
silverarrowdoes anyone know how to handle booting up in to a black screen with text in the lubuntu CD?00:56
silverarrowit is a HP vista laptop00:56
silverarrowI get as far as the boot up options in lubuntu, then into a sort of terminal00:57
silverarrowI don't get the usual full  live bootup00:57
silverarrowpuppy linux manager to boot fine00:58
silverarrowso lubuntu are not at all good with hp laptop, is it the nvida cards and HD graphics?01:05
silverarrowit's a vista computer, 2.4GHz CPU, 3GB RAM01:07
silverarrowso this is the dormatory?01:20
jgouldMost of my PPA stuff wouldn't appply to a new machine05:40
emmaHi, I am a linux newbie, and just installed lubuntu on my laptop. Just want to know if the 2.6.35.x kernel is ok or if should upgrade06:52
themantissnoob question08:41
themantissrunning lubuntu as a livecd08:41
bioterrorwhat's the question?08:42
themantissdoes it run as a livecd with the gui? all i get is the command line08:43
bioterrorshould run08:43
themantissor am i missing a step?08:43
bioterrorproblems with graphics card drivers08:43
bioterrorwhat kind of hardware you have?08:44
themantissoldish toughbook08:44
bioterrorexact model or graphics chipset would help us08:45
themantisspanasonic toughbook cf-1808:46
themantisscentrino processor08:47
themantissand thats all ive got. freebie08:47
bioterrorthat one has a touch screen to08:48
bioterrorthemantiss, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9940776#post994077608:48
themantissyeah. it had xp tablet08:48
bioterrorhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/CF-18 taken from there08:48
themantissoh wicked08:49
themantisscheers dude, will try that08:49
bioterroryou might need to add that parameter to grub settings to make it permanent :G08:50
bioterrorthemantiss, did you try 11.04 or 10.10 lubuntu?08:50
themantissit's only a test to see how well it runs anyway, it will eventually get installed08:52
bioterroroh well, give that kernel boot paremeter a chance ;)08:52
themantissawesome man, thanks heaps aye08:52
themantissno doubt i'll be back haha08:52
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deckstarlubuntu control center appears to have left 11.04. Anyone know if its got a control center?12:53
lil_petehey guys i got an interesting problem:14:09
lil_petei switched from kde to lubuntu14:09
lil_peteit seems to have accepted all my settings (hotkeys, mouse, ...) BUT:14:09
lil_peteafter login, settings arent active14:10
lil_peteif i just start settings -> system settings -> hotkey without any change, i can use my hotkeys14:10
lil_peteso... how can i fix this and get my hotkeys right away?14:10
lil_peteactually its even surprising that my kde settings are available, but i dont mind :)14:11
stlsaintyou want hotkeys to load on startup?14:11
lil_peteerm... basically, yes.14:12
lil_petemouse settings have the same issue, if i change them theyre ok, right after login theyre set to default values (acceleration f.ex.)14:12
stlsaintthat would be a profile thing i would assume14:14
stlsaintone sec14:14
lil_petestlsaint: take your time, but im not asking you to do my google-research. pointing me in the right direction could do the trick, too :)14:16
stlsaintlil_pete: honestly google is all i was doing, my keybindings load automagically so im not sure why yours arent14:18
lil_peteprobably 'coz i never set them up in lxde? seems like the system is using kde-settings, too!?14:18
lil_petestlsaint: im trying to boot a new kernel, ill be back in no time... hopefully. :)14:25
lil_petestlsaint: so... did you find anything?14:37
stlsaintnot really14:39
stlsaintkeybindings arent suppose to redefault after reboot14:39
lil_petehhmmm okay... ill try "changing" them slightly and re-save them... maybe that will do. :-/14:40
lil_peteanyway, i dont reboot that often... got my kernel running, i should be fine for several weeks now :)14:40
bioterrorhow about editing .config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml14:43
bioterrorinstead what ever14:43
lil_petebioterror: i didnt even make any changes to the default config, simply stared lxde and it somehow used my kde-settings...14:43
lil_petebut i had to open the "settings" menu before he accepted them... this is what got me confused14:43
bioterrorif youre not using kde, remove kde folders from your home folder14:44
bioterrorand add keybindings to the lubuntu-rc.xml14:45
lil_peteim just trying lxde, why would i delete anything?14:45
bioterroras I said "if youre not"14:46
lil_pete:-/ i am im afraid14:47
bioterrorand if youre running lxde on plasma/whatever oxygen it is, then i dont know14:47
lil_petei get the feeling that my settings-menu is actually meant to be used in kde14:49
bioterrorlubuntu uses openbox as the window manager and the configs for binding keys are in ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml or rc.xml if 2 recall right14:49
bioterrorI even14:50
lil_petehhmmm using knotes doesnt seem to be a good idea either... pity, this lubuntu-thing seemed to be really neat n fast14:52
stlsaintlil_pete: correction, you are not using lubuntu14:54
stlsaintlil_pete: if i understand you correctly you simply installed the lxde environment14:54
lil_peteand started it14:54
stlsaintlil_pete: if you want to truly get a feel for lubuntu you should download the iso and try it out in a vm or something14:54
lil_peteok, im not really using lubuntu, true14:54
* stlsaint *nods*14:55
lil_petei would have done a apt-get install lubuntu-desktop, but that would uninstall my kde-desktop... thats a lil too much right now :)14:55
bioterroreven my dead granny is fast if you compare it to kde :)14:55
lil_peteill give that iso a try some time :)14:55
stlsaintbioterror: wow14:55
bioterrorkde-desktop is a meta package14:55
bioterroror kubuntu-desktop to be exact14:56
stlsaintlil_pete: yes the actual lubuntu os is way better and more stable than just running lxde14:56
stlsaintyes to be exact14:56
bioterrorit does not matter14:56
bioterrorinstall lubuntu-desktop14:57
lil_peteerm... "meta-package" ?14:57
bioterrorlog into it and pure lxde after tthat :D14:57
bioterrorlil_pete, meta-packages are used to fetch certain packages14:58
lil_peteokay, but still... i got kubuntu-desktop installed next to xubuntu-desktop.. why doesnt that work with lubuntu-desktop, too?14:59
lil_petebesides... im online via gprs... 40 mb sounds like a lil too much :D14:59
lil_petegotta try that @ university14:59
lil_petewell guys... im out of here, cya next time im booting lubuntu... asking myself silly questions id rather ask you :)15:02
stlsaintJoeMaverickSett: sup15:05
JoeMaverickSetthey there, stlsaint :)15:12
meddioneQuestion: how does one get Wicd to work on Lubuntu ?15:38
stlsaintmeddione: stop the current network manager and install wicd i believe15:42
ActionParsnipyo yo yo16:18
ActionParsnipgot it fixed :)16:18
ActionParsnipindicator theme if you use unity2d needs the theme package for gnome installing16:19
bodhizazenphillw, thanks for the mirror for zenix, the sha1sums checked out (thanks Unit193)16:40
bioterrorso bodhizazen, you've found your way to here too ;)17:20
bodhizazenbioterror, yes =)17:29
bodhizazenbioterror, do you know how to make an iso bootable via grub2 ?17:30
bodhizazenI can boot the zenix iso via grub2, but I keep getting a kernel panic, it can not find the root file system17:30
bioterrorbodhizazen, hmmmm17:37
OnionsI need to split a file in diferent sections, can anybody help me out?17:58
OnionsI need to copy a dvd iso, to an external  fat32 hard drive, but the files is too big for the filesystem18:00
ActionParsnipOnions: you can't FAT32 max filesize is 4Gb18:01
ActionParsnipif you use tar, you can break it up18:01
Onionsyeah, i know that. I want to split the file in diferent parts18:01
bioterrorI would use zip or rar18:01
bioterroror a better filesystem18:02
OnionsBut how do I do that?18:02
ActionParsnipOnions: http://usage.cc/split   split will do it18:02
Onionsok, give me a sec18:02
Onionsdoes split work with a zip file?18:04
Onionsand, i dont think i can use a diferent filesystem, since I need to copy the file to a windows pc18:05
bioterrorwindows pc uses ntfs18:06
Onionsyeah, but my hard drive is in fat 3218:06
Onionsthe external hard drive18:06
OnionsI have heard that ntfs gives problems with linux18:06
bioterrorI heard that back in the 90's18:07
ActionParsnipbioterror: you CAN use fat32, its just rubbish18:08
ActionParsnipOnions: ubuntu can read and write to ntfs without issue18:08
Onionsah ok18:08
bioterrorI could drive a Fiat Punto, but instead I drive turbo charged saab with software update18:09
OnionsI will try to split it using hoz18:09
phillwno problems bodhizazen, anytiome you want to pop one on, feel free to do so. No need to ask!18:17
bodhizazenphillw, well, I lost the login and pasword, so if I need it again I will ask18:22
SpaceBackhow can i enable auto login in lubuntu ? I edited /etc/lxdm/default.conf http://pastebin.com/sjK3mFkH18:27
bioterrorbodhizazen, you have "initrd=zenix.img"?18:49
bioterrorbodhizazen, something like that18:49
bioterrorbodhizazen, http://michael-prokop.at/blog/2011/01/07/booting-iso-images-from-within-grub2/ ?!18:51
SpaceBackbioterror i have a problem with auto login this is the output of /etc/xdg/lubuntu/lxdm/lxdm.conf http://pastebin.com/2sWazh8v18:54
SpaceBackthere is autologin=username but it still is not working18:55
bioterrorSpaceBack, default.conf ;)18:56
SpaceBackwhat do you mean ?18:57
bioterrorshould be the corret, at least it was on 10.1018:57
SpaceBackok i changed it18:59
bioterrorsudo service lxdm restart18:59
SpaceBack_bioterror its not working19:00
SpaceBack_and i have to set lubuntu to even login its set to default19:00
SpaceBack_i mean the session19:02
SpaceBack_are you still there ?19:12
bioterroryeah, I'm blasting about idiots who buys cérvelo's bikes, some cool bike spandex outfits and then they must ride on the 60km/h - 80km/h roads when they have a road next to these "roads" which is for "light traffic"19:14
SpaceBack_a i' more a car type,Lada rules ! xD19:16
SpaceBack_YES !19:16
SpaceBack_best car ever :D19:17
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bodhizazenbioterror, where do I put that ?23:14

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