:  you did dd it to /dev/sda and not /dev/sda1 ?10:19
Dr_Willis|2or whatever /dev/ entry you used.10:20
anddamDr_Willis|2: err, *BSD here :-)10:20
anddamyes I did dump onto the device10:20
anddamnot in a partition10:20
SyriaLekensteyn:  Yes, but i get an error message since the updater can't download some files.10:20
anddamDr_Willis|2: /dev/disk2 and not one of its silices10:20
joakimhey guys, i broke my mbr trying to install win 7, not I dont know how to fix it again. I tried looking it up on google. but its not working it seems. I installed grub on mbr and tried to set it to boot my ubuntu partition, but only grub comes up when i boot from the hd10:21
joakimhowever my ubuntu version is 11.04 and my grub version is 0.97 I think10:21
joakimis that a problem?10:21
anddamDr_Willis|2: http://d.pr/f16M this is the info from DiskUtility for the img _file_10:22
anddamnotice the "Partition Map Scheme"10:22
vibhavsabdfl is dere10:22
SyriaLekensteyn:  Yes, I am updating to Natty.10:22
=== S is now known as Guest51336
Dr_Willis|2joakim:  grub normally goes on the MBR of the HD you are booting. ie: /dev/sda  not /dev/sda110:25
Dr_Willis|2joakim:  so you boot the pc. You get no grub menu? you get a wrong menu? you get a menu and nothing works when you select the os to boot?10:26
joakimi get a grub terminal. like I just wrote grub in a terminal10:27
joakimI tried writing root (hd0,4) and setup (hd0,4)10:27
asdofindiatry searching grub recovery mode10:27
ChristofferIs there anyway to test with GPG if a keyserver is up and running? All I get from wwwkeys.pgp.net is timeout, I'm not sure if I get any response at all.10:28
Dr_Willis|2I think those commands are for the old grub. not grub210:28
Christofferwhen trying to recv-keys10:28
joakimDr_Willis|2: ah, that might be it, thanks10:29
asdofindiactrl alt t  ?10:31
van7huhow could I install an older version of GCC?10:32
VustomI'm trying to launch Minecraft as a launcher and for the command I have.. /home/vustom/Desktop/Jolicloud/Games/minecraft.jar but when I click the icon it does nothing?10:32
Benkinoobysometimes my hard disk get accessed a lot (hdd LED is on constantly) and after some time my ubuntu 10.04 freezes (sometimes). how can i see what program acesses my hdd so much?10:32
sosive got a problem10:33
momo-leesos hi10:33
sosdo you speack german10:33
LekensteynBenkinooby: sounds like your system is swapping a lot then10:33
asdofindiacdq cdq cdq10:33
momo-leebring it on10:33
Flannel!de | sos10:33
ubottusos: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.10:33
momo-leesos, nope I can't, sorry10:33
BenkinoobyLekensteyn, no it's not. my systemmonitor says i am not swapping.10:33
Dr_Willis|2Vustom:  java -jar foo.jar is one way to laucnh java/jars  i belive10:33
sosjoin #ubuntu-de10:33
Flannelsos: /join #ubuntu-de10:34
LekensteynBenkinooby: are you able to open a terminal and run free -b ?10:34
sosi dont know aubout this website10:34
sosdo you know where i can chat in germa10:35
Dr_Willis|2!de | sos10:35
ubottusos: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.10:35
phox_Hi! I have written a script that unrar's everything in a folder. But the file I want to unpack is split into 10 small archives for some reasons. So when I have archived the first archive, I have the whole file unpacked, but then the script unpacks the second archive (in the same folder) and asks wheter I want to replace the file or not, or quit. Is there a way to make so that the script always answers NO to these questions?10:35
Lekensteynsos: instead of running "join #ubuntu-de", run "/join #ubuntu-de"10:35
Benkinoobyhttp://pastebin.com/eA2dLcKk Lekensteyn10:35
Dr_Willis|2phox_:  try the 'unp' command. it may do what you need allready and your unrar command may take options to always overwrite10:36
Lekensteynphox_: have you tried something like cat *.rar | unrar x (check manual page for exact syntax)10:36
LekensteynBenkinooby: but your system wasn't just freezing right? You could check the /var/log/kern.log file10:36
phox_Dr_Willis|2, I acctually use the "unp" command. It still asks wheter I want to replace the file, and I can't find a way for it to remember to always answer n10:37
li0sis there support for chromium / google accounts ?10:37
Dr_Willis|2li0s:  support for what exactly?10:37
Lekensteynli0s: in what sense?10:37
li0si cant login through chromium to my google account :D10:37
Benkinoobyno it didn't free this time. i just saw heavy access a few moments ago, and thought i ask about it. when it freezes i guess it's vlc fault but i can not verify it10:37
li0s(but i can through FF)10:37
Lekensteynli0s: Caps lock?10:37
phox_lekensteyn: what does the cat command do? I have no problem finding the rars, or extracting the file, it is just all the 10 small archives sort of holds the same file. Don't know how that works really. I'm sure you know what I mean.10:37
BenkinoobyLekensteyn, also i can not reporduce it :(10:37
LekensteynBenkinooby: vlc? I had an issue with it too10:38
li0sLekensteyn: no :P10:38
Dr_Willis|2phox_:  some sort of readme.txt file thats identical in the 10 archives? or is this a 10 part single archive?10:38
LekensteynBenkinooby: sounds like a bug (security?) because all memory got allocated10:38
LekensteynBenkinooby: I've no swap because my disk is a SSD, and the OOM killer killed vlc because it requested all available memory10:39
phox_Dr_Willis, Nope it's the acctual file itself. The archives contains a movie I downloaded (it's not illegal). Are you familliar how they are split up into archives?10:39
Lekensteynphox_: cat concatenated all files as in: cat one two three > singlefile10:39
Lekensteynphox_: oh, I see unrar can accept multiple files as well10:39
Lekensteynphox_: try: unrar x *.rar10:40
nicofsI havew an issue with my wifi connection. For some reason I can'T connect to my encrypted network any more - all I get is "bad password" (the password is correct). I guess it's either wpasupplicant or a driver issue... what can i do?10:40
phox_lekensteyn: Ok, ill try that10:40
=== tchanphysics is now known as being
Lekensteynnicofs: have you chosen the right type? (WEP / WPA / WPA2)10:40
BenkinoobyLekensteyn, hm ... thanks for your input...10:41
nicofsLekensteyn, yes - it worked before - the network didn't change but my laptop just couldn't connect anymore10:41
Lekensteynnicofs: have you tried restarting the machine?10:42
=== asdofindia is now known as AsDofINDia
zxiestHello =) Does anybody know how I can change the home directory of a user without being logged in to that user? (I'm logged in as root)10:42
ricalWhats your take on writing startup scripts that is non daemonic (it will do something and terminate)?10:42
nicofsLekensteyn, about 100 times. i purged network-manager installed wicd...10:42
=== AsDofINDia is now known as capitals
phox_lekensteyn: Nope, didn't work. Says "no file to extract", after sort of listing all the archives.10:42
ressihow areyou10:42
Lekensteynzxiest: usermod -d /home/new-home && mv /home/old-home /new-home10:42
zxiestLekensteyn how can I specify the user?10:43
Lekensteynzxiest: I must note: some programs / settings in the home dir do not like it10:43
phox_lekensteyn: it also says "extracting from archive.part1.rar and so on, but it doesnt10:43
Lekensteynzxiest: oh I forgot it :p usermod -d /home/new-home user10:43
ranjanrajani, hello10:43
zxiestLekensteyn it's an empty user... I'm creating it for postfix email storage10:43
capitalshi ranjan & rajani10:44
Lekensteyn phox_: ok, try cat *.rar | unrar x then, if it complains about missing argument, replace "x" by "x  -" (x space dash)10:44
=== capitals is now known as harrypotter
Lekensteynzxiest: oh in that case you can safely run usermod -d /path/to/dir username and move the old directory10:45
ranjanharrypotter, hi :)10:45
=== harrypotter is now known as asdofindia
zxiestLekensteyn cool, thanks :-)10:45
ranjanasdofindia, why your are randomly changing your nick10:45
Dr_Willis|2i thoguth it was unrar e  for extract.. or am i backwards..10:45
Dr_Willis|2!info unp10:45
ubottuunp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0~pre5 (natty), package size 14 kB, installed size 120 kB10:45
Dr_Willis|2i always use unp :)10:46
LekensteynDr_Willis|2: e extracts everything into the current directory, x preserves the path components (according to the manpage)10:46
ressihow are you rajani10:46
asdofindiaranjan: situations demand!10:46
rajanihello ressi i'm fine.10:47
ranjanasdofindia, what kind of situation?10:47
phox_lekensteyn: the first command just listed the commands options, and the second version of it said unknown option.10:47
lotuspsychjeanyone knows what to search for in deamon logs for wifi disconnects?10:47
Tyronecan anyone help me in video cache in squid?10:48
asdofindiaranjan: i was in a war... with lord voldermort.. accidentally revealed my real identity... peter parker10:48
ricalDoes the latest versions of ubuntu use SystemV for init?10:48
Lekensteynphox_: okay if unrar is that dumb you need to combine those files in a single one: cat *.rar > single.rar && unrar x single.rar10:48
Lekensteynlotuspsychje: /var/log/daemon.log10:48
ranjanasdofindia, oh :) id didnt ndestand a bit10:48
Refaelhola, am attempting to open WAN ports. Port forwarding is correctly configured on the modem side & am suspecting the problem's within the Network Connections Utility in Ubuntu10:48
Lekensteynlotuspsychje: /var/log/syslog10:48
Lekensteyndaemon was Debian :p10:48
Dr_Willis|2Tyrone:  i thought squid only cached http data not videos.10:49
lotuspsychjelekensteyn: tnx lemme take a look10:49
Dr_Willis|2Unless squid gained new features since i last used  it years ago10:49
LekensteynRefael: are you trying to forward the WAN port (say, 8080) to your computer (say, port 80)?10:49
ressiwhen will your school open ?10:50
Refaelspecifically, am attempting a loopback maneuver, though the WAN is not even open10:50
phox_lekensteyn: Maybe I'm missing something, but that just extracted 8 percent and then said it couldnt find "tingle.rar" (yes, tingle). Which is NOT the name of the movie inside the archives, and I just copied ur command.. weird!10:51
phox_lekensteyn: now it gave a different output: input file is output file10:51
Dr_Willis|2phox_:  so this is 5+ differnt archives  not a single movie in a 10 part rar archive correct?10:52
phox_Dr_willis: It is a single movie, split up into 13 archives. For some reason. I believe this is somewhat standard, right?10:52
=== asdofindia is now known as anybody
Dr_Willis|2phox_:  you just need to extarct the frst archive.. it should then see/read/get data from the other archives. No need for this fancy stuff you are trying10:53
=== anybody is now known as asdofindia
Dr_Willis|2unrar x foo.rar  (or foo.rar1)10:53
Dr_Willis|2and it should then see/get  the stuff from the rest as needed10:54
Dr_Willis|2I hate split-rar archives. :)10:54
Lekensteynah right, but shouldn't the archives be named bar.rar, bar.rar.2, bar.rar.3 ?10:54
phox_Dr_willis, yes I know. I can just choose "extract here". But I have hundreds of gb's of different movies, and I want to extract them all easily :P10:54
Dr_Willis|2phox_:  you jsut said it was one movie...10:54
Lekensteynphox_: oo, and you wnat just to overwrite existing files?10:54
phox_Dr_Willis, yes, I though I'd start small then scale it up :P10:55
Dr_Willis|2or are you saying you have dozens  of movies.. each is a splut archive?  each one should have a .rar file that you use. and extract that..  You dont mess with the other parts of the rar archive10:55
lotuspsychjelekesteyn: any clue what this means: kernel: [    9.276100] phy0 -> rt2800pci_mcu_status: Error - MCU request failed, no response from hardware10:55
Dr_Willis|2unrar x *.rar  (might work) :)10:56
phox_Lekensteyn: No, not exactly. I want to unrar the archives. Most of them aren't unrared.10:56
Lekensteynphox_:  the -o- option does not overwrite files, -o+ does overwrite existing files10:56
asdofindialotuspsychje: it's an error message you got during boot10:56
LekensteynDr_Willis|2: already suggested, but then unrar 1.rar 2.rar 3.rar will cause rar to try to extract 2.rar and 3.rar from 1.rar10:56
phox_lekensteyn: That sounds like it could help! Ill try that.10:56
Dr_Willis|2ive seen so many variantion in rar names.  ive seen .rar1 .rar2 and so on.10:57
lotuspsychjeasdofindia: i know its an error lol...but what does it mean...im getting wifi disconnects in natty10:57
Lekensteynlotuspsychje: hardware failure? Have you tried googling it or searching on launchpad?10:58
Lekensteyn! you10:58
Lekensteyn! you10:59
lotuspsychjelekesteyn: i tryed to find ralink corp bugs on natty..but not sure howto solve10:59
phox_lekensteyn; "unrar -o- *.rar" once again just gives me the list of options for the unrar command.. I have cd'ed to the correct folder, I know that.10:59
Lekensteynphox_: rar seems to accept one archive each time11:00
Lekensteyntry find -name '*.rar' -exec unrar -o- {} \;11:00
phox_lekensteyn: unrar has the option -y, that "Assume yes on all queries". Too bad it doenst seem to work the other way around..11:01
LekensteynIPv6 :D11:02
phox_lekensteyn: god, this is getting me tired.. that TOO just gives me all of the options..11:03
Dr_Willis|2the unp ommand might make this rar fitghting easier11:05
Lekensteynphox_: what is your version of unrar?11:05
phox_Lekensteyn, 4.011:05
phox_lekensteyn: 4.0 beta 311:05
phox_lekensteyn: why doesn't it have "assume no all queries"? That would have solved my problems..11:06
Lekensteynphox_: oh... you needed to put x in front of -x-11:06
phox_lekensteyn: WOW!! that totally worked11:07
phox_lekensteyn: now I'm gonna cd to my tv shows folder and unleash this beast.. :D11:07
Lekensteynphox_: good luck, remember to check if your disk isn't full :p11:08
phox_thx for all the help!11:08
phox_I'm make make this into a script, and if I'll upload it somewhere I'll give you credit :P11:09
Lekensteynthanks I guess :p11:09
_Fox__hi guys11:12
_Fox__someone can help me to install ubuntu on mac osx snow leopard? (no virtual box, parallels)11:12
AmithHi all11:14
=== uncle|sam is now known as Uncle|Sam
fooman2011hello everyone11:15
Lekensteynhello fooman2011 fooman2011 Amith11:15
Amith@fooman hi11:15
fooman2011i'm new under linux. i'm looking for a way to remove a raid 5 built using mdadm...11:15
fooman2011i can't find a way to delete it11:15
FSXHi. 2 classmates had Windows 7 and Ubuntu 11.04 install on their laptops and dekstop PC. Now, when they turn their computers on Grub says "no partition" and shows a rescue console. The exact same thing happened with 2 laptops and one normal PC. Anyone knows what that could be?11:15
ikoniafooman2011: how would you like to remove it11:15
ikoniafooman2011: have you got the data off it ?11:15
ikoniafooman2011: that's the first step, get the data off it11:16
fooman2011i made mistake during install11:16
fooman2011i would like to destroy it and reinstall it11:16
ikoniafooman2011: oh, so you just want to do a re-install ?11:16
AmithFormat and reinstall :)11:16
fooman2011i would like to clean all11:16
fooman2011then restart from clean11:16
ikoniafooman2011: ok, so a re-install then11:16
ikoniafooman2011: what install media are you using ?11:16
ikoniafooman2011: what install media are you using ?11:17
fooman2011lol sorry like i said i'm a newbe11:17
fooman2011you mean /dev/md/.. ?11:17
teemohow can i update my java to the latest version, v.6 update 25?11:17
OZZYRODcan anyone tell me where to find d3evice drivers11:17
ikoniafooman2011: the desktop cd, the alternative cd, the server cd11:17
ikoniaOZZYROD: for what device ?11:17
fooman2011ubuntu server11:17
OZZYRODdevice drivers for wireless networking11:17
ikoniaOZZYROD: yes, but for what type of card/device11:18
ikoniafooman2011: ok, do you want to do this together, or me just tell you and you make notes ?11:18
Lekensteynteemo: have you installed java through the partner.ubuntu.com repo? If so, just wait until the update is available11:18
OZZYRODbroadcom corporation  network controller11:18
ikonia!broadcom | OZZYROD11:18
ubottuOZZYROD: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx11:18
cloventt_Fox__: did you say no virtualbox or parallels?11:18
teemoi installed java using sudo apt-get install from terminal11:19
fooman2011hummm i can do this now with you please ?11:19
_Fox__yeah, no11:19
ikoniafooman2011: sure, boot it up and lets go through it11:19
_Fox__i dont like11:19
fooman2011ok machine is rebooting11:19
cloventtdo you want to install it as your only operating system or do you want to keep mac os x?11:19
_Fox__dual boot11:20
fooman2011ikonia: boot done, i'm looged in.11:20
ikoniafooman2011: logged in ? the install CD shouldn't ask you to login11:20
fooman2011ikonia: I don't want to reinstall ubuntu. I want to destroy my raid 5 and rebuid it11:21
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe
ikoniafooman2011: you can't do that, as you detroying the raid array will destroy the data11:21
fooman2011not a problem11:21
ikoniafooman2011: that's why I said if you want to keep the data, you need to get it off it11:21
fooman2011i dont have data on raid11:21
ikoniafooman2011: ahhh, it's not where ubuntu is installed11:22
fooman2011ubuntu is on another disk11:22
ikoniafooman2011: ok, that makes sense11:22
fooman2011sorry i didn't mention that11:22
Amithsoft raid or hard raid11:22
Lekensteyn! lp 78460411:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 784604 in sun-java6 (Ubuntu) "a new java version is available for download" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78460411:22
fooman2011soft uing mdadm11:22
ikoniafooman2011: whats the "md" device name ?11:22
fooman2011md127 i think11:22
Lekensteyn! lp 784604 | teemo11:23
ikoniafooman2011: can you check ?11:23
fooman2011(i specified md0 during install but i don't know why it's md127...)11:23
fooman2011yes sure i can check but how ?11:23
ikoniafooman2011: is it currently mounted ?11:23
ikoniafooman2011: pastebin the output of "df -h" please11:23
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teemoso how do i update java to update 25?11:24
Lekensteynteemo: just wait, and at that bugreport, press "Affects me too"11:24
ikoniateemo: you wait until ubuntu releases an update package, then it will be offered to you11:24
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teemowell  i downloaded a .bin file from java.com, but how do i install it?11:25
ikoniafooman2011: it's not miunted11:25
ikoniateemo: you shouldn't do that11:25
ikoniafooman2011: "mounted"11:25
teemook, wait it is then11:25
ikoniafooman2011: could you please pastebin /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf please11:25
Lekensteynteemo: according to the release notes of 6u25, no security bugs have been fixed11:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 784604 in sun-java6 (Ubuntu) "a new java version is available for download" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:26
Lekensteynsorry, wrong link, http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/6u25releasenotes-356444.html11:27
Dr_Willis|2i imagine most packages in  the latest release - have some sort of updates..11:27
fooman2011ikonia: http://pastebin.com/5veLrXe811:28
ikoniafooman2011: you have no array11:28
ikoniafooman2011: there is no raid aray11:28
TopGearHello folks - I'm having quite some trouble with Linux nowadays :(11:28
fooman2011yes but i did not added to mdadmcof11:29
ikoniafooman2011: the installer should have added it for you11:29
LekensteynTopGear: what problems?11:29
TopGearLekensteyn: No installer is able to start :(11:29
LekensteynTopGear: what installer? Did you mean you can't install packages?11:30
TopGearlive installer11:30
Jmoey@TopGear: try the alternate cd then11:30
TopGearJmoey: tried... can't get into it :(11:31
fooman2011ikonia: the command mdadm --detail --scan /dev/md127 give me something11:31
Jmoeythe text based one11:31
TopGearJmoey: I only get a black screen after selecting what I want...11:31
LekensteynTopGear: what video card do you have?11:31
ikoniafooman2011: before we go any further, that's the actual problem with the raid array you've created ?11:31
OZZYRODAM GETTING MESSAGE nO proprietary drivers IN use on this system11:32
TopGearLekensteyn: XFX GTS 25011:32
fooman2011ikonia: http://pastebin.com/rfHRE60j11:32
ikoniafooman2011: before we go any further, that's the actual problem with the raid array you've created ?11:32
JmoeyTopGear: try booting the kernel with the nomodeset option11:33
fooman2011several problem11:33
ikoniafooman2011: I can see it's in degraded state, but why11:33
fooman20111/ it's partially removed now i think... 2/ it's at the bad place (md127) 3/ i didn't format the disk before11:33
ikoniafooman2011: ok, so stop the array11:34
TopGearJmoey: tried, installing works, 1280*1024 on a 1920*1200 screen --- after installing restricted drivers X crashes and no repair possible11:34
fooman2011mdadm manage stop ?11:34
LekensteynTopGear: stay away from the restricted drivers then11:34
JmoeyTopGear: restricted drivers are always a problem. can you get into recovery mode11:34
fooman2011ikonia: mdadm: stopped /dev/md12711:35
ikoniafooman2011: , the easy way to resolve this is to just now issue a new "make" command for the new array, it will warn you that the disks are part of an array, do you want to override, you just say "y"11:35
fooman2011i'll try this11:35
fooman2011but md127 will be created forever ?11:36
TopGearJmoey: possible, but I've still the low resolution...11:36
ikoniafooman2011: no, once you create a new one from it's disks, it won't get assembled again11:36
JmoeyTopGear does failsafe graphics work11:36
ikoniafooman2011: that's the easiest way to resolve your issue11:36
TopGearJmoey: no11:36
fooman2011ok ikonia thank you i'll try this :)11:36
JmoeyTopGear: its probably got stuck onto using the unity interface11:37
JmoeyTopGear: what happens when you run startx11:38
TopGearTopGear: Well, openSUSE 11.3/11.4, Mint 9/10/11 and Ubuntu 10.10/11.04 won't run anymore11:38
TopGearJmoey: stupid nividalib.so (or so...) crashes or something like that11:38
JmoeyTopGear we need a way of bypassing unity so it can use 2d11:39
TopGearJmoey: gotta eat now11:39
JmoeyTopGear: no worries11:40
Jmoeydoes anybody know where ubuntu stores the config for the last used xsession11:41
Jmoeyi.e if you switched to gnome or kde at login screen, where would it store the last used item11:41
Dr_Willis|2Jmoey:  you mean the .dmrc file?11:42
olav_Is it possible to resize windows with unity, like "xresize Title 400x200" or something like that?11:43
Jmoeyaah thanks11:43
coz_olav_,  do you have the resize plugin enabled in ccsm?11:43
coz_also resize info plugin11:43
olav_coz_, hmm, I upgraded to 11.04 yesterday. ccsm?11:43
coz_olav_,  yeah    sudo apt-get install  compizconfig-settings-manager   this is called up with ccsm   and it has the  complete controls for compiz11:44
JmoeyDr_Willis|2: if you last used gnome2, what would the entry in the .dmrc file be11:44
kajakajoCan someone tell me quickly again how I can adjust window size via keyboard? My grabbable window bar is off screen so I can't drag or move it...11:44
olav_coz_, cool. And then I can run a command to resize windows?11:45
Dr_Willis|2Jmoey:  No idea. may be 'ubuntu'  or 'gnome'11:45
Lekensteynkajakajo: try Alt + F3 to open a menu11:45
Dr_Willis|2Jmoey:  you mean the gnome-classic in 11.04?11:45
kajakajoaccidently did alt+F4, killed it.11:45
Jmoeyi'm using kubuntu so can't test that11:45
Dr_Willis|2Jmoey:   i would just select classic for a user. and see what their .dmrc is11:45
kajakajoaltf3 seems to do nothing.11:46
coz_olav_,  well if you want a window to defalt to a certain size you would probably have to use one of the other plugins under the Window mangement category in ccsm,, the resize plugin allows for various resize motions  with the grab handle11:46
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Lekensteynkajakajo: at least it's away :p I'm using KDE, maybe that makes the difference11:46
olav_coz_, I'll check out the settings. Thanks :)11:46
Lekensteynkajakajo: the next time you could try right-clicking the menu item and choose "Move"11:46
crazybananaKDE,i like it11:46
Jmoeyfound it:Session=gnome11:46
kajakajoI didn't see a move option on the right click menu. I checked before.11:47
coz_olav_,  if you have more questions about ccsm and compiz  you can meet me in the   #compiz  channel11:47
kajakajoWould still like to know for future reference, how do I move windows? important, I'm on a netbook, sometimes things go offscreen. That's how this all started.11:47
fooman2011mmh ikonia ? do you know why I have this error "mdadm: device /dev/sdb1 not suitable for any style of array" ?11:47
JmoeyTopGear: edit your .dmrc file and change Session to gnome. (just use nano .dmrc) Then run startx11:47
fooman2011ikonia: i launched the command:  mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=5 --assume-clean --raid-devices=3 /dev/sd[bcd]111:48
CojageIf I plug in my headphones it will not mute the speakers. Apperantly it's a kernel bug I assume, more people have that problem but I couldnt fix it yet.11:48
CojageI googled first but no dice ;)11:48
ikoniafooman2011: pastebin sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb11:50
pozicI connected a monitor via VGA to my laptop, the monitor is on, but I don't get the same image on the monitor as on my laptop. Do I need to do a special dance to make it work?11:50
fooman2011ikonia: http://pastebin.com/mvRuK01z11:51
kajakajofound it. alt+F7 allows keyboard movement of the window, for anyone else looking...11:51
ikoniapozic: what do you mean, the same image11:51
pozicI already started the nvidia tool, but it only detects one X screen.11:51
pozicikonia: same video data signal11:51
ikoniavideo data signal ? what are you talking about11:51
Andiwhen i open skype it logs in but right after skype closes by itself, does anybody know this problem?11:52
ikoniafooman2011: that looks good,11:52
pozicikonia: when you look at a screen, you see pixel data, that is a video signal.11:52
ikoniafooman2011: get rid of the --assume-clean11:52
ikoniapozic: but what do you mean it's not the same11:52
fooman2011ikonia: same problem11:52
ikoniawhat's the problem with it11:53
ikoniafooman2011: --force11:53
pozicikonia: one is completely black (the large monitor) and the other one is my laptop which  works.11:53
Dr_Willis|2pozic:  check the laptops special fn keys to be sure the external monitor is enabled11:53
fooman2011ikonia: same problem :(11:53
ikoniapozic: right, so the question is "one of you displays is blank"11:53
ikoniapozic: rather than all this nonsense about not the same video data11:53
Dr_Willis|2pozic:  ive also seen where ive needed the monitor plugged in befor i power up the laptop - on some laptops11:54
ikoniafooman2011: is there anything special/odd about this disk ?11:54
fooman2011standard sata disk11:54
ikoniafooman2011: when you created the earlier array, did it join the array without a problem ?11:54
ikoniafooman2011: ok, lets do a test, sudo fdisk /dev/sdb11:55
fooman2011what command ?11:55
ikoniafooman2011: delete the partition11:55
ikoniathen w11:55
fooman2011ok then ?11:55
pozicikonia: it is not nonsense, just not as specific.11:56
ikoniafooman2011: ok, now "sudo dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/sdb bs=512k count=111:56
Lekensteynare you trying to overwrite the MBR or ?11:56
ikoniaLekensteyn: just zero the header of the disk with the private regin11:57
Lekensteynokay, just to be sure that that 'k' actually belongs to the command, continue11:57
ikoniathat's fine11:57
ikoniafooman2011: run it,11:57
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fooman2011i'm scared :p11:57
fooman2011ok go11:57
ikoniafooman2011: it's fine11:57
ikoniafooman2011: all done ?11:58
pozicAFAIK, the k is wrong, but I might be wrong.11:58
fooman2011ikonia: done11:58
ikoniapozic: is wrong for what ?11:58
ikoniapozic: why is it wrong11:58
ikoniafooman2011: ok, not re-run "sudo fdisk /dev/sdb"11:58
fooman2011ikonia: 0 bytes (0 B) copied, 2.3549e-05 s, 0.0 kB/s11:58
fooman2011ok then ?11:59
ikoniafooman2011: create a partiton (n, p,) then t, "fd" to change it to a raid partition11:59
pozicikonia: assuming he only wants to do something with his MBR, that is 1000 times too much.12:00
ikoniapozic: it's NOT the mbr, as I've just said12:00
pozicikonia: still, I cannot possibly see why anyone would ever want to execute that command.12:00
ikoniafooman2011: w and you should be fine12:00
pozicUnless he is just toying with his machine.12:00
ikoniafooman2011: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb should not show you a new disk12:00
ikonia(partition rather)12:01
ikoniabut for the array, it's a disk12:01
fooman2011oh god I understand nothing but now I can retry the mdadm command ?12:01
ikoniafooman2011: lets try12:02
fooman2011mdadm: device /dev/sdb1 not suitable for any style of array12:02
ikoniafooman2011: I wonder what that's about12:02
ikoniaahhh, I wonder12:03
ikoniafooman2011: can you pastebin cat /proc/mdstat please12:03
zetheroowhy is it that I have to unlock my keyring every time I boot up?12:03
bullgard4!graphics |  wangata12:04
MonkeyDustzetheroo: that's called 'security'12:04
fooman2011ikonia: i'm rebooting12:04
ikoniafooman2011: ok,12:04
zetherooMonkeyDust: yeah well it's buggy12:04
fooman2011ikonia: http://pastebin.com/rMJHwCdd12:05
zetherooMonkeyDust: if I boot up and am not at my computer when the desktop loads, when I do come to the computer I have to enter my password in sometimes 5 or 10 times ... depending on when I get to the computer12:05
ikoniafooman2011: ok, so that's the problem12:05
MonkeyDustzetheroo: that's called 'security', i hope malvolent people find it as annoying as you do12:06
ikoniafooman2011: sudo mdadm --misc /dev/md127 --stop12:06
zetherooMonkeyDust: I have no issue with things being secure .. but having to enter a password in 10 times in a row is ludicrous12:07
fooman2011ikonia: done12:07
ikoniafooman2011: check /proc/mdstat again, is it different ?12:07
coz_zetheroo,  If I am not mistaken,, I believe the timing for that can be changed12:07
fooman2011ikonia: nope not different12:08
ikoniafooman2011: ok, try sudo mdadm --misc /dev/md127 --zero-superblock12:08
zetheroocoz_: that would be awesome ... though I wonder why such an annoying thing is not refined a bit more ... I mean people though Windows Vista was annoying with all it's requests for authentication .. here after securely logging in you have to again unlock something ... and 9 times out of 10 it takes more than 1 attempt to unlock it ... :P12:11
coz_zetheroo,  I understand it can be somewhat irritating,, but there was also a problem when it was set too high,, going into synaptic after a long wait and it didnt ask for password12:12
fooman2011ikonia ?12:12
ikoniafooman2011: sorry, I missed that you'de said done12:12
fooman2011no problem12:12
fooman2011ikonia: what is the next step ?12:13
zetheroo coz_:  oh ... it's the same thing?12:13
ikoniafooman2011: mdadm --manage /dev/md0 --remove /dev/sdb112:13
zetheroo coz_: I thought the keyring was where wifi passwords were stored ...12:13
ikoniafooman2011: damn, md12712:13
coz_zetheroo,  well you dont want your security to be set too low  or too high,, but if it is going to default to either of those too high would be preferred12:13
zetheroo coz_:  is there a utility where one can alter these settings12:14
fooman2011ikonia: mdadm: cannot get array info for /dev/md12712:14
ikoniafooman2011: that's interesting12:14
coz_zetheroo,  I believe you can change it ,, off hand I cant think of the location12:14
ikoniafooman2011: try the re-create again now12:14
JmoeyTopGear: edit your .dmrc file and change Session to gnome. (just use nano .dmrc) Then run startx12:14
ikoniafooman2011: I don't think it will work, but it's wroth checking12:15
TopGearJmoey: ahuh?12:15
Jmoeysorry dinner now12:15
fooman2011ikonia: mdadm: device /dev/sdb1 not suitable for any style of array12:15
zetheroo coz_:  I think I'll just change the password to blank12:15
ikoniais /proc/mdstat  still the same12:15
coz_zetheroo,  I dont believe that is the wise choice  ,, check online for ubuntu change password time-out12:16
fooman2011ikonia: yep still the same12:16
zetheroocoz_: ok I'll check it out - thanks12:16
ikoniafooman2011: Hmmm, I wonder if we can mark them as faulty12:17
JmoeyTopGear: hang on will be back soon12:18
TopGearJmoey: okay12:18
fooman2011ikonia: how ?12:18
afiefI'm trying to play a dvd on ubuntu but I get an error message saying the DVD is encrypted. It used to work fine on windows....12:18
ikoniafooman2011: sudo mdadm --manage /dev/md127 --set-faulty /dev/sdb112:19
riot_sup guys12:19
coz_afief,   open a terminal and paste this command     sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh12:19
coz_afief,  run that and then test the dvd again12:19
fooman2011ikonia: mdadm: cannot get array info for /dev/md12712:19
ikoniafooman2011: that part makes sense as we've stopped and deleted it, what doesn't make sense is now that it's gone why is that array still showing as there12:20
ikoniafooman2011: can you reboot again ?12:20
coz_afief,  also ,, if you havent done it,,    sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras12:20
fooman2011ikonia: sure12:20
livingdaylightcan the unity bar be moved to the bottom, or is it stuck to the left side?12:21
afiefcoz_: thanks it works :-) why wasn't this done automatically when it asked me to install missing codecs? :S12:21
coz_livingdaylight,  at the moment .."stuck"12:21
coz_afief,  I believe licensing issues  so you have to do it manually,,12:21
afiefcoz_: I thought the codecs have the same patent issues...12:22
coz_afief,  if you want you can open google and type    ubuntu restricted formats  and check out the site,,, dont go all wild installing stuff though :)12:22
fooman2011ikonia: boot done12:22
ikoniafooman2011: ok, can you pastebin the /proc/mdstat again please12:22
fooman2011ikonia: http://pastebin.com/F1NT5S7912:23
fooman2011seems to be the same12:23
livingdaylightcoz_, thanks... I hope we get the choice to move it in the future. Workspace is not well integrated into unity as well, which is another issue12:23
ikoniafooman2011: ok, we are going to have to get agressive, sorry about this12:23
ikoniafooman2011: need to zeo the 3 disks12:23
fooman2011zeo ?12:24
coz_livingdaylight,  well you can set it to autohide  if you like12:24
ikoniafooman2011: (shouldn't need to do this, but I can't expalin why you array is behaving like this)12:24
ikoniafooman2011: zero,12:24
ikoniafooman2011: how big are these disks ?12:24
coz_livingdaylight,  also you can install one of th e docks and they generally default to the bottom of the screen12:24
ikoniafooman2011: that's going to be annoying, is this a powerful machine ?12:24
livingdaylightcoz_, it already seems to be on authide. Where do I find the preferences for it?12:24
fooman2011i3 54012:24
livingdaylightcoz_, e docks?12:24
ikoniafooman2011: ok, this will take a while (sorry)12:24
coz_livingdaylight,   if you dont have it installed    sudo apt-get install  compizconfig-settings-managaer12:25
fooman2011no problem12:25
fooman2011ikonia: what's the command ?12:25
coz_livingdaylight,   no i was thinking more along the lines  of  cairo dock or awn12:25
ikoniafooman2011: sudo dd if=/dev/zeo of=/dev/sdb bs=5m12:25
fooman2011maybe it's fastest to reinstall my ubuntu server you know ?12:25
ikoniafooman2011: (that hopefully should speed it up, but not flood your buss)12:25
ikoniafooman2011: nah, reinstall of ubuntu won't do anything12:25
coz_livingdaylight,  after intalling that  you can open it with the   ccsm command ,,, go to the  Ubuntu unity plugin under the "Desktop category"12:26
livingdaylightcoz_, is there a preference menu for the unity bar? I might prefer it set to 'off' for authide12:26
livingdaylightcoz_, ok12:26
fooman2011ikonia: you mean that my disk are modified into the hardware ?12:26
ikoniafooman2011: yes (sort of)12:26
coz_livingdaylight,  click on the plugin to get into it' s  settings,, and under the "hide Launcher" pull down you have 4 options12:26
fooman2011ikonia: so ok let's go fo the command12:26
livingdaylightcoz_, thank you12:26
coz_livingdaylight,  no problem12:27
fooman2011ikonia: sudo dd if=/dev/zeo of=/dev/sdb bs=5m ?12:27
ikoniafooman2011: you'll need to run it on /dev/sdb /dev/sdc and /dev/sdd - it's going to take a while12:27
fooman2011you sure ?12:27
ikoniafooman2011: correct12:27
fooman2011zeo ?12:27
=== tchanphysics is now known as being
ikoniamy r key is sticking12:27
fooman2011lol ok12:27
fooman2011ikonia: dd: invalid number `5m'12:28
fooman2011ikonia: the machine is doing something12:29
sklorpioncoz_: you remember my problem wih xchat that i couldnt connet to servers on port 8001 - i went ok when i used chat.freenode.net instead of irc.freenode.net :] lol12:29
nick_somebody who can help me?12:29
ikoniafooman2011: oooh it will be busy12:29
coz_sklorpion,  I do remember it a bit,, yes,, has that be resolved?12:29
fooman2011ok so then i'll do this for sdc and sdb12:29
fooman2011and then it's finished ?12:30
coz_sklorpion,  ah cool12:30
ikoniafooman2011: reboot after that (makes it clean) and your disks should re-add12:30
ikoniafooman2011: you shouldn't need to do any of it, but it's being very odd12:30
fooman2011ok and md127 will dispaears ?12:30
sklorpioncoz_: yeah just after changing irc.*.* to chat.*.* - donno why but im happy i did it. And thank for your time :-)12:30
ikoniafooman2011: correct12:30
fooman2011very well12:30
coz_sklorpion,  glad its working now :)  and no problem,, I dont think I helped that much :)12:31
fooman2011ikonia: thank you and see you after a long time to check it :)12:31
nick_so, I installed ubuntu 11.04. The first thing i do is setting the screen resolution right. But now there's some kind of fuziness  on my screen..12:31
ikoniafooman2011: I'm not going anywhere12:31
fooman2011ok :)12:31
=== necreo_ is now known as necreo
frostschutzfooman2011: if the raid is still running you should stop it before doing anything with the underlying disk12:32
ikoniafooman2011: the array is stopped12:32
frostschutzand it's not necessary to zero the entire device just to set up a new raid or whatever it is you're trying to do12:32
fooman2011lol thank you12:32
sklorpioncoz_: you did, i rememer years ago when after jonning some help chans on irc you could get only two answers - RTFM! and google.com ... Man you are the one that changes this :-) glad that you are so opend for helping ppl :]12:32
Successwhy is 1104 so slow?12:33
coz_sklorpion,   ah yes I remember those days :)12:33
fooman2011frostshutz: i think we have already tried this12:33
Successis raping my computer12:33
Success( not my question )12:33
fooman2011ikonia: is the any way to see the progression of the operation ?12:34
fooman2011ikonia: or i just have to get the cursor back in the terminal ?12:34
SuccessI installed a couple things (zend and virtualbox ose) threw ubuntu software center and i cant find them12:34
ikoniafooman2011: not really, howver you can use iostat 5 to see how busy it is12:34
Successim on ubuntu 32 11.0412:34
frostschutzfooman2011: progress of dd: killall -SIGUSR1 dd12:34
BlouBlouSuccess: because your hardware is slow?12:35
Successi said ignore that12:35
blinkhow can i disable the splash screen on 10.04?12:35
Successand 10.10 was extremely fast12:35
frostschutzfooman2011: deleting an entire hard disk will take a couple hours depending on speed and size of the disk...12:35
Dr_Willis|2blink:  you mean the Plymouth animation, after grub.. befor the GDM screen?12:36
fooman20117200 1To12:36
fooman2011i think 1 hour per idsk12:36
fooman2011see you in 3 hours so :)12:37
frostschutzuh, if you want to overwrite several disks, you can run several instances of dd in parallel12:37
fooman2011it's possible ?12:37
Dr_Willis|2dont forget teh bs= option to dd12:37
Refaelhola, am attempting to show open WAN ports on nmap, though am having problems with the Server connecting to a primary Server12:37
frostschutzfooman2011: it's also completely unnecessary if your only goal is setting up a raid. a disk doesn't have to be overwritten just for that; so whatever problem you're having, the dd is probably not going to solve it12:38
fooman2011frostschutz: i'm a newbie12:39
AlexanderosI want to install ubuntu, I'm running the ubuntu windows installer, I plugged in an extra hard disk, will ubuntu use the entire hard disk?12:39
fooman2011frostschutz: i'm listening ikonia12:39
Alexanderos(I want it to use the entire hard disk, but it gives me weird options like use size 7GB)12:39
frostschutzaight, I'll shut up now12:39
doc-donkeyHello great people of Ubuntu, i came to request great advice from your eternal knowledge12:39
fooman2011frostschutz: i mean maybe you can discuss about this with him12:40
fooman2011frostschutz: we have tried a lot of thing before this operation12:40
frostschutzAlexanderos: the installer should allow you to select the entire disk. make sure you select the right one though :)12:40
doc-donkeyAlexanderos : you'll be prompted on where and how ubuntu will be installed12:41
frostschutzAlexanderos: at least the live cd installer does, not sure about the windows installer12:41
Alexanderosmade a screenshot12:41
doc-donkeySo, heres my question, its a bit off topic but i hope you guys are gonna be able to give me your advice12:41
blinkDr_Willis|2: the animated ubuntu loading screen. I want to remove that and display the text dos-like boot.12:41
sw0rdfishhow do you exit vi12:41
ggwtfescape > :q12:42
Jmoey@TopGear - are you still on a livecd or do you have ubuntu installed12:42
Alexanderosits better to install from liveUSB?12:42
Alexanderosthen windows insatller?12:42
Alexanderos(Don't have CD/DVD drive)12:43
frostschutzAlexanderos: if you want ubuntu to sit on a disk, and you want to be able to choose between windows / ubuntu when you turn on the machine, yes use the live cd / usb12:43
AlexanderosI would like it to start up in windows by default12:44
doc-donkeyim using ubuntu since 4 or 5 years now, its been great. i just got my old desktop back and it needs to be running windows, ill instal ubuntu as well on it, but i'll also need windows.. is windows 7 easely crackable ? what version is the most stable up to date and takes the less memory?12:44
candreaAlexanderos, you'll be able to put windows as the default os easily once you have installed everything12:45
An_Ony_Mooseis it at all possible to compile and use programs that use GTK 1.x?12:45
Jmoeyblink:sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth12:45
Dr_Willis|2!text | blink12:45
ubottublink: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode12:45
Alexanderosokay, I will download ubunut, put it on an sbd, boot from USB, install, and see how to do the boot order later12:45
Dr_Willis|2blink:  or try nust changing the quiet splash to be 'noquiet nosplash'12:45
AlexanderosSorry for my bad spelling :<12:45
kajakajohow do I open port 80 in ubuntu 10.04?12:46
candrea!piracy | doc-donkey12:46
ubottudoc-donkey: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o12:46
Dr_Willis|2kajakajo:  install a service that uses taht port. theres no closed/locked ports by default.12:46
Jmoeykajakajo: should already be open unless you have a firewall12:46
doc-donkeyoh, alright then12:46
doc-donkeythanks anyway12:46
candreadoc-donkey, sorry!12:46
Refaelanybody comprehend the way to prove WAN ports open?12:47
doc-donkeyno problems !12:47
kajakajoJmoey, it's weird. I'm trying to figure out why I can't get through on port 80. A port check tool online says it doesn't see me on port 80, but if ubuntu is open, and my itnernet service says 80 should be open on the router, where's the hangup? Could it be closed on the router?12:47
doc-donkeyim really not that enthusiastic about installing windows again12:47
Jmoeykajakajo: are you hosting a webserver or just trying to get internet12:48
kajakajodoc-donkey, windows 7 is actually really decent, even from a linux user's point of view.12:48
MonkeyDustkajakajo: have you tried nmap to your own pc?12:48
candreadoc-donkey, probably you'll be happy running windows in a virtual machine12:48
mac|gyverHi, I'm trying to configure ppp / pptpd to authenticate through RADIUS. without RADIUS auth the connection succeeds. I don't see packets going to the radius server that I have configured. Any idea how to troubleshoot why pppd doesn't call out to radius?12:48
Jmoeypersonally, i think win7 is a kde4 ripoff12:48
kajakajoJmoey, I'm trying to access the virtual webserver I just got on amazon. MonkeyDust I don't know what nmap is.12:48
kajakajogot through amazon web service (aws)*12:49
Jmoeykajakajo nmap is a port scanner12:49
Jmoeyinstall zenmap for a gui (kajakajo)12:49
MonkeyDustkajakajo: try nmap
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blinkDr_Willis|2: I am doing this for my laptop. I remember doing that on my pc where I removed a line from a text file. Where can I locate that?12:49
Dr_Willis|2blink:  /etc/default/grub12:49
kajakajoJmoey, MonkeyDust, what will this tell me?12:50
kajakajonot shoing 999 closed ports, it says12:51
blinkDr_Willis|2: how can I locate it? I clicked ctrl+H to show hidden files and etc folder is not found.12:51
kajakajo631 is the only one listed12:51
kajakajoit's open, tcp ipp12:51
kajakajodoes that mean it's the only open port?12:51
yuvatejawhat is theeqvalent package for macro media flash(not flash player)/12:51
MonkeyDustkajakajo: what about port 80, in nmap12:51
imranhHello, I have a quick question, TRIM is only on the 2.6.33 kernel right?12:51
kajakajohow do I check that? nmap port 80?12:51
Jmoeykajakajo: yes12:52
Jmoeyi mean that port is closed (kajakajo)12:52
kajakajoit didn't liked that.12:52
=== Guest4938 is now known as Tor_
kajakajo'failed to resolve given hostname/port'12:52
kajakajook, how can I open it? Is it at the computer or router end?12:52
BigWookieHey on archive.ubuntu.com jaunty somehow VANISHED12:53
Jmoeykajakajo are you hosting a server or trying to connect to one12:54
Dr_Willis|2blink:  the full path is /etc/default/grub     use the terminal to do sysadmin type tasks.. running nautilus as root is asking for problems12:54
kajakajoconect to one12:54
kajakajoJmoey connect to one12:54
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Dr_Willis|2blink:  its /etc/ not 'etc'12:54
BigWookieevery version since dapper is on the server but jaunty isnt12:54
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.12:55
Dr_Willis|2perhaps they finally cleaned it out?12:55
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BigWookieyeah and dapper still remains on the server^^12:55
ubottuUbuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on July 14th 2009, Server support will end in June 2011. See !upgrade for upgrade instructions12:55
Dr_Willis|2dapper was much cooler. :)12:55
Jmoeykajakajo, you shouldn't need port 80 on your client, just on your server12:55
Dr_Willis|2I thoguth they all got moved to some EOL server.12:55
craigbass1976Dr_Willis|2, cooler than what?12:55
BigWookiearchive.ubuntu.com sounds to me like that12:56
Dr_Willis|2a Dapper duck is much cooler then a Jaunty Jackapope :) Ducks in Tophats - beats rabbits with antlers.12:56
kajakajoJmoey, this is my first time doing this, so perhaps I misunderstood... Could I show you the quick start guide and get your help? Supposedly my server should be up, but I type in the public DNS and I don't get access12:57
MonkeyDustBigWookie: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/12:57
blinkDr_Willis|2: found it. I did 'sudo nano /etc/default/grub'. now how can i save and exit ;/12:57
RigongiaHi all12:57
BigWookieMonkeyDust: whoat thy12:58
jpbadeveloperblink ctrl + 0 for save and ctrl + w for exit12:58
BigWookieand yes I know it's outdated and I shouldnt use...12:58
BlouBloublink: ctrl + x    then writte "y" and when you want to save12:58
Dr_Willis|2nano 101 :)12:58
Jmoeykajakajo: ok, i'll try, webservers aren't my area (mainly samba, ssh, nfs is)12:58
Dr_Willis|2^ = the control key12:58
eb3ha4elis it possible to use External HD as booting device?12:59
Jmoeykajakajo: show me the guide and i'll se what i can do12:59
Dr_Willis|2eb3ha4el:  i do it all the time. I can run the whole ubuntu OS from an exteranl hd12:59
bluelfhey I am facing a problem with update manager it gives this error message can anyone help me on this http://paste.ubuntu.com/614148/12:59
kajakajoJmoey, is it safe to type the public DNS here? Will that be ok, or should I do it privately?12:59
eb3ha4elDr_Willis I2: thanks12:59
BigWookiewhy bb12:59
kajakajohttp://bitnami.org/tutorials/amazon_machine_images%20 Jmoey13:00
BlouBloukajakajo: this channel is logged and everyone is able to check logs with a browser13:00
JmoeyThe page you were looking for doesn't exist.13:01
JmoeyYou may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved.13:01
kajakajoJmoey, is that a question?13:01
Jmoeysorry don't know why the lines overflowed13:02
Jmoeyok thanks13:02
Jmoeythat opens ok13:02
Jmoeykajakajo, make sure you have http open13:03
kajakajoI didn't see this at first, so I did it all just figuring it out, but didn't do the security groups step. When I later went to check it, I don't see the options I see on that page. I can't assess how important it is, and it seems to me that it should work anyways. Only thing I'm not sure about is port 80.13:03
kajakajoHow do I check if port 80 is open?13:03
kajakajoThat's exactly how I got started on this.13:03
Dr_Willis|2by defualt theres NO closed ports13:03
Jmoeykajakajo:you should be able to select it from the list13:04
Dr_Willis|2theres just nothing listening on port 80 by defalt unless you instal  a web server kajakajo13:04
kajakajoRight. So, Security groups just doesn't show such a list. It doesn't look exactly like that. I do see "default" as the only one under the top menu 'name', but clicking on it shows a lower menu that's slightly different. Should I stop my instance and start from scratch again, and maybe it would change?13:04
bluelfHey I am facing a problem with update manager it gives this error message http://paste.ubuntu.com/614148/ .Can anyone help me on this ??13:05
kajakajoOr is there some way to change the ports actively? Dr_Willis|2 what do you mean?13:05
kajakajoDr_Willis|2, from what I understand, I did just install a webserver.13:05
MonkeyDustbluelf: try booting in recovery modus, it shows you some options13:07
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bluelfMonkeyDust, oki13:08
ikoniafrostschutz: how's it looking ?13:10
ikoniafooman2011: how's it looking13:10
ikoniafrostschutz: sorry, not you, typo13:10
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kajakajoJmoey, Dr_Willis|2 so the menu is different now, and it allows me to add an inbound 'rule'. It lets you pick the protocol, and then has a box, which it wants you to fill in based on this template: "". Is that supposed to be my IP address followed by the port in question?13:19
theadminkajakajo: That's not a port, that's some range thing, not sure how they work13:19
kajakajotheadmin, any info I could give you that would help you figure it out?13:20
BluesKajkajakajo, that's an IP range allowed by the file13:21
theadminkajakajo: Nah, you'd best ask someone else13:21
anuvrathi folks, I just tried to setup rotating cube desktop changer on unity using compizconfig-settings-manager13:21
anuvratad it lost its title bar13:21
coz_anuvrat,  ok and compiz crashed ...yes?13:21
anuvratseems so13:21
coz_anuvrat,   ok open ccsm13:21
anuvratcoz_, actually everything crashed13:21
kajakajoBluesKaj, can you explain that more? What should I put there to make it accessible when I type the DNS into my browser?13:22
anuvratsystem freezes13:22
coz_anuvrat,   right13:22
anuvratcoz_, system freezes13:22
theadminanuvrat: Run "compiz --replace &disown" in any terminal you can get to13:22
anuvratno terminal accessible theadmin, will have to restart13:22
Elwood_So I install cmus13:22
tnbdpress "ctrl + alt +t"13:22
Jmoeykajakajo: not sure, you may be able to add * to allow access to all clients13:22
Elwood_and I get this error13:22
anuvrattheadmin, coz_ actuall its another system13:23
tnbdif you haven't changed it, it is the default shortcut to open a terminal13:23
BluesKajkajakajo, pls expalin what you're trying todo, I just arrived , so I don't know your circumstances.13:23
coz_anuvrat,  ok open ccsm,, disable Desktop wall,, then enable  desktop cube , rotate cube, and viewport switcher,,, then enable unity plugin ,,if ANY  conflic dialog oens  "Ignore" it13:23
theadminanuvrat: Not Ubuntu?13:23
Elwood_what do I do?13:23
anuvratobviously its ubuntu 11.0413:23
anuvratwhy would i be posting here ;)13:23
anuvratcoz_,  okay let me try13:24
coz_anuvrat,  I have cube running fine on Unity so it is indeed possible,, and this behavior will not be premanent,, it is being looked into13:24
coz_anuvrat,  previously the cube was not even possible on Unity13:24
kajakajoBluesKaj, I'm trying set up a server for the first time. It's an Amazon web services server, and it's a preset image, vps I guess. I'm pretty newb, and I don't know their internal system... Thought I had it setup, but when I tried to type in the public DNS, I can't find it. Here's the quickstart guide I'm following: http://bitnami.org/tutorials/amazon_machine_images13:24
kajakajoThe menu has changed, however, on the security groups page.13:24
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kajakajoinstead it gives me a list of services, and then a box to enter a variable in the form mentioned above.13:24
anuvratcoz_,  if its so then tell me the procedure to reset it to the way it was13:25
coz_anuvrat,  set compiz /unity to defaults you mean?13:25
kajakajo" (e.g.,, sg-47ad482e, or 1234567890/default)"13:25
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anuvratcoz_, yes, because it belongs to a person new to Ubuntu and i was gonna try and impress him with compiz13:25
anuvratcoz_, I should better get it back lest it have the opposite effect13:26
coz_anuvrat,  resetting to defaults is easy,, just open ccsm  click on "Preferences"  and hit the "reset to defaults button"13:26
kajakajofor instance, "1234567890/default", would that allow all access?13:26
anuvratcoz_, ah.. why didn't that click in my mind ,13:26
coz_anuvrat,   :)  you could manually do it also but the reset button is far easier13:27
BluesKajkajakajo, oops that's somewhat beyong my scope...I thiught you were setting up dns and IP ranges internally13:27
Tor_I can't find shared folders in Virtualbox :S13:28
Tor_Using Windows 7 as guest13:28
theadminTor_: Install the guest additions.13:28
Tor_Where do I find it?13:29
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theadminTor_: Ugh... In the VM, Devices -> Install VirtualBox Guest Additions13:29
rationalOgrekajakajo: are you editing hosts.allow and hosts.deny files?13:29
anuvratcoz_, now the person has done something stupid and I can't find compizconfig-settings-manager in the applications menu, nor can I invoke it from the terminal13:29
coz_anuvrat,   ccsm13:30
anuvratcoz_, upon firing apt-get install for compizconfig settings manager, it says that it is already isntalled13:30
coz_anuvrat,  just hit  alt+F2     ccsm or in terminal13:30
AlexanderosI am now created an live USB, if I boot from this USB, install ubuntu on my 2nd harddisk, will I be able to read my windows files from ubuntu, and my ubuntu files from windows?13:30
theadminAlexanderos: Yes, no.13:30
sahipum, what channel should I go for problems related to building computer?13:31
theadminAlexanderos: Windows can't access Linux filesystems, but the opposite is possible13:31
theadminsahip: #hardware13:31
anuvratcoz_, thats fine okay13:31
anuvratcoz_, but there is nothing like reset to defaults visible13:31
Alexanderossilly windows :<13:31
sahiptheadmin: how can I get myself invited in there?13:31
Alexanderosany last advice before I boot and install ubuntu?13:31
Tor_theadmin: So I install Virtualbox in Windows first? Can't find it there.. Installed the  host program13:31
LjLi'd like to do two things in Firefox and Thunderbird: make the user interface fonts respect the system hinting and size settings, and make them use the global menu. how do i go about that?13:32
theadmin!register | sahip13:32
ubottusahip: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode13:32
coz_anuvrat,  just above the big "Close" button bottom left,  and just above advanced search is Preferences13:32
kajakajoBluesKaj well, it's not so important, just tell me what those numbers meant, and how i can set them so that any computer (or at least my computer) can access them... That within your scope?13:32
rationalOgreAlexanderos: Read then re-read the ubuntu article on setting up a dual boot13:32
lotuspsychjealexandros: make sure u got cable eth013:32
LjLoh, i forgot - on 10.0413:32
Refaelhola, am attempting to configure the system to do "Loopback"13:32
theadminTor_: Um, no. In the virutal machine window, open the "Devices" menu and find "Install VirtualBox Guest Additions"13:32
rationalOgreAlexanderos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot13:32
Tor_theadmin: Will try13:32
lucky105can I install gnome 3 I tried It early but failed unity cashed13:32
anuvratcoz_, the order from bottom is close button advanced search, preferences than a host of optoins of category and then filter13:33
theadminlucky105: apt-get install gnome-shell13:33
anuvratcoz_, isn't there a command line way for this , it would be much more easy that way13:33
coz_anuvrat,  click the word "Preferences"13:33
AlexanderosI don't have a windows recovery disk13:33
Tor_theadmin: Did it :D Thank you!!!13:33
AlexanderosI don't even have a disk drive!13:33
coz_anuvrat,  inside you will see  "Reset to defaults"  button13:33
LjLtheadmin: not in Natty13:33
anuvratyup found it13:34
theadminLjL: Oh?13:34
rationalOgreAlexanderos: most typically do not anymore.13:34
LjLtheadmin: GNOME Shell is not there in Natty, you need a PPA which however does break Unity13:34
rationalOgreAlexanderos: Does your system have a hidden partition on which the recovery disk image is located?13:35
theadminLjL: Oh. That kinda sucks.13:35
AlexanderosI want to install ubuntu on a 2nd hard disk13:35
Refaelcan anybody assist with "Loopback" configuration?13:35
Refaelam attempting to prove WAN port 9000 open13:35
AlexanderosrationalOgre: http://img1.uploadscreenshot.com/images/main/5/14707303938.jpg13:36
Refaelusing nmap13:36
theadminRefael: Just scan "localhost"?13:36
kajakajoCan anyone tell me exactly what these numbers are in the context of server HTTP access settings, and what I should insert as this variable in its place to allow myself access to said server? "" "" "sg-47ad482e" or "1234567890/default"13:36
rationalOgreAlexanderos: Irrelevant, you still will have to overwrite the MBR on the first disk in order to set up a dual boot, that or have a means of bypassing the windows MBR13:36
Alexanderosmaster boot record, ah13:37
kajakajothe variable is called "source" under "inbound rules".13:37
rationalOgreAnd the reason having a recovery disk for windows is important is in case the MBR overwrite goes awry.13:37
Alexanderoswell if unbuntu overwrites the windows MBR I have no way to recover it I guess13:37
theadminAlexanderos: There's no need13:37
rationalOgreAlexanderos: You can create recovery disks for your windows install if you have a CD/dvd burner and blank media13:37
rationalOgreIn fact, it's highly recommended.13:38
AlexanderosI don't have13:38
anuvratcoz_, all was fine .. after a restart the panel is gone :P13:38
Alexanderosnot even a reader13:38
rationalOgreExtra USB thumb drive?13:38
coz_anuvrat,  oh so you need to re enable the Unity plugin probably13:38
AlexanderosYes, of course13:38
coz_anuvrat,  if that's the case  choose " Ignore"  if a conflict  dialog appears13:39
anuvratthe desktop panel is gone coz_13:39
coz_anuvrat,  you mean the big Launcher?13:39
anuvratcoz_, everything13:39
anuvratcoz_, only the wallpaper is visible13:39
coz_anuvrat,    in terminal    unity --replace & disown13:40
BluesKajkajakajo, is an IP range of addresses, the 0.0..... looks like an example of dns entries like google primary dns is ..I'm not impressed with the expalation offered on that page ..looks like it's written for IT guys13:40
kajakajoBluesKaj, yeah... How do I indicate it should be open to my IP?13:41
rationalOgreAlexanderos: http://www.intowindows.com/how-to-repair-windows-7-from-usb-flash-drive-repair-without-installation-dvd-disc/13:41
coz_anuvrat,  if that doesnt work in terminal try    compiz --replace & disown13:41
Alexanderosyes, doing this atm :)13:42
anuvratcoz_, on unity, alt+f2 is also not working, how do I get to a terminal ??13:42
anuvratcoz_, tried the command on ubuntu classic, didn't change anything13:42
kajakajoBluesKaj, from what I understand, this is the settings to tell the server who to allow access. I could set all possible IPs open from HTTP, and then browsers would request HTTP access from their IPs and be allowed. I should be able, I guess, to just set my IP. And that I want port 80 (HTTP) and SSH (22?), and then ahve access... Just don't know how to use this variable properly. :(13:42
coz_anuvrat,   are you on Unity or classic right now?13:42
kajakajoJmoey, see above13:43
anuvratcoz_, he switched on classic13:43
anuvratcoz_, things seem to be working fine13:43
rationalOgreAlexanderos: Down at the bottom you have the option of following http://www.intowindows.com/download-windows-7-recovery-disc-now/ to download the ISO instead of creating an intermediate DVD13:43
Refaelok, am attempting to connect a local Server instance to a Exterior Robust Server & WAN ports prove closed13:43
anuvratcoz_, I am suggesting him to stay with classic for a while13:43
coz_anuvrat,  ok open ccsm in classic and set up the cube,, then log off and onto Unity,,, then open ccsm again,, make sure the Uubunt unity plugin is enabled, if not enable it and choose "Ignore" conflicts13:43
coz_anuvrat,  if he is new to ubuntu classic is fine,, however eventually he will need to deal with Unity13:44
anuvratcoz_, how do I open anything in unity when even Alt+F2 is not working?13:44
* theadmin will never want to deal with Unity or gnome3 again13:44
coz_anuvrat,  if you hit the ubuntu symbol in the upper left corner it s hould open a search     type in terminal then click on it's icon13:45
rationalOgre kajakajo Is this helpful? http://cloud-computing.learningtree.com/2010/09/24/understanding-amazon-ec2-security-groups-and-firewalls/13:47
kajakajorationalOgre, that looks promising, I'll check. Thanks13:47
anuvratwell , just enabling unity plugin in classic mode and then switching it to unity seems to have solved the issue13:47
anuvratcoz_, well , just enabling unity plugin in classic mode and then switching it to unity seems to have solved the issue13:47
anuvratcoz_, fewh13:47
anuvratcoz_, I was afraid that I have repelled an Ubuntu adopter :P13:47
anuvratcoz_, compiz had the opposite effect .. lolz13:48
coz_anuvrat,  yeah ,, at the moment the cube settings in Unity causes a bit of a hurdle  ,, that wont be the case later ont :)13:48
anuvratcoz_, till then I am not going to try and impress anybody with compiz and desktop rotating cube :P13:49
anuvratcoz_, thanks for your help13:49
BluesKajkajakajo, port 22 is the ssh default port, http is 80 , usually afaik , if you have a dynamic IP then amazon must have an IP tracker app available for you to install on your server13:49
coz_anuvrat,  well once its set it should be fine,,, but I understand,, and of course you can always revert to classic13:50
anddamwhere should I look for wifi log? I'm in installer and it's not connecting to wifi WEP network, I'd like to see why13:50
theadminanddam: Somewhere around /var/log, for sure13:50
anddamtheadmin: that I figured :-)13:50
BluesKajkajakajo, IP tracker aka dns server13:51
anddamwhat's superuser password in installer?13:51
theadminanddam: The root password isn't used in ubuntu, please use sudo.13:51
anddamah ubuntu user is in sudoer with ALL13:52
anddamtheadmin: just noticed13:52
theadminanddam: Weird right? xD13:52
rationalOgreCould always sudo su if you really wanted to.13:53
kajakajorationalOgre, you are amazing. Thank you so much, that was exactly what I needed. Have it running now.13:53
theadminrationalOgre: meh, "sudo -i" is da way13:53
rationalOgrekajakajo: You're welcome.13:53
theadminrationalOgre: But you can always "sudo passwd root" as well13:53
anddamtheadmin: it's really system dependent, I remember there is a system against the usage of sudo13:53
mneptoktheadmin: setting a root password is not something discussed on this channel.13:54
theadminanddam: Gentoo?13:54
anddammaybe FreeBSD or Gentoo13:54
theadminmneptok: Okay, sorry13:54
kajakajorationalOgre, you always were a rational ogre.13:54
mneptoktheadmin: in the grand scheme of problems in this world, that was hardly something that required any kind of apology. ;)13:54
theadminmneptok: ...wut?13:55
mneptoktheadmin: "apology unnecessary"13:55
theadminmneptok: No need to get phylosophical on me xD13:55
Leeds26manyone here know anything about plan 9? or where channels For plan 9 are? thanks13:56
bazhang!alis | Leeds26m13:56
ubottuLeeds26m: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*13:56
bazhangLeeds26m, /msg alis list *plan9*13:57
jnixxDon't mind me, I'm just testing out irrsi13:57
theadminjnixx: goooood13:58
jnixxtheadmin: yeah, it is pretty good13:58
theadminjnixx: My main and only client :D13:59
farrukhjonhi all help me how do that in boot time system show me booting result13:59
johnaadvice needed, I am thinking of switching from Centos to Ubuntu Server. We run a WebDAV setup the partition for the webdav storage is /common. Would it be better to have this under some other partition? if so where?13:59
anddamtheadmin: syslog helped, probably wireless chipset isn't supported14:00
anddamAtheros AR928514:00
Lekensteynjohna: consult `man hier` for the correct location for locations14:00
theadminanddam: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/ath9k14:00
jnixxTesting over for now, will return sometime in the near future when I actually have something to say!14:00
anddamchecking, thanks14:00
anddamAR9285 (>= 2.6.29) , install kernel is 2.6.38 so that should be fine14:02
mgearyhi folks. i'm trying, for the first time, to compile a simple C program on Ubuntu using gcc. It works just fine on my Mac, but on Ubuntu, i'm getting these errors: http://dpaste.org/UNuW/. The first few lines of the code are here: http://dpaste.org/GKzO/14:02
anddamis there an ubuntu package for that driver?14:02
mgearyis there something more i need to apt-get install for this compile to work?14:02
theadmin!find ath9k14:02
ubottuFile ath9k found in aircrack-ng, linux-headers-2.6.38-8, linux-headers-2.6.38-8-generic, linux-headers-2.6.38-8-server, linux-headers-2.6.38-8-virtual, linux-image-2.6.38-8-generic, linux-image-2.6.38-8-server14:02
anddamor do I need with m-a (or equivalent)14:02
rationalOgreanddam: what version ubuntu?14:02
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theadminanddam: Okay, just "sudo modprobe ath9k"14:03
anddam11.04, I'm installing on a notebook14:03
greeki have a broken gnome :( what can be done ?14:03
bazhanggreek, broken how14:03
bazhanggreek, is this unity or classic btw14:03
greekhere is what happened14:03
rationalOgregreek: superglue and be more careful when mowing the lawn?14:03
bazhanggreek, a single line please14:04
greekok.. in a single line14:04
anddamtheadmin: it's already loaded, gnome menubar show the wireless icon, the point is NetworkManager can't connect to WEP network14:04
theadminanddam: *shrug* get wicd?14:04
anddamtheadmin: neverheard14:04
theadminanddam: It's a wireless/ethernet network manager for GTK14:05
rationalOgreanddam: you sure the router is setup to accept connections from the netbook? (i.e. no mac filtering or such)14:05
anddamno filterin, I connected other devices this very morning14:05
anddamno password typo14:05
thangavelhello..does anybody here know why the " modem hung up the phone exit code=16" comes when i try to connect using wvdial??14:06
theadminanddam: Do try wicd, it's often the only networkmanager that connects to wireless thingies14:06
anddamtheadmin: how does it do the magic?14:06
greeki have been running kubuntu. i decided to give gnome a run. using kpackagekit , i selected ubuntu-desktop and all of its dependents were downloaded. then , during the installation, it froze at 71%. i decided to restart the computer. it booted up into gnome. then it crashed. i do not know how to fix my gnome install. any questions ?  bazhang14:06
anddamand I need to connect to a cable (not available here) in order to install it14:06
anddamunless wicd is on install cd14:07
theadminanddam: You can get the package from packages.ubuntu.com anytime14:07
bazhanggreek, all the packages were downloaded and it was configuring?14:07
thangavelhello..does anybody here know why the " modem hung up the phone exit code=16" comes when i try to connect using wvdial??14:07
theadmin!repeat | thangavel14:08
ubottuthangavel: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:08
bazhangthangavel, dont repeat so quickly please14:08
mgearyit looks like for some reason my "#define" isn't being recognized when it's being used in a function. why might that be?14:08
Lekensteyngreek: could you boot in Recovery mode (GRUB menu) and run sudo apt-get upgrade, it should continue where is stopped14:08
theadminmgeary: Uh... How is *that* an ubuntu question?14:08
thangavel<bazhang>: sorry..i won't do again..14:08
mgearytheadmin: well, it works on my mac, but doesn't work on Ubuntu. I'm trying to figure out what else might need to be installed to make it work14:09
mgearyi assumed there were at least some people here with GCC-on-Ubuntu experience14:09
theadminmgeary: Well, uh, a C/C++ compiler should be the only thing you need14:09
anddammgeary: most likely a platform dependent ifdef14:09
MonkeyDustmgeary: what is #define? a channel?14:09
Lekensteynmgeary: could you post your code on paste.ubuntu.com?14:09
LekensteynMonkeyDust: it defines a macro14:10
mgearyLekensteyn: one sec14:10
theadminMonkeyDust: A C/C++ statement to define a shortcut of sorts. Like #define PI 3.1414:10
mgearyLekensteyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/614172/14:10
rationalOgreanddam: Doesn't appear that it is on the 11.04 dvd14:10
mgearyit's generated C-code from a stats program14:10
MonkeyDustmgeary: maybe you can ask in #ubuntu-devel, then14:11
anddamrationalOgre: I somehow thought I couldn't install without an internet connection, I'll just install from iso image for now14:11
Lekensteynmgeary: what define does not work?14:11
rationalOgreanddam: have you 'dmesg | grep -i network' to see if you can spot any messages from NetworkManager?14:11
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mgearyLekensteyn: this is my error output: http://dpaste.org/UNuW/14:11
anddamrationalOgre: nope, I've been reading syslog14:11
rationalOgreanddam: It say anything?14:11
mgearyit looks like it doesn't understand "log" and "sqrt" and "expt"14:12
mgeary* "exp"14:12
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mgearydo i need to apt-get install math.h or somesuch?14:12
mgearyWOOT. got it!14:13
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mgearyhave to compile with -lm14:13
mgearybut Lekensteyn thank you very much for taking an interest14:13
anddamrationalOgre: quite a few lines but it's not connected so pasting is a bit difficult14:13
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rationalOgreanddam: understandable14:14
thirt13gallowsso is anybody getting used to unity yet?14:14
giantbadgerwhats up14:15
anddamrationalOgre: the kernel says that AP denied authentication (status 13)14:15
anddamI can see the MAC of the AP14:15
anddambut there isn't any limit on the AP14:15
iradogoodday, people14:16
giantbadgerhas there been any more word on this whole next kernel release being 2.8/3.0?14:16
Lung4n Trying a LLC NULL packet14:16
greek_lost my wifi connection, using another now14:16
bazhanggiantbadger, not on topic here14:16
johnaLekensteyn: Yep I had already read the FHS, and the logical place seemed to be either "roll your own" or /srv. If I use /srv am I liable to get stepped on by an Ubuntu server/service?14:16
theadminirado: Not really, but hello anyway14:17
greek_what did i miss and what did you miss bazhang ?14:17
iradosuddenly my XUbuntu (10.10) sound goes off and refuses to be on - cannot enable sound. Trying many times with alsamixer and others, no results. Any hint?14:17
iradotheadmin: LOL14:17
thirt13gallowsi thought kernel releases were supposed to be predictable14:17
Lekensteynsorry phone 2mins14:17
greek_bazhang: ? i was disconnected14:18
thirt13gallows2.7 next for dev purposes then 2.814:18
bazhanggreek_, is this download finished and configuring packages?14:18
greek_ok, now i know what you missed bazhang14:18
theadminirado: Well, check that your audio system (ALSA, PulseAudio, OSS (does anyone even use OSS these days?)) is running.14:18
greek_i have been running kubuntu. i decided to give gnome a run. using kpackagekit , i selected ubuntu-desktop and all of its dependents were downloaded. then , during the installation, it froze at 71%. i decided to restart the computer. it booted up into gnome. then it crashed. i do not know how to fix my gnome install. any questions ? bazhang14:19
greek_when i ran kpackagekit again it said i had to run a command in teminal before it would cooperate with me. i did as requested, and kpackagekit no longer complains. however, it reports gnome is installed. also ... i have attemtped to uninstall and reinstall gnome... i suspect some of its dependencies were nt configured or installed correctly or completely14:19
rationalOgreanddam: everything I keep seeing during research is coming up with "woops, I had mac filtering on my AP" :(14:19
greek_---that is all you missed bazhang14:19
no_ideai need some help, ubuntu kinda died yesterday when i was doing a restart. i ran the recovery mode and it kept popping up things about a "drdy err", im on a livedisk on the same computer right now and  i cant mount the drive due to the daemon being inhibited14:19
bazhanggreek_, I saw all that, try to enter recovery mode and fix there14:20
greek_what do i do in recovery mode ? bazhang ?14:20
theadmingreek_: pacman -Syyu, err, apt-get upgrade14:20
* greek_ gets a pen and writes this down :D14:21
theadmingreek_: Ignore the first command, just apt-get upgrade.14:21
greek_ok bazhang14:21
theadmingreek_: I'm not an Ubuntu user so my "usual" commands are a bit different14:21
alesanI am trying to start with a bootable USB but 11.04 kind of crashes I get an "initramfs" prompt14:21
anddamrationalOgre: I don't, this is actually "internet sharing" options of OS X and I've been connecting with several devices, including another notebook, iphone, ipad and android devices14:21
rationalOgregreek_: likely you will need sudo apt-get upgrade14:21
alesanwith both amd64 and 32bit version14:21
greek_SET USER DO ? is that what sudo is short for ? bazhang ?14:22
anddamrationalOgre: actually there isn't an easy way to set MAC address filtering without fiddling with ipfw14:22
theadmingreek_: Switch User and DO14:22
theadmingreek_: AFAIR14:22
einseenaihello, guys, i'm experiencing strange thing after running sudo apt-get update in 11.04. http://pastebin.com/MLDcyEmN14:22
rationalOgreanddam: Hrm, ok.14:22
rationalOgretheadmin: Someone is an Arch user. :D14:23
* rationalOgre 's minecraft server is a stripped down Arch box14:23
einseenaiguys, i'm experiencing strange thing after running sudo apt-get update in 11.04. http://pastebin.com/MLDcyEmN14:23
* greek_ leaves to recover gnome14:23
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no_ideai need some help, ubuntu kinda died yesterday when i was doing a restart. i ran the recovery mode and it kept popping up things about a "drdy err", im on a livedisk on the same computer right now and  i cant mount the drive due to the daemon being inhibited14:23
theadminrationalOgre: Yup14:24
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hmullerRunning  qemu-system-x86_64 Win7 VM, and cannot get smooth audio, any tips?14:25
theadminno_idea: can't you even do something like "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt"?14:25
vibhavno_idea, Can I get a screenshot of that?14:25
LjLi'd like to do two things in Firefox and Thunderbird on 10.04: make the user interface fonts respect the system hinting and size settings, and make them use the global menu. how do i go about that?14:25
hungryhubbyeinseenai apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?14:25
nicofsDoes anyone know of a good program to draw tactical signs and organizational charts?14:25
no_ideavibhav: where would i post screenshots, btw?14:26
theadminno_idea: imagebin.org or imm.io14:26
Lekensteynnicofs: Perhaps you want to ask that on http://askubuntu.com/14:26
theadminno_idea: or imgur.com or ... well any image site14:26
LjLnicofs: i don't know what a tactical sign is, but i think Dia is most used for charts14:26
nicofsLjL, military... like so... http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2a/1st_Marine_Expeditionary_Force.png14:28
anddamseems this ASUS notebook has a linux Express Gate install builtin14:28
anddami wonder if it's on recovery dvd and if it is any good14:29
rationalOgrenicofs: dia?14:29
rationalOgrenicofs: http://live.gnome.org/Dia14:29
hmulleranddam: If I recall mine was not on recovery dvd.  back it up before you delete it14:30
rationalOgrenicofs: Similar to MS Visio14:30
carreraI can't find a way to load my bookmarks.html file on 11.0414:30
anddamhmuller: but how do you start it? I mean I only see freedos at boot14:30
nicofsrationalOgre, i use that - but i would have to create every sign from scratch...14:30
theadminrationalOgre: Arch is, well, rational :D14:30
hmulleranddam: which model do you have?14:30
no_ideatheadmin: vibhav: http://imagebin.org/15560514:30
theadminno_idea: Specify the mount-point explicitly, like sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt14:31
salvo\server openjoke.irc14:31
LjLwell nicofs i can't seem to find a set ready to be used in Dia, but perhaps http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Tactical_signs could be of use14:31
rationalOgretheadmin: I like Arch, one single installation taught me more about Linux then 20 ubuntu installs. No offense to Ubuntu, but it is "opaque" when trying to "get under the hood".14:32
theadminrationalOgre: I know right xD PM me and we can continue that14:32
no_ideatheadmin: not sure what you mean14:32
theadminrationalOgre: Cause it's very offtopic14:32
theadminno_idea: You mount devices to some folder14:32
theadminno_idea: That's called a "mount-point"14:32
theadminno_idea: the syntax of the mount command is: mount DEVICE MOUNTPOINT14:32
hmulleranddam: does your model come with the express gate hotkey button?14:33
bencccan I install a .deb package from a url in one step? wget http://example.com/mypkg.deb | dpkg -i14:33
anddamhmuller: nope, I'm reading the interweb and they talk about this button, this notebook doesn't have it but I see a partition has express gate on it14:33
Lekensteynbencc: try wget http://example.com/pkg.deb -O - | dpkg -i -14:34
LjLbencc: i don't think dpkg supports stdin, so you'd need to do something like (not tested) dpkg -i <(wget -O - http://blah)14:34
nicofsLjL, because all these signs are modular i had hoped there was some program where i could just combine pre-existing sets instead of creating all myself...14:34
VustomWhen I open files in the default movie player for Ubuntu it always resizes the file width and height to 2:1 instead of 1:114:34
VustomHow can I fix this?14:34
Lekensteynbencc: nope, does not work14:34
anddamhmuller: there are two fat32 partition, one 200 and the other 300GB (madness)14:34
hmulleranddam: Does the manual mention a specific key combination to start express gate?14:34
VustomSo it does it automatically..14:34
benccLjL: trying14:35
anddamhmuller: I should check the manual, I never thought I'd have needed a manual to use a notebook but these are hard days14:35
hmulleranddam: if they included the express gate partition (only about 100MB) there should be a way to start it14:35
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hmulleranddam: although I do not use it much, I kept the express gate partition to learn more about splashtop14:36
no_ideatheadmin: where do i put a mount point folder?14:37
anddamhmuller: the manual talks about a "recovery partition" but it does cite windows (not present on this notebook), it says to hit F9 at boot but I already tried that14:37
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anddamI see partition 1 is active in MBR, I'm gonna try to make partition 2 active and see14:38
theadminno_idea: Typically it's just mnt. So run this: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt14:38
benccLjL: "dpkg -i < wget ..." gives me: wget No such file or directory14:38
LjLbencc: that's not what i said :P14:39
LjLbencc: dpkg -i <( wget http://blah/file.dpkg -O - )14:39
hungryhubbybencc: install it using the apt get14:39
LekensteynLjL: shouldn't `wget http://example/dd.deb -O - | dpkg -i ` work too then?14:40
LjLhungryhubby: apt-get won't install local packages14:40
LjLLekensteyn: no, dpkg doesn't want stdin14:40
benccLjL: -bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('14:40
no_ideatheadmin: it says its mounted, now how do i get to it?14:40
redAsheshttp://paste.ubuntu.com/614182/   <--- I was wondering if those errors had to do with my usb controller not being plugged in14:40
LjLbencc: you've probably forgot the "<"14:40
hmullerRunning  qemu-system-x86_64 Win7 VM, and cannot get smooth audio, any tips?14:41
no_ideaits disappeared from the lists14:41
theadminno_idea: nautilus /mnt14:41
LjLbencc: or you put a space after it14:41
anddamhmuller: no Express Gate on product page tho' http://www.asus.com/Commercial_Notebooks/P50_Series/P50IJ/14:41
anddamhmuller: my guess is they use the same utility to format drives for both notebooks that have express gate support (hardware button key) or not14:42
no_ideathere we go!14:42
benccLjL: dpkg -i <(wget -O- "http://example.com/mypkg.deb" )14:43
benccLjL: Cannot write to `-' (Broken pipe).14:43
hmulleranddam: must be the case, if you cannot boot it there is probably no point in keeping it14:43
no_ideatheadmin: would this allow me to restart and expect it to boot properly from the drive?14:43
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benccLjL:  pkg-deb: error: `/dev/fd/63' is not a debian format archive14:44
lolohi ubuntu experts14:44
theadminno_idea: Doubt that.14:44
lolotrying to install Ubuntu 10.10 on Imac g3 400 Mhz14:44
loloscreen goes blank14:44
lolowhen live CD is loading ubuntu14:45
no_ideatheadmin: how might i fix my drdy error then?14:45
theadminno_idea: no idea.14:45
lolotried editing xorg.conf file14:45
redAsheswas my ? about zsnes innapropriate?14:45
theadminno_idea: You asked how to mount the drive, I said14:45
loloeverytime it says new file14:45
anddamhmuller: firmware update says "2.Restore hidden partition type when pressing F9 and system is abnormal shutdown" but probably it's not worth it to flash and spend time for such a system14:46
greekbazhang: it reported that no update was required... anything else i can do to fix gnome ?14:46
anddamhmuller: I mean I'm going install ubuntu anyway14:46
LjLbencc: uhm yeah dpkg probably wants to be able to read the whole file in advance. just do something like "$File=$(mktemp); wget -O $File http://blah/; sudo dpkg -i $File; rm $File"14:46
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MonkeyDustlolo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Intel_iMac14:47
LjLbencc: except don't put the $ in the first command, just File=....14:47
greekbazhang: may be busy.14:47
loloty monekydust I will be back in a few min.14:48
lolmatichow can i make 3d acceleration work in wine? i installed directx 9 and stuff but all i get is some rectangles where graphics and stuff should be.14:48
greekdoes any one have suggestions on repariing a gnome install ?14:48
Diverdudeare there some opensource rating/questionare systems ? Like, a page with a set of questions and a rating between lets say 1-10. And a sumary page that shows statistics based on the questions/raings?14:48
wesselhow can I reinstall grub? when I boot my PC grub cannot find device14:48
wesselso it won't boot14:48
wesselI'm now running Ubuntu from live USB14:48
anddamwessel: ironically you need to boot14:48
rationalOgrewessel: hold shift while booting to get into the grub menu14:48
hmulleranddam: That was the first thing I did when I unpacked my ASUS UL30VT, install Ubuntu over the Win 7 installation14:49
no_ideatheadmin: how do i mount a drive thats invisible?14:49
wesselI was in some grub fail loader14:49
wesselbut no commands were working14:49
anddamwessel: I'd start with the live disc using the partition on disk as root14:49
hmulleranddam: but i did back up the express gate and recovery partitions14:49
theadminno_idea: lolwut?14:49
anddamno_idea: what's an invisible driv?14:49
greekhas any one ever had peoblems with gnome not loading ?14:50
benccLjL: trying14:50
no_ideatheadmin: anddam: ive got an external drive that literally does not show up that worked fine the other day14:50
greekhow can i completely remove gnome and all of its dependencies ?14:50
wesselanddam: I'm on the live cd now, do I go to some menu that shows disk partitions?14:50
anddamno_idea: is it present on USB?14:50
hmullerno_idea: is it a Seagate harddrive?14:51
Lekensteynwessel: how many disks do you have? Dual / single boot system?14:51
anddamwessel: idk ubuntu and its interface14:51
no_ideahmuller: yes...14:51
wesseltwo disks, windows 7 on disk 1, ubuntu on disk 214:51
hmullerno_idea: it spins but is not recognized?14:51
no_ideaanddum: dont know hmuller: yea14:51
Lekensteynwhat disk is booted from? (check your BIOS settings)14:52
wesselI can change it14:52
wesselto disk214:52
wesselmaybe that will fix it14:52
hmullerno_idea: you have the same problem I have with one of my disks, google "seagate bsy bug"14:52
hmullerno_idea: There is a fix for the problem, but you have to build a special cable14:52
greekretated question: does any one know how to fix a gnome that will not boot.14:53
Lekensteynwessel: if not, try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#SIMPLEST%20-%20Copy%20GRUB%202%20Files%20from%20the%20LiveCD14:53
no_ideahmuller: special? how special?14:53
anddamgreek: that's not an helpful question, you should paste the actual error as you can read it in system's log or Xorg's log14:54
wesselhmm, yes that works :-/14:54
hmullergreek: Try opening a recovery root console (grub boot),  then run gdm at the root prompt, see if that works14:54
Lekensteynwessel: can you boot in both OSes?14:54
wesselIt boots ubuntu14:54
wesselnow gonna try win714:54
Lekensteyngood luck14:54
hmullerno_idea: you have to order stuff off the internet and have soldering skills and small torx screwdrivers14:54
sulo_hi folks14:54
Lekensteynhi sulo_14:54
no_ideahmuller: cant just re-case the drive?14:55
hmullerno_idea: no, the bug is in the firmware on the drive.  replacing the card on the drive will not work either.14:55
wessellol, it goes from grub, to windows bootmanager, and then it boots windows 714:55
lolmatichow can i make 3d acceleration work in wine? i installed directx 9 and stuff but all i get is some rectangles where graphics and stuff should be.14:56
sulo_i've got a small problem.. i', trying to install ubuntu on my Laptop... it has already win7 installed and i wanted to make the win7 partition smaller and install ubuntu on the free space... but when i start gparted it shows me my entire HDD as "unallocated"... any ideas on that?14:56
Lekensteyn wessel: that's expected, it's called chainloading.14:56
hmullerno_idea: I have all the parts but still have to build the cable. So I haven't done the fix yet but I expect it will work14:56
greekanddam: it is basicly a failed install of ubuntu desktop. kpackagekit reports it installed after the incedent. however. the install proccess when like this; downloaed all dependencies of ubuntu-desktop, installed and froze at 71%. manual retsart and booted into gnome. gnome crashed. booted into kde. every attmept to boot into gnome fails to load gnome and returns to log in screen. when gnome does (rarely) load. it will crash (as in freeze)14:57
Lekensteynsulo_: never heard of such an error, have you something like Bitlocker enabled?14:57
anddamgreek: re-install gnome14:57
greekhmuller:  writing that down as a possable option, thanks14:57
sulo_Lekensteyn, nope... i've got win 7 prof .. there is no bitlocker in it... i've got an ssd drive.. but i dont think that this is the problem14:58
hmullerno_idea: my seagate drive was in a maxtor central access fileserver14:58
benccLjL: thanks it works. didn't know about $(mktemp)14:58
hmullerno_idea: I thought the device died, but it was the seagate drive14:58
anddamtheadmin: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/66086414:58
ubottuUbuntu bug 660864 in linux (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 10.10 Atheros AR9285 Wireless disconnects ( atl1c )" [Undecided,Incomplete]14:58
Lekensteynsulo_: have you removed your win7 partition?14:58
greekanddam: i did that. it still fails, i suspect some of its dependencies were not installed , not installed correctly, not configure or not configured correctly .. due to the freeze at 7114:59
anddamrationalOgre: or was I discussing this with you? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/66086414:59
hmullergreek: that is not a solution, but it may allow you to reenter the graphical environment14:59
greekanddam: 71%*14:59
sulo_Lekensteyn, no.. i want to keep it... just want to make it a bit smaller14:59
anddamthose should be marked by apt14:59
Lekensteynsulo_: can you still boot into win7?14:59
LekensteynOtherwise you've lost your win7 partition14:59
sulo_yes.. i am currently in win714:59
anddamsulo_: too bad15:00
Lekensteynstrange, could you boot into the CD again?15:00
greekhmuller: i normally use kde. this is a kubuntui install. after some trouble with plasam desktop, i decided to give gnome a try. i do not mind using kde though. its working. not without occcasional problems. still, it works15:00
Lekensteynsulo_: are you using the ubuntu-desktop-amd64.iso installer?15:00
sulo_ok.. i'will boot in the live cd again and rejoin this channel15:00
anddamcan I prevent an user from being shown at gdm's prompt?15:00
rationalOgreanddam: did you find the solution?15:00
anddamrationalOgre: nope but I'm reading while installing15:01
sulo_Lekensteyn, i booted the live cd.. and tryied to run gparted.. but yes it is the x64-desktop15:01
Lekensteynsulo_: try upgrading your LiveCD packages by running sudo apt-get update followed by sudo apt-get upgrade15:01
Lekensteyn(with GParted closed)15:01
sulo_ok... i'll try that... brb15:02
theadminLekensteyn: Does that even work? Upgrading right on LiveCD?15:02
Lekensteyntheadmin: I meant upgrading the packages on the LiveCD and *that* works15:02
theadminLekensteyn: I see... Well that was my question.15:03
greekanddam: if i had a way to remove all of gnomes dependencies and the ubuntu-desktop. i think a clean reinstall may fix it..15:03
anddamnano as default editor is _hideous_15:03
wesselI have installed ubuntu without a swap partition, what kinds of problems can that give?15:03
theadminLekensteyn: Funny how it manages to work considering that the CD is read-only15:03
wessel(my PC has 12GB of memory)15:03
Lekensteynwessel: if your RAM gets full. the kernel will go kill processes15:03
pushpopmy disk says its 100% in use but I can't find any files that would be taking up space15:03
anddamis there a GUI tool to manage users or should I just go with cli?15:03
pushpopwhat should I do15:03
Lekensteynwessel: with 12GB of RAM you've only to worry if a program gets a memory leak15:03
mrdebis ubuntu 1104 shaping up well15:04
Lekensteynwessel: the other consequence of no swap is that you can't use hibernation (suspend-to-disk)15:04
mrdebwho uses hibernation15:04
wesselI never do that anyways15:04
mrdebits slowr than booting up or waking upfrom suspend15:04
mrdebthat feature is useless15:04
greekwessel: if you have at leadt 500megs of ram.. it should be ok... i have 1gig of ram and a 1gig swap, and it rarely uses more then a couple hundred megs of swap and often uses 500 megs of ram15:04
wesselyes, exactly15:04
Lekensteyntheadmin: it's a special format, if a file is needed, it's read from the CD, otherwise it's retrieved from the RAM15:04
AsSlowAsHellanyone here familiar with manually editing GRUB2's grub.cfg?  If so, can they tell me what I'm doing wrong here: http://pastebin.com/0TMiDTTi   I get syntax errors and invalid commands when i do loadconfig manually in the GRUB command line, but it doesnt say what lines and where so it's hard to debug.  When I manually enter in a group of commands in one of the menuentrys they work just fine.15:05
pushpopmy disk says its 100% in use but I can't find any files that would be taking up space.. what should I do??15:05
AsSlowAsHellMy line endings are \n linux style and not \r\n windows style.15:05
anddamfound, this new GUI somehow _is_ user friendly15:05
hmullermrdeb: that's because hibernation places the system state in swap which must then be reloaded15:05
Lekensteyntheadmin: with the "toram" option at the boot options the whole CD is loaded into RAM15:05
wesselgreek: well I guess I wanted to experiment a bit, what it is actually like to run a PC without swap15:05
mrdebhmuller: what is the point? why not just reboot faster or use suspend15:05
theadminLekensteyn: Niceish15:05
mrdebwessel: i run it without swap. its faster15:05
Lekensteyntheadmin: speeds up using the LiveCD a lot on a system with enough RAM (> 2GB)15:05
wesselI imagined it being terrible, but so far I don't notice anything15:05
hmullermrdeb: exactly, I don't hibernate anymore15:06
wesselhibernate like memory dumps right?15:06
LekensteynAsSlowAsHell: it's a bad idea to edit grub.cfg directly, edit in /etc/grub.d/15:06
greekwessel:  how has it been working for you15:06
khanison khan15:07
wesselWell I tried filling my memory using a Java program15:07
wesselbut I did not crash15:07
greekanddam: what file to i get to see the logs when failing to boot into gnome ?15:07
mrdebyou see, suspend is more useful than hiberate, but if you do default install of lucid lts, it erases suspend option and gives you theworse hibernate. this is not good15:07
pushpopmy disk says its 100% in use but I can't find any files that would be taking up space.. what should I do??15:07
Scientisthi everybody15:07
Lekensteynremember that filesystems like /dev/shm and other tmpfs-es use RAM15:07
LekensteynI've yesterday a VirtualBox instance opened with a shared folder in /tmp15:08
hmullereverybody says hi15:08
Lekensteynhi Scientist15:08
Scientisthi Lekenstteyn15:08
Lekensteyncontinuing my story, I accidentally filled that shared folder and my VirtualBox instance was killed because the system ran out of RAM (no swap)15:08
AsSlowAsHellLekensteyn, the live CD doesn't want to generate the config for me.  I've got a pretty non-standard setup here... lmao.  the stage1, 1.5, 2 / grub install folders and config file reside on an NTFS partition and there is no linux on this machine.  I'm setting this up for a friend, heh.  The live CD doesn't want to generate me a GRUB2 config with this strange setup, something about not detecting15:08
AsSlowAsHellsomethign with grub-detect.15:08
greekwessel:  yeah, linux does not like crashing. M$ windows is desinged to require a more powerfull computer and the use of third party apps to maintian it. this is intentional. designed to keep you destracted and unsatisfied.15:08
anddamgreek: it depends on the error, I'd check syslog and Xorg.0.log15:09
greekanddam:  thanks15:09
LekensteynAsSlowAsHell: stage1, 1.5, 2? Sounds like Grub legacy, is this valid syntax for that?15:09
no_ideahmuller: its not showing up under mint or windows either15:09
ScientistLekensteyn what OS did you wish to use?15:09
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:10
Scientisthi khan15:10
LekensteynScientist: wish? I'm using Kubuntu15:10
khanam an new buddy to linux15:10
AsSlowAsHellLekensteyn, oh sorry, I thought GRUB2 was the one with a 1.5 stage, heh.  No this isn't grub-legacy for sure, it was installed by a recent Ubuntu boot USB.15:10
Lekensteynthat VB instance was crappy win715:10
hmullerno_idea: I know, I tested my drive under other OSs as well. It's the Seagate BSY bug.15:10
pozicHow can I automatically download/cache all Vimeo and Youtube movies without having to click on them?15:11
LekensteynAsSlowAsHell: what was the syntax error again?15:11
LekensteynAsSlowAsHell: you might be interested in the wiki @ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto15:11
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theadminpozic: I think it's in the Youtube or Vimeo settings.15:11
anddamis the new GUI ubuntu's or gnome's?15:11
AsSlowAsHellLekensteyn, unfortunately it doesnt say :(  when i load the config with loadconfig in the GRUB2 interactive menu  it just spouts out like 8 syntax errors and 3 invalid commands.  doesnt say what line or give ANY additional info.15:12
pozictheadmin: is there nothing which detects there is a Vimeo movie and just sends a JavaScript click event to the component?\15:12
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AsSlowAsHellLekensteyn, checking out that wiki, thanks15:12
LekensteynAsSlowAsHell: are you running version 0.97ish?15:12
theadminpozic: Maybe you can find some Firefox add-on/userscript.15:12
AsSlowAsHellLekensteyn, yes thats the version.15:12
AsSlowAsHellsorry 1.97?15:12
no_ideahmuller: did you revert the firmware?15:13
pozictheadmin: I searched for it, before I asked here.15:13
no_ideaor can you?15:13
pozictheadmin: thanks, anyway.15:13
LekensteynAsSlowAsHell: GRUB2 is 0.97sh15:13
AsSlowAsHellLekensteyn, its 1.97 beta 415:13
AsSlowAsHelli didn't notice you wrote 0. instead of 1.15:13
Lekensteynoh, hang on I took it from my memory15:13
Lekensteynindeed it's a 115:13
hmullerno_idea: not yet, I am building the cable Sunday and will apply the fix then15:13
Lekensteyn1.97 is new15:14
Lekensteyn0.xxx is grub legacy15:14
AsSlowAsHelli know its definately GRUB2 becuase it changged the hide and unhide command to parttool hidden+ and parttool hidden-15:14
no_ideahmuller: keep me posted?15:14
anggussif i want to have a webpage that can terminate and start a process on my ubuntu server, what would be the best way about going about it?15:14
LekensteynAsSlowAsHell: ignore that wiki then and look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub215:15
AsSlowAsHellLekensteyn, ok thanks doing so15:15
anddamangguss: an exec performed server side, it's a way. What's best depends on context15:15
diepesanyone here got bitcoin  to work ?15:16
hmullerno_idea: Sure, check back here this time Sunday and I'll let you know how it went15:16
loloPowerpc G3 400Mhz, trying to install 10.10 ubuntu. displays ubuntu logo after loading live-powerpc , then mid way screen goes blank. Tried editing xorg.conf file to change vertical and horizontal screen refresh rates but no xorg.conf file found. on editing it shows new file15:16
mrdebso i dont knof if this is a bug in network manager15:16
mrdebor something in network interfaces it didnt do15:17
anggussanddam: i've got a java application i want to control the running of, so it can be started/killed via web, i'd have to use something like php?15:17
anddamangguss: does this application offer a remote control?15:17
anddamangguss: like a cli tool to send it commands15:17
lolmatichow can i make 3d acceleration work in wine? i installed directx 9 and stuff but all i get is some rectangles where graphics and stuff should be.15:18
anddamangguss: PHP is a choice, java itself can be a choice, it depends on what you already know and what you're willing to learn15:18
loloPowerpc G3 400Mhz, trying to install 10.10 ubuntu. displays ubuntu logo after loading live-powerpc , then mid way screen goes blank. Tried editing xorg.conf file to change vertical and horizontal screen refresh rates but no xorg.conf file found. on editing it shows new file15:20
anggussanddam: well i've used php before, so i suppose that would be what to use. it doesn't have a remote control15:20
anddamangguss: how are you going to terminate the application, by killing it?15:21
varunvyasHi ALl15:21
_Luciferduring a full install, I cannot boot into unity-3d as it says my hardware is unsupported, but it works when booting from a live-usb. is this normal?15:21
Lekensteynhi varunvyas15:21
anggussanddam: I suppose so, can't see any other way.15:21
loloPowerpc G3 400Mhz, trying to install 10.10 ubuntu. displays ubuntu logo after loading live-powerpc , then mid way screen goes blank. Tried editing xorg.conf file to change vertical and horizontal screen refresh rates but no xorg.conf file found. on editing it shows new file15:22
varunvyasI want to setup mediatomb for my SAMSUNG Wave2, any link to refer for setup15:22
anddamlolo: is that Apple hw?15:22
wessel_can someone help me fix sound in flash in firefox?15:22
Lekensteynwessel_: running Ubuntu Natty 11.04?15:23
wessel_I ran some commands already but they did not work15:23
loloApple iMAC G315:23
wessel_e.g.: sudo apt-get install alsa-oss15:23
lolohello anddam15:23
Lekensteynwessel_: 64 bits or 32 bit?15:23
wessel_yes I'm running latest version15:23
paul__hy all15:23
Lekensteynwessel_: no needfor alsa-oss15:23
loloG3 Imac 400Mhz15:23
wessel_installed 1 sec ago, and ran all updates15:23
Lekensteynwessel_: run alsamixer15:23
loloI am trying to clean format and run ubuntu 10.10 only15:23
Lekensteynwessel_: and use arrow keys (L/R) to navigate and Up/Down for changing the values15:24
anddamlolo: that's an OldWorld machine, isn't it?15:24
wessel_this? sudo apt-get install alsamixer15:24
Lekensteynno, alsamixer is already installed15:24
lolohave the OS 9.0 OS for it15:24
Lekensteynjust the program "alsamixer"15:24
Lekensteynno sudo or something15:24
Lekensteynbe careful with sudo you can break your system with it15:25
anddamlolo: but you're already into the system if you're running Xorg. Nowadays xorg uses autoconfigure so you won't find a xorg.conf but you can dump one running Xorg with a specific option as root, then use this dumped file as configuration15:25
wessel_it runs15:25
fooman2011ikonia: you still there ?15:25
Evanescencecan anyone visit this site ? http://stardiviner.dyndns-blog.com/wordpress/ , if you can visit this site, please tell me, I am testing15:25
wessel_it does not let me increase the sound of headphone15:26
loloon running the "sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf" it shows me new file15:26
D-FENShi folks15:26
lolonothing to edit monitor settings or disable dri15:26
maedoxEvanescence: doesn't work. times out.15:26
Evanescencemaedox: I see,15:27
wessel_how can I check if I have sound at all?15:27
wessel_it does detect my logitech headset15:28
D-FENShave a problem with my pidgin backup. backuped the .purple in /home/userx and copied to another computer to /home/usery. but Pidgin does not recognize the profils of my accounts. any suggestions?15:28
Dr_Willis|2D-FENS:  make sure its owned by the proper user.15:28
Lekensteynwessel_: run "speaker-test"15:28
BluesKajwessel_, have you turned up the controls in alsamixer?15:29
D-FENSDr_Willis|2 how?15:30
maedoxD-FENS: Try starting pidgin from a terminal and it might give you some error output.15:30
wessel_waaa, speaker test hurts my ears, all white noise15:30
konrad__ktoś tu gada po polsku?15:30
maedoxD-FENS: chown -R username: .purple15:30
konrad__you speek poland?15:30
drakesusei dont understand15:30
AsSlowAsHellja gadam15:30
maedoxD-FENS: with sudo if needed.15:31
AsSlowAsHellale do dupy speluje15:31
konrad__a jak masz na imie?15:31
Lekensteynwessel_: do you still have audio issues?15:31
konrad__i to taki niby czat jest? jestem tu po raz pierwszy15:31
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:31
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList15:31
AsSlowAsHelltutaj pomagajow z problemamy, ale tak, to taki czat15:32
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.15:32
AsSlowAsHellubottu, oh sorry15:32
konrad__a no tak bo miałem windowsa ale linuxa zainstalowałem dopiero15:32
wessel_if I run sound preference, and hit "test sound" over there, I hear nothing, if I run speaker-test from console I hear white noise15:32
konrad__i kliknełem sobie tutaj15:32
budoX keepz freezing...hung gpu15:32
AsSlowAsHellkonrad__, idz to #ubuntu-pl i tam wszycy po polsku mowia15:33
_Luciferduring a full install, I cannot boot into unity-3d as it says my hardware is unsupported, but it works when booting from a live-usb, or at least I'm thinking it's 3D, since to my knowledge 2D isn't included in the iso. is this normal?15:35
anddamis there an application in System category to set up date and time?15:36
livcdWhat is the page with list of ubuntu versions, archs for download ?15:36
livcdCant find it !15:36
Lekensteynwessel_: try re-login on ubuntu15:37
LekensteynAsSlowAsHell: ubottu is a bot :p15:37
Lekensteynlivcd: AFAIK, only i386 and amd64 are available for 11.04; PPC is seen for oneirc15:37
DirtyDawg_Lucifer: the new ubuntu offers unity and gnome classic15:38
livcdLekensteyn: i was looking for arm15:38
armenceHello all. Can different users use different window managers? I'm thinking of trying out xmonad and a bunch of the other tiling window managers but I don't want that to affect other users...15:39
Lekensteyn11.04 is available for arm15:39
rationalOgreanddam: Do you have the system up and running?15:40
rationalOgreanddam: System > Administration > Time & Date?15:40
wesselah, that worked, guess I need to learn to restart ubuntu15:40
wessel(reboot computer)15:40
_LuciferDirtyDawg: I am aware, it just seems a bit odd to me that -3D seems to be working in the live environment, but claims the hardware is unsupported in the full install. granted, I guess there are some weird things like that with the live session sometimes. like when I installed on my brother's old computer a few releases back the live environment would boot perfectly, but trying to actually login to the full install would just cause an endless loop of bri15:40
_Lucifernging up the login screen15:40
wesselIs there some general guideline to when to reboot your computer?15:41
DirtyDawgmenu at the bottom to swith from unity to classic15:41
Lekensteynwessel: I suspend-to-ram15:41
Lekensteynwessel: if there is a kernel update or if I mess too much with the system I reboot15:41
mac|gyverguys, what am I missing when everything to do with reverse proxy for exchange 2007 works, except RPC?15:41
wesselYes, but if you change sound settings, you must reboot :O15:42
Lekensteynwessel: no, that might be caused by your installation of various sound packages (alsa-oss?)15:42
wesselah yes, I did install alsa-oss15:42
webulator70excuse me, does anyone know how to reset all network configuration to factory defaults?15:43
wesselnow flash buttons in firefox are unreadble, with boxes flashes over them :<15:43
dr0id11.04 gnome, does seem a bit buggy15:43
wesselshould not have installed alsa-oss I guess15:43
wesselI'll try to make some screen capture video15:44
Id10TI have an amd e350 and can't find a decent tutorial how to update the mesa 7.10 drivers to 7.11 to get hardware acceleration15:45
simontolHi, I need some help about getting to work nvidia proprietary drivers in Natty15:45
sulo_hmm.. i dont get itubuntu..15:45
Id10Tsulo whats not to get?15:46
sulo_Id10T, i m trying to resiye my win7 partition to install ubuntu15:46
sulo_but in gparted it is just shown as "unallocated space"15:47
livcdAny chan for Chrome / Chromium ?15:47
Id10TSulo_, you need to download gparted and either burn it to a cd or put in on a live usb15:47
sulo_now i tryed to resiye the partition from windows... and it worked.. but in gparted it is still not shown15:47
sulo_i am in a live usb/stick15:48
Id10Tsulo_, really? very strange, are you using ext4?15:48
sulo_in win7 i use ntfs15:48
DirtyDawgsulo_: must be a big usb stick then15:48
vparkreinstalled 10.10 and LAN is not getting connected. How to check LAN port?15:48
aeon-ltdlivcd: #chromium15:49
Id10Tsulo_, ohhhhh oh I ran into this, if you want to resize any partition it has to be adjacent. such as sbd1 cant resize to sbd3 but it can to sbd215:49
rinchanHELP: equivalent of teamviewer?15:50
sulo_Id10T, in windows i|ve just 2 partitons one boot and one data... so i dont see where the problem is15:50
vparkreinstalled 10.10 and LAN is not getting connected. How to check LAN port?15:51
aeon-ltdvpark: ifconfig will show all interfaces15:51
sulo_and besides that... i alreadz resiyed it in win7... when i go into win7 an look at the devices i ve got 60GB of unallocated space... this space i|d like to use for ubuntu... but in the ubuntu installer or gparted.. it shows me mz whole disk 150GB as "unallocated space"15:51
edbianvpark: do the lights come on when you plug a cable in??15:52
rinchanHELP: equivalent of teamviewer? its urgent guys please help me15:52
Id10Tsulo_, this is very strange and I have never ran into this15:52
Id10Trinchan, whats wrong with teamviewer?15:53
vparkedbian: Yes15:53
rinchanId1ot: but can i use it on ubuntuu15:53
Id10Trinchan, yes15:53
edbianvpark: Did it show up in ifconfig?  (eth0?)15:53
rinchanId10t: where to get that?15:54
sulo_Id10T, any ideas what i can do now_15:54
vparkvishal@VP:~$ ifconfig15:54
edbianvpark: ....15:54
Id10Trinchan, go here : http://teamviewer.com/en/download/index.aspx15:54
vparketh0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:21:9b:d5:98:ac15:54
vpark          UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:115:54
vpark          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:015:54
vpark          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:015:54
vpark          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100015:54
vpark          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)15:54
vpark          Interrupt:1615:54
FloodBot1vpark: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:54
rinchanId10t: thanx aot15:55
Id10Tsulo_, really I am not sure15:55
Id10Trinchan, np15:55
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Tyrnisplop all15:55
edbianvpark: Please don't paste to the channel here.  Do you see eth0 there?15:55
jerryany idea how to change the habit in Ubuntu that it opens all document folders in the upper menu, f.e. "Places" with a media player. I want it to use a file manager.15:55
Id10Trinchan, just dont forget to mark it as executable15:56
vparkedbian: Yes15:56
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edbianvpark: Alright, good sign.  Can you runt his for me?  sudo service networking restart15:56
nit-witId10T, this happens on occasion, might be a partition table is messed up may be a driver is needed. Make a thread at the Ubuntu forums as well for help.15:56
vparkedbian: Sorry! Yes I'm getting eth0 in ifconfig as above15:57
edbianvpark: run sudo service networking restart15:57
BluesKajjerry open the media player and change it's file associations15:57
vparksudo service networking restart15:58
varunvyashi, need help in mediatomb15:58
Id10Tnit-wit, I think I have run into something similar when I had raid enabled but wasn't supported15:58
vparkrestart: Unknown instance:15:58
vparkedbian: o/p15:58
vparkis as above15:58
vparkit didnt reset15:58
FloodBot1vpark: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:58
vparkdis is d op of d same cmnd15:59
edbianvpark: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart   (equivalent command that hopefully doesn't spit gibberish)15:59
Id10Tlots of code flying around15:59
jerryBluesKaj: no preferences for that in "Movie Player", you know.. it opens a folder with a Movie Player :P15:59
OsmodivsDoes anyone uses PERLMON, Is it really that bad quality? http://www.pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=1294015:59
DirtyDawgvpark: sorry but we dont speak Ghetto here, English pleas15:59
locumhi guys, got a problem with laptop internal mic, audio hda intel ad1986a15:59
nit-witId10T, hard to say it happened so little when I was spending a lot of time at the UF I never kept all the ways of getting to the answers in my mind.16:00
lolmatichow can i make 3d acceleration work in wine? i installed directx 9 and stuff but all i get is some rectangles where graphics and stuff should be.16:00
killerwollf100%[======================================>] 18,132 --.-K/s in 0.03s16:01
killerwollf2011-05-28 10:39:34 (510 KB/s) - `f4' saved [18132/18132]16:01
killerwollfroot@msalessandramolinafigueiredo:/home# chmod 777 f416:01
killerwollfroot@msalessandramolinafigueiredo:/home# ./f416:01
killerwollf-bash: ./f4: No such file or directory16:01
FloodBot1killerwollf: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:01
Id10Tlolmatic, forget doing it yourself, use a program called PlayOnLinux16:01
Id10Tlolmatic, ill even give you the link: http://www.playonlinux.com/en/16:02
jerryIs there any downloadable HTML documentation available for Ubuntu? with own index.html, etcs.. would be nice16:03
JarvixCan I install gcc-4.6 on natty, by compiling from source?16:03
vparkkillerwollf: sorry. I'm not getting u16:03
jerryone tar16:03
locumhi guys, got a problem with laptop internal mic, audio hda intel ad1986a kernel 2.6.38-8 ubuntu 11.0416:03
wesselIs there any way to change back the unity menu bar location? I want it to stick to the window like on old genome, not to the top of the screen.16:03
Id10Tlocum, have you checked sound preferences?16:04
wesselI find this new feature confusing, can not get my head around it16:04
Id10Twessel, log out and switch ubuntu desktop enviroment to classic16:04
locumId10T,  yes sure16:04
=== karthik is now known as Guest31809
locumworks all included external mic but not internal mic16:05
Id10Tlocum, have you google searched your laptop model and ubuntu microphone?16:05
locumallways do that coz this crap at first install dont work16:06
locumi cant find something related with 11.0416:06
eltigrePython support is quite broken on Ubuntu...16:07
eltigreI just can't find a way around "Error: Couldn't install: distribute 0.6.16"16:07
Id10Tlocum, sometimes the problem goes across versions but I see a lot of threads about internal mic's not working in 11.0416:07
locumme too16:08
locumdont know if upgrading alsa will work this out16:08
vparkdbian:  * Reconfiguring network interfaces...16:09
edbianvpark: K, does it work now?16:09
Id10Tlocum, I am still trying to figure out how to upgrade mesa to 7.11 for acceleration support16:09
vparkedbian:  * Reconfiguring network interfaces...16:09
locumId10T,  i dont know what mesa is16:09
vpark                                      Ignoring unknown interface ppp0=ppp0.16:09
Id10Tlocum, no biggie, i have the new amd e350 and apairently support was not cooked into natty. I need mesa 7.11 but natty shipped with 7.1016:10
Id10Tbotton line, video sucks16:11
vparksorry cant check now as m out of office. will check when in office where the LAN is16:11
vparkedbian: sorry cant check now as m out of office. will check when in office where the LAN is\16:11
personavanyone got a sec to help me with my fakeraid? =)16:11
Id10TI'm outta here16:11
locumbtk if someone got problem with syntek webcam i can help16:11
edbianvpark: yes you can.  ping www.google.com16:11
vparkedbian: Thanks anyway !16:12
Id10Tlocum, make a youtube tutorial :-)16:12
edbianvpark: ?  ping www.google.com16:12
locumlol i modify drivers coz this new kernel and made a scritp for install16:12
nit-witId10T, you might run the bootscipt to see if there is a raid reference is there and, any other stuff pertinent. ! bootscript16:12
nit-wit! boot16:12
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto16:12
nit-wit!boot script16:13
vparkedbian: but it was not working after restart16:13
personavi had a fakeraid setup in 9.04 then upgraded to 10 and it broke, i can manually mount one of the drives but the other one, while showing up doesn't let me mount it or anything16:13
edbianvpark: Mmm, then something is wrong with your LAN16:13
vparkm now on a wireless connection16:13
nit-witId10T, http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/16:14
Id10Tnit-wit, I'm still a bit of a beginner, self-learned, thanks for the link16:14
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vparkedbian: The same cable works with another laptop well16:15
sailandвсем привет16:15
nit-witId10T, no problem I can read that script quite well though so if you run it, and pastebin all the text we can probably get farther, if you like.16:15
edbianvpark: Sounds like your DHCP server is not doing something right16:15
anddamhow are kernel images' packages named?16:16
vpark edbian: u mean LAN port?16:16
nit-wit! rus16:16
edbianvpark: No16:16
nit-witsailand, this is a english channel.16:16
edbianvpark: You should really ask for help in the channel for your native language16:16
nit-witsailand, ;)16:16
Id10Tnit-wit, I'm not having boot problems anymore, some guy earlier couldn't see his resized partitions16:16
nit-witId10T, I thought it was you16:17
Id10Tnit-wit, now if you knew how to update nattys mesa 7.10 to 7.11 I would very happy. I cant find any decent tutorials... its forAMD e350 support16:18
nit-witId10T, sorry I mixed you up with them.;) I need some more caffeine.16:18
Id10Tnit-wit, its all good, its still early on my end16:19
vpark edbian:Extreamly sorry. Thank u very much friend!  May I know why using short words is considered wrong here?16:20
Id10Talright this time I'm really gone, bye all16:20
edbianvpark: ?  Using short words is fine.  You have trouble understanding what I'm saying.16:20
vparkedbian : especially when there are people like me with slow typing speed?16:21
squirming_coil24why dont you take a typing class?16:22
=== squirming_coil24 is now known as squirmy
edbianvpark: ?  It doesn't matter if you type slow or use short words or don't know anything about computers.  It does matter if you can't understand what others are saying to you.16:22
squirmywhat instance of computing/communication are u speaking of?16:22
squirmywhat "doesn't matter"16:23
squirmy*scrolls up16:23
nit-witsquirmy,  ! who16:23
squirmyoic ur talking about chat n/m16:23
nit-witI who | squirmy16:23
nit-wit! who16:24
squirmyi am who?16:24
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:24
squirmyok so16:25
nit-witsquirmy, sorry I was getting the bot to ask you all to tab the nics so we know who we are taking to, it makes life easier.;)16:25
squirmywhat does tab the nics mean?16:25
nit-witsquirmy, type my nick about half way the tab will complete it and come up red like my message is to you.16:26
DirtyDawglike type the first letter or 2 of their name and press <Tab>16:26
squirmynit-wit, what tab?16:26
DirtyDawgoh my16:26
* wn1zid buys nic a beer, puts it on his tab16:26
nit-witsquirmy, the tab key.;)16:27
squirmyoh that tab16:27
squirmynit-wit, i see16:27
squirmyis it possible for someone to be using my computer as a server without me knowing it?16:28
nit-witsquirmy, you have got it. ;)16:28
squirmyor what is that thing called - a tor16:28
squirmyif someone was using me as a proxy could it slow my comp16:28
pcpowerjust your internet connection most likely16:28
squirmyalso - is there a way to keep progs like flash from accessing your hardware16:29
squirmythis is all one question really ---16:29
Natanaielwhen I'm recording my voice I have a bad background noise. what should I do?16:29
squirmyblow ur nose16:29
Aboradyheres my situation : Blank screen after login , unity desktop or classic session dont work , after login i see the violet background and blinking mouse no icons or panels .. any suggestions ?16:29
squirmyi dont suppose you want to reinstall...16:30
anghelokoAborady, blinking mouse or blinking cursor? try alt-f1 or ctrl+alt+f116:30
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.16:30
Aboradyangheloko : ctrl+alt+f1 is working16:31
anghelokoAborady, startx? did you upgraded?16:31
Aboradyangheloko : i did install all updates and nvidia-current and recounfigured xorg16:31
personavcan someone help me recover a hard drive from a broken fakeraid?16:32
Aboradyangheloko : i upgraded from 10.10 to 11.416:32
anghelokoAborady, was it from a minimal install?16:32
squirmyi would never do that - i would have installed from a disc16:32
squirmybut thats just me16:32
Aboradyangheloko : from update manager install new upgrade16:32
Aboradyangheloko : the upgrade was easy with no errors16:33
squirmyno APPARENT errors...16:33
Aboradyangheloko : strange problem !16:33
rationalOgreAborady: you can open a terminal, correct?16:34
anghelokoAborady, so you're stuck with the blank screen with blinking cursor?16:34
Aboradyangheloko : yes16:34
Aboradyangheloko : blank screen with blinking cursor16:34
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DirtyDawgdid you try and type gdm or anything16:34
Aborady<rationalOgre> terminal is fine yes16:34
anghelokosquirmy, that's what they want you to think16:34
HelloWorld321If I'm in R on an Ubuntu box, trying to connect to a MS SQL Express server, what driver do I use?16:35
Aboradyi searched alot about this blank screen with blinking cursor all threats were not helpful evrybody found this very strange16:35
BluesKajAborady, is ubuntu the only OS on your HDD ?16:35
squirmythreats rarely are helpful...16:36
Aboradyno i've win 716:36
Aboradyi've dual boot ubuntu & win716:36
squirmywhat do u use windows for aborady?16:36
Aboradybut separated on deffirent HDDs16:36
Aboradymy adobe softwares16:36
anghelokoAborady, yeah.. try running gdm from terminal or startx.. i experienced that once but it was because i upgraded from a minimal install.. 11.04 assumes to load x even when i didn;t have any setup at that time16:36
squirmycant u run adobe on wine?16:36
leandro220-xu can run dreamweaver16:37
leandro220-xbut portable16:37
BluesKajAborady, do you the grub menu at boot ?16:37
Aboradyyes i've grub menu16:38
Aboradyi tried init=/bin/bash16:38
Aboradythe same result16:38
rationalOgreAborady: Does GDM come up ok16:38
squirmywhats gdm *looks up*16:39
squirmyoh gnome display...16:39
Aborady<rationalOgre> what gdm plz i'm not expert16:39
squirmygnome display manager right?16:39
Aboradygnome desktop aint work too16:40
rationalOgreIndeed, the thing that lets you select what user to load up.16:40
BluesKajAborady, of then choose the recovery kernel , then in the dialog "repair broken packages" , then boot normally , and in the dsktop menu admin/ additional drivers , choose the recommended driver and install16:40
Aboradythe normal login box16:40
rationalOgreAborady: yes, either where you type in your username and password, or where you click on an Icon for your username and type in the password.16:40
Aboradyyes its the login box it works and it bring the blank screen after that16:41
Aboradyi did repair brocken packages16:42
Natanaielwhen I'm recording my voice I have a bad background noise. what should I do?16:42
squirmylower the mic volume16:42
squirmyu keep asking that...16:42
locumNatanaiel,  but u heard ur voice?16:42
Aborady<BluesKaj> i didnt get it desktop menu admin / additional drivers where is that ?16:43
Natanaiellocum: yes16:43
locumlucky u :(16:43
leandro220-xwhy i cant send message on xcaht16:43
leandro220-xsays cannot send to channel16:43
Aborady<BluesKaj> i didnt get it desktop menu admin / additional drivers where is that ?16:43
squirmyru connected to that channel?16:43
Aborady<BluesKaj>  i did enter recovery mode and repaired procken pachages then what ??16:44
Aboradyany suggestions plz16:45
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.16:45
squirmyhow come when some people quit it gives a ping16:45
Aboradythis problem drivin me crazy16:45
squirmyand with others it doesnt give a ping16:45
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
squirmyst louis - charter cable16:46
squirmythats kinda cool16:47
BluesKajAborady, boot normally16:47
Aborady<BluesKaj> ok ..16:47
Aborady<BluesKaj> then16:47
BluesKajAborady, on the dsktop menu admin/ additional drivers , choose the recommended driver and install16:48
Aborady<BluesKaj> man the problem is no desktop working16:48
Aborady<BluesKaj> the problem is i've blank screen after login no panels no icons nothing16:48
exiffim looking for an rpg game like Fate, any suggestions?16:49
squirmydo you just have to configure the desktop or something?16:49
Aboradyalso the classic session aint work16:49
=== momok is now known as hantu
=== hantu is now known as momok
MonkeyDustexiff: http://users.skynet.be/gbachot/html/games.html16:50
squirmyi would do something like check the release upgrade16:50
squirmypossibly reinstall16:50
squirmysome people like screwing around with stuff when its not working but i dont see the point16:50
anghelokoAborady, what happens when you startx manually?16:51
locumhi guys, got a problem with laptop internal mic, audio hda intel ad1986a kernel 2.6.38-8 ubuntu 11.04 my report from alsa script -> http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=efc362434248f2c9589f983d3206a17d4370ee2c16:51
Aborady<angheloko> the same :(16:51
BluesKajAborady, do you have a bash prompt ?16:51
BluesKajlike in the terminal?16:51
Aborady<BluesKaj> yes16:51
=== momok is now known as hehe
=== hehe is now known as momok
anghelokohmm.. in your home dir, do you see multiple .Xauth<something>?16:51
=== squirmy is now known as make
BluesKajok  type sudo service gdm start16:52
=== make is now known as squirmy
PwrSurgeanyone here know samba?16:52
BluesKajAborady, ^16:52
pcpowerPwrSurge: great dance16:52
squirmyi can salsa16:52
LeetSpeakPro #1 3v3rµ0n3 !16:52
brown_fernexiff: You likely know of it already, and though it's not an RPG, I enjoy Battle for Wesnoth16:52
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:52
Aboradywhen i type sudo service gdm start or startx , it tell its already working16:53
squirmyru guys talkin about RPGS like final fantasy?16:53
squirmythat kinda thing?16:53
pompomhi, does anyone know how to solve blank screen on ubuntu 10.10 live cd for iMac Power PC G3 40016:53
pcpowerAborady: try "restart" instead of start16:53
squirmyor um --- mario paper --- *shickers*16:53
exiffbrown_fern, i know of wesnoth, but i specifically want a game that plays like Fate16:53
rwwsquirmy: #ubuntu is the support channel for Ubuntu Linux. For offtopic chat, try #ubuntu-offtopic.16:53
squirmythey were talking about rpgs16:53
MonkeyDustexiff: http://www.playdeb.net/updates/Ubuntu/11.04/?category=RPG16:54
LeetSpeakPro Ju57 1n574ll d3814n 0n µ0ur 1B00k !!!16:54
rww!1337 > LeetSpeakPro16:54
ubottuLeetSpeakPro, please see my private message16:54
momokhello happy good night :) im still using jaunty :(16:54
=== Kurt is now known as DerKurt
rww!eol | momok16:54
ubottumomok: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades16:54
momokhi rww16:54
_joeylooking for a utility that will examine directory and identify identical files based on hash16:55
rwwhi momok. Your version of Ubuntu isn't supported in #ubuntu any more, please see the ubottu factoid for upgrade info :)16:55
pcpower_joey: diff? cmp?16:55
pompomhi, does anyone know how to solve blank screen on ubuntu 10.10 live cd for iMac Power PC G3 40016:55
momokowh .. @rww i thought u are saying "elo" from the word "eol"... actually its "end of life" :)16:55
FiremanEd pompom: Use the alternative install cd16:55
pompomhi firemaned what is alternative install Cd16:56
_joeya directory of files based on hash using diff?16:56
pcpowerpompom: G3,G4,G5 is not supported16:56
pcpoweronly intel macs are supported16:56
|337.2leet do you reqlly need q gui on your ibook ?16:56
LeetSpeakPro d0 µ0u r39llµ n33d 9 &u1 0n µ0ur 1800k ?16:56
MonkeyDustpompom: ubuntu server16:56
PwrSurgepdb_create_builtin_alias: Could not add group mapping entry for alias 545 (NT_STATUS_GROUP_EXISTS)16:56
momokmy vps off ubuntu 10.04 keep been brute force.. what should i do? :(16:56
PwrSurgei keep getting this on my samba server16:56
_joeydiff - compare line by line in files16:56
_joeygosh, what happened to linux community?16:56
momoksomeone try to bruteforce name and passwd in my port 2216:56
momokseveral ip's... what i should do?16:57
Aboradywhat i've to do i had very important work on the privious system that i upgraded now its all gone16:57
pompomThanks Monkey Dust16:57
Aboradyno one saw this problem before ?16:57
MonkeyDustAborady: what problem?16:57
rwwmomok: Move to a different port. That happens to pretty much any public ssh server these days.16:57
pcpower_joey: they forgot how to speak english, for one16:57
Aborady<MonkeyDust> blank screen after login with blinking cursor16:57
momokemm i see rww.. thats good idea i will try it definitely16:58
anghelokoAborady, try restarting.. check your home dir for any extra .Xauth<blah> dirs16:58
Aboradyi restarted many times16:59
acovrighow do I use multiple drives with lightscribe SimpleLabler?16:59
Aboradyall directories is correct16:59
=== Uncle|Sam is now known as uncle|sam
Aboradymy vga nvidia gforce 705017:00
_joeyhere is another observation - thos  who are not confident about their abilities to speak and write in a foreign languages would attempt picking on others for no obvious reason, showing how lame they really are17:00
Aboradyis that good for unity desktop17:00
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Aboradynvidia gforce 7050 is good for unity desktop17:00
pompomHello MonkeyDust I am downloading Ubuntu 11.04 server 32 bit edition. Will the CD be recognised on G317:01
Aboradyeven is not the ubuntu classic session is not load too17:01
FiremanEdpompom: Alternative install cd is graphical (if I have my terminology right) versus the Live CD which brings up the live desktop environment.17:01
anghelokoAborady, it was working before you upgraded right?17:02
boomboomWhat is the best ubuntu for an ASUS Eee PC?17:02
Dimkaпомогите, в wine тормозит курсор. Причем чем меньше FPS тем сильней. В windows курсор не зависит от FPS. Игра: Emperor - Battle for Dune.17:02
Aborady<angheloko> yes evrything worked perfect before upgrade17:02
pompomThanks FiremanEd.17:03
rww!ru | Dimka17:03
ubottuDimka: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:03
FiremanEdboomboom: I use 11.04 on my eee with no problems.  All preference on your part.17:03
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boomboomI got 10.04 on mine now, I was just wondering if there was a better one.17:03
acovrighow do I use multiple drives with lightscribe SimpleLabler?17:04
agrundnerboomboom: better how?17:04
Dimkahelp, in the wine lag the cursor. And the less FPS the stronger. In windows the cursor does not depend on the FPS. Game: Emperor:Battle for Dune.17:05
brown_fernpcpower:  http://www.yellowdoglinux.com/ and http://www.debian.org/ have been known to work well with Apple-based hardware, I am unaware of their current support.17:06
d-1337it is starting to look like back-in-time does not back up system files...  if this is not the case, does anyone know how to restore them?17:07
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=== Guest76898 is now known as new-nick-name
HelloWorld321Is it normal for /etc/odbc.ini to be 0 bytes on a new ubuntu installation?  (I think I just trashed my /etc/odbc.ini file ... )17:09
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HelloWorld321aha!  here's how I know I didn't trash my /etc/odbc.ini file ... because it's read-only because I'm not logged in as a super-user.  (phew).  So I didn't trash it.  It just is 0 bytes.17:10
acovrigAlso, only my second DVD drive shows up, how do I fix this?17:11
douglMy latest Ubuntu keeps hanging/freezing up when I leave it for a week - how do I disable the suspend function... it is my media server and never should suspend - at most the screen should blank = how do I do this?17:11
jessiei don't really  no17:11
jessiewho like me press 117:12
acovrigdougl-try using xlock, to keep the screen active, then it probably wont sleep17:12
Hilikuswhich email client has the best integration with gmail??17:13
FleckHilikus chrome ;D17:13
Hilikusi'm using thunderbird but its sick of it. its buggy, esp. the lightning plugin17:13
acovrigHilikus: try thunderbird17:13
acovriglol, small slow keyboard17:14
douglacovrig, thanks for the info - xlock is in package manager?17:14
ibrahimDo u use Unity  ? If not.... which other replace it ?17:14
acovrigdougl: is for me17:15
douglacovrig, thanks for the info17:15
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HelloWorld321What can I use on an Ubuntu box to connect to a MS SQL Express server to verify a good connection?17:16
lucky105hi, my gwibber doesn't show tweets in natty..however it worked fine in 10.1017:16
lucky105any suggestions ?17:17
Dimkahow to make, that in the wine reaction cursor less was subject to fps games?17:18
acovrigand I'm back-on the edge of wifi :/17:18
sontehelp mobile radeon 9800 driver linux driver not installing17:20
hungryhubbywhats all this fuss about gnome 317:22
lucky105@hungryhubby it didnt worked for me... it crashed unity17:23
anghelokoin 10.10, where does the flash/streaming videos get saved/cached? prev versions it was in /tmp17:23
neil__when I try to run skype I get the error message "Gtk-WARNING **: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules/im-ibus.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64" ... what is wrong?  can it be fixed?17:24
lucky105neil_ u cant log in ?17:25
neil__lucky105, it just starts and immediately quits, I don't think it even tries.17:26
douglacovrig, sec? - how do you config xlock?17:26
acovrigI tend to use xlock -nolock, it doesnt ask for a password-more like a screensaver17:28
lucky105neil_ try http://heartbeat.skype.com/17:28
=== braiam is now known as braiam-lnch
mizerydeariaHow do I configure what application is loaded when inserting a dvd disc into a computer?17:29
mizerydeariaCurrently it appears Gnome Media Player loads by default.  I would liek to change it to mplayer.17:29
acovrigdougl: man xlock ;)17:29
Name141What are the differences in LibreOffice vs the OpenOffice ?  And why did Ubuntu start using it?17:31
=== tchanphysics is now known as being
=== derp is now known as ^
edbianName141: libreOffice is an open source community project.  Openoffice is controlled by oracle17:31
edbianThe technical differences are many and minor17:32
Name141edbian: It looks and "Feels" the same to me.17:32
edbianName141: Many distros switched to libreOffice because it is more free17:32
edbianName141: libreOffice is a fork of openOffice.  Originally they were identical.  Now they are nearly identical17:32
douglacovrig, man xlock = not ready for prime time and almost useless application - lol17:33
Name141edbian: sort of like Fedora vs Red Hat ? One is "more free" ?17:33
=== eliezer is now known as eliezer_
livingdaylightwhere is the refresh button on firefox?17:33
* dougl reading man pages for xlock17:33
edbianName141: Except Fedora is still controlled by the red hat corporation17:33
wesselCan someone take a look at this video: http://tinypic.com/player.php?v=2qlg49e&s=7 problems_with_certain_flash_videos_ubuntu_linux_11_0417:33
Name141I didn't know that17:33
Name141but.. yeah17:33
brown_fernmizerydearia: Wouldn't that be Preferred Applications? With Ubuntu 11.4          universal power button>System Settings>Preferred Applications.17:33
edbianName141: So that's not really a good analogy17:33
Omegaedbian: It's not "more free" it's just more community-oriented.17:33
wesselI'm not sure how to call this problem, white boxes appearing in flash video's17:33
edbianOmega: which17:33
mizerydeariabrown_fern: I don't see it listed in Preferred Apps window.17:34
Chris_HHi, is Ubuntu software center written PyGTK?17:34
Name141edbian/Omega: I'm not really seeing much one will do vs the other wont ?17:34
Chris_HI meant the GUI17:34
OmegaName141: They also fixed a few things like LO has better docx support17:34
edbianSo people are free to make changes as they see fit.  More free than they were with openoffice (controlled by oracle)17:34
Chris_HThe software seems to be written in Python17:34
Chris_HJust wondering btw17:34
edbianName141: they are nearly identical at this point because the fork happend like 2 months ago17:35
mizerydeariaThe Multimedia tab only lists Multimedia Player which currently selected is Rhythmbox.  Again, when inserting a dvd disc, Gnome Media Player is started by default, so this is unrelated.17:35
Omegaedbian: You're also free to make changes to openoffice17:35
=== soyo is now known as Guest22379
Omega(which is why libreoffice is possible)17:35
zulaxWhen i install desktop version of server, the wireless gets installed out of box, but not while i install minimum server17:35
zulaxhow do i install wireless on server from terminal17:35
edbianOmega: But oracle can deny those changes and they do deny them more often then the community (at least that's the idea)17:35
edbianI think we're actually agreeing here and just saying it differently :P17:35
OmegaYeah, I know we are.17:36
Omegaedbian: Yep, Oracle can deny it, but not every mediocre-patch is going to get into libreoffice either.17:36
acovriganyway to use 2 dvd drives at once independantly? bc I only detect 217:36
Name141edbian/Omega: it looks like Libre also has a windows version.. I guess I could switch on all OS's if I really wanted. But is there an actual reason I'd want to replace Open Office that's already working and fine?17:36
edbianName141: Both versions are open source so both versions work on all platforms that have a C compiler (pretty much all compilers)17:37
mizerydeariaIt appears the app is totem17:37
edbian(pretty  much all architectures have a C compiler)17:37
Name141edbian: OK, but any reason to go all Patriotic on Libre and boycot the OpenOffice?17:37
Name141patriotic.. (spelling)17:37
edbianName141: Actually it's even more convoluted now because Oracle recently 'gave' openoffice to the community so now they're both pretty much the same in every way except branding17:38
OmegaBut it's too late now.17:38
Chris_HName141: Simple, OpenOffice = Orcle + Free Software17:38
Chris_HLibreOffice = Free software17:38
edbianName141: My advice is to not fix what isn't broke.  Leave openOffice on the machines that have it until you have a problem there17:39
edbianName141: Leave libreOffice on those machines.  They're completely compaitable anyway17:39
OmegaName141: It's not patriosm, there were valid concerns with how Oracle were handling their open source projects.17:39
OmegaLibreoffice also has more features currently, and is being developed at a faster pace17:40
edbianName141: I can guess you can switch if you have a problem with anonymous community members vs. anonymous oracle employees17:40
Omega(a lot of said community members were oracle employees)17:40
Hilikussince i updated to 11.04 video playback in my browser is weird, there's flickering of like white squared on top of the video usually at the bottom17:41
Hilikusanyone know what is it?17:41
Name141I'll make the switch sometime then.17:41
edbianName141: :)  Glad we could help17:41
OmegaName141: http://www.documentfoundation.org/faq/17:41
Hilikusi think it's with flash  only17:41
brown_fernmizerydearia: it's totem then you say? That is good to know, I'm still finding my way around Ubuntu 11.4.17:42
selvakumaranHello Dukes., Any1 can assist me on my Aptana config in my Natty Machine.?17:42
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone how do you see who's connected to the remote desktop on a specific machine and their IP?17:42
mizerydeariabrown_fern: I'm now reading http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1982510&postcount=317:43
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone how do you see who's connected to the remote desktop on a specific machine and their IP?17:43
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone how do you see who's connected to the remote desktop on a specific machine and their IP?17:43
selvakumaranHello Dukes., Any1 can assist me on configuring  Aptana  in my Natty Machine.?17:44
Semtexhey guys does anyone know why I cant access http://ppa.launchpad.net/lucid-bleed/ppa/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/source/Sources ?17:44
Semtexthe update thing keeps moaning about it17:45
Semtexnot sure if its me or the server17:45
nit-witTHE_GFR|WORK, I think it is just "who" in the terminal, not sure really.17:46
THE_GFR|WORKnit-wit ok17:46
candreaSemtex, it seems that the PPA doesn't support natty17:46
mizerydeariabrown_fern: or http://wiki.videolan.org/How_to_make_VLC_the_default_player#GNOME17:46
candreaSemtex, they support just lucid17:46
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Semtexso how am I ment to get updates again?17:47
Semtexthanks for the reply candrea btw17:47
candreaSemtex, the best thing you should do is contacting the ppa owner and request packages for natty17:47
candreaSemtex, else, you can just use the lucid packages17:48
candreaSemtex, but you may find some dependency problems17:48
brown_fernmizerydearia: thank you for the links, I'm looking them over now...17:48
locumhi guys, got a problem with laptop internal mic, audio hda intel ad1986a kernel 2.6.38-8 ubuntu 11.04 my report from alsa script -> http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=efc362434248f2c9589f983d3206a17d4370ee2c17:49
candreaSemtex, but wait: there are other possibilities17:49
coilbuckerIs it possible to move the X button to the top right of the window?17:50
candreaSemtex, I see that this PPA contains just backports, so are you sure you need them?17:50
SemtexI'm not sure17:50
SemtexI dont think so17:50
candreaSemtex, then you can safely remove the PPA17:50
Semtexok thanks I'll give that a go17:51
THE_GFR|WORKI need to see a log of all remote desktop connections ideas?17:51
candreaSemtex, if you need help removing it, just ask :-)17:51
locumhi guys, got a problem with laptop internal mic, audio hda intel, codec ad1986a, kernel 2.6.38-8 ubuntu 11.04 my report from alsa script -> http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=efc362434248f2c9589f983d3206a17d4370ee2c17:52
nit-witSemtex, https://launchpad.net/~natty-bleed/+archive/ppa17:52
HelloWorld321what does it mean if I'm actually successfully running "LibreCalc" and "LibreBase", but my "Ubuntu Software Center" thinks that "LibreOffice" isn't installes?17:56
HelloWorld321What does it mean if I'm actually successfully running "LibreCalc" and "LibreBase", but my "Ubuntu Software Center" thinks that "LibreOffice" isn't installesd *?17:57
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Aboradywhen i typed sudo gdm service start , i got WARNING : faild to acquire org.gnome.displaymanager17:57
Aboradymy problem is blank screen with vioket background and blinking cursor after login17:58
esing123how do I make a screenshot of my screen again?18:01
pcpoweresing123: press the print-screen button on your keyboard18:02
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esing123does not work pcpower18:02
brown_fern mizerydearia: Thank you for the links, I don't think that I was aware of VLC media player. What progress have you made with getting it to auto-run? Did the wiki page you displayed walk you through the process well enough?18:03
HelloWorld321esing123: after pressing print-screen, go to any graphics package (or even most word processors) and do a "Paste" operation to get the screenshot out of the clipboard buffer18:04
esing123i used gimp finanally18:07
coz_eselle1, you can also use this command    sleep 5; import -window root screen.png18:07
c-c-mhello, I want to install ubuntu on a HP laptop and I don't get the option to install it alongside Windows7 nor I can create new partitions18:08
c-c-mI am using the same USB I used to install ubuntu on this computer18:08
coz_esing123,  with that command it will show up under the home directory18:08
esing123yep find out finally thx18:08
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brown_fernesing123: Your question prompted a search and "shutter," an application not likely installed on your system yet, looks as though it has some good features too, screen grab-wise.18:11
DevilSolutionguys i have a strange sort of question, in windows xp you have start > programs > accessories > system tools and ALSO control pannel which is gives more indepth admin capabilities, what im wondering is if theres something similar in ubuntu, i see System > admin gives you a set of good tools but by pressing alt + f2 you can find things like disk analyser which dont exist in that list by default, where is there a mo18:12
DevilSolutionre advanced list of installed programs? XD18:12
nimbioticsI need to produce a cd with a slide show, what software can I use to produce a cross platform slide show? TIA!18:12
backtracklovercan someone help me pls , im on ubuntu 10.4 (hard desk install) and i customize it as my need and i want to make an iso , remasterysys is not working , any other tool or idea pls18:13
Kreative`DevilSolution, well, all 3 of the panels18:13
Kreative`Have everything in them.18:13
Kreative`That are actual programs or utilities18:13
DevilSolutionyou mean as in places, apps and system?18:13
Kreative`There is more of a list..18:14
DevilSolutionwell yes ovcourse places alone gets you to all of them if you know where it exists18:14
Kreative`Well, what version of ubuntu are you using?18:14
DevilSolutionapp's are more genral purpose i mean admin tools18:14
darkoricalDevilSolution are you using the Unity gui or gnome?18:14
Kreative`You can find list of installed programs via the software center.18:14
backtrackloverhello , anyone can help me18:15
Kreative`And that'll tell you were the program shortcut can be found as well.18:15
DevilSolutionKreative`, okay18:15
DevilSolutionKreative`, sounds like what im after, ty18:15
DevilSolutionany more info is still useful tho ;)18:15
KaiDOgbig badaboom18:17
KaiDOgso many folks, yet no one says anything18:20
brown_fernmizerydearia: If you're still online, have you made any progress? The wiki you noted seemed to make the process seem straight forward.18:20
dmenearHow about "hie"18:20
dmenearor "hi"18:21
KaiDOghie is fine18:21
nimbioticsFrom what I've read, the best I can do to produce a cross platform slide show would be to create an HTML document. Now, Is that so? cause I dont really know a bit of html, are there any options? TIA!18:21
dmenearI could complain about how I can't get my Epson Perfection 3170 Photo scanner to work no matter what I try with Sane, but I won't.18:22
HelloWorld321How do I run "Font Sampler"?  "Ubuntu Software Center" says that it's installed, but I can't find it under apps18:23
KaiDOgI think I might have multiple versions of Firefox installed on my computer, but I don't know how to find them on my HD.18:23
pcpowerfind / -name 'firefox'18:24
xhhjHello! I have a problem with Empathy. The only protocol I can log on is Jabber. How do I get other protocols such as Yahoo, etc?18:25
gapehey, should unbuntu automatically mount dvds? ... When i enter ubuntu install dvd it gets automatically recognized, but when i tried mathematica 8 install dvd, or some random dvd with movies it's just not there18:25
KaiDOgthanks pcpower, I'll play with that18:26
bomerocityI'm running Ubuntu 11.04 and I'm trying to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf to configure my mouse, but the file/directory apparently doesn't exist. how do I create it?18:26
james41855I have a usb wireless mouse that I connected to laptop A and it works flawlessly.  `dmesg` outputs http://pastebin.com/CzFjsvAw as soon as I attach the mouse to laptop A.  However, when I attach the usb mouse to laptop B, nothing is appended to the output of `dmesg`  how come?  What can I do to find out why the usb ports are not functioning properly in the laptop?18:28
Ddpbfcould somebody help me with uploading18:29
Ddpbfsource package on launchpad18:29
HelloWorld321Is there a GUI configuration tool for ODBC in Ubuntu (Natty)18:31
DdpbfI ll see18:31
DdpbfWhat i should write in /debian/control to get both 32 and 64 package?18:32
ActionParsnipIf I log into an LXDE session and have Unity 2D installed can it be as simply made to start as any other application?18:33
Jordan_UDdpbf: Try asking in #ubuntu-packaging.18:33
Ddpbfok thanks18:34
wildc4rdevenin all18:35
ActionParsnipEvening wildc4rd18:35
gapeHey, ubuntu doesn't recognize some dvds, should i manually mount or something?18:36
DdpbfJordan_U: Alt+F2 and type unity-2d18:36
Ddpbfor something like that18:36
Jordan_UDdpbf: ?18:36
gapeI'm sorry, i'm really new to this .. Ubuntu installation dvd gets recognized normally, but other dvds don't18:36
james41855"Unlock Login Keyring" - What is this?  How can I change or reset the password if I forgot the password?  I know my system user password.18:36
Jordan_UDdpbf: Np :)18:37
ActionParsnipjames41855: set a blank keyring password18:37
ActionParsnip!dvd | gape18:37
ubottugape: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:37
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james41855ActionParsnip, How do I do that?18:38
gapeubottu: thanks, but i'm not sure this is excatly what i need, as it's not the video type of dvd i need, but data (mathematica 8 installation dvd)18:38
ubottugape: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:38
HelloWorld321Anybody have any tips or links for installing ODBC on Natty?  All the stuff I get out of Google is old, and (to me) cryptic, because it assumes I know driver file and pathnames.18:39
ActionParsnipDdpbf: will it only run the unity bar though, or will gnome desktop load with it?18:39
druciferreon ubuntu server I am seeing my auth log flooded with this:     CRON[25305]: pam_unix(cron:session): could not identify user (from getpwnam(guest))18:39
DdpbfActionParsnip: unity 2d is shell as far as i know18:40
Ddpbfit is not part of gnome desktop18:40
druciferreunity is a replacement for nautilus18:40
Ddpbfit si akin to plasma-desktop in kde or gnome-shell18:40
ActionParsnipjames41855: find guides online for changing the password and enter nothing as the new password. Not even a space18:40
ActionParsnipDdpbf: if i understand right, will it replace openbox?18:41
Ddpbfopenbox is window manager18:41
Ddpbflike kwin or metacity or compiz18:42
Ddpbfi dont think it will replace ob18:42
druciferremetacity and compiz are window managers not shells18:42
ActionParsnipDdpbf: ahhhh yes yes. I gotcha now. Cheers dude :-)18:42
qronushello, i have a problem... i run a vps server with jaunty... how do I upgrade to a newer version?18:42
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades18:43
ActionParsnipdruciferre: do you have any cron jobs setup?18:43
xhhjHello! I have a problem with Empathy. The only protocol I can log on is Jabber. How do I get other protocols such as Yahoo, etc?18:43
nit-witdruciferre, you might try #ubuntu-server18:44
philsturgeonhey guys. trying to get rails 3 on ubuntu 11.04. ive installed rails 3.0.7 via gem install, but the old 2.3.5 bundled is still being used18:44
mrdebwhat is rails18:44
philsturgeonrails -v shows me 2.3.5, even though 3.0.7 is installed18:44
ActionParsnipMrdeb: a coding language18:44
philsturgeonmrdeb: if you dont know what rails is then you probably arent in a condition to help :)18:44
philsturgeonwell, its a Ruby web development framework18:45
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ActionParsnipphilsturgeon: same difference ;-)18:45
bttfi am running an ubuntu live cd on my friends machine, whose hard drive has failed... is ubuntu running off the RAM right now ?18:46
philsturgeonActionParsnip: not to argue semantics. :) just need some help in getting rails recognised as the default installation18:46
ActionParsnipphilsturgeon: is there an update-alternatives command to point to the new?18:46
philsturgeonActionParsnip: not sure what that is18:47
nit-witbttf, yes but the cd is the hd so to spesk.18:47
ActionParsnipBttf: liveCd always runs in RAM18:47
bttfi see18:47
philsturgeonits been years since i've seriously used an ubuntu box, been on mac for a while18:47
gapeActionParsnip: Sorry but the link is only about commercial movie dvds, i'm talking about data-dvds so i can install software from it, any help? (i was asking about mounting dvds as nothing except ubuntu install dvd gets recognized)18:47
bttfif the hdd has failed, is there any reason why the internet wouldn't be able to connect ?18:47
xhhjphilsturgeon you could manually link the binary to /bin if you know where the new version of rails is installed18:48
philsturgeonxhhj: thats where im at at the moment, but wondering if it can be done smoother18:48
ActionParsnipBttf: web access in livecd and failed hdd are not related18:48
nit-witbttf, if the computer needs a driver to use the wireless card that may be2hats up.18:49
littlebearzActionParsnip: wouldn't the corrupted network portion of the hdd be affecting the internet access?18:49
philsturgeonxhhj: which rails = /usr/bin/rails, moved that and now it says uninstalled and suggests i try apt-get install18:49
ActionParsnipBttf: you need to configure networking in the live OS18:49
nit-witlittlebearz, on a live cd the hd is not used18:49
littlebearzActionParsnip: oh nvm, it's a livecd18:49
bttfbut it is detecting access points... so the driver must be working right ?18:50
sklorpionhello, any1 wine spec? i m trying to run Lineage2  and i have problems, l2/ini is not HRF so i cant edit it18:50
ActionParsniplittlebearz: exactly ;-)18:50
xhhjphilsturgeon try using synaptic to uninstall both versions and reinstall the latest one18:50
nit-witbttf, run lspci in a terminal and post the wireless card.18:50
philsturgeonahh think i had one installed via apt-get and another as a gem18:50
philsturgeonkilling off everything18:51
bttfnit-wit i dont see it..18:51
xhhjdoes anyone know why jabber is the only im protocol for empathy?18:52
philsturgeonthanks guys, got it!18:52
littlebearzxhhj: free and opensourced?18:52
xhhjyesh, but what happened to yahoo and msn and the other protocols?18:52
LancelotI have headers for older versions of the kernel installed, is it safe to uninstall these packages?18:53
brown_fernbttf: If you happen to be running the Knoppix linux distro and want to run it without mounting (loading) the hard disk drive or using the swap partition (virtual memory) the "cheat code" for this is "forensic," so, as I understand, one would enter "knoppix forensic" at the boot prompt, good luck with that hard disk drive.18:53
xhhjnever mind i figured it out18:55
nit-witbttf, you see nothing like this .  Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5001 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)18:55
xhhjturns out i needed to click next at "i'll enter my acct details now"18:55
jaghey guys anybody here could help me with something?18:55
LancelotIs it safe to remove headers for older versions of the kernel?18:56
HelloWorld321Anybody have any tips or links for installing ODBC on Natty?  All the stuff I get out of Google is old, and (to me) cryptic, because it assumes I know driver file and pathnames (which I don't)18:56
nit-witbttf, I suspect your not looking close enough if your getting a signal. Could be wrong.18:56
KaiDOgAfter finding the firefox executable on my HD, how do I find out what version it is? It doesn't tell me when I use the file command or when I select properties.18:56
jagi need to move a file into a root directory18:57
nit-witKaiDOg, click help inn the FF panel18:58
xhhjjag you need to use a terminal emulator18:58
coz_jag,  either in terminal   sudo mv nameof file    nameoflocation18:58
coz_jag,  or in terminal    sudo nautilus  and then just drag an drop18:58
jagk i'll try that18:58
KaiDOgnit-wit : I think I have multiple versions of firefox installed on my HD so I'm trying to find all the executables on my disk drive and find out what versions they are.18:58
jagsweet it worked thanks coz18:59
nit-witKaiDOg, not sure I understand you.;)18:59
KaiDOgnit-wit : I think I have firefox 3.5.x and 3.6.x and 4.0 on my hard drive19:00
kraskohi, i installed ubuntu 11.04 on my dell notebook. after running apt-get upgrade and reboot, it freezes few seconds after boot (didn't ask me for hdd passphrase). where should be problem? thanks.19:01
antiheroYou know the drives that are detected and mounted when you "open" them. What is the correct way to have them mount automatically at startup?19:02
ActionParsnipkrasko: if you hold shift at boot, does the old kernel boot ok?19:02
nit-witKaiDOg, look in synaptic, or in home if you have done direct mozilla downloads if thatr is where you would have put a direct download.19:02
antiheroAlso what is the alternative to the preferences/administration menus in Unity?19:03
ActionParsnipAntihero: add an entry in /etc/fstab19:03
antiheroActionParsnip: Ah cool. Won't that lead to duplicate drives in the places menu?19:03
brown_fernbttf: there are "brand name" hardware companies that computer users buy products from and then there the companies who make the chips on the network devices, you're not looking for names such as D-Link when you type "lspci" at the command line, but rather Atheros, if I'm not mistaken.19:04
kraskoActionParsnip: it seems that yes. i can see kernel dmesg (when i select recovery mode), without problems. but after that, the screen whill shutdown and .. thaths all19:04
Goeland86hey guys, I'm looking for the equivalent to the pam-devel package... I'm working on a class assignment writing a pam module, but I need the PAM includes on the system19:05
puffI'm trying to use the startup disk creator.  I put a CD-R in my drive, select System/Admin/Startup Disk Creator, it pops up the "Make Startup Disk" dialog, I select the ISO, but the "Disk to use:" part of the dialog is empty and it doesn't seem to have a file chooser button to use to select the blank CD-R.19:05
ActionParsnipAntihero: don't believe so as mounting makes the device accessible as a folder. You can use nautilus to add the mountpoint in the places menu19:05
antiheroActionParsnip: Ah, okay. How would I change the disk label19:06
ActionParsnipPuff: startup disk creator is for USB and flash based storage. You open the ISO with your burning app19:07
puffActionParsnip: Ah, okay, the "disk" part mislead me :-).19:07
sabayonuserHello, Dear community members...I'm stuck with the biggest issue related to a grown up mans life, I can't decide if I should buy myself a Pizza or if I should make dinner myself, Can you please help me with this ?19:08
ActionParsnip!label | antihero19:08
ubottuantihero: To rename the labels of your partitions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive.19:08
ActionParsnipPuff: your logic isn't flawed :-D19:08
ubuntuhola samigos19:08
ActionParsnipPuff: be sure to MD5 test the file before using it19:09
puffActionParsnip: Also, I wanted to check and make sure the download is complete, it seems a tad bit undersized.  But I can't seem to find the md5sums for the downloads in ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download.19:09
wendicohello, i just installed ubuntu but the wifi is privative and i need i internet conection to activate it. How can i activate de wifi propietary driver offline?19:09
ubottuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.19:09
puffActionParsnip: Thanks!19:09
tensorpuddingwendico: can you connect to your router with an ethernet cable19:10
wendicono, it is not possible but i have another online ubuntu laptop19:10
jagi was wondering if anybody could tell me if this "exe" listed in processes is a threat?19:10
ActionParsnipwendico: what chip does: sudo lshw -C network    say it is?19:10
wendicois there an easy solution or its better to run again live, activate in live session and then install again? it is just a clean install19:10
CorollaxIs there a reason that a command would work when typed into terminal or alt+f2, but not when it's used as a shortcut on the panel?19:11
ActionParsnipJag: paste the line or use pastebin and we can review19:12
ActionParsnipCorollax: the pwd may be important19:12
CorollaxThat's what I had speculated...19:12
CorollaxBut the command in question opens up a new terminal with the PWD specified as a command line switch19:13
Corollax"gnome-terminal --working-directory=foo -x bar"19:13
CorollaxAnd it still doesn't work =\19:13
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jagexe / Zombie / CPU 0 / Nice 0 / id 1480 / Memory N/A / waiting channel do_exit19:13
wendicoActionParsnip it is an atheros19:14
ActionParsnipCorollax: you may need a simple script to cd to the directory then run the command, then have the panel item run the script19:14
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CorollaxActionParsnip: Is there a reason why "cd <directory> && command" doesn't work?19:15
awantiMy server having 2 NIC card. Now i want to route the internet from my server19:15
ActionParsnipwendico: atheros make many chips, which is yours19:15
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awantiplz. guide me i am not linux expert19:15
wendicosorry im to noob, the command you wrote me gave me error, without the '-C' i have a huge list and im confused19:15
ActionParsnip!ics | awanti19:15
ubottuawanti: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing19:15
jagany idea on that process?19:16
root_dude i'm fuck19:16
VonhintenHi fuck19:16
ActionParsnipwendico: read the output, one line will say "product" and give the chip model19:17
wendicoActionParsnip: 'Product: Broadcom Corporation' , no more details on that line19:17
wendicothe atheros was the Ethernet19:18
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ActionParsnipwendico: is the wireless device USB based?19:18
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SpaceBasshey folks19:19
wendicoActionParsnip: i guess no becuse 'Capabilities: pm msi pciexpress bus_master cap_list' .     Is it Pci-Express?19:19
ActionParsnipHi spacebass19:19
SpaceBassmy 5T eSATA is showing up as a 2T drive on my 11.04 system19:19
wendicobus info: pci19:19
Gskelligcan someone help me with my rc.local scripting19:20
Vonhintenwendico, just paste the output of lspci -v  to http://paste.ubuntu.com/19:20
ActionParsnipwendico: ok what does: lspci | grep -i broad    say?19:20
[THC]AcidRaincan anyone help me. im trying to forward ports through a router to a bridge. and its taking me to the bridge interface instead of my web servers19:20
Refaelquestion for everybody: is Unix dependent on BSD?19:20
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[THC]AcidRainlike i need help bad19:21
CorollaxRefael: They share code now and again, but there's no dependency, persay19:21
Refaeland what about Ubuntu?19:21
CorollaxUbuntu is a linux distribution -- a collection of common programs and libraries built upon the Linux kernel.19:22
ActionParsnipRefael: it uses a Linux kernel, not bsd19:22
kikkiCould anyone help me with phpmyadmin? i get error #1045 when logging in with a different user than root.19:22
RefaelActionParsnip: gracias amigo19:22
LancelotIs it safe to remove old kernel images?19:22
Ankhwatcheris there a specific ubuntu help channel?19:22
tensorpuddingLancelot: yes19:23
arandRefael: BSD was another unix version, Ubuntu uses linux, which is neither, but implements similar userspace tools19:23
[THC]AcidRainanyone help me to tell me where to get help with a web server?19:23
Refaelhola Ankhwatcher19:23
Lancelottensorpudding: thanks!19:23
ActionParsnipLancelot: absolutely, saves space too19:23
LancelotActionParsnip: woah, that did clean up a lot of space19:23
arandActionParsnip: This _is_ the support channle19:23
EustaquioI have just updated my ubuntu from 10.10 to 11.04, on 10.10 I got some problems with my graphic's card and now ubuntu it's not able even to show the login screen, anyone could help me?19:24
Terokkarto terminal19:24
bodmerocityI just removed ubuntu by deleting its partion in windows 7, but when I restarted it tried to load up the grub and now I'm stuck there (i'm on a different computer now). Can someone please help me?19:24
arandEustaquio: Try to boot with the recovery option, what kind of graphics cad do you use?19:24
ActionParsnipLancelot: just keep the metapackage: linux-image and at least ONE with version numbers and you are gold19:25
bindibodmerocity: load up windows cd, boot from it, go recovery mode, open cmd, do bootrec /fixmbr19:25
sklorpionbodmerocity: use install cd from win19:25
LancelotActionParsnip: sounds good, I'm actually trying to get PAE going right now19:25
Eustaquioarag0rn, can you tell me how to see them?19:25
sklorpionbodmerocity: then use commend fix mbr19:25
bodmerocitybindi: thanks!19:25
EustaquioI'm turning it on in recovery mode19:25
ActionParsnipLancelot: remember to run: sudo apt-get --purge autoremove19:25
arandbodmerocity: You in that process deleted half of grub as well, to get windows booting you need to reinstall the windows bootloader, via a windows install/repair DVD19:25
bodmerocitysklorpion: will a recovery disk work? my system came with windows on it.19:26
AnkhwatcherHey, I can't startx19:26
LancelotActionParsnip: k19:26
Ankhwatchercould somebody please help me?19:26
wendicosorry, i tried the live version and it also needs to be online to enable wifi, nevertheless it shows wich driver is trying to download: patch_2.6-ubuntu1_i386.deb. It is save to download and installi that manually?19:26
sklorpionbodmerocity: not sure, but ...19:27
ActionParsnipLancelot: you can also close as many apps as possible and install and run bleachbit as root, recovers tonnes of space19:27
jwm123TOhello: I've installed clementine but it doesn't play -- it skips as if it lacks a codec or something.  Any advice?19:27
LancelotActionParsnip: haven't heard of bleachbit before19:27
ActionParsnipwendico: packages.ubuntu.com19:28
bloodriveracidrain if your using two routers dd-wrt  site has instructions how to such.  i set up a wireless bridge between to two wrt54s.19:28
sklorpionbodmerocity: if u cant make it try too burn Trinity linux rescu it cane fix your MBR [ one that is broken after grub faild ]19:28
LancelotActionParsnip: I'm gonna restart, brb19:28
sklorpionbodmerocity: http://trinityhome.org/Home/index.php?content=3.4_BOOTSECTOR_REPAIR_1&front_id=12&lang=en&locale=en19:28
darkoricalrunning server 11.04  spt-get autoremove removed phpgd  and now I get an error in my appache error log about it PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20090626/gd.so' - /usr/lib/php5/20090626/gd.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 019:29
[THC]AcidRainbloodriver: what is dd-wt?19:29
[THC]AcidRainbloodriver: my problem is that when you go to the site, it actually loads the bridge interface. and not the site...19:30
bloodrivercan some one direct me to a site (or answer) how to get a wired computer to connect to a wireless computer (on  the same network and wirelessly)19:30
jaganybody here installed eset nod 32?19:30
lolmaticjag: yes, im running it right now.19:30
jwm123TOjoin #kjghkjgkjghj19:31
sklorpionbloodriver: what you mean connect? just ping it?19:31
bodmerocitysklorpion: it worked. thanks!19:31
darkoricalbloodriver are you wanting to connect concurrently or just instead of19:31
BluesKajjag, that's windows security app , or is there a linux version too?19:31
sklorpionbodmerocity: happy to help :)19:32
darkoricaloh nmv I thought you said connect to wireless network19:32
bodmerocitybindi: thanks for the help!19:32
jaghow do i open the interface?19:32
lolmaticjag: which interface? did you already install it?19:32
bindibodmerocity: np :)19:32
bloodriverdd-wrt is a web site to upgrade routers to extra featues, if you have a support router.19:32
jagit runs when i restart19:32
jagbut if i wanna open it19:32
jagthe icon on unity flashes19:32
lolmaticjag: cant help ya with unity, i dont use unity19:33
sklorpionbloodriver: ok, i know that dd-wrt is, but i cant understand your problem19:33
coconutzwhat is the best way to do system only image in case of crash? tar is not good from my expiriance19:33
jagwell should i switch to gnome interface?19:33
bloodriverhey...i just thought of something....and sklorpion i was directing that to  acid rain19:34
BluesKaj!antivirus | jag19:34
ubottujag: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus19:34
lolmaticjag: when you log out you can choose ubuntu classic to login with. maybe nod32 works then?19:34
jagk ill try it19:34
wendicohello, i donwloaded de patch.deb file i suppose to need for my wifi, and y installed it double clicking it, what i did wrong? or what else should i do to correctly install my wifi?19:35
[THC]AcidRainits not the forwarding thats the problem though blooddriver19:35
[THC]AcidRainits why the forwarding brings up the interface when i type a website in19:35
[THC]AcidRainand the virtualhost files are right19:36
jagoh wow that was wierd19:36
jagit works fine now with the classic interface19:36
gsp2009hello folks. Anyone hear of power management being borked on 11.04? When I try to change the power settings, they don't seem to take effect. When I use gconf-editor, they change, but don't work. Now, something is happening to freeze my comp completely. Can't even REISUB out of it... any ideas where to look? I have scoured google.19:36
dannydhi all, can someone please tell me a good site to watch the uefa finals on, i have a slow connection :(19:37
bloodrivercrap...i misunderstood...that's beyond me...sorry19:37
sklorpioncoconutz: try acronis19:37
lolmaticjag: then it might be a unity issue.19:37
patzenhello everyone19:37
lolmaticjag: for me unity doesnt work at all. it seems to be pretty unfurbished.19:37
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jaglolmatic: yea i guess so becuz the icon just blinked19:37
lolmaticcoz im running on well supported hardware19:37
bloodriveryeah, i understand now, but i've never dealt w/that...i'm no use to you...sorry19:39
jaglolmatic: do you have any glicthes on docky?19:39
lolmaticjag: when i log into the latest desktop i dont even see docky or anything. it was just fucked up shit after the distribution upgrade. even my compiz wasnt working anymore.19:40
LancelotActionParsnip: It worked, I gained an entire gigabyte of RAM19:40
KaiDOgHow come I have firefox 4 installed but I can only boot up firefox 3.5.6?19:42
KaiDOgWould a complete uninstall then reinstall fix that?19:42
kajakajohey, I'm trying to download some mysql/apache/php/etc. onto a server install, and it's pretty large, but I think the aptitude install thing has hanged... I'm just unsure because I've never seen that. It's been on "processing triggers for man-db" forever... that's below the line "Unpacking mysql-server-core-5.1 (from .../mysql-server-core-5.1_5.1.41-3ubuntu12.10_i386.deb) " forever now...19:43
kajakajoshould I kill and rerun the command?19:43
monaDeveloperWhenever I try to login to an ec2 instance I just can do that once and after that I get Permission denied (publickey)19:44
james41855I have a usb wireless mouse that I connected to laptop A and it works flawlessly.  `dmesg` outputs http://pastebin.com/CzFjsvAw as soon as I attach the mouse to laptop A.  However, when I attach the usb mouse to laptop B, nothing is appended to the output of `dmesg`  how come?  What can I do to find out why the usb ports are not functioning properly in the laptop?19:45
brown_fernKaiDOg: Ubuntu 11.4 would seem to be running Firefox 4.0.1, what version of Ubuntu are you running? I would upgrade if I were you.19:45
jaganybody knows what is this "exe" listed in my processes?19:45
Ampelbeinjag: a mono program perhaps?19:46
jaghow can i be sure?19:46
KaiDOgbrown - I'm on 10.04 but I'm holding off on upgrading since I'm getting a new computer. But I want to run Firefox 4 in the mean time since some of my flash stopped working today.19:46
quanHey, how do u uninstall programs on ubuntu?19:46
jiltdilhow to make any file to 1024bit encrypt?19:46
cousteauwho handles the keyboard layouts? have a few suggestions19:46
monaDeveloperquan: go to your software center search about the program hit remove authnticate19:47
quanmonaDeveloper, thanks19:47
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nit-witKaiDOg, install the FF addon flash aid and run it.This will more than likely fix any flash problems. It will find the latest adobe and clean out any clutter including the loader.19:48
eXohthat was the only place I didn't look19:48
burghello. on windows, in web browsers, when i click on the scroll button, then move the cursor up/down, it scrolls up/down. how can i enable this in ubuntu?19:48
KaiDOgexcellent nit-wit, I didn't know about that add on19:49
jiltdilburg:it  scrolls always :)19:49
nit-witKaiDOg, it is quite helpful.;)19:49
infidanyone know of a receipt scanner that works with linux?19:50
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burgjiltdil, it doesn`t show that arrow and scroll19:50
KaiDOgI had a nightmare working out conflicting flash plugins with firefox a year ago or so. I finally got it fixed on my own, but it was messed up.19:51
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nit-witburg, edit-preferences-advanced it is on that page19:52
jdahmcan I turn off the auto "sudo apt-get update" when I log in (both thru X11 and ssh)?19:52
jdahmit takes a long time and I ssh back and forth a lot19:52
BluesKajFF is becoming a bit bloated , now that I'm used to chromium I haven't bothered with FF, KaiDOg19:53
jdahmamybe it's not actually doign that, but it takes a _really_ long time to log in and it tells me how many packages are out of date when I ssh19:53
infidff4 is less bloated19:53
jdahmchanging /etc/motd doesn't help, I think it gets overwritten19:53
brown_fernKaiDOg: I wish I could help but I just use the software that is in the repositories for my version of a given distribution. Call me unadventuresome but, as I understand, to install packages that are outside the repositories is potentially inviting trouble, as it can break the operating system, some say.19:54
nit-witburg FF edit-preferences-advanced-use auto scrolling.19:54
KaiDOgBlues - I use firefox because I depend on the plug ins. But I switch back between it and Chrome19:54
jaganybody has moonlight installed for firefox?19:55
BobTheGreathow do I use the "Compress" context menu to create an ISO?19:56
Ph0n7r1c_mhay guys does anyone where a can download a DSTD from cause i have been trying to follow the acpibattery documentation but the link provide for the DSTD19:56
KaiDOgbrown - Naw, not always. lxsplit and truecrypt are two examples of very good programs that aren't canonical but don't hurt the system. It'd be a shame to not take advantage of those utilities for fear of them hurting your computer.19:56
Ankhwatcheris there a linux command line tool that backs up configuration files?19:56
Ph0n7r1c_many help please19:56
Ankhwatcherbecause this box is so busted I might give up and reinstall19:56
BluesKajjag are you thinking it will run netflix?19:56
jagno actually i couldnt get it to work19:56
jagi thknk there is a bug or something19:57
eXohit's confusing coming from windows to linux, but i kinda like linux better.19:58
KaiDOglinux is more challenging in a lot of ways but that's what I like about it19:58
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eXohme too KaiDOg19:58
mrdebKaiDOg: it is more customizable19:59
brown_fernKaiDOg: That sounds like good information, I'll have to try loading a few good third-party applications and see what happens, thank you.19:59
jagany good gmail notifier for ubuntu?20:00
KaiDOgabsolutely mrdeb20:00
eXohwhich dock to u guys use?20:00
eXohi've tried to work with cairo-dock. no luck.20:00
eXohi really haven't had the time to sit and just mess with it either.20:01
jagdocky has some bugs20:01
KaiDOgbrown - There's a lot of good stuff, just stick with trusted sources until you know what you're doing more.20:01
kajakajoquestions about using scp... I am using a key, so when I ssh I have to use the -i option and list the path of the key. How do I use scp, then?20:01
eXohi might just skip the dock then.20:01
jagexoh you can try avant20:02
eXohjag u use avant?20:03
jagnot right now20:03
frostschutzkajakajo: scp has the very same -i option20:03
ray24How do you keep icons from appearing larger on the desktop? (My icons includes a preview of what the file is)20:05
brown_ferneXoh: If you're new to Linux, and maybe I'm missing the point, you might want to try some of the admin guides at http://tldp.org/ or The Linux Documentation Project20:05
kajakajofrostschutz, but it doesn't work, even if it's trying to. I get "Permission denied (publickey) connection lost"20:05
Logan_!dock | eXoh20:05
ubottueXoh: Ubuntu includes several dock-like navigation bars. Some options are: avant-window-navigator, cairo-dock, docky (formerly part of gnome-do), stalonetray, simdock, kdocker, kooldock.20:05
eXohubottu, i've used cairo-dock20:06
ubottueXoh: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:06
TrevIncYeah. So you can stop complaining about Unity now20:06
TrevIncdon't want it on the left? FINE. use another one20:06
eXohTrevInc, ....20:07
james41855When I switch to console I see the screen fill with "hub 2-0:1.0: unable to enumerate on USB device on port 5" one line per half second or so. Any idea why?20:07
james41855I just updated to ubuntu 11.02.  This issue didn't occur previously.20:08
hittthow can i redefine ulimit's hard limits?20:08
hitttsudo ulimit doesnt work - as expected20:08
frostschutzkajakajo: works fine for me, are you sure you're supplying it with the right file?20:08
kajakajofrostschutz, you mean the correct pem?20:11
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frostschutzkajakajo: correct key, correct user on the remote side, and it should work. scp just uses ssh too...20:12
kajakajo I'm trying this command: "   scp file-1.16.5.tar.gz -i /path/to.pem ubuntu@000.000.fak.eip:/var/www "20:12
kajakajo And I get "Permission denied (publickey)"20:12
kajakajo lost connection"20:12
ikoniakajakajo: key is wrong20:13
dannydhi all, can someone please tell me a good site to watch the uefa finals on, i have a slow connection :(20:13
ikoniawhy are you using a pem file for an ssh key ?20:13
ikoniadannyd: sorry, that's nothing to do with ubuntu20:13
kajakajoikonia, how so?20:13
kajakajoikonia, because a pem file is my ssh key? Because that's what amazon web service gives, and as far as I know is standard?20:13
frostschutzkajakajo: the options need to come first, files last, so it must be scp -i ...20:13
ikoniakajakajo: first try to use -i as the first argument, and second, the error is clear "permission denied" that either means you don't have permission to read the key file, or the key is not authorized on the remote host20:14
kajakajoikonia, the key works fine when I'm just using ssh, so I know that's not hte problem, the problem is how I'm calling it up. putting -i first, for isntance, which I'll try now.20:14
kajakajothanks frostschutz, trying now.20:14
frostschutzkajakajo: also if that is your only key, you can make it the default key so you don't have to -i all the time20:15
kajakajofrostschutz, ok, now I get "file too large". Promising, but I think it's trying to use my file to be trasnfered as the key. Do I need to switch that order around?20:15
kajakajofrostschutz, how do I make it default key? that'd be super.20:16
hittthow can i redefine ulimit's hard limits? sudo ulimit doesnt work - as expected20:16
ikoniakajakajo: your ssh_config, put that as the key file20:16
ikoniahard limits?20:16
ikoniawhat do you mean by hard limit ?20:17
kajakajoikonia, where is that file located?20:17
frostschutzkajakajo: put it in your ~/.ssh dir, by default I guess one of ~/.ssh/identity ~/.ssh/id_rsa ~/.ssh/id_dsa20:17
hitttill search in /etc/security/limits.conf20:17
ikoniakajakajo: /etc/ssh_config, or change the file to the already named files as frostschutz says20:17
frostschutzkajakajo: ~/.ssh/config for user specific configs (such as additional identitys). I only use one key, not sure if ssh can actually figure out byitself which key to use if you specify more than one20:18
hittthmm, it exists, but everything is commented out20:18
FurryMy microphone array seems to be disabled (ubuntu doesn't show that it's connected), but it was working a few days ago, and it works fine when I boot into windows. Normally, it doesn't work on windows, but works fine on Ubuntu. Any idea what's wrong?20:24
Gskelligso if i run ./etc/init.d/rc.local then it works, but how do i get rc.local to start on boot?20:25
hitttrc.local runs automatically anyway20:25
Gskelligit doesn't on boot20:25
Gskellignot for me20:25
Gskelligat least not /etc/init.d/rc.local20:25
BorgTK2001Run alsa-mixer at the terminal, furry and check the input settings are correct20:25
hittttry putting a `touch /testfile`20:26
hitttand reboot20:26
Gskellig'touch /testfile' ?20:26
hitttto be sure that it does NOT run20:26
BorgTK2001alsa-mixer should have been alsamixer, sorry, Furry20:26
BluesKajFurry, alsamixer20:26
hittt/etc/rc.local that is20:27
Gskelligso i just put "touch /testfile" in rc.local?20:27
jmcantrellin natty, my wireless mouse is seriously laggy. anyone had this problem? :(20:27
hitttwait wait, what are you trying to do20:27
Gskelliga couple of things20:27
hitttare you placing an ELF on init.d ?20:27
GskelligI Just want to run three terminal commands as root every time I boot20:28
hitttsudo nano /etc/rc.local20:28
hitttand append the three terminal commands20:28
GskelligI did, and they don't run as boot20:28
Gskelligbut if I type ./rc.local they run20:29
hitttare you 100% sure they do not encounter a problem?20:29
Gskellighow do I know?20:29
GskelligI thought the fact that they run if I manually run ./rc.local20:30
UsuarioI need URGETN help with this could not duplicate ICEauthority file /home/hihihi100/.ICEauthority, It happened after I changer, or tried to change, the username20:30
escottGskellig, maybe https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sysvinit/+bug/45347320:30
ubottuUbuntu bug 453473 in sysvinit (Ubuntu) "Scripts in /etc/rc2.d/ are not executed" [Undecided,New]20:30
Gskellig/etc/rc2.d/ ?20:31
Gskelligone person told me to put rc.local in /etc/20:31
Gskelliganother person told me to edit /etc/init.d/rc.local20:31
Gskelligso thats where they are right now20:31
escottGskellig, rc.local should be correct, but there are some update-rc.d commands you can run which might fix the issue20:31
darkoricalcan someone tell me hte syntax to get a numerical value of the current device settings for amixer (get current volume level) returned as a smiple number20:31
Gskelligyeah i tried that it says The disable|enable API is not stable and might change in the future20:32
UsuarioI cannot use ubuntu, the system loads, but then it will only show the .ICEAuthority file error, can I somehow access the terminal?20:32
FurryBorgTK2001, there's an option called "Mic", but it's turned all the way down20:32
FuchsUsuario: CTRL+ALT+F120:32
Gskelligusuario ctrl+alt+F1?20:32
Gskelligctrl+alt+F7 to get back to x20:32
FuchsUsuario: then check for permissions on that file, probably you messed them up by using sudo on a graphical programm20:33
Usuariowill that work, evein wehn I load my machine? its before Im prompted to write a password20:33
escottdarkorical, what number do you want, there are lots of mixers20:33
FurryShould I try turning it up?20:33
escottUsuario, it should it is unrelated to the GDM ice errors20:33
Gskelligescott: where should rc.local be? what directory?20:33
GskelligI've been told three different things now20:33
darkoricalI am trying to get the current volume level for the master control20:33
Usuariofuchs, boot menu?20:33
FuchsUsuario: no, on the login screen20:34
escottGskellig, mine is /etc/rc.local I don't have anything in it but since it is there I presume it should work for startup scripts20:34
Usuariofuchs, a, ok20:34
FuchsUsuario: the file should be yours, use chown if that isn't the case20:34
Gskelligi have one in /etc/rc.local and /etc/init.d/rc.local20:34
FuchsUsuario: chown yourusers:yourgroup file20:34
BorgTK2001Give it a shot, Furry :)20:34
Usuariofuchs, yes, it should be mine, but I tried to change my username, and thats when problems appeared20:35
FurryBorgTK2001, there's one labelled "Internal Mic" as well, should I try it as well?20:35
escottGskellig, is the rc.local service enabled?20:35
BorgTK2001What mic do you use - one you plug in, or the inbuilt one?20:35
Gskellighow do i find out escott ?20:36
Furrythe inbuilt20:36
FurryNothing other mics are connected to my computer either20:36
FurryBorgTK2001, though, the last time I used Ubuntu I did end up using a USB mic20:36
BorgTK2001Is it a laptop?20:36
escottGskellig, service rc.local status20:37
BorgTK2001Then up the 'internal' mic setting :)20:37
escottGskellig, although that won't say anything useful for a script that just starts a bunch of things in the background20:38
FurryOk, I turned it up to full... do I need to close alsamixer for the changes to take effect?20:38
BorgTK2001This is the first easy step to fix, if this doesn't work though we have other steps to take :L)20:38
BorgTK2001Changes are instant - no need to close alsamixer20:38
BorgTK2001but if the terminal in in the way, close it :)20:38
FurryDidn't work20:39
babaluhello I need some help plz20:39
FurrySound preferences isn't detecting it, nor is skype20:39
babaluIam trying to install nvidia lastest drivers20:39
kedmaneebabalu: JUS ASK20:40
Gskelligescott, failed to connect to xserver?20:40
BluesKajFuchs, what about renaming .ICEauthority in your home folder and reboot. After a successful login I found that a new .ICEauthority had been created.20:40
babalubut it s tell me that i need install it as rood20:40
babaluI am logged as root20:40
BorgTK2001In the hardware tab of sound preferences, is the hardware profile setup for 'duplex'20:40
escottGskellig, that doesn't make much sense... what are the commands in your rc.local20:41
FurryShould I change it to that?20:41
BorgTK2001Change it to a 'analog duplex' option if you have that20:41
chicognuOk, Can some one help me to configure my system ? i have that simple program: http://ideone.com/V6jEy that uses ncurses, it execute perfect on Linux Virtual Terminal Like in Control + Alt + F3 ... But dont work in xterm, RoxTerm, Terminal, or in any other terminal emulator. What should I do ?20:41
FuchsBluesKaj: that probably works as well, but is not easier than chown, both are just 1 command20:41
FurryBorgTK2001, that worked :) thanks20:41
UsuarioI still cannot access the terminal, even using ctrl+alt+f1, please take a look at: http://paste.ubuntu.com/614286/20:42
BorgTK2001:) No troubles :)20:42
Gskelligsynclient tapbutton3=3 and sudo modprobe nvidia_g210m_acpi20:42
Gskelligand synclient tapbutton2=220:42
BluesKajFurry, yeah I think chown is probly safer20:43
Usuariologin screen options are disabled, I can only choose between different users, I cannot choose to open the terminal, or recovery mode20:43
mochittohello, can somebody help me with installing mysql lib for php5? Im using mysql 5.520:43
Gskelligit's actually "synclient TapButton3=3" and "synclient Tapbutton2=2"20:43
FurryBluesKaj, wah?20:43
Gskelligswitches two tap and three tap with synaptics touchpad drivers20:43
escottGskellig, thats the problem. synclient needs to be in your gnome-session not rc.local20:43
BorgTK2001Bluek meant Fuchs20:43
kedmaneebabalu: F2 and "jockey-gtk"  - try this20:43
UsuarioICEauthority file error: I still cannot access the terminal, even using ctrl+alt+f1, please take a look at: http://paste.ubuntu.com/614286/20:43
BluesKajFurry, sorry , that was meant for Fuchs20:43
FurryBluesKaj, no problem20:43
benccwhy this works for a user and not for root? gconftool-2 -t int -s /apps/gedit-2/preferences/editor/tabs/tabs_size 420:44
Gskelligit works if I run ./rc.local as a script20:44
benccGskellig: ./rc.local?20:44
escottGskellig, gnome-session-properties put the synclient command in there or put it in /etc/X11/something... but it can't be in rc.local because X isn't running yet20:44
Gskelligrc.local runs BEFORE x is started?20:46
Gskelligwell shoot.20:46
Gskelligprobably the same thing with the modprobe20:46
Gskelligbecause it turns off my graphics card =/20:46
escottGskellig, the modprobe should be fine20:46
darkoricalis there an amixer equivelant to "aumix -v q"20:47
Gskelligso where should I put it?20:48
Usuariomy nautilus is also fkkked up20:48
CyborgSmurfIm having some real trouble with ubuntu 10.0420:48
escottdarkorical, probably amixer get something, but i don't know what aumix -v q shows so i cant say20:48
Gskelligdoes everything in the /etc/X11/ directory run when X is started?20:48
GskelligI can't just put it in there20:48
Gskelligcan I?20:49
escottGskellig, it would be tied to a particular Xsession most likely, the gnome-session-properties will start when you login20:49
Gskelligwhere is gnome-session-properties?20:49
escottGskellig, see man Xsession. gnome-session-properties is the gui to access your personal gnome-session20:49
Gskelligoh yeah startup applications20:50
Gskelligthose don't run as root though do they?20:50
escottGskellig, no those run as the local user. if you need to run it as root its probably going to need to be in the Xsession20:50
darkoricalaumix-v q returnes the current settings for the base volume20:50
GskelligI'm not sure if they need to be run as root. the modprobe does for sure though20:51
Donniehi has anyone experience with an actisys 220l+ dongle behind an ftdi-usb-serial-converter and a nokia 7250 connected via irda?20:51
CyborgSmurfMy maximize, close and minimize buttons dosent show. I cant even see the bar where you can rightclick and (for example) choose option "Always on top"20:51
Donniei m trying to connect it with xgnokii20:51
Gskelligif i want to run two commands its just synclient TapButton2=2 && synclient TapButton3=3 right?20:51
escottdarkorical, amixer get Master20:52
CyborgSmurfBesides if I have 3 Firefox windows open and try to close just one, they all shuts down. And my cursor is an X all the time. It dosent kill anything though20:52
uni4dfxwhat happens if i reinstall ubuntu, but decide to keep my /home partition the same as it was before... with ecryptfs ?20:53
Gskelligdoes anybody know a command to turn off bluetooth by default on boot?20:53
BorgTK2001CyborgSmurf: You have the panel at the top of your screen?20:53
CyborgSmurfBorgTK2001: yeah Ive got it but not on windows20:54
BorgTK2001OKies, this may not work, but is the first easy step:20:54
BorgTK2001Goto: System->Appearance, and on the visual effects tab, change it to none [if it is not there already]20:55
CyborgSmurfBorgTK2001: btw, this happend while trying to solve the skype issue (which now for some reason I cant paste or type anything in the terminal)20:56
BorgTK2001When I loose my window borders in 10.04LTS, my issue on a specific computer is Compiz crashing20:57
BorgTK2001So I have to suffer with no wobbly windows ;)20:57
intxwhat's the code name for 10.04 lts20:57
BorgTK2001Lucid Lynx20:57
babalucan anyone help me plz why while installing New Nvidia drivers asks me to installing as root and Iam logged as root plz??20:58
waza-arihey all, is it possible to use the adobe reader as default pdf reader? (ubuntu 11.04)20:59
CyborgSmurfBorgTK2001: something happend while trying to enable effects... it couldnt be enabled but I got my cursor back...20:59
UsuarioICEauthority file related: I cannot access ubuntu, nor the livecd (9.10) will install itself (the screen will only show the splashscreen loading for an eternity). I need to access a terminal to try sudo chown john:john ~/.ICEauthority, but I dont see how: in the login screen, ctrl+alt+f1 does nothing, and I cannot access ubuntu in the safe mode, in user defined version, or the terminal, help please20:59
BorgTK2001Cyborg, now change that effects settings to 'none'20:59
CyborgSmurfBorgTK2001: its done21:00
BorgTK2001ie, CyborgSmurf , you want the effects disabled21:00
BorgTK2001Did the borders come back?21:00
BorgTK2001Glad your cursor came back ;)21:00
escottUsuario, you should be able to boot to single user mode21:01
CyborgSmurfBorgTK2001: everything seems to be back to normal21:01
babalusomeone help me plz21:01
BorgTK2001CyborgSmurf: Then have no worries - that was a Compiz crash21:01
escottUsuario, try http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/grub-boot-into-single-user-mode/21:01
Usuarioescott, with the livecd otr with my already present 11.04 installation?21:01
CyborgSmurfBorgTK2001: thank you so much21:01
escottUsuario, your installed version21:02
BorgTK2001No worries :)21:02
BorgTK2001CyborgSmurf: The more 'complicated' way to resolve that issue would have bee have you open up a terminal and run: metacity --replace21:03
Usuarioescott, to access the grub loader, I have to press ctrl+alt+f1, isnt it?21:03
BorgTK2001But I just showed you the 'graphical' way ;)21:03
viuda_negrawhat this???21:03
escottUsuario, no during the boot when you get the grub menu use "e" to edit your boot options, and change the options to the kernel to be single21:03
BorgTK2001escott: I think you have to hold shift to enable that menu on 10.04LTS and above21:04
CyborgSmurfBorgTK2001: whats next step then?21:04
babaluwhy is asking me to be root when iam logged as root I'am trying to install new nvidia drivers on ubuntu 10.10 8621:04
babaluhelp plz21:04
Usuarioescott, not sure what I did, I think I pressed ctrl+alt+f1 or f2, but I am now in the GNU GRUB loader, showing me 5 options: Ubuntu generic, Ubuntu generic recovery mode, previous linux versions and 2 memtests21:04
BorgTK2001OKies, CyborgSmurf let's see where we are up to: you have your cursor and borders back?21:05
escottUsuario, press "e"21:05
CyborgSmurfBorgTK2001: yes21:05
CyborgSmurfBorgTK2001: but what about the metacity --replace command?21:05
Usuarioescott, I guess I have to press ctrl-c or f2 for a command line, right?21:06
BorgTK2001Ahhh, no worries about that command, CyborgSmurf - that command was the more 'complicated' solution21:06
Usuarioescott, its what I read21:06
escottUsuario, it may depend on the version of grub. i'm not really sure21:06
BorgTK2001You already have done it using the 'graphical' way :)21:06
Usuarioescott, can i disregard the information in the box? (recorfail, insmod...)21:07
CyborgSmurfBorgTK2001: oh, okay21:07
escottUsuario, the key one is the kernel line which says what version of the kernel21:07
BorgTK2001So, CyborgSmurf, you don't need to worry about that metacity command :)21:07
BorgTK2001Only trouble now, CyborgSmurf, is no visual wobbly effects - but that is something I live without on my computer too ;)21:08
BorgTK2001I have the same Compiz crashes, so I just don't/can't use Compiz or wobbly windows :)21:08
Usuarioescott, ok, I pressed f2, it doesnt look like a regular terminal: no $ or #, just grub>21:08
CyborgSmurfBorgTK2001: okay... is that a compiz bug or something?21:09
escottUsuario, actually the rescue mode should be the same21:09
escottUsuario, you shouldn't need to change anything in grub just boot the rescue mode21:09
Usuarioescott, ok, im reading your link21:10
BorgTK2001It could be a Compiz thing, a specific application bug [Skype for example], a graphics driver bug, but all I know is on my computer Compiz works randomly for about a good hour, then crashes21:10
escottUsuario, it may be different for you if you have grub221:10
Usuarioescott, 1.9921:10
BorgTK2001So to blame it fully on Compiz may not be the right thing - but it is the easiest thing to get things working again by shutting off Compiz ;)21:11
CyborgSmurfBorgTK2001: I believe you are right. Ive read alot about crashes that has to do with compiz21:11
BorgTK2001As to stopping it from happening in the future, that part even I haven't solved on my end yet - but I really want to :)21:12
CyborgSmurfBorgTK2001: I guess machines crashes because human is not perfect ;)21:13
BorgTK2001Indeed ;)21:13
iankpI'm trying to get the workspace switcher from ubuntu 11.04 on Debian 6. What is the package name? Is it part of the package for the dock?21:13
ZylerHey guys, somebody may can help me ? My system is crypted and i tryed to update my ubuntu, but it failed, now if i want to start and i enter my crypt password it not booting up, there is an message "Device / is not ready" if i skip that than the error "Device /tmp is not read or dont exist". Get no results by searching for my problem...21:14
BorgTK2001unity, iankp?21:14
newbie|2Hi there. Does somebody knows a method to install LUbuntu via Wubi? Maybe editing a config file?21:15
escottZyler, was this truecrypt?21:16
Usuarioescott, your link didnt work, but I tried the recovery mode and found a way to access the terminal21:16
Zylerähm, no, installed that few month ago21:16
Zylerthink its cryptsetup21:16
Zyleris that an tool for linix :-D21:17
zarzaranyone know how to fix this font issue? i tried changing the font hinting but firefox/chrome isn't picking up on the change. http://imgur.com/btJpJ21:17
BorgTK2001newbie|2: Unfortunatly there is no wubi solution yet for Lubuntu21:18
escottZyler, so thats dm-crypt21:18
BorgTK2001So, not even a quick script fix will change that :(21:18
newbie|2oh well, thanks21:18
BorgTK2001BUT there are looking for a solution21:18
UsuarioHELP, how do I type this character in a terminal? ~21:19
zarzarUsuario: shift + the character left of the number 121:19
BorgTK2001But looks like the Lubuntu devs didn't take wubi into consideration from the start [ wubi Is a strange solution in my opinion, but to each their own ;)]21:19
Zyleryeah, i think so escott21:19
Zylergot a howto because im not an very good linux user, i thinks i dont use luks if ill remebering right21:20
BorgTK2001Usuario, you on a US style keyboard?21:21
UsuarioborgTX2001, no, thats the main problem21:22
Usuarioeuropean, spanish one21:22
BorgTK2001Ahhh :)21:22
escottZyler, can you boot your older kernel?21:22
BorgTK2001Can you bring up the on screen keyboard in accessibility?21:22
UsuarioborgTX2001, my ubuntu machine is down, I cannot access it, im in a terminal in recovery mode21:23
BorgTK2001Ahhh, OKies21:23
BorgTK2001Let me see if I can get a map of the spanish keyboard21:23
Zylerescott i only tryed the recovery kernel, and there is the same problem21:23
BorgTK2001Is it next to your right shift key?21:24
escottZyler, following an update there should be a couple of options including kernel 2.6.38-8 and 2.6.38-7. the -7 was the old one which was replaced by the -8. try the -721:24
BorgTK2001So 'shift+[button next to your right shift key]'21:25
Zylerokay i tried it an came back here in few minutes21:25
Usuariowhen I type sudo chown john:john ~/.ICEauthority all I get is chown: cannot access /.ICEauthoprity: no such file or dir, I wont work for my new or my old usernames, HELP please21:25
escottUsuario, it is no longer ~ because you are "root"21:25
Usuarioborgtx2001, it seems to appear when I press Ñ21:25
escottUsuario, you need to chown /home/yourusername/.ICEauthority21:26
Usuarioescott, sudo chown john:john /.ICEauthority ?21:26
Dr_WillisUsuario:  use the full path. not ~/ shortcutss21:26
Dr_Willisor cd to where ther file is at. :)21:27
FrozenFireHas anyone tried using bumblebee for their nVidia Optimus graphics issues?21:27
Usuarioescottescott, with my OLD or my NEW username?21:28
Usuarioescott, with my OLD or my NEW username?21:28
Taevwhats the console command to show what version of ubuntu you're using?21:28
escottUsuario, whichever is $HOME for that user check /etc/passwd21:28
billy_Taev: lsb_release -a21:30
Gomaazsomeone expereienced black screen after ubuntu installation?21:31
billy_Gomaaz: was grub installed correctly?21:32
Gomaazhave to use yaboot...so I'm on a mac21:32
Gomaazpower mac g5 exactly21:32
delinquentmeso im attempting to SSH into AWS .. and im getting a timeout .. ive already created a new keypair .. and im using it as in " ssh -i keypair.pen aws.server.ya"  .. could there be a conflict happening between the new one and my existing keypairs?21:32
Gomaazi'm installing 10.10 atm. before I had 11.11 which is not final yet ...so I expereince the prob there, thats why I try it once with 10.1021:33
GomaazI installed the ati driver but had no look at reboot...maybe  I installed the driver the wrong way21:33
Usuarioescott, I appreciate your patience, but I cannot get it to work, its like parts of the system recognize my OLD username as the default, and other only recognize the NEW one, thing is, what I see now in the terminal is: root@hihihi100-laptop, thats the OLD username I want to get rid of, but then, I cd'ed to home dexter NEW username, no hihihi100 dir in sight21:33
xen11.04 got better support for netbook drivers21:33
treebeenUsuario: hihihi100-laptop is not the username, but the hostname21:34
LoiMussoneHi, I nedd help with ubuntu 11.0421:35
Usuarioescott, I have tried sudo chown /home/dexter/.ICEauthority both from the main dir and from inside /home/dexter, in each case I get: missing operand after /home/dexter/.ICEauthority, what m I missing?21:35
tp43how do you file share, can you play videos on another computers harddrive, with file-transfer?21:35
escottUsuario, sudo chown username:groupname /path/to/file21:35
Usuariotreeben, can the dichotomy mean trouble for my machine?21:35
Zylerescott same problem21:35
Zylertryed kernel 2.6.35-27 and 2521:35
Usuariois it dicotomy or dichotomy?21:35
Zyler"Device / not ready or dont exist" same with "/tmp","/boot","/dev/mapper/swap"21:36
Gomaazis natty requirede for the RadeonDriver ? :o21:36
OsmodivsHAs anyone here ever tried REMASTERSYS? if so, is it better tha APT-on CD?21:36
OsmodivsAll I want  to do is have a Live CD with all my stuff i have here on Ubuntu, all software, I dont want to downloaded all over again21:37
escottZyler, i dont have any experience with dm-crypt. i was thinking that the newer kernel may not have a suitable initrd but it sounds like the problem is something else21:37
Zylerthanky anywhere21:37
CentallithI've only used APT-on.21:38
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delinquentmeubuntu command to get my subnet?21:38
delinquentmei thought it was something like 'iproute'21:38
Usuarioescott, I have tried both sudo chown /home/dexter/.ICEauthority /home/dexter/.ICEauthority and udo chown /home/dexter/.ICEauthority /home/hihihi100/.ICEauthority . For both cases I get chown:invalid user: /home/dexter/.ICEauthority21:38
agentgasmaskHi all. I rebooted to find I have no panel in Ubuntu. Any help?21:39
BorgTK2001agentgasmask: Your version of Ubuntu?21:39
escottUsuario, chown username:groupname /path/to/file21:39
MichaelTrI've just installed subversion from repositories, is there like a command to find the script?21:39
MichaelTrI have no idea where it has gone :S21:40
LoiMussoneSince I updated from ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04 start-up my dual-boot ( ubuntu and windows 7) always put default Ubuntu and I want to have windows 7 like first boot option ever. The problem is I used to set it up with Star-Up Manager but now dosen't work anymore. Anybofy hepls me do change it  to Windows 7 ? Thanks.21:40
Zylerescott is there a way to mount the devices in windows to get my files ?21:40
WeiKeWen|2was wondering where to find many linux distros in one place21:40
WeiKeWen|2maybe torrent21:40
escottZyler, i would try a livecd21:40
BorgTK2001agentgasmask: I have 10.04LTS - I'd like to help you21:40
billy_MichaelTr: locate maybe21:40
BorgTK2001agentgasmask: What version of Ubuntu are you running?21:40
CentallithIf you have Compiz settings manager (CCSM) create a new folder, go to file system, travel to usr/share/applications/ccsm, and enable the Unity plugin. If not I have no idea what to tell you, agentgasmask21:40
agentgasmaskBorgTK2001: 10.04LTS  Desktop21:40
MichaelTrbilly cool that worked =D where do you learn about that?21:41
LoiMussoneHello ?21:41
agentgasmaskCentallith: I'm running metacity21:41
BorgTK2001OKies, agentgasmask :) Now when you mean no panel, do you mean you can't run any programme from the top of your screen21:41
eagohi... my old geforce died and I replaced it with an ati and I'm having problems configuring it21:41
Usuarioescott, for sudo chown dexter:dexter /home/dexter/.ICEauthority it "does nothing" (I mean, there is no way for me to corroborate if it has done anything at all), how can I do that?21:41
BorgTK2001Or do you mean you have lost your borders to the windows21:41
eagoI removed all nvidia stuff but can;t find ati drivers that work21:41
escottUsuario, ls -l /path/to/file21:41
Usuarioescott, have I just created the ICEauthority file in that dir?21:42
CentallithOh, then I don't know what to tell you. If all else fails use a program that mimics the panels.21:42
tusherI tried to install ubuntu 11.04 in my acer extensa 5630 laptop, but I failed, can anybody help me?21:42
Centallithtusher, what exactly went wrong?21:42
agentgasmaskBorgTK2001: There are no panels on the top or bottom of my screen, but open windows act like they are there. (they give the space for them, but it is just my background image.)21:42
Usuarioescott, there are way too much files in that dir, I can only see the 24 last ones21:42
zetuhi evrybody21:43
agentgasmaskBorgTK2001: I have access to terminal, nautilus, and firefox (all from keyboard shortcuts :) )21:43
BorgTK2001Can your Ctrl-Alt-Backspace out and goto the login screen - and check your environment at the bottom is 'GNOME' or 'GNOME failsafe'21:43
BorgTK2001OH, excellent - do you know the metacity --replace command in terminal?21:43
agentgasmaskI guess, Should I try the 'failsafe' one?21:43
amalloyhow do i set file associations, or preferred programs or something? i've set EDITOR to "emacs -nw" in my .bashrc, but of course that doesn't affect gnome/x settings. can i make it so that when i double-click a text file it opens emacs instead of gedit?21:44
Usuarioto everybody: how can I check if a given file is present in a dir? ONLY from the terminal?21:44
agentgasmaskBorgTK2001: yes, but I beleave I'm already running metacity. can we varifiy that?21:44
tushercental, during installation after completing about 75% file copying it stops file copying, and said to change the disk, I did that but fruitless21:44
billy_Usuario: stat21:44
Centallithamalloy, just right click it and click the "Open with" option. Use a custom command.21:44
mkanyicyUsuario: 'ls'21:45
CentallithIf I am planning to use Playonlinux to play World of Warcraft (Which I already have on my computer) how can I tell it I have it, rather than have it install the disks?21:45
wangmd21_Do you know "Linux Deepin"?21:45
mkanyicy!who | wangmd21_21:46
ubottuwangmd21_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:46
amalloyCentallith: ah, thanks21:46
billy_Usuario: you could use test too with -e21:46
* Osmodivs thinks ubottu is dumb21:47
Usuariobilly_ escott, I have tried to find the ICEauthority file in /home/dexter/, but it is not there21:47
amalloyCentallith: argh. even if i check the box to "Remember this application", it still opens with gedit next time21:47
benccanyone have experience with a caching server for apt? apt-cache-ng or apt-proxy21:47
Centallithamalloy: Then I don't know what you should do.21:48
wangmd21_Only recently discovered a derivative version of Ubuntu21:48
escottUsuario, lots of things have to be changed for a username switch like this. i don't even know where to begin with things. its usually better to just create a new user and then chown the files to that user'21:49
anonymous000011Hello,i need help Ubuntu 11.04 how to shutdown program with terminal what command?21:49
escottanonymous000011, killall program-name21:49
Usuarioescott a fck21:49
guntbertanonymous000011: what program do you want to shutdown?21:49
Usuarioescott, now I know that all the files in dexter are owned by dexter, and of the group dexter21:50
anonymous000011i need shutdown vpnc21:50
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billy_anonymous000011: pgrep vpnc21:50
billy_anonymous000011: kill -9 pid21:50
escottanonymous000011, if it is a service you could service vpnc stop21:50
anonymous000011so what command i need write to terminal?21:50
guntbertbilly_: he will possibly need sudo21:50
Usuarioescott, can I create a new ICEauthority file?21:51
wesselI wish to listen to a pdf while reading it (text to speech), I did find some text2speech applications: espeak, festival, but do these have a GUI to select text in a pdf and convert it to speech?21:51
Usuarioescott, what if I repair broken packages?21:52
escottUsuario, i'm afraid i dont know the answers to those questions21:53
Usuarioescott, many thanks anyways21:53
delinquentmeis there something simple you can SSH to?21:54
guntbertanonymous000011: did you try: killall vpnc  ?21:54
Refaeldoes anybody comprehend anything about programming daemons processes?21:55
BluesKajUsuario,, what about renaming .ICEauthority in your home folder and reboot. After a successful login I found that a new .ICEauthority had been created.21:55
guntbert!who | delinquentme21:55
ubottudelinquentme: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:55
LoiMussoneFUUUUUU I need HElp21:55
BorgTK2001How can we help, LoiMussone21:56
LoiMussoneI have a dual boot21:56
anonymous000011I get vpnc(26020): Operation not permitted21:56
anonymous000011vpnc: no process found21:56
delinquentmeguntbert, nope thats an open request .. im trying to troubleshoot a aws SSH connection ( which is timing out) .. so i want to see if i can establish another isolated SHH connection21:56
LoiMussoneand only makes star up manager abilable to start with ubuntu21:56
LoiMussoneubuntu 11.0421:56
gregdhey everyone,  if I ssh into my ubuntu computer, do you know how I specify the display as being on the ubuntu computer (that I am ssh'ing into) --display=???21:56
billy_anonymous000011: you might need to sudo21:56
jetrostliomussone: i'm no expert, but i think you might have to edit your grub file or boot order file21:57
BorgTK2001And what are you dual booting with?21:57
Usuarioblueskaj, the whole line says "could not duplicate ICEauthority file /home/hihihi100/.ICEauthority", hihihi100 is my old username, but that directory no longer exists, it has been renamed dexter, my new username, anyway, how do I rename that file I cannot find from the terminal accesed from GRUB?21:57
guntbertdelinquentme: (I saw only one sentence from you) - what is an "aws ssh connection"?21:58
bencchow do I use "su -" ?21:58
LoiMussoneyes I know but I'm a ubuntu user only since less a month21:58
billy_bencc: sudo su -21:58
guntbertbencc: you don't21:58
delinquentmeguntbert, amazon web services shh connection21:58
BorgTK2001Are you dual booting windows and ubuntu, LoiMussone ?21:58
benccguntbert: why?21:58
guntbertbilly_: no, don't suggest that21:58
guntbert!sudo | bencc21:58
ubottubencc: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo21:58
benccbilly_: I want to run gcoonftool-2 as a different user21:58
LoiMussoneBorgTK2001: yes21:59
guntbertbencc: you run sudo -u <username> <command>21:59
Usuariohow can I ls -l showing 20 lines for every pressing of the return key?21:59
BorgTK2001And, LoiMussone, do you have one harddrive in your computer or more than 1?22:00
LoiMussoneanbd when I choose windows at the restart never gets right and ubuntu runs22:00
abhinavmehtaguys...silly and stupid question...but would someone like to answer this: what do you mean by "bots" ?22:00
LoiMussoneonly one22:00
guntbertdelinquentme: ahh - is the host pingable at all?22:00
LoiMussonewith partition made with ubuntu disk22:00
BorgTK2001OKies, and in ubuntu you can see all your windows files?22:00
guntbertabhinavmehta: like "robot"  - talking automats22:00
delinquentmeguntbert, is that just " ping server.ip.address.ya"22:01
lloowenHello all! I need to disable my grub boot menu so that my Ubuntu/server boots up without me having to use a keyboard to press the enter key.22:01
escottbencc, or su if you know the other users password22:01
guntbertdelinquentme: yes22:01
escottlloowen, see /etc/default/grub22:01
delinquentmeguntbert, wtf nah its not .. but aws console says its up and running22:01
BluesKajUsuario, good point :P22:01
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guntbert!language | delinquentme22:02
ubottudelinquentme: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.22:02
LoiMussoneBorgTK2001:  only one with partition and swg for linux22:02
benccescott: how do I use su for it?22:02
lloowenescott: I've just been there. Not sure what I'm supposed to do there.22:02
sfdsafdsafdsahi i am trying to move a firmware file to /usr/share/sane/gt68xx but it doesent allow me why?22:02
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guntbertdelinquentme: did you enable a firewall?22:02
yassine_hellhey , i wana change my grub order , but i cant find the "grub.conf" in /boot/grub22:02
coilbuckerWhat does it mean when the installer keeps putting up no|invalid EDID? I am running an lcd tv through hdmi.22:03
LoiMussoneyes either I get troubles autostarting a file when is in the other patition22:03
guntbertyassine_hell: what version of grub? 1 or 2?22:03
abhinavmehtaguntbert: I also gathered same info by googling but while I was on some other room in freenode, I found someone was answering so intuitively and fast, and at last someone said that he was a bot....so I don't understand, how a robot/bot can reply or exactly can understand you question so nicely.....sorry for writing ti so long.22:03
BorgTK2001Thanks, LoiMussone :) Now, just to confirm you have the option to start windows when you reboot, but it just doesn't want to load windows?22:03
yassine_hellguntbert 222:03
escottbencc, su username [enter] enter that users password then you will have a console for them. the other difficulty you may have is related to that user not having access to your xauthority so they can't run gui apps in your session22:03
LoiMussoneBorgTK2001:  yes sir22:04
delinquentmeguntbert, seriously was that necessary22:04
delinquentmeguntbert, i dont think so man.22:04
escottlloowen, i think you can shorten the timeout, and then run grub-mkconfig22:04
benccescott:  ok thanks22:04
Refaeland rather can anybody help por favor?22:04
guntbertdelinquentme: seriously, yes, even obfiscated swearing is considered forbidden here22:04
yassine_hellguntbert so?22:04
BlouBlouRefael: what's up?22:04
sfdsafdsafdsahi i am trying to move a firmware file to /usr/share/sane/gt68xx but it doesent allow me why?22:04
delinquentmeguntbert, seriously. no.22:05
escottcoilbucker, it cant figure out your monitors allowed refresh rate/resolution22:05
cirwinsfdsafdsafdsa: you don't have enough permissions — you'll probably have to use sudo, but be careful!22:05
annonehi all! who can help me?22:05
LoiMussoneBorgTK2001:  yes but I can restart and get windoews in the screen yo can select it but I want to be automaticly22:05
yassine_hellannone pretty much anyone who can22:05
coilbuckerIt looks fine, is this something to worry about?22:05
RefaelBlouBlou: am looking to discover documentation on daemon processes and programming such to be converted to a different lingua22:05
guntbertyassine_hell: its grub.cfg    - in the future use <tab> for autocompletion22:05
BorgTK2001yassine_hell: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/05/super-boot-manager-eases-burg-grub-plymouth-tweaking-pains/22:05
sfdsafdsafdsacirwin how do i use sudo to drag the file to that folder? lol22:06
cirwinsfdsafdsafdsa: start up a terminal :)22:06
cirwinthen "sudo mv /where/the/file/is/now /where/you/want/to/put/it/"22:06
WeiKeWenhey wondering wherer i might find some linux distros22:06
billy_sfdsafdsafdsa: gksudo nautilus22:06
guntbertyassine_hell: and please be patient22:06
cirwinWeiKeWen: the internet? :p22:06
WeiKeWenon torrent, all sorts of different kinds, i'm using virtual box22:06
sfdsafdsafdsacirwin should i write only sudo? and it will allow me after?22:06
LoiMussoneand if you try to change boot aoption from windows only its get showed22:06
BorgTK2001OKies, LoiMussone, this looks like an issue that is 'beyon' me :(22:06
yassine_hell0.o ok ..22:06
sfdsafdsafdsabilly_ whats that22:06
cirwinsfdsafdsafdsa: you put sudo at the start of the line22:07
cirwinand it only allows you to do one thing at a time22:07
BorgTK2001Oh, LoiMussone: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/05/super-boot-manager-eases-burg-grub-plymouth-tweaking-pains/ <-- may help you too22:07
abhinavmehtaguntbert: any thoughts..?22:07
cirwinif you want to run everything as sudo22:07
cirwindo sudo su22:07
annonei can't select bitween Debian and Ubuntu for server22:07
cirwinand then you can always have permission — but it's dangerous22:07
LoiMussoneBorgTK2001: thank for your time22:07
BorgTK2001You could use that, LoiMussone, to get the settings of grub when it chooses to run windows22:07
yassine_hellguntbert : root@bt:/boot/grub# ls22:07
yassine_hellbt4.xpm.gz     gentleblue.xpm.gz  minix_stage1_5     stage222:07
yassine_helldefault        installed-version  reiserfs_stage1_5  xfs_stage1_522:07
yassine_helldevice.map     jfs_stage1_5       splash.xpm.gz22:07
yassine_helle2fs_stage1_5  menu.lst           splashimages22:07
FloodBot1yassine_hell: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:07
yassine_hellfat_stage1_5   menu.lst~          stage122:07
guntbertcirwin: no, don't recommend sudo su - they should use sudo -i (if absolutely necessary)22:07
ActionParsnipannone: debian is rolling release, I'd shoot for that22:08
sfdsafdsafdsabilly_ thanks!22:08
sfdsafdsafdsabilly_ worked now22:08
guntbert!paste | yassine_hell22:08
ubottuyassine_hell: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:08
BorgTK2001yassine_hell: Are you having grub issues?22:08
yassine_helli want to change the grub order22:08
BorgTK2001That link I gave - check it out, it may be a graphical way of doing what you want22:09
guntbertabhinavmehta: not in this channel - if you want to discuss bots please visit #ubuntu-offtopic22:09
BorgTK2001instead of a terminal gedit way22:09
yassine_hellbut here is what i got in the /boot/grub22:09
ActionParsnipyassine_hell: the numbers of the files in /etc/grub.d  determine the order, if you shuffle them around you will change the order, you will need to run: sudo update-grub to apply the new setting22:09
abhinavmehtaguntbert: k thank you22:09
billy_sfdsafdsafdsa: no problem22:09
guntbertyassine_hell: that looks very much like grub1 - so edit menu.lst22:10
Usuarioto all the people that has tried to help me, you may find this of interest http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10874214#post1087421422:10
yassine_hellyea :o22:10
rosco_yIs it better to install ubuntu 11.4 from the CD version, or the DVD version?22:11
annonewhat u advise to me for servers? debian or ubuntu? and why?22:11
rosco_yannone: I've been under the impression that debian is generally preferred for servers, because they pay more attention to keeping their system stable22:12
annonei'm from Ukraine and sorry for my english22:12
yassine_hellwhat s "chainloader+1"22:12
coilbuckerI think it tells grub to load another bootloader.22:13
rosco_ythey are said to be more careful about putting upgrades into their system--they test things more thoroughly.22:13
suzanoAnyone exp with Virtual box running BackTrack22:13
coilbuckerBacktrack has its own channel.22:13
rosco_yUbuntu, on the other hand, is a bit more of a Desktop in that it offers new software to users when they are "reasonably" stable22:14
rosco_yI've never actually used debian, but that is what I've "heard"22:14
suzanoWhere is the back track channel22:14
annonerosco_y, ok. 10x for u22:15
Gskelligescott, everything works now, thanks.22:16
Gskellignow i just need to find out how to disable bluetooth on boot22:16
Gskelligshouldnt be too hard22:16
Fudgeanyone know how to restore the speaker beep in a console22:16
Fudgeapposed to screen flash22:16
BorgTK2001Fudge - sounds like an 'accessibility' option22:16
Fudgesuzano  there is also an alternative matriux22:17
rosco_yDoes anyone recommend installing ubuntu from the DVD version or the CD version, or is the DVD exactly the same with extra softare?22:17
guntbert!backtrack | suzano22:17
ubottusuzano: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition22:17
FudgeBorgTK2001  yeah prob but not sure where to configure for the console22:17
m1dn1ght_rosco_y: If you've got a decent internet connection, you can just download the packages contained on the DVD as needed22:17
teagesuzano or backbox linux is good too22:17
m1dn1ght_rosco_y: to save you downloading the whole dvd22:17
BluesKajUsuario, sudo chown gdm:gdm /var/lib/gdm/ICEauthoriy22:17
coilbuckerDuring the install, it kept probing my monitor and getting no|invalid EDID, is it dangerous to my lcd to run ubuntu without an edid?22:18
rosco_ym1dn1ght_: thank you, that's what I was thinking too....22:18
m1dn1ght_rosco_y: np :)22:18
annonewho used Ubuntu Server?22:18
rosco_ycoilbucker: what is an edid?22:19
coilbuckerI think it's the signal that a monitor sends to inform a computer about itself.22:19
Usuarioblueskaj, is gdm the username I have to change?22:19
m1dn1ght_annone: probably lots of ppl in #ubuntu-server22:19
coilbuckerI just have an lcdtv, so I don't think it sends one.22:19
annone10x m1dn1ght_,22:19
BluesKajthe dvd rosco_y , is for ppl who have an interent connected pc to download and burn to install on a ps with no internet connection ...the dvd contains most of the available apps on the repos22:20
rosco_yBluesKaj: Thanks!  You're a gem!22:20
BluesKajUsuario, http://raywoodcockslatest.blogspot.com/2010/10/ubuntu-1010-error-could-not-update.html22:22
denis_Всем привет!22:23
CentallithI've been looking at a SATA internal harddrive. Would this work like a hard drive that comes by default with Dell computers? I'm a computer noob looking for a canvas hard drive for experimentation.22:23
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke22:23
ActionParsnipCentallith: it may need formatting but it will work like any other drive22:23
CentallithWould the formatting be a simple procedure?22:24
Fudgeanyone know how to get wine to run in a console22:24
ActionParsnipCentallith: you can do it in gparted22:24
ActionParsnipFudge: you can run wine apps from console, if that's what you mean?22:25
FudgeActionParsnip  yesi do, not gnome-terminal though a console?22:26
Fudgeapp tried to create a window but no driver was loaded22:26
ActionParsnipFudge: how do you mean 'console' then?22:26
puffI'm installing a brand new thinkpad t520.  Somebody suggested I look into uefi, and the t520 does indeed support uefi.  However,  I can't find any info on how to setup uefi with ubuntu.  Anybody know how to do this or where to find the instructions?22:27
russjr08Hey guys, I have a problem. I just bought a SanDisk Ultra Backup flashdrive, and when I plug it in, it doesn't automount. All of my other flashdrives do and this flashdrive automounts in Windows, can someone tell me if it's possible to fix22:28
ActionParsniprussjr08: immediately after inserting it, run:  dmesg | tail   it may give clues22:29
MichaelTrI'm starting a website, there's only two developers, we're looking for a project management tool for ubuntu, anyone know of any?22:29
russjr08Do you want me to pastebin the output?22:29
ActionParsniprussjr08: is the drive partitioned?22:29
ActionParsniprussjr08: sure22:29
puffrussjr08: Might be easier to do "dmesg | tail" first, then watch that window while you plug itin.22:29
russjr08ActionParsnip, it came formatted as FAT32, I just formatted it as NTFS22:29
FudgeActionParsnip  tty4, a console22:29
puffMichaelTr: What kind of development? What kind of project management?22:30
ActionParsniprussjr08: yeah fat32 isn't very robust. Did you safetly remove the device when you last unplugged the device?22:30
ActionParsnipFudge: I see, is the app installed on a remote system?22:30
russjr08ActionParsnip, yup22:30
MichaelTrpuff, development of a website with Zend Framework (php/mysql)22:30
ActionParsniprussjr08: good, that cures a billion issues.22:30
puffMichaelTr: Ah, php.  Well, you might be better off asking in a programming channel.22:30
Fudgeno ActionParsnip  its local22:31
delinquentmedoes using "chmod 400 keyfile.pen" actually change the keypair file from a publickey to a private?22:31
annonewho can help me?22:31
annonebecause #ubuntu-server maybe sleep22:31
puffMichaelTr: Project management is a complex topic, so you really might want to figure out what problem you're hoping to solve with a project management tool.22:32
puffMichaelTr: Basecamp and the like might be your best bet, for simple task tracking.22:32
annoneeople, I can not choose between Debian and Ubuntu Server, but I am inclined to US. What about stability of US?22:32
Centallithannone, with what?22:32
PipeToDevNullHello, ladies, gentlemen, and one radioactively mutated duck.  I'm having a bit of an issue with 11.04 (upgraded from 10.04.2 lts) - whenever I boot up, I get a series of errors which looks like they relate to my SD card reader.  After identifying the device, it states 'bad LUN', then "Bad target number (1:0)", and does that through "Bad target number (7:0)".  Anyone know much about this?22:32
MonkeyDust!ask| annone22:32
ubottuannone: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:32
MichaelTrpuff, I'll look into it, thanks22:32
puffMichaelTr: I suggest you continue the convo on #php.22:32
annoneCentallith, I can not choose between Debian and Ubuntu Server, but I am inclined to US. What about stability of US?22:33
PipeToDevNullI should note that this particular error doesn't occur in
arianithisto, I'm trying to put fedora iso on usb stick. I get this error: livecd-iso-to-disk: command not found22:33
CentallithSorry annone, can't help ou with that.22:34
annoneCentallith, (22:34
annoneCentallith, u know who can help me?22:34
ashisharianit: how are u making the usb >?22:34
CentallithNo, annone.22:35
arianitashish, livecd-iso-to-disk is the script that's supposed to help me do that22:35
bfrican anyone help me change the persions on my shared folder22:35
ashisharianit : unetbootin is worth a try if ure not actually working on the script..r u?22:36
peto_hi peoples22:36
tchanphysicshow do i get unbanned from a channel?????22:36
russjr08ActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/614323/22:36
gary_inNYCmy browser reports "Google Video Accelerator plugin crash" when trying to use google video chat from browser.  How do i fix?22:37
arianitashish, I'm following directions here http://www.finefrog.com/2009/07/11/putting-a-fedora-livecd-onto-a-usb-stick-from-ubuntu/. is that another script?22:37
MonkeyDusttchanphysics: by behaving conveniently22:37
ActionParsniptchanphysics: ask in #freenode22:37
IdleOnetchanphysics: you can message one of the ops in the channel see /msg chanserv access #channel list22:38
russjr08That's what I get when I plug in the flashdrive22:38
ActionParsniprussjr08: you missed the pipe to tail, its ok this time but misrunning commands can break your OS22:38
ActionParsniprussjr08: can you manually mount /dev/sdb1 ?22:38
vorlovif i deleted by mistake an init .conf startup script, how can I get it back? (I've tried apt-get install --reinstall) but for some reason it didn't install that file again22:39
peto_how can I make the screensaver to turn completely off the screen (no backlight) but keeping the computer on (not on sleep)?22:39
vorlov[im talking about avahi-daemon]22:39
russjr08ActionParsnip, yup, then it comes up. But I was wondering if it will auto mount like my other drives22:39
ActionParsniprussjr08: not sure there dude22:40
Matic`Makovecvorian, you could easily search for a package source, open it and take it out of there22:40
albackerhow to change the default browser in ubuntu?22:40
deltik@Everyone: Who here is experienced with laptops running Ubuntu?22:40
deltik@albacker: Preferred Applications22:40
albackerdeltik, where is that?22:40
albackerI don't use gnome22:41
BluesKajdeltik, no @ needed on irc22:41
bfrican anyone help me change the persions on my shared folder22:41
deltikSorry... I'm very new to the IRC protocol22:41
albackerDelerius, ok i found it, thanks22:41
albackerdeltik, ^^22:41
albackersorry Delerius :)22:41
deltikHow do I target specific users?22:41
billy_bfri: man chmod22:41
reliableNerddeltik, start typing their name and tab22:42
Usuariodeltik, write their nick before a sentence22:42
deltikreliableNerd: Test22:42
reliableNerddeltik, success22:42
deltikreliableNerd: Alright22:42
vorlovMatic`Makovec: how do i do that22:42
vorlovsearch the package and take it out of there22:42
vorlovthe real question is, whether its in that package or in some other package...22:43
bfribilly_ i dont understand22:43
gary_inNYCDoes anyone else have issues getting google video chat working on firefox without "Google Video Accelerator plugin" to crash?22:43
reliableNerddeltik, I have a laptop running Ubuntu, I may not be the most exp'd person to talk with but I don't see anyone else being available to you atm.  What's up?22:43
deltikreliableNerd: Here's the explanation: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=176528322:43
VonhintenI run 11.04 on my Asus N54JF laptop22:43
ActionParsnipdeltik: type their name, you can use tab to autocomplete22:43
UsuarioICEauthority help please22:44
ActionParsnipUsuario: details please22:44
deltikActionParsnip: Got it.22:44
reliableNerddeltik, above my head bud.  sorry, good luck22:44
Usuarioactionparsnip http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10874214#post1087421422:44
deltikreliableNerd: Alright22:44
=== reliableNerd is now known as reliableNrd|away
ActionParsnipUsuario: do commands like: sudo gedit    look familiar?22:45
ActionParsnipUsuario: or do you use: gksudo gedit     ?22:45
deltikCertain Natty Narwhal issues addressed: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=176528322:45
deltikReply to me if you have information.22:45
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe
bfribilly_how do you access the network files in ubuntu alternate22:46
Usuarioactionparsnip, would you mind to explain how to use those commands, and what full lines do I have to write?22:46
maj-Anyone else having problems with libxlm and libxslt with 11.04? says it's installed by apt-get but has errors when called for22:47
ActionParsnipUsuario: i'm not instructing as yet. they are questions22:47
ActionParsnipUsuario: do you use command like: sudo gedit22:47
Usuarioactionparsnip, a, well I think I have used sudo gedit, but I dont recall what for22:47
ActionParsnipUsuario: thats why you have this issue. sudo is NOT suitable for gui apps like gedit22:48
Usuarioactionparsnip, any suggestions to fix it?22:48
ActionParsnipUsuario: if you boot to root recovery console and run: chown hihihi100:hihihi100 /home/hihihi100/.ICEauthority    then reboot, it will be fine22:48
bfribilly_how do you access the network files in ubuntu alternate22:48
BorgTK2001deltik: Perhaps the kernal or AMD drivers are at fault and are beyond Cononicals control?22:49
astleyi'm having a a problem doing a male or a make install for the driver of my wireless card which is a Ralink5390, I've followed the online tutorials but i don't how to edit the config, i'm totally ne to this, thanks22:49
astleyi'm having a a problem doing a mal\ke or a make install for the driver of my wireless card which is a Ralink5390, I've followed the online tutorials but i don't how to edit the config, i'm totally ne to this, thanks22:49
astleyspelling error22:49
ActionParsnipUsuario: you will probably find the file is currently owned by root due to you using sudo with gui apps22:49
deltikBorgTK2001: Recall... the issues were NOT present in Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat.22:49
Usuarioactionparsnip, but the folder hihihi100 no longer exists, as it was renamed dexter22:49
BorgTK2001phoronix.org does regular benchmarks, so it could be a regression that has not been resolved22:49
bfrihow do you access the network files in ubuntu alternate22:49
BorgTK2001Merecat uses a different kernal22:50
Usuarioactionparsnip, my machine is trying to find files in a folder that no longer exists22:50
ActionParsnipUsuario: did you chenge the hihihi100 user's home folder to the new name?22:50
wesselI want to install espeak-gui it tells me to use the authors personal PPA: "https://launchpad.net/~rainct/+archive/voice" how can I add such strange PPA?22:50
Usuarioactionparsnip, yes22:50
ashisharianit: yeah  , different stuff...Unetbootin wil automate all of that..u just have to point it to the fedora ISO u have..Google it..Unetbootin is the name22:50
Usuarionow its /home/dexter, not /home/hihihi10022:50
deltikBorgTK2001: Ubuntu 11.04 is not compatible with older kernels.22:50
BorgTK2001Correct, deltik - it could all be Linus' fault, not Mark's22:51
wesseldeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/rainct/voice/ubuntu maverick main   <-- I should replace maverick right?22:51
ActionParsnipwessel: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:rainct/voice; sudo apt-get update22:51
ActionParsnipwessel: then run: sudo apt-get -y install espeak-gui22:51
ActionParsnipwessel: no, that is the hard way22:52
deltikBorgTK2001: Well, if it's an incompatibility problem from Ubuntu 10.10 to Ubuntu 11.04, it was definitely caused by Ubuntu development.22:52
lloowenHello all. My lap top used to automatically boot to the desktop. Now all of a sudden I get a grub boot menu. I've tried changing the settings in /etc/default/grub but nothing I do there seems to restore what I had previously. i.e. no grub menu22:52
BorgTK2001deltik, incorrect assumption22:52
bfrihow do you access the network files in ubuntu alternate22:52
deltikBorgTK2001: How is my assumption incorrect?22:52
BorgTK2001Ubuntu development *could* be the cause, but is not definitly the cause22:52
=== ubuntu_ is now known as ThisDB_
sudokilllloowen, does it still bot to desktop?22:52
ThisDB_can anyone explain this? im trying to fix grub22:53
ThisDB_ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/d4bd9dd1-f1c8-41d1-a2e8-802af9338f6f /dev/sdc222:53
ThisDB_The file /media/d4bd9dd1-f1c8-41d1-a2e8-802af9338f6f/boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly.22:53
* wessel bows deeply 22:53
lloowensudokill: Yes but I have to manually select on the grub boot menu.22:53
VonhintenThere definitely seems to be a lot of complaints of regression for 11.04.. I'm new to linux/Ubuntu so maybe that happens every release22:53
deltikBorgTK2001: The older kernel became incompatible from Maverick to Natty. It was Ubuntu development.22:53
sudokilllloowen, if it's just 1 kernel u bootinto then change the timeout to 0 in grubs menu.lst22:54
deltikVonhinten: It happened for Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala22:54
benccwhy "apt-get source squid-deb-proxy" and "apt-get source squid-deb-proxy-client" gives me the same thing?22:54
deltiksudokill: menu.lst is no longer used in Grub222:54
ActionParsnipwessel: same with any ppa, just copy the bold text ;)22:54
astleyi'm having a a problem doing a make or a make install for the driver of my wireless card which is a Ralink5390, I've followed the online tutorials but i don't how to edit the config, i'm totally ne to this, thanks22:54
tasslehoffI currently use Evernote to write journal/diary entries to remember milestones and fun stuff my kids do. But, I have a feeling there has to be better software for this out there. Anyone got any suggestions?22:54
deltiksudokill: Other files must be edited, and then Grub compiles grub.cfg22:55
trismbencc: a single source package can produce multiple binary packages22:55
astleyi'm having a a problem doing a make or a make install for the driver of my wireless card which is a Ralink5390, I've followed the online tutorials but i don't know how to edit the config, i'm totally new to this, thanks22:55
astleyspell erroe22:55
deltiksudokill: Grub has gotten more difficult to use.22:55
bencctrism: thanks22:55
Vonhintenastley, what is the tutorial saying that you don't understand?22:55
sudokilldeltik, u can still change timeout to 0 from config tho right? idk i use grub 2 but i imagine u can...22:56
ActionParsnipdeltik: it solves the shortcomings of the legacy version though. Once its setup you don't have to mess with it22:56
sudokilldeltik, i use grub 1 i mean22:56
deltiksudokill: You can22:56
BorgTK2001deltik: If you are having GRUB problems: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/05/super-boot-manager-eases-burg-grub-plymouth-tweaking-pains/22:56
sudokillits lloowen thats having probs22:56
deltikGrub2 Documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:56
george__is there anyway to get moc to show russian letters and not some messed up garbage in the terminal?22:56
bencctrism: I think the package is broken22:57
astleyVonhinten: I got the driver working before in ubuntu 10.10, then i updated and reinstalled, the tutorial i mostly understand but when i follow it this time the driver wont make or make install22:57
lloowensudokill: there is more than one kernel. I already have timeout set to "0" in /etc/default/grub22:57
bencctrism: in squid-deb-proxy-client.install I see /etc/apt/apt.conf.d but the folder is missing from source22:57
sudokillahh idk it should skip grub screen altogether22:57
sudokillbut, im not familiar with grub 2 so i cant help22:57
deltikShould I downgrade to Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat? (Background info: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1765283 )22:58
BorgTK2001No deltik, I would suggest going back one more step to 10.04LTS - LTS for a reason22:59
ActionParsnipdeltik: you will need to clean install if you do23:00
deltikBorgTK2001: Why the LTS?23:00
deltikActionParsnip: I have my backups made.23:00
BorgTK2001Long Term Support23:00
sudokill10.10 is fine23:00
sudokillas stable as lts23:00
sudokillfor most ppl23:00
ActionParsnipdeltik: if you unininstall then reinstall the ati driver, is it better23:00
BorgTK2001I only ever use LTS releases and 12.04 will be my next upgrade23:00
ActionParsnipdeltik: have you tried a clean install of natty, clean install gives far fewer issues23:01
deltikBorgTK2001: I know what LTS is, but 10.10 worked just fine for me23:01
ThisDBis there a way for me to update grub while running my main install of ubuntu??23:01
ThisDBi've attached some drives that have oses on them and want thm added to the menu23:01
sudokillupdate grub23:01
tensorpuddingif you install 10.10 instead though you have no upgrade path that skips 11.0423:01
deltikActionParsnip: It was a clean install, and ubiquity reinstalled the packages for me23:01
deltikActionParsnip: The packages I had before, that is.23:01
sudokilltensor, just elect lts in update manager23:01
ThisDBsudokill, in a terminal?23:01
ThisDBupdate: command not found23:02
sudokillsudo update grub23:02
sudokillor sudo update-grub23:02
trismbencc: it isn't broken, it builds correctly, that just says that files installed into /etc/apt/apt.conf.d by the Makefile should be part of the squid-deb-proxy-client package23:02
ThisDBits doing something23:02
george__so no one knows how to show russian characters in terminal?23:02
deltikActionParsnip: So it's the driver that's in question?23:02
ThisDByay, it found windows. thanks23:02
bencctrism: when installing a package I'm still getting it from ubuntu.com instead of the proxy23:02
BorgTK2001I would say so, deltik - something AMD has done, not Shuttleworth23:02
ActionParsnipdeltik: i'd say so, proprietary drivers rarely survive changing release23:03
KaiDOgHow do I handle asian characters on the command line?23:03
=== joel is now known as Guest34450
deltikActionParsnip: It's the same driver... I don't see why a problem would be caused.23:04
KaiDOgI have two files I want to manipulate but they have asian characters23:04
deltikActionParsnip: And the driver was reinstalled after the upgrade.23:04
sudokilldeltik, lots of ppl have problems with drivers after upgrading23:04
sudokilli did ages ago with nvdia23:04
sudokillati actually23:04
BorgTK2001now AMD, sudokill ;)23:05
deltiksudokill: Alright... how would you explain for the increased startup time, decreased performance, and slower software?23:05
v4nelleguys why i have these green lines on my ubuntu last week? http://imagebin.org/15567523:05
BorgTK2001deltik: the kernel23:05
sudokilldeltik, what going from 10.10 to 11.04?23:05
deltiksudokill: That's right23:06
trismbencc: I've never used the package and I don't know what you're trying to do23:06
sudokilli found 11.04 slower as well23:06
sudokilleven though the 2.6.38 is faster23:06
sudokillthan 2.6.3623:06
bencctrism: ok. thanks for your help.23:06
guntbert!enter | sudokill (and please keep to support :-))23:06
ubottusudokill (and please keep to support :-)): Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:06
deltikLooks like I'm going to do the downgrade today.23:07
bencctrism: it allow you to set a deb packages cache server using squid23:07
sudokillreinstall u cant downgrade23:07
sudokillunless thats what u meant23:07
bencctrism: if you have several machines on the same local network it is very useful23:07
deltiksudokill: Well, yeah23:07
sudokilli found 10.10 fine23:07
Usuarioim in the recovery mode terminal as hihihi100@hihihi100-laptop/$, how do I get into the GUI? I mean a normal ubuntu boot23:07
sudokillthere really is no need for 11.0423:07
ActionParsnipdeltik: even if its the same driver the OS has to recreate the kernel module to make it run under the new kernel23:08
ActionParsnipdeltik: this rarely goes well during the upgrade phase so removing it, then reinstalling it under the new branch of the kernel can help graetly23:08
druciferreThis is killing me, I need a command line way to add an emblem to a file in Ubuntu 10.10... Does anyone know where the information is stored of if there is a command line program that can do it ?23:08
peto_how could one make the screensaver to turn off the screen completely (with no backlights)?23:08
sudokillpower toptions turn off monitor after x time i think23:09
deltikActionParsnip: I used ubiquity to do the upgrade, which removed Ubuntu 10.10, installed a fresh copy, then restored most of my packages.23:09
peto_sudokill,   let me see23:09
v4nellei see this on my dmesg http://pastebin.ca/207137323:09
v4nelleany hel?23:09
Kevin`_how do I rebuild packaged nvidia drivers fort the current kernel?23:09
KaiDOgMy graphics card driver hasn't given me much trouble during upgrades23:09
ActionParsnipdeltik: thats all I know, persoanlly I never upgrade and always clean install. It gives way fewer headaches23:10
tyleris there a reason why my cam stopped working?23:10
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sudokillActionParsnip, thats why I love arch23:10
ActionParsnipKevin`_: sudo apt-get --reinstall instal dkms    may help23:10
Guest27463is there a reason why my cam stopped working?23:10
sudokillnever reinstalled23:10
ActionParsnipsudokill: same here with xpud :)23:10
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Kevin`_ActionParsnip: that's rather nasty23:11
deltikActionParsnip: The last problem before this one I had with Ubuntu was 9.10. I stayed at Ubuntu 9.04, but here, this is Unity I will be missing if I downgrade.23:11
Kevin`_ActionParsnip: nope, didn't trigger it to run23:11
Guest27463i upgrases the new ubuntu and now my cam wont work23:11
sudokilldeltik, missing?23:11
sudokillyou mean theres someone who will *miss* unity?23:11
ActionParsnipKevin`_: why is it nasty?23:12
deltiksudokill: Well, I like Unity.23:12
peto_sudokill, it was there, i'm a little bit silly (-:23:12
BorgTK2001sudokill: I love Unity23:12
Kevin`_ActionParsnip: because there is no need to reinstall it? also it might remove configuration or something23:12
sudokillpeto dw bout it theres loads of option screens23:12
Guest27463my flash plugin will not support my cam for some bizzare reason help me please?23:12
BorgTK2001I can't use Unity on 10.04LTS, but I love Unity non the less23:12
sudokillBorgTK2001, i tried it for a tiny but ages ago23:12
sudokillI'm liking gnome shell atm23:12
deltiksudokill: It's a new interface, but I got used to it fairly quickly23:12
sudokillno one really likes that either23:12
ActionParsnipKevin`_: it will force it to recreate the kernel modules, its just an easy way to make it happen. What config files wil be removed exactly?23:12
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Kevin`_ActionParsnip: I don't care, it didn't work, how do you actually run it?23:13
BorgTK2001Oh, I have heaps of hatin on GnomeShell23:13
astleyi'm having a a problem doing a make or a make install for the driver of my wireless card which is a Ralink5390, I've followed the online tutorials but i don't know how to edit the config, i'm totally new to this, thanks23:13
sudokilldeltik, yea when i first tried gnome shell i thought it was bad and slow but looked good so i kept it and ended up loving it23:13
sudokillBorgTK2001, why?23:14
deltikAlright... so... I guess I'll be crossing my fingers for Oneiric Ocelot. :|23:14
BorgTK2001Because it is just Unity is disguise - the GNOME community shunning the Canonical stuff, then implementing it and claiming it was always going to be a part of GS...23:14
sudokillto me, gnome shell with default theme is best looking de by far but its preference i know23:14
BorgTK2001deltik, wait for 12.04LTS PP [persevering penguin?]23:15
josemi_Buenas noches a todos23:15
deltikBorgTK2001: I'm considering that too.23:16
datguyhello folks23:16
deltikBorgTK2001: The Ubuntu LTS releases have been amazing.23:16
datguywhat versions is everyone using?23:17
ActionParsnipKevin`_: run what?23:17
ActionParsnipdatguy: of what?23:17
BorgTK2001deltik: I concur about the state of LTS - I insist on only using the LTS for my personal use. But that is just a personal preference23:17
sudokillubuntu i suppsoe23:17
datguyof linux?23:17
PHC4955 Ubuntu 9.0423:17
PHC4955                - the Jaunty Jackalope - released in April 2009.23:17
guntbert!ot | datguy23:17
ubottudatguy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:17
BorgTK2001<-- 10.04.2LTS datguy23:17
Kevin`_ActionParsnip: dkms23:18
gary_inNYCpowerranja penquin23:18
ActionParsnipKevin`_: thats the only way I know23:18
sudokilldatguy, i think lots of peple will be using different versions why ask? lol23:18
datguymint 10 julia23:18
ActionParsnipdatguy: mint is offtopic and not supported here, just so you are aware :)23:18
Kevin`_actually, it seems the packaged nvidia-current won't compile for 2.6.39. I assume this is a known issue for somebody since newer ubuntu would be using it. any suggestions there?23:18
gary_inNYCpoopoo platter LTS23:18
astleycan someone share my desktop and help me with my problem?23:19
sudokillbit trusting arent u lol23:19
tyler_ubuntu cannot find my built in camera why?23:19
gary_inNYCi can't figure out how to get google video chat working in ffox without the Google Video Accelerator plugin crashing23:19
BorgTK2001You are not going to Roll anyone, are you, astley?23:19
astleyi suppose, the only way to fix the problem..23:19
sudokillastley whats the matter23:20
ActionParsniptyler_: try installing and running cheese, does it work there23:20
astleysudokill: having a a problem doing a make or a make install for the driver of my wireless card which is a Ralink5390, I've followed the online tutorials but i don't know how to edit the config, i'm totally new to this, thanks23:20
tyler_yes it works there23:20
ActionParsniptyler_: telling us the make and model of the system is useful too...23:20
ActionParsniptyler_: ok then at least the OS sees it and it works :)23:21
tyler_its a laptop. HP G6223:21
s3r3n1t7astley, we can help you better the more information you give us. Open up http://www.pastebin.com and paste any information you have, such as what make and/or make install does, what errors they are etc23:21
jiohdihas anyone else had gnome3 crap out after an update?23:21
astleys3r3n1t7: ok23:21
ActionParsniptyler_: so the system has found your webcam, problem solved23:21
itiliousis it possible to fix an ext3 or ext4 filesystem using FSCK from windows?23:21
tyler_right but my flash player doesnt find it why?23:22
ActionParsnipitilious: you will need a liveCD of linux23:22
rkviraniWhat is the best way to rip CDs Ihave tried both amarok and banshee and they both suck, amarok cant sync and banshee doesnt get my tracknames at all!23:22
s3r3n1t7itilious, using vmware with a long workaround,  yes. Using a liveCD is about 100 times faster and safer.23:22
ActionParsniptyler_: you never mentioned the flash player bit though, any other details you may have missed?23:22
ActionParsnipitilious: windows is too inorant to manipulate Linux filesystems23:22
tyler_nope. it just says that it cant find the camera23:22
itiliouswould tiny linux be able to do this? or is that too minute? lol23:23
sudokillrkvirani, rubyripper if u want good but slow23:23
rkviranisudokill: got a url for that?23:23
jiohdiitilious, you can do it with puppy linux23:23
astleys3r3n1t7: this is what i get when i make http://pastebin.com/8z8WQECq23:23
sudokillrkvirani, if not audex is great23:23
sudokillrkvirani, install audex it does everything and fast its the best one imo23:23
rkviranisudokill: k thanks23:23
sudokillrkvirani, rips to mp3 flac everything and u can use cdparanoia too23:23
rkviranithen I can get them onto my ipod23:24
CarlFKitilious: I would use http://clonezilla.org to first make a backup, then use the fsck on it to fix your drive23:24
BorgTK2001tyler_: If you are wanting to use ChatRoulette, does Flash just not see the camera in the pulldown?23:24
astleys3r3n1t7: this is make install http://pastebin.com/DUPzsr9723:24
s3r3n1t7astley, what exactly are you trying to achiev?23:24
BorgTK2001pulldown of flash23:24
ActionParsniptyler_: is there a config in the flash plugin if you right click the flash item, to set the camera device up?23:24
rkviranisudokill: I will try that out23:24
rkviranithanks for the tip!23:24
tyler_i go to Koowy.com and chat but it doesnt let me use camera23:25
sudokillu wont be disappointed23:25
ActionParsniptyler_: did you configure the camera within flash?23:25
itiliousreason i need to fix yet another corrupted filesystem is because ubuntu ocasionally locks up and i must hard reboot,,, is there another way i can get out of a lock up?23:25
tyler_within my flash plugin?23:25
itiliousi'm so used to doing CTR + ALT +DEL  lol23:25
ActionParsniptyler_: yes, you may need to tell it stuff to work23:25
thomiHow do i disable the thin scrollbars in 11.04 unity? I love them, but they cause render problems in certain applications...23:25
jiohdiitilious, control alt f123:26
astleys3r3n1t7: i'm trying to get my wireless card to be recognized by wicd or network manager, when i had ubuntu 10.10 i had to go through this and i got it working, but for some reason even though i did the same thing it wont work23:26
tyler_how do i configure it in my plugin?23:26
rkvirani for banshee to retro activley get album art for my media?23:26
tyler_i got the plugin from the software center23:26
s3r3n1t7astley, and did you upgrade or a complete reinstallation?23:26
ActionParsnipitilious: you can configure it to bring up a task manager if you want23:26
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itiliousjiohdi, doesnt this bring up a simple teerminal full screen?23:26
jiohdiitilious, then sudo reboot23:26
itiliousi see23:26
rkviranierr my CDs? retroactivly get the names and album art????????23:26
itiliousmakes sense,23:26
IdleOne!REISUB | itilious23:26
ubottuitilious: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key23:26
ActionParsniptyler_: that isn't of any value, flash is working. You may need to configure it to use the webcam23:26
astleys3r3n1t7: reinstallation23:26
sudokillrkvirani, audex uses cddb23:26
sudokillrkvirani, it will get the names and album art automatically23:27
tyler_how do i do that then?23:27
ActionParsniptyler_: I dont use webcams, too creepy. Right click flash and you may get some options there23:27
BorgTK2001ActionParsnip, he does that by right-clicking on the 'flash' section, yep?23:27
s3r3n1t7astley, the second error you get with make install is that it doesn't have the correct permissions, which is correct. Assuming that make did complete succesfully and created the relevant files, you can install with sudo make install. Note the sudo that precedes it, it has to write files which require root access.23:27
ActionParsnipBorgTK2001: probably23:27
tyler_now it says enable hardware acceleration?23:28
BorgTK2001tyler_: what was the website again?23:28
ActionParsniptyler_: is there a webcam tab?23:28
BorgTK2001Oh, that's the options23:28
BorgTK2001Do you see video and mic settings?23:28
ActionParsnipfunny how I know so much about something I don't actually use.....23:29
tyler_yes in the lil window there is a tab. i have my cam selected but then it says enable hardware acceleration23:29
astleys3r3n1t7: this is what i get when i add sudo, i'm not sure how to compile, http://pastebin.com/H7gfKiCC23:29
Kevin`_I suggest testing the webcam with a local app first, flash has a long history of bugs23:29
BorgTK2001you can enable hardware acceleration if you like23:29
BorgTK2001but that has nothing to really do with getting the webcam working23:29
BorgTK2001but no hard in enabling it if you want to23:30
BorgTK2001Kevin`_: he has - in cheese, and it works :)23:30
Kevin`_ah ok23:30
tyler_how do i enable acceleration? im not good with this computer stuff23:30
BorgTK2001You don't need to, tyler_23:31
BorgTK2001You just need to worry about the webcam tab23:31
BorgTK2001What I really mean is: lets get the webcam working first, and worry about fancy options later ;)23:31
tyler_well it has my cam selected now23:31
s3r3n1t7astley, did you install the build-essential package and such?23:31
BorgTK2001OKies, now 'save' those settings and try your cam in the website you goto23:32
tyler_and cheese still has my cam working23:32
Kevin`_how can I tell ubuntu to use the normal opengl libraries instead of nvidia's?23:32
darkoricalanyone experianced in using mplayer via commandline?23:32
astleys3r3n1t7: this is the tut i'm using, and as for your new question no, how do i do that, synaptic?23:32
astleyinstall build essentil23:32
Kevin`_darkorical: yes?23:32
Usuarioplease, help me with this ICEauthority http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10874214#post1087421423:32
sudokillastley, sudo apt-get install build-essential23:32
s3r3n1t7astley, "this" tutorial? which tutorial?23:33
astleys3r3n1t7: sorry http://ubuntulinux.co.in/blog/ubuntu/wifi-card-ralink-5390-configuration-in-ubuntu-10-10-64-bit/23:33
tyler_okay so now in my Adobe Flash Settings is says "Cannot find Camera" wtf...23:33
qindarkorical: Be specific.23:33
astleys3r3n1t7: it says build essential is current23:33
NarcHello everyone. I installed Ubuntu Natty on an old Toshiba laptop with a downgraded Kernel 2.6.35 and the only way to boot it is to set "radeon.modeset=0" as boot option. Sadly, after a while, screen artifacts appears all over. Glitches and lines. Any advice on how to solve this ? Thanks.23:33
ActionParsnipNarc: is the ram healthy?23:34
sudokilldoubt thatl do anything23:34
s3r3n1t7astley, hmm let's see ... You downloaded the correct driver from their site, yes? Verify that please. Then, can you pastebin the config.mk file please?23:34
sudokillwhy downgrade kernel?23:35
sudokillbattry life?23:35
rkviranisudokill: does audex support selecting a CD ROM drive ?23:35
rkviraniI have two23:35
BorgTK2001tyler_: you dont have cheese open right now, do you?23:35
NarcActionParsnip:  Well, I don't really know, I have not performed any test on it, but it's quite old and don't have much RAM. But the artifacts don't appear with recent kernels.23:35
astleys3r3n1t7:how do i find out which is the correct one23:35
sudokillrkvirani, more than likely23:35
ActionParsnipNarc: hold shift at boot and select the memtest23:35
tyler_yes should i close it and reload?23:36
sudokillrkvirani, i havent used audex in about 6 months i use rubyripper now23:36
astleys3r3n1t7: what do i put in terminal lspci?23:36
sudokillrkvirani, but audex is pretty similar should be in options23:36
s3r3n1t7astley, it's also described in the tutorial you linked me, just before step 1. "use lspci to see your model number"23:36
NarcActionParsnip:  Yes, I will. You think it's due to RAM ?23:36
sudokillrkvirani, have u installed audex yet?23:36
sudokillNarc, i doubt it23:36
BorgTK2001yep - close cheese but don't reopen it23:36
BorgTK2001you can only use your webcam in one place at a time ;)23:36
Kevin`_guys, this really doesn't google at all, help would be appreciated23:36
rkviraninope I cant set the thing anywhere!!123:37
ActionParsnipNarc: its possible, good to test things so you know they are good so you can zero in on the stuff thats bad23:37
tyler_i did and now its back to enable acceleration23:37
Narcsudokill:  What's your opinion then ?23:37
s3r3n1t7Kevin`_, "this" isn't really useful, it'd be helpful to just ask your question again to the channel.23:37
elkukaI lost all my info and I had to reinstall ubuntu. now I took many files in maaany folders with photorec. but now I want to get some of those files. I noticed I can save when I search files and a quees file is created with al paths to all files in lines. how can I use that text file as input to copy or cut all that in another folder? thanks23:37
Kevin`_how can I tell ubuntu to use the normal opengl libraries instead of nvidia's?23:37
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sudokillrkvirani, its in the first screen in options little dorp down box23:38
NarcActionParsnip:  Sure, but if it was RAM, why would I have the bug on older kernels and not recent ones ?23:38
sudokillNarc, idk ur using downgraded kernel with a radeon boot option somehting to do with radeon or both23:38
sudokillNarc, why are u using older kernel anyway23:38
astleys3r3n1t7: here is my config.mk http://pastebin.com/wwnF6uJw23:38
BorgTK2001And the webcam tab has still got your webcam selected as default?23:38
s3r3n1t7Kevin`_, from my (somewhat limited) understanding the opengl libraries are used from the graphics driver, so you'd have to switch to a graphics driver which uses the preferred opengl libraries.23:39
Kevin`_s3r3n1t7: I already switched the graphics driver xorg uses. I need to switch the opengl libraries23:39
ActionParsnipNarc: its a good thing to test with artifacts. Why not use the newer kernels if they work?23:39
tyler_yep mine is still there23:39
sudokillNarc just use the proper kernel 2.6.3823:40
sudokillr u using one from kernel org?23:40
BorgTK2001You could try a restart, but usually the flash options are changed instantaneously23:40
tyler_okay i will shutdown and restart23:40
astleys3r3n1t7: brb23:40
tyler_i will be back if it dont work23:40
Narcsudokill, ActionParsnip :  Because it was a nightmare to install a functioning Natty with default kernel on this laptop. It's a Toshiba Satellite. Had problems with ACPI and Ethernet card, the only way to boot with 2.6.38 kernel was to set acpi=off which kills USB completely, among other things... 2.6.35 is the only stable kernel I've tested so far.23:41
s3r3n1t7astley, The forum thread referenced in the tutorial also asks you to install a few packages, which are build-essential, devscripts and cdbs. Did you install those? if not, please do so.23:41
sudokillNarc, newer kernels normally support more hardware23:41
sudokilli have no idea why its not as stable for you23:42
ActionParsnipNarc: tried maverick?23:42
NarcActionParsnip:  Yes, I tried, but I'm not even able to boot the LiveCD, even with ACPI=off set.23:43
sudokillNarc could be anything23:43
NarcActionParsnip:  Which is strange since Maverick uses 2.6.35 I think...23:43
sudokillunless thats updated23:44
sudokillcant remember23:44
Narcsudokill:  Oh, okay23:44
TheBuntuI got 2 HDD's... ubuntu on 1 with 2 spar partition and the 2nd is just 2 partions /HD@/Saved1 /HD2/Saved2.... well during install i named /HD2/Saved2 as /Hd2.... then i just went into fstab and renamed it... will it remount it self . as soon as i reboot from system update23:44
TheBuntuopps /HD@ / is /HD223:44
rkviranisudokill: first screen options eh23:45
rkviranilet me check23:45
boxbeatsyhi, how do i use grep but turn off regex matching?23:45
sudokillrkvirani, should be, i just googled a screenshot of it but u definately should be able to choose a drive23:45
elkukaI lost all my info and I had to reinstall ubuntu. now I took many files in maaany folders with photorec. but now I want to get some of those files. I noticed I can save when I search files and a quees file is created with al paths to all files in lines. how can I use that text file as input to copy or cut all that in another folder? thanks23:46
NarcActionParsnip, sudokill: So, no luck with my artifacts, I guess I'll settle with that. I'm quite proud to have it working anyway. Thank you both for your help.23:46
sudokillNarc sorry i couldnt actually help could be anything afaik23:46
satoniohi, i upgraded to ubuntu 11.04 but now it seems that the drivers for mi ati radeon x1950gt are missing and it's using a software rasterizer. any ideas?23:46
sudokillartifacts probably radeon23:46
ZykoticK9boxbeatsy, the whole point of grep is regular expression, in fact it's in the name23:46
Narcsudokill:  It's okay, suggestions are welcome too23:47
Narcsudokill:  Yeah, I'll investigate that.23:47
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Kevin`_s3r3n1t7: btw, update-alternatives --config gl_conf23:47
boxbeatsyZykoticK9: nvm i figured it out...can use the -F flag, thansk though!23:47
s3r3n1t7Kevin`_, i'll make a mental note of it. Thanks for letting me know!23:47
astleys3r3n1t7: when i'm installing devscripts i get Postfix Configuration, what do i do23:48
rkviranisudokill: got it thanks23:49
s3r3n1t7astley, default settings will suffice.23:49
astleys3r3n1t7: how do i select?23:49
sudokillrkvirani, good hope u like the prob i found it was great23:49
sudokillrkvirani, prog*23:49
s3r3n1t7astley, hit enter for the questions.23:49
stephen_Hi, just installed the new version of Ubuntu 64 bit version on the laptop. Dvd doesnt seem to work, and theres no packages? was advised earlier before by somebody to goto a link but couldnt find a one suitable23:50
sudokillstephen libdvdcss23:50
sudokillto play dvds23:50
astleystephen_: nothing happens, the options just remain on the screen23:50
Kevin`_stephen_: medibuntu probably23:51
s3r3n1t7astley, which question does it ask then?23:51
sudokillstephen_, as kevin said just add the medibuntu ppa it should install them all23:51
deltikHere I go... reinstalling Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat!23:52
astleys3r3n1t7: http://pastebin.com/Dbi1rNs3 it remains on this promt as i press enter23:52
rkviranisudokill: yeah it doesnt like my CD drive reports drive error23:52
sudokillhave fun23:52
sudokillrkvirani, hmmm isk23:52
ActionParsnip!dvd | stephen_23:52
ubottustephen_: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:52
s3r3n1t7astley, no configuration23:52
sudokillworked for me23:52
rkviraniyeah, its a usb drive...23:52
astleys3r3n1t7: do i cleck it?23:52
s3r3n1t7astley, yes23:52
sudokillrkvirani, did amarok do an error too?23:52
sudokillrkvirani, if not, just out of randomness try rebooting it should work flawlessly23:53
rkviranisudokill: k23:53
astleys3r3n1t7: i click the line and it just puts the black edit bar, nothing else23:53
rkviraniI gotta admin ituenes does that really well23:54
s3r3n1t7astley, you select the option, then you have to select ok to continue.23:54
sudokilldoes what23:54
s3r3n1t7astley, use tab to jump to the OK field23:54
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rkviranisudokill: imports and synocs to an ipod... with album art and all23:54
sudokillrkvirani, well, it is itunes, designed for ipod lol23:54
sudokilldedicated c ripper is better23:55
PalinBachman2012Movie Player nee` Totem won't seek mp3z!23:55
PalinBachman2012can't drag the slider23:55
ZykoticK9PalinBachman2012, try installing ubuntu-restricted-extras23:55
PalinBachman2012thats not it ZykoticK923:56
s3r3n1t7astley, once it's done installing do a make clean, make and a sudo make install. Then reboot and test it again. That should make it work, if not please ask the channel again. It's nearly 1am here and i need to get up early, I'm sorry I can't stay to see this to the end. Please do drop me a PM to let me know if it worked, ok?23:56
astleys3r3n1t7: ok23:57
rkviranisudokill: yeah...23:57
sudokillrkvirani, im not sure about album art etc how to import it ive never used an ipod23:57
astleyhow to i go back a derectory in terminal again?23:57
sudokillrkvirani, but the cdparanoia is good if u have scrathed cds almost guaranteed to get flawless rip23:58
ZykoticK9astley, cd ..23:58
bluefireGDM does not load after installing ATI graphics driver from Additional Drivers. What is wrong?23:59

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