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YoBoYgood morning06:33
dholbachgood morning07:52
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trinikronogood mornings locos!13:31
leoquanthttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/LoCoHealthCheck all within the 2010 calendar is this correct? is there also a LoCo  reapproval wiki/schedule?15:05
leoquantah, nevermind15:07
YoBoYthe wiki.u.c need lot of love :)15:07
leoquantYoBoY, seen that anti wiki speech on the budapest uds on youtube? :P15:13
leoquanthttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Cxs9OHIBcs after 24,50 15:16
YoBoYyes I was on the room ;)15:23
YoBoYhttp://photos.april.org/v/UbuntuPartyParis201105/  << some pics of this week end17:59
YoBoYhi toros 18:04
toroshi YoBoY 18:05
YoBoYHow are you ?18:07
torosfine, thanks18:09
torosand you?18:09
YoBoYexhausted, thanks :)18:10
YoBoYhave you seen our new ubuntu-fr tshirts ?18:11
torosno, I haven't18:12
toroscould you give me a link?18:12
toroswow, awesome!18:13
torosit's orange \o/18:13
YoBoYyes :D18:13
toroslike the Hungarian t-shirts18:14
YoBoYthey were printed the same week as the uds ^^18:15
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locodir-userany 1 available for chat19:23
YoBoYhi locodir-user, you have a question ? or you just want to chat ? :)19:24
locodir-useryes..can u pls tell how to update the kernel19:25
locodir-useri used the cmd Gksudo "Update-Manager"19:27
akgranerlocodir-user, and YoBoY I just asked in -kernel if someone could pop in to answer the question or if there was a wiki page for that19:27
akgranerbut it's a holiday in the US so not sure who is around atm19:28
mhall119akgraner: good to see you back on your foot19:29
akgraneryep - I can walk without crutches now, but I have to be careful19:30
akgraneras the kneecap doesn't want to stay in place 19:31
mhall119what's the long-term prognosis?19:31
mhall119wait until it heals itself?19:32
akgranertoo much damage...just waiting for the ortho appt now to determine when19:33
mhall119that sucks, but hopefully will prevent more of this19:33
locodir-userwat is the latest kernerl available19:34
akgranerit will - but it's a long painful recovery - they have to fix the ligaments, acl, and meniscus 19:34
YoBoYlocodir-user: perhaps you can ask on #ubuntu support channel too19:36
akgranerlocodir-user, as long as you are using 'sudo apt-get dist update' you should have the latest kernel19:36
YoBoYwhat appened to you akgraner ? :O19:37
akgraneryou can also ask in #ubuntu or #ubuntu-kernel 19:37
locodir-userk 19:38
akgranerYoBoY, blew my knee out in the customs line in New York on the way back from UDS19:38
YoBoYbad luck :]19:38
akgranerso I've been afk for a week healing and resting the leg...non-weight bearing for the last week19:39
locodir-userget well soon :)19:42
akgranerYoBoY, tell me about it....:-/  but It will all work out - and I'll get with you on UWN this week with deadline dates etc19:42
akgranerand I'll email dpm as well19:42
akgranerand this should be awesome if we can get the timing right for all of this - again great suggestion!19:43
YoBoYcool :)19:45
YoBoYand I need to write my team report this week ^^19:45
akgranerYoBoY, I'll be blogging in the morning about all the UWN stuff so you'll see more about it all in the am19:47
YoBoYok :) I'll try to build a special team before the end of the week to translate the uwn in french19:51
akgranerYoBoY, awesome let me know what if anything you will need from me19:51
akgranergotta run - catch you all laters :-)19:52
TrickyJRonnie: Do we have any chainnel for metaspoilt ?21:14
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nigelbakgraner: !23:24
nigelbakgraner: you're back!23:24

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