
apachelogger16 hours spent on doing crapz for university02:16
apacheloggerwhat a dreadful waste of time02:16
ScottKWell kde4libs merged from Debian is built on i386 and powerpc, so there's plenty of sponsoring to do if you want to feel like you got something done today.02:21
ScottKapachelogger: ^^^02:21
apacheloggerwhy u highlight so much02:21
apacheloggeroh suppose that should have been y02:21
apacheloggerif someone told me that being overlord means more highlights, I'd have reapplied sooner :P02:22
apacheloggerScottK: it is half past 3, perhaps after I had a coffee, some telly, a shower and maybe even breakfast ;)02:23
ScottKIt's not tomorrow until you sleep.02:23
ScottKIt's not too late to save today.02:23
apacheloggerwho said anything about sleeping :O02:23
ScottKOK.  Just checking.02:23
apacheloggerScottK: what disturbs me is that I actually haven't seen a sponsorship bug in my bugs folder all day02:24
* ScottK is busy fixing Debian ATM.02:24
ScottKWell we decided not to bother.02:24
ScottKIf you look on MoM it's in the MoM comments.02:24
ScottKAll the changes are in bzr.02:25
ScottKThe bug seemed rather like pointless paperwork.02:25
apacheloggerI agree02:26
apacheloggerthough if the masters of DDD or what they call it these days knew....02:26
apacheloggerone must have a branch for the merge, then merge request it to the supreme branch02:26
apacheloggerso that some sponsor can merge the branch into the supreme branch and then upload02:27
apacheloggerreading this, it feels almost as insane as functional programming02:27
apacheloggeroh gosh02:27
ScottKYes, well UDD is not quite there yet for general use, I must say.02:27
apacheloggerthere are mor scripts than I ever had in kubuntu-dev-tools :P02:28
apacheloggerScottK: anyhow, I guess my point is that there is a lack of pending-merge notification with just pushing it into the branch02:28
ScottKAs a general rule, however, I think marking it in MoM and mentioning it here should be ~sufficient.02:35
apacheloggerwe should document it somewhere, I fear people forget to add a comment on mom ^^02:38
apachelogger"5 easy steps to make a merege that makes apachelogger sponsor it"02:38
ScottK1.  Send alcohol.02:39
ScottK2  - 5.  Repeat step 1.02:40
micahgkubotu: beer apachelogger 02:40
apachelogger:D :D :D02:40
apacheloggerkubotu: order tea, earl grey, hot for micahg02:40
* micahg thought that would work...02:40
* kubotu is replicating a hot cup of earl grey for captain micahg.02:40
micahgkubotu: please slide a beer down to apachelogger 02:41
* micahg doesn't get this...02:41
micahgkubotu: good tea :)02:41
apacheloggermicahg: it is order <thing> [for nick]02:42
micahgkubotu: order expresso for apachelogger 02:42
* kubotu slides expresso down the bar to apachelogger02:42
apacheloggerhm, sounds like my bed really won't get to see me tonight02:43
apacheloggergood thing jussi is not around to send me to bed tomorrow :P02:43
micahgkubotu: order a nightcap for apachelogger 02:43
* kubotu slides a nightcap down the bar to apachelogger02:43
micahgapachelogger: you can choose your drink of choice at this hour :)02:43
* ScottK starts to write a security complaint about micahg abusing the bot and then stops when he realizes where it would go.02:44
* micahg stops now02:44
micahgapachelogger: BTW, there are 6 bugs tagged kubuntu in the sponsorship queue02:46
ScottKI see spam linked in invitations have a 'confirm you know $PERSON' link, but no 'WTF is this?' link.02:46
apacheloggerwhich reminds me that for some reason I am not a sponsor02:48
apacheloggerI cannot process no sponsorship request :'(02:48
* apachelogger takes his note book and writes down some stuff for kde sprint before going to bed02:49
micahgapachelogger: you can still process it, you just can't unsubscribe sponsors, to get membership, just ask a team admin02:49
apacheloggermicahg: that surely requires me to switch to another channel, way too much hassle :P02:49
micahgapachelogger: nope, nhandler is an admin :)02:50
ScottKI already asked kees.02:51
ScottKSince he's the admin furthest west.02:51
apachelogger:D :D02:51
micahgwell, themuso is further west and might actually be working :)02:51
ScottKBut then you knew that already since I highlighted you there too.02:51
ScottKBut I can never tell what time it is there.02:52
ScottKBesides, trying to mix Australia and Austria in the same context is far too confusing.02:52
apacheloggerScottK: for some reason notifications are broken for me, so I would not know02:52
ScottKapachelogger: No chatview?02:52
* ScottK wonders how apachelogger survives without chatview enabled.02:53
apacheloggergawd now, I have the attention span of a 5 year old, I'd have to scroll up to read what I was talking about due to stupid chatview eating away real estate02:53
ScottKI think the true ADD experience is to use only the chatview.02:54
ScottKSometimes you have to be able to read quickly though.02:54
apacheloggerhm, sounds like fun02:55
ScottKmicahg: Good call on TheMuso.03:02
ScottKapachelogger: You're in sponsors now.03:02
apacheloggerI am important 03:02
apacheloggernow I can go to bed03:02
micahghehe, and we'll get the 3.0 kernel in oneiric soonish I guess: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=OTUwMg03:03
ScottKI guess Linux doesn't like big version numbers.03:03
ScottKapachelogger: No you need to sponsor some stuff first.03:04
micahgyeah, in the text he says "he real reason is just that I can no longer comfortably count as high as 40."03:04
apacheloggerwith an iterative approach I can very much relate to that03:05
apacheloggerhm, the sponsorhip bugs are all not actually kubuntu related03:07
apacheloggerhow boring03:07
apacheloggerkubuntu is too well organized, we need to introduce some chaos03:08
apacheloggeralso, really, bed time03:08
apacheloggerkubotu: order bed03:08
* kubotu is placing a cot for apachelogger in the corner of #kubuntu-devel.03:08
* apachelogger snoozes away03:08
* ScottK notes a disturbing lack of stuff apachelogger uploaded in the build queue.03:09
* ScottK waves back.04:52
ScottKDid something good happen?04:52
LaserJockScottK: I got out my pom-poms04:53
LaserJockthis thing is rockin', very pleased04:54
ScottKToo bad apachelogger went to sleep.04:54
ScottKHe would enjoy those.04:54
ScottKGlad you're liking it.04:54
LaserJockyeah, just need to shave some RAM, but otherwise very usable, looks slick, low CPU usage04:55
LaserJockthe good thing on the RAM from is I got back several hundred MB by switching back to Firefox from Chromium04:56
LaserJockso that at least counteracts GNOME -> KDE04:56
ScottKUbuntu's Firefox is patched to integrate well with the Default KDE style (Oxygen)05:01
LaserJockyeah, it looks real nice05:03
LaserJockI was surprised05:04
LaserJockI'm used to Firefox looking like crap in KDE05:04
ScottKI'll confess I've kind of lost track.  I've used Chromium almost exclusively since it hit the Ubuntu archive.05:06
ScottKI mostly use Firefox for my 'facebook browser'.05:06
ScottKI figure the odds of stuff leaking across unexpected facebook privacy barriers are lower if I only log into facebook with a browser I don't use for anything else.05:07
ScottKAnd then I don't check facebook as often as I used to.05:08
LaserJockwell, I was using Chromium exclusively for a long time05:10
LaserJockbut it just kept sucking up RAM05:10
LaserJockand I couldn't figure out what was going on05:11
LaserJockif I leave it for very long (especially on Gmail) I end up using say 400-500 MB of RAM05:11
LaserJockI do the same thing  in Firefox, leave it for days, open tabs, close tabs, etc. and I stay between 150 and 250 MB05:11
LaserJockso I switched, even though Chromium is faster and I like some of its features better05:12
ScottKI'll have to try using Firefox on the netbook then.05:19
ScottKRAM usage is definitely a problem there.05:19
micahgScottK: you can accomplish the same separation by using different profiles05:23
ScottKThat would require me to know what I'm doing.05:24
ScottKI use a separate user to visit financial web sites even though I know I could do that with separate profiles too.05:25
micahgScottK: just start it with -P05:25
yofelhm. Can you run firefox with 2 different profiles at the same time? If I open firefox again it just opens a new window for the current profile05:35
yofelgood morning btw.05:35
micahgyofel: yes, MOZ_NO_REMOTE=1 firefox -P05:36
yofelthanks :)05:38
yofeldoes someone remember why we make plasma-wallpapers-addons depend on kdebase-workspace-wallpapers and kdewallpapers in ubuntu? I could somehow get Suggests or Recommends, but I see no reason why it should depend on them08:35
yofelthe changelog doesn't have anything useful about it either08:37
debfxyofel: yeah, that doesn't make sense08:41
debfxespecially if it's undocumented08:42
debfxapachelogger: didn't we have a button in the wallpaper chooser dialog to install additional packages?08:42
yofelhm, bzr annotate is useful ^^08:48
yofelJontheEchidna: do you remember why you added that? (back in 4.2.85)08:48
debfxhm no one has merged kdepimlibs yet :(08:54
* debfx fixes a kde4libs overwrite error before someone notices it08:55
padamsapachelogger: ping09:11
* debfx hands JontheEchidna the bzr add command :P09:23
debfxkdebase-runtime doesn't have the debian patches in bzr09:23
debfxhow do we handle patches from debian that we don't want to apply?09:29
debfximho adding them commented to series is the best way to make sure someone doesn't accidentally add them later09:30
debfxapachelogger: kubuntu_02_fix_digets_encoding.diff from the qoauth package should be upstreamed, right?10:16
debfxJontheEchidna: 30-nepomuk-inotify-limit.conf wasn't installed anymore in kdebase-runtime10:48
debfxI've fixed that and uploaded10:48
itali-chanhola a todos12:17
apacheloggerdebfx: http://i.imgur.com/oWbpg.png12:47
apacheloggerpadams: pong12:47
apacheloggerdebfx: I blieve I sent the qoauth patches upstream12:48
apacheloggerperhapsneeds repoking12:48
apacheloggerAnthony Mercatante (tonio) has accepted the invitation to make Kubuntu12:51
apacheloggerKdeSudo Development Team (kubuntu-kdesudo) a member of UBUNTU - AL12:51
* apachelogger sighs12:51
ryanakcaHeh, has that team been brought up with any launchpad folks? It does seem to be a bit of an abuse of services (spamming everybody with "Please make your team a member of mine" requests)12:53
apacheloggerryanakca: IIRC ScottK said that the lp people say we need to take this to the community council12:57
apacheloggerwhich is interesting as *I* as launchpad user, unrelated to my involvement with youbuntoo, feel annoyed by the spam12:58
tsimpsonapachelogger: ditto13:00
apacheloggerafiestas: ping13:07
* ryanakca is surprised LP doesn't have an Acceptable Use Policy. But really, a troll signing up, putting the word "Ubuntu" on his LP page and annoying people really shouldn't involve the CC. If the guy was involved in *buntu, sure, but he hasn't contributed *anything*.13:07
* ryanakca shrugs and gets back to work.13:08
tsimpsonryanakca: we don't know if they really are a troll, or just an annoying^Hover enthusiastic n00b ;)13:08
ryanakcatsimpson: Sure :)13:08
debfxapachelogger: ok, I suppose I already have installed the wallpapers13:10
debfxapachelogger: I don't see anything on the qoauth github site13:10
afiestasapachelogger: pong13:10
apacheloggerafiestas: do you have time to preview a blog post real quick?13:10
apacheloggerdebfx: yeah, the button disappears when kde-wallpapers or whatever it is called is installed13:11
debfxmakes sense13:11
apacheloggerit is supreme apachelogger patching :P13:11
apacheloggermight be worth carrying upstream one way or another13:11
afiestasapachelogger: yes13:11
apacheloggerwhich leads back to the whole topic of getting a distro agnostic api that can be used for that plunder13:11
apacheloggerafiestas: you should be getting a mail in a bit13:12
debfxapachelogger: you could use your supreme patching powers to make the samba package installer work with qapt13:14
afiestasapachelogger: nice13:15
apacheloggerdebfx: but then we diverg0r from upstream13:16
apacheloggeralso JontheEchidna is better suited to do that ^^13:16
apacheloggerjussi: my board be pending, arr13:25
apacheloggera pending arrm board one might say ^^13:26
apacheloggerafiestas: good to publish?13:26
jussiapachelogger: whens the ship date? 13:26
apacheloggeron -- 13:26
apacheloggerthe international day of pending13:27
apacheloggerthey apparently ate money from my account already though ^^13:27
ScottKapachelogger and ryanakca: The specific issue I had a couple of days ago was a different team, be see the results of my trying to get LP to deal with it: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/15859213:29
afiestasapachelogger: yes, go ahead13:30
apacheloggerafiestas: thanks13:30
ScottKapachelogger: This reminds me you sent me a review request some days ago.  Still need reviewing?13:32
apacheloggerwell, it is published in a bit, so you can review it then ^^13:32
ScottKI find myself unaccountably awake on a holiday Monday with no plans (the plan was to be asleep), so I could do it if you wanted.13:33
apacheloggerScottK: http://apachelog.wordpress.com/2011/05/30/to-kde-with-love/13:39
ScottKapachelogger: Nice.  I found I had mail about it too.13:46
apacheloggeryah, I believe the review thing is quite the spam machine, IIRC you get mails whenever I'd edit the post after its pubishing13:47
apacheloggera bit of a monstarrrr13:47
ScottKMust be why I got the second one.13:50
apacheloggerQuintasan: syncbackup or easybackup are no option?13:51
ScottKDid he say about kbackup?13:51
jussi!info easybackup13:52
ubottuPackage easybackup does not exist in natty13:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about syncbackup13:52
ScottKAh.  I see the mail now.13:52
jussi!info syncbackup13:52
ubottuPackage syncbackup does not exist in natty13:52
jussishadeslayer: ping?13:55
apacheloggerme eyes!113:56
apacheloggerme precious eyes!!!13:56
jussiapachelogger: ?13:56
apacheloggerdo not under any circumstances go to the kbackup site13:56
apacheloggeryour head might melt or something13:56
apacheloggerthis is epic13:57
apachelogger"CVS access"13:57
apacheloggerScottK, Quintasan: that just rendered kbackup a non-competitor13:57
apacheloggerah, backintime is more pleasing on the eyes, nice13:57
apacheloggerthe UI is not the best though13:58
ScottKYes, I saw.13:59
ScottKapachelogger: kbackup has been around for quite awhile, so there is some cruft/inertia.13:59
ScottKActually sourceforge isn't the correct site anymore.14:00
apacheloggerhm, even better, leaving rotting sites around :S14:00
* apachelogger notes that a random google run for backup software on linux turns up the most horrid GUIs ever14:01
apacheloggerit is like every design sin ever commited,is surely implemented in a backup ui14:01
* ScottK notes that there are people who declare all VCS later than CVS fundamentally broken as it's impossible to live without per file logs.14:01
* ScottK further notes he is not one of those people.14:02
* jussi notes ScottK noting14:02
apacheloggerthat sounds rather oyvey(tm)14:02
apacheloggeras if it mattered whether a log was per file, per dir, per commit or per rand()%fileAmount14:03
ScottKThe standard practice is to have CVS write the log into the relevant file as a comment, so it kind of makes sense.14:10
ScottKWhat's less clear is why other, more modern, ways don't suffice.14:10
apacheloggerScottK: I'd argue that doing that only works if you are a lazy programmer and only change stuff once every 5 years14:13
* ScottK would agree.14:15
* ScottK considers founding the "Ubuntu Unfriendly Squad", but in the end decides it's not worth the trouble.14:18
yofelkubotu: order a bucket of icetea for me14:27
* kubotu slides a bucket of icetea down the bar to me14:27
yofelkubotu: order a bucket of icetea for yofel14:27
* kubotu slides a bucket of icetea down the bar to yofel14:27
yofeltoo freakin' hot -.-14:27
ScottKkubotu: order two buckets of ice for yofel14:28
* kubotu slides two buckets of ice down the bar to yofel14:28
yofelbetter :)14:28
debfxfor me too, please14:35
debfxit's way too hot here14:35
ScottKkubotu: order two buckets of ice and a cold shower for debfx14:35
* kubotu slides two buckets of ice and a cold shower down the bar to debfx14:35
ScottKmicahg: Is there a reason we don't ship the SPI ca cert for Firefox/Chromium?14:50
ScottKFYI: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/pkg-kde-tools/0.14.0ubuntu1~natty114:52
ScottKShortly no more need to manually backport pkg-kde-tools.14:52
ScottKmicahg: http://www.spi-inc.org/ca/14:56
QuintasanTherfore I suggest using BackInTime KDE as our backup application14:57
shadeslayerjussi: pong?14:59
ScottKBug 507246 may have the best title ever:14:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 507246 in backintime (Ubuntu) "failure to backup -> everything is sunshine" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50724614:59
ScottKQuintasan: It does seem to have some bugs.15:00
debfxagateau: have you seen my ping from yesterday?15:00
QuintasanScottK: Still better than KBackup and developer is even doing something15:01
agateaudebfx: no I haven't15:01
* agateau scrols15:01
* Quintasan had like 9 errors in memtest15:01
shadeslayeragateau: oh i haz a bug for you in gwenview15:01
ScottKQuintasan: I agree that it's probably better since the lack of restore is a serious problem.15:01
debfxagateau: libdbusmenu-qt exports symbols from private header files15:01
shadeslayeragateau: but i don't have any debug symbols15:01
debfxagateau: are those really needed?15:02
QuintasanScottK: Well, I could not find it15:02
QuintasanIt is maybe hidden somewhere15:02
ScottKQuintasan: No.  It's missing.15:02
ScottKIt's missing by design though.15:02
agateaudebfx: I don't think so15:02
* agateau looks15:02
ScottKIt sort of assumes one knows how to untar and pick out the file one wants.15:02
QuintasanJontheEchidna: When do I get KRunner for Muon?15:03
shadeslayeragateau: its something like : Go to a partition contaning a jpeg file > Try dragging the jpeg file > menu pops up > click anywhere else to close menu > gwenview crashes15:03
ScottKshadeslayer: IRC makes a poor bug reporting medium.15:03
shadeslayerScottK: yeah i'll report it once i have the debug symbols15:03
agateaushadeslayer: is it reliably reproducible?15:03
shadeslayeragateau: yes15:03
shadeslayerevery time15:03
agateaudebfx: might have to do with being able to use those classes from unit-tests15:04
agateaudebfx: not the best thing though15:04
agateaushadeslayer: let me try to reproduce15:04
shadeslayeragateau: sure i'm installing debug symbols meanwhile15:04
ScottKshadeslayer: I can't replicate this.  Are you on 64bit?15:04
shadeslayerScottK: yes and i'm running trunk15:04
ScottKNo trunk here.15:05
shadeslayer( looks like a crash somewhere in Qt i might add )15:05
agateaushadeslayer: crashes here as well (with master)15:05
debfxagateau: ah right, they include private headers15:05
shadeslayeragateau: http://paste.kde.org/76375 15:07
agateaushadeslayer: yes, stupid mistake on my side15:07
agateaushadeslayer: about to commit the fix, thanks for reporting15:08
shadeslayernp :)15:08
apacheloggerScottK: what woudl the ubuntu unfriendly squad do?15:09
apacheloggerdevalidate HW?15:09
agateaushadeslayer: fix pushed15:10
ScottKapachelogger: Apply appropriate negativity at people that are screwing up.15:11
ScottKSee recent discussions here with shadeslayer as an illustrative example of what such a team might accomplish.15:12
shadeslayeragateau: \o/15:12
apacheloggerScottK: oh, I do not want to read :(15:14
apacheloggerbut the idea sounds like something we should have15:14
shadeslayerwait what are you guys talking about?15:14
JontheEchidnayofel: the weather wallpaper plugin in that package uses wallpapers from both packages15:15
shadeslayerapachelogger: what about me?15:16
apacheloggerdon't remember, chatview is in my way and I am too lazyto scroll15:16
apacheloggerdarn you chatview *wave fist*15:16
apacheloggerI fear we have too much to do15:17
ScottKIIRC it was something about wayward minions needing encouragement to do useful and appropriate quality work.15:17
apacheloggeralso I fear we need different approaches to undoing the todos15:17
ScottKwiki edit, delete, save, done.15:17
apacheloggerbut then what do we do until release?15:18
apacheloggerthere is only so much .prn one can watch15:18
shadeslayerScottK: i am starting to do work again, but just need a *bit* more time (  just 10 more days! ) ..... but i am going to do stuff this time 15:18
JontheEchidna!info plasma-runner-installer oneiric15:18
apacheloggerflip me running15:18
ubottu'oneiric' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable15:18
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: plasma-runner-installer in oneiric15:19
jussioh, bah, I forgot15:19
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: yeah blame jussi15:19
apacheloggerjussi: now you need to blame Quintasan15:19
apacheloggerQuintasan: you consquently blame the shadeslayer15:20
apacheloggerand then I join and blame ScottK15:20
apacheloggera circle of blame15:20
ScottKshadeslayer: Great.15:20
shadeslayerapachelogger: who would blame me again :P15:20
apacheloggerif only we'd got an ubuntu unfriendly squad15:20
apacheloggerwe could have a daily circle of blame15:20
jussiahh, just skip it, its shadeslayer's fault because I have no blink.15:20
shadeslayerit's pythons fault for not working15:21
ScottKapachelogger: circles are no fun.  It's much better to have a hierarchy where blame can be dumped down on minions from above.15:21
apacheloggerI has retracted membership of kubuntu-mobile on that spam team15:22
apacheloggernow if only tonio had not made kdesudo member of that team -.-\15:22
* apachelogger sighs a bit and stuff15:22
ScottKSomeone who lives in France should go hunt down Tonio_ and make him rejoin us.  With jr distracted we could use his help again.15:23
apacheloggerScottK: well yes, but the minions would be implementing a circle15:23
JontheEchidnaWhat I want to know is how I became a Xubuntu Developer, Member, User and Tester15:23
apacheloggerwe need a circle, so that the team can relate to the ubuntu circle of friends15:23
ScottKapachelogger: As long as I'm above the circle, I'm fine with circles.15:23
apacheloggerhence a circle of blame would be a circle of unfriendly15:23
ScottKJontheEchidna: Happened when you got core-dev.  It's inescapable.15:23
Tonio_ScottK, hey :)15:23
apacheloggerScottK: well, you are overlord15:24
apacheloggerTonio_: !15:24
ScottKAh.  It's a Tonio_.15:24
Tonio_hi guys15:24
Tonio_not than I don't want to rejoin, but I don't use kde anymore15:24
apacheloggerTonio_: can you please make kubuntu-members or kubuntu-council admin of kdesudo-kubuntu15:24
Tonio_worse, I can't use it15:24
ScottKTonio_: You can come back to KDE now.  Even laserjock declared it good.15:24
apacheloggerare you on arm and KDE does nto work?15:24
apacheloggercause we have a fix for that :P15:24
Tonio_ScottK, I need to test it...15:24
ScottKIn any case if you could do the team thing apachelogger asks, that would be really helpful.15:25
apacheloggerScottK: btw did you see my beautiful kubuntu-low-fat?15:25
Tonio_ScottK, but the absolute lack of "professionnalism" in kde developpment, breaking things release after release, isn't making me confident for the future, to be honnest :)15:25
ScottKapachelogger: I recall the proposal.  I did not notice any implementation yet. Where can I find it?15:26
ScottKTonio_: It seems to be getting better.15:26
Tonio_ScottK, anyway, I wanna test it again, and if it's ready to be used, I'm quite okay to switch back15:26
ScottKI think the kmail pain we're about to experience is the last major one for awhile.15:26
Tonio_ScottK, in witch way is jr distracted ?15:26
apacheloggerScottK: that is why I ask, I forgot where I put it :P15:27
ScottKTonio_: He's on rotation to the bzr team for 6 months, so he's only a free time contributor to Kubuntu this cycle.15:27
Tonio_ScottK, kmail is basically the most important app for me15:27
Tonio_oh okay15:27
apacheloggerScottK: lp:kubuntu-low-fat-settings15:27
Tonio_so there is no more people "paid" to make kubuntu ?15:27
apacheloggerScottK: doesn't hook into the configs yet, so you need to fiddle with something somewhere15:27
ScottKTonio_: steveire has been working very hard to make sure we'll all love kmail2.15:27
ScottKWe'll find out shortly.15:28
apacheloggerthe reason it does not do that yet, is because overlord apachelogger decided that implementing a decascader first made more sense15:28
ScottKTonio_: Not this cycle (paid contributors).15:28
Tonio_"paid contributors" ?15:28
Tonio_ah ok sorry15:28
Tonio_got it15:28
ScottKapachelogger: Sounds like something that requires me to think, which is unlikely at 10:28 AM on a holiday.15:29
apacheloggerScottK: well, next year we can start from scratch with KDE 5 ;)15:29
ScottKTonio_: He'll be back.15:29
Tonio_ScottK, oh did you know my gf is pregnant, and I'm gonna get married ?15:29
ScottKTonio_: I did not.  Congratulations.15:29
ScottKTonio_: I've lost track of you.  Are you back in France?15:29
Tonio_I never was gone in fact15:29
Tonio_my company is in canada, but I stay in france15:30
ScottKI thought you were in Canada for awhile?15:30
Tonio_I pretty much stopped kubuntu simply because I can't consider working on a project I don't trust in the first place...15:30
ScottKSo we can send agateau after you if you go missing.15:30
ScottKSo you think you can trust Gnome Shell better?15:30
Tonio_I really hope kde will make it again, but honnestly, afaics the nightmare kde4 has been since it's first release completly blow up the user's database...15:31
Tonio_I don't know if I can trust gnome-shell :)15:31
Tonio_but I know gnome 2 is still there, and kde 3 isn't :)15:31
ScottKFor the moment.15:31
Tonio_but yeah, gnome-shell could push people to try kde again15:31
ScottKI think KDE4 is almost there.15:31
ScottKTonio_: It already has.  15:32
Tonio_especially since unity is far from beeing universally loved15:32
ScottKThat and Unity both.15:32
Tonio_ScottK, wanna know what is my primary OS right now ?15:32
Tonio_windows 7.... and it's amazing15:32
ScottKBTW, thanks to afiestas_work and friends KDE and bluetooth is now in very good shape (I remember that was one of your pain points)15:32
Tonio_ScottK, know what ? I'm gonna test kde4 toonight15:33
Tonio_ScottK, I had a lot of points, but mainly, my concern was that I felt kde didn't consider users need (aka wireless manager that works, bluetooth)15:33
Tonio_and ended up feeling to me like a hudge band of geeks having fun15:33
ScottKThe wireless stuff is getting pretty good too.15:33
steveirekmail2 seems to have problems for some people, but most or many are using it without problems.15:34
Tonio_ScottK, yeah I know :) after..... 8 years I'm using kde, there is now something that works15:34
Tonio_no issue with devs, I love them, but as we discussed, project manager was really, really lacking, and I lost motivation15:34
ScottKWith my android phone I can do tethered networking via USB and all I have to do is enable it in the phone.  The KDE end just works.15:34
Tonio_let's test this kde4 again15:34
Tonio_I said to my gf last weeks I was missing workingon free software15:35
ScottKIn the next release I think I'll be able to do this via bluetooth.15:35
apacheloggerTonio_: uh, congratulations15:36
Tonio_apachelogger, thanks :)15:36
ScottKTonio_: Did you fix the kdesudo-kubuntu ownership?15:36
ScottKThat would be super helpful.15:36
apacheloggerit would also be helpful if everyone on the kubuntu council were administrator for the kubuntu council ^^15:37
ScottKI did mail jr about the council election results.15:38
apacheloggerQuintasan, shadeslayer, yofel: p-i-n-g15:38
Tonio_ScottK, so what exactly do you need me to do ?15:38
Tonio_kubuntu-council member of kubuntu-kdesudo ?15:38
ScottKTonio_: Make kubuntu-council an administrator.15:39
Tonio_ScottK, need to find out how to do this first :)15:39
Tonio_I never was a fanof launchpad for this kind of stuff15:39
ScottKAcutally if you could just make apachelogger an admin we can sort the rest later.15:40
ScottKI think first we need the kubuntu-council admin to request to join the team.15:40
ScottKAnd that's jr and he's not around.15:41
apacheloggerScottK: no, you can also add someone to a team, in which case that needs to be ack'd15:41
ScottKThen you explain it.15:41
apacheloggerso yeah, making me admin is the quick fix15:41
apacheloggerotherwise we'd have to wait for jr ^^15:41
apacheloggerTonio_: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-kdesudo/+members15:42
Tonio_apachelogger, may I put you as an admin ?15:42
afiestas_workScottK: :p15:42
apacheloggerTonio_: yeah, please15:42
Tonio_apachelogger, already found that out :)15:42
afiestas_workTonio_: if you need anything more on the Bluetooth side, just ping 15:42
Tonio_afiestas_work, sure :)15:43
apacheloggerTonio_: thanks15:43
Tonio_afiestas_work, and despite the criticism, I saw your wonderfull work on that point ;)15:43
Tonio_just... I was already moving on :)15:43
apacheloggermembership to spam group retracted15:44
Tonio_ScottK, what is the compositing status in kde4 ? last time I tested it was broken with intel ships for 9 month15:44
Tonio_afiestas_work, about kde development and problems and so on.... I just used to be rude a couple of minutes ago :)15:44
Tm_TTonio_: compositing? you mean kwin effects?15:45
Tonio_Tm_T, yup15:45
ScottKTonio_: Depends on what Intel.  I've got a Sandybridge based laptop and it just works.  On my older stuff (like i945) I have to adjust what effects are enabled, but once I do that it works great.15:45
Tonio_ScottK, interesting15:45
Tm_TTonio_: what ScottK says ^ for most stuff it should just work15:45
apacheloggerScottK: calligra asks for packaging their snapshot builds15:45
apacheloggerScottK: plus we need calligra mobile anyway15:45
apacheloggerneed a minion zomg!15:46
ScottKTonio_: I find natty/4.6 WAAAY better than maverick/4.5 for graphics.15:46
ScottKapachelogger: Need to talk to ana in Debian and see if they'll do it.15:46
ScottKI think that both Kwin and the Intel drivers have improved.15:47
Tonio_ScottK, will test toonight and let you know15:48
Tonio_maybe it's time for me to come back15:48
Tonio_but it'll be hard, many thing have changed since my "departure"15:48
Tonio_even technically, packaging is different, I mostly didn't use debhelper 7.... you'l have to help me "resync" with the project guys15:49
shadeslayerapachelogger: p-o-n-g15:51
ScottKTonio_: We'll be glad to have you back.  Helping out with getting you back up to speed is no problem.15:53
apacheloggershadeslayer: calligra -> project neon?!?!?!?15:54
shadeslayerapachelogger: well ... calligra has too many authors, so i'm leaving out the copyright stuff for now, but apart from that i'm working on that right now15:55
shadeslayerapachelogger: uhm, if debian has versioned build deps that are lower than ours, and we just bumped the build deps for lib chages, it makes sense to drop our changes right?15:57
ScottKapachelogger: No point in preserving build-dep bumps that were just to prevent archive skew.15:58
* apachelogger did not compute the question15:58
ScottKApparently that one needed to go east around the world, not west.15:58
shadeslayerhehe 15:59
ScottKapachelogger: So my advice is hunt down this Adrien.16:00
charlie-tcaDo you need a bug for a failed amd64 desktop cd install today?16:04
charlie-tcaor is it known already?16:06
ScottKIt isn't, but CD failures this early in the cycle are quite common and rarely bug worthy.16:09
charlie-tcawith alpha1 coming this week, seems like we should at least be able to install16:10
ScottKIt's an goal, but one we often don't meet.16:10
charlie-tcaMostly this early, I just tell people it failed. That at least lets you know something went wrong and you can check the build logs16:11
ScottKIt is a good point that reminds me I need to get added to the failure reports for the Kubuntu images.16:11
ScottKThanks for the reminder.16:11
charlie-tcaYou are welcome16:11
shadeslayerokay, who will look at my ktorrent merge? :D16:28
* apachelogger points at CIA-5116:30
apacheloggershadeslayer: i do not see no merge request16:32
shadeslayerapachelogger: yeah hold on, i just have a diff right now, would you like a proper bug report or the easy way where i just give you the diff16:33
apacheloggerif we do not have a branch then I want a proper bug report16:34
shadeslayerapachelogger: yeah, we don't have a branch 16:34
apacheloggerScottK: a MoM IDE would be cool ;)16:35
apacheloggerwhere you can grab merges and drop to a shell and do stuff and all the mumbo jumbo 6^16:35
apacheloggershould not be too difficult as MoM has json files though :D :D: :D16:35
ScottKWell grab-merge, vim, diff, and patch suffice for me.16:36
ScottKI'm not sure what else such an IDE would provide.16:36
apacheloggersearch for packages16:36
apacheloggerbasically a GUI for that work flow right there16:36
shadeslayerfiling a bug and attaching necessary stuff ^^16:37
apacheloggerfor example16:37
apacheloggernot particularly useful, but surely a nice thing to program for someone who's starting with programming though16:38
apacheloggeralso from an automation POV interesting for research, perhaps we'd be 354% more efficient with such an app16:39
apacheloggerwho knows ^^16:39
JontheEchidnalooks like arm building will go smoothly this cycle16:45
apacheloggerkubuntu on arrrrm16:45
Quintasanapachelogger: pong16:46
ulysseskubuntu pirate edition?16:46
* Quintasan went to hardware store to get his computer fixed16:46
apacheloggerQuintasan: we needs project neon to spit out some calligra16:46
Quintasanapachelogger: On 0 - 10 scale, how important is it?16:46
debfxScottK: what's the reasoning behind keeping the versionless boost -dev packages in universe?16:46
apacheloggerI am not sure shadeslayer gives it the priority it deserves16:46
shadeslayerQuintasan: can you work on the krita plugins till i finish calligra-history?16:46
apacheloggerQuintasan: 716:47
Quintasanapachelogger: how long can it wait?16:47
shadeslayerapachelogger: it will be done tonight :)16:47
apacheloggernot very long16:47
apacheloggerI aksed for it like a week ago16:47
Quintasanshadeslayer: I'm pretty much without computer this week16:47
Quintasanor at least for today16:47
apacheloggerand today upstream approached me about getting calligra coverage in kubuntu16:47
apacheloggerso we better get moving16:47
Quintasanapachelogger: point upstream to me then16:47
apacheloggeryofel: equally, I'd need a ninja to package the calligra snapshot, adrien from debian-kde does have packaging, but apparently not committed/push etc.16:48
QuintasanI can't work as much as I would like because >9000 assigments16:48
Quintasanin school16:48
apacheloggerI know the feeling :D16:48
* apachelogger was working 16hrs yesterday on functional programming :D16:48
QuintasanIf I somehow pull through this and beggining of next week I should be done16:48
Quintasanapachelogger: did you get your board?16:48
apacheloggerno, I only ordered last week16:49
apacheloggerit be pending the website says16:49
QuintasanMy package is in Warsaw right now16:49
apacheloggershipping date is internationl day of pending16:49
QuintasanI on bet "at least one week in customs" option16:49
apacheloggerQuintasan: oh they sent it to poland directly?16:49
apacheloggeraustrian stuff usually gets routed through germany so customs get done there16:50
apacheloggerusually takes no longer than half a day16:50
QuintasanI only looked at where it is now :P16:50
apacheloggeryou must not forget where things are coming from16:50
apacheloggerotherwise you are loosing perspective on where they should be going16:50
Quintasanapachelogger: point calligra upstream to me if what they want are [daily,weekly,biweekly,monthly} builds :P16:51
apacheloggershadeslayer: that is one bare merge request :P16:51
shadeslayerapachelogger: yeah one sec, i'm just scp'ing the diffs ^_^16:51
apacheloggerQuintasan: they want a snapshot build, but since we like to give more than requested we need weekly calligra :P16:52
apacheloggernothing more to say there16:52
JontheEchidnahmm, overwrite errors in kdebase-runtime, must have missed some16:52
apacheloggerQuintasan: #calligra talk to ingwa16:52
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: overlords are not supposed to admit failure :P16:53
shadeslayerapachelogger: ingwa carries a snapshot of calligra on a high speed usb stick to give to people :D16:53
ScottKdebfx: Which one?  libboost-dev is in Main16:53
Quintasanapachelogger: He is not there :<16:53
Quintasanmore like16:53
debfxScottK: e.g. libboost-graph-dev16:53
Quintasanhe is not on IRC16:53
shadeslayerQuintasan: apachelogger guys, i'm covering calligra, it shall be done tonight16:54
Quintasanshadeslayer: Make it quality16:54
apacheloggershadeslayer: now imagine he had kubuntu packages on thatusb stick16:54
Quintasannot fast16:54
apacheloggerand kubuntu16:54
apacheloggeras otherwise it made little sense16:54
shadeslayerQuintasan: for project-neon16:54
ScottKdebfx: Some of them there's no user in Main.  The ones that need MPI are in Universe because we don't want to pull the full MPI stack into Main to build them.16:54
Quintasanshadeslayer: QUALITY16:54
apacheloggershadeslayer: QUALITY16:54
* shadeslayer checks his ktorrent patches one last time16:54
* apachelogger should make kubotu highlight shadeslayer every hour or so saying QUALITY16:54
ScottKdebfx: That's why we split boost1.46 into also having boost-mpi-source1.46.16:55
Quintasan~karma apachelogger16:55
kubotukarma for apachelogger: 1116:55
Quintasan~karma Quintasan16:55
kubotukarma for Quintasan: 216:55
apacheloggerI am the lord president16:55
Quintasan~karma Quintasan16:55
kubotukarma for Quintasan: 316:55
shadeslayeroh good lord no16:55
* Quintasan goes to biology16:55
QuintasanLittle do all of you know how much I loathe biology16:56
apacheloggerjust consider that most of the things in biology are nakkid16:56
shadeslayerQuintasan: can't be more than me hating Microwave and RADAR's16:56
apacheloggercells: nakkid, camels: nakkid, leafs: nakkid16:56
apacheloggeronly trees are sorta dressed16:56
ScottKdebfx: We always depend on the versioned packages in KDE because I think it's a horrible situation to switch boost versions you are using by accident.16:56
Quintasanaforementioned stuff: NOT INTERESTING16:57
apacheloggershadeslayer: tell me about radars16:57
debfxScottK: how so? have there been problems in the past?16:57
shadeslayerapachelogger: i hate them16:57
apacheloggergotta fly insanely high with my spaceship all the time16:57
JontheEchidna!find xine.pm16:57
ubottuFile xine.pm found in libxine-dev16:57
apacheloggerjust because of them silly things16:57
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: burn it, burn it with fire16:58
QuintasanMOAR BLOG POSTS16:58
* Quintasan goes back to biology for sure16:58
apacheloggerQuintasan: did you not promise a postz?16:58
apacheloggershadeslayer: did you not promize a postz like months ago?!?!?!?16:58
ScottKdebfx: Yes.  It's been better recently but it used to be a large fraction of packages would FTBFS with newer boost.16:58
ScottKAlso in KDE we need to move the whole stack at the same time.16:58
shadeslayerapachelogger: dude, i'm telling you, wait till the 10th of next month16:58
ScottKSince different boost versions aren't binary compatible.16:59
shadeslayerif i don't have a post ready by 11th/12th then i'll buy you beer :P16:59
ScottKAlmost two weeks for a blog post?16:59
shadeslayerapachelogger: 1016:59
apacheloggeryou realize that one is the prequesit for me sponsoring one merge request16:59
shadeslayerScottK: almost two weeks for these flipping exams to get over16:59
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: libxine-dev is a debuild -S depend of kdebase-runtime now :P16:59
apacheloggerconsidering I uploaded 2 already16:59
apacheloggerthat makes 10 beers16:59
shadeslayerapachelogger: you mean 12 beers17:00
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: lolwut?17:00
ScottKapachelogger: With bandwidth in India being what it is, it'll take weeks to get 10 beers to you.17:00
JontheEchidnait uses some dh_xine magic now17:00
apacheloggergood point17:00
shadeslayerScottK: nah, i'm buying a new connection too now ... 3.2 MBps it says17:00
JontheEchidnaneeding xine.pm from libxine-dev17:00
shadeslayerapachelogger: bug 790265 17:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 790265 in ktorrent (Ubuntu) "Please merge ktorrent 4.1.1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79026517:00
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: oh, right, I think there is some crapz in runtime that uses xin0r17:00
apacheloggerint he phonon kcm17:00
apacheloggeror I might be wrong17:00
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: plz report bukz17:01
apachelogger"y u use old soft warables?"17:01
JontheEchidnay u distribute old software sources?17:01
apacheloggerthat is not what we does17:01
apacheloggerwe only use em17:01
apacheloggerdem bones dem bones dem dancing bones *sing*17:02
* ScottK wants some of what apachelogger's on.17:05
* JontheEchidna wonders how well the sqlite akonadi backend works17:07
claydoh_sqlite? i can haz??17:10
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
JontheEchidnamorning, fellow overlord17:13
DarkwingDuckHow is the world of devels?17:13
ScottKcharlie-tca: I'm subscribed for the build failure mails for all Kubuntu images now, so as long as I'm around, no need to ping.17:15
ScottKDarkwingDuck: Perhaps you could have a look at our specs and see what we need to finish them to be ready for KC review.17:15
charlie-tcaThanks, ScottK 17:16
DarkwingDuckScottK: Aye17:16
ScottKapachelogger: I see you got a nice comment from asiego on your blog post.17:18
JontheEchidnaI suppose that means he is forgiven for his Kunity post :P17:19
shadeslayerapachelogger: did you upload ktorrent ?17:33
apacheloggerno, I am flipping packing17:33
apacheloggeralso no further uploads before I did not get my beer17:33
shadeslayerah for randa ..17:34
ulyssesalways drinking…17:34
apacheloggershadeslayer: no, for Graz17:35
apacheloggertravel plans: Graz -> Randa -> Graz -> Vienna -> Upper Austria -> Graz17:35
apacheloggerthat is just the next 2 weeks17:35
* shadeslayer goes ARM ftbfs hunting17:36
ScottKapachelogger: I think Austria is small enough that movement within it barely counts as 'travel'.17:38
shadeslayerwould it be possible to attach a shell to running screen session?17:39
QuintasanScottK: statement above shall be judged as 10/1017:39
QuintasanScottK: Your statement of course :P17:39
DarkwingDuckScottK: That's like driving from north to south through a major US city right? :P:P17:41
ScottKIt's a little further than that.  Particularly east/west17:41
DarkwingDuckUnless that city is L.A.17:42
* DarkwingDuck chuckles17:42
* Quintasan braces for impact17:42
apacheloggerScottK: you never went from brisbane to perth clearly17:43
apacheloggerthat is one long journey17:43
ScottKDarkwingDuck: It's like driving around Kentucky, but smaller.17:43
DarkwingDuckahhhh, Yeah. Still small.17:44
DarkwingDuckBut, better then deleware17:44
* Quintasan abandons the warship and starts doing maths17:44
ScottKYes.  You can blink and miss Delaware.  17:44
DarkwingDuckYup. 17:44
* apachelogger giggles17:45
* Quintasan hands ScottK a trollface mask17:45
ScottKExcept for the toll booth on I-95.  Even with Easy Pass you still have to slow down.17:45
ScottKapachelogger: Yes.  Similar.17:45
LaserJockScottK: man, it was very crazy for me when I was in New England that way. I was used to Rocky Mountain driving. I went to Rhode Island and it was gone in a flash17:46
ScottKI think Delaware is actually slightly larger.17:46
apacheloggerwhy ever the empire of austria did not eat liechtenstein alive is truly confusing17:46
apacheloggerperhaps it was too small17:46
ulyssesbecause they've eaten Hungary:P17:46
* Quintasan hides behind the statue of Invisible Pink Unicorn17:46
ScottKProbably because they wanted a barrier from the Landsknechts17:46
ScottKOops.  Wrong term.17:47
ScottKThose are the German imitators.17:47
ulyssesQuintasan: if it is invisible how do you know it's pink?17:47
Quintasanulysses: BELIEVE17:47
apacheloggerQuintasan: that is no laughing matter at all17:48
apacheloggerlike 1/4 of poland was eaten by austria17:48
apacheloggerat one or two points anyway17:48
QuintasanAt one point17:48
apacheloggerare you sure17:48
QuintasanAnd who saved your asses from Turkish invasion?17:48
apacheloggeroh, perhaps the empire did not care anymore to take part in the second partition17:48
apacheloggerThe Second Partition: January 23, 1793 (in which Austria did not participate).17:49
apacheloggerQuintasan: not that hungarians :P17:49
* DarkwingDuck polishes his US Forces is WW1/2 bailout badge. :P:P17:49
ulyssesapachelogger: haha, we were there too17:49
ScottKWell, at the time Poland had an interesting form of government that made it really easy to swallow bits of it.17:49
JontheEchidnalol, this reminds me of when jr, harald, michal and myself discussed european history and politics at that pub in Budapest17:49
QuintasanScottK: It is more like there was no government17:50
ScottKIIRC any decision required unanimous agreement from all the nobility which was like impossible to get.17:50
ScottKSo it amounted to the same thing.17:50
apacheloggerulysses: yeah, just like the prussians....17:50
apacheloggernot quite so helpful :P17:50
QuintasanScottK: Strange as it seems, it was working for over 80 years before that :O17:51
apacheloggerQuintasan: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Partitions_of_Poland.png17:51
apacheloggerthat last partition was when the independent state of poland was completely absorbed by the empires of the time17:51
apacheloggerthey are like obsorbalovs from doctor who17:52
apacheloggerorwhatever the thing was called17:52
apacheloggerone of the most crappy episodes in all of time and space that was17:52
Quintasanapachelogger: We angered Russia by accepting the Constitution :P17:52
JontheEchidnaha, I had almost forgotten about that episode17:53
ulysseswhich episode was that?17:53
JontheEchidnaLove & Monsters17:53
Quintasanapachelogger: Random Fact: When Polish government was voting upon the Constitution, there were  less than 1/4 of the nobility present17:54
JontheEchidnathe girl ends up as a tile of sidewalk with a face :(17:54
ulyssesthat was crappy17:54
Quintasanin other ways: We forced it lololol17:54
ScottKThis reminds me (on a more serious note): When Poland joined NATO there was a woman who worked for me who was from Poland and I remember on the day it became official she was in tears.  I asked her what was the matter.  It turned out they were tears of joy.  She said "Now it can NEVER happen again" (it being the Russians)17:54
ulyssesA Good Man goes into war, that will be interesting17:55
JontheEchidnayes, very much so17:55
JontheEchidnaI think my favorite episode so far this season was The Doctor's Wife17:55
QuintasanScottK: :D17:56
ulyssesJontheEchidna: me too17:56
JontheEchidnaThe whole season has been really good, imo17:57
JontheEchidnaoh, and, like magic: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kdenetwork/ubuntu/revision/14517:57
Quintasanapachelogger: OTOH only Poland and France made it to Moscow when conquering Russia :P17:57
* Quintasan can remember from history that Poland hijacked Russia's throne twice by dirty tricks17:59
ScottKQuintasan: But Russia is big enough that getting to Moscow is just getting started.18:00
ScottKQuintasan: Actually the Mongols got to Moscow starting from the far end.18:01
QuintasanScottK: The rest of Russia is actually not worth the effort :P18:01
* ScottK wonders what lucidfox thinks of all this.18:08
mgraesslinwhere can I find information on how to install Neon?18:08
ScottKQuintasan: shadeslayer: ^^^18:08
shadeslayermgraesslin: one sec18:09
Quintasanmgraesslin: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:neon/ppa18:09
shadeslayermgraesslin: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/ProjectNeon << More info here :)18:09
Quintasanmgraesslin: #project-neon for complaints, questions, suggestions :)18:11
lucidfoxScottK, of what?18:11
lucidfoxTechnically, what you say is true :)18:11
lucidfoxand IIRC, when the Mongols invaded, Moscow didn't even exist, but I may be wrong18:12
lucidfoxif it did exist, it was an insignificant nowhere town18:12
lucidfoxand Quintasan, Poland never *actually* hijacked Russia's throne18:13
lucidfoxonce they got close, garrisoned in the Kremlin, but Minin and Pozharsky's militia repelled them18:13
lucidfoxand JontheEchidna, I absolutely hated The Doctor's Wife - for me it's a distinct moment when Doctor Who jumped the shark18:14
lucidfoxand I only kind-of-liked the other episodes because I just lowered my expectations for Moffat's venture18:15
Quintasanlucidfox: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_Dmitriy_I18:15
lucidfoxOh, him. Well, he wasn't technically Polish.18:15
ulyssesThe Doctor's Wife was good, but the next two weren't18:15
lucidfoxSee now, I liked the next two18:15
lucidfoxI tend to like the serious episodes18:16
lucidfoxAnd sometimes the silly ones18:16
Quintasanlucidfox: I am not really sure about "conquering" Moscow, I heard our army made it there because most of the city was abandoned18:16
JontheEchidnaYeah, the last two were creepy18:16
Quintasanlucidfox: There were like three of those False Dmitryis18:16
JontheEchidnavery successful at being suspenseful18:16
lucidfoxbut The Doctor's Wife was neither serious nor silly, it was just... tasteless.18:16
lucidfoxyes, Jon18:16
lucidfoxI liked the twist in the end, too18:17
JontheEchidnaI bet they had so much fun putting in that "to be continued", I almost yelled at my laptop18:17
Quintasan+10 in trolling18:17
lucidfoxtrolling? o_O18:18
Quintasanreferring to JontheEchidna's message18:18
lucidfoxWell, I actually kind of suspected that the Eyepatch Woman was the result of "our" Amy's senses interfering with some "alternate" Amy, I just didn't expect it to be *that*18:19
lucidfoxThey even made me care about Amy, and I normally don't. Blandest companion ever18:19
ulyssesthat flesh amy was a bit silly18:19
JontheEchidnaSo she must have kidnapped her somewhere around the start of the season, yes?18:20
JontheEchidnaperhaps in the gap between "The Impossible Astronaut" and "Day of the Moon"18:20
lucidfoxapparently the creators said it happened before the season18:20
JontheEchidnahuh, I've not yet watched the confidential for this episode18:20
ulyssesbut why wear Rory the Roman suit again?18:20
lucidfoxCosplay? :p18:22
Quintasanmgraesslin: Be sure to let us know if something is not right in Neon18:22
mgraesslinQuintasan: sure, but I will only test in a Virtual Machine18:22
* mgraesslin wants to know if new kwin works with OpenGL now18:22
lucidfoxAnyway, regarding False Dimitry I, the most popular theory is that he was a Russian monk who fled to Poland18:23
Quintasanmgraesslin: cool18:23
Quintasanlucidfox: Poland apparently "aided" him in taking the throne, though I read in my history textbook that people did not like him much and he ended in a horrible way18:25
lucidfoxWell, he was an atypical tsar, and actually surprisingly progressive for his time18:26
lucidfoxin a calmer time, he could have become the Peter I before there was a Peter I :(18:26
Quintasanapachelogger: plasma-active == plasma-mobile?18:26
Quintasanlucidfox: What I hate is that Poland had a ton of other problems yet they chose to meddle with everyone around and we ended up in deep sh...problems18:27
lucidfoxWhat do you mean?18:28
Quintasanlucidfox: well, at that time, apart from meddling with Russia we were fighting with Sweden over the throne as well18:32
QuintasanWe were at war with Turkish Empire as well18:32
ScottKQuintasan: No.  plasma-mobile == phones, plasma-active == tablets and other small things.18:33
ScottKRelated, but not the same.18:33
ScottKOK.  I think that's enough trouble stirred up.18:34
ScottKSee you all a bit later.18:34
JontheEchidnaKDE sighting in Dr. Who Confidential: http://i.imgur.com/yiQYb.png18:58
JontheEchidnabetter shot: http://i.imgur.com/A7QZW.png19:01
JontheEchidnaaww, Fedora :P19:01
ulyssesthey have a robotics suite19:01
yofelhm, why are the .so links back in kdelibs5-plugins?19:41
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
yofelgah, overwrite hell19:57
debfxyofel: .so links? are you sure?20:00
yofelah nvm, misunderstood the changelog. Only a few moved20:04
yofelmore overwrite hell20:04
JontheEchidnahmm, I didn't mean to take both kdegraphics and kdemultimedia at once, so I'm removing myself from multimedia on MoM20:07
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
debfxyofel_: have you noticed another file conflict except kdelibs5-data -> libplasma3?20:31
yofel_debfx: yep, fixed in bzr20:33
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
DarkwingDuckWe have an idea when/if KDE 4.7 will be avalible with a Kubuntu tag/20:36
yofelforget b1, maybe we'll make it for b220:39
DarkwingDuckShooting for B2?20:40
DarkwingDuckIts not released till July anyway20:41
yofelwell, we first need to finish the merge anyway, and it seems like we don't have enough people working on it :S20:41
LaserJockis there a list for that?20:42
DarkwingDuckList for?20:42
yofelyou can se on the merges.ubuntu.com link in the topic what is done and what not20:42
yofel(assuming you mean the merge)20:43
JontheEchidnaHmm http://aseigo.blogspot.com/2011/05/libplasma2.html20:43
LaserJockwell, I just meant if there was a specific list for KDE20:43
LaserJockor do you just look for *kde*20:44
yofelwe didn't bother to set one up, just look for kde*20:44
JontheEchidnain the past we've used something like this: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging (like we currently use for packaging new releases)20:44
JontheEchidnathat's a fairly complete list20:45
DarkwingDuckRiddell! Welcome back!20:48
DarkwingDuckHow is the BZR world? :P:P20:49
Riddellfun. lots of thinking involved in this programming stuff.  and it's python so you can't just slack off with the excuse that it's compiling20:52
yofelany eta when we'll be able to use bzr co kubuntu:kdelibs ? :P20:52
RiddellI haven't looked into that yet yofel, except at a glance and it didn't look like a memory issue20:53
yofelah, well memory is neon anyway, and you could blame either bzr or LP there20:54
* JontheEchidna grabs kdebase for a merge21:19
jussi!info kubuntu-desktop oneiric21:52
ubottukubuntu-desktop (source: kubuntu-meta): Kubuntu Plasma Desktop/Netbook system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.223 (oneiric), package size 3 kB, installed size 56 kB21:52
jussiJontheEchidna: there we arem fixored21:52
JontheEchidna!info plasma-runner-installer21:53
ubottuPackage plasma-runner-installer does not exist in natty21:53
JontheEchidna!info plasma-runner-installer oneiric21:53
ubottuplasma-runner-installer (source: qapt): KRunner plugin for installing packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.80-0ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 9 kB, installed size 84 kB21:53
JontheEchidnaQuintasan_: ^21:53
JontheEchidnajussi: btw, your Muon bug got fixed in 1.1.321:54
JontheEchidnapackages available for natty and maverick21:55
jussiJontheEchidna: <3 thanks :D21:56
=== em_ is now known as em
apacheloggerwhy is it that every time I go somewhere I end up with a pile of highlights22:15
apacheloggerQuintasan_: the empire of austria never did a russian campaign, I believe they were best friends actually22:16
apacheloggerQuintasan_: plasma-active != plasma-mobile but based on it22:17
apacheloggerScottK: the target of plasma active is to eventually target everything that is not desktop, so IMHO it is more of a project than a product, but oh well....22:17
yofelthe active/mobile question arose from wondering how to get active in neon.22:18
yofelDoes that even have it's own git or where is that?22:18
* yofel wonders if his headache comes from the kdeplasma-addons merge or from the heat22:19
yofelI tend to heat22:19
apacheloggeryofel: talk to afiestas about that22:21
apacheloggerhe offered to even keep you up-to-date with changes necessary22:22
apacheloggeras active is a fast moving target22:22
apacheloggerthe more interesting question, do we haz calligra yet? :P22:22
yofelshadeslayer created the packaging branch for calligra, didn't have time to look at it closer yet22:22
* micahg feels the need for PSA: when merging from Debian, please use -v to include the Debian changelogs since the last Ubuntu version, this will autoclose any LP bugs closed in Debian and show the changelog entries on the oneiric-changes ML22:57
debfxmicahg: I find that is mostly an issue of lacking tool support22:58
debfxlike an option that automatically determines the current version in the archive22:59
micahgdebfx: that could be, barry pointed out there's something with the UDD tools that does that apparently22:59
* micahg thought of proposing it as a default when generating sources23:00
apacheloggerkubotu: join #phonon23:01
JontheEchidnaWhy do we have a kdeutils-dev package?23:01
debfxmicahg: well not all uploads are targeted at the archive23:01
JontheEchidnathere are no reverse-build-depends23:01
JontheEchidnaand Debian does not carry this package23:02
debfx!info kdeutils-dev oneiric23:02
ubottuPackage kdeutils-dev does not exist in oneiric23:02
micahgdebfx: true, but does it ever hurt?23:02
JontheEchidnawe just have the old .install file kicking around :)23:02
debfxmicahg: for example it makes the ppa page noisy23:04
debfxif you always include the changelog diff from archive to current ppa version23:04
micahgdebfx: true23:05
yofelwhat is that -v for? dput?23:06
debfxyofel: yes23:06
micahgdebfx: yofel, no it's for debuild23:06
debfxehh yes, of course23:07
* JontheEchidna grabs kdepim-runtime for merging23:19
debfxJontheEchidna: could you upload http://people.ubuntu.com/~debfx/kamoso_2.0.2-0ubuntu1.dsc for me23:21
debfxit's not in the packageset yet23:21
rbelemapachelogger, i just transfered the ownership of kubuntu-mobile team to kubuntu-council :-)23:28

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