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xrdodrxit seems that xubuntu doesn't come with a font viewer by default? All the ones I've installed are full-blown font managers04:17
xrdodrxI just want a program that shows me a sample of the font when I double-click it. There's one in ubuntu, anyone know the package name? :)04:17
Soupermanitoif you make the icons bigger you can see the sample on the file icon04:24
xrdodrxSoupermanito, that's not really a fix and looks bad on my netbook :)04:29
Soupermanitolemme do some research04:29
Soupermanitoxrdodrx, if you only want to see the font you have already installed you can download this http://code.google.com/p/gfont-viewer/04:37
Soupermanitoit works, not to add new fonts and stuff unles you gksu it04:38
Soupermanitostill searching for one that provides live sampling04:38
xrdodrxI just want to be able to open a font and see a preview04:38
xrdodrxit's in ubuntu, I know it04:38
xrdodrxSoupermanito, ex http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_MfwRx_4ERx8/S-cYVWgbQII/AAAAAAAABwM/1qoUUpRBErM/s400/install-fonts-in-Ubuntu.jpg04:39
Soupermanitoyes, i know what you want, its just that i havent found it yet :P thats why i gave you the thing i did found04:40
xrdodrxoh, sorry, i thought you misunderstood xD04:41
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sweBersdepends on when you are05:19
sweBersI'm doing my first xubuntu install in the hopes that it doesn't break my display like ubuntu 10.04 did05:20
sweBerserr, 11.0405:20
Soupermanitohope you are lucky05:20
* Soupermanito : Xubuntu free of unity since ever!05:21
sweBersyeah, I think it was the unity UI that broke it.05:22
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sweBersor at least the changes to the x server for unity05:26
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Soupermanitoxrdodrx, soooo the gnome thing05:32
Soupermanitois called gnome-font-viewer, and is part of the gnome-control-center05:33
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YcareneHow smoothy does the upgrade feature work?08:09
elrosyou're talking about the distro upgrade?08:31
Unit193http://launchpad.net/bugs/673489 Seems to be the only bug report on it (10.10 > 11.04)08:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 673489 in xfce4-terminal (Ubuntu) "xfce4-terminal cursor opaque / not inverting" [Low,Triaged]08:33
elrosremove custom packages from PPAs to avoid unnecessary conflict with dependencies08:34
elrosthat's for every major upgrade08:34
xubuntu217hello, i am just installing xubuntu. really excited. nice job guys!12:58
xubuntu217i noticed that there is no multiple monitors setup in Settings Manager, i fixed it now with running xrandr by hand. is fixing xorg.conf my only option on setting permanent configuration for dual monitors?13:00
xubuntu217off to reboot into installed xubuntu. yeaaa13:03
jozefkhttps://pzt.me/46l0 how to fix this?13:21
bazhangjozefk, how about some synopsis13:21
bazhanga brief description of your issue.13:22
jozefkok. this is xubuntu 11.04 x64, and this happened after I enables source code in repositories settings. the server I'm using is in France. after hitting the Reload I got this famous error message13:25
jozefkif I disable back the source code - no error13:28
bazhangwhy would you need the src13:29
jozefkthose error message in synaptic are driving me crazy for long time and already couple of times pushed me aways from ubuntu and ubuntu based distros. I want to make bootable USB flash drive xubuntu for installing it on netbook and in instructions it is mentioned that it is advisable to have source code enabled13:30
bazhangnot really13:31
jozefkwhat are they there for by the way?13:32
jozefkthe source code in repository? what is it for?13:32
bazhangsome 3rd party tutorial?13:32
bazhangif you want to build from source13:32
jozefkMake sure the software-sources are activated if you are on a LiveCD (software sources or sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list). You may need to install the python-gnome2 package as well.13:33
bazhangnever needed to use it. you used unetbootin?13:33
jozefkpython-gnome2 is installed by default13:33
bazhang!info unetbootin13:33
ubottuunetbootin (source: unetbootin): installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive. In component universe, is optional. Version 471-2ubuntu1 (natty), package size 276 kB, installed size 820 kB13:33
jozefknot yet unetbootin. will try first usb-creator13:33
bazhangI'd skip that and go straight for unetbootin13:34
jozefkusb-creator is installed by default as well13:34
bazhangso is empathy for irc13:34
jozefkempathy for IRC?13:34
bazhangdefault hardly means the best tool13:35
bazhangits terrible for IRC13:35
jozefkI don't even know empathy is working for IRC13:35
bazhangyet it is default13:35
jozefkwell you mentioned :))13:35
jozefkI use xchat13:35
jozefkit's the no.1 :)13:35
bazhangthe sane ones are NOT default for some reason13:36
bazhanglike usb-creator-gtk over unetbootin13:36
jozefkthen how the default apps are becoming default? what is the criterium?13:36
bazhanglord only knows13:37
bazhanggive usb-creator a shot, then if it does not do it, try unetbootin13:37
bazhangsometimes it takes more than one try, or it seems like it has stopped at 5%, but its worth the wait13:38
bazhangit'll go from 5% finished to 65% finished right when you are starting to look at the clock13:38
jozefkok I'll try13:39
bazhanggood luck :)13:39
jozefkI just start it and after few seconds it's already 50%13:41
xrdodrxI'm still having my same font-viewer pdoblem as last night...what I want to do is doule  click a font _I have not installed_ and see a preview of it. every font manager I can find is overly complex and only displays installed fonts13:42
bazhang!info font-manager13:42
ubottufont-manager (source: font-manager): font management application for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.7-3 (natty), package size 623 kB, installed size 1584 kB13:42
xrdodrxI was recommeded the package "gnome-control-center", but it has absurd dependencies, like gwibber13:43
bazhanggnome, but still installable by xubuntu13:43
xrdodrxbazhang, I tried that, it doesn't do it13:43
xrdodrxIt shows installed fonts13:43
jozefkdoes font matrix works for GTK?13:43
bazhangdo what13:43
bazhangapt-cache search font13:44
xrdodrxI want this: http://geekyprojects.com/wp-admin/images/05-01-11-install-fonts-ubuntu/install-fonts-ubuntu-02.gif13:44
xrdodrxno more than that lol13:44
xrdodrxit's in the default ubuntu distro13:44
xrdodrxI'd go so far as to install kde's font installer, but I can't find the package name13:45
xrdodrxI think this is a bbug in xubuntu13:45
bazhangwhat does apt-cache search font turn up in that regard13:46
jozefkfinish :D13:46
jozefklet's see where is that netbook :)))13:46
xrdodrxbazhang, http://paste.ubuntu.com/614167/13:48
bazhangxrdodrx, no need to paste that, I can d o it in terminal here13:49
xrdodrxsorry :(13:49
jozefkof course it does not work :D13:50
bazhanginfo tkfont13:51
jozefkhow simple is PXE install?13:52
bazhangI'd give the usb-creator another shot, then try unetbootin13:53
jozefkI will try first to see if it is bootable that usb flash. because I got the message: Operating system is missing :)13:54
xrdodrxI had so many problem with USB I invested in an external optical drive13:54
jozefkI have external optical drive :)13:54
jozefkbut usb is faster13:54
xrdodrxit's great, and now I can watch my netflix disks on my netbook :D13:54
jozefkand usually it works13:54
xrdodrxbazhang, tkfont?13:55
bazhangxrdodrx, could be13:55
jozefkPXE seems kind of complicated13:56
jozefkor I'm lazy to read now. maybe both :)13:56
jozefkI'll try to format that flash drive and do another usb-creator13:58
xrdodrx       tkfont allows you to view the various fonts in X11. It displays a list of fonts, you can then pick which one to display. Useful to find a nice font to use.13:58
xrdodrxbazhang, no, that's not it at all x(13:58
xrdodrxI wish ubuntu's font viewer was installable13:59
xrdodrxI figured it out14:02
xrdodrxyou can install the "imagemagick" package14:02
xrdodrxthen from terminal "display example.ttf"14:03
xrdodrxNow if I could just integrate this into thunar14:03
jozefkoh boy you are right XFCE doesn't shows fonts :D14:05
xrdodrxlol it's silly really14:05
jozefkit is shitty really :D14:05
jozefkdid you try fontmatrix?14:06
xrdodrxway too much, jozefk14:06
xrdodrxI use it often14:07
jozefktoo much?14:07
jozefkthen what's wrong?14:07
xrdodrxbut just to display a sample of a font14:07
jozefkyeah you are right :)14:07
jozefkmaybe opcion14:07
jozefkit's kind of java app14:07
jozefkI don't know. in KDE you can see the fonts with font manager or somthing like that. don't know what it is called but it is in seetings14:08
jozefkand it shows the fonts very nicely14:08
xrdodrxhere's display from imagemagick: http://i.imgur.com/vGuy0.png14:08
xrdodrxI just need to get thunar to work with it14:09
jozefkso imagemagick works14:09
xrdodrxand maybe change the default text14:09
xrdodrxcorrect, very nicely :)14:09
jozefkthunar? I don't know how to do that. I didn't even know fonts can't be seen in xfce by default14:09
jozefk2nd try with usb-creator failed14:12
jozefknow unetbootin :)14:13
jozefkyes unetbootin stacked at 5% as you said it will14:22
jozefksame message. not working14:26
jozefkI'll just go for external dvd rom really14:27
jozefkit will save my time I'm sure14:27
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=== Soupermanito is now known as Exio-
sss314Sometimes an empty window name "Debconf on <computer name>" appears for a second and desappear19:48
Soupermanitothats weird19:53
xrdodrxsss314, same19:53
xrdodrxhappens when installing stuff from software center, right?19:54
xrdodrxhappens to me all the time when installing software, only in software center lol19:54
sss314xrdodrx, yes, when using the software center19:55
xrdodrxalso Soupermanito19:55
xrdodrxI found a really cool way to fix my font display thing19:56
xrdodrxsss314, I guess it's a bug, thought I was the only one tbh19:56
Soupermanitosss314, xrdodrx probably is not a bug, just something that runs while installing19:58
sss314Soupermanito, It shows a blank gray windows and then it disappears after one second19:59
xrdodrxSoupermanito, it's a bug that it flashes around 5 on every new software install instead of running silently19:59
xrdodrxso yes, it's a bug :|19:59
Soupermanitooh well19:59
Soupermanitonever happened to me19:59
Sysii never use software-center..20:00
Soupermanitoso how do you fixed the font thingy xrdodrx20:00
xrdodrxSoupermanito, imagemagick's 'display' command20:00
xrdodrxI recompiled imagemagick with a different string so now it says "The  quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" instead of the default saying20:01
Soupermanitoyeah i see20:01
Sysi(c) KDE20:01
Sysior is it general GNU20:02
Soupermanitoyou know you can install fontforge and it comes whit a preview tool20:02
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xrdodrxSoupermanito, that's silly and not the same at all20:03
xrdodrxI have fontforge but it can't run and automatically display a preview just from opening a font file in thunar20:03
xrdodrxalso, compiling imagemagick so it shows like this was fun :D20:03
Sysii preview fonts by setting them as system font and keeping it like that for a week20:04
Soupermanitoxrdodrx, yes, yes it can20:04
Soupermanitoi tried it20:04
Sysii don't fiddle with fonts very much20:04
xrdodrxSysi, you don't have collections of like 3000 fonts though xD20:05
xrdodrxSoupermanito, command?20:05
xrdodrxAlso the fontforge in the ubuntu repos is a year out of date :s20:05
xrdodrxI always end up compiling that too20:05
Soupermanitoopen whit> fontforge20:05
xrdodrxSoupermanito, :|20:06
Soupermanitoxrdodrx, http://imagebin.org/15565420:07
xrdodrxThat;s slower than imagemagick and imo it's a little silly to open it in a font editing tool just to display a font preview20:07
xrdodrxbut to each his own20:08
Soupermanitoit works :P20:08
Soupermanitooh but display works pretty neath20:09
xrdodrxI didn't like the default string because it didn't show all the characters20:09
xrdodrxAnd there was no command line switch to change it either, it's hard-coded in :/20:09
Soupermanitoso you hardchanged it20:11
xrdodrxand then recompiled imagemagick20:11
Soupermanitoyou know what XD i can open it whit irfanview using wine20:11
xrdodrxwhy would you do that20:11
xrdodrxthat's the least efficient way so far lol20:11
Soupermanitohahaha it probably is, but then again i use irfanview as my default viewer20:13
Sysii should find out how to use custom font on webpage..20:14
xrdodrxSysi, CSS is the preferred way20:15
Sysiaren't there many native font previewers? dolphin shows them as thumbnails20:15
xrdodrxSysi, one would think20:15
xrdodrxbut there aren't any.20:15
Sysixrdodrx: but where i need to place that font20:15
xrdodrxSysi, I don't really understand the question...you can use CSS if the font is going to be installed on both machines just by declaring20:16
xrdodrxfont-family: DejaVu Sans20:16
xrdodrxfor instance20:16
Sysibut if i want some random font20:16
xrdodrxor you can use a .woff webfont, but only if it's a libre font because of licensing20:16
xrdodrxyou can use fontforge to convert any font to .woff format20:17
Sysi..luckily it doesn't matter that much20:17
xrdodrxIdleOne, seems like you like Dynasty Warriors :P20:23
IdleOnexrdodrx: I'm an old time arcade player :)20:23
IdleOneyou can't imagine how many quarters I put into that game20:23
jimrewhi can i turn off the dock in xubuntu 11.04??20:31
charlie-tcaremove the bottom panel? usually by removing panel 220:32
Soupermanitoits a panel, be aware if you do that you wont get it back20:32
jimrewlol silly me duh20:32
jimrewthanks :)20:32
charlie-tcanot really a dock, we faked it20:32
jimrewyou work on xbunt?20:33
charlie-tcano, I don't do any packaging or development, myself. I do some testing and bugs, though20:33
jimrewohh ok :020:33
charlie-tcaAnd I might be the project leaer20:34
charlie-tcaAnd I might be the project leader20:34
jimrewjust never let them make a real dock and you cant turn it off20:34
charlie-tcawe just follow the lead that Xfce sets up20:35
charlie-tcaThey made the panels work really good for us20:35
jimrewohh ok:)20:35
charlie-tcaand ochosi, the guy that really did the work on it.20:35
jimrewso you project leader of xubuntu?20:35
jimrewwow cool :)20:36
jimrewcan i ask you something?20:36
xrdodrxjimrew, yeah, it's a pretty small community but it's lately my favorite linux distro :D20:36
xrdodrxand I've used a lot of em :)20:36
jimrewwill you put in libreoffce20:36
charlie-tcaYou can always ask. I answer if I can. :-)20:36
xrdodrxjimrew, no, you can install it from the software center, it's too large of a package and is no good on slow systems20:37
charlie-tcalibreoffice does not conform to the lightweight design we are looking for20:37
jimrewohh ok20:37
charlie-tcaWe put in abiword and gnumeric because they use less disk space and ram20:37
xrdodrxAlso, here's a good thing about xfce20:37
xrdodrxwhen you install it you don't get the libreoffice-gtk package20:37
charlie-tcaYou can add any application in the repositories, though20:38
xrdodrxso you can choose your own theme and it won't carry over to libreoffice if it's dark20:38
jimrewim useing xbuntu and kubuntu becuse i dont like gnome 320:38
charlie-tcaI have used Xubuntu since it came out in 200620:38
jimrewxubuntu is very good :)20:38
charlie-tcaI do test Ubuntu and Kubuntu, though20:38
jimrewunity and gnome 3 to much RAM20:39
charlie-tcayup, for some machines20:40
jimrewis it ok if i add you to bud list i got to go20:40
charlie-tcasure, but it is best to come in here and ask things.20:40
jimrewok bye :)20:41
jimrewi like xubuntu :) bye20:41
* charlie-tca going hide again now20:43
EpicCyndaquilhey guys, on a fresh install of xubuntu, I'm having an issue where I have to click above things: the cursor isn't accurate. Is there a simple fix?21:40
EpicCyndaquilokay, I'll try to be more precise. To click on a button, I must be about 3cm above it21:44
EpicCyndaquilthis goes for anything and everything I need to click on21:45
Sysireally weird, did you try relogin/reboot?21:46
Sysiupdates installed?21:46
Soupermanitosounds like something that happened to me ages ago on X21:46
EpicCyndaquilupdates are not yet installed21:47
EpicCyndaquilbut I got the iso today21:47
EpicCyndaquilfrom the official US archive21:47
SoupermanitoEpicCyndaquil, you should update your video drivers21:47
Soupermanitogksu jockey-gtk21:47
Soupermanitoand choose the best ones21:47
EpicCyndaquilI tried to fix with the experimental 3d nvidia driver it suggested, did not help, but I'll see what that throws at me21:48
EpicCyndaquilyep, that's all it shows21:49
EpicCyndaquiland it's active21:49
EpicCyndaquillooks like there's an X update, I'll just hope that fixes it21:50
EpicCyndaquilmy laptop is on an Ubuntu 10.10 base with xubuntu-desktop, so I wasn't sure if this was an 11.04 issue21:50
charlie-tcaIf a restart doesn't fix it, try either renaming or removing ~/.config. You will have to re-do all the customizations for the desktop and panels, but it might fix it.21:51
EpicCyndaquilI haven't done any custom config yet. It's also worth noting that the top bar seems to be off: it's too tall (blank space at the top) and seems to be too much toward the left and has begun to mirror?21:53
charlie-tcaYou upgraded from Ubuntu 10.10 to Xubuntu 11.04?21:56
EpicCyndaquilnot on this computer21:57
EpicCyndaquilthat was regarding another, apologies21:57
EpicCyndaquiland restart didn't fix, so I'll try killing ~/.config21:58
EpicCyndaquiltrying another restart....21:59
EpicCyndaquilsame issues.22:00
EpicCyndaquilany other ideas?22:02
Sysihave you tried propietary driver? or currently using it22:02
EpicCyndaquilI've tried it, can try again if you'd like22:03
EpicCyndaquilno visual difference between the two22:03
EpicCyndaquilthe whole screen positioning seems off, honestly22:05
EpicCyndaquilthe bottom userbar is too low, can only see about half of it22:07
EpicCyndaquilmaybe I'll try playing with some compiz settings in a bit, otherwise I'm clueless22:08
charlie-tcareset your monitor?22:16
EpicCyndaquilthe issue with that is that I'm dual-booting with Windows XP, can't reset it every time22:16
charlie-tcaMIne has a button to adjust it, pushing it fixes that "not quite on the monitor thing"22:16
EpicCyndaquilI suppose I could try22:16
EpicCyndaquilbut again, it's not my computer, and having to push a monitor button might frustrate this person.22:17
jimrewhow do i enable compiz in xfce?22:17
charlie-tcaEpicCyndaquil: then maybe this is not for them?22:17
jimrewhow do i enable compiz in xfce?22:18
charlie-tcajimrew: install first, then I think you use           compiz --replace           to run it in place of xfwm22:18
jimrewok :)22:19
EpicCyndaquilah, maybe I should try that on this computer...22:21
EpicCyndaquil(compiz instead of xfwm)22:21
EpicCyndaquilinterestingly, it seems Windows XP is booting faster than xubuntu22:23
EpicCyndaquilmy mind is blown22:23
Sysiten year old OS, should fly on modern hardware22:23
Sysitoo bad usability and security sucks22:24
Sysidid you count loggin in, AV installed?22:24
jimrewi got it to work but the window butons go away and i cant make it stay on after restart22:26
jimrewi got it to work but the window butons go away and i cant make it stay on after restart22:29
charlie-tcano idea. Maybe the window buttons are tied to unity now?22:29
charlie-tcaI have never tried to use compiz, myself22:29
Sysiyou need compiz-plugin for window decorations22:29
Sysiit stays on reboot if you rm -rf ~/.cache/sessions and then save session on logout22:30
jimrewok just a sec22:31
Soupermanitook so, i have vlc volume at 400% and all the alsamixer or xfce4-mixer at 100 and still volume is awfully low23:49

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