
bazhangPlease don't invite random teams to join   <----- odd mailing to myself as #xubuntu op; in reference to ubuntu-al00:08
bazhangerr me00:09
IdleOne!membership > omega00:47
ubottuTo diagnose boot issues, you can use the Boot Info Script available from http://sourceforge.net/projects/bootinfoscript/ Run the script with !sudo and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).01:50
Jordan_U!no bootinfo is <reply> Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).01:50
ubottuI'll remember that Jordan_U01:50
bazhang vibhav (~vibhav@ has joined #ubuntu05:15
bazhangban evading again vibhav05:15
vibhavI have a dynamic IP05:15
vibhavThats why05:15
vibhavI can prove it05:15
bazhangthats ban evading05:16
vibhavbut it was not my fault05:16
bazhangsure it is.05:16
rwwYou know you're banned from #ubuntu. You go in #ubuntu anyway. This is bad.05:16
vibhavEverytime I open my computer , my ip is changed05:16
vibhavand Xchat always leads me to the Ubuntu Channel05:16
bazhangvibhav, your chances of being unbanned just went way down.05:16
rwwThen tell it to stop.05:16
bazhangrww, you want to handle this, or me05:17
vibhavOk I am deleting it from the favourite channels05:17
rwwbazhang: if you're familiar with the history, I'll step back. I'm not.05:17
bazhangrww, sure, I can handle it05:18
vibhavvibhav, your chances of being unbanned just went way down Why?05:18
vibhavAnd BTW i was goin to offtopic05:18
vibhavSo bazhang why have my chances went down?05:18
vibhavhey bazhang!05:19
bazhangvibhav, just a moment please.05:20
vibhavBan is removed05:21
IdleOnenot it isn't05:21
vibhavIdleOne removes ban on *!*@ what does this mean then?05:21
IdleOneyou were told not to return for 96 hours05:22
IdleOneNow I am wondering if I should just make it a full 30 days05:22
IdleOnebut I am stepping back05:22
vibhavYou removed the ban?05:23
IdleOnevibhav: bazhang is going to help you in a minute05:23
bazhangvibhav, please be patient.05:23
Flannelvibhav: The ban removed was not your ban in #ubuntu, which is currently still there.05:24
vibhavwhich ban was removed then Flannel ?05:24
Flannelvibhav: You were banned in this channel for two minutes.  Prior to that, a ban on someone else was removed (again, in this channel).05:24
Flannelvibhav: I expect it'll be made clear in english that your #ubuntu banned is removed once it is.  You won't have to try to decypher anything.05:25
vibhavbut atleast I can be on the offtopic community?05:25
bazhangvibhav, sure05:27
bazhangvibhav, your ban in #ubuntu will be the original 96 hours, provided you dont try to join #ubuntu in that time, nor your MOM using that IP address, etc05:28
bazhangvibhav, please come back here at that time, and we can then move forward.05:28
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix in #ubuntu appears to be lying and giving edited (s/parted/fdisk/)output from parted rather than the requested output from fdisk. I have no idea why, and I'm hoping I'm just missing something but I can't explain the output any other way.08:42
* Jordan_U is confused.08:43
rwwI usually shrug and stop replying when that happens. Too many people, too little time.08:46
Jordan_UThis has me intregued though. Either this person is lying about something really odd or something even more odd is happening on their system.08:47
Jordan_UI learned something new, there is a separate GNU fdisk based on libparted in universe that when installed superceeds util-linux's fdisk.09:05
rww!nickspam > squirming09:08
rwwhell of an attitude on yagoo all evening, btw.09:10
rwwI almost had words with them about accusing another user of trolling.09:10
vibhavI have a slight requesy09:27
vibhavcan my ban be shortened to 48 hours or 72 hours??09:28
Tm_Twe have asked you to stay away until given time, and you still fail to follow it09:29
LjL@mark #ubuntu yagoo being clueless and mildly annoying11:48
ubottuThe operation succeeded.11:48
ubottullutz_ called the ops in #ubuntu (monkey)13:02
ikoniavibhav is not getting unbanned soon - he is clearly ot listning to what is being aid to him13:16
Tm_Tikonia: same in english?13:19
Tm_Tmakes sense now (:13:19
ikoniamy keyboard is lagging due to a large repo sync]#13:19
bazhang<sudokill> http://lmgtfy.com/?q=freenode+register13:44
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.13:46
LjLbazhang: did you send that and !register to him or shall i?13:52
bazhangLjL, he presumably saw it the few times others got when asking about it.13:53
bazhangagain, with his 'u' and 'ur' and 'cos' perhaps not13:53
bazhangChris_H, hi13:59
Chris_HHi, why am I banned in #ubuntu13:59
bazhangLjL, thanks for getting him to drop the "u"13:59
Chris_Hor is it my username13:59
LjLlet me look at it chris14:00
LjLChris_H: you've changed your nickname, that's why14:00
LjLChris_H: unfortunately webchat clients have to be treated specially on #Ubuntu14:01
LjLChris_H: so if you change nicknames, you need to part and rejoin14:01
LjLplease try doing that14:01
bazhangsug is jungli?14:41
bazhangseem to be from same IP14:42
bazhangie victor and alejandro14:43
Tm_Thmm, all these are from same IP?14:47
bazhang a simple +q perhaps14:48
Tm_Tye, about to do that14:48
bazhangthat should fix it14:49
Tm_T...I pressed the enter with the same mask at the same time as you did (:14:49
Tm_Tand no, I'm not slow14:50
bazhanganything but14:50
bazhangif sug is in fact jungli, he's ban evading again in #ubuntu14:58
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (nikolaibo appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)17:00
ubottuIn ubottu, Logan_ said: !surround is <reply> If you're having trouble getting surround sound working in Ubuntu, try the instructions on this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SurroundSound20:13
LjL!surround is <reply> If you're having trouble getting surround sound working in Ubuntu, try the instructions on this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SurroundSound20:14
ubottuI'll remember that, LjL20:14
Logan_LjL: thanks :)20:14
LjLno prob20:14
AmaranthDave2: You around? Or any other staff?20:30
AmaranthWondering who owns urd20:30
micahghi, how do we get ubottu to recognize the xfce bugtracker/20:53
tsimpsonwhat kind of tracker is it?21:00
charlie-tcamodified bugzilla, as far as i know21:05
asacwho is tunning the ubotX nowadays?21:06
asacand running?21:06
tsimpsondepending on the bot, me21:06
asacubot2 ;)21:06
tsimpsonthen you want jpds21:07
ikoniabazhang: sug is jungli and he was removed for ban evading using sug yesterday,Corey was pushing this with staff, I note he's done it again21:07
asactsimpson: gratias21:07
ikoniatsimpson: apologies for missing you yesterday21:09
tsimpsonikonia: no problem21:09
ikoniatsimpson: my question was around the same as bazhang's I got an email response from the #xubuntu-ops launchpad team, but it's not something I'd triggered, do you know what this was about ?21:09
tsimpsoncharlie-tca: ubottu should now work with it21:09
ikoniathe response came from you, hence asking you21:09
charlie-tcaThank you21:10
micahgthanks tsimpson21:10
charlie-tcaGreat! it does work!21:10
tsimpsonikonia: LP being silly, it was "to" another team which invited ~irc-xubuntu-ops to join it, but LP apparently isn't too discreet21:10
ikoniaso not something I should be actually bothere about21:11
ikoniaI wondered if something had gone wrong, or I'd actually requested something by accident21:11
tsimpsonnope, they invited just about every team with "ubuntu" in it from what I could tell21:11
charlie-tcaYes, I don't know who sent the invite out.21:12
charlie-tcaI thought it was me, at first, too.21:12
ikoniaexcellent, so another quality team who are just behaving like idiot facebook processes21:12
charlie-tcayes, but I thought tsimpson responded very good.21:12
topyliyes the reply was nice and to the point21:17
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1656 users, 0 overflows, 1656 limit))21:26
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1656 users, 0 overflows, 1656 limit))21:26
asacLjL: jpds: hey ho! ... what we would like to have is ubot2 to join #linaro-android on top of #linaro and #linaro-meeting (where it is already) :) ... let me know! thanks!21:44
LjLi don't manage the ubots, you probably want tsimpson21:44
asacheh. thats a loop then21:45
LjLwhy, did tsimpson tell you to ask me?21:45
asacjpds said that jpds runs ubot2 ... so i guess i have to wait21:45
asacLjL: no that was someone else ;)21:45
LjLi used to run an "ubotwo" but that's long gone :)21:45
asacand only the runner is admin?21:45
LjLi'm not sure, maybe the irc council is also admin21:46
=== soren_ is now known as soren
nhandlerasac: I think you might want ubot5 (based on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots), which is run by jussi and tsimpson21:48
* asac checks21:48
asacall i need is lp bugs ;)21:48
asacubutu wiki is on snail today again21:49
tsimpsonubot5 does bugs too21:49
asactsimpson: i am happy then ;) ... can you invite him to #linaro-android?21:50
asacworks well21:52
asacthe best bot so far!21:52
asachas the highest number, so must be best :)21:52
tsimpsonwell, it's the newest...21:53
* Flannel goes off to register ubot9921:55
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from toad`)21:58
* popey registers ubotA0 through ubotFF22:03
rwwldunn_fn, soren: please /msg nickserv identify :)22:45
Jordan_Urww: ':)' isn't a very secure password.22:48
rwwJordan_U: It's the perfect password. It looks like an emoticon, so if you type it in-channel people don't suspect a thing!22:50
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
topylisome say the best password is 'incorrect'23:31
topyli(if you forget it, your computer will simply tell you what it is)23:31
LjLwhen i get my password wrote my computer tells me things like "you type like you drive" :\23:32
LjLand i don't drive very well :/23:32
rwwsudo insults?23:34
Jordan_UAnyone against "!dpkglock is <alias> aptlock"?23:36
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »23:37
rwwoh that. works for me23:37
Jordan_U!dpkglock is <alias> aptlock23:37
ubottuI'll remember that, Jordan_U23:37
topylii don't know. isn't it better to hunt down and gracefully kill the process that's responsible?23:43
topylinot sure, that gets the job done just as well23:44
Flanneltopyli: If there's no process responsible (because it's dead) you need to manually delete the lockfile23:44
topyliyeah i suppose23:45
rwwfwiw, this has never ever happened to me in all my insane apt wanderings. perhaps I am merely lucky.23:45
topylimost of the times users just have synaptic runnign somewhere though23:45
LjLthat's why you only use the factoid if you have a clue what's going on :P23:45
FlannelThat's why I always force people to give me a ps aux before recommending it :)23:46
topylifair enough :)23:46
Flanneltoo many apt/synaptic/adept/whatever-etc's to enumerate23:46
rwwI thought we had another factoid somewhere for gracefully killing the process based on the PID in the lockfile23:46
rww!search pkill23:46
rwwguess not23:46
rww!search kill23:47
ubottuFound: opguide, speech recognition-#ubuntu-offtopic, stevenk, kill, resetpanels23:47
ubottuA guide to help operators learn some of the skills necessary to perform their jobs is available on the wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam/OperatorGuide23:47
rwwhuh, didn't know we had that one.23:47
FlannelWhy does "kill" return that?23:47
topyliwe do. feel free to improve23:47
Flanneloh, skills.23:47
Jordan_UIt's apropos still :)23:47
rwwtopyli: i meant the factoid, not the guide23:47
topyligrr it's late again and i'm pretty sure tomorrow will bring another morning23:49
Flanneltopyli: That usually happens, yes.23:49
LjLis there any hope :(23:49
Jordan_Urww: I don't see any PID in my lock file here, it's just empty.23:50
rwwmaybe i'm thinking of something else then23:50
Jordan_UInterestingly the lock file is still there after dpkg finished.23:52

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