
Azelphurpenguin42: well I'm obviously on the extreme end of the cheap, http://bit.ly/j2onHH00:00
Azelphurbeing so close to a big farm00:00
penguin42oh cool, now we have the ICBM location00:00
Azelphuroshi- :p00:01
hamitronhow much was a node using again?00:02
penguin42hamitron: about 22ow00:02
Azelphurpenguin42: I've clocked up the GPU's and underclocked the memory too00:02
Azelphurso they are running at 960/320 instead of the stock 850/120000:02
hamitronmy main complaint with the 5870.... don't have a crossfire board to use them in00:03
Azelphurhamitron: my main pc is tri sli ready :)00:03
Azelphurfor when nvidia wakes up and fixes the Linux drivers00:04
hamitronmy pc prob cost only a little more than your motherboard00:04
Azelphurthen I'll up to 5 or 6 monitors and SLI00:04
hamitron<-- Mr Cheap00:04
Azelphurhamitron: haha, E-Dracon on my channel calls my motherboard the "OH MY GOD TOO MANY SLOTS" motherboard00:04
shaunoI'm not sure I'd put my money behind nvidia not creating weak drivers ;)00:04
Azelphurshauno: hense why I've still got an 8800GT in the machine00:05
Azelphurinstead of 3 GTX570's00:05
hamitronweak drivers?00:05
Azelphurshauno: when they fix up multi display and multi monitor SLI in Linux00:05
AzelphurI'd love to start tri screen gaming in wine :)00:06
Azelphurwine can handle it, I've done it before in a somewhat uglyhack way00:06
hamitronand you can sell me your spare screen? ;)00:06
Azelphurhamitron: spare? I'd have to buy an extra monitor to account for the loss of one of my IRC monitors :p00:06
hamitronor give if you make millions on bitcoin \o/00:06
AzelphurI'd go up to 5 or maybe 6 monitors00:06
hamitronyou will need a circular desk, with a lift from the room downstairs to get inside00:07
Azelphurhamitron: that's my what to build when I get rich thing00:07
shaunonaw, 2x300:07
hamitronwould it not be cheaper to have some sort of helmet with virtual reality?00:08
Azelphurhamitron: haha, maybe :P00:08
shaunoit'd be cheaper just to buy decent-sized monitors in the first place :)00:08
Azelphurbut the resolution would need to be good00:08
Azelphurshauno: it's resolution I crave tbh00:08
Azelphurthose 2560x1600 displays...shiny :o00:09
hamitronhe only wants a higher resolution, so my internet struggles to download his screenshits ;)00:09
Azelphurhamitron: it's true, my screenshits are epic.00:09
Azelphurhamitron: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/2010-05-10-182013_7680x1200_scrot.png here you go :D00:10
hamitrondoes that have anything useful on it? ;/00:10
Azelphurnope lol00:10
* hamitron sighs00:11
shaunothat screenshot really makes it look like a game of willy-waving, tbh00:13
shaunothis is really starting to bug me .. I can't find my x-plane disks anywhere00:22
shaunonever understood why people are so attached to physical media.  it only ends up like this :/00:22
hamitronshauno: I have all mine boxed00:28
hamitronthen a cd wallet with copies00:28
hamitronDRM stops me having working copies of some :/00:28
shaunoyeah, I've struggled making copies of these too00:30
shaunowell, I only tried twice before I decided DL dvds were too expensive00:30
hamitronlucky for me, I don't have many new games00:31
shaunoold games tend to be easier because they tend to be small & simple enough to just find a new copy online00:33
shaunoso, I've found dvds labelled 2, 3, 5 & 6.  ugh.00:34
hamitroncdr are cheap too00:34
hamitron"cdr, wtf are them?"00:34
shaunoI don't tend to put them on cdr either.  if I found them, I can find them again00:35
* hamitron is a sucker for the cereal box games00:35
shaunoit's been a loooong time since I had anything properly boxed00:36
shaunoI keep finding manuals of old games diving around my office.  that doesn't happen anymore.  you're lucky if you get a pdf on the cd :/  usually, just a link to publish.com/support/00:37
shaunowell, found disk 4.  sadly I knew disk 1 wasn't going to be with them, because you need disk 1 to play it00:39
gingdoes anyone know how to renew a dynamic ipv6 ip?01:14
shaunodo you know how it was assigned in the first place?01:16
shaunoI mean, are you using dhcpv6, or radv, or ..?01:18
shaunomost chances you simply don't then.  the IP isn't really dynamic, it's generated01:50
shaunothe local part (last 4 segments) of the address is your mac address, with some padding01:52
shaunohah ..01:54
shauno"Finally, you need 2 posts (replies to existing threads) in order to be allowed to start a new topic. This is a security feature to prevent automatic spamming."01:54
shaunosome <expletive>ing support that is01:54
shaunohamitron: this'd make you cry.  a game that's 75Gb for a full install :p02:19
hamitrondownload only? ;)02:19
shaunohah, nah .. same one I was diving for dvds for02:20
hamitronwhat game?02:20
hamitrontbh, I ahve no problem, if I have disks02:20
hamitronapart from having to clear junk off my hdd each time02:20
hamitronmy internet would die for a month, if I had to download that :/02:21
shaunox-plane, a flight sim.  it's about 600Mb + scenery.  looooots and lots of scenery02:21
shauno(lots and lots of optional scenery, I should add)02:21
hamitronshauno: is it good?02:25
hamitronjust looking02:25
shaunoit's not half bad.  I think I still prefered msfs, but this runs on windows/osx/linux natively02:25
hamitronI bought Fly! years ago, but never had a comp to run it at the time02:29
shaunonow there's a fun jump; linux 3.0-rc1 is out02:47
shaunowell, not out, branched02:47
hamitronwhat are the planned changes?02:52
shauno*shrugs* a bigger number?02:54
shaunohttps://lkml.org/lkml/2011/5/29/204 apparently, but it's groaning atm02:56
gingwhere might i find info about hardware errors other than dmesg ?02:57
hamitronAlan Cox has said about removing some old drivers :-o03:02
hamitronnot confirmed, just a rumour03:02
* hamitron looks at his ISA slots03:03
shaunoirc is a bit boring at 4am.  the yanks are slacking!04:30
Pendulumshauno: it's because it's a holiday here and a holiday that people actually do stuff for and with morning parades so people get up relatively early04:40
shaunothat's no excuse :/  I have to do things tomorrow too04:41
Pendulummaybe we're just boring people too :P04:43
shaunoI accidentally ended up in a parade over there.  it was a whole lot less fun than watching04:44
Pendulumwhat holiday?04:44
shaunolabor day04:45
shaunothe other big one :)04:45
Pendulumno parade in my town on labour day :P04:45
Pendulumalthough I've done a fair bit of parade marching myself (all Memorial Day ones) and I do tend to agree that it's less fun. Especially when it's 25C and you're in a wool uniform04:45
shaunolabor day's the one at the other end of summer, right?04:46
Pendulummost people just have BBQs for that one04:46
Pendulumdunno if NYC has a parade because I always left the city for the weekend04:46
shaunoI lived in a small town that was a honeytrap for rich tourists on boats from chicago04:46
Pendulumah, okay04:47
shaunoso they used any excuse they could to pull people into main street04:47
Pendulumlike Disney, but you had to live there :P04:47
ballshauno: Are you on the lake then?04:47
shaunoball: not anymore, but yeah04:47
ballshauno: Where are you now then?04:47
shaunoireland :)04:47
ballI was talking to some customers today who had recently come back from Ireland04:48
ballI've only been there once but I liked it.04:48
shaunoI've only been here once, but I haven't managed to leave yet :/04:48
shaunoI used to live http://goo.gl/maps/l1yS04:49
shaunountil my mother decided she wanted to move to alaska, and I decided it sounded like a good time to leave home04:49
PendulumAlaska is supposedly quite nice in summer04:50
Pendulumbut, yeah, not sure I'd want to live there04:50
shaunooh it looks amazing.  I really want to visit one day04:50
shaunobut yeah.  winter?  michigan was bad enough for me04:50
Pendulummy parents went to Alaska last summer. Drove from Connecticut04:50
Pendulumtheir photos are stunning04:51
Pendulumbut when I go I am so not driving cross-country04:51
shaunomom did that.  they got some nice photos in montana.  and the ferry.04:51
shaunoother than that, there really is a whole lot of SFA in the middle04:51
shaunoI really didn't like driving in the states because of that.  anything worth seeing is interspersed with 12+ hours (sometimes days) of staring at cruise control, trying not to fall asleep04:53
Pendulumit's not so bad if you're on the east coast04:53
ballshauno: Illinois is cold enough.04:54
shaunoI fell asleep the first time I drove to indiana :/  that was a pretty harsh lesson04:54
shauno(not a dramatic one, just the gut-wrenching moment when you hit a soft shoulder at 80mph)04:55
* ball nods04:55
shaunocrap way to wake up04:55
ballAt least I don't have to shovel snow for a few months yet.04:58
shaunodoesn't happen here :)  drive 5 hours, hit the edge and turn around :)04:58
ballbtw.  What is "bike shedding"?05:03
shaunonever heard the term before either, but if you're seeing it where I think you are, the context looks about right05:05
ballThat's funny.  I've been using BSD for years and never heard that until I started listening to the Ubuntu UK podcast.05:05
=== adrian is now known as Guest81600
brianb_have a question re compiling  kernel: Question) if you wanted to compile a newer version kernel what version does the GCC have to be i.e. does it have to be the latest version?07:40
nigelbMorning folks09:06
dwatkinsmornin all09:11
* ball waves09:12
=== fabien is now known as Guest68505
awilkinsBah, bank holiday and I have a lovely bank holiday cold.10:18
dwatkinsbah, awilkins10:20
daubersnom nom nom homemade bread10:40
awilkinsSounds good. Might get the breadmaker out and do some foccacia10:41
awilkinsWith salt and rosemary sprinkles, natch10:42
daubersawilkins: I handmade this for a change :)10:47
* daubers potters into town10:56
kvarleyCan anybody recommend a usb headset? Looking for one which is likely to work with Ubuntu - I'm going for USB since I've never had any luck with the audio jack based ones before11:13
awilkinsSomeone here blogs about his Logitech USB 250 just working .. http://nozell.com/blog/2006/09/13/logitech-usb-headset-ubuntulinux/11:14
awilkinsWhat I need is an adaptor for the RJ11 port on a Cisco VoIP phone...11:17
awilkins.. looks like the only way to get one is to buy a freaking crimper and make one yourself11:17
awilkinsHmm. Or go to your friendly neighbourhood geek lab for tools ..11:19
kvarleyawilkins: I just tested an audio jack based mic and it worked so might get the sennheiser one I wanted =) thanks for the link11:19
awilkinskvarley, Excellent, glad your drivers are working straight11:19
kvarleyawilkins: The never used to so just shows how Ubuntu is more awesome than ever :)11:20
awilkinskvarley, It just confirms to me that driver problems are the number one annoyance to the average person11:22
oimonwhich is the best choice for a simple and stable video editor?11:29
oimonopenshot? pitivi?11:29
awilkinsOnly one I've used is Kino11:30
ormiretoimon: I use kdenlive most of the time11:30
awilkinsMostly because it drives DV cameras via the firewire port11:30
oimoni used kino to extract the dv files but it was quite crashy11:31
oimonhmmm just noticed that pitivi is already installed on my lucid box11:33
oimononly seems to export in theora format11:36
oimonsucks :(11:37
brobostigongood morning everyone.11:39
awilkinsMy pitivi seems to support Dirac and VP8 also11:40
oimonawilkins: i noticed dirac but i don't recognise that format11:41
awilkinsAnd whatever ffmpeg container formats I have installed11:41
oimontrying openshot now11:41
awilkinsTry changing the container, they have their own codecs11:41
awilkinsDirac is a wavelet codec developed by the BBC11:42
awilkinsIt's not especially popular, but it is patent free and open source11:42
oimonawilkins: doh i didn't notice the container changes things11:42
awilkinsI saw a reasonably impressive encode of Big Buck Bunny in Dirac11:42
awilkinsoimon, It wasn't immediately obvious, was it11:43
oimonnope, and i rarely edit video on ubuntu since i usually just take clips on my phone11:44
oimonthought i would save some 10 yr old video from the digital cassettes i have lying around11:44
oimoni wonder what formats will be useful in future11:44
MartijnVdSoimon: mpeg (2,4), jpeg, png are good guesses for long-term formats11:47
MartijnVdSLots of inertia11:48
oimonok thx11:48
MartijnVdSoimon: and if you want to be sure (and have disk space to burn) also a lossless format (png, flac, don't know one for video :)11:48
awilkinsI'd probably go with MPEG4, most things support it now, even a lot of consumer DVD players11:48
oimonanyone notice a tearing/ horizontal lines effect after importing from dv cameras? seen it a lot on win and linux11:48
awilkinsLike a comb?11:49
MartijnVdSoimon: that's interlaced11:49
MartijnVdSoimon: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interlaced_video11:49
MartijnVdSyou'll have to deinterlace, or use interlaced formats all the way through (so your TV can properly deinterlace)11:49
oimonMartijnVdS: like this http://ubuntuone.com/p/wR0/11:52
oimonthat's an extreme case11:52
MartijnVdSoimon: is that during horizontal movement?11:52
awilkinsDefinitely interlace11:53
MartijnVdSit looks like some deinterlacing is being done, but the wrong algorithm was chosen11:53
MartijnVdSoimon: read that page :)11:54
gordfor the bitcoin fans: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcn8cNCk9hM11:54
awilkinsTotal Che Guevara wannabe beard....11:55
MartijnVdSgord: is that you in the video?>11:55
gordi am not bitcoin rich :P11:57
gordor have a turtles bandana11:57
* awilkins has 0.02 bitcoins, he thinks11:57
MartijnVdSawilkins: hah, me too11:57
MartijnVdSawilkins: from the faucet?11:57
awilkinsYup, from the faucet11:57
awilkinsGermany are shutting all their nuke plants by 2022. We're either all i) doomed or ii) saved12:03
awilkinsi) Because demands to follow suit from other democratic nations will create an enormous demand for more fossil fuels in electricity12:04
awilkinsii) Because people will devote more effort to actually fixing the energy problem (hopefully with research into fusion)12:05
oimonok after exporting from the video editor, it seems to have been deinterlaced and the effect is minimal12:06
gordiii) be fine because i don't live in germany12:06
* jacobw thinks ii)12:07
jacobwand iii)12:07
gordthe great thing about working in an online company is that you can log in during your bank holidays just to look at all the poor people who live in different countries having to work ;)12:16
MartijnVdSLove the release email13:21
* jacobw is surprised we don't have a factoid for minecraft13:29
MartijnVdSDon't feed the addiciton13:33
dutchienperry: #ubuntu-uk-minecraft :)13:39
* daubers wonders where he put the spray paint16:07
dauberssmells like spray paint in that room now16:27
dauberssmells like pink elephants16:27
penguin42do pink elephants smell different from grey ones?16:30
penguin42daubers: Like this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBnyM1l8B8o&playnext=1&list=PLA40981174343B8D316:31
dauberspenguin42: Maybe not quite like that...16:32
MartijnVdSdaubers: When will you decide on library/geeknic date? :)17:08
daubersMartijnVdS: Ooooh... good point. Should do that this evening really17:09
MartijnVdSdaubers: (so I can book my ticket/hotel/etc. :))17:09
MartijnVdSdaubers: sounds like a good time to decide :)17:09
daubersI'll give it to late this evening and then close it. Looks like Sat 23rd July will be best at the minute :)17:12
dutchieooh, no17:13
* dutchie will be in torquay :(17:13
* dutchie quickly votes on doodle17:13
dutchiedaubers: bump on the ML too?17:16
daubersdutchie: Good idea17:16
brianb_have a question re compiling  kernel: Question) if you wanted to compile a newer version kernel what version does the GCC have to be i.e. does it have to be the latest version?17:51
MartijnVdSbrianb_: Follow this guide if you really want to compile your own kernels: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile17:53
* DJones checks the cricket score and finds that England have beaten Sri Lanka after taking 8 wickets in an hour, didn't expect that, thought it was an easy draw after both sides batting17:54
penguin42brianb_: Normally no17:55
penguin42brianb_: Normally the kernel works with a reasonable range of gcc's, but every so often there is a gcc bug found where the kernel guys just give up on it17:56
brianb_thanks penguin4218:26
andoHas ubuntu updated network manager recentkly?20:06
andoI just turned on my PC after an update and now my network settings have all changed and as far as I can tell the network settings dialog is different20:07
andoAnd very buggy... and nmapplet is no longer installed :(20:08
Azelphurpopey: was it you that had the nice power usage graphs for your house?20:39
jacobwhmm, nm-applet should be updated between releases should it?20:46
shaunodoesn't look like it; network-manager-gnome is in natty, but not natty-updates20:50
shauno(and the last entry in the changelog is 23 march)20:50
diploEvening all20:52
popeyAzelphur: i do have a power graph, yes20:52
Azelphurpopey: cool, what did you use to do it / how much does it cost?20:52
shaunoso he shouldn't be getting a new one unless he's subscribed to oneiric.20:52
popeyi have a currentcost20:53
popeyand a usb cable20:53
Azelphurpopey: ty :)20:55
diploAny one tried building Syncany successfully ?20:55
czajkowskievening lovelies20:56
jacobwyeah, perhaps he's accidentally dist-upgraded21:01
jacobw'all watched over by machines of loving grace' is on bbc2 now21:02
jacobwit should be anyway, i've not actually tuned in yet..21:02
popeyi note he calls is nmapplet, it's nm-applet21:04
jacobwi looked that up before i said anything, i assumed it was a typo on his part.21:05
=== Guest97744 is now known as MichealH
ali1234what software is there for making server graphs besides mrtg and cacti, both of which are horribly over engineered and way too difficult to set up?21:49
=== em_ is now known as em
Laneyrrdtool is often used to generate the graphs22:30
ali1234i'm writing my own rrdtool scripts now22:33
ali1234it seems much easier than using cacti22:33
ali1234well according to rrdtool my cpu is at "10 m" degrees C23:46

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