
Jaithcan anyone tell me the Amazon image ID of the *official* Ubuntu AMIs?01:44
JaithI've been trying to set up an Amazon EC2 compute instance with Ubuntu and cannot determine which of the 215 amazon images which are 64-bit ubuntu are trustworthy or appropriate or not01:48
Jaithi'm using this command with the EC2 api tools: ec2-describe-images -a --filter image-type=machine --filter architecture=x86_64 | grep -i ubuntu01:48
Jaithzul: thank you...are those official?01:53
Jaithzul: also, I'm hoping to have Ubuntu 11 stable and not some beta or bleeding edge branch...is this the right page? http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/natty/current/01:54
Jaithzul:  you rule02:02
Jaithzul: thanks so much02:02
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kim0koolhead11: hey man10:16
kim0koolhead11: how was your weekend10:16
koolhead11seems like you were away during weekend? :)10:16
kim0yeah mostly10:17
TeTeTare we allowed to have weekends?10:22
koolhead11TeTeT, i was all here though :D10:23
koolhead11TeTeT, howdy :D10:23
TeTeTkoolhead11: hi10:24
kim0TeTeT: oh why not :)10:24
koolhead11TeTeT, you were working on weekends. :D10:24
TeTeTnah, I enjoyed my days off10:25
TeTeTI hardly check email on weekends anymore, has to wait til Monday10:25
koolhead11TeTeT, ^ o.0^10:26
koolhead11i need to learn that as well :)10:28
TeTeTwhen I was young I didn't care either, but now at 41 I need my rest periods10:28
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