
yao_ziyuanthe same chinese web portal browsed by fedora 15 and ubuntu 11.04: http://img853.imageshack.us/img853/9764/fedora15.png http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/7025/ubuntu1104k.png the former is like writing with a brush and the latter with a pen. you see which is better!07:59
yao_ziyuan看不到图的人看: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/attachment.cgi?id=501722 https://bugzilla.redhat.com/attachment.cgi?id=50172308:11
yao_ziyuan还是看不到图的人看: http://www.bytecool.com/temp/fedora15.png http://www.bytecool.com/temp/ubuntu1104.png 看看 ubuntu 和 fedora 显示中文的差距... 一个是钢笔, 一个是毛笔...08:13
yao_ziyuan效率真高, 他们现在修正了: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=70892110:15
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