
ScottLailo, i was using a different kernel i believe at that time which was in the repos01:17
ScottLso i was able to upload the -meta01:17
ailoScottL, I was doing this with the natty kernel01:17
ScottLand i think i did everything just like it is described01:18
ailoThen there must be a problem with the current source for 2.6.3801:18
ailoScottL, The fakeroot step is missing from the instructions for the meta package. 01:27
ailoScottL, I suppose the procedure could be identical for the two. I was following the text very much step by step, not caring about what each step did yet01:28
ailoupdate the changelog, do the fakeroot thing, and then the debuild thing01:28
ailoAfter that upload01:28
ailoScottL, New attempt. Seems to work. I'll delve deeper into this out of my own interest of course. Takes some time to read through all the specific setps01:41
ailoScottL, a purdyne dev finally answered my mail03:23
ailoI suggested collaboration on testing/developing the kernel and having a common live image03:24
ailoHaving a common way of making the live image, I mean03:25
ailoOn XFCE, I cannot recommend anything, because at the moment US is about to be based on Xubuntu as I understand it, and puredyne has a much simpler setup03:25
ailoTheir aim is to have an OS that works on P3 256MB machines03:26
ailoOr was..03:26
ailoAlso, I don't think they are interested in PA. 03:26
ailoI'm really the wrong person to coordinate anything desktop-wise since that's not my area at all03:27
ScottLthat good that a dev answered your email03:34
ScottLi don't think we can have a similar live image because we would be building them completely different probably03:35
ScottLand eww, working on a p3 256 mb machine?   that's pretty damn low specs03:35
TheMusoScottL: No, whenever I tried to get Andy, he was busy, and then I ended up being called away to something else. :(03:55
ailoScottL, In any case, I would be interested to find out. Their live image is a very nice one. It's based on Debian stuff mostly.04:01
ailoScottL, They are interested in a testing script, so hopefully they can be of help testing and having opinions on the kernel at least04:02
ScottLTheMuso, that is sad :(04:30
ScottLailo, a testing script would be pretty interesting04:31
TheMusoScottL: I'll email him next week, and ask him about it. I don't mind if he gives me turse instructions, I can make something out of them hoefully.05:15
TheMusoAnyway, off for the rest of the day.05:15
holsteinshould i say something to ralph?15:35
holsteinmention the iso testing pages again?15:36
holsteini feel like he blasted out a 6 paragraph email about the look and feel of ubuntstudio 11.10 with XFCE15:36
Kokitohello folks17:01
holsteinKokito: damn17:02
holsteincant make it tomorrow :/17:02
Kokitono, sorry17:02
holsteinim not sure if i can, but im not really doing any UI work17:03

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