
=== Sarvatt_ is now known as Sarvatt
jthomas_Hello all02:41
jthomas_I am facing some problems when compiling instrumented arm assembly on ubuntu-arm02:42
jthomas_I am trying to add some instrumentation code that does a simple printf02:42
jthomas_but for some reason, I am getting a segmentation fault02:42
jthomas_the interesting fact is that02:42
jthomas_since printf requires the arguments to be put into r002:43
jthomas_for whichever basic block that does not modify r0, the instrumentation works02:43
jthomas_but when I instrument any basic block that modifies r0, either storing or loading the value of r0, then I get a segmentation fault02:44
jthomas_any idea as to why this is happening02:44
jthomas_any help would be great02:44
=== Lopi|idle is now known as Lopi
jthomas_any help?03:24
=== Lopi is now known as Lopi|idle
zulogra is there any documentation about putting ubuntu arm on a toshiba ac100?15:16
ogra_zul, yes15:17
ogra_zul, you got one ?!?15:18
zulogra_: yep, christmas came early15:18
ogra_zul, https://launchpad.net/~ac100/+archive/ppa follow the link to my people account15:19
zulandroid sucks as an os ;)15:19
ogra_currentl installation means to jump thought some hoops15:19
lilsteviezul: android serves a purpose15:20
lilsteviejust not on tablet devices15:20
ogra_i'm working on a proper installer that should be ready within this week15:20
ogra_lilstevie, i would use it on a tablet ... but on nothing with a keyboard15:20
lilstevieogra_: it is ok on the galaxy tab15:21
lilsteviebut ubuntu is still better15:21
ogra_zul, start with http://developer.download.nvidia.com/tegra/files/os/tegra_froyo_20110207.run.gz it contains the nvflash utiliy you will need to flash the new kernel to the device15:22
lilsteviethe easiest way to explain how android feels on the tab is like having a Ferrari that is locked out of 4th gear +15:22
zulogra_: cool ll poke around15:22
zuland ask if i need help15:23
ogra_zul, http://ac100.gudinna.com/README/ has outdated instructions for older images ... the commands are stil the same though15:23
lilstevieit  works just not very very15:23
gildeanzul: and if you want 3d, suspend and sound, you can follow my guide for .32 http://ac100.tunk.org/wiki/phh15:26
ndecogra_: hi. i installed natty from the minimal FS. what's the meta package to install the full desktop? ubuntu-netbook or ubuntu-desktop?15:26
zulgildean: meh15:26
gildeanbut it has a bunch of nvidia-binaries and crap like that15:26
ogra_ndec, up to oneiric its ubuntu-netbook15:27
ogra_with this release we'll switch to -desktop on arm too15:27
ndecogra_: thx15:27
zulim more interested in running other things other that desktop on it15:27
ogra_gildean, zul surely wants to work with things like lxc15:27
ogra_so he should use a sane kernel15:27
gildeanogra_: yeah, just mentioning :)15:27
zulogra_: and normal server work loads ;)15:28
ndecogra_: so on natty ubuntu-netbook should install the unity2D?15:28
ogra_zul, go for my .37 image then, if you run into issues, just ping ... same goes for the kernel, if you are mising options or patches, tell me15:28
ogra_ndec, both actually15:29
zulwill do15:29
ogra_unity as well as unity-2d15:29
ogra_defaulting to 2d15:29
ndecogra_: ok.. 1gb is being installed ;-)15:29
lilstevieI really wish I could crack the 3D accel nut on the tab15:32
lilstevieunity would be win on the tab15:32
ogra_lilstevie, use unity-2d as we do in all arm images ?15:33
lilstevieogra_: it fails15:33
ogra_and florence so you have an android like kbd15:33
ogra_it fails ?15:33
ogra_bug number ?15:33
lilstevieogra_: not bug number15:34
lilstevieunless you want my own trac :p15:34
lilstevieI have zero accel15:34
lilstevieeven 2D15:34
ogra_and ?15:34
lilsteviegnome-classic is the only thing that doesn't put too much load on the cpu15:34
ogra_my ac100 does only framebuffer too15:34
ogra_but unity-2d is snappier than the 3D one on my intel laptop15:35
lilstevieyour ac100 is also dualcore :)15:35
ogra_but the cores are not actually used for graphics stuff15:35
lilsteviemy software framebuffer is a bit fail15:35
lilsteviethe SGX540 is meant to software accelerate without the need for the userland blobs15:36
lilstevieit is a bug my end though15:36
lilsteviethe 2.6.32 sourcedrop from samsung had the most ugly unoptimized code15:36
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
sveinseI'm sitting here upgrading our target to natty, and I've hit this --sysroot thing. How can I compile Qt (not from deb source) with xdeb ? E.g. are there any tutorials of how to build with xdeb out there?21:28
sveinseuhm, *cross compile Qt21:29
sveinseDodgy network atm?21:30
Nekoif anyone's answering sveinse's questions, I'd also like to know how to get xdeb to work without actually packaging things as source packages...21:54
Nekois there something like a cross-debhelper?21:54
Nekohrw, nudge?22:09
=== Lopi|idle is now known as Lopi
hallynogra_: my update fetched your new kernel, buti'm not booting from it.  how do i update it?  flash-kernel with options, or some different command?22:20
hallynwent ahead an dared to flash-kernel22:28
hallynzul: how's your's treating you?22:28
hallynzul: yay, i have a running container22:30
zulhallyn: missing some usb cables23:28
hallynwell lxc is working for me, with the -2 kernel.  will put off heavier testing till tomorrow23:36
hallyn(since today is holiday :)23:36
stgraberhallyn: now we just need some ARM machines with fast I/Os to actually do something useful in containers ;)23:37
zuli actually need to see if openstack works first23:38
hallynzul: jikes, good luck.  gonna use an external hd for that?23:46
zulnfs probably23:47
hallynstgraber: that would make it easier to test a range of uses, yes :)23:47
hallynzul: ah23:47
hallynmaybe i'll install lvm on a big usb stick so i can do some quick cloning :)23:48
zulbbl need to reboot to hopefully fix this freaking ipod23:48

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