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nigelb*yawn* Morning07:37
dholbachgood morning07:52
nigelbhey dholbach! I hope you had a fun vacation :)08:02
nigelbGood morning ara!08:02
nigelbdholbach: I have a bunch of suggestions for the packaging guide. I'm not sure if some bits were deliberately left out to make it simpler, so I didn't file a bug yet.08:03
dholbachnigelb, the idea is to have simple task-based articles and have in-depth knowledge-base articles08:03
dholbachif there are bugs in the guide, please feel free to file them08:03
nigelbdholbach: Can we do a task specific list of things to do?08:04
dholbachthere's a number of bugs filed already as "placeholder articles"08:04
dholbachfeel free to add more :)08:04
nigelbI'll do that :)08:04
nigelbI followed the guide last week to basically test the guide out08:04
nigelbThe "pbuilder-dist oneiric create" step was left out08:05
dholbach$ pbuilder-dist <release> create08:05
dholbachat half of the page08:06
nigelbhrm, this is a bit confusing08:07
dholbachwhat exactly?08:07
nigelbwell, I found that the documentation was spread out and the left navigation was confusing08:09
nigelbSo, I was inside the UDD documentation, which meant, I didn't see the getting Set up bit08:09
nigelbThere should be a way to make Sphinx sidebar show more stuff08:09
dholbachcan you file a bug about that?08:10
nigelbYeah, doing so right now08:10
nigelbI'll probably give you a merge request too if you're open to fixing that :)08:10
dholbachoh yeah sure08:11
dpmgood morning everyone08:20
dholbachhey dpm08:21
dpmhey dholbach, welcome back, how was the holiday?08:23
dholbachit was excellent - thanks :)08:25
dholbachhow are you doing?08:25
dpmcool :), yeah, I'm doing well, slowly starting the week08:28
nigelbhey dpm :)08:36
dpmhey nigelb :)08:42
kim0Morning everyone08:56
kim0dholbach: dpm nigelb hey o/08:56
nigelbGood morning kim0!08:56
dpmgood morning kim0 :)09:02
kim0dpm: hey :)09:02
dholbachhey kim009:22
kim0dholbach: hey man .. hope you had some fun the past few days09:22
dholbachyeah, it was great09:24
dholbacha bit windy, but great :)09:24
kim0dholbach: awesome :)09:26
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dholbachjames_w, did you hear the Flux Pavillion BBC1xtra mix already? it's awesome14:47
james_wI didn't14:47
james_whttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=479t0JYYz0E I think?14:51
dholbachjames_w, not available in my country, so I can' tell :)14:54
james_wtrack list looks the same14:54
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dholbachalright my friends - I call it a day17:19
dholbachhave a great rest of yours and see you tomorrow17:19
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mhall119doctormo: ping19:43
doctormomhall119: pong20:39
mhall119doctormo: still around?22:09
mhall119doctormo: did you make the icons on the bottom row here: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mhall119/icons/icons_preview.html22:09
mhall119and if so, what license are they under?22:10
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doctormomhall119: I did, and they are the same license as the code of the loco-directory.23:11
doctormoBy the way, those two icons are using two different colours.23:11
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