
tiemonstermhall119: ping13:29
mhall119well he didn't stick around long13:56
stickystyleDoes anyone know of a small app that can provide the same functionality of OS X's print to PDF, then mail the resulting pdf (Print -> Mail PDF)? My Mom has begun using Ubuntu in a totally organic way (well with some fertilizer, her iBook broke and my ubuntu netbook is all I left her with ;-) ) and she used this feature constantly.  For the unfamiliar, a user can do File->Print->Mail PDF and the OS will render the job to PDF20:01
stickystyleopen the default mail app with the pdf already as an attachment, no prompts or anything.20:01
stickystyleI know you can use cups for print to pdf, but this needs to be dead simple with no prompts, and "Just Works (tm)" 20:03
mhall119stickystyle: print to file is available by default20:07
mhall119but she'll have to do the mailing herself20:07
mhall119I don't know of anythign that'll do it for her20:07
stickystyleYeah, I was hoping to avoid that step :-|20:08
stickystyleI could probably hack some script up, but was hoping for something already tried and developed20:08
ShawnRok, an odd quirk, i have an nfs mounted network share.  I recently (on the server) mounted a new HDD as a folder in that share.  the new drive mounted in that folder does not show up on my laptop's mounted share20:45
ShawnRi am only assuming it has something to do about how i mounted that new hdd20:45
jamaltaHey, im running late to the thing tonight.21:25
jamaltaIf you're coming ill be there around 6pm 21:25
pak33mjamalta: i think i will show up21:37
pak33mworking until 6 but i think i can leave poolside anytime really21:38
jamaltaPak33m sweet! It would be great to see you :)21:38
jamaltaI can hang out for a while so you don't have to rush21:39
pak33mhehe, work plus poolside plus beer equak giood fun21:40
pak33mjamalta: see you soon21:40
pak33mgotta get away from pool fun, i mean work21:41
pak33mbrb , gotta leave the pool and go upstairs for more work fun21:42
jamaltaHaha alright see you soon21:45
RoAkSoAxitnet7: ping22:20
mhall119jamalta: sorry I couldn't make it, but glad you got to come home for a visit22:55
pak33mwell, i'm here23:10
pak33min the corner by my lonesome...like always23:10
pak33mbtw, if you're coming to starudst there's some what-to-do in the parking lot so don't expect to park in the parkign lot23:10
tiemonsterwe're here too23:13
tiemonsterby the door23:13
nigelbitnet7: ping?23:19
itnet7oops lol23:26
itnet7pak33m: how late are you guys planning to stay there??23:27
itnet7nigelb: pong23:27
nigelbitnet7: how'd it go!23:28
itnet7nigelb: I was still on the call when you pinged me23:28
nigelbitnet7: Oh!23:28
itnet7It's over now though!23:28
nigelbitnet7: how'd it go?23:31
pak33mitnet7: not too sure. havent been here too long. gonna have somne tater tots and all. so, might be here for a while.23:49
itnet7is everyone there with you?23:50
pak33mitnet7: itnet7 itnet7 23:55
itnet7pak33m: pak33m pak33m 23:55
pak33msorry to yell trhere23:55
pak33mhere at stardust23:56
pak33mme, jamalta and tiemonster23:56
pak33mtink we'll be here for aq while'23:56
itnet7I am trying to think whether it's a good idea for me to try and head over there, now.... I want to see jamalta (and you guys of course), but I might not be able to make it :-(23:57
itnet7Are there any other plans for any other night this week?23:58
pak33mnot too sure23:59
pak33mit's a long drive23:59
jamaltaI'm heading out tomorrow but you don't have to worry23:59
jamaltaIm going to try to be back again soon23:59

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