
snap-lGood evening01:37
snap-lSo, did anyone get some major storms?01:47
jjessenot major storms01:48
jjessejust lots of rain01:48
rick_h_little bit01:48
rick_h_some nice gusts of wind that might have brought a tree/two down01:48
rick_h_but nothing in my yard it looks like01:48
snap-lYeah, same here.01:50
snap-lWe went to my parents place because they have a basement01:50
snap-lbut watched as it passed north and south of us01:51
greg-ga quick burst of rain down in OH during the wedding. luckily we were all under a big tent/canopy03:04
rick_h_good stuff03:04
greg-gsnap-l: when you said that is a bug, it is a known one and you've seen it, or just "yeah, thats a bug" as in "that isn't right"03:07
greg-gI have to admit, I like the fullscreen goodness in unity03:08
snap-lgreg-g: Believe I meant it as "that's not right"04:06
snap-lI think Ohio knows if you're down there for just a day, and will unlease the wrath of God on you accordingly04:07
snap-lie: Trips to Cedar Point04:07
snap-lbut if you stay overnight, nothing happens.04:07
snap-lGood morning, folks15:06
brouschrick_h_: my son had a ballon a year ago. he let go of it in a parking lot and cried as he watched it drift into the clouds. a while later he had dreams of me flying away like the balloon.16:18
brouschstressful things, those balloons16:18
rick_h_brousch: it's one of his favorite words, he just loves baloons17:36
rick_h_figured I'd get him a treat today while at the store17:36
jrwrenrick_h_: my C# port is not up anywhere... I need to rewrite it. i wrote it work for hire. I'll add to my list to rewrite21:46
rick_h_jrwren: ah ok. Wanted to check in case it could be shared back to Barry22:08
brouschany of you hitting the a2 maker faire saturday?22:36
snap-lHadn't planned on it22:46
brouschnow displaying your arduino experiements?22:50
snap-lHardly. :)22:54
snap-lI'm about 5 minutes from releasing the latest Open Metalcast22:55
brouschyou still use audacity?22:58
rick_h_nope, wife's got the rest of the weekends booked this month23:02
rick_h_so I'm baby bound23:02
brouschbring him23:03
rick_h_snap-l: http://shallowsky.com/blog/programming/arduino-cmdline.html23:03
brouschcan he walk?23:03
rick_h_yes, he's coming up on 18mo23:04
rick_h_can walk and such, but not the type of walker to be going around something like that23:04
brouschlet him run free. he will return to you with borg implants23:05
snap-lbrousch: Yeah, I still use Audacity.23:27
snap-lrick_h_: Thanks! I'll definitely check that out23:28
jrwrenrick_h_: the C# impl?23:29
jrwrenbrousch: yes, i think we are planning on maker fair.23:29
rick_h_jrwren: yea23:29
jrwrenrick_h_: Barry was the python author?23:29
rick_h_yea, that was his pep23:30
jrwrenstrollers are good for stuff like brining the boy.23:30
rick_h_that's why I hit him up on twitter for the original impl23:30
jrwreni imagine AA Maker FAir will be stroller friendly.23:30
jrwrenalmost everything AA is stroller friendly.23:30
rick_h_jrwren: yea, definitely, but not sure I'd bring him out23:30
jrwrenok sweet... well, i'll write it and CC0 it and post it :)23:30
rick_h_jrwren: coolio23:30

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