
gggsany idea why the gnome calendar applet starts the week on Monday, despite the en_AU locale?03:51
gorillagggs: we do start the week on the Monday.04:20
gggsgorilla: s/Monday/Sunday/ , I've answered my own question though, there's an error in the locale04:24
gorillagggs: ahh. A bug in locale?? :-/04:25
gggsgorilla: yea, "first_weekday" is "1", the same as en_US; in en_GB "first_weekday" and "first_workday" are "2"04:26
gggsen_AU has "first_weekday 1", en_US has "first_weekday 1 \n first_workday 2", en_GB has "first_weekday 2 \n first_workday 2"04:27
gggsthe locale has full contact details of the guy who wrote it, but it also says he wrote it in 1996. How should I file a bug/submit a diff?04:29
gorillaI think you treat it as a bug in Ubuntu and let the process at Ubuntu decide if they want to take it on board internally or not. Something five years old since the last update could be orphaned.04:32
gggsgorilla: I found it at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/langpack-locales/+bug/192507 ; someone changed the status to "Won't Fix" because "I just talked to some Australians who said that they consider Sunday the start of week."04:35
lubotu2Launchpad bug 192507 in langpack-locales (Ubuntu) "en_AU locale: first day of week incorrect" [Low,Fix released]04:35
gggsoh hey a bot04:36
gorillayeah meet lubotu2 :-) It will fetch any link and provide the html head contents. LP #192507 would also work. I think.04:38
lubotu2Launchpad bug 192507 in langpack-locales (Ubuntu) "en_AU locale: first day of week incorrect" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19250704:38
gorillagggs: looks like it has been fixed.. or at least configurable.04:42
gggsgorilla: page says "Confirmed → Invalid", then "Won't Fix → Fix Released" back in 2008, but I can't see anywhere you could configure it04:43
gorillayea, the last update is vague: "Thanks, that was my suggestion - make it configurable in panel.". Feel free to bump it!04:45
gggshow do I do that?04:45
gorillagggs: I'm currently working but you would need to be log into launch pad and post an appropriate comment.04:51
gggssure thing, I'm trying to get hold of the dev who changed it's status first04:53
gggsI should probably make sure my fix worked first05:02
gorillagggs: fair enough. Sounds like and good idea.05:07
gggsI was running 10.04, I installed 11.04 yesterday & I'm still trying to get it right05:14
gggshmm, changing first_weekday didn't fix it05:29
gggsdisregard that, running locale-gen fixed it, calendar now starts on a Monday05:46
gggsapparently to get 'Monday' changed as the first day of the week upstream, I need to provide some sort of official reference; any ideas?06:26
gorillaaustralia government web sites..06:30
gorillagggs: I could have a better look tonight but even wikipedia said somewhere that the first day of the week is Monday.06:35
gggstried that, but I wouldn't know where to start: "Australian Government official policy on the first day of the week"? it's an ISO standard & default for the UK, but not for Aus06:36
gorillagggs: This is almost good enough to me. http://blogs.news.com.au/couriermail/parenting/index.php/couriermail/comments/so_which_day_is_the_first_day_of_the_week which is good enough for me, it refers to ISO-860106:58
gggsgorilla: nice, I can't find where she referenced that from though07:08
gggsgorilla: I think I found it- "AS ISO 8601-2007", which superseded "AS 3802:1997", but you have to pay $109 just for the PDF07:12
gorillaYeah, you could be right. Someone should be able to give you the relevant page that states which is the First day... I still think that it's Monday :-)07:14
gggsI agree :)07:16
head_victimsagaci: I just changed to the next team meeting's chair on the meeting page10:25
head_victimI didn't realise it was possible until I actually looked for it ;)10:25
sagacino worries, thanks10:28
head_victimAnd on that revelation I'm off for the night I think. Got some stuff to catch up on.10:28
sagacirighteo no worries10:33
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