
=== Sarvatt_ is now known as Sarvatt
YoBoYMy laptop on natty is making fun of me. The desktop freeze very too often, sometimes I can go to a tty and restart gdm, sometines I only can use the power button. Can you guys give me some advices or help me report or find help on this bug ?06:35
tjaaltonYoBoY: install the kernel from -proposed06:43
YoBoYhum... normally I'm already on proposed, I check06:44
tjaaltonshould be abi version 906:44
YoBoYI'm on 2.6.38-9-generic06:46
tjaaltonok then06:47
YoBoY(i'm on the 64bit edition btw)06:49
tjaaltondoesn't matter06:50
RAOFtjaalton: You wanted to test llvm support on your r300-r500 chips?06:54
tjaaltonRAOF: no, sis :P07:16
tjaaltoni have some firegl card, but don't know which generation it is07:17
RAOFtjaalton: Oooh, the ultimate in software-fallbacks!07:19
RAOFAnyway, it's in git.  Or, if you prefer, I'm sure I've got some prebuilt packages I could throw at you :)07:20
tjaaltonYoBoY: looks like that kernel doesn't have the fix I was after..07:20
tjaaltonRAOF: yeah, 32bit ones would be nice07:20
tjaaltonRAOF: you wrote the patch for i915 that fixes a sh*tload of these natty crashers?07:21
RAOFtjaalton: By “crashes” you meen freezes?  Yes, and I finally aligned all the knobs to get it into stable-queue.07:21
tjaaltonRAOF: yeah that, cool07:22
YoBoYtjaalton: the fix will be available soon ?07:24
tjaaltonYoBoY: well it's not even in -proposed yet07:24
tjaaltonas it seems07:24
RAOFIt's in the 2.6.39 kernel, but not yet in any natty kernel.07:25
YoBoYthere is a bug I can subscribe to follow the progress ?07:35
tjaaltonbut I don't have it handy :P07:36
tjaaltonthere's also a ppa with a test kernel07:37
RAOFbug #74012607:37
ubot4`Launchpad bug 740126 in unity (Ubuntu Natty) (and 6 other projects) "Disabling an output can cause vblank events to be missed (affects: 76) (dups: 10) (heat: 380)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74012607:37
soreauI'm having trouble in natty where after coming out of a fullscreen window, compiz is completely b0rked. There are major issues flickering and it bounces between front and back buffers that are remnants of previous frames07:46
soreauon rv350 with xorg-edgers installed07:47
soreaurestarting compiz or even X does not help, it's like the driver is stuck in b0rken mode07:48
soreauI'm thinking it's a kernel/radeon module bug or mesa but not sure which07:49
RAOFsoreau: It's not inconceivable that it's an X bug, either.07:49
RAOFtjaalton: Hm.  It seems I don't have an i386 build handy; I'll build one now.07:50
soreauRAOF: Right but how do I know where to file a report?07:50
tjaaltonRAOF: got beefy hw for it? I have a dualcore here, so could build it myself too07:50
RAOFtjaalton: No beefy hardware here; just a dualcore.07:51
tjaaltonok, so maybe I'll just pull from git and build it here07:51
RAOFsoreau: I'm *pretty07:51
RAOFsure* it's reported on xorg-devel.07:51
RAOFAlso, I'm pretty ;)07:51
soreauAlrighty then :)07:52
soreauRAOF: You mean it's a known issue?07:52
soreauI saw mareko say something on dri-devel that might be the issue07:52
RAOFI think it might be.07:52
soreauapparently it only affects r3xx and not r5xx07:53
RAOFtjaalton: I'll leave you to build it then.07:53
soreauRAOF: Possibly OT: Do you know if ubuntu will run X in wayland or even package wayland in the next cycle (or two)?07:55
tjaaltonit's packaged07:55
RAOFRun X in wayland by default in the next two cycles?  That's a big N O.07:56
RAOFWayland is, however, packaged, and should be runnable under X and on the console for O.  We'll get a new snapshot that doesn't require cairo-gl, so nvidia users won't be shafted.07:57
soreauRAOF: I'm kinda thinking that wayland would make it's debut in ubuntu by just running X inside it but perhaps next year, there will be enough stable toolkits that it will be able to run native stuffs07:57
soreaubut I'm merely speculating07:57
RAOFWell, that's the plan.07:57
RAOFHowever, 12.04 is an LTS; we're not going to throw Wayland under X in the LTS :)07:58
soreauah ok07:58
soreauAlso I'm curious what nvidia is planning to do WRT wayland. AFAIK, they have no plans to provide support for it in their driver07:58
soreauWill they ever cough up hw specs you think?07:59
RAOFAll this is discussed in one of the Wayland sessions at UDS; the notes are on the etherpad.07:59
soreauRAOF: Link me?07:59
RAOF(Well, not the nvidia discussion; that's a whole different kettle of awkward)07:59
soreauI'm more curious to know than anything08:00
* soreau doesn't even use nvidia08:00
soreauheh, wayland-something-or-other08:02
soreauRAOF: thanks08:02
soreauI'm surprised how quickly wayland is taking off and gaining a large amount of support by everyone (except nvidia)08:06
soreauI wonder how compiz will fare ;)08:06
RAOFCompiz is surprisingly X-agnostic.08:06
soreauYea I know. And porting to gles is probably only a quarter of the work08:07
soreauPorting to EGL might require an entire rewrite08:07
tjaaltonRAOF: hum, building this on natty is more work it seems, need to backport llvm and libdrm08:32
RAOFtjaalton: Yeah, of course :).  I thought you were oneiricing :)08:33
tjaaltonnot on the desktop, though I could build it on my laptop which is dualcore as well08:33
tjaaltonbooted it up08:33
tjaaltonand I'll upgrade the other laptop too, no point in keeping it on natty08:37
tjaaltonRAOF: ok, finally got it built, but I have a hook that tries to install them and that phase fails11:29
tjaaltonRAOF: http://pastebin.com/7n1LDKez11:40
tjaaltonprobably nothing, just a symptom of how the hook installs stuff11:40
tjaaltonit just runs 'dpkg -i $tmpdir/*.deb'11:40
tjaaltonhmm right, since libgl1-mesa-swx11 conflicts with libgl1, which is provided by libgl1-mesa-glx11:44
tjaaltonso nothing to worry about, I just need to disable the hook because the failure makes the pbuilder run fail, and so the debs are gone :)11:45
RAOFtjaalton: Oh, ouwch!11:54
tjaaltonso the thinkpad fan control doesn't work, and the kernel is reporting near-critical temperature..12:14
tjaaltonwhile building mesa12:14
* RAOF fires off an i386 mesa build.12:16
tjaaltonit should finish soon though :)12:16
tjaaltonmy build12:16
RAOFIf your laptop doesn't melt first! :)12:16
RAOFllvm takes a surprising amount of time to build.12:17
tjaaltonplaced a frozen bottle of water under the machine :)12:18
RAOFOr, rather, there's an annoying delta between build_time(on launchpad buildd) and  build_time(on laptop)12:18
sorenFor the longest time, stuff was quicker to build locally than on the buildd's.12:19
tjaaltonooh, dpkg-shlibdeps.. soon finished12:22
tjaaltonCPU temp down to 8112:22
tjaaltonif i'm reading /proc/acpi/ibm/thermal right12:23
tjaaltonok, so how do I determine if llvmpipe is used or not?14:23
tjaaltonswrast_dri.so is loaded14:23
Prf_Jakobglxinfo | grep render14:23
Prf_Jakobyou are not running llvmpie.14:26
Prf_Jakobit should say "Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe" or something like that14:27
tjaaltondoes it build a dri driver of its own?14:27
tjaaltonmaybe the packaging change wasn't complete14:28
Prf_Jakobdunno, upstream it was/is called swrastg_dri.so14:32
tjaaltonyeah, probably just needs to be included in the package then :)14:33
seb128is #ubuntu-x tracking glew?17:45
seb128is there any plan to update to 1.6?17:45
seb128does anybody know if bug #711401 got investigated after the version revert to figure if the issue was a nux or glew one?17:46
ubot4`Launchpad bug 711401 in unity (Ubuntu) (and 3 other projects) "update to glew 1.5.7 broke unity (dup-of: 711396)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71140117:46
ubot4`Launchpad bug 711396 in nux (Ubuntu Natty) (and 4 other projects) "segfault in nux::IOpenGLFrameBufferObject::Deactivate (affects: 42) (dups: 13) (heat: 178)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71139617:46
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== soren_ is now known as soren
=== maxb_ is now known as maxb

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