
superflymorning sakhi07:21
Kilosmorning superfly and others08:22
KilosMaaz, coffee on08:22
* Maaz flips the salt-timer08:22
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!08:26
KilosMaaz, ty buddy08:27
MaazDont get familiar now Kilos08:27
superflyhiya Kilos08:43
magellanichi all. superfly, well health wise?09:01
superflymagellanic: a little worse for the weather, to be honest09:01
superflybut not too bad09:01
magellaniceish okay, but flu fading away I guess?09:02
superflymagellanic: no flu, bronchitis09:03
magellanicah right, wow thought it would be gone by now09:05
magellanicbut yea weather has not been very friendly09:05
Kiloshi nlsthzn bmg505 magellanic 09:48
magellanichey Kilos 09:49
nlsthznHello Mr. Kilos :)09:49
bmg505hello back at wek after a nice 10 day break :(10:07
nlsthznKilos: http://nlsthzn.wordpress.com/2011/05/30/hello-katya-my-latest-mistress/ A look at pretty gnome :)11:28
Kiloslol looks good nlsthzn but where are the panels11:36
nlsthznKilos: Panels?11:37
Kiloslol those strips top and bottom with all the icons to make things work without hunting11:38
nlsthznKilos: :) in the menu bar... their is a favorites section with all my most used applications... I think in the video you can see it... works very well...11:40
Kilosyeah i see it now with more concentration11:41
Kiloslooks good nlsthzn 11:41
nlsthznKilos: I am really enjoying so far... lets hope it lasts :)11:41
magellanicnlsthzn: that your linux mint setup?11:46
nlsthznmagellanic: the one in the link above, yup11:46
nlsthznvery close to the default for Katya11:46
magellanicand gnome 3?11:46
magellaniclooks neat/clean :)11:47
nlsthznmagellanic: Gnome 211:47
magellanicI see11:47
Kiloshey clever peeps. when you post to a thread or start a thread, to be able to see replies must you hit reload on your browser?14:45
Kilosor does it popup automatically14:46
superflyKilos: context?14:46
Kilosits for an unlocking code from forums gsmhosting superfly 14:47
superflyKilos: in that case, I don't know, I don't use that web site14:47
Kilosoh is it not a standard thing. i remember when i reported bugs long ago on karmic i think i could never find replies14:48
Kilosi never gonna get used to using the internet and all the different sites14:55
KilosMaaz, coffee on14:57
* Maaz flips the salt-timer14:57
KilosMaaz, coffee for all14:57
MaazSure thing, Kilos. Hey guys, bring your own mugs! I'm tired of doing all the dishes on my own.14:57
OwkkuriKilos: you'll probably have to refresh the page to see replies15:00
Kilosthanks Owkkuri 15:00
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!15:01
KilosMaaz, ty15:01
MaazEnjoy Kilos15:01
nlsthznKilos: I know some browsers let you set an auto-fresh... I did that some time ago... can't remember which browser though (or if it was a plug in or not)15:23
Kilosty nlsthzn  but every refresh eats more data so i will wait an hour or so between refreshes15:24
Kilosand you missed coffee15:25
Kilossorry i forgot to remind you15:25
nlsthznnot a prob, having some tea :)15:26
Kilosim trying now to unlock my sagem 404x from mtn who arent in aus so i dont think that is being dishonest hey superfly 15:30
N8Wulfhello there Peoples in the Vetkoek Paleis16:29
Kiloslol hiya N8Wulf 16:29
N8Wulfeish hello ek se16:58
nlsthznSquirm: alo17:14
froztbyteso, how do you guys normally start a NM connection when your mouse batteries are dead? any recommended CLI util?18:11
froztbytehttp://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/NetworkManagerCmdline apparently18:13
froztbytealthough I don't yet have that18:14
froztbytethe alternative answer seems to be dbus18:15
froztbyteso that'll be easy enough to hook into with python and some minor jiggerypokery18:16
froztbytethanks guys.18:16
* froztbyte highfives you all18:16
kbmonkeyhi hi18:18
superflyhaha, froztbyte18:30
Kiloshehe froztbyte  self service channel18:32
* nlsthzn would just go buy some batteries19:47
Squirm/w 220:27
Kilosnight all sleep warm21:11
nlsthznNight all21:52

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