
snailmwhudson: on the bright side, there are much more unpleasant things they could have spend the weekend sending you...00:53
mwhudsonsnail: i guess that's true00:53
=== ojwb is now known as Guest87318
=== Guest87318 is now known as ojwb
ibeardsleeohhh 3.003:44
snail3.0 ?03:52
mwhudsonah, the voices in linus' head won?03:55
ajmitchapparantly so03:56
BactaHai all12:23
snailmorning all20:47
hads3 working days for a reply to a sales enquiry doesn't inspire confidence in a hosting provider. Especially when at the bottom of the response it has "Ticket Priority: 24 Hour Response"22:59
ibeardsleeouch .. who is that?23:01
ajmitchthey're in christchurch, aren't they?23:34
hadsThey are23:39
hadsRun DiscountDomains and SecurePayTech23:39
hadsPage load speed on nicegear has gone from 6-8 seconds back down to <1 second23:40
hadsSince replacing that hard drive23:40
ajmitchquite a difference, that hard drive must have been a bit toast23:41
ajmitchI wonder how much sector remapping it was having to do23:42

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