
Unit193I still had 2 weeks!00:00
Cheri703gilbert: the send keys directions aren't working for me00:02
Cheri703from that page00:02
gilberthttp://subkeys.pgp.net/ looks broken itself :(00:04
Cheri703ah, k00:04
gilberttry pgp.mit.edu00:04
Cheri703that may be the issue? I keep getting "cheri francis is not a key id" and yet on the webpage, it says to put gpg --send-keys 'Your Name' --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net00:05
Cheri703so somewhere there is a disconnect between the directions and what I'm typing, it is entirely possible that it's me and how I'm reading it00:05
gilbertmake sure you maintain proper capitalization00:06
Cheri703I did the first few attempts00:06
gilbertsame as output of 'gpg --list-keys'00:06
Cheri703should it have the 'around' the name?00:06
Cheri703same thing00:07
gilberttry using your email instead of your name00:08
Cheri703same in varying configurations and even name + email00:08
Cheri703and using the pgp.mit.edu00:09
gilberttry just email00:09
Cheri703list keys shows "uid Cheri Francis <cheri703@gmail.com>"00:09
Cheri703did that00:09
Cheri703did it with and without the <> too00:09
Cheri703it just says "not a key id: skipping" and repeats that for each other section of the command00:10
gilberttry using your fingerprint (the characterstring after pub 1024d/)00:10
Cheri703maybe it worked?00:11
Cheri703 gpg --send-keys '7D79CA11' --keyserver hkp://pgp.mit.edugpg: "--keyserver" not a key ID: skipping00:11
Cheri703gpg: "hkp://pgp.mit.edu" not a key ID: skipping00:11
Cheri703gpg: sending key 7D79CA11 to hkp server keys.gnupg.net00:11
Cheri703there should be a new line after mit.edu00:12
gilbertit worked http://keys.gnupg.net/pks/lookup?search=cheri+francis&op=index00:13
gilbertthe command order is wrong in those instructions it seems.  keyserver needs to come first00:13
Cheri703kk, weird00:13
Cheri703might send that to the list as well00:13
Unit193The guide on Launchpad wasn't bad...00:14
Cheri703thanks for your help :)00:14
gilbertno problem :)00:15
gilbertgoing afk for a while00:21
Unit193Welcome back jgould!01:13
Unit193And dang hitting the wrong keys!01:14
Unit193Hmmm.... X :0 is taking up 42% cpu01:39
MarkDudeHello Ohio01:48
MarkDudepaultag, ping01:48
* MarkDude wanted to know if you would help/observe me leading Oregons 1st IRC meeting in a few years01:48
MarkDudeShould take ten minutes- maybe 1501:48
* jgould wanders in01:49
MarkDude7pm my time01:50
MarkDudehello jgould01:50
MarkDudeI am in Cali- I stop by to bug the Ohio team every so often01:50
jgouldthat would be 10PM our time if they are in the westren part of OR01:50
MarkDudeSince they are one of the coolest- which is weird- since I thought Cleveland would be more of a detriment01:51
* MarkDude kids 01:51
jgouldappearantly, I have a doggie top computer now...01:53
jgouldThe dog has his head in my lap and won't move...01:55
Cheri703o/ MarkDude01:57
jgould\o Cheri70301:57
Unit193Howdy MarkDude (I've seen you on wiki edits)01:57
Cheri703hey jgould01:58
Cheri703how's cbus?01:58
MarkDudeHello Cheri703 Unit19301:59
jgouldit was nice the last time I was out (at 7 this morning)01:59
* MarkDude gets around :)01:59
jgouldHow's up north01:59
Cheri703it was hot today01:59
Cheri703MarkDude: are you coming out for OLF?02:00
MarkDudeThat penguin thing you shared was awesome Cheri703 - I am pondering doing a blog post on it02:00
MarkDudeWhen is OLF?02:00
* MarkDude had to miss SELF this year- not happy about it02:00
MarkDudeCourtney and I both miss it02:00
jgould\o Cheri703 from teh houes02:00
jgouldI'm thinking I don't have an excuse to not go to OLF,  It's down the street from the house02:01
jgouldi really need to get the kinks worked out of this trackpad...02:01
Cheri703september 9th-11th02:01
MarkDudeSept- I may be able to make it- I will see if I can be sponsored02:02
MarkDudeThat would be cool to go to02:02
Cheri703I've offered to a few people: if you don't mind carpooling down with me, you can crash here :)02:02
MarkDudeVEry cool02:02
MarkDudeThat would make it easier for me asking for $02:03
MarkDudeWho knows I may be hired by then02:03
jgouldI always ask for $ just becasue you never know...02:03
MarkDudeWell yes- is there still time for CFP?02:03
* MarkDude thinks OLF could maybe use my Linux is a cult talk- 02:04
jgouldOw... I just hit my self in the head with my laptop02:04
Cheri703let me see if I have the email still02:05
jgouldI know.  Steve would be might pissed if I broke the laptop with my head while running Linux ;)02:05
Cheri703looks like the deadline was may 1, but who knows if it's still open02:06
Cheri703I thought I'd seen something about it being extended02:07
Cheri703ah, MarkDude http://ohiolinux.org/node/5702:07
Cheri703extended til june 102:07
Cheri703thought so02:07
MarkDudeCool- I think I can do that02:09
* jgould reads through the condensed comic strips that Unit193 posts02:10
jgouldDamn it, I can't get comfrotable02:12
* Cheri703 is installing xp on a laptop >.< I hate it02:12
jgouldNor can i spell02:12
jgouldIs that on that Dell, Cheri70302:13
MarkDudeXp is still better than Vista02:13
canthus13DOS 3.3 is still better than Vista.02:13
gilberti keep xp around via vbox02:13
gilbertwinme was even better than vista02:14
jgouldI keep XP in a vbox as well02:14
jgouldspeaking of which...02:15
Cheri703yeah jgould02:15
Cheri703it's for my brother02:16
jgouldWoah! gilbert's here02:16
Cheri703I just hate the install process, it takes SO LONG02:16
jgouldand it restarts three times I think...02:17
jgouldThe Mac OS has it down to once: at the end...02:17
Cheri703well, more than that when you factor in the 2987384 updates it has to install -_-02:17
gilbertjgould: hehe, yeah.  making an effort to have an irc presence again ;)02:17
gilbertjgould: anyway, sounds like clintonville is the winner.  i'll send an email out tomorrow02:18
jgouldAh.  I'm here pretty regularly, unless our router goes belly up02:18
jgouldAre we still meeting at 6:30?02:18
gilbertwe were meeting at 6, but that's a bit early for me anymore.  630 would be good02:19
jgouldI was going to say that 7 would be even better.  Makes it easier for people to get off of work and then show up02:19
gilbertjgould: yeah, thats the problem ive been having.  i'll make it 702:20
jgouldThis laptop isn't so cold after it's been running for about 20 mintues...02:25
Unit193jgould: The comics I post? (Don't link it)02:26
jgouldYes, Unit02:27
Unit193Cheri703: You don't like ncurses, right?02:27
jgouldthat consolidated list of comics02:27
Unit193jgould > My channel?02:28
* jgould is hungry02:29
Cheri703I don't know anything about it as far as I know02:29
Unit193newsbeuter Syncs with google reader02:30
Unit193jgould: Yep! Do you use Google Reader?02:32
jgouldHave for years02:32
jgouldNow if only I could sort out this track pad issue02:38
Unit193jgould: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/04/newsbeuter-cli-feed-reader-gains-google.html02:57
MarkDudepaultag, unping- It appears no one has showed up to the first IRC meeting03:11
MarkDudeSo it is a log of me talking to myself- which I will share via ML :D03:11
Unit193Did ya have a meetbot?03:12
=== R is now known as Guest8816
JonathanDMarkDude is here too?03:23
* MarkDude is everywhere :)03:24
MarkDudeKinda like mold03:24
MarkDudeHey JonathanD03:24
* JonathanD is camping.03:24
Cheri703hi JonathanD03:24
canthus13Meh. campers should be banned.03:24
Unit193Howdy JonathanD!03:24
Cheri703:) you're like me, I make sure I can at least check my email while out and about03:25
JonathanDnon-geeknic, though.03:25
canthus13Oh. CAMPING.03:25
JonathanDyes, canthus1303:25
JonathanDaround a fire.03:25
JonathanDnot around the base.03:25
JonathanDhere, have a smore.03:25
canthus13Couldn't leave your laptop long enough to enjoy the outdoors?03:25
* canthus13 eyes Cheri703.03:26
Unit193I just glad he spells his name correctly ;)03:26
JonathanDcanthus13: I would have been fine but somehow I got pinged...03:26
Cheri703canthus13: I have internet on my phone...03:26
Cheri703don't need a laptop03:26
canthus13Cheri703: ...Chocolate...Marshmallow... graham crackers...03:26
Cheri703ahhh, yes03:26
JonathanDYeh. I share a common irssi instance between phone and laptop. This is phone.03:26
jgouldisn't ssh nice?03:27
* canthus13 lurves his ssh/screen/irssi. :)03:27
Cheri703I tried quasseldroid, but no love for my phone :(03:28
Unit193canthus13: +1!03:28
JonathanDjgould: mostly.03:28
JonathanDit's difficult to manage on phone.03:28
jgouldFine on my BlackBerry03:28
JonathanDStill nice, though.03:28
JonathanDjgould: it's ok for a couple channels, I guess. Still awkward.03:29
canthus13jedIRC is usable... sort of.  On my phone, anyway.03:29
jgouldYeah...  Plus it reqires my home network to stay up...03:30
Cheri703I use andchat when mobile03:30
canthus13JonathanD: Heh.03:30
JonathanDI've been meaning for YEARS now to make something for phone use...03:30
dmcglonehidie ho neighbors03:31
canthus13NO FLANDERS.03:31
JonathanDI keep my irssi logs in sql, I thought it would be useful to pull down logs of channels I care about to my phone via sql, so my one instance could serve both phone and laptop but phone would get a lot less content.03:31
jgouldJonathanD: I would seriously go with andrioid of you are planning on making your own program03:32
jgouldwell, writing03:32
JonathanDjgould: I'd just write the irrsi side and let the 'market work it ou'03:34
JonathanDback to the fire.03:34
dmcglonedavid@buddy:~$ gpg --recipient 0f0f4ffa --recipient --encrypt nomination.txt03:43
dmcglonegpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.03:43
dmcglonegpg: processing message failed: eof03:43
jgouldWhere the hell did I put my glasses03:44
Cheri703dmcglone: I didn't bother with the encryption, just the clearsign thing03:44
Cheri703the first part of the instructions03:44
dmcglonedavid@buddy:~$ gpg--clearsign nomination.txt03:45
dmcglonegpg--clearsign: command not found03:45
dmcglonemissed the space03:46
dmcgloneduh me03:46
dmcglonedavid@buddy:~$ gpg --clearsign nomination.txt03:46
dmcglonegpg: no default secret key: secret key not available03:46
dmcglonegpg: nomination.txt: clearsign failed: secret key not available03:46
jgouldCheri703: I think we all know who you voted for... :)03:47
Cheri703well, they told me I had to cast an official vote03:47
dmcgloneI'm just going to send an e-mail03:47
Cheri703they said you have to03:47
Cheri703gilbert did earlier *shrug*03:48
dmcgloneI can't even clearsign it03:48
Cheri703did you create the key?03:48
dmcglonethat was the first step03:48
Cheri703no clue03:48
dmcglonedavid@buddy:~$ gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-key 0f0f4ffa03:49
dmcglonegpg: requesting key 0F0F4FFA from hkp server pgp.mit.edu03:49
dmcglonegpg: key 0F0F4FFA: "Michael Gilbert <michael.s.gilbert@gmail.com>" not changed03:49
dmcglonegpg: Total number processed: 103:49
dmcglonegpg:              unchanged: 103:49
Unit193dmcglone: You use T-bird?03:49
jgouldthe directions worked for me.03:49
dmcgloneNo Unit19303:49
jgouldAlso, I want a cheese cuter03:49
Cheri703you want someone flatulent?03:50
jgouldI want one of them cheese slicer doohickies03:51
dmcglonewe should be able to just send an e-mail using our PGP sig03:52
jgoulddmcglone: you can03:52
dmcglonethats what I'll do03:52
dmcgloneif I can get my pgp sig set up in evolution... LOL03:53
jgouldNot having a forward delete key makes Evolution a pita for me...03:53
* Unit193 doesn't use Evolution03:53
Unit193dmcglone: I got the DB all worked out03:54
dmcgloneit has a forward, and you use the delete key to delete03:54
Unit193dmcglone: I'll be testing Gnome 3 in a VM (Fedora)03:54
dmcgloneCool Unit19303:54
jgoulddmcglone: I meant on my keyboard... forward delete is a two key combonation03:56
dmcgloneI see03:57
jgouldMacs lack the 'six pack' of keys that every other laptop has03:58
dmcglonedang I lost my gpg key and now it's taking forever to generate a new one :-/03:58
dmcgloneOh yeah, I heard I was up past my bedtime last night.... LOL04:00
dmcgloneUnit193: what did you change on that DB?04:02
Unit193dmcglone: I just did an import > export04:03
MarkDudeYay, 1 person showed up to the meeting. We actually figured out a few things.04:03
dmcglonewhat did you export as?04:03
Unit193dmcglone: Exported with PHPMyAdmin04:04
dmcgloneUnit193: do both our DB's match now?04:04
dmcglone:-) I see you took my advise04:04
Unit193I had to export sqlite > csv and THEN import it...04:04
dmcgloneOk so now I will need to upload a copy to mine right?04:05
Unit193dmcglone: > alt04:08
jgoulddamn laptop04:41
jgouldHow the hell do I run out of ram04:44
canthus13jgould: you run pidgin. or gwibber. or windows.04:44
Cheri703or firefox04:44
canthus13Cheri703: ? I've never had issues with firefox sucking up all my ram.04:44
Unit193canthus13: Pidgin is working for me... (Xubuntu)04:45
jgouldI'm runing firefox...  VLC crashed and said that It either had to sacrifice a child or kill vlc04:46
canthus13Unit193: I've had pidgin up and eat 1-2GB of ram just by being logged in.04:46
jgouldSo I sacrificed my child...04:51
dmcglonecanthus13: my pidgin is using 18.9 MiB04:52
canthus13dmcglone: Mebbe they've fixed it by now.. that was a couple of years ago. :)04:52
jgouldMy head hurts04:52
dmcgloneGood, cuz when you said that, I had to check04:52
* jgould goes to make a pot of coffee...04:54
Unit193Welcome back, gilbert04:55
* jgould offers coffee to the room04:55
Unit193jgould: Almost done with my last cup!04:56
* jgould wishes he had a coffee robot04:56
canthus13jgould: Pester paultag about the linux coffee pot.04:56
jgouldThe linux coffee pot?04:57
canthus13jgould: Yup.05:00
jgouldHow does this work05:00
Cheri703ff runs up over 300mb easily, sometimes further05:01
Cheri703(was testing ad-hoc networks, sorry)05:01
dmcglone1ff might be bloated but I think it's the best out there :-/05:02
canthus13Cheri703: Oh. Meh. Big deal.  I have 4 gigs of ram. 300MB isn't bloat.05:02
jgouldFF is great now that I added the 64 bit flash player...05:02
Cheri703for me it is...05:03
Cheri703I have 2gb, but....it slows it down05:03
Cheri703this thing chugs sometimes05:03
canthus13jgould: Here's one:  http://mag-murphy.net/2006-01-13/next-up-linux-on-a-freaking-coffee-pot05:03
jgouldMy coffee pot won't run linux, but you could use cron to schedule when to brew... XD05:03
dmcglone1Cheri703: I only have 1Gb and it doesn't slow things down here05:04
Cheri703it's....slow...netbook and all05:04
jgouldcanthus13: we were discussion system migration last night, I would imagine rsync for the data, but what about the packages?05:04
canthus13Heh. my kid's ancient 2ghz P4 handles it fine with 1.25GB ram.05:05
canthus13jgould: You can export a list of packages installed and then feed it back to apt... I forget how, though. :/05:05
jgouldI'm sure that there is a tutorial out there somewhere. I'm planning ahead05:06
MarkDudeThx for the OLF offer Cheri703 - I will spend tomorrow seeing what I can write. I will also see about starting sponsorship now05:08
Cheri703cool :)05:08
* Cheri703 would like to meet you in person!05:09
jgouldOLF is open for anyone to attend, right?05:10
Cheri703he's submitting a talk proposal05:11
Cheri703jgould: it's pretty interesting05:11
jgouldI live pretty close to the GCCC (and know the inside like the back of my hand from working the Arnold sports fest every year...)05:13
MarkDudeWell I am most likely to be sponsored05:14
MarkDudeI am owed a few favors- I think OLF is worth calling them in05:14
dmcglone1canthus13: jgould: use synaptic to export installed package list then use synaptic's import to import it when you want to re-install all your packages again05:14
Cheri703I'll be back in a while05:14
jgouldanything that's been installed manually (or via a PPA) won't install on the new machine, right?05:16
dmcglone1jgould: you referring to the technique I showed you?05:18
jgouldyeah.  I'm thinking ahead at this piint05:19
jgoulder point05:19
dmcglone1if you install a .deb manually, it will show up in synaptic, but .tar files do not05:20
dmcglone1if you use a PPA they will also work, but you will have to set up the PPA before importing your package list05:20
* Cheri703 is back05:46
Cheri703you may resume having fun ;)05:46
canthus13aw. damn. she's back. :/05:49
canthus13so much for teh party.05:49
Cheri703yeah yeah05:58
* Cheri703 rules with an iron fist05:58
Unit193I don't seem to like open votes...06:01
canthus13Cheri703: Heh.06:02
Cheri703<evil laugh>06:03
Unit193As long as it's an iron fist and cookies...06:05
* Unit193 likes cookies (most anyway...)06:07
Unit193Welcome back, jgould06:29
jgouldthank you.06:31
jgouldCombonation of trying to do an rsync on Wireless, as well as the router06:32
jgouldalthough, I do like canthus13's suggestion06:33
jgouldI wonder why rsync kills my wireless...06:34
canthus13jgould: Hmm... how many connections does rsync open at once?06:36
canthus13too many open connections will kill a cheap router dead.06:36
canthus13they fill up memory, then can't be cleaned up because the cleanup routine has no room to work. (At least that's the way it was explained to me...)06:37
jgouldI'm not moving that much data...  It pretty much kills my ability to do *naything* at once06:37
jgouldcanthus13: how do I tell06:37
canthus13Depends on the router.  Most don't have the facilities to monitor the usage.. and the ones that do, don't have the problem.  The easiest way to tell is by how much RAM the router has, though.  if it only has 8MB of ram, then it will probably suffer from the problem.06:38
jgouldIt's An apple Airport.... It probably doesn't have more than *MB of Ram06:44
jgoulder 806:44
canthus13Which one?06:45
jgouldAirport Extreme, the 'Mushroom' one06:45
canthus13bah. I suck at these conversions. appears that the Airport Extreme has 2 256mbit DDR RAM chips... so whatever that converts to.06:47
jgouldRam is Cheap06:49
canthus13yes. mbit, not byte.06:50
canthus13Eh. wait. 128MB? No freakin' way.. enterprise-grade routers don't have that much ram.06:52
canthus13Well, some do, but you're talking about pretty heavy-duty stuff.06:52
jgouldThere's no way it has that much06:52
canthus13It would make more sense for it to have 8MB RAM and 4MB flash...06:54
jgouldeither way it's an annoying pain the ass06:55
jgouldI wonder if it would make more sense to run this Wired Router as the gateway and pass wireless through the Airport until my Valet gets replaced06:57
canthus13If you were in toledo, I'd loan you my 300N or my 614.06:59
jgouldI still contend that there is something that is higher powered around here that knocks the 15db transmitter off the air...07:02
Cheri703is it 2.4ghz?07:02
Cheri703cordless phones07:02
Cheri703my parents' internet did that until they got phones on a different frequency07:02
Cheri703every time they'd get a phone call, my wifi would cut out07:03
* jgould lives in an apartment complex07:03
Cheri703you're screwed :)07:03
Cheri703line the walls of your apt with foil :)07:03
jgouldThen the cell phones won't work07:03
Cheri703but yeah, I'd bet a big part of the issue could be cordless phones07:04
jgouldI think it's all of these AT&T Uverse boxes around here07:04
Cheri703could be07:05
jgouldWhen I was having problems with the Valet, the poeple at Cisco are like "What channel is the router on" I'd answer that it was on 11, as it was one of the clearer channels around ehre, and they'd be like "ok, lets put it on 6"  6 is overly satruated....07:06
Unit193Call canthus13 next time? XD07:07
Cheri703alright, I'm off. have a good night07:07
jgouldThe thing is that everythign they had me do, I had already done...07:07
jgouldNight Cheri70307:07
jgouldThat's it... my next comptuer will have a traditional BIOS....07:09
jgouldIt's 2:30 AM already?07:24
* jgould blames Unit19307:31
* Unit193 didn't do anything!07:34
jgouldStill your fault :)07:35
jgouldYou can dist-upgrade from 10.04.1 to 11.04, right?07:36
Unit193LTS > LTS and from one version to the next only07:36
jgouldAslo, Unit193 your prefered DE is XFCE, no?07:37
Unit193DE? Who uses them? ;) Kinda...07:37
jgouldI saw a tutorial on changing that...  it is possible to do, just not easy.07:38
jgouldLTS > LTS upgrades07:39
jgoulddamn router...07:48
jgouldif you go to synaptic, and into the software sources dialog, updates tab, at the bottom you can change what you upgrade to07:49
* Unit193 still hasn't upgraded Lubuntu 10.10 > 11.0407:50
* jgould upgrades Unit19307:50
Unit193You don't hear much good of upgrading...07:51
jgouldNo, clean installs tend to work better, IMHO07:52
jgouldThat's any OS07:53
Unit193And I don't really want to do that...07:54
Unit193I'm sure I wasn't the first one off...09:30
jgouldwhat the hell do you mean, Unit19310:09
jgouldthere we go11:29
jgouldWow... A gigabit connection makes a whole lot of diffrence when you are moving data...11:47
=== james is now known as Guest14908
=== james_ is now known as jrgifford
jgouldOk.  keys are remapped to the way they should be now.  I'm feeling productive12:51
jgouldNow to try to sort out the trackpad12:55
dmcglonescary huh?14:16
jgouldWouldn't the acid in your stomach destroy the chop14:18
jgoulder chip?14:18
dmcglonedunno :-/ it's supposed to be digestable, so I guess it's intended to come out the other end :-)14:19
dmcglonenext they will have one that survives all the way to the toliet and you can analyze your shit.. LOL14:19
dmcgloneI gotta go to the chiropractor. be back later14:20
skellatI wander in and things are quiet?  Yikes.14:52
skellatIs it shock over the Jim Tressel news?14:54
* skellat wonders what happened14:54
Cheri703I have no clue15:10
Cheri703I haven't had tv service since last april15:10
Cheri703so....I saw a fb post about it and that's it :)15:10
skellatI don't follow OSU all that much in sports so I'm not sure what the hullabaloo is all about15:11
Cheri703something about an ncaa suspension previously15:12
skellatDo we have election results yet?  I delayed The Burning Circle this week just for that.15:12
Cheri703I dunno15:12
Cheri703I think it's next week15:12
Cheri703no idea why they gave it so much time15:12
canthus13dmcglone: That's creepy... Imagine. Public toilets that know who crapped in them.15:14
Cheri703easy enough to blame the person who doesn't flush though...15:15
skellatI highly doubt an RFID tag would survive the digestive tract15:15
canthus13skellat: Why not? coat it in glass.15:15
Cheri703they have cameras make it through...15:16
canthus13..Or some sort of cellulose. (Corn skins are the reason for corn poop... They're indigestible.)15:16
skellatcanthus13: It still has to be big enough to be able to radiate a signal, though.15:16
Cheri703yeah canthus13, that's where I was headed15:16
canthus13iirc, rfid doesn't radiate anything.15:16
Cheri703was trying to decide a delicate way of phrasing it15:16
canthus13Hafta ask paultag.. He's the rfid expert around here.15:17
canthus13<- indelicate.15:17
canthus13Hmm.. apparently, some have batteries, some do not.15:18
canthus13But they can be the size of a grain of rice... so no problem swallowing one without knowing.15:19
* skellat is bothered as he finds evidence that he's been sleepwalking again15:20
skellatAlrighty, so what else is new?15:24
Cheri703not a ton skellat15:28
Cheri703I need clients, but that's not new :)15:28
Cheri703I'm still being impatient about getting the new nook15:30
Cheri703aaaand that's it :)15:30
jgouldI had my neighbor pound on the wall about 15 minutes ago... appareantly The Borne Identity was too loud...15:31
jgouldof course I've pounded on the wall when his music is too loud or when they are screwing and tapping the wall with the bed.15:32
gilbertelection deadline is june 12th15:33
* jgould goes back to writing. His muse has returned from vacation15:34
skellatgilbert: Oh.  Well, BC will come out later this week then.15:34
skellatSo who all has to wander in to work tonight?  I have to be in at 1600.15:42
* jgould is laid off until late July15:43
jgouldI might be in bed by 1600...15:43
jgouldGah I have to get used to having the keys in the right spots...  I fixed my keyboard layout last night15:44
canthus13Yeah. nuts.16:00
* jgould wonders how hard this damn trackpad is going to be to get to work correctly16:03
jgouldAny one in here have any experence in taming an overly sensitive trackpad?16:06
skellatcanthus13: That featured in the program for LISNews.org that got posted last night.16:06
skellatjgould: How is it being overly sensitive?16:07
jgouldany time I touch it, it acts as a click.  only workaround I've come up with so far is to turn off tap-to-click16:07
jgouldI would prefer to tap to click, just on my terms, not it's... XD16:08
skellatjgould: That's about all you can do to fix that.16:08
jgouldit's a driver issue.  I just haven't found my way around it...16:08
* jgould blames skellat for the trackpad.16:09
skellatTrackpad ballistics are tough16:13
jgouldI'm wondering if there are some settings in my Xorg.conf file I can feed the X server to make the trackpad work better16:14
canthus13Whee... another 'my wireless doesn't work' call... the idiot is in virginia, expecting to connect to her router in toledo.16:20
jgouldHeh, canthus1316:24
jgouldMy wireless doesn't work half the time, and it's less than 10 feet away16:25
skellatcanthus13: That would set a new land propagation record in the 2.4 gigahertz band if it were even remotely possible16:25
jgouldyes it would, skellat16:25
canthus13skellat: Heh.  that reminds me... I hope I get an Alfa wireless card for my birthday.. it's on my wish list. :)16:26
canthus13the range on those is insane.. somewhere around 3-5 miles with a good antenna.16:28
jgouldseems like overkill...16:31
canthus13jgould: It's fun to play with. :)16:32
canthus13and good for finding free net access.16:32
skellatIt only produces one watt of power output.  In the grand scheme...that's not much of anything.16:32
canthus13(McDonalds, coffee shops, etc...)16:32
jgouldI took one little 13 character snippet of that and pulled up the page.16:32
jgouldKnowing someone that works at Amazon has its perks16:33
canthus13There's also a +9db antenna..16:36
jgouldCould probably use that to heat up my coffee...16:37
skellat1 W isn't enough to heat coffee.  Even a microwave even borders on a 1 kW.16:38
canthus13It could heat it...eventually... then again, evaporative cooling would probably counter it.16:39
jgouldThat's a great bug...  "The touchpad works very bad"16:41
jgouldAnd part of my lower panel disappeared....16:44
skellatGonna have to reboot16:45
* jgould blinks16:45
canthus13jgould: Should try updating your video drivers.. might help the panel issues.16:59
canthus13Intel chipset, right?16:59
jgouldYeah, i91517:03
jgouldThere.  Now I should cool off...17:04
jgouldI'm not sure that there is an update to the video drivers...17:07
* jgould is having a Bourne Movie marathon over here17:16
jgouldToday would be a good day to stay at home in the AC (or if you have to go out, go in a skirt... *nods*17:32
* skellat waves18:29
jgouldMy phone is pissing me off18:35
jgouldMail doens't run today, does it?19:13
Cheri703don't think so19:18
jgouldI remapped some keys on my keyboard last night.  Makes me happy.  At least the keys are in the proper spots now...19:22
* Cheri703 cleaned her garage today...it's not DONE, but it's WAAAAAAY better19:30
canthus13Cheri703: Dude thinks that a stewardess has Sully....19:34
Unit193jgould: I'm guessing I typed your name & email correct?20:39

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