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soaringskycan someone please review my package packtools in revu?05:23
soaringskycan someone please review my package packtools in revu?06:55
dholbachgood morning07:52
iulianMorning dholbach.08:19
* iulian yawns.08:19
dholbachhi iulian08:20
* dholbach yawns too08:20
* Laney stretches09:07
Laneydholbach: hey! how are you?09:37
dholbachLaney, excellent - thanks - how about you?09:38
LaneyI came across the packaging tutorial of lucas the other day http://people.debian.org/~laney/packaging-tutorial/09:38
LaneyI wonder if we could rob the (concept of) exercises09:38
Laneyyeah good, enjoying a bank holiday :-)09:38
dholbachyeah, sounds good to me - can you file a bug about it?09:38
Laneyi shall try09:39
lucasit would be better if you contributed to it, rather than robbing from it;)09:39
hrwcan someone tell me what for revu-uploaders group exists?09:41
hrwit is listed as 'no longer necessary' but each 'ubuntu contributor' becames member of it.09:41
Laneylucas: heh, it's not exactly the same09:41
Laneypresentation vs. html guide09:41
Laneyit's in the same ball park though (learning material), so ...09:41
geserhrw: just ignore it, it was used in the past before REVU could import gpg keys from LP for fresh uploaders09:43
Laneycan we delete it?09:44
gesersure but better get an ACK from a REVU admin09:45
Laneywell they'll need to do it anyways09:45
Laneyas the team owner09:45
LaneyRainCT ajmitch siretart: ^^^ (should ~revu-uploaders be deleted?)09:46
hrwgeser: I am ignoring it but it took me 1h to find out why I got emails from launchpad abouting rejecting adding group XY to group ZD.09:50
hrwgeser: when I was never added directly either to XY or ZD one.09:51
AnAntLaney: congrats !09:52
hrwbtw - can someone tell me did I got my PPU permissions or should I just check with dput?09:57
Laneyuse the edit_acl.py line I gave you before09:58
hrwLaney: it gives me python backtrace only09:58
Laneydoesn't look like it was applied09:58
Laneyyou can poke someone on the TB to do it09:59
Laneytech board09:59
sladenhrw: PPA?10:05
gesersladen: PPU = Per-Package Upload rights != PPA10:06
nigelbLaney: hi10:23
nigelbThe other day when I was fixing the FTBFS, I used the packaging guide.10:23
nigelbI was inside the UDD thing, and I couldn't see the other options10:23
nigelbThe confusing bit was getting to see the main item before and after the item I was in.10:24
nigelbI'd rather have the entire TOC on the left sidebar10:24
Laneythat would quickly get huge10:26
Laneyunless it collapsed the other sections or something10:26
Laneyanyway I think we use whatever sphinx gives us for this — maybe you could see if it's possible to change it?10:27
nigelbyeah, I'm looking to see if I can have collapsed list of the TOC10:27
nigelbIts not immediately apparent that the "Table of Contents" is clickable.  This is despite the fact that I use sphinx a lot.10:28
nigelbAlso, I'm thinking of having an activity to get all the FTBFS that are due to the as-need change, list them somewhere and blog about how they need fixing and folks interested can pop in here and ask for help.10:28
nigelbThis involves going through all the build logs, so I'd take some time to build that list :)10:29
Laneysounds good10:29
Laneyyou might be able to grep them a bit10:29
nigelbah, that might help.  My idea was to open all the build logs from the ftbfs page and look at their reason for failure10:31
LaneyI imagine downloading them can be scripted :-)10:35
nigelbI believe, yes. I'll take a look when I get home. If I'm stuck I guess I can ask for help :)10:37
gesernigelb: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/oneiric.csv might help you a little bit with this task, it contains one line for each package and failure type11:27
geseras the linking error will affect all architectures looking into one logfile per package should be enough11:28
nigelbgeser: woah, yes! I could just filter out all the build failures that fails on archs and then pick up the i386 logs and compile the list :D11:29
siretartLaney: I think RainCT should answer this. I think so, but I haven't looked at REVU implementation for quite some time now11:29
nigelb*on all archs11:29
gesernigelb: that file was meant as a source for "harvest" but I don't know if it ever was used11:33
nigelbgeser: ah!11:34
nigelbgeser: I was looking forward to a night of reading BeautifulSoup, this makes it simpler :)11:35
RainCTLaney, siretart: Yeah, ~revu-uploaders isn't used for anything. I'm fine with removing it.15:11
LaneyRainCT: cool, (one of) you will have to do it then ;-)15:15
RainCTLaney: done15:27
* Laney enjoys cruft busting15:27
iulianOf course you do. :)15:30
* Laney fluffles iulian 15:30
* Laney looks at haskell-pkg-graph.pdf15:31
* DktrKranz looks at it too15:31
Laneyso close!15:31
micahgLaney: bdrung_ : instead of dropping syncpackage, can we rename it to fakesync?  it's very useful for that still17:47
Laneywhen sync-in-soyuz comes it can just DTRT automatically17:49
micahgLaney: even for fakesync?  cool17:49
Laneydoesn't it already detect that?17:49
micahgbdrung_: I test built eclipse 3.6 on amd64  yesterday, can I sync it over from experimental17:50
micahgLaney: synchelper doesn't allow it ATM, so they have to be done manually still, idk about sync-in-souyz17:50
LaneyI thought syncpackage did detect it, hmm17:51
micahgLaney: no, it does, that's why I suggested the rename :)17:51
Laneybasically I think that it's not worth removing/renaming only to resurrect in the near future when sync-in-soyuz lands17:52
micahgk, I didn't know that "feature" will be there as well17:54
Laneymakes sense to provide the same interface17:55
ScottKIf you've seen the LP blog post that mentioned 'derived distributions', that's the thing that will have the magic sync button.17:56
Laneyyep, all signs indicate it is close17:58
cjwatsonLaney: I don't think sync-in-soyuz will replace fakesync17:59
cjwatsonbut it's true, having syncpackage do the API thing for sync-in-soyuz rather than having to go through the website would be a useful thing to do18:00
Laneycjwatson: no I wasn't saying that — just that the 'syncpackage' tool will be able to detect what to do18:00
Laneyone interface for (fake)syncing18:00
cjwatsonsince the LP UI for it will (from what I've seen) be oriented around synchronising one distribution with another, more than around individual source packages18:01
cjwatsonI'd rather recommend that developers use the API for it, and then we can provide tools that advise on Ubuntu policy18:01
cjwatsonthe LP UI will be more generic18:01
cjwatson(so I think I'm agreeing with you, just verbosely)18:01
LaneyI wasn't thinking about the Launchpad UI at all (as I have no idea what that will be beyond what you've said)18:03
Laneybut it sounds like only a small part of this work is about 'syncing' as we know it18:04
Laney...lost my thread on this haskell update18:05
* Laney scrabbles around a bit18:05
cjwatsonI don't think it's secret or anything, but I don't have a screenshot18:08
cjwatsonyou might be able to find it on staging.launchpad.net18:08
cjwatsonsorry, I mean dogfood18:09
cjwatsonusual disclaimers on use of dogfood.lp.net apply though, and I seriously doubt changes there go anywhere near the production database :)18:10
cjwatsonI gave bigjools lots of feedback at UDS; I don't know how much of it has been implemented18:10
evaluatemicahg, ping?19:22
micahgevaluate: pong, I haven't forgotten about you :)19:23
evaluateok, wasn't sure if you've seen my previous message.19:23
micahgevaluate: which one?19:23
evaluateI was wondering because I've noticed that 1.4.0 has been merge to oneiric, but the patch hasn't been applied to natty, or does that just need a bit more time?19:24
micahgevaluate: no, that's just waiting for me to upload which I'll do this week19:24
evaluateohh, ok. That was all, thank you! :-)19:24
micahgevaluate: you're welcome, should be uploaded by wed at the latest19:26
evaluateNo hurry here, like I said I was just wondering and thought you may have forgotten about the natty SRU after upgrading oneiric.19:27
c_korncan I simulate dpkg -i somehow?20:17
evaluateDefine simulate...20:18
jtaylorc_korn: if you want to keep your system clean use a chroot20:19
c_kornno, like apt-get -s install. I only want to see whether installation would fail or not20:19
paultagc_korn: --dry-run20:19
paultagor --simulate20:19
paultagc_korn: check the man page, type "/simulate"20:19
c_kornI already use a chroot but thanks for the tip20:19
paultagc_korn: it's the first hit20:19
c_kornoh, my bad. thanks.20:20
paultagc_korn: no problem. good luck20:20
evaluatepaultag, hi :-)20:21
* paultag waves to evaluate 20:21
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highvoltagethat sounds so meta21:14
ajmitchhighvoltage: hm?21:14
paultaghighvoltage: hehehehe21:14
highvoltage(paultage waving to evaluate)21:14
paultaghighvoltage: How's things?21:15
highvoltagepaultag: good and you?21:16
paultaghighvoltage: not too shabby. Just moving home and stuff. Finally "settled", but my development machine is still offline :(21:16
paultagso just hacking on the netbook while I figure out what to make a table out of21:17
paultagI'm wicked in-and-out21:17
highvoltagewhere did you move to?21:18
paultaghighvoltage: back home, from Ohio. I have one photo up on my fb if you want to check out the view21:19
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Laneybdrung_: can uupdate use (or get its own version of) DEBCHANGE_DISTRIBUTOR?22:47
Laneyit's a bit annoying to get 0ubuntu122:47
* Laney hassles the new devscripts comaintainer :-)22:48
bdrung_Laney: i think we should standardize it somehow. maybe DEB_VENDOR which can be overridden by --vendor=X or --debian or --ubuntu (same for dch)22:50
Laneythat would be better indeed22:51
bdrung_Laney: the next item on my devscripts todo list is to merge the debchange changes in a sane way and make it usable for both targets22:51
bdrung_Laney: the problem with debchange is that all short parameter are already taken (-d, -u)22:52
Laney--distributor works fine for me now, not so fussed about a short name; I'd rather have a way to turn off all of the ubuntu specifics22:57
stgraberbdrung_: I'm sure there's plenty of utf-8 chars that haven't been used yet ;)22:57
Laneydch -☹22:57
stgraber-★ ? :)22:59
bdrung_stgraber: ansi is preferred.22:59
bdrung_how about -\n or --22:59
stgraber\0 ?23:00
bdrung_-\0 for Debian and -\1 for Ubuntu :D23:00
paultagdch -♥23:01
bdrung_paultag: impossible. some will say that this maps to --debian, but other to --ubuntu ;)23:01
stgraberthat's for --force right ? :)23:01
paultagbdrung_: :)23:02
Laneythat's for --nmu23:02
paultagOh jeez. `dch -→'23:02
stgraberdoh, why is it always Debian who gets the fancy utf-8 options? (we'll have to introduce the concept of maintainers and NMU to Ubuntu then ...) :)23:03
paultagI'm pretty sure ♥, → are both ASCII :)23:03
cjwatsondch -– (look closely ...)23:03
paultagcjwatson: that's a goodun :)23:03
paultagthank the FSM for monospace fonts :)23:03
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