
cyberanger95 miles east of Cleveland, OH00:01
Unit193It's a bit hot this second, but it's not bad in the winter (And we have been getting lots of rain!)00:02
cyberangerUnit193: where at? (and yeah, 90 earlier here, Cleveland, TN, 30 miles north of Chattanooga)00:03
Unit193cyberanger: NEO. 89 at 5pm00:05
cyberangersounds right, from what I heard not too far away, just be glad twisters were not on the menu00:13
Unit193Now I don't want to butt out... Great...00:13
cyberangereverything but another tornado00:15
cyberangerI don't even mind the snow (I wish we had more, actually) or hail, as long as another tornado is averted00:16
Unit193I'll take snow over any summer day...00:27
cyberangeridk about any summer day, but I know today's is on the list01:14
cyberanger(the ones that feel like spring and fall are nice, back on the lake, it was early winter, winter, late winter and road word01:15
cyberangerwork* and here I can rock climb, raft, swim, just gotta travel a bit for hockey)01:16
Unit193cyberanger: That's what we say! Almost winter, winter, still winter and road construction!01:17
cyberangerUnit193: yeah, everyone near Lake Erie and Lake Ontario (that I knew at least) said that01:19
cyberangerAshtabula County, OH and Erie County, PA and Erie, County, NY, amoungst others, that was home01:21
cyberangerand each blizzard knocked out the power it seemed (and how did 9/10ths of those seem to fall on new years eve, idk)01:22
cyberangerI wish I could move back sometimes, job security is here atm though01:23
cyberangerit's not that I don't like here, just, your childhood home has something different than any place that follows, you know?01:24
Unit193Home is where the heart is?01:27
Unit193(How active is this channel normally? And is this team not approved?)01:34
cyberangerUnit193: something like that, yeah01:50
cyberangerthis channel varies, but your seeing the lower end this weekend, holiday and all (on top of our usual sunday)01:51
wrstcyberanger: i think suppy bot was the python one let me check :)01:52
cyberangerand we're working towards approval (they've raised the bar, and this is a hard state for it too, all spread out, 4 real big cities, but many miles between them, sorta like Ohio actually, on a smaller scale)01:53
wrstnope it was phenny cyberanger sorry01:53
cyberangerwrst: that's ok01:53
cyberangerUnit193: many different IRC bots, and I don't think there is a wrong answer, just varity01:54
Unit193Supybot is python01:54
Unit193cyberanger: I have started to play with them. Do you have any old/new sitting around?01:55
cyberangerUnit193: If I recall, Ohio has most it's members in the big three cities, whearas most of ours are more rual, or at the least on the outside edges of the metro area01:55
cyberangerUnit193: ah, good to know01:56
Unit193cyberanger: Not as much as you would think, actually01:56
cyberangerwrst: both are python, but I was thinking of phenny (just seemed to be dead simple, unfortunately it leaked full paths (the code didn't look that way, but when data dumps, it dumps)01:57
cyberangerUnit193: did that change in the past two years, or did I only really know the groups from the cities I guess?01:57
cyberangerintresting to know, none the less01:57
Unit193Mind you we just started this week: http://ohio.ubuntu-us.org/map/user01:58
Unit193With C-Bus being the main one!01:59
cyberangerC-Bus is what I recalled 2 years ago02:04
Unit193It would be very odd to invite you to OLF :D02:07
cyberangerOhio Linux Fest or Ontario Linux Fest ;-)02:08
cyberangerUnit193: not too much, Atlanta cancelled last year, nearly went to ohio instead, but it was better to pick up more shifts than try and pretend my pockets were deeper02:11
Unit193I really want to go to one (This one would be really nice) We should bridge our LoCos ;)02:11
cyberangerit's not too far, and I'd probally try to encourage some in your area to head down too02:12
cyberanger(I'm presuming your pin on that map is Ashtabula, seems the only NE pin there) they're only 30-50 miles further east02:14
cyberangeridk, too far out, but it's the closest working plan, see what work gives, and what I can take02:15
cyberangerUnit193: I went last year to FOSSCON RIT at Rochester, NY02:19
cyberangerI don't mind Colombus02:19
Unit193Ashtabula is not me02:22
Unit193I have only been to Ubuntu Hours02:23
cyberangeroh, heh, guess my idea of NE OH is smaller than others02:23
cyberangerguess the one outside of Arkon probally counts (for example)02:24
Unit193Roadrunner calls it NEO...02:24
Unit193I also haven't put myself on there...02:25
wrsthey Unit193 good to see you here02:56
Unit193Howdy wrst! I don't seem to know you from any other channel..02:59
wrstI don't get allowed out of here Unit193 :)02:59
cyberangerUnit193: RR hrm, beats TWC03:56
Unit193Looks like cyberanger is actually busy and has a life! ;)03:56
Unit193RR = TWC03:56
cyberangersorry, meant Arkadelphia03:57
cyberangerthey tried to pull an enron, glad they are gone after that03:57
cyberangerUnit193: everyone has a life, just a matter of what one does with it04:00
cyberangertonight, enjoy the long weekend off, by working (ugh, fail, me and my projects)04:01
cyberangerUnit193: do I know you from another channel?04:01
Unit193We don't currently share any04:02
Unit193cyberanger: ^^04:02
cyberangerwell, currently I'm pretty much just here, a huge reduction, usually 5 networks, 15-20 channels total04:04
* Unit193 22 current04:05
* wrst couldn't keep up with that much04:05
cyberangerwrst: depends on the channel, but yeah, one must reach a burden04:10
cyberangerI've got 35? (never counted, sounds right) channels I consistantly goto (but normally I'm never in ALL of them at one time, half and half, otherwise it's a little redundant04:11
cyberangerdepending on time of day, who's trolling where)04:11
cyberangerbut the past two months I've tried to limit some, to what is consistantly active, focused, limited trolling04:12
cyberangertypes of channels less likely to be an overload04:12
cyberangerseems some days I can listen to a hockey game, monitor 20 irc channels, work on config'ing something, and other times, just sit back and plop in a movie04:13
Unit193cyberanger: What are a few of the channels/04:14
cyberanger(funny thing is how until recently, there was no middle ground)04:14
cyberangerhere, #swissknife-router (project I've been 'working on' sorta stalled due to time constraints, anyhow I can come back to that one later)04:15
cyberanger#keryx, #opennic04:15
cyberangerirc.dod.net #dod04:15
cyberangerirc.pirateparty.ca #digitalpatriots #uspirateparty #canada04:15
Unit193Are you in other *ubuntu* ones?04:16
cyberangerirc.2600.net #offthehook #offthewall04:16
cyberangerand others on 2600 depending on what's going on04:17
cyberangeroh, um, now no, but I've been known to jump in other channels as reasons occur04:17
cyberangersay my trips north usually put me in *-us-pa and *-us-ny depending on the trips04:18
cyberangeror issues that we cannot solve here, #ubuntu04:19
Unit193cyberanger: Do you use Ubuntu 11.04/Unity ?04:19
cyberangerI do use 11.04, I do NOT use unity however04:20
cyberangerOpenbox and the CLI04:20
cyberangertried it, along with gnome shell04:21
cyberangerwhat about you?04:21
Unit193Xubuntu 11.04 and Lubuntu 10.10 (Might get the other comp with dual Kubuntu)04:22
cyberangerLubuntu, nice04:23
Unit193It really is! (Also have the Liquorix kernel in it)04:23
cyberangerI think a fair amount of us are displeased with unity here, some thinking gnome shell would have worked just as nice, others giving it time04:24
cyberangeror (this is my catogery) scratch our heads in wonder04:24
Unit193One guy in ours is on Gnome3 (I don't like Unity, but I haven't tried it yet)04:25
cyberangerheard of Liquorix, never used it (I seem to tweak mine for networking, injection patches, routing enhancements, so on)04:26
cyberangerGnome3 is intresting, but I think LXDE is really the best for the majority (I feel like while I just said that, I don't quite fit there myself, at least as Lubuntu is setup)04:29
Unit193What don't you like about it? (Have you also seen 11.04?)04:30
cyberangerabout Gnome 3 and Unity, I get the feeling they were coded for fixed settings, netbook res. or so04:31
cyberangeroh, more of why I don't quite fit with Lubuntu, right04:33
cyberangermostly my network tweaks seem to cause me to gut out a bit of that subsystem04:33
cyberangerand I'm not using pulse, I'm using alsa still (for my own rigs)04:34
cyberangerit works, but my nature seems to be contrary to avegerage uses04:35
cyberangerwhen you can literally turn you laptop into a router in 30 seconds, you don't fit normal user anymore04:36
cyberangerwhen your running squid caching proxy on all your rigs, chained together, you don't fit normal user anymore04:37
cyberangerUnit193: so in other words, it's not lubuntu, it's fringe uses, unusual setups04:40
Unit193Very true (I thought it was using alsa... alsamixer is the default mixer)04:40
cyberangerit might be, that one I said thinking of gnome (the networking stands out for all though, just cause my systems have been tweaked to a unique design)04:41
Unit193I have to try Fedora + Gnome3 (So I don't have to config anything just to look at it)04:42
cyberangerwonder if http://live.debian.net has anything for you on that?04:47
Unit193Nope, I want to poke it :D04:47
cyberangerwell, time for rest, see everyone later05:19
Unit193cyberanger: Have a nice night!05:19
cyberangerUnit193: feel free to stick around, we have some night owls that appear to be later than usual05:20
* Unit193 is one...05:20
cyberangerthanks, you too05:20
cyberangerI can be, depending on the day errr night ahead05:21
cyberangerthis case, day ahead is packed05:21
Unit193I'm doing good to get to sleep by 3:30...05:21
electricusreally liking the latest ubuntu 11.0420:17
electricusi got the macbuntu theme installed and still using unity, but sidebar hidden20:18
chris4585daily builds of chrome have a global menu now :D20:42
cyberangerchris4585: same with the nightly builds ;-) kinda intresting20:46
chris4585lol nightly builds?20:46
cyberangerchris4585: yeah, what do you think the developers use all that caffine for?20:47
cyberangerstaying up during the day, naw20:47
cyberangerthey even call them nightly builds (I guess since all the google devs already have a day job ;-))20:48
cyberangerJust watched Fast Five, if anyone goes to see it, watch the credits, they dropped a bombshell in there20:49
Unit193Howdy, cyberanger20:54
cyberangerhey Unit19321:05
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