
=== robrt`_ is now known as robrt`
YoBoYgood morning06:33
nigelblies! I'm going back to bed06:37
nigelbGood morning YoBoY :)06:38
YoBoYgreat idea, the bed was so good and I'm so tired ^^"06:39
YoBoYok, now I have more time :D06:39
YoBoYwhat the hell is this jono's blog proposition for the ltp ? ^^"06:40
YoBoYis really near one of my team site : http://ubuntu-party.org/ :p06:41
YoBoYand I don't rally understand the posts, are we syndicating team blogs ? with all the langages ?06:42
nigelbYoBoY: yup, its going to look like that mostly :)07:42
nigelbwe're not going to sync all blog pots07:42
nigelbwe're just going to start with a few people posting to the LTP about what they did in their loco team07:43
YoBoYhum... why people and not locos ? if it's people, the posts are already on the planet.u.c no ?07:46
nigelbYoBoY: No, that's where the problem is07:49
nigelbNot every rockstar loco team member may have access to planet07:49
nigelbbecause they might not be ubuntu members07:49
nigelbbesides, planet does have other noise07:49
nigelbwe want to showcase loco active on the LTP07:49
YoBoYhum... and none of the locoteam blogs also ;)07:50
=== daker_ is now known as daker
dakermhall119, help!!!12:07
dakeri have added a color field to the track, and i am getting12:08
daker"NoReverseMatch: Reverse for 'summit.schedule.decorators.inner' with arguments '('',)' and keyword arguments '{}' not found."12:08
nigelbI was workig on that12:58
dakero.O workin on the color track ?13:00
dakernigelb, ^13:00
nigelbdaker: yeah, moving the color to a db field13:00
nigelbblah, we need to talk to each other more often13:06
nigelbmy fault too, I didn't update the blueprint when I took the task13:06
nigelbdaker: anyway, sounds like you might be ahead of me.  Carry on with it.  I'll pick up something else.13:22
nigelbdaker: open a bug and assign it yourself when you start something so that we know you're working on.  If you can assign your name to task in the BP, that'd be awesome too.13:23
mhall119daker: pong13:28
nigelbmhall119: ping13:33
nigelbmhall119: never mind, I'll figure it out :)13:38
mhall119nigelb: :)13:56
dakermhall119, can you figure out the problem ?14:28
mhall119daker: did you make a change to urls.py?14:29
dakeri have just added a color field to the track14:31
mhall119any changes to templates?14:31
dakerwhen i want to add a summit from here i got that error14:33
mhall119daker: hmm, I'll have to dig more14:33
=== daker is now known as daker_
=== Guest97744 is now known as MichealH
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2

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