
sudokillu shouldnt ever need a force install however u do that00:00
ultrixxsudokill: he wants to install a 32 bit package on his 64 bit installation00:00
teageI have ubuntu lucid 64 bit installed sudokill00:00
ZykoticK9teage, "sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture foo.deb" be sure you have ia32 libs installed!00:00
sudokillteage i thought u meant install ubuntu 32 bit sorry00:00
ActionParsniprenoteck: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes00:00
renoteckwhy don?t starts the x server00:00
teageZykotick9 : THANKS00:00
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sudokillteage what r u trying to install00:00
teagesudokill: gens-gs00:00
Arachontanath: I re-installed network-manager-gnome. Now I am getting something called "network monitor" in my applet list, but it's not the same as the usual "network manager" nor does it show up in any of the indicator-applets00:01
sudokillhmm idk what that is00:01
teagesega emulator00:01
ActionParsnipteage: is it on getdeb?00:01
sudokillsega emulator00:01
renoteckthanks: ActionParsnip00:02
tanathArachon: hrm. well, i don't have a network manager applet in the list of applets either, but i think i have the one you're after and it seems to be part of the indicator applets00:02
tanathArachon: i'm guessing it's related to the fact that you rolled your own00:02
Arachontanath: Okay... But you only have network-manager-gnome installed?00:02
tanathArachon: whereas i upgraded00:02
Arachontanath: That does sound a bit odd, it should be the same repos, no?00:02
tanathArachon: i do have that one and not the other, yes00:03
Guest82965i wonder if its because im a guest or because it wasnt a good question00:03
sudokillteage u can try --force-architecture on the package ive never tried it and dont know if its stable00:04
sudokilli doubt it00:04
sudokilli just quick googled it00:04
ActionParsnipGuest82965: i'd boot livecd to fsck the partiton00:04
kneauxHi, I'm trying to change some keys around on my keyboard, specifically to add ø to my keyboard (trying to use danish dvorak), can anyone help?00:04
ZykoticK9Guest82965, you might want to boot from a LiveCD/USB and fsck your / partition?00:04
tanathArachon: i also have gnome-applets which provides /usr/lib/gnome-applets/accessx-status-applet which could be what you're looking for00:04
tanathArachon: not sure what that one does. only network-related-looking one00:05
Arachontanath: As do I I'm afraid...00:05
Arachontanath: As far as I know, the one I'm looking for is called nm-applet00:05
tanathArachon: searching that turns up network-manager-gnome which i have installed...00:06
Arachontanath: Yeah, same00:06
lapaganot a problem but am curious...when I reboot from windows the ip I get in xubuntu live cd is different than windows but if I cold boot it is the same.  any idea's why?00:06
Guest82965zykoticK9: is / automatically a partition, or do you have to make it that way, because I never manually made any partitions. But if it is naturally that way then I can certainly access the comand line and do the fsck command. And so do I set my BIOS order to the usb or cd?00:07
tanathArachon: which provides nm-applet00:07
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steinerdoes ubuntu still give out free ubuntu discs?00:07
tanathArachon: and nm-connection-editor00:07
Guest82965zykoticK9: and thank you very much by the way00:07
ActionParsnipsteiner: shipit is closed00:07
sudokillsteiner- i dont think they do00:07
ZykoticK9Guest82965, if you used "automatic" partitioning in any way during install, then you have a / partition.  BIOS USB/CD is computer specific, you may or may not have too.00:08
Arachontanath: Oh god, I'm an idiot. Sorry for wasting your time, it showed up when I ran it through the terminal... Should have done that first thing... My apologies <.<00:08
tanathsteiner: you can download it though and put it on a bootable USB00:08
tanathArachon: haha00:08
steineryeah, ive done it, i was just wondering00:08
almoxarifelapaga: old boot and window are sharing same mac, livecd is not?00:08
lapagaalmoxarife, no the mac is the same00:09
ezzeloharrI tried running an (admittedly older, Intrepid Ibex?) release of Ubuntu on an older computer as a live OS, and I got an error message saying that the CPU was an i686, and that I needed a different kernel - do I need a different ISO?00:09
Guest82965ZykoticK9: oh okay I'm sure it automatically did that during the install. I tried to switch from windows to ubuntu and learn about linux while on Ubuntu, but even though it's user-friendly for a distro, I should've kept a distance while I learned. I'll definitely make a bootable usb thank you very much00:09
sudokillezzeloharr, i think ubuntu is i3886 only00:09
ZykoticK9Guest82965, best of luck!00:10
teageInstalled with dependency errors but it works just fine. weird.00:10
ezzeloharrsudokill: fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu, okay, thanks.00:10
teagewoot woot!!! thanks guys00:10
sudokillezzeloharr, np00:10
ZykoticK9ezzeloharr, sudokill  i386 is really i686...00:10
almoxarifelapaga: using different wifi signals?00:10
lapagaalmoxarife, nope...no wifi00:11
ActionParsnipezzeloharr: sounds like you used a 64bit OS on a 32bit CPU, that wont work00:11
ActionParsnipsudokill: there is ppc and 64bit ubuntu available00:11
ActionParsnipsudokill: its not i386 only00:11
ezzeloharrokay - that sounds like me, I'll try again with a 32bit OS00:12
borginhi! Please somebody help... Running on Natty 64 bit. When I try to safely remove a usb hard disk, there is a kernel panic some seconds later. Where can I start to look? On Maverick I never experienced this problem00:12
almoxarifelapaga: :) magic? someone more verse may have the answer00:12
sudokillezzeloharr, i know dw lol00:12
lapagaalmoxarife, thanks:)  just seems sort of strange to me00:12
sudokillActionParsnip, I know theres 64 bit lol heard people having problems with i686 b4 tho00:13
sudokilli know ubuntu is optimized for i38600:13
Legendarioi can`t see my evolution calendar appointments on the natty panel. It used to work on maverick. Does anyone know what happens?00:13
ActionParsnip(00:09:50) sudokill: ezzeloharr, i think ubuntu is i3886 only00:13
sudokillpeople have had problems with i686 cpu00:14
ezzeloharrsudokill: i suspect i used a 64bit version, probably my fault00:14
ActionParsnipsudokill: so if you know there is 64bit......00:14
almoxarifeis livecd a virtualmachine?00:15
KM0201almoxarife: no, its a live cd00:16
KM0201lapaga: whats your wireless device chipset?00:16
ActionParsnipalmoxarife: you can run the livecd in a VM00:17
johHow do I disable the nouveau driver at boot in 11.04? This doesn't work: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/Nouveau#Disabling nouveau00:17
lapagaKM0201, I do not use wireless00:17
KM0201lapaga: oh ok, thought you said you had a wireless prob.00:17
Quantum_IonWhat is the best usb tv plug in device for Ubuntu Linux00:18
ActionParsnipjoh: add the boot option:  nouveau.blacklist=100:18
johActionParsnip: Ok, thanks00:18
Quantum_IonI searched the internet and I cannot find shit on usb internet tv00:18
ActionParsnip!hcl | Quantum_Ion00:18
ubottuQuantum_Ion: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection00:18
lapagaKM0201, thanks anyways...it is not really a problem just was curious why my ip is different in xubuntu than it is in windows00:19
KM0201Quantum_Ion: i'm not aware of any good ones that are USB... few PCI ones are pretty good.00:19
KM0201lapaga: hard telling... most routers you can tell them to assign an IP to a particular PC.00:19
KM0201lapaga: if you've not manually assigned IP's from the router, maybe something had the other Ip occupied when you turned on Ubuntu?..00:20
almoxarifeActionParsnip: I am trying to figure out if the issue is the same as mine, I can run 64bit native, not virtual, virtualbox or otherwise, turns out the chip does not allow for vt-x , took me a while to get over the fact I was not going to run 64bit anything in virtualbox00:20
lapagaKM0201, no router either00:20
KM0201lapaga: no router?.. then how do you have an IP.00:20
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lapagaKM0201, dhcp enabled get ip from cable company00:21
ActionParsnipalmoxarife: i dont have any CPUs newer than 1999 so mine don't support vt-x00:21
ActionParsnipalmoxarife: if your cpu doesn't support it, you cant do it00:21
almoxarifeActionParsnip: yep00:22
almoxarifelapaga: you don't have a router between you and your cable company?00:23
lapagaalmoxarife, it is a cable modem as far as I know it is not a router00:24
lapagaand that would not explain why it is different in windows and xubuntu00:25
almoxarifelapaga: which ip? public or internal?00:25
lapagaalmoxarife, public00:25
KM0201lapaga: if it is giving you a wireless signal, it is a combination router/modem00:26
KM0201lapaga: can you connect more than 1 device at a time to it?00:26
lapagaKM0201, no wireless and no I can only connect my computer to it00:26
KM0201lapaga: meaning, can you have more than 1 wireless device, or 1 wired and 1 wirelss, device.00:26
almoxarifelapaga: back to 2 macs then00:27
KM0201lapaga: can you look at the model name/number on the router and tell me what it is... i find that pretty hard to believe00:27
john_ramboI don't find a dropbox menu on the right click menu ......as shown in the dropbox web site .......http://bit.ly/lFJCv0 .....Using 10.04 Gnome 2.x00:27
johActionParsnip: Thanks, that seemed to work. That will fall back to the vesa driver..?00:28
almoxarifelapaga: on the bright side, your isp has given you two accounts thus far00:29
atlamberthaving problems installing ubuntu on my netbook00:29
KM0201atlambert: what kind of probs?00:29
lapagaKM0201, all it says on a lable is ambit and it only has one input from you ethernet cable00:29
atlambertin the past, i've been able to install ubuntu via usb on my netbook00:29
ActionParsnipjoh: it will be using the nv driver00:29
atlamberti can't get the usb to boot, though :/ i can go into windows (which is the current os) and see the installer. but it has that wubi thing for installing ubuntu along side windows00:29
KM0201lapaga: ok, can you have a wired connection, and a wireless connection? (at the same time?)00:30
atlamberti want to KILL windows and everything, and just start fresh w/ ubuntu00:30
atlamberti can't get it to boot into it though :/00:30
lapagaKM0201, no00:30
lethuis there an easy way to install all the e17 dependencies before starting the compilation ?00:30
KM0201atlambert: don't kill windows if you're having trouble w/ this.00:30
atlamberti feel like the problem is w/ the contents of the iso00:30
KM0201lapaga: wel, i'd be really interested in hear the model # of that router.00:30
atlambertKM0201 :/ windows 7... runs like trash on this netbook00:30
andrejkHi all, I need bit of help with a problem: I'm trying to reset my old Dell computer to factory settings. However, their CTRL+F11 on startup hint from manual doesnt work. I think this is because long ago I installed dual boot with Ubuntu, and now it's loading the GRUB loader on boot instead of the Dell loader (i think?). Is there a way to remove GRUB loader, so maybe the CTRL+F11 thing will work?00:30
KM0201atlambert: how much experience do you have w/ ubuntu?00:31
atlambertkm0201 it's been fine in the past00:31
lapagaKM0201, the strange thing is if I do a cold boot I get the same ip as windows00:31
KM0201lapaga: i dunno, what you're saying really doesn't make sense00:31
atlambertKM0201 decent but i'm not a power user. i usually end up reinstalling ubuntu because of updates being weird00:31
KM0201lapaga: is it giving you a 192.168.x.x IP?00:31
jiohdilethu, I just did apt-get install e17whatever and had no problem with any dependencies00:32
KM0201atlambert: i'd really encourage you not to nuke windows, and instead set up a dual boot00:32
atlambertKM0201 dont have space for that00:32
lethujiohdi, I am installing it through svn00:32
RevSpecies116andrejk: What about just pressing F11, without the ctrl key?00:32
zerothisis there a UNE channel?00:32
lapagaKM0201, no- it has nothing to do with an internal ip - it is only the public ip that changes...like I said it is not a problem I was just curious as to why00:32
lethujiohdi, is there a way to install just the dependencies ?00:32
almoxarifeatlambert: you installed ubuntu via wubi?00:33
atlambertKM0201 it takes quite a long time to uninstall everything. as i said, performance is awful00:33
andrejkRevSpecies116: I can try00:33
KM0201lapaga: dunno, hard telling00:33
Byandoes anyone know how to change mouse sensivity? whats the program that gnome ubuntu uses? is there a console program?00:33
atlambertalmoxarife no. doesnt that mean my only option is install alongside windows?00:33
KM0201atlambert: well did you try to boot the USB?  if so, what happened?00:33
demian0i dont know where to start for power management, everything was fine back in the 9 versions.. any app i may missing or smtng?00:33
Byanlxinput is segfaulting and I need an alternative00:33
RevSpecies116Sounds like a bios keypress, on my laptop my key to press is F100:33
RevSpecies116just F100:33
atlambertKM0201 yep i try to boot from usb and... nothing happens. just launches windows as normal00:33
jiohdilethu, if you know what they are, there are websites with all the individual pieces, but thats really a hard way to do it00:33
RevSpecies116sometimes it is the del key00:33
KM0201atlambert: you probably need to put the USB device first in your boot order.00:33
atlambertkm0201 i tried unetbootin and the default ubuntu usb creator to format this00:33
andrejkok I'll try all those00:34
atlambertkm0201 tried that in setup (f2). tried selecting usb using ESC at boot00:34
lapagaKM0201, if you do a whois on me...the ip that is showing is not the same as windows is what I mean00:34
RevSpecies116OKies, andrejk :) Do come back and let us know if that works or doesn't work :)00:34
atlambertKM0201 for what it's worth, i'm booting from an ipod. :/00:34
lethujiohdi, ok00:34
jiohdilethu, is there a reason you have to do it the hard way?00:35
atlambertshit i actually gotta run ><00:35
almoxarifeatlambert: a wubi install of ubuntu will place the complete filesystem in one file, I ran it that way for along time, and adds ubuntu as a second OS00:35
lethujiohdi, svn should be the latest version00:35
jiohdialmoxarife, a wubi install can very easily become unstable after a single update and crash everything00:35
KM0201almoxarife: wubi isn't gonna solve his problem, and wubi creates far more (potential) problems than is necessary00:35
atlambertalmoxarife i have like a gb of free space, and it takes years to uninstall one thing in windows because it chugs awfully on this ancient netbook00:36
LAcanguys, what is the ubuntu equivalent of the path environment variable in windows?00:36
atlambertshit i gotta afk00:36
atlamberti'll be back in like an hour00:36
atlambertmsg me if you have any ideas :/00:36
jiohdiLAcan, $PATH00:37
almoxarifeatlambert: trust me, the unstall for wubi ubuntu is quick, as a matter of fact you can unstall it by simply deleting one folder 'ubuntu'00:37
zerothisatlambert: please keep it family friendly00:37
andrejkRevSpecies116: I tried F11, F1, Del, they all lead me to "GNU GRUB", a big list with all kinds of Ubuntu's and my Windows XP. Nothing that says "restore", as the manual says there should be after pressing CTRL+F1100:37
LAcanthanks jiohdi .. do you know how I edit it?00:37
jiohdilacan try $PATH --man00:38
RevSpecies116:( andrejk00:38
andrejkMaybe I overwrote the partition with one of my Ubuntu's... :S00:38
RevSpecies116That is possible andrejk00:38
KM0201almoxarife: you're just repeating yourself, and not listening to what he's telling you00:38
johI've got some weird behaviour here. High I/O load seems to cause X rendering to stutter, even with the vesa driver...00:38
LAcanjiohdi, ya there is no man page as far as I can tell? that command returns an error00:38
andrejkI do have a "Dell Utility Partition", but that leads me to some screen where I can make some tests00:38
jiohdialmoxarife, the problem is that wubi is a file within windows and a single update can alter the pointers to find the kernel and crash everything00:38
* KM0201 agrees w/ jiohdi 00:39
andrejkRevSpecies116: I just need to wipe my computer because I want to sell it :( Dont want my personal data in there and stuff00:39
KM0201at least w/ a normal dual boot system, usually, at least 1 OS will boot... you bricka  wubi install, neitehr will boot00:39
almoxarifejiohdi: you may have had those issues, I did not, I found the fix to that issue and it was 100% fool proof!00:39
jiohdiKM0201, happened to me three times before I found out what was going on00:39
johWhile 'stress -d 2' is running, a simple 'ls /usr/bin' sometimes takes as long as 18 seconds.00:39
atlambertback for a min00:40
RevSpecies116andrejk: there could be a liveCD version of what you want00:40
atlambertzerothis sorry00:40
johDoing 'ls /usr/bin' from ssh, however, is fast.00:40
jiohdialmoxarife, then you should also share that part as it is critical to the success of wubi00:40
KM0201almoxarife: it still doesn't matter, please tell me how he can use wubi, w/ only 1gig of free space... (again, you're just repeating yourself, and not listening to why he can't use wubi)00:40
almoxarifejiohdi: I would love to00:40
RevSpecies116government strenght deletion on a livecd - I have no idea what distro that would be, though. gparted?00:40
jiohdiRevSpecies116, ubuntu rescure remix?00:42
almoxarifejiohdi: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/bootinfoscript/index.php?title=Boot_Problems:Wubi_9.10&oldid=21400:42
ubuntucorkKM0201: Forgive me for being late to the party, but wubi with lucid rocks and if your crafty you can symlink your ubuntu home Directory important subdirectories like Documents, Photos etc etc to your windows ones :)00:42
Mwthinklook up nuke live cd. I forgot the full name but there is a really tiny OS made exactly for secure hard drive wiping00:42
KM0201ubuntucork: you're not only late to the conversation, what you've said is totally irrlevant00:42
atlambertalmoxarife KM0201 yeah i don't quite understand either. i'm gonna try play with wubi and see if i'm missing something here00:43
KM0201atlambert: you only ave 1gig of space.. hwo the heck are you gonna use wubi?00:43
ubuntucorkKM0201: fair enough. I'm a trainee politician00:43
RevSpecies116rescue remix will safely/government-shead delete files, jiohdi ? andrejk is preparing to sell on his computer and wants it to be securly wipede00:43
KM0201atlambert: i'd strongly advise you not to do that.. but hey, we all gotta learn on our own..00:44
RevSpecies116shead = shread00:44
almoxarifeatlambert: the point about wiping windows is valid, don't do it, unless you are willing to start from scratch with a virgin netbook00:44
ubuntucorkKM0201: can the person concerned not use a 4GB USB stick?   dead cheap these days.00:44
* KM0201 facepalms00:44
KM0201ubuntucork: seriously, scroll up.00:44
jiohdiRevSpecies116, not sure if it has that sort of strength.00:45
atlambertKM0201 2.65 gb to be exact00:45
RevSpecies116Frustration will only give you wrinkles, KM0201 ;)00:45
atlamberthow about i reframe the question00:45
jiohdiRevSpecies116, you can get blowfish from omziff they have that kind of strenght00:45
almoxarifewubi is a authorized method of install, wubi works, not everyone wants to run linux terminal ubuntu, power to the user, its suppose to be easy!00:46
ubuntucorkKM0201: I only see about the 1GB space with wubi, so from what I see the question about spalshing out 10 quid on a 4GB stick00:46
RevSpecies116is that on a livecd, jiohdi ?00:46
KM0201RevSpecies116: i'm not frustrated... i just can't believe he not only is talking irrelevant, he's suggesting somethign he's already said he's having an issue w/ (booting from a USB)... so now.. he wants him to use wubi, on a hard drive that has about 2gigs of space, or he wants him to use a USB, on a machine eh can't figure out how to boot a USB on...00:46
ubuntucorkis still valid :)00:46
atlamberthow do i (a) wipe windows on my netbook, and then (b) install ubuntu?00:46
KM0201ubuntucork: no its not00:46
ubuntucorkaaaaah right...oops!!!00:46
* KM0201 sighs00:46
jiohdiRevSpecies116, not sure about that part00:46
atlambertpreferrably in one step00:46
ubuntucorkI didnt see before i came in, so now i have you!!00:46
xanguaalmoxarife: just good to give a try to ubuntu, for daily usage better do a real install00:47
andrejkRevSpecies116: I'm in partition magic, booting from a Ubuntu Live CD, and I *DO* see a "Dell Restore" partition. It has 2.4Gb used stuff in it00:47
Mwthinkatlambert, just install Ubuntu and have it overwrite Windows00:47
atlambertMwthink that's the problem00:47
andrejkRevSpecies116: I just need to boot from it somehow00:47
atlambertMwthink i can't get the usb to boot00:47
ubuntucorkMwthink: not a good idea unless you have backups :-)00:47
almoxarifeatlambert: how much hd space do you have?00:48
atlambertalmoxarife 2.65 gb00:48
RevSpecies116ubuntucork: We shall assume all backups are already done00:48
* KM0201 backing out o this conversation, because the advice given here is so ridiculous, i don't want my name associated with it00:48
atlambertKM0201 haha00:48
mouseI'm having problems with the startup disk creator.  The bootable usbs is makes don't work right.  Has anyone noticed this?00:48
atlambertmouse ME00:48
atlambertmouse ME00:48
ubuntucorkRevSpecies116: Assuming backups, keeping small computer shops in business all this time ;-)00:48
xanguamouse: i preffer to use unetbootin or multyboot00:49
RevSpecies116Let's just resolve the problem for this chap, eh, ubuntucork00:49
ubuntucorkKill Bill? ;-)00:49
qinmouse: Plug your stick and see if bios detect it (it may be unbootable stick)00:49
m0kshahi, I have a broadcom wifi card but i don't have a network cable available to me.  Usually i have to install this driver from the hardware drivers tab in the ubuntu administration menu.  Can I download the driver and install it manually?00:49
mousexangua, Yeah but even unetbootin hasn't been doing so well.  I'll look into multyboot though.00:49
mouseqin, It's bootable.00:50
RevSpecies116now, ubuntucork, for the sake of this help process, also assume that WUBI is out of the question: and continue from there00:50
Jordan_Umouse: In what way do they not work?00:50
almoxarifeatlambert: KM0201 point is valid, my bad, forget wubi, you don't have the space, I am surprized, a 2g hard drive? don't fuckup windows, you might never load another system on that laptop/nettop what ever its called.00:50
IdleOnealmoxarife: no swearing please00:51
ubuntucorkbackup all data to a cloud service where possible, as using a USB drive is now out of the question or thus far assumed to be00:51
almoxarifeIdleOne: sorry00:51
RevSpecies116with a 2GB HDD, wouldn't xubuntu or lubuntu be better?00:51
jiohdiRevSpecies116, puppy or quirky :)00:51
RevSpecies116ubuntucork: He has installed ubuntu from USB before, it just happens to be the UNE version that will not boot from USB00:52
jiohdiRevSpecies116, or maybe ICEwm00:52
mouseJordan_U, It keeps saying something like unable to locate linuz file or something like that.  I found some forum that said if you change a path then it will boot right but then it just doesn't give an error message.00:52
KM0201RevSpecies116: xubuntu and lubuntu, still require (more or less) the same amount of space as Ubuntu (maybe a tad less)..00:52
KM0201i dobut he'd save much space going w/ either of those.00:53
m0kshais it possible to manually install proprietary drivers in ubuntu?00:53
xanguaalmoxarife: atlambert there is also lubuntu, lxde00:53
jiohdipuppy can run in about 500mB00:53
RevSpecies116Ahh, OKies, KM0201 - didn't know that00:53
KM0201RevSpecies116: lubuntu is probably the smallest of the 4... but.. it's still pretty close.. we're talking only a couple 100mb i'd bet.00:53
ubuntucorkRevSpecies116: I hate to admit it but with space at a premium then the best but user unfriendly way to do it is with Slackware00:53
jiohdiyou can also use business card debian and then only install exactly what you wish00:54
RevSpecies116ubuntucork: only unfriendly for those new to Linux ;) I've used Slackware - quite like all the time spent at the terminal ;)00:54
ubuntucorkcan install only the drivers needed one by one etc etc.  Not an easy task for a GUI setup00:54
almoxarifeatlambert: let me understand, the HD came with 2gig or you are left with 2G?00:54
jiohdipuppy is reasonably noob friendly as long as you do not want to install something new00:55
s093294Im having abit of cmake issues, anyone able to give me some inputs from the errors : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/614742/00:55
ubuntucorkRevSpecies116: I agree but, then I am runing Lucid and salivating about 12.04 LTS and not whats in between :)00:55
s093294Im having abit of cmake issues, anyone able to give me some inputs from the errors : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/614742/  (trying to compile opencv for android)00:55
RevSpecies116OKies, atlambert, we are at an empasse. How do you want to go forward? How much space do you have on your netbook if you formatted the whole thing?00:55
RevSpecies1162GB seems like 'not the truth' so to speak00:55
jiohdi2G is usually the recovery partition00:56
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ubuntucorkWhats this mythical OS called "Windows" you speak of? ;-)00:56
almoxarifeso to speak :) , kindness always00:56
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BBHoodin 11.04, how do I change the folder that the "pictures" screensaver uses00:57
BobTheGreathow do I turn off unity intellihide without having maximized windows end up partially covered by the launcher?00:57
RevSpecies116ubuntucork: I also am on Lucid - and eagerly awaiting 12.04LTS (I only use the LTS releases). I'm sad that unity is not being backported to Lucid, though00:57
kerebrusAnyone know a good RSS reader?00:58
almoxarifekerebrus: google reader?00:58
Soupermanitoi have a process called mmpong-gl, thats the client of the mmpong game, is consuming most than half the cpu process, but is closed, and killing it whit sudo kill `pidof mmpong-gl` does nothing00:59
IdleOneSoupermanito: try killall mmpong-gl01:00
Soupermanitodid that01:00
Soupermanitono luck01:00
kerebrusalmoxarife any others?01:00
ZykoticK9IdleOne, is -9 next ;) Soupermanito01:00
almoxarifekerebrus: evolution? thunderbird?01:00
IdleOneZykoticK9: I guess he could try a kill -901:01
RevSpecies116atlambert: are you being helped in private - you have gone 'quiet'01:01
ZykoticK9IdleOne, "killall -9 mmpong-gl" Soupermanito01:01
jaggydoes anybody know why my wobbly windows are not smooth all the time?01:01
PolahIs the Ubuntu Classic DE (GNOME) GNOME2 or 3?01:01
IdleOnePolah: gnome201:01
Soupermanito:D AWESOME01:01
Soupermanitothanks IdleOne ZykoticK901:02
PolahIdleOne, KM0201 alright thanks01:02
IdleOneSoupermanito: the -9 way should be last resort though01:02
Soupermanitobut i tried killing it like 3 gazillion times, from consoles, virtual terminals, top, kill, killall01:02
Soupermanitowhat does -9 do?01:03
Soupermanitowait ill ask google01:03
ZykoticK9Soupermanito, it kills without asking for permission01:03
almoxarifeI kill processes from 'system monitor' I am a sucker for a GUI01:04
hiexpohola all01:04
Soupermanitoalso tried that01:04
ZykoticK9Soupermanito, a regular kill basically asks the process to stop, the -9 just stops it01:04
Soupermanitohola hiexpo01:04
IdleOneSoupermanito: then I guess you had no other choice :)01:04
Soupermanitoyes thank you01:04
Soupermanitoi only realized because i had to kill another process and went to the system monitor and said WHAT?!01:05
IdleOneSoupermanito: just saying not to use -9 all the time because you might end up killing a process that is just taking a very long time to save work or something and you will lose that work.01:05
ShariffHi there01:05
Soupermanitonah it was a game client01:05
IdleOneanyway you know now :)01:06
ShariffHow can I find out on which /dev my cdrom is located?01:06
FloodBot1felipe__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:06
Soupermanito!es | felipe_01:06
ubottufelipe_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:06
ZykoticK9Shariff, "ls -l /dev/cdrom"01:06
quinti feel like linux isn't giving me as much ability to multitask as windows did01:06
felipe__ok gracias01:06
felipe__donde busco ese canal01:06
UsuarioI need a command to change every file in my machine owned by hihihi100:hihihi100 to dexter:dexter01:06
almoxarifequint: specifics?01:06
Soupermanitofelipe solo escribi: /join #ubuntu-es01:07
felipe__ok gracias01:07
quintwell, i was able to host a download server when i had windows installed and stream using upnp and transcode and still not have a choppy response when typing and using the mouse01:07
chelzquint: try renicing the process01:08
Usuariowhat does chmod do?01:08
quinti do that lots chelz01:08
chelzUsuario: man chmod01:08
hiexpoUsuario, man chmod01:08
chelzentombed: error01:08
ZykoticK9Usuario, it changes the permission on a file01:08
Usuariocare to explain instead of copying a command?01:08
Usuariook, thanks01:08
BBHoodI looked up my issue on google, the methods i found didn't work01:09
BBHoodI got some kind of permission error01:09
Usuarioand whats the difference between chown and chmod?01:09
bazhang!permissions > BBHood01:09
ubottuBBHood, please see my private message01:09
IdleOneUsuario: chown == change owner01:09
ZykoticK9Usuario, chown -> owner vs. chmod -> permission01:09
IdleOnechmod is actually change mode bits01:10
IdleOnebut yeah permissions01:10
hiexpohola IdleOne01:10
IdleOneheya hiexpo01:10
Usuarioi see, idleone, zykotick9, can you tell me a command that changes the owner? I need to change every file owned by hihihi100:hihihi100 to dexter:dexter01:10
chelzusers vs groups is a bad design01:10
IdleOneUsuario: the link ubottu sent you about permission also explains about changing ownership iirc01:10
BBHoodah, I used sudo01:11
BBHoodbut got a whole bunch of file now found errors01:11
Usuarioidleone, I dont see any highlighted link01:11
SkaperenI'm trying to install Ubuntu on a multiboot box ... tried 11.04 and it hangs ... tried 10.10 and it hangs ... tried 10.04.2 and it hangs at a different spot01:11
ZykoticK9Usuario, the command to change the owner would be "sudo chown dexter:dexter file.foo" but you'll need a fancy "find" command to find all files with user hihihi10001:11
IdleOne!permission | Usuario01:11
ubottuUsuario: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions01:11
BBHoodwhile I'm on about personalization01:12
Usuariozykotick9, yes, I need a find command, is there any?01:12
BBHoodhow do i change the sound that plays when I sign on?01:12
ZykoticK9Usuario, yes - but "I" don't know how01:12
Skaperenfor 11.04 and 10.10 it hangs after I click "Install Ubuntu" from the big window choice ... for 10.04.2 it makes to where it asks me for the keyboard and then it hangs01:12
almoxarifeSkaperen: no issues with the install drive?01:12
Skaperenalmoxarife: Slackware is running on it just fine ... and when I run Ubuntu as a live CD (try it mode) it works OK, reads the disk OK, etc01:13
Skaperenalmoxarife: seems to be the install steps hanging ... I also tried running it by clicking on the install icon from live/try mode ... same hang01:14
almoxarifeSkaperen: all these installs with networl support?01:14
jiohdiSkaperen, I have only seen that when there is some sort of disk corruption... if you wipe the entire disk and partitions that usually goes away01:14
Skaperenalmoxarife: I let it sit there for 45 minutes with one of the 11.04 tries ... stayed hung right there with mouse rotor spinning01:14
bencc1how can I output a public gpg key as ascii? something like http://dpaste.com/548109/01:15
Skaperenjiohdi: well, I have other OSes on there01:15
jiohdiSkaperen, are you able to create a seperate partition and leave it completely empty, no formatting?01:15
andrejkRevSpecies116: Downloaded Darik's Boot and Nuke. Looks like that'll work. w00t01:15
Skaperenjiohdi: yup ... even did it from within Ubuntu live/try mode a couple days ago for the initial partitioning01:16
LajnoldUsuario: for f in `find <path> -user hihihi100`; do sudo chown dexter:dexter "$f"; done01:16
Skaperenjiohdi: but I installed Slackware and Fedora first then came back to Ubuntu ... maybe it's mad?01:16
LajnoldA quick solution that should work.01:16
jiohdiSkaperen, sorry, I am still a relative noob, out of ideas01:16
ZykoticK9Skaperen, I'd try booting with the nomodeset option, see if that makes any difference.  Good luck.01:17
SkaperenZykoticK9: how to do that?01:17
jiohdianyone know why unity gets obliterated when you use a dock like docky or cairo or awn?01:18
Usuariolajnold, I want to change the permissions from hihihi100:hihihi100 to dexter:dexter, not the other way round, as of now I cannot access the ubuntu GUI, I can only access the recovery mode terminal, are you saying that I should execute that as hihihi100, not as root or dexter?01:18
ZykoticK9Skaperen, press a button (space maybe) at the first graphic of the LiveCD then I think you get an F6 option for boot options - nomodeset is in there.01:18
jaymeskellerHey, having an x problem with ubuntu 11.04. Sometimes, X seems to crash, leaving the screen corrupted with many coloured squares. I have to reboot in order to fix it. If it helps, I'm running two NVIDIA GTX 5xx cards in SLI mode.01:18
SkaperenZykoticK9: OK ... I'll go back to 11.04 and try that01:18
=== Soupermanito is now known as Souperior
LajnoldUsuario: Execute it as the user that has permission to use sudo.01:19
IdleOneUsuario: that command will "find" all files owned by hihihi100 and then it will chown to dexter:dexter01:19
Usuariothanks idleone, I just thought it would find the ones oewned by dexter...01:20
m0kshacan anybody help me install broadcom drivers without internet access?01:20
Usuarioidleone, lajnold, I have to write --- sudo chown dexter:dexter "$f" --- only, right?01:21
IdleOneup to and including the word done01:21
LajnoldUsuario: Do the whole line I sent you, starting from "for".01:21
IdleOnefor f in `find <path> -user hihihi100`; do sudo chown dexter:dexter "$f"; done01:21
IdleOneall that01:21
Usuariolajnold, holy sh*t, so its ---  for f in `find <path> -user hihihi100`; do sudo chown dexter:dexter "$f" --- ?01:21
ShariffIf I just paused a script by ctrl-z how do I continue it again?01:22
LajnoldUsuario: Yeah. But change "<path>" to the actual path.01:22
LajnoldShariff: "fg"01:22
Usuariolajnold, it should be all my machine, is it ok if I write /usr ?01:22
LajnoldUsuario: The "home" directory is generally located under /home, so that's probably what you want to use.01:23
ZykoticK9Usuario, if you want "all my machine" then use /  -- be careful!01:23
Usuariozykotick9, lajnold, my issue is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1708173&page=2 please read the last 2 post, mines01:24
jaymeskellerHey, having an x problem with ubuntu 11.04. Sometimes, X seems to crash, leaving the screen corrupted with many coloured squares. I have to reboot in order to fix it. If it helps, I'm running two NVIDIA GTX 470 cards in SLI mode. What could be the issue?01:25
Jordan_ULajnold: Usuario: That will fail with any files that have spaces in them. Find has a -exec option specifically for this type of thing: find /home/foo/ -user hihi100 -exec sudo chown dexter:dexter '{}' \;01:26
alex__Apt-get seems to be messed up...01:26
alex__Tried dpkg --unpack /var/cache/apt/archives/gnome-session_3.0.2-0ubuntu3~natty1_all.deb01:26
alex__got this: http://pastebin.com/cJNLAh2h01:26
bencc1how can I switch to a user (su) without a password?01:26
Jordan_Ubencc1: What is your end goal?01:26
rwwbencc1: sudo su usernamehere01:27
rwwbencc1: or sudo -iu username, I guess01:27
SkaperenZykoticK9: no go ... once I ran the installer, it goes to where it asks if I want third party software, I click forward, and then it's hung right there, just as before01:27
alex__Any ideas how I can fix this problem that the error messages describe?01:27
Usuariojordan_u, it should also be applied to folders owned by hihihi100 out of the home dir01:27
ZykoticK9Skaperen, sorry, I don't have any other suggestions.  Best of luck.01:27
bencc1Jordan_U: I want to create gpg keys for a user that was created by a package01:27
nit-witalex__, how did you load the gnome 3 desltop opr have you complately?01:28
bencc1rww:  sudo su doesn't work01:28
ShariffHow do I know which kernel I am using (amd64)?01:28
ZykoticK9Shariff, uname -a01:28
SkaperenZykoticK9: I guess I'll just have to ask on the forums01:28
Jordan_UUsuario: Then change the path as needed.01:28
alex__nit-wit, sorry, what?01:29
ShariffZykoticK9: Thanks!.. how do I get the source for that kernel, using apt-get?01:29
ZykoticK9Shariff, ? sorry, you might want to see !kernel i believe01:29
nit-witalex__,  see gnome 3 can you give us the background, did you put a ppa in the repo list?01:29
ShariffZykoticK9: thanks!01:30
alex__nit-wit, IIRC, yes01:30
ShariffZykoticK9: Where would that file be?01:30
alex__I gave up on Gnome because of the high RAM usage though01:30
ZykoticK9!kernel > Shariff01:30
ubottuShariff, please see my private message01:30
Usuariojordan_u, Im in the recovery mode console, and Im root, do I really need to execute that with sudo? should I change to dexter (user)?01:30
nit-witalex__, areyou getting the gnome 3 desktop, you have 70 or so packages held.01:30
alex__So I'm quite happy with removing gnome 3 if that'd solve the problem01:30
Usuariojordan_u or just drop sudo?01:30
munsonanyone know of fix for 11.04 and Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M)01:31
munsonno sound01:31
jaggydoes anybody know how to set checkgmail to start-up automatically?01:32
Usuariojordan_u this is why im doing this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1708173&page=2 read the last post01:32
Jordan_UUsuario: Just drop the sudo if you're at the recovery shell.01:32
nit-witalex__, I would check around to see if you can put gnome 3 in Natty with ease I wonder as unity is a bit different, not sure really.  I installed Fedora 15 it has Gnome 3 as the desktop, typing from it as we speak.01:33
zroyschwhat IS unity01:33
alex__nit-wit, I don't want gnome-3 on natty01:33
alex__Been there, done that, don't like it01:33
zroyschall my ubuntu 11.04's tell me i cant run unity01:33
alex__Happy with getting rid of it if that would solve my problem01:33
=== brianl|a is now known as brianl
nit-witalex__, If the PPA is still clicked on then your getting updates for it .01:34
nit-witzroysch, the natty ubuntu desktop.01:34
alex__nit-wit, sorry but I'm not sure what point you're trying to make01:34
clarkmMy box drops to grub on boot. For some reason I set it up to boot from some lvm configuration a while ago, but upgrading distros seems to hvae broken it. I've booted knoppix, but now I'm  at a loss on what to do. Is there some type of automatic reconfiguration tool?01:35
Jordan_UUsuario: How did you get into this situation in the first place?01:35
zroyschnit-wit: what would be preventing me from running it?01:35
clarkmto clarify, i have one physical volume that contains one volume group. And I want to boot from it01:35
IdleOneclarkm: if you are using a knoppix cd you should be asking in a knoppix channel01:35
Jordan_Uclarkm: Is the shell you get at boot a "grub> " prompt or a "rescue> " prompt?01:36
jaymeskellerHey, having an x problem with ubuntu 11.04. Sometimes, X seems to crash, leaving the screen corrupted with many coloured squares. I have to reboot in order to fix it. If it helps, I'm running two NVIDIA GTX 470 cards in SLI mode. What could be the issue?01:36
clarkmIdleOne: It's about an upgrade to natty that botched my system, though. I can put in my natty live cd if you want01:36
Jordan_UIdleOne: I disagree, the problem clarkm is trying to solve is one with Ubuntu.01:36
=== Souperior is now known as Aristoteles_mode
clarkmJordan_U: It's a grub> prompt01:36
IdleOneclarkm: Jordan_U okie dokie :) never mind me :)01:37
=== Aristoteles_mode is now known as Souperficial
nit-witalex__, nor your ethier.01:37
Jordan_Uclarkm: Do you see any error message?01:37
clarkmIdleOne: I just used knoppix cause it comes with liveCD lvm support out of the box (or so i've read)01:37
Usuariojordan_u, for what I remember, I changed the "real name" of my hihihi100 to dexter, what I didn tknow is that hihihi100 Real Name was associated to hihihi100 username. THen I moved all the info in mu home folder named home/hihihi100 to home/dexter, and there are some steps I am not telling, but I dont remember ehich ones those are01:37
alex__nit-wit, apt-get is not working for me01:37
alex__You can see the error it is giving here:01:37
alex__<IdleOne> clarkm: if you are using a knoppix cd you should be asking in a knoppix channel01:37
nit-witzroysch, what can you run01:37
alex__wrong paste01:37
FloodBot1alex__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:37
alex__I'm not flooding01:37
clarkmJordan_U: no, it just drops to grub with no complaints01:38
IdleOneclarkm: no worries, Jordan_U is a chan op here so if he is ok with helping you I am good.01:38
alex__here is the error : http://pastebin.com/0S6NcxEi01:38
zroyschnit-wit: not sure. its an athlonXP 2800+ with i think a geforce 6000 series01:38
Usuariojordan_u I believe it is because I should have created a totally new user, with a totally new username and group, and then move all the info from the old username to the new one, but I didnt know this 2 days ago01:38
Usuariojordan_u, so now I have to usernames, dexter and hihihi100 with conflicting info it seems01:39
ZykoticK9alex__, did you try to install Gnome3 at some point?01:40
alex__ZykoticK9, yes I did.01:40
nit-witzroysch, can you like answer the actual question. What desktop can you run?01:40
ZykoticK9alex__, ya gnome-shell gave it away.  Best of luck.01:41
zroyschnit-wit: i'm running gnome right now01:41
alex__ZykoticK9, so I can't get support because of it?01:41
ZykoticK9alex__, no no - i just wouldn't have the foggiest idea how to fix it (just me)01:41
zroyschnit-wit: 2.32.101:41
Usuariojordan_u, your command also changes the hidden files, doesnt it?01:41
alex__ZykoticK9, oh, lol, fair enough01:41
Jordan_UUsuario: It does.01:42
nit-witzroysch, the gnome is unity, or you wpuld see gnome 2d, or classic gnome which one?01:42
smiley__hey guys,i need some help,i have a 320gb ide drive with 3 linux installs..01:42
zroyschnit-wit: it appears to be classic, from the looks of the unity ubuntu page01:42
Jordan_Uclarkm: Could you run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the RESULTS.txt?01:42
smiley__Ubuntu,Linux Mint,and PC Linux OS01:42
Usuariojordan_u, any new approach to get rid of could not update ICEauthority file /home/dexter/.ICEauthority thing?01:42
nit-witzroysch, okay, name the graphic driver again.01:43
Jordan_UUsuario: That problem should be solved along with the other permissions issues.01:43
smiley__i want to Clone this whole drive to a new Sata 320gb drive01:43
nit-witzroysch, the graphic card sorry.01:43
BrunoPEanybody know a player qt that download legend like totem do ?01:43
smiley__what software will clone All partitions ?01:43
CarlFKsmiley__: http://clonezilla.org/01:44
Usuariojordan_u, what I dont understand, I have seen, in the recovery shell, the ICEauthority file, which exists, and its owned by dexter:dexter in home/dexter, why cant it update?01:44
ZykoticK9smiley__, check out the clonezilla LiveCD as CarlFK suggested01:44
zroyschnit-wit: geforce FX 5200 128MB AGP8X, NVIDIA driver 173.14.3001:44
smiley__with the Boot sector01:44
ZykoticK9smiley__, clonezilla does boot sectors ;)01:44
smiley__well this hard drive is a ide...my new drive will be Sata01:45
CarlFKZykoticK9: will it copy my jpegs?01:45
smiley__will my linux installs,"Grub. care ?01:45
Usuariojordan_u cant it be updated because it looks for information in other files and folders, out of my home/dexter directory, that are still owned by hihihi100:hihihi100? thats why I asked for your command, to get rid of all hhihihi100:hihihi10001:46
smiley__or will my linux installs or grub still think its a ide drive?01:46
Usuariosordan_u, also have a problem with (/usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256)01:46
antiheroIs there any way to get the non-gui shell Pixel font for use in GUI applications?01:47
ZykoticK9smiley__, ide is treated as scsi these days anyways, thus sdX vs the old hdX - so IDE and SATA are the same as far as the kernel is concerned01:47
smiley__or will it fail to boot01:47
xangua!enter |  smiley__01:48
ubottusmiley__: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:48
Cairo|Laptopwhat is the correct version of ubuntu to install on a 64 bit laptop?01:48
smiley__i saw somewhere that grub will fail to boot because the drive ID will not be the same01:48
alex__Cario|Laptop: 64-bit Ubuntu01:49
alex__herp derp01:49
nit-witzroysch, I'm not a card driver person per-say for help I haven't had to do this myself. Here is a link though that your card shows on and links to the driver download I think,make sure you know whats up.   http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/100.14.11/README/appendix-a.html01:49
Usuariodoes netroot in the recovery mode shell allow me to download from the internet?01:49
Usuariocheer me up while I wait for my machine to end its command01:50
nit-witUsuario, yes go to the netroot with the ether net plugged in01:51
Usuarionit-wit a, so my wireless connection is useless...01:51
nit-witUsuario, I believe so.01:51
Usuarionit-wit a crap01:51
nit-witUsuario, there might be a connect command but I don't know it.01:52
olalondedoes anyone know how I can write a screensaver for Ubuntu? can't find docs on this01:52
Usuarionit-wit is there any general appendix with every possible command?01:52
Connor__hello, I'm having problems installing 11.04, can someone help me out?01:53
Cairo|Laptopalex__: does it need to be any specific version seeing as its a laptop?01:53
alex__Cario|Laptop: Um, no, shouldn't do01:53
nit-witUsuario, your fishing in a empty sea, just because I a=said there might be one does not mean there is one,  have never heard of one.01:53
Cairo|Laptopso the 64 bit desktop version01:53
clarkmJordan_U: Here's the output of the bootinfo script http://privatepaste.com/1070d1e642 and here's the output of all the lvm diag commands I could think of http://privatepaste.com/829402f98d01:54
Cairo|Laptopalex__: ok thanks01:54
smiley__do i really need 3 swap partitions ?01:54
nit-witsmiley__, no01:55
clarkmJordan_U: the sda1 and sdb1 drives are connected via sata and I'm just using them as storage. I want to boot from the sdc drive01:55
Jordan_Uclarkm: Please install 'unlzma' and re-run boot info script.01:55
Usuariojordan_u, would using the dpkg option in the recovery console be of any help for me?01:56
smiley__first ,i installed pclinux os,then i installed Ubuntu,then i installed Mint.01:56
Jordan_UUsuario: No.01:56
m0kshaI'm trying to install myh wifi driver without internet access following this doc: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx but the driver doesn't show up in the hardware driver utility01:56
smiley__and they all made there own swap parition.01:56
m0kshaanybody know why?01:57
Jordan_Uclarkm: It would be easier if you booted from an Ubuntu LiveCD.01:57
jeeves__what would the wget command be to spider ALL of my website looking for (and d-loading) one type of file (ie. .jpg)?01:57
smiley__will pclinuxos or ubuntu or Mint,get mad if i delete 2 swap paritions ?01:58
clarkmJordan_U: I'll boot from the ubuntu liveCD and re-run it01:58
smiley__as the linux kernel expects a swap parition..01:59
m0kshaplease someone help me! i can't activate my wifi driver!01:59
Jordan_Uclarkm: I'm going to be away for about an hour.01:59
smiley__with every install01:59
nit-witsmiley__, can you post a image bin of gpartd looking at the hard drive.01:59
RevSpecies116m0ksha: you don't have ethernet access at all?02:00
Usuariojordan_u, my terminal shows the written command, the symbol > and a tiling cursor, is everything going ok?02:00
m0kshaRevSpecies116: no!02:00
m0kshaRevSpecies116: im currently booted on a different os, same machine02:00
m0kshaRevSpecies116: but i dont have a cable so i have to install my driver manually02:01
RevSpecies116Is your computer detecting any type of network interface, or are you just insisting on getting wifi working?02:01
RevSpecies116Ahhh, m0ksha I see02:01
m0kshaRevSpecies116: i tried following the section "no internet access" in this doc https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx02:01
RevSpecies116then, unfortunatly, m0ksha this is going to be a slight problem02:01
nit-witbroadcom cough02:02
smiley__ok,i got the screenshot....now how do i post it ?02:02
m0kshaRevSpecies116: but the drivers don't show up when it says they should be activatable02:02
nit-wit! image.bin02:02
nit-wit! image02:02
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:02
nit-witsmiley__, http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add02:03
RevSpecies116you will really need an internet connection to get this working, m0ksha. are you really unable to get to wired access to the internet?02:03
nit-witZykoticK9, thanks.02:03
clarkmJordan_U: should I PM you the link, or should I just post it in the channel when it's done?02:03
m0kshaRevSpecies116: well I don't have a WIRE02:03
ZykoticK9nit-wit, glad to help :)02:03
m0kshaRevSpecies116: and I'm out of the country02:03
RevSpecies116WOW, are you using a mobile connection, m0ksha - pricey02:04
yuvateja_what is the command for uninstall a pakage/02:04
m0kshaRevSpecies116: no i'm using wifi lol02:04
^one^ /server irc.plasa.com02:04
ZykoticK9yuvateja_, "sudo apt-get remove FOO"02:04
Jordan_Uclarkm: Just post it in-channel when it's done. That '>' prompt means that you forgot to close a quote and it's waiting for the rest of a multi line quote.02:04
=== braiam is now known as cap_nemo
m0kshaRevSpecies116: I have internet access but not on my ubuntu installation02:04
=== cap_nemo is now known as braiam
RevSpecies116m0ksha: Ahhh02:05
nit-witsmiley__, all the swaps loo big enough remove two nothing bad will happen.02:05
=== braiam is now known as cap_nemo
Gwent'Ello 'ello, I was wondering if someone can help me. I have this really old Laptop that uses a Netgear 54 MBPS Wireless PC Card WG511 V2, and Ubuntu does not recognize it in any way. What can I do to get it working?02:05
=== cap_nemo is now known as braiam
RevSpecies116You could try getting ubuntu to work within a VM environment, and boot into your ubuntu proper with the prepared drivers/package?02:06
yuvateja_zykotick9,sudo dpkg -i*.deb like this02:06
GwentWould that work? And if so, how would I go about it?02:06
nit-witsmiley__, right click on all them to make sure they are all off before removing.02:06
=== Souperficial is now known as Ahab
m0kshaRevSpecies116: thats so complicated lol02:06
=== xxx is now known as Guest57973
GwentAh, anythign simpler then?02:07
=== Ahab is now known as Souperior
ZykoticK9yuvateja_, you asked about "uninstall", that dpkg -i is for installing02:07
m0kshaRevSpecies116: why can't i just install a driver manually ffs02:07
RevSpecies116m0ksha: you may have to pester the makers of your network interface to provide OSS drivers?02:08
m0kshaRevSpecies116: before i removed ubuntu this card worked fine with the proprietary driver enabled02:08
ZykoticK9yuvateja_, no (sorry I don't understand what you want)02:08
m0kshaRevSpecies116: I just need to get the proprietary driver and manually stick it in02:08
m0kshaRevSpecies116: but i dont know how02:08
RevSpecies116sorry, m0ksha - you saying you've had your card working in linux before fine?02:08
m0kshaRevSpecies116:  yes exactly02:09
m0kshaRevSpecies116: it used to say Broadcom BCM .. driver enabled02:09
RevSpecies116Ahhh, m0ksha... It could be a kernel issue, then :(02:10
m0kshaRevSpecies116: what does it have to do with the kernel02:10
yuvateja_command for uninstall a package (not in online),02:11
m0kshayuvateja_: that would be sudo dpkg -r package_name02:11
m0kshadoes anyone know how to manually install a proprietary driver?02:12
babaluhelp plz02:12
babalucan  anyone tell me plz how to restore pulseaudio settings02:12
m0kshababalu: reinstall it?02:13
babaluI dont know what I did but i did a mess on my02:13
=== FiremanEd is now known as wye
RevSpecies116And I recon you've already looked here: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Download m0ksha?02:13
babaluused to be plug and hear02:13
=== wye is now known as Firemaned
m0kshaRevSpecies116: yes but my problem is getting the drivers to show up in ubuntu where they can be activated02:14
m0kshaRevSpecies116: ubuntuy already provides the driver i need - i just dont know how to get it manually02:14
RevSpecies116Sorry, m0ksha - I'm not the one that can help :(02:15
smiley__ok,i will remove 2 swap partitions...i just hope Linux Mint and pclinux os find the ubuntu swap.02:15
m0kshaRevSpecies116: look at this please https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#b43%20-%20No%20Internet%20access02:16
deexannihilateMy netbook is overheating with eeebuntu and is constantly hot when on. If I leave it on for too long while not using it, the system freezes up. The only time it doesn't overheat is in the winter when it is super cold in the house. Can anyone help fix or at least make it a bit better.02:16
m0kshaUnder the desktop menu System > Administration > Hardware/Additional Drivers, the b43 drivers can be activated for use.02:16
m0kshabut they can't!02:16
UsuarioHELP, how long can a chowning of /usr/share last? its been 30 mns already02:18
munsondeexannihilate, time for the cool mat on bottom u can place on your lap02:18
m0kshaUsuario why would it take more than a second02:18
Usuarioi dont know02:18
m0kshaUsuario i dont think it should02:18
munsonUsuario, i'd  ctrl-c it and redo it02:19
Usuarioyou are aware im yalking about a folder02:19
m0kshaUsuario are you using the -R option?02:19
munsonhope u didn't do -R lol02:19
m0kshai gotta go02:19
deexannihilatemunson: is there anyway to manually control the fan?02:19
UsuarioI use find /home/foo/ -user hihi100 -exec sudo chown dexter:dexter '{}' \;02:20
UsuarioI use find /usr/share/ -user hihi100 -exec sudo chown dexter:dexter '{}' \;02:20
Usuariothe second one02:20
munsondeexannihilate, u said for EEEpc right?02:20
Usuariomoksha, dont go without replying02:20
deexannihilatemunson: yes02:20
deexannihilatemunson: sorry no02:21
munsonshouldn't be much moving parts in there if its one of them02:21
yasinhow are you02:21
yasinfuck of02:21
deexannihilatemunsin: it's an acer running on eeebuntu02:21
munsonya the mini laptops right02:21
IdleOne!language | yasin02:21
ubottuyasin: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.02:21
acovrigdoes anyone know of a good channel (or here?) for honeyd support (or if theres any alternatives)?02:21
deexannihilatemunson: yes02:21
yasinne diyo bu bee02:22
munsonkk well like i said not many moving parts so dunno why its even over heating...i'd suggest either get one of them cool pads to sit on02:23
McBlendartdeexannihilate, those machines always run hot. i think acer cheaped out on the thermal paste or possibly even the entire cooling system on those. Ive got one on my bench at work, I was going to try changing the thermal paste to see if it help.02:23
w0lfieheya, i'm running kubuntu x64 11.04. whenever i install and run the proprietary nvidia drivers, i notice considerable window lag. this appears to be a common problem but i haven't found any solutions. has anyone fixed this themselves?02:23
acovrigwow, drama O.o02:23
yasinfuck fedora.my system down.microsoft number one.love windows 702:24
McBlendartw0lfie,  yes, install compiz-config settings manager, and in the opengl panel set syncToVblank to off02:25
babaluis possible to reinstall the pulseaudio easy version again?02:26
=== brianl is now known as brianl|a
Sliewhat is the new desktop UI for ubuntu?02:26
nit-witacovrig, With a freenode search there are no channels with the  honeyd in the header, do they have a forum?02:26
w0lfieMcBlendart: i'm not using compiz, just stock kubuntu02:27
ZykoticK9Slie, Unity02:27
McBlendartSlie, ubuntu 11.04 uses the unity UI02:27
Sliewere does it come from is it gnome or kde?02:28
ZykoticK9Slie, it comes from Canonical (Ubuntu), it uses Gnome underneath02:28
acovrignit-wit: yea, but I like the IRC better ;) -u know of any alternatives to honeyd?02:28
nit-witSlie, http://unity.ubuntu.com/about/  serach the web man.02:29
nit-witacovrig, I have never used it what is it's specialty.02:29
runaheyas. I plugged a VGA monitor to my laptop and fonts in google chrome looks a little bit blurred. any hints?02:30
acovrigkinda like VirtualBox-but (simpler) it allows 1 computer to show up as multiple-and identify as different OSes02:32
acovrignit-wit: see ^02:32
Loafruna : your probly running your monitor in at a resolution too high02:33
nit-witacovrig, I was checking out the site, I don't really know enough about it or the use to be of any real help.;)02:34
runaLoaf: thanks for the idea. you reminded me of the "autoset" button in the monitoir, clicked it and now it's perfect :)02:34
acovrignit-wit: well hey, its the thought that counts-thanks-I'm very new to it myself02:35
DANIEL-ALONEi need some help about remote desktop connection02:41
alex__DANIEL-ALONE, k02:41
DANIEL-ALONEhow can i use it02:42
kanoehello everyone,02:42
alex__DANIEL-ALONE, what do you want to do?02:42
kanoei just have a problem02:42
KM0201DANIEL-ALONE: lol, gonna have tob e more specific02:42
DANIEL-ALONEi want to connect one of my univercitys pc to my local pc02:43
KM0201!vnc | DANIEL-ALONE read it..02:43
ubottuDANIEL-ALONE read it..: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX02:43
kanoei just remove a package named xkb-data unexpected and then the os(10.04) can not start to X or to tty1~6. i am now in the X by livecd, should i copy the xkb-data from this temp os to the origin os02:43
KM0201DANIEL-ALONE: if you want a "dead nuts simple" way to do this.. w/o opening firewall ports, etc.. Google "Teamviewer".. it's very simple, and has Linux and Windows versions02:44
KM0201you'll just have to make sure it's running on your ubuntu PC when youre not near it.02:45
quintwhy did bill gates choose to call his OS windows ?    because you have to wipe it every so often. ja ja ja *02:45
KM0201quint: i lol'd02:46
coolnquietDANIEL-ALONE: maybe just use SSH? port 22 is always open!02:46
KM0201coolnquiet: are you sure aout that?02:46
coolnquietpretty sure?02:46
kanoei just remove a package named xkb-data unexpected and then the os(10.04) can not start to X or to tty1~6. i am now in the X by livecd, should i copy the xkb-data from this temp os to the origin os02:47
KM0201coolnquiet: i just did a port scan on my system, and port 22 isn't responding02:47
coolnquiet:( you are an anomally then02:47
KM0201coolnquiet: no.. i'm behind a router, unless you forward port 22, i highly doubt its open all the time02:47
DANIEL-ALONEtnx for your support02:48
kesccjust found out how to use the Windows Key for the “Start” menu in ubuntu yay02:51
ZykoticK9kescc, please, you mean the "Super" key (bad name in my opinion)02:52
frawghGood evening!02:53
itaylor57mine has the ubuntu logo02:53
ZykoticK9itaylor57, nice!02:53
kesccZykoticK9 yeah Super L, but the button has that Windows logo on nearly every keyboard that is02:53
ZykoticK9kescc, oh I know what you mean.  In Gnu/Linux world we call it the "Super Key" instead of "Windows Key".02:54
coolnquietI think microsoft promotes the keyboard shortcut to sometime sue all keyboardmakers and make a zillion dollars.02:55
KM0201itaylor57: where did you find that keyboard? ubuntu.com?02:55
itaylor57KM0201, lemur from system7602:56
KM0201oh ok02:56
KM0201itaylor57: do they sell just the keyboard?02:57
itaylor57KM0201, its actually a sticker that is placed over the key02:57
KM0201itaylor57: ohhhhhh....ok02:57
=== [1]Mallowcheeks is now known as Mallowcheeks
number9in fairly new install of natty I can't login after a hard reset. Any one have any idea how to fix that? I can move to vterm and everything seems to work fine as it does in the recovery session but a regular xfce session looks like it works and then I get loged out and am taken to the login screen, as if I had selected logout from the menu. Any ideas? I am pretty desperate, and am considering a re-install at this point02:59
masterk3nis there a evolution mail support channel?02:59
Aginornumber9, if you create a brand new user, does it work for that user? - if that's the case, your settings might be corrupted for your normal user03:00
br4dock3roie alguém ae no brasil o de portugal ou da espanha?/03:01
number9no I don't think they are becuase my home folder and the drive is completely intact I am fairly sure. Quick refresh how do you create a new user from the cli?03:01
Aginor!es | br4dock3r03:01
ubottubr4dock3r: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:01
number9Aginor: sorry that previous message was for you03:01
delphiwizardI couldnt figure out how to run linux, so i decided to run ubuntu instead. What are the advantages?03:02
Aginornumber9, "adduser <username>"03:02
ZykoticK9delphiwizard, LOL - excellent quote03:02
number9Aginor: thanks03:02
delphiwizardall the people who just joined are bots03:05
delphiwizard /spoiler]03:05
clarkmJordan_U: here's the paste of bootinfoscript http://privatepaste.com/47fdae127c though, it still complains about unlzma even though it's installed on the ubuntu livecd03:06
xylonicUbuntu 11.04 seems to randomly log me out at times. Any way to fix this?03:06
LacantI am trying to integrate a systray into Scrotwm. Anybody know how?03:06
delphiwizardwill i get in trouble for installing these games from the software center?03:07
delphiwizardi dont like piracy and i think ubuntu is making me pirate games03:08
KM0201delphiwizard: why would that be piracy?03:08
xylonicUbuntu 11.04 randomly logs me out at times. How do I fix this?03:09
munsondelphiwizard, its not called piracy..its call "try befo u buy" lol03:09
munsonits free game d/l anything that installs on windoz03:09
xylonicUbuntu 11.04 randomly logs me out. Need fix.03:09
RevSpecies116delphiwizard: Canonical has done the hard yards to get those game on the Software Center - use them freely knowing Canonical has your back03:10
delphiwizardok so03:10
number9Aginor: Thanks! That worked any ideas to move forward? Not sure my last message went through03:11
delphiwizardthis canonical person is a bad ass so i can pirate whatever i want and he will protect me?03:11
munsondelphiwizard, soooo go d/l anything thats on the friggin Canonical03:11
KM0201delphiwizard: i think the biggest problem, is you have no idea what piracy is03:11
SkaperenZykoticK9: I found the problem ... the Ubuntu installer does not support GPT partition table03:11
RevSpecies116Incorrect, delphiwizard  - Canonical has put good money into those dev's03:11
xylonicAnyone know why Ubuntu randomly logs out?03:11
RevSpecies116So in no way shape or form is anyone in this situation being a 'pirate' :)03:12
munsondelphiwizard, just get off the internet, its one big piracy...so disconnect yourself03:12
delphiwizardcuz it makes you pirate games xylonic03:12
KM0201xylonic: you're probbaly gonna have to look at your logs and see why its happening....03:12
delphiwizardso they kick you off the internet03:12
Skaperenxylonic: program crashes is a possibility ... maybe low memory03:12
RevSpecies116delphiwizard: Please don't jest03:12
xylonichow do I disable desktop effects on 11.04?03:12
ZykoticK9Skaperen, good work man.  I'm not even sure what GPT partitions are.  Glad you figured it out!03:12
number9Aginor: Thanks! That worked any ideas to move forward? Not sure my last message went through03:12
delphiwizardwhen you login switch to classic view03:12
RevSpecies116xylonic: step one, at the login screen choose Ubuntu Classic03:13
xylonicI am in Ubuntu Classic03:13
delphiwizardthen you will login with the old 10.10 style03:13
SkaperenZykoticK9: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GUID_Partition_Table03:13
delphiwizardyou want to disable effects then set it to low03:13
RevSpecies116xylonic: step two, goto system->preferences03:13
delphiwizardin your effects03:13
=== DevilSolution is now known as ToyStory3
SkaperenZykoticK9: it's a requirement for drives (or RAID array created big drives) larger than 2TB03:13
Aginornumber9, one sec, let me look at the backlog03:14
RevSpecies116Appearence, then visual effects tab set to 'none'03:14
xylonicSystem>Preferences then what?03:14
ZykoticK9Skaperen, are you using Apple hardware by chance?03:14
RevSpecies116Appearence, then visual effects tab set to 'none'03:14
SkaperenZykoticK9: no03:14
delphiwizardsystem > preferences > PIRACY03:14
xylonicThere is no visual effects tab tho.03:14
xylonicThere are Theme, Background, Font Tabs03:15
xylonicNo Visual Effects03:15
SkaperenZykoticK9: my drive is only 1TB ... just a cheap $300 box ... but I used GPT to get lots of partitions to make it a multiboot machine03:15
delphiwizardubuntu doesnt have visual effects03:15
RevSpecies116Then you have to resort to terminal:03:15
delphiwizardfor visual effects you have to use a mac03:15
KM0201delphiwizard: stop trolling03:15
delphiwizardmy friends dad owns a comp store03:15
RevSpecies116xylonic: in a terminal type 'metacity --replace'03:15
delphiwizardhe told me so03:15
xylonicmetacity --replace ok03:16
delphiwizardnick slak03:16
Aginornumber9, so your xfce settings or sessions are broken with your normal user, if it's a new install, try to rename .config/xfce and .cache/xfce in your home directory to something else and you should get the defaults next time you log in03:16
=== delphiwizard is now known as slak
slakos[Linux 2.6.35-29-generic-pae i686] distro[Ubuntu "maverick" 10.10] cpu[4 x AMD Athlon(tm) II X4 635 Processor (AuthenticAMD) @ 2.91GHz] mem[Physical: 3.9GB, 86.1% free] disk[Total: 903.2GB, 83.2% free] video[10de:0de1] sound[HDA-Intel - HDA ATI SB1: HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia]03:16
slakslak here03:16
FloodBot1slak: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:16
ZykoticK9Skaperen, GPT is certainly not required for multiboot...03:16
SkaperenZykoticK9: no, but it is a lot easier when you are setting up 53 partitions03:16
slakKM0201: just amusing myself03:16
number9Aginor: so that will just distroy xfce settings?03:16
ovnicrafthello where is the chrome tmp folder ?03:17
KM0201slak: well, amuse yourself in off-topic, this is for support... not your entertainment03:17
ovnicrafti want to see the buffered files03:17
hilarieokay... so I installed ubuntu 10.10 onto a 8gb thumb drive, from my main laptop, now that main laptop wont boot03:17
Aginornumber9, if you rename them, it will just move them somewhere where xfce won't look for them, not destroy them, but yes, it will have the same effect as getting rid of them03:17
Aginornumber9, sorry for all of the commas :D03:17
hilarieI told it use the entire drive, and pointed it at the thumbdrive,03:17
slakKM0201: now now the entire internet is for my entertainment03:18
RevSpecies116xylonic: if you close the terminal after that, you may loose your borders. if that happens, just logout/restart and start Ubuntu Classic again and metacity will be used as default03:18
xylonicI typed metacity replace, its still processing03:18
hilarieLooking at the filesystem on my HD, it shows that everything is still there03:18
ZykoticK9xylonic, did you type "metacity --replace"?03:18
SkaperenZykoticK9: I worked around it by re-partitioning with MBR, giving it just the 4 partitions it will have ... I backed up the GPT and will restore it when done03:18
RevSpecies116note, xylonic the two - - hyphens, also03:18
SkaperenZykoticK9: at the same sectors, of course03:18
number9Aginor: no worries, yet again this is the best IT help I have ever recieved. Thanks for doing what you are doing. I don't even think I modified any xfce settings besides maybe power profiles so this is amazing.03:19
xylonicI typed metacity --replace, its processing in the terminal still03:19
xylonicWhen I try to exit it says there is still a  process running03:19
RevSpecies116OKies, xyloic :) if you mean the terminal is just sitting there, it's already done ;)03:19
tradakadHi guys!03:20
RevSpecies116BUT if you close that terminal now, your borders will vanish03:20
tradakadoh my God -  there are 1488 people here :)03:20
xylonicShould I kill the process?03:20
MeetyourmakersThe Flash-Player 10 on ubuntu on some site is freezing, can someone test that on him to see if it's freezing too03:20
RevSpecies116If you do close that terminal, just restart Ubuntu in Classic again, and metacity will be the default without having to type that in again03:20
slakoh my god - and 1487 of them are retarded03:20
tradakadslak: :-)03:21
Aginornumber9, you're welcome :)03:21
RevSpecies116You should be about to just 'x' out of it, xylonic03:21
RevSpecies116But don't worry about your borders if they vanish - they will come back next login03:21
Meetyourmakersenter pls here, http://www.livejasmin.com/freechat.php?performerid=AHotBarbie&tags=girl&hq=0, are ur flash freezing03:21
munsonanyone else have 11.04 and no sound for the "Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 01)" and a fix?03:22
tradakadIf anybody prefered to get a response in Russian I might help with translation03:22
=== robinhoode|away is now known as robinhoode
RevSpecies116tradakad: I think there is a specific ubuntu-ru channel for just that03:22
Meetyourmakerssosi hui03:22
ZykoticK9!ru > tradakad03:23
ubottutradakad, please see my private message03:23
RevSpecies116munson: that should be just able to be used03:23
tradakadRevSpecies116: yep you are right but I have already recieved a private question :)03:23
MeetyourmakersSad that ubuntu dosen't support my integrated videocard03:23
RevSpecies116munson, several things - is that soundcard the only one on your sesytem, or do you have two soundcards?03:23
munsononly one03:24
RevSpecies116OKies, you may have luck in the terminal, munson, with the 'alsamixer' command03:24
Meetyourmakers!ro >03:24
munsonya used it03:24
tradakadMeetyourmakers: do you test me :)03:24
tradakadMeetyourmakers: ? :)03:24
Meetyourmakers!ro > meetyourmakers03:24
ubottuMeetyourmakers, please see my private message03:24
munsonmade sure all was turned up03:24
munsonand none muted03:24
br4dock3rcan someone help me03:24
RevSpecies116Oh, did alsamixer detect it correctly?03:25
Meetyourmakerswanted to see if there is any ro channel03:25
br4dock3rNo files or directories specified for scanning.03:25
munsoncard is intel...chipset is realtek03:25
tradakadjoshua_bco: hello )03:25
joshua_bcosome knows how to disable unity for a only one app?03:25
RevSpecies116OKies, munson, do you have any type of speaker icon on the top panel?03:25
munsonyes added it03:26
tradakadRevSpecies116: Yes sure but there are much more qualified people here03:26
munsonits 100%03:26
=== Leman_Russ_ is now known as Leman_Russ
RevSpecies116OKies, and if you left click it, do you have the 'sound preferences' window option03:27
tradakadIt seems to be really hard to help people here...03:27
tradakadto much people03:27
munsonlemme vnc into box real quick03:27
munsonu can pm if u want03:28
Meetyourmakerswith new software center u can forget about sudo apt-get install..03:28
qinMeetyourmakers: Why?03:28
tradakadMeetyourmakers: where are u from?03:28
Meetyourmakerswith it i could find all necesary apps that i was seeking :D03:28
RevSpecies116Meetyourmakers: only if you want to. I personally will always be using aptitude [and will install it even if it is removed]03:29
tradakadMeetyourmakers: bull s..t - what's about ppa?03:29
tradakadok.. it seems not to be very interested here.. everybody bye!03:31
zoei am brasilian03:31
wyvern666i am running nano with "-c" to see the line numbers, but the numbers showed there are extrange.... from 20 jumps to 50 or things like that, can somebody explain me whats is going on?03:31
number9Aginor: sorry I lost my connection while testing that. I still can't login. Any other ideas of files to rename?03:35
Jordan_Uclarkm: It looks like you don't have any grub.cfg at all. How did you install Ubuntu? Is this a fresh install?03:35
qinwyvern666: Hm, what about vim?03:35
antibodieshi folks. i upgraded to 11.04 and now i get dumped to grub, like it lost my bootargs03:36
antibodiesi can boot in manually via grub (since im here ;), but struggling to get my bootargs to get persisted between reboots03:36
antibodiesand to make it more interseting, my linux is running in vmware03:36
kanoehello everyone~03:36
wyvern666[qin] ok, but i cant explain what i am seeing in nano03:36
wyvern666i know i am novice, but that is stupid, i am going to use goto line03:37
Jordan_U!bootinfo | antibodies03:37
ubottuantibodies: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).03:37
ESphynxhey guys, what's the 32 bit package of OpenSSL?03:37
kanoei come here for your help~03:37
qinwyvern666: I do not do nano, but it sounds like linewrap option, test with different terminal size.03:38
antibodiesok tanks ubottu03:38
clarkmJordan_U: no, I just ssh'd in and did a do-release-upgrade and then it didn't boot anymore.03:38
clarkmJordan_U: I just mounted the partition myself and did a new grub-install, so i'll see where that gets me03:39
number9Aginor: sorry for being so naggy but are you still there?03:40
antibodiesmy grub menu.lst root does point the right disk uuid at least... and menu.lst seems to have the right vmlinuz/initrd img03:40
qinantibodies: What version are you running?03:43
kanoei just remove a package named xkb-data unexpected and then the os(10.04) can not start to X or to tty1~6. i am now in the X by livecd, should i copy the xkb-data from this temp os to the origin one03:43
kanoei just removed a package named xkb-data unexpected and then the os(10.04) can not start to X or to tty1~6. i am now in the X by livecd, should i copy the xkb-data from this temp os to the origin one03:43
clarkmJordan_U: so I guess at this point I'm looking for a way to reinstall grub on an lvm (with a separate /boot partition)... from a live cd. I haven't found a guide that combines all three of those elements, and I'm pretty hesitant to try anything drastic myself.03:44
antibodies11.04 / grub .9703:44
nit-witantibodies, you removed 1.99 and installed .97?03:44
qinantibodies: Anything against grub2?03:44
antibodiesno, it's just what comes out when i do grub --version. yes it seems odd03:45
nit-witI bootinfo | antibodies03:45
Aginornumber9, yes03:45
nit-wit!! ootinfo | antibodies03:45
qinantibodies: I guess you kept upgrading from 8.10?03:45
Aginornumber9, let me have a quick google03:45
nit-wit! bootinfo | antibodies03:46
ubottuantibodies: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).03:46
kanoehello Aginor:03:46
DANIEL-ALONEi have dowlload vns viewer but its in deb format and i cant open it03:46
DANIEL-ALONEhow can i open a deb format file?03:46
nit-witDANIEL-ALONE, open?03:47
axi screwed up my audio setup by trying to install alsa from source [to get this realtek audio card working]... but after uninstall i my earlier setup doesn't work, can i reconfigure the default ubuntu alsa setup?03:47
KM0201DANIEL-ALONE: vns viewer?03:47
aeon-ltdDANIEL-ALONE: double click it, dpkg will handle the rest03:47
KM0201DANIEL-ALONE: any type of vnc viewer, should be in the repositories, you shouldn't need to download a .deb file03:47
kanoehello nit-wit03:47
Aginornumber9, not finding anything else... So you can log in? XFCE loads? Then you get logged out?03:47
Aginorkanoe, hello03:47
kanoeshould i ask for help?03:48
Aginor!help | kanoe03:48
ubottukanoe: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:48
antibodiesi did a series of upgrades, from 9 i believe, not 8. but yes it was chained03:48
nit-witantibodies, can you run the script and pastebin the text?03:48
kanoei just removed a package named xkb-data unexpected and then the os(10.04) can not start to X or to tty1~6. i am now in the X by livecd, should i copy the xkb-data from this temp os to the origin one03:48
number9no I don't know how to explain it. It looks like it begins to startup, definately not a password failure then a vterm pops up (looks like an x-restart type thing) then the login screen pops back up. The first time on a fresh boot takes a while but after the first fail it is only a second until I am presented with the login screen again03:49
abhijainhello everyone03:49
DANIEL-ALONEwhere is repositories03:49
abhijain am unable to open blogspot.com on my lappy with chrome, ff and chromium browser can anybody resolve this issue03:49
number9Aginor: sorry forgot to tag you in that03:49
KM0201DANIEL-ALONE: ubuntu software center?.. synaptic?03:49
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories03:49
DANIEL-ALONEwhere is repositories?03:49
Aginornumber9, do you have an .xinitrc or similar thing in your ~?03:50
KM0201DANIEL-ALONE: you need to do some reading on using the package manager before proceeding any further...03:50
number9Aginor: Also I can login on a vterm, which is how I am talking to you now, and on vterm 8 I am running it as a new user, which allows me to google things but no luck so far.03:50
nit-witDANIEL-ALONE, world wide03:50
KM0201!synaptic | DANIEL-ALONE03:50
ubottuDANIEL-ALONE: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto03:50
thewazwhat do you consider to be the best repositorys03:50
Aginorkanoe, you want to reinstall the package, not copy the files03:50
abhijainI am unable to open www.blogspot.com with any browser can any body solve this issue03:50
KM0201abhijain: i get 404'd there03:50
Aginornumber9, there's always the drastic option of clobbering all of your dot-files and selectively restoring them03:51
thewazwhat kind of browser are you using??03:51
number9Aginor: looks like no. just .xsession_errors03:51
nit-witthewaz, there are all uniform repos for the database there basically all the same.03:51
number9Aginor: yeah I considered that, just that seems kind of drastic03:51
kanoeAginor:thanks! should reinstall the package from the temp os to my origin os03:51
Aginornumber9, your users owns it's ~ and has write access, yes?03:51
abhijainKM0201: YES 40403:52
KM0201abhijain: ok.. the problem isn't you.. .it's the website... i'm not sure why you think it's an ubuntu issue.03:52
kanoeAginor:how can i do to reinstall it ?03:52
Aginorkanoe, boot it and login to a cli, then use "apt-get install <package>"  to restore X03:52
abhijainKM0201: thanx03:52
number9let me check, but I imagine if I didn't I wouldn't be able to login on a vterm?03:52
number9Aginor: forgot the tag again sorry.03:53
KM0201abhijain: it is weird though, cuz i just pinged the site, and the ping completes w/ 0 packet loss.. so it looks like that site, just has a "404" graphic up... rather thant he site actually 404ing03:54
Aginornumber9, it's the lazy option, but it might be the fastest way to see if it's some settings or not. do "mkdir olddot; cp -r .??* olddot" in your ~ and it should make a backup of all of your dot-files satisfy yourself that it looks right, then do "rm -rf .??*" to delete them. Do NOT remove the question marks or you will potentially delete a lot.03:54
number9Aginor: yes I do own and have write access. What about the folder ~/cache/sessions? I just can boot a recovery console to, so it seems like something with sessions03:55
Aginornumber9, try to get rid of that one too first then :D03:55
number9Aginor: Yeah I wanted to avoid that though because cp -r doesn't preserve permissions and other stuff unless the -a option is used and even then I don't trust it.03:56
number9Aginor: what is the command to restart x?03:56
qinnumber9: sudo service gdm stop03:57
number9qin: on xfce too? Also I think that just stops gnome desktop manager. I want to force x to restart03:58
Aginornumber9, sudo service <g|k|x>dm restart I would assume03:58
qinnumber9: also rsync (or tar) to get permission proper03:58
qinnumber9: xdm?03:59
number9qin: Aginor: huh xdm doesn't work x tab completes only to x11-common. Alright I'll be back in a couple but testing is going to kill my internet. Thanks agian04:01
Aginornumber9, try "ps aux | grep dm " and see what shows up :D04:03
=== eliezer is now known as eliezer_
atlamberti return from earlier!04:04
qinWelcome to the future!04:05
cheapieIs it possible to reset the hard disk subsystem/module/whatever without a reboot?04:06
atlamberti have a problem: i have downloaded ubuntu, and i want to install it on my netbook via usb. i have done this installation many times but i can't get my blasted usb (an old ipod) to boot up. i want to wipe my netbook and install ubuntu, but i can't boot from usb for some reason. help?04:06
atlambertqin <304:06
qinatlambert: Is bios see your ipod in boot options? that may be HD not flash.04:07
atlambertqin: setup says [USB:Apple iPod]04:08
tripelbwhat is the size of this file  -rw-rw-r--   1 accountname pg1599844 11321425920 Sep 20  2010 virtograph.com.100920.tar04:08
tripelbhow can I get the "legend"04:09
qintripelb: ls -lh04:09
number9Aginor: qin: no luck.04:09
cheapieIs it possible to reset the hard disk subsystem/module/whatever without a reboot?04:09
th0rcheapie: depends on what you are trying to restat04:09
amin`afew years back when I used windows and having to install sound video drivers and drivers for modem mouse or even keyboard there was sth called BOIS upadte which i did it sometimes ; I want to know if there is any way to upadte my bois without resorting to windows OS?04:09
tripelbqin thanks04:10
qinnumber9: Boot, shift, e, add text instead of spalsh04:10
atlambertanyon eelse have any ideas? :(04:10
cheapieth0r: I have an aging hard drive that sometimes returns read errors, and nothing will make it even try to read again until the computer is rebooted.04:10
amin`afew years back when I used windows and having to install sound video drivers and drivers for modem mouse or even keyboard there was sth called BOIS upadte which i did it sometimes ; I want to know if there is any way to upadte my bois without resorting to windows OS?04:10
th0rcheapie: that isn't a module or subsystem....sounds like a controller problem04:11
cheapieth0r: So is it possible to reset a PCI device without rebooting then?04:11
qinnumber9: sudo service gdm stop04:12
ZykoticK9amin`, my never ASUS motherboard actually support updating with a USB key from inside BIOS, no Windows required.04:12
th0rcheapie: not to my knowledge. You might try unmounting and remounting it, but if it is the main hard drive you will lose it as soon as you unmount it04:12
qinnumber9: yes on xubuntu04:12
zayaamin`: far as I know some BIOS will have a floppy update you can run, by now it's near obsolete as is the floppy drives.04:12
cheapieth0r: It's not my main hard drive. Ubuntu won't fit in 45 MB...04:12
number9qin: thanks. That first one is hold shift during boot to edit options?04:12
th0rcheapie: then try unmounting and remounting, might fix it without the reboot04:13
Loshkicheapie: you know you're on borrowed time with a hard drive that returns errors, right?04:13
qinnumber9: Yes, to get to grub menu. xubuntu uses gdm04:13
cheapieth0r: I'm not even accessing a mounted FS when this happens. Loshki: I've just been "playing" with it and sometimes knocking the head off track.04:14
amin`IN my case  IT says install the software and put pattery and plug the battery and connect to internet and run it04:14
paul_can anyone tell me the cli command to fully remove a program, config files and all04:14
ZykoticK9paul_, "sudo apt-get remove -purge foo" I believe, still won't remove any config files from your home directory04:15
cheapieth0r: OK... So is there a way to tell a drive to seek to a certain cylinder then?04:15
Loshkipaul_: something like: sudo apt-get purge <package>....04:16
th0rcheapie: not that I know of04:16
th0rcheapie: I would reformat the drive, and if the read errors continue scrap the drive.04:16
ZykoticK9paul_, sorry, looks like you many want "sudo apt-get purge foo"04:16
cheapieth0r: If it helps, it's a Seagate ST-157A (CHS only, PIO 0) on an old VIA PCI controller.04:17
paul_Thanks guys, it didn't like the -purge, so I ran the command iwthout it04:17
cheapieth0r: Please wait while I look something up...04:17
tripelbTIL the mousewheel reacts to the area of the screen that it hovers over (what's the right technical way of saying this?) If I am over chrome tabs, it changes tabs. If I am over a document, it scrolls the document -changes pages. If I am in xchat, it scrolls the backscroll. Amazing.04:18
number9qin: thanks I had no idea.04:20
qinnumique: Neither me.04:20
cheapieth0r: The documentation I have been looking for has been vaporized. Oh well.04:20
syockitIn aptitude, when I view a package's description, I get to see what other packages depend on it. The problem is, most of the time I'm only interested in seeing the installed ones. How do I filter?04:21
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=== griskalt is now known as grisk
nmesisi need help on my netbook04:27
clarkmJordan_U: I got it fixed. :) Took a lot of manual configuration, but I just needed a quick fix to bootstrap it up04:28
nmesisafter i installed 10.04 on my netbook it cant detect my ethernet connection04:28
noisewaterphdnmesis, meaning that it isn't showing your ethernet card as an option at all, or that you can't get a connection with the one that is present04:30
nmesisthe second04:30
nmesisbut it can detect the wi fi of my neighbhor04:31
noisewaterphdwhat is the output of ifconfig04:31
VustomWhy won't Warsow work with a launcher? I have the command as /home/vustom/Desktop/Vustom/Jolicloud/Games/warsow/warsow.i386, but it doesn't work, if I go and open warsow.i386 in a folder it works just fine..04:32
KM0201why didy ou install 10.04?04:32
cores_does any one have any info on lfs?04:32
nmesisits the best version of ubuntu for me04:32
KM0201... obviously..lol04:33
jiohdiVustom, maybe set the $PATH variable04:33
bazhangcores_, try #lfs04:33
Vustomjiohdi Huh..?04:33
noisewaterphdi know quite a few people who much prefer 10.04 netbook to 10.10+04:33
jiohdiVustom, $PATH tells the system where to find binaries to run04:34
nmesisi tried 11.04 on my desktop04:34
nmesisbut i think its heavy04:34
noisewaterphdim sticking with 10.1004:34
Vustomjiohdi What do I put in the command then, so the launcher works?04:34
Vustomjiohdi I'm new to this. C:04:34
KM0201noisecontrol: dnno, i use 10.10 (and 11.04 for that matter) quite successfully on a netbook... i guess i could see if it was "april 2010" when you installed it, but the next LTS will be out in less than a year.. I'd install the current version, or even 10.10.. keep it current until the LTS comes up, then upgrade to the LTS and stay there if you like at that point04:35
jiohdiVustom, I am not 100% sure, however when you tell the $PATH were to find the binaries it should be able to run whats at that path location.04:35
noisewaterphdnext time i bother to upgrade im probably going with a mint xfce04:35
Vustomjiohdi I'm confused. :c04:35
benccis there a local mail address that default to junk?04:35
ZykoticK9Vustom, PATH doesn't really have anything to do with a Launcher04:35
nmesisis there available drivers for ethernet for linux04:36
noisewaterphdnmesis, it sounds like it's being recognized fine04:36
benccemail address like /dev/null04:36
nmesisthey only offer M$ drivers in their website04:37
ZykoticK9nmesis, probably 99% of ethernet cards should work OOTB (much lower for wireless ;)04:37
noisewaterphdif it's showing up in your network connections you need to troubleshoot your connection not your card04:37
* Vustom is confused.04:37
noisewaterphdnmesis, again, what is the output of ifconfig04:37
bazhangnmesis, lspci output in paste.ubuntu.com04:37
nmesisw8 ill copy04:37
noisecontrolman ls -la04:37
bazhangnmesis, also output of ifconfig04:37
ZykoticK9Vustom, ALT+F2 then type in your full path to warsow.i386.  Does it work?04:37
* KM0201 waits..04:37
bazhangnmesis, dont paste here use paste.ubuntu.com04:38
BopsI was trying to have a new/default apache2 install. I used apt-get to purge apache2, then manually deleted /etc/apache2/. I figured when I called apt-get install, it would reinstall the configuration files. It doesn't, and apache2 won't start without the config files. I googled some more and found instructions that said to remove apache22-common, but the removal is interrupted, for the same reasons as the last post here: http://ubuntuf04:38
jiohdiVustom, one way to test if I am right is to take the folder and put it into something already $PATH defined such as /etc04:38
VustomZyko, no, the screen blinks white for about a millisecond then nothing happens..04:38
bazhangVustom, please tab complete people's nicknames or they wont see your response04:38
bazhangVustom, zyko<tab>04:39
ZykoticK9Vustom, if you cant alt+f2 then a launcher won't work either - are you sure that is the correct binary?04:39
VustomZykoticK9: I'll check.04:40
ZykoticK9Vustom, open a terminal - and type in the full path to the warsow.i386 - do you get any error output?04:40
nmesisi cannot paste it there i use my desktop to chat here04:40
Bopsso my question is, what can I do to get a new apache2 install, which also installs the config files like the first time?04:40
bazhangnmesis, then write it down and copy to paste.ubuntu.com04:41
VustomZykoticK9: http://paste.ubuntu.com/614794/04:41
nmesisyes im doing it now XD04:41
ZykoticK9Bops, you might want to try the --reinstall option to apt-get04:41
ZykoticK9Vustom, "Error: Error during initialization: Could not find any shaders!" this is NOT a bash/PATH issue - something else is wrong here04:42
obengdakoBops use synaptic completely remove apache2 and it would also remove configuration files04:42
BopsZykoticK9: no luck :)04:42
ZykoticK9Bops, sorry, i have no ideas.  Good luck.04:42
Bopsobengdako: is there any command-line version? This is a server.04:42
VustomZykoticK9: If I go to the file path and double click it the application works just fine..04:42
ZykoticK9Vustom, sorry - I have no idea.04:43
noisewaterphdBops, you should be able to just get a default httpd.conf file example online somewhere04:43
VustomZykoticK9: I had something similar to this happen when I tried created a launcher for a Java app, had to put java -jar in front of the command.04:43
DidiaoerBops you can remove the apache2 and then install it04:43
obengdakoBops apt-get purge packagename04:43
Bopsnoisecontrol: it's not just the conf file, it's the envvars...that's just to start, who knows what else would be missing04:43
Bopsobengdako: I tried that already. I think the problem is that apache2 has other subpackages that DON'T get removed, and one of them has the config files. It could be apache22-common, but I can't remove it.04:44
obengdakoBops then apt-get install packagename04:44
ZykoticK9Vustom, someone with the same error - says it's related to "working directory" at http://portableapps.com/node/1158004:44
noisecontrolbops - did you look for a lamp package - might save you some headaches04:45
Didiaoercd /etc/httpd/ and rm -rf *04:45
Bopsobengdako: did that too. I tried googling for a solution, this question comes up in : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=471003  and I tried all the suggestions.04:45
noisecontrolbops - the problem is too much information - look for a lamp package - linux apache mysql php04:46
Bopsnoisecontrol: I'd rather fix the apt-get install if possible :) having a separate, non-repository install of Apache2 cause I can't figure it out seems a messy solution.04:46
ZykoticK9Vustom from a terminal try "cd /PATH/TO/Warsaw && ./warsaw.i3786"04:46
noisecontrollamp = most web aps = the easier softer way04:47
BopsI guess I can fall back to that04:47
noisecontrolsaves doing mysql and php configurations and cross file identification04:48
obengdakoBops so your problem: unable to reinstall apache, if persists see if aptitude can help but apart from that i'm not sure what else to do and i do believe you are root and have the right permissions set for the configs all the best04:49
noisecontrolyou might also try "amp" or "amp stack" in your pkg mgr search04:49
VustomZykoticK9: http://paste.ubuntu.com/614795/04:49
ZykoticK9Bops, you could try using tasksel to uninstall/reinstall lamp???04:49
VustomZykoticK9: Eh, made a typo.04:49
ZykoticK9Vustom, ok, cause that link didn't work ;)04:49
nmesisheres the ifconfig04:49
bazhangnmesis, now lspci please04:50
obengdakoand who says a server cant have a gui04:50
ZykoticK9noisecontrol, there isn't a lamp package, but it's in tasksel04:51
VustomZykoticK9: http://paste.ubuntu.com/614798/04:51
ZykoticK9Vustom, try "cd /home/vustom/Desktop/Vustom/Jolicloud/Games && ./warsow.1386"04:51
noisecontrolZykoticK9, you mean they are preloading it now. Wow. Headaches solved.04:51
nmesisbazhang, can i just copy ethernet controller and network controller?04:51
obengdakoBops tasksel in teminal04:51
bazhangnmesis, yes please04:52
Bopsobengdako: will check it out ,tha nks04:52
blake_i need help how to use teminal04:52
VustomZykoticK9: Same thing.04:52
bazhangblake_, help doing what04:52
blake_i want to play lord of the rings online but idk how to download04:52
noisecontrolWhy not just use the admin task manager in the control panel and hit the checkboxes?04:52
bazhangblake_, what does that have to with terminal04:53
ZykoticK9Vustom, the full path is wrong then... you need to change to the directory with the warsaw.i386 binary where is it located?04:53
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.04:54
ZykoticK9Vustom, according to your first post it should be "cd /home/vustom/Desktop/Vustom/Jolicloud/Games/warsow && ./warsow.i386"04:54
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution04:54
VustomZykoticK9: This location may work, /media/135324db-edaa-491f-90db-9d0f4fbd6f50/home/vustom/Desktop/Vustom/Jolicloud/Games/warsow/warsow.i38604:55
ZykoticK9Vustom, so try "cd /media/135324db-edaa-491f-90db-9d0f4fbd6f50/home/vustom/Desktop/Vustom/Jolicloud/Games/warsow && ./warsow.i386"04:55
nmesisbazhang here is the link http://paste.ubuntu.com/614799/04:55
VustomZykoticK9: cd /media/135324db-edaa-491f-90db-9d0f4fbd6f50/home/vustom/Desktop/Vustom/Jolicloud/Games/warsow && ./warsow.i386 Worked! Thanks. C:04:55
ZykoticK9Vustom, so you can try putting that in a launcher and see if it works - it might now :|04:56
VustomZykoticK9: Failed to execute child process "cd" (No such file or directory) D:04:57
ZykoticK9Vustom, try "gnome-terminal -e cd /media/135324db-edaa-491f-90db-9d0f4fbd6f50/home/vustom/Desktop/Vustom/Jolicloud/Games/warsow && ./warsow.i386"04:58
jiohdiZykoticK9, if you have to change directory to make it work, why is that not a path problem?04:58
corretico_i need some help. i have problems with my wifi card and ubuntu 1104:58
VustomZykoticK9: There was an error creating the child process for this terminal04:58
corretico_i'm using a dell latitude d62004:59
ZykoticK9jiohdi, it's an issue with the binary requiring to be launched inside that directory, due to some temporary file or something...04:59
CrustyBarnaclecorretico: What's the problem?04:59
ZykoticK9Vustom, sorry - I'm not surprised it's not working.  I've got nothing more.  Good luck.04:59
jiohdiZykoticK9, if you put the whole folder into something like /etc which is already on the path list, why would that not work?04:59
VustomIf I try '/media/135324db-edaa-491f-90db-9d0f4fbd6f50/home/vustom/Desktop/Vustom/Jolicloud/Games/warsow && ./warsow.i386'04:59
VustomI get "Failed to execute child process "/media/135324db-edaa-491f-90db-9d0f4fbd6f50/home/vustom/Desktop/Vustom/Jolicloud/Games/warsow" (Permission denied)"04:59
=== Blizzerand is now known as Chris_H
ZykoticK9Vustom, you'd need a cd before the /media/...05:00
paul_is there a wildcard like * that outputs randomly instaed of in alphabetical order?05:00
bazhanghttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/680239/comments/8 nmesis05:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 680239 in linux (Ubuntu) "ar8152 v2.0 fast ethernet nic stops working" [Undecided,Confirmed]05:00
ZykoticK9paul_, sort has a -R (random) switch?05:01
FedorageekHi, how do I change Gedit settings?05:01
Fedorageekie tab space specifically?05:02
VustomZykoticK9: The desktop launcher works but not the panel icon, but that's okay. C:05:02
nmesisbazhang, ERROR: Module atlic does not exist in /proc/modules05:02
VustomZykoticK9: Thanks for your help by the way. ^_^05:02
ZykoticK9paul_, appears to work "OLDCOMMAND | sort -R"05:02
paul_ZykoticK9: hmmm... let me experiemnt a bit05:02
ZykoticK9Vustom, glad to help - sorry I don't have an answer :(05:02
astropirateAnyone here get Gnome3/Gnome-shell to work on ubuntu 11.04 yet?05:02
astropiratelast i tried it broke my system05:03
jiohdiastropirate, I did for a while... but then I did an update and reboot and it broke05:03
bazhangastropirate, its an unsupported PPA talk to the maintainer05:03
jiohdiastropirate, I kept getting error messages that something was trying to overwrite something else05:03
nmesisbazhang the commands gives me error05:04
astropiratehmm I'm on fedora, but Ubuntu has better drivers for my graphics cards and such so I would love to come back I just cant stand Unity05:04
tx0105i tried to use KDE in vanilla Ubuntu before05:04
tx0105never again will I try that sort of thing05:04
astropiratetx0105, lol same05:04
bazhangastropirate, then choose classic from the login menu05:04
jiohdiastropirate, you can use gnome classic05:04
tx0105I'd recommend just using Fedora 1505:05
astropirateDid i forget to mention that I love gnome-shell?05:05
jamiewanastropirate: u can sewlect gnome classic view at login window05:05
jiohdior xfce or lxde or many others05:05
tx0105trust me when I say Gnome 3 isn't worth the hassle of ruining your Ubuntu install05:05
paul_ZykoticK9: so i tried mplayer * |sort -R and it is playing in alphabetical order still05:05
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astropiratetx0105, i'm running it on fefora 15 right now and have been since about a month or so ago. Its awesome. I don't know how else to put it in words. Best UI i have seen for desktop05:06
ipv6hermithello everyone,  I just booted my xubuntu partiton, I logged in and all the windows I opened opened but without the window title and without the window controls (maximze, close)  then I tried executing xfce-session and it brought the window controls and title bar back, then I restarted the computer, now I try to log into xfce but but it boots me back out to the login prompt05:06
poisonthere is no /etc/inittab05:06
jiohdiastropirate, after gnome3 broke everything I installed cairo-dock and awn and now both of them are my launchers.. .awn on the left and cairo on the bottom and there is no sign of gnome or unity05:06
KM0201tx0105: when gnome 3 is actually properly implemented into ubuntu, it will be fine.. and i don't think fedora 15 has gnome 3 yet either (at least the screenshots look like 2.x)05:06
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bazhang!upstart > poison05:06
ubottupoison, please see my private message05:06
astropirateKM0201, fedora 15 indeed does have gnome305:07
tx0105KN0201 it's definately Gnome 3 in Fedora 1505:07
KM0201astropirate: hmm, screenshots i saw looked like 2x05:07
ZykoticK9paul_, the "mplayer *" isn't going to be affected by piping to sort -R -- sorry I thought you where doing text processing.05:07
astropirateKM0201, must have been a f14 screenshot05:07
CooKieMonsterwhat should i get to watch quick time video on apple site05:07
nmesisnope its gnome 305:07
bazhangCooKieMonster, you need to wget it05:07
nmesislike opensuse 11.4 they use gnome 3 too05:07
paul_ZykotcK9: ok thanks, there is no obvious solution to my problem? I'm just tryng to randomize my musicsss....05:07
KM0201nmesis: i knew that05:08
CooKieMonsterwget what05:08
ipv6hermitI'm using 11.0405:08
bazhang!wget > CooKieMonster05:08
ipv6hermitwhich I like a lot less than 9.1005:08
KM0201ipv6hermit: what happened, you lost your terminal?05:08
KM0201*panel... sorry05:08
ipv6hermitI can't log into my xfce desktop05:08
bazhangCooKieMonster, you can't watch on their site, you need to wget it, ie download it05:08
KM0201ipv6hermit: oh.. i had that problem to for some weird reason.. off to Lubuntu i went...lol05:08
ipv6hermitnow I'm just using terminal05:08
CooKieMonsterbut i dont have any quicktime player05:09
ipv6hermitjust using irssi and elinks05:09
CrustyBarnacleipv6hermit: Can you log into Ubuntu Classic?05:09
bazhangCooKieMonster, you dont need it. mplayer can play it fine. just download it with wget05:09
ipv6hermitI'm using ubuntu05:09
ipv6hermitI'm using xubuntu05:09
ipv6hermitit's the only OS installed on this laptop05:09
ipv6hermitI've used xubuntu 9.10 for a long time without any issues like these05:09
CrustyBarnacle!classic | ipv6hermit05:09
ubottuipv6hermit: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.05:09
tx0105i think the Opensuse Gnome 3 is a more of a beta05:10
KM0201CrustyBarnacle: did you read what he said? he's using xubuntu.. ie.. xfce.. he doesn't have unity05:10
tx0105I was going to ask...is anybody having wierd video/display problems with 11.04?05:10
Omegatx0105: Not me, probably a driver issue.05:11
tx0105on my laptop with an Intel video card...Unity 3D is unusable..half the time my computer drops to a low resolution05:11
LibreMantx0105: what kind of problems? I do ...05:11
tx0105It was never an issue prior to 11.0405:11
ipv6hermitubottu: I don't have that option05:11
ubottuipv6hermit: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:11
tx0105either it's a kernal issue or something specific to Ubuntu05:11
CrustyBarnacle!xubuntu | ipv6hermit05:12
ubottuipv6hermit: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels05:12
tx0105Libreman all sorts of stuff...the resolution sometimes gets dropped to 1024x768 and i can't change it back...sometimes my screen freezes where only half the screen is usable and it locks up05:12
CooKieMonsteris there any quicktime player for ubuntu ? i can't download it05:13
Omegaipv6hermit: I'd try apt-get --reinstall install xubuntu-desktop05:13
bazhangCooKieMonster, no. download the trailer.05:13
tx0105the latest intel drivers don't seem to help05:13
LibreMantx0105: that's much more severe than what I have ... it often shows some garbage on the screen and I need to move the window o clear it up and such stuff ... so probably a different problem05:13
bazhangCooKieMonster, you can if you use wget.05:13
nmesisi cant see any solution to my prob05:14
pksadiq!find quicktime05:14
ubottuFound: libquicktime-dev, libquicktime-doc, libquicktime1, quicktime-utils, quicktime-x11utils05:14
tx0105libreman ya it's pretty bad...Unity 2D seems to work ok...I'm installing Kubuntu 11.04 to see if I get the same issues05:14
LibreMantx0105: yeah sure ... try kubuntu and see if it works better05:16
jiohdiCooKieMonster, vlc plays mov files05:19
LuckySMacki just installed natty on my hp laptop, and im unable to get my wifi to work. all the posts i found were that the wireless was on but was unable to pick up a wifi signal. i believe ny actual wireless is disabled as the wifi button is always red and does not turn on. it just shows theres no wireless. im on an HP dv7. anyone familiar with the issue on this laptop?05:21
bullgard4My OO.o embedded HSQLDB contains a file /database/script with a line "CREATE SCHEMA PUBLIC AUTHORIZATION DBA". What does »DBA« stand for?05:21
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CooKieMonsterdo those apple trailer comes with embeding code ?05:22
ZykoticK9bullgard4, typically DBA stands for Data Base Administrator05:23
dorkmafiahi everybody!05:25
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ubottuUnity is the default UI for Ubuntu 11.04. Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. You can still boot to GNOME; see !classic.05:27
ubottukubuntu is Ubuntu with the KDE Software Compilation instead of !Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde05:27
ubottuG(NU's) N(ot) U(nix). A project that aimed to develop a complete operating system of Free Software, which Ubuntu is based on. See http://gnu.org05:27
GadsdenGraphicsMy experience with Ubuntu One: It's not ready to rely on yet.05:28
jbangertGood evening, is there any way to make bash record the endtime of an already running job? I started a long running job on our compute machine and  it has not finished yet. The job is running in the background of my interactive session and I will leave my workstation now. Is there any way for bash to record when the job ended05:28
dorkmafiaso i'm thinking of installing ubuntu … how big is the install footprint?05:32
bazhang!requirements > dorkmafia05:32
ubottudorkmafia, please see my private message05:32
Loshkijbangert: I don't know of one. As a workaround, write a script which runs date; ps -ax | egrep <job>; sleep 60; and logs to a file. You'll be able to see from the logfile when the job stops running.05:33
dorkmafiaalso is it easy to triple boot win7, osx and ubuntu?05:33
dorkmafiathanks ubottu05:33
dorkmafiaand bazhang05:33
FloodBot1dorkmafia: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:33
KM0201dorkmafia: triple booting is easy if you're using a Mac, i would think... using a PC... i doubt it05:33
jbangertLoshki: thanks05:34
dorkmafiaKM0201 well i have a pc with win7 installed I haven't set up my hackintosh partition yet i remember reading somewhere that it's possible to triple boot all three and that it basically has a small version of some unix flavor that it boots in to05:34
dorkmafiathat's what i think the chameleon boot loader is :)05:35
KM0201dorkmafia: dunno.05:35
intraderAnyone, how is the upgrade to 11.04  from 10.10 fairing? Any reports on trouble?05:35
tensorpuddingsome people have had trouble, most people that haven't had trouble, haven't reported05:36
KM0201intrader: some people have lots of problems... some have none..05:36
jbangertintrader: My relatively old and heavily customized laptop had trouble with Unity, but everything else is great05:36
bullgard4ZykoticK9: So the grantee (= the owndnership) is Data Base Administrator. What does this semantically mean?05:36
bullgard4ZykoticK9: So the grantee (= the ownership) is Data Base Administrator. What does this semantically mean?05:36
ZykoticK9bullgard4, i have no idea, sorry.05:36
bullgard4ZykoticK9: You have been of help to me, anyway. --  Thank you.05:37
intraderKM0201, jbangert: tranks - I will wait as I had a lot of trouble going from 9.04 to 10.10 (full reinstall)05:37
KM0201intrader: well, thats becasue upgrading directly from 9.04 to 10.10, is not supported, no wonder you had problems05:37
intraderKM0201: I went first to 10.04 then attempted upgrade - lots of X problems.05:38
KM0201intrader: ok, if you went 9.04 to 10.04, thats not supported either.05:39
intraderKM0201, thanks for info - I will wait a few months05:39
KM0201intrader: if you wanna wait, thats fine, but you can't blame ubuntu when you don't follow proper upgrade procedures05:40
pishguyschmidtm: ping05:40
atlambertquestion: whatever happened to ubuntu netbook remix as a separate download? did they just make its UI an option w/ vanilla ubuntu?05:40
intraderKM0201: thanks05:41
KM0201atlambert: ubuntu netbook remix... isn't really needed anymore, because Ubuntu's new Unity interface, is very similar to UNR...05:41
pishguyHi all, why i cant use this command into rnd.sh: number=$[ $RANDOM % 3 ]05:41
tensorpuddingpishguy: syntax is wrong? do you have the right hashbang?05:42
jbangertintrader: What I do, is that I have my home on a separate file system and I usually just reinstall. I have a script in my home that gets me my favorite programs05:42
skripHello , have a problem with installing VMplayer : I Download it from the Official Site and then go to command line and does this commands:  chmod 755 ./Downloads/VMware-Player-3.1.4-385536.i386.bundle   and then sudo ./Downloads/VMware-VIX-1.10.3-368992.i386.bundle     but i am getting a message 10: Syntax error: newline unexpected whath goes wrong ?05:42
john_ramboHow to remove pppoe configuration & restore network manager ?05:42
pheonix208every site i go into gives me SSL errors (so does thunderbird)05:43
pheonix208any ideas?05:43
PalinBachman2012skrip: sometimes you have to type sudo sh ./blahblah05:43
intraderjbangert: can you point me to the script?05:43
PalinBachman2012also, ussually, its chmod +x if you get an error about execution05:44
skripthe same error :/05:44
PalinBachman2012im sorry, thats what i would try first, sorry cant help further05:44
skripok thanks anyway. Someone else knows ? :)05:45
pheonix208skrip, whats the problem?05:46
nmesisi cant still find any solution05:46
skriplook up i wrote it.05:46
pheonix208i just joined in05:47
noisewaterphdskrip, cd into the directory and do a sudo sh VMwareblahblah.bundle05:47
pheonix208i don't have the logs05:47
PalinBachman2012hmm, i think you should cd into the dir, and then sudo ./VM*05:47
PalinBachman2012or sudo sh05:47
nmesishelp me connect to ethernet05:47
PalinBachman2012you only use ./ when you are in the same dir as the executable05:47
john_ramboHow to remove pppoe configuration & restore network manager ?05:47
noisewaterphdnmesis, did you ever pastebin your logs we asked for05:47
skripi am in that directory05:47
pheonix208nmesis: dhcp?05:48
pheonix208sudo dhclient eth005:48
noisewaterphdskrip, awesome now run the sh command as sudo05:48
pheonix208where eth0 = the ethernet card05:48
nmesisi tried that no device found05:48
noisewaterphdnmesis, link again please, i left for a while05:48
pheonix208what's the output of ifconfig -a05:48
Shortstraw8So I'm new to ubuntu and when i try to burn a cd in brasero it burns goes through everything like it burns but when I try to play the cd it won't work if I put it back in my computer it just says track 1 and there is nothing. Sorry for the very newb question but I'm lost.05:49
noisewaterphdnmesis, i though you said that it did have the device05:49
skripget the same error05:50
PalinBachman2012nmesis: oddly, your ethernet card or whatever is not being recognized05:50
nmesishow can i make it recognized05:50
PalinBachman2012i say oddly, cause thats not ussually a problem anymore05:50
pheonix208nmesis: do you have a wireless network?05:50
nmesisi dont have05:50
noisewaterphdskrip, delete the download, download it again in it's entirety. Do not set any permissions or anything, just unpack it and then run the aforementioned commands05:51
nmesisPalinBachman2012 so whats the problem?05:51
noisewaterphdShortstraw8, what type of files are you dragging into brasero to create the audio CD05:52
PalinBachman2012nmesis: probably no drivers are being loaded05:52
nmesishow to check the installed drivers05:52
nmesisi shoukd check05:53
Shortstraw8just mp3 file from rhythmbox05:54
nmesiscant find any solutions in internet05:54
nmesisi run the ommand sudo dhclient eth005:55
nmesisthe result is05:55
nmesisSIOCSIFADDR: no such device05:56
atleei have a problem05:56
atleei installed kde-desktop and when i log out and switch back to gnome, my unity interface is gone?05:57
PalinBachman2012nmesis: do lshw and look for soemthing that says 'Ethernet Controller' or ethernet something, and see if you can look up the device05:57
th0rnmesis: what does ifconfig say....does it show eth0?05:57
PalinBachman2012you do have a lan cable plugged in, right05:57
PalinBachman2012well that wouldnt matter yet05:57
nmesisPalinBachman2012 i saw ehternet conroller06:00
nmesisconfigurationL latency = 006:01
PalinBachman2012nmesis: does the configuration line say anywhere, driver= something, and what is the product:06:05
pishguytensorpudding: i can use this command out of .sh no problem: number=$[ $RANDOM % 3 ]06:06
nmesisi cant see driver=06:06
pishguytensorpudding: http://paste.ubuntu.com/614029/06:07
nmesisproduct: AR8152 v2.0 Fast ethernet06:07
=== altin_ is now known as altinny
FezzlerCan I upgrade Lucid to 11.04?06:07
tensorpuddingpishguy: it's probably a bashism06:08
PalinBachman2012nmesis: ok there is a driver for that06:08
=== altinny is now known as altinn
PalinBachman2012hang on06:08
tensorpuddingpishguy: yeah, it's a bashism06:08
FezzlerI ran Upgrade Manager and it did not provide me the option.06:08
noisewaterphdShortstraw8, brasero uses gstreamer for codec support, make sure it is installed: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras06:08
IdleOneFezzler: not directly06:08
pishguytensorpudding: how to use that into bash script?06:08
IdleOne!upgrade > Fezzler06:08
ubottuFezzler, please see my private message06:08
noisewaterphdShortstraw8, did brasero seem to complete the transcoding phase successfully?06:09
tensorpuddingpishguy: the shell that's used is specified by the hashbang06:09
tensorpuddingpishguy: you need it to be the path to bash, not to sh06:09
tensorpuddingpishguy: usually, /bin/bash, or /usr/bin/env bash06:09
pishguytensorpudding: :)06:10
pishguytensorpudding: Other quastion: how to change ubuntu login theme. python-gdm2setup can not .06:11
tensorpuddingpishguy: uh, no idea06:12
tensorpuddingpishguy: they've changed it at some point, i don't know it anymore06:12
Shortstraw8yeah disc says successful.06:12
=== altinn is now known as altin
PalinBachman2012nmesis: you can try  sudo rmmod atl1c  and then sudo modprobe atl1c06:13
noisewaterphdShortstraw8, not burning, just the transcoding phase where it converts the mp3 to .wav for audio disc burning06:13
PalinBachman2012nmesis: and if that doesnt work you will have to install compat wireless, which has a working driver until it gets fixed in the kernel06:14
PalinBachman2012strangely enough, that ethernet hardware is rated Ubuntu Partner COmpatable or such :)06:14
LAcanHow do I tell Ubuntu Software Centre to allow installation packages from "not authenticated soruces"?06:14
nmesisERROR: modile atlic does not exist in /proc/modules06:14
pishguytensorpudding: how to running any software in boot06:14
pishguytensorpudding: i want to play sound in ubuntu boot before login gnome06:15
Shortstraw8says unable to locate gstreamer package06:15
=== Wolf is now known as Guest79557
noisewaterphdLAcan, ubuntu software center - Edit > Software Sources06:15
noisewaterphdShortstraw8, so they aren't getting converted06:15
LAcannoisecontrol, ya i tried that but there is no option...?06:15
tensorpuddingpishguy: it's probably possible, using some kind of script in startup, but that's a complicated and annoying thing to set up06:15
noisewaterphdShortstraw8, did you instal the restricted extras package06:16
noisewaterphdLAcan, do you mean sources for which you don't have keys06:16
nmesisi need to update so i can have internet connection but how06:17
noisewaterphdLAcan, if so I'm not sure off the top of my head06:17
LAcannoisecontrol, i guess so? I just get a pop-up whenever i try to install ettercap...06:17
noisewaterphdLAcan, try just installing with apt-get on the cli06:17
PalinBachman2012nmesis: then follow the instructions on http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9446984&postcount=606:18
Shortstraw8yeah its installing06:18
noisewaterphdLAcan, seems like you get more options that way as far as bypassing keys06:18
noisewaterphdShortstraw8, so that package supplies the libs brasero needs to make that conversion process possible06:18
nmesisok thanks06:19
masterk3nhow do i print the processes and cpu/memory usage?06:19
bausAnonhello everyone hows it goin?06:19
nmesisis it wireless?06:19
jon8hey all06:20
PalinBachman2012nmesis: no, its got the ethernet drivers too for some reason but if you have probs just ask in here i will be afk06:20
PalinBachman2012someone will be able to walk you thru it06:20
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
bausAnondoes anyone know of any keyboard shortcut's to save an thumbnail full-size without having to open the picture?06:22
=== robinhoode|away is now known as robinhoode
bausAnondoes anyone know?06:25
LAcannoisecontrol, I used Synaptic instead and it allows me to ignore the warning, fyi.06:27
bausAnonc'mon somebody's gotta know06:28
srgzhi, I installed gnome-shell and now at the login when it prompts me to choose the session, I have to choose "User defined session" to get to gnome-shell instead of picking "Gnome 3" or "Gnome Shell". Is there any way of changing this?06:28
sklorpioni got this strange problem, if i start conky it loookls normally as part of desktop, but i added it to strat automaticly with gnome06:30
Shortstraw8Thanks noisewater worked fine. Must have lost that in the upgrade somehow.06:30
sklorpionso when its opend by gnome it is in strange window that i cant move, change or anything but looks like normaln window, and it's always on top06:31
kLownIs there a way to watch netflix movies on ubuntu?  (11.04)06:36
tonysanHow do I view my current 10.10 desktop remotely? or how do I setup something wo work in a terminal? the vncserver crashes everytime I connected to it06:37
th0rtonysan: you might look at either X-forwarding via ssh or NX06:37
ZykoticK9tonysan, ssh FTW ;)06:38
tonysanth0r: I am using windows now, does that work under windows?06:38
lily_hola buenas noches06:38
th0rtonysan: you can get an NX client for windows, and you can use cygwin to do X-forwarding06:38
tonysanth0r: setting up cygwin is really a pain in the ass (is it just me or everyone?)06:39
yagootonysan, #cygwin06:39
th0rtonysan: you might then want to take a look at NX06:39
kLownIs there a way to watch netflix movies on ubuntu?  (11.04)06:40
tonysanth0r: I am downloading a NX client, is there aything need to setup in the server side?06:40
=== saa1959 is now known as miz
yagootonysan, the 3 downloads rpms/debs from nomachine.com is free and works out of the box06:40
th0rtonysan: yes, there is an NX server for linux. I would opt for the free version from the company, not the open source one in the repos....never did get that to work06:40
tonysanth0r: ok, got it06:41
* yagoo says sshserver needs to be installed before nx.. nx is tunneled with nomachine's nx06:41
tonysanyagoo: is that .debs under the category of NX Free Edition for Linux06:42
yagootonysan, there's deb files06:42
yagootonysan, dpkg -i <1.deb> <2.deb> <3.deb> .. or if they only deb files in folder-> dpkg -i *deb06:43
yagoono need to setup firewall if its already allowing port 22 in.. NX is tunnelled in ssh06:44
tonysannow downloading NX server .deb06:44
yagooit needs the 3 debs06:45
tonysanyagoo: all of them?06:45
tonysanyagoo: client, node, and the server?06:46
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression06:46
bullgard4http://www.intel.com/p/de_DE/support/highlights/wireless/cwn-130 produces in my Firefox 3.1.17 the message: "There has been an application error! Please contact your system administrator to report this error." Scripts are not allowed. This website does not produce an error message on a colleague's Firefox of the same version (and no scripts allowed either).06:47
A_JHow do i Install a prgram from a tar06:47
fbdystangHi all :), how do I change the group and permissions of folders on an NTFS drive? Any help is appreciated06:48
bullgard4!install | A_J06:48
ubottuA_J: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate06:48
ZykoticK9A_J, are you sure there isn't a DEB available?  TAR is just an archive, could have anything inside it.06:49
ZykoticK9A_J, it's most likely source code however06:49
A_JZykoticK9,  no .deb06:49
A_Jbullgard4,  where have u linked me..?06:49
* yagoo says wiki tar is good06:49
ZykoticK9A_J, and no PPAs?06:49
A_Jnop ZykoticK9 just .taz.gz06:50
yagooIf one can't do it by command shell use a graphical.. like ark or something :)06:50
ZykoticK9A_J, you may want to use checkinstall that will use a more "Ubuntu" friendly install of the source code06:50
ubottucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!06:51
=== CrustyBarnacle is now known as Guest5872
fredyhi all can anyone help to install the medibuntu PPA ?06:53
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A_JZykoticK9, look here : http://pastebin.com/nM8XL5v606:54
fredyi got dvd encrypted and i can not play it =(06:54
ZykoticK9A_J, you don't use checkinstall with that tar.gz!06:55
traskersI have CoverGloobus running on GNOME Shell (11.04) and it starts up automatically at boot, but doesn't actually show up until I re-select the theme in the configuration, can anyone help me figure this out?06:55
A_Jthen ZykoticK9  ?06:55
ZykoticK9A_J, the instructions in that link are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall06:55
fredyplease helpme06:55
traskersI'm also wondering how to automatically mount my external HDD at boot as well?06:56
r0fs3ck5fredy: there is a good video tutorial here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEsOfNuc-sk06:56
ZykoticK9traskers, add it to fstab06:57
fredythank alot r0fs3ck506:57
fredybye all and thanks again =)06:57
ressiafter installing 10.04 in my laptop its touchpad is not working.why?06:58
traskersZykoticK9, ah, of course. What's the easiest way to get the device name? (ie, /dev/xxx) to put in there to mount it?06:58
ressican anybody help?06:58
ZykoticK9traskers, if it's mounted right now just type "mount" to see everything.  if not, you do need to figure out what device it is...06:59
A_JZykoticK9,  where in the post06:59
A_Jlooks like all checkinstall06:59
traskersZykoticK9, thanks, and should I use all of the options that it's already mounted with, I assume, in the fstab?07:00
ZykoticK9traskers, if it's FAT/NTFS then probably yes (i'm not the person to ask about those, I only use native gnu/linux formats which don't typically need many options)07:02
aboradyhi i'm having a problem install grub-pc07:03
fbdystangHi all :), how do I change the group and permissions of folders on an NTFS drive? Any help is appreciated07:03
A_JZykoticK9, not workin mate getting error's07:03
aboradywhen i select /dev/sda to install grub-pc , i get message cant write to this device07:04
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ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)07:04
aboradyyes grub 207:04
ZykoticK9A_J, typically you need to extract the tar.gz, cd into the directory --- then run ./configure && make && sudo checkinstall (i think, refer to the documents for confirmation) BUT i don't know what you're installing so can't be certain07:05
ozzyrodcan anyone please help me setup a wired connection to ubuntu 11.0407:05
A_JPlease write a description for the package.07:06
A_JEnd your description with an empty line or EOF.07:06
A_Jwhat goes here ^ ?07:06
=== kris_ is now known as Guest38658
ozzyrodcan anyone please help me setup a wired connection to ubuntu 11.04? my system doesnt recognise BCM43XX network controler07:06
aboradyapt-get install grub-pc07:06
ZykoticK9A_J, whatever you want to describe the package07:06
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aboradyi click ok then select /dev/sda07:06
BlackWebDoes anyone know how to make ubuntu use a certain video driver,07:06
sparrHow can I make "Guest Session" an option when my screen is locked? I want other people to be able to use my computer when I'm not around07:06
aboradyi get error cant write to this device07:07
BlackWebI dpkg -l xserver and it brings up all the drivers and it appears to have a intel driver but how do i make it use it07:07
mokmeisterUsing 10.04: on start up, my desktop appears for approx 15 seconds before my panels. I've looked at dmesg and haven't seen anything unusual. Any idea where to look to find out what causes this delay07:07
BlackWebit says "ii xserver-xorg-video-intel"07:08
A_JZykoticK9, should i link you to the program i'm trying to install ?07:08
ZykoticK9BlackWeb, X "should" be able to figure it out automagically, if not, you may need to use an xorg.conf file.07:08
ZykoticK9A_J, ok - what are you installing?07:08
aboradyplz how to install grub-pc07:08
sklorpionam testing thems in my irc client, can some1 please say" sklorpio blablabla07:08
BlackWebcause when i try to enable desktop effects it wont work and some applications appear to not work right07:08
ZykoticK9sklorpion, no ;)07:09
sklorpionZykoticK9: thank you :]07:09
r0fs3ck5BlackWeb: your device might not be supported for desktop effects.07:09
BlackWebwithin xorg.conf then I see a section for device: monitor: Screen:07:09
aboradyi get cant start aufs07:09
A_JZykoticK9, ^07:10
ryoohkianyone know about disk partitioning?07:10
A_J!gparted | ryoohki07:10
ubotturyoohki: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php07:10
r0fs3ck5ryoohki: what is your question about disk partitioning?07:10
xokvictorcan anyone tell me, which means that certifiaction of equipment? http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/07:11
aboradyplz help installing grub 207:11
ryoohkihow many partitions can i have on a dual boot windows 7 box?07:11
ryoohkionly one extended partition per disc?07:11
ryoohkii mean disk07:11
r0fs3ck5ryoohki: this is not a Windows 7 help channel07:11
ryoohkidual boot07:12
ZykoticK9A_J, the README in that file just says use the typical: ./configure && make && sudo make install07:12
r0fs3ck5ryoohki: but I can tell you that I have safely run multiple extended partitions.07:12
ryoohkir0fs3ck5: dual boot win7 + ubuntu07:12
ryoohkir0fs3ck5: win7 takes primary partitions 1-307:12
mokmeisteraborady: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub207:12
rodfromaushello, i am running ubuntu 11.04 (completlly new, sorry) and I am unable to connect to the internet via a Dell Inspiron 1525 soooo frustrated any ideas please07:13
squirming_coil24i dont see why anyone wants win 707:13
ryoohkir0fs3ck5: i think that leaves 4 to be extended and then 3 more logical partitions?07:13
ZykoticK9ryoohki, only 1 extended (with a limit of 3 other primary), but unlimited Logical inside that extended (well obviously not unlimited)07:13
A_JZykoticK9, :  make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.07:13
yagooryoohki, if u want to make it easier, use gpt07:13
ryoohkiZykoticK9: seems like the number of logical partitions is limited to 2 or 307:13
ZykoticK9A_J, ? that's why compiling software is a pain.  Sorry man, I have no idea about that.07:13
ZykoticK9ryoohki, way more then 2 or 3!07:14
A_JZykoticK9, i'm a newb at this..07:14
A_Jwhat did i do wrong ?07:14
ryoohkiwhat's the max number of standard pc logical partitions can there be?07:14
ZykoticK9A_J, compiling software is not for new users...07:14
yagooryoohki, modern OSes use gpt.. u don't have to worry about things called "primary" or "logical" partitions, thats for M$ dosmbr styled tables07:14
A_JZykoticK9, i have no other choice07:14
r0fs3ck5ryoohki: is this a practical help request?07:15
ryoohkiZykoticK9: using gparted? i'm using that and it seems to only allow 2 logiocal partitons07:15
ZykoticK9A_J, good luck.07:15
yagooA_J, read the readme.. u may need to use autoconf07:15
A_JZykoticK9, if it's not too much to ask can you make a deb for me ?07:15
ryoohkir0fs3ck5: yeah, i need more partitions for ubuntu since win7 selfishly takes up 3 primary partitions07:15
yagooryoohki, linux doesn't need to be on an 'flagged' partition.. it can be installed even on dosmbr logical partitions.. for its swap or even for /07:16
rodfromausrunning ubuntu 11.04 (completlly new, sorry) and I am unable to connect to the internet via a Dell Inspiron 1525 soooo frustrated any ideas please07:16
leandro220-xa little c++ question?  regarding ubuntu07:16
ryoohkiyagoo: ubuntu only need 1 partion in theory because /boot and swap can be in the lvm07:17
r0fs3ck5ryoohki: what yagoo said.  As long as GRUB can see your Ubuntu partition, you should be fine.07:17
mokmeisterrodfromaus: how are you trying to connect? Wired or wireless?07:17
ryoohkir0fs3ck5: i know but that's not what i am trying to do07:17
yagooryoohki, you're forgetting about swap.07:17
ZykoticK9A_J, did you run "./configure"?  did you get error(s)?  do you have build-essential installed?  I'm currently installing b-e right now, and will attempt to build in a moment, BUT i'm on AMD64.07:18
ryoohkiyagoo: huh?  re-read => ubuntu only need 1 partion in theory because /boot and swap can be in the lvm07:18
leandro220-xmay i ask?07:18
yagooryoohki, lvm volumes you want? you should of asked that07:18
A_JZykoticK9, IT Said abgx360 requires libcurl no I installed that07:18
ryoohkiyagoo: please read what i am trying to do instead of this nonsense07:19
ZykoticK9A_J, s/no/so/ ?07:19
mokmeisterrodfromaus: Do you see lights on your network socket when you plug in your cable?07:19
yagooryoohki, Windows 7 is nonsense. I'm not even going to further take your attitude.07:19
ryoohkiyagoo: it's your attitude that's bad07:19
ryoohkiyagoo: please don't reply to my questions anymore07:19
r0fs3ck5ryoohki: alright, wha tis it that you are trying to do?07:20
ryoohkiyagoo: please pretend i don't exist07:20
ryoohkir0fs3ck5: i said, i want to create the maximmum partitions using standard pc disk formating07:20
ryoohkir0fs3ck5: is the maximum 8 or 16?07:20
A_Ji got a ok for ./configure ZykoticK9 but make and make install don't quite work : http://pastebin.com/yB8huJ5D07:21
abhinav_singhwhat is the difference between bash and dash shell07:21
A_J!dash | abhinav_singh07:22
ubottuabhinav_singh: /bin/sh links to the DASH shell in all releases since Ubuntu Edgy (6.10). Since DASH is not 100% compatible with the BASH shell, some scripts might break. You can make scripts execute using BASH by changing the first line of the script to « #! /bin/bash07:22
ryoohkiabhinav_singh: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debian_Almquist_shell07:22
r0fs3ck5ryoohki: the maximum number of primary partitions is theoretically 407:23
ryoohkiabhinav_singh: dash is a smaller less featurefull shell for executing scripts07:23
ryoohkir0fs3ck5: that's not theory07:23
ZykoticK9A_J, are you sure?  "ls /usr/local/bin/abgx360" does it exist?  Try running it, if it does, "/usr/local/bin/abgx360".07:23
abhinav_singhokay well is dash default shell for ubuntu?07:23
rodfromausmokmeister,  I have run a cable from the back of the router to the laptop, there are lights on the router and yhis pc is running from it07:23
r0fs3ck5ryoohki: and trolling old day to you too.07:23
ryoohkiabhinav_singh: no, bash is for users, some scripts use dash since it's faster07:23
ZykoticK9yagoo, please don't do multi-line stuff like that...07:23
rwwabhinav_singh: dash is the default shell for scripts that run /bin/sh. bash is the default for user logins.07:23
ryoohkir0fs3ck5: what?07:24
abhinav_singhokay ryoohki rww07:24
moltendorfDumb question: I definitely needed to install the sendmail package from apt to get mail sending to work in PHP (most common solution?)? :P07:24
ryoohkiabhinav_singh: rww?07:24
rwwryoohki: hrm?07:24
abhinav_singhryoohki:  rww is the another member in the channel07:24
ryoohkirww: oh - sorry .  didn't see you in there07:24
A_JZykoticK9, yea got the CLI working need the GUI now07:25
sklorpionZykoticK9: again please :]07:25
ZykoticK9sklorpion, no! ;)07:26
yagoomoltendorf, there's the sendmail backend command that can be system() fired from php07:26
ZykoticK9A_J, nice.07:26
A_JZykoticK9,  i just ran it via the path you gave07:26
sklorpionZykoticK9: all works fine, ty :] if u come to Cracow you got beer from me :]07:26
nexacehow could i use grep or some other command line tool to replace all instances of StringA with StringB in every file where it occurs?07:27
moltendorfyagoo: I had php-cgi installed by itself, and emails weren't getting out at all... Installing sendmail via aptitude install sendmail fixed the issue.07:27
yagoonexace, wrong command.. sed does that07:27
ZykoticK9nexace, check out sed07:27
nexaceroger, thank you07:27
yagoomoltendorf, u dont need php to test sendmail.. First type the command "sendmail" with arguments and see if that works first07:27
rodfromausrockmeister | Did you receive my response re the lights?07:28
yagoomoltendorf, you're confusing me.. does it or does it not work?07:28
ryoohkinexace: find /dir/path -xdev -type f -print0 | sed -0 -I '{}' sed -i.backup -e 's/StringA/StringB/g' '{}'07:28
moltendorfyagoo: I was just wondering if I needed it installed for PHP. :P07:29
ryoohkinexace: haven't tried it but it should work07:29
bullgard4nexace: Another solution is find with the exec option.07:29
ryoohkinexace: "sed -i.backup -e 's/StringA/StringB/g' *" if it's just one directory07:29
moltendorfyagoo: It seems so, as I installed it, and reconfigured PHP slightly, which caused it to still not work, reconfigured PHP one more time caused it to work. ;)07:29
A_JZykoticK9,  well he GUI ?07:29
yagoomoltendorf, look up php's system() command.. or maybe it's exec .. i did this along time ago..07:29
moltendorfyagoo: However, does BIND9 need to be installed for sendmail to work?07:29
ryoohkimoltendorf: no07:29
yagoomoltendorf, "."07:30
ZykoticK9A_J, i have no idea man!  sorry didn't know you where waiting on me.07:30
rodfromausMokmeister | you still there?07:30
yagoomoltendorf, forget php. Setup sendmail. As i said.. u dont need php to test the sendmail command07:30
moltendorfyagoo: Would it still be smart for me to set it up, even though I use my domain provider's nameservers for everything?07:30
A_Jkk ZykoticK9 ty, btw can u help me with another issue, it's pretty complicated07:30
yagoomoltendorf, are you a company?07:31
ZykoticK9A_J, dunno, best just to ask the question to the channel - if i have input i'll give it07:31
yagoomoltendorf, hire someone who knows php...07:31
moltendorfyagoo: *d'oh*07:31
moltendorfyagoo: I don't think you understand the nature of my question.07:31
ryoohkimoltendorf: why all the trouble to set up bind9?  if you can "ping -c 1 www.google.com" then tha's all sendmail bneeds07:31
yagooyou're asking too many professional grade questions.. you should at least know about DNS/BIND and how nameservers work with sendmail before anything.07:31
abhinav_singhmoltendorf: yes you will have to install sendmail07:32
ryoohkimoltendorf: yagoo is a troll.  also try a php channel07:32
A_JOkie, My USB trasfer Speeds are at the best horrible, the often slow down to a 100kbps and stall.. I transfer about 100MB of data in 4-5 mins.. Also this data has CRC errors. I have Checked Various pendrives and external HDD's Same problem. What can the Issue Be, it's kinda imp cause i have 2tb of data on this pc07:33
moltendorfI'm asking them because I just transferred from a fleet of managed, pre-configured servers to three colocation servers. :)07:33
ryoohkimoltendorf: all you have to have working is client dns07:33
moltendorf...and I am the sysadmin for them. :)07:33
ryoohkimoltendorf: test dns with "ping -c 1 www.google.com" or "dig +short www.google.com"07:34
moltendorfI got it all working; I was just asking a couple of dumb questions to ensure I don't have bloat on my server. :P07:34
moltendorfI already had dns working, I had that all configured when I initially deployed my boxes on the 18th. :)07:34
ryoohkimoltendorf: then sendmail should work07:35
moltendorfIt does. :P07:35
ryoohkimoltendorf: you can try to run dns yourslef for security but then you might make a mistake and wind up less secure07:35
moltendorfYou guys are so lost at my question and how dumb it actually was, I guess. :P07:35
ryoohkimoltendorf: try asking about sending mail on a php channel07:36
A_JZykoticK9, my question ?07:36
yagooA_J, you get CRC errors on any hd device to that usb prot?07:36
ryoohkimoltendorf: you have a php question, not ubuntu07:36
A_Jall usb ports yagoo07:36
moltendorfIt is ubuntu related...07:36
yagooA_J, really?07:36
DrManhattanis there a repo i need to enable to install skype?07:36
ZykoticK9A_J, sorry not something I have any experience/suggestions with/for.  Good luck man.07:36
A_Jand thats because the transfer stalls, etc07:37
DrManhattanI seem to remember being able to apt-get install that07:37
moltendorfI noticed the issue when PHP was unable to send emails. :P07:37
yagooA_J, does 'dmesg' say anything about resets/07:37
A_Jok np ZykoticK907:37
ryoohkiA_J: what does dmesg say?07:37
* yagoo ignores ryoohki07:37
A_Jwant a pastebin ?07:37
yagooA_J, sure.. (don't feed the troll)07:37
rodfromausMokmeister |is it proper procedure to wait for one who first responded? sorry 1st time here07:38
ryoohkiA_J: no, the errors should repeat, just the main error07:38
A_Jeth1: PCI Bus error 229007:38
elkukahi everyone. I need some help with my laptop. I think swap is not being read or something. natty doesn't give me the option to hibernate. ideas?07:38
moltendorfI was asking if "sendmail" is in ubuntu 11.04 by default in some nature (and as such my installation of the sendmail package was pointless), or if it is not installed by default, and installing the sendmail package is the most common way to get the needed functionality to send emails. :P07:38
ryoohkiA_J: i guess eth1 is usbnet?07:39
A_J eth1: PCI Bus error a29007:39
A_J[28806.003939] 8139too 0000:03:06.0: eth1: PCI Bus error 829007:39
illmortalHey guys! I need to add a list of websites into my host file in order to block these sites, do I need to add, "::" before each IP and address?07:39
yagooA_J, don't paste things in here07:39
rookswhy is gwibber such a resource hog, and are there any ways to handle it?07:39
A_Ji knw07:39
brianb_have a question re compiling  kernel: Question) if you wanted to compile a newer version kernel what version does the GCC have to be i.e. does it have to be the latest version?07:40
ryoohkiA_J: are you using usbnet?  is eth1 your usb network interface?07:41
illmortalor does, "::" just comments them in order to not block them in the host file?07:41
A_J ryoohki i did a dmesg07:41
A_Jand no it's on ethernet07:41
uriQuestion: Ubuntu Natty has eclipse 3.5 (Galileo) as standard package. I would like to install 3.6. Anyone has experience how to install Helios on Natty?07:41
ryoohkiA_J:  i saw.  is eth1 a usb netwrork interface?07:41
elkukaif my gparted everytime I restart is giving me the option to swapon, somehow it's not being used by default. possible?07:42
A_Jno ryoohki07:42
A_Jit must be another card i installed, havent got that working yet07:42
yagooA_J, try opening the machine and see if there are any loose cards07:43
yagooelkuka, swap has to be enabled in /etc/fstab07:43
A_Jthere ok yagoo07:44
qinmoltendorf: Are you asking about server or desktop?07:44
moltendorfServer. :P07:44
moltendorfI'm pretty sure that sendmail is not installed by default though. :P07:45
yagooA_J, you're getting an OOPS.. kernel dump.. there's a module choking somewhere07:45
julekineed help with lubuntu07:45
moltendorfNow my other question is unrelated pretty much...07:45
elkukayagoo that's a textfile. isn't it? well it says # swap was on /dev/sda5 during installation07:45
moltendorfAs I got sendmail to work without it (I thought it required the other thing to be set up properly to work, but it was actually an issue with PHP, not with sendmail or bind9).07:45
qinmoltendorf: During install, you are asked what services you want, so it depense from image used by vps.07:45
A_Jyagoo, how do i fix it ?07:45
moltendorfI only installed OpenSSH.07:46
moltendorfI know there were options for LAMP and Mail server.07:46
moltendorfBut I chose to ignore them as I wanted to configure it all myself.07:46
yagooA_J, maybe it's an irq-sharing conflict. Try allocating resources manually if its the reason07:46
yagooA_J, like in bios has Pnp/irq-sharing options07:46
yagooA_J, or look at any dipswitches on recent new hardware insatlled07:47
A_Jyagoo,  can I access my hdd from a live cd ?07:48
yagooA_J, notice this-> "hda-intel: IRQ timing workaround is activated for card #1. Suggest a bigger bdl_pos_adj."07:48
ryoohkiA_J: this is a usb drive?  how does it showup in df?  /dev/sdb?07:49
DrManhattanhow do I install the utopia bold r normal font?07:49
A_Jryoohki, shows up on desktop.. it automounts07:49
ryoohkiA_J: /media/USBRIVE or soemthing like that?07:50
ryoohkiA_J: it try "df- h"07:50
qinDrManhattan: tff?07:50
yagooA_J, ask in #kernel.. what u can do with bdl_pos_adj.. this is another interest07:51
DrManhattanqin, I think so07:51
* A_J is loosing track07:51
yagooA_J, ignore the troll..07:51
qinDrManhattan: Copy to font folder and update.07:51
A_Jyagoo, it's a hardware issue /07:52
yagooA_J, your output mentions this IRQ timing workaround..07:52
DrManhattanqin, HMM where can I get the fonts? I have a couple I need for the starwars screensaver to work properly07:52
qinDrManhattan: directories are organized by type, it is good to keep it that way.07:52
yagooA_J, i suggest to look into this bdl_pos_adj parameter.. i believe u can pass other options or specify a higher count value for it07:53
qinDrManhattan: acidfonts.????07:53
gulgetting this error with vlc - Your video output acceleration driver does not support the required resolution: 385x282 pixels. The maximum supported resolution is 386x282.07:53
gulVideo output acceleration will be disabled. However, rendering videos with overly large resolution may cause severe performance degration.07:53
ryoohkiA_J: what device is this?  what does "df -h" show it as?07:53
DrManhattanutopia-bold-r-normal-*-*-720-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-180-* helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-240-*07:53
DrManhattanI need those and I suspect im just missing a package07:54
* A_J plugs in device07:54
ryoohkiA_J: sweet!07:54
qinDrManhattan: one sec07:54
ryoohkiA_J: now we'll get some dmesg output07:54
DrManhattanqin- I appreciate the help07:54
qinDrManhattan: This screenserver, from gnome-look or ppa?07:55
DrManhattanpart of the xscreensaver-gl-extra package07:55
DrManhattanbut if that font is missing other programs will complain07:55
=== nb_ is now known as Guest55164
A_Jryoohki, pm ?07:57
ryoohki  A_J sure07:57
gulVideo output acceleration will be disabled. However, rendering videos with overly large resolution may cause severe performance degration. Any idea?07:57
datalaylf IDLE for php development on ubuntu07:57
gulgetting this error with vlc - Your video output acceleration driver does not support the required resolution: 385x282 pixels. The maximum supported resolution is 386x282.Video output acceleration will be disabled. However, rendering videos with overly large resolution may cause severe performance degration. Any idea?07:59
r0fs3ck5gul: sudo dpkg-reconfigure vlc?08:00
DrManhattanqin, I think it might be texfonts08:01
DrManhattanwe'll see08:01
yagoogul, there are video output options in vlc.. if u dont see them then toggle it on with an advanced option08:02
qinDrManhattan: texlive-recomended08:02
DrManhattanyeah im installing it now08:02
DrManhattanI appreciate the help08:02
gulr0fs3ck5: no same error08:02
DrManhattannow if i can figure out what repo i nee to enable for skype08:02
gulyagoo- ??? please clearify08:03
yagooDrManhattan, i never used skype.. does it work good in linux?08:03
evilbugyagoo: skype works fine in linux.08:04
DrManhattanyeah it does08:04
qinDrManhattan: Just get deb from skype website08:04
DrManhattanI usually have to use the static package and run it with PULSE_SERVER=localhost08:04
DrManhattanbut it works great08:04
yagooDrManhattan, hopefully even next year.. who knows maybe M$ might knock off the repo :)))08:04
r0fs3ck5DrManhattan: skype is in the official repositories for the time being08:04
RudyValenciaHow do I force Ubuntu to do an fsck on boot?08:04
DrManhattanugh I forgot about the buyout08:05
yagoo8.5 billion is quite alot..08:05
yagooquite hard to forget that.. it's like one of the biggest company buyouts in history08:05
r0fs3ck5DrManhattan: I've been using ekiga as a fallback08:05
DrManhattanJesus - still not registering with the screensaver08:06
=== ubuntu is now known as WoundedPhoenix
qinDrManhattan: Convert your buddies to ekiga08:06
DrManhattanyeah, right08:06
yagoom$ is going to drop it for linux.. i'm 100% sure..08:06
yagoothere's already Ballmer speeching about integrating it with their products etc etc..08:07
DrManhattanqin, no luck on the fonts08:07
WoundedPhoenixSo I have a disk partitioning question. I've got partition issues and I'm trying to fix it in an ubuntu liveCD. Actually, I want to install ubuntu to the drive, but can't until I fix the partition issues...08:08
FlannelRudyValencia: touch /forcefsck08:08
WoundedPhoenixPartition managers see no partitions on the drive.08:08
WoundedPhoenixBut when I'm booted into the live environ, it'll mount my NTFS just fine.08:08
RudyValenciaFlannel: yeah that works08:09
qinDrManhattan: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xscreensaver/+bug/22236708:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 222367 in xscreensaver (Ubuntu) "Star Wars screensaver doesn't handle non-ASCII well" [Low,Triaged]08:09
DrManhattanqin, that's no biggie - but the font isnt installed08:09
WoundedPhoenixcurrently running gpart in terminal, and it keeps coming up with read errr and short reads, but it's skipping them all.  Any sugesstions on repairing whatever's wrong (or a general "partition issue repair" program) so I don't have to wipe and re-create the partition tabe (effectively losing the data on my NTFS) when I install Ubuntu?08:10
Milosshhello. Where can I set the pref for opening http/https links?08:10
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: You probably have an invalid partition table.08:10
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l"?08:10
WoundedPhoenixMilossh: Preferences: Preferred aplications08:10
WoundedPhoenixJordan_U: one moment08:10
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: Also, the output of "dmesg".08:11
MilosshWoundedPhoenix, yep, but I can't set the web browser, 'cause I didn't install it from packages08:11
Milosshat least I think that's the reason08:11
LigHGood morning.08:12
yagooDrManhattan, you really should drop skype. I bet you linux client will be cut.. so I believe qin is right.. you have to convert :p08:13
LigHUbuntu 11.04 (both 32b and 64b): I have no combobox to switch the desktop (Unity/Classic...) in the login screen bottom bar. Already looking in Launchpad for gdm bugs, but not sure what the correct term is.08:13
yagooWoundedPhoenix, i usually use gparted.. it's easier08:14
r0fs3ck5yagoo: My skype client won't tell me who is online.08:15
WoundedPhoenixJordan_U: Here's the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UsrdedRZ  That's only the parted -l and the last 2048 lines of dmesg, I need to increase my terminal scrollback if you want more, but I think you'll see the issue.08:15
xokvictorwho know why ubuntu.com not responded?08:16
yagooWoundedPhoenix, tee08:17
xokvictoralready worked08:17
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: How was this partition table created? Did you dd an image from a larger drive?08:17
sinistradI'm wanting to move my /home & /var partitions (standard partitions) to another drive (sata raid1). I'm guessing this is easiest done via liveCD or can it be done inside of the running install?08:17
WoundedPhoenixJordan_U: I'm also running gpart so it may be logging to dmesg. if so, ick.08:17
WoundedPhoenixJordan_U: No, this was created originally by a Toshiba Vista restore disk back in 2009.08:18
yagooWoundedPhoenix, are you hotplugging this drive?08:18
WoundedPhoenixJordan_U: Since then I have tried to install Windows XP when Vista crapped out, and since I couldn't get XP to install I told my wife she was going to get a working OS, and learn to like it.08:18
aboradyhey i just install a fresh copy of ubuntu 11.4 after i installed grub 2 i lost the animating ubuntu logo on start up08:19
WoundedPhoenixyagoo: no, it's the master drive for the laptop.08:19
yagooWoundedPhoenix, is it ssd?08:19
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: Odd, because parted thinks that it's describing a partition which is outside the disk, e.g. a partition described as ending 800 GiB into a 500 GiB disk.08:19
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: And parted is rarely wrong.08:19
aboradyits just black then it loads normally evrything is good08:19
WoundedPhoenixJordan_U: yeah I know. I don't have a clue what caused that.08:19
aboradyplz anybody know why animating loho on startup disappeared ?08:20
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l"?08:20
WoundedPhoenixJordan_U: I've got one graphical partition manager to show me the NTFS part, the toshiba partition, and a blank partition of something like multi-hundred terrabytes.08:20
WoundedPhoenixYagoo: SSD?08:20
yagooWoundedPhoenix, i heard of ssd-specialized tools if it's an ssd thats what i was asking08:20
DrManhattanqin, how do I go about installing fonts manually? is there some sort of app for this?08:20
LigHWoundedPhoenix: Solid State Disk08:21
yagoosolidstate drive (meaning non-platter spin disk)08:21
yagoossd are quiet.. no noise..08:21
rhin0help -- dead system -- can take the drive out -- drive is 64 bit ubuntu 10.04 -- I need to put the drive into a 32 bit system -- will the 32 bit mainboard still be able to MOUNT the 64 bit ubuntu volume08:21
yagoorhin0, yes08:21
mac_help me in downloading youtube videos08:21
WoundedPhoenixYagoo: Oh, solid state, no, it's not.08:21
Seventoes|WorkAnyone here good with Munin? #munin hasn't moved for like 4 days08:21
yagoorhin0, an easy solution is to boot with livecd.. muont it and backup data to a usb drive08:22
rhin0right -- mount the ext4 volume from the 32 bit system even though the ext4 volume is part of a 64 bit ubuntu installation08:22
yagoorhin0, correct.08:22
aboradythe ubuntu animating logo at startup disappeared , can anybody help ?08:22
WoundedPhoenixJordan_U: Any idea on a good application to fix the partition table damage?08:22
rhin0yagoo it just went *pop* and then nothing --- I get the impression that it could be the main unit has blown the power supply08:22
yagoorhin0, oh..08:22
rhin0so I won't plug a brand new power supply into the main unit -- separate power supply08:22
yagoorhin0, that's bad..08:22
rhin0because power supplies like on dell optiplex don't just "blow" for nothing08:23
rhin0yes it is bad but If I get the data back its less bad08:23
yagoorhin0, just get an ext enclosure for it.. backup what u can as soon as u turn it on.. if u cant then well bad luck :/08:23
rhin0an ext enclosure yagoo?08:23
yagoothose boxes where u place the harddrive in.. that's (external enclosure)08:24
rhin0gotcha you mean a new system08:24
yagoothat's called system unit (geek talk:))08:24
yagoothis is ext enclosure..08:24
* rhin0 honks I am a geek too08:24
yagooor more accurately called hd ext enclosure08:25
rhin0its going into an older dell I have nothing that specialised08:25
yagooat least this way u can minimize damage to other systems u try the faulty drive on08:25
rhin0unlikely a drive will have BLOWN UP THE PC or power supply08:25
yagoowell it can knock out the whole usb controller08:26
r0fs3ck5yagoo: It would be pretty rare for a hdd to damage the PSU or MB08:26
aboradyheeeeey my usplash disappeared08:27
aboradyubuntu 11.408:27
aboradyany suggestions08:27
yagooaborady, maybe it's not compatible08:28
aboradyit stopped since install grub 208:28
Jordan_U!pm | mac_08:28
ubottumac_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.08:28
yagooaborady, u talking about an .xpm ?08:28
WoundedPhoenixHmm okay, so no one with a suggestion? heh I'm at my wits end, with around 50 gigs of data I don't want to lose.08:28
nincompooopWoundedPhoenix: disk failure?08:29
yagooWoundedPhoenix, can u mount the partition?08:29
aboradyam atalking about animating ubuntu logo on startup08:29
Jordan_Uaborady: Can you pastebin your /etc/default/grub?08:29
WoundedPhoenixYagoo: yes, but I have no place to offload it to.08:29
yagooWoundedPhoenix, did u try gparted?08:29
sklorpionim using conky, when i start it manually its ok, but when i put it in autostart of gnome i makes strange window which is always "on top"? Any suggestions?08:29
yagoothe download is like 100 meg for the livecd iso08:29
nincompooopWoundedPhoenix: I would volunteer some disk space, but... I'm not a good candidate for that... XD08:29
WoundedPhoenixYagoo: gparted shows no partitions.08:30
nincompooopsklorpion: change the "on top" setting in the config files?08:30
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: fixparts is good, but before you actually apply any changes be sure you understand what exactly has gone wrong.08:30
nincompooopsklorpion: conky doesn't have bad documentation, try googling it.08:30
amin`hello I have dell laptop and I have and update my BIOS from the time i bought it, more than 2 years how could I update my BIOS  do I have to find each update chronologically and apply them one by one or the latest one suffice08:30
amin`hello I have dell laptop 154508:31
* WoundedPhoenix looks up fixparts08:31
nincompooopamin`: each bios "package" should contain the COMPLETE BIOS08:31
nincompooopnot some incremental change file08:31
sklorpionnincompooop: but strange thing is that it works grate and normally when i lunch it manually. Problem appear when i put it in autostart of gnome, then window looks different08:31
amin`nincompooop: so the latest one is enough08:32
nincompooopsklorpion: hmm, maybe they have a channel on IRC...08:32
nincompooopamin`: mmhm08:32
yagooamin`, bios upgrades are independent of each other.. so the latest bios doesn't have to apply to the just prior version for upgrade08:32
amin`nincompooop: means YEs?08:32
nincompooopamin`: yes.08:32
amin`nincompooop: how should i do It use ubuntu and have no windows access?08:32
yagooamin`, (if u have v3 and want v5.. u don't need to upgrade to v4 first< for example)08:32
sklorpionnincompooop: yes they do i'll go there08:32
amin`nincompooop: any special package?08:32
amin`yagoo: have should i do it?08:33
nincompooopamin`: your laptop should have some method of "flashing" it in... EG: writing it to a CD, having it on a flash drive, writing it onto a floppy disk08:33
aboradyi pastebin my /etc/default/grub08:33
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: Please pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l".08:33
yagooamin`, u can read the release notes.. most of the time bios upgrades are not problematic08:34
yagooamin`, if its a laptop of course plugin the ac adapter08:34
WoundedPhoenixJordan_U: one sec08:34
amin`nincompooop: `you mean I do not have to install windows and the install BOIS update software on it?08:34
nincompooopamin`: nope.08:35
Jordan_Uaborady: Remove " splash vga=769" from GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX.08:35
nincompooopamin`: there are usually multiple ways to update bios...08:35
nincompooopamin`: try finding some documentation on how to do it outside of windows.08:35
bolt12hi Everyone08:35
WoundedPhoenixJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/qbWj4kdA08:35
Jordan_Uaborady: splash is already included in GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT and "vga=769" is depricated and will at best do nothing.08:35
nincompooopamin`: for example, my ATOM motherboard supports doing it in windows, out of a CD, out of a flash drive, booting off of a "special" OS, and "backup mode"08:36
amin`nincompooop: it just says: TWO ways: for windows and ssecond the dos mode for non-windows user..08:37
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: It looks like you just took the output from "sudo parted -l" and replaced "parted" with "fdisk". I need the actual output of "sudo fdisk -l".08:37
WoundedPhoenixduh sorry08:37
nincompooopamin`: you can write a CD with DOS in it and write it that way...08:37
WoundedPhoenixno wait08:37
aborady<Jordan_U> ok i gonna restart and see08:37
yagooWoundedPhoenix, sr0 is cdrom/dvdrom thats not ur harddrive08:38
WoundedPhoenixthat IS the output of sudo fdisk -l08:38
amin`nincompooop: okie dokie?08:38
amin`just write the drive on cd and it is bootable08:38
WoundedPhoenixJordan_U: Here, here it is with /dev/sda specified http://pastebin.com/ATnKGSvv08:39
aborady<Jordan_U> i still see black screen instead of the splash08:40
yagooWoundedPhoenix, that fdisk is old considering 2006 :./08:40
yagooWoundedPhoenix, try doing it under #08:41
aborady<Jordan_U> after i select ubuntu from grub menu i see black screen till login08:41
WoundedPhoenixYagoo: 10.0408:41
yagooWoundedPhoenix, is it gpt or dosmbr?08:42
WoundedPhoenixdosmbr i think08:42
nincompooopamin`: http://www.nenie.org/misc/flashbootcd.html << looks like a good guide08:43
DrManhattanjesus this sucks with the fonts.08:43
WoundedPhoenixgot the puter in, uhm, 200808:43
yagooDrManhattan, i always use Terminus font08:43
nincompooopDrManhattan: what fonts? (just wondering)08:43
WoundedPhoenixyagoo: http://pastebin.com/0UX8r9wu08:43
WoundedPhoenixJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/0UX8r9wu08:43
WoundedPhoenixsame results.08:43
WoundedPhoenixbut as root.08:43
WoundedPhoenixtelling you. it's fdisk.08:43
yagooWoundedPhoenix, what edition is the livecd ?/08:44
nincompooopyagoo: 0.o08:44
yagoo(don't use chroot)08:44
nincompooopyagoo: the liveCDs have different versions...08:44
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: Can you pastebin the output of "fdisk --version"?08:44
yagoonincompooop, I know that.08:44
WoundedPhoenixyagoo: 10.04 (lynx)08:44
WoundedPhoenixGnu fdisk 1.2.408:45
yagooJordan_U, he already did.. are u looking at his links?08:45
WoundedPhoenixJordan_U: That's really not pastebin necessary.. GNU fdisk 1.2.408:45
yagooWoundedPhoenix, did u use the ubuntu installer to make partitions or did u use another partition tool before?08:45
WoundedPhoenixyagoo: Partitions were in place on the drive before.08:46
yagooWoundedPhoenix, using what?08:46
aboradyheeeey i dunno wheres my usplash08:46
WoundedPhoenixYagoo: Partitions were made by the Toshiba Windows Vista restore disk.08:46
aboradycan i reinstall it or something08:46
yagooWoundedPhoenix, it may have made gpt table then..08:46
WoundedPhoenixYagoo: when I reinstalled vista back in 2009.08:46
yagooWoundedPhoenix, it's likely a gpt table..08:47
WoundedPhoenixyagoo: How do I tell?08:47
yagooWoundedPhoenix, so this means that any tool older than a year for gpt tool in linux isn't good08:47
WoundedPhoenixYagoo: What's a good partition tool for gpt?  That way I can partition my drive and still install linux.08:47
WoundedPhoenixSpeaking of, this is a question I should know the answer to, but...08:48
yagooWoundedPhoenix, the one i mentioned awhile ago.. :).. it does dosmbr and gpt very well (gparted)08:48
yagooalso the one u used parted i believe does gpt good as well08:48
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: That's the exact output you get from running exactly "fdisk --help"?08:48
WoundedPhoenixYagoo: I have gparted on this system. I guess I just need to upate it ;)08:48
WoundedPhoenixJordan_U: you didn't ask for --help, you asked for --version08:49
aboradyhey i keep asking but nobody reply08:49
yagooWoundedPhoenix, gparted gui is smart.. it does e2fsck automatically for u08:49
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: Sorry, I meant is that the exact output you get from exactly "fdisk --version"?08:49
aboradyplz can anybody help me with my problem my Usplash is gone08:49
yagooaborady, look into anything with .xpm .. i'm guessing ur talkinb about grub's splash screen08:49
nincompooopaborady: sudo dpkg-reconfigure usplash?08:49
WoundedPhoenixThis is a stupid question I should know the answer to, but if I install 10.04, and use the automatic updates, it will update me (eventually) to the latest version, right? with the new dock, and all the new spiffyness? Or do I have to download the CD and re-install/upgrade?08:50
aboradyis not installed and no info is available.08:50
yagooaborady, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/startup-manager-change-settings-in-grub-grub2-and-usplash.html08:50
DrManhattanchrist on a crutch I can't believe it's this difficult to install a friggin font08:50
yagooDrManhattan, it's easy.. u copy to ~/.fonts and fc-cache -<> something parameter08:51
rww!upgrade | WoundedPhoenix08:51
ubottuWoundedPhoenix: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade08:51
DrManhattanyeah well, I can't seem to find the proper helvetica or utopia08:51
rwwWoundedPhoenix: in short, you'd need to change some settings to receive non-LTS upgrade notes, then upgrade 10.04 -> 10.10 -> 11.0408:51
rwwWoundedPhoenix: or do nothing, wait until April 2012 and go 10.04 -> 12.04.08:52
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: What is the exact output you get from running exactly "fdisk --version"? Sorry for asking so many questions that may seem trivial. This is the last one.08:52
mh512hi, is there anyway to boot w/o X from the grub menu?08:52
yagooJordan_U, he already answered that. it's also on his pasteboards08:52
mh512I cant boot after installing "pointing devices"08:52
=== PCdoc is now known as NiK
yagoomh512, a packagename can't have a space in it.. you liar! :p08:53
=== NiK is now known as PCdoc
yagoomh512, u can try ctl-alt-f<#> ..08:53
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro08:53
WoundedPhoenixJordan_U: root@ubuntu:~# fdisk --version08:54
WoundedPhoenixGNU Fdisk 1.2.408:54
aboradystartup manager is missing options here08:54
mh512i cant get to the ctrl-alt-f<#> stage08:54
aboradyno appearance tab08:54
aboradyno show boot splash option08:54
aboradyi already installed it b4 and when i see ur link i knew theres something strange08:54
WoundedPhoenixJordan_U: but I just downloaded gparted (the latest version) to see if that works with the drive (i.e. it's a gpt?? table)08:55
yagooaborady, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingUsplash08:55
yagooWoundedPhoenix, gpt is better08:55
yagooWoundedPhoenix, but not all linux tools are updated for it.. so use gnu-fdisk/parted/gparted08:56
yagooWoundedPhoenix, that 2006 gnu-fdisk is too old imho08:56
WoundedPhoenixfunny, that's what 10.04 installed. heh.08:57
yagooaborady, I use 'wiki ubuntu' in my google search to find those urls08:59
aboradymy issue is strange08:59
aboradyi've no /etc/usplash.conf file08:59
yagooaborady, google08:59
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: yagoo: I am sorry but that's simply not possible. Among other things fdisk, unlike parted and most other commands, does not accept long arguments (even --version). "fdisk --version" should have given you an error message, and your other pastes are consistent with you not actually running fdisk but instead modifying the output of parted. That or you are not using Ubuntu but instead another distribution with an entirely different fdisk ...08:59
Jordan_U... from any I have seen before (and whose output exactly matches that of parted). The most likely explanation I can think of is that you are lying, though I don't know why.08:59
aboradyi'm searching now i happened b4 with 10.10 but startup  manager solve it09:00
aboradyno it cant be solve by startupmanager09:00
yagooJordan_U, i don't know the details how gpt is treated with 10.x ubuntu.. probably the ubuntu installer 10.x by default prefers dosmbr for its included tools09:01
WoundedPhoenixJordan_U: thanks for the vote of confidence.09:01
yagooJordan_U, also the package gnu-fdisk is replacing the older fdisk which does not do gpt09:01
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yagooWoundedPhoenix, ^ meant to say that to you09:02
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: OK, it appears there is another version of fdisk which is based on libparted, but it is not installed in Ubuntu by default.09:02
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: Can you install uninstall the package "gnu-fdisk" and provide the output of "sudo fdisk -l"?09:03
yagoofdisk is gnu-fdisk09:03
sklorpionquestion: i need temp from my CPU so i did /usr/bin/sensors | grep Core1 | cut -c15-16 | xargs       but the problem is im getting "20 22" and i want only one number. How and what i should modify?09:03
=== squirming_coil24 is now known as squirmatic
yagooit's the same binary name.. but it's not the tradidional fdisk that doesnt do gpt09:03
Jordan_Uyagoo: No, gnu-fdisk isn't even in main.09:03
=== squirmatic is now known as squiratic
sini_laptopI installed 2 drives as raid1, and set them up in bios (the motherboard supports it). gpt still sees them as 2 drives (sda & sdc)09:04
WoundedPhoenixJordan_U: The package gnu-fdisk is installed.09:04
Jordan_Uyagoo: The standard fdisk is from util-linux, not GNU.09:04
Seventoes|Workis there a "right" way to make init-d scripts run as another user?09:04
sklorpion   /usr/bin/sensors    <- this gives me 4 numebers in each line so i grep to have Core1 temp, but those are two, i donno how to cut one off09:04
yagooWoundedPhoenix, http://gparted.sourceforge.net/download.php09:04
WoundedPhoenixQuick question, what would the most likely /dev/??? be for my multi-card reader?09:04
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: Please uninstall it. I need the standard util-linux version of fdisk's output.09:04
WoundedPhoenixJordan_U: can do.09:05
akashm1990can the colour of the GRUB bootloader be changed?09:05
yagooWoundedPhoenix, this fdisk, you installed this fdisk outside from ubuntu?09:05
=== squiratic is now known as squirmionysis
Jordan_Uakashm1990: Yes.09:06
yagooakashm1990, i'm sure it ican09:06
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WoundedPhoenixyagoo: No, I installed gnu-fdisk from within ubuntu.09:06
akashm1990Jordan_U,could you tell me how?09:06
=== squirmy is now known as squirmz
yagooWoundedPhoenix, ok.. that makes Jordan_U troll#2 today :)09:06
=== squirmz is now known as squirmion
yagooJordan_U, you're a noob.09:06
rww!noob | yagoo09:07
ubottuyagoo: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.09:07
rwwyagoo: Additionally, please don't call people trolls. It doesn't help the situation and makes things more difficult for the channel operators.09:07
=== squirmion is now known as squirming
WoundedPhoenixJordan_U: okay, now it starts with this:09:08
WoundedPhoenixroot@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu# fdisk --version09:08
WoundedPhoenixfdisk: invalid option -- '-'09:08
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: Sorry for the accusation by the way, I was not aware of another version of fdisk and believe it or not I have had to recently deal with people modifying output of commands to hide things.09:08
=== squirming is now known as squirming_coil
=== squirming_coil is now known as squirmingcoilofs
yagooJordan_U, you obviously don't know how to help him with his problem.. Can you let me help him?09:08
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: Good, that's the version I want then :)09:08
=== squirmingcoilofs is now known as squirmingcoil
WoundedPhoenixJordan_U: no worries. My sd card reader isn't working under the live CD or I would have pasted a youtube link of my bloody well typing "fdisk --version" and showing the output, lol, and we would have left it there. :P  But seriously, no worries.09:09
WoundedPhoenixoka, so what do you need from it?09:09
yagooWoundedPhoenix, dude.. that's completely new story..09:09
c1728p9is this the right place to ask install questions?09:09
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: The output of "sudo fdisk -lu".09:09
yagooWoundedPhoenix, that is not a HARDDRIVE :)09:10
rwwsquirmingcoil: 'sokay. just don't do it again ;)09:11
WoundedPhoenixJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/qt3JywaB09:11
squirmingcoilya i was registering some stuff and i forgot u could see it09:11
squirmingcoilmy bad09:11
PCdocWoundedPhoenix: can u plz re-tell the initial problem u have ?09:11
c1728p9when ubuntu is installed is the windows master boot recored overwritten?09:12
squirmingcoilide like to kno that as well09:12
PCdocc1728p9: yep and u need to recover windows for that ...09:12
WoundedPhoenixPCdoc: PArtition managers cannot locate partitions when I go to install ubuntu. However, ubuntu live CD recognizes and mounts my NTFS just fine.09:13
WoundedPhoenixPCdoc: I'm using 10.0409:13
squirmingcoildo you have to nuke a hard drive to get rid of all traces of an operating system?09:13
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: The problem is sda2 which according to the partition table ends at sector 234452609 , even though your drive is only 234441648 sectors large.09:13
WoundedPhoenixI'm working on installing the latest version of gparted so to see if the last time the drive was partitioned it was done in the new-fangled style09:13
yagooWoundedPhoenix, use the livecd?09:13
PCdocWoundedPhoenix: i asked coz i recently fixed my pc ... the other ntfs and logical drives and usb drives were not mounting after I upgraded to 11.04 from 10.1009:14
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: You are not using GPT.09:14
c1728p9PCdoc: do you need the windows install disk to return the master boot record to what it was before the install?09:14
WoundedPhoenixJordan_U: So how do I fix the overrun?09:14
PCdocc1728p9: u want to dual boot ?09:14
onetwohi i need some help concerning a connection to a specific ip adress..i cannot ping and cannot tracert to that ip..when i use a webtool for this the server answers as desired..so i think my routing is somehow affected..i have tried to reset and clear dns cache but still no success09:14
insoHjälp behövs09:14
c1728p9PCdoc: yeah but im afraid im gonna mess it up and not be able to fix the mbr09:15
PCdocc1728p9: dont b i have .. fixed them a lot of times :P09:15
sini_laptopI'm trying to install 2 drives as raid1. The drives show up in bios, and I set them as mirrored. When I view them in fdisk -l or gparted, they show up as 2 disks instead of 1. I'm wanting to move /home and /var to the raid partitions. How should I go about this?09:15
PCdocit wont destroy ur data :P09:15
iceman8489hey when i run  echo 'main(){}' > dummy.c && gcc -o dummy dummy.c i get the error collect2: cannot find 'ld'09:15
c1728p9PCdoc: yeah but i dont' have the windows install cd.  Can i fix it without that?09:15
WoundedPhoenixinso: Är det möjligt för dig att tala på engelska?09:15
PCdocc1728p9: yeah just hang on09:16
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: You can fix it within fdisk by deleting that partiton entry and replacing it with one which has the same starting point but ends at the end of the disk rather than past the end.09:16
PCdocdo u have the live ubuntu cd ?09:16
c1728p9PCdoc: yeah, I havent worked up enough guts to install it though lol09:16
WoundedPhoenixJordan_U: won't that destroy all the data on that partition?09:17
yagooWoundedPhoenix, gparted live cd allows to resize ntfs non-destructively09:17
WoundedPhoenixyagoo: what about gparted running from ubuntu livecd ;)09:17
yagooWoundedPhoenix, I can only guess earlier whether it may be gpt/dosmbr it's irrelevant now.. looking at that last post09:17
WoundedPhoenixcause I can't burn a CD when I'm running a liveCD09:18
yagooWoundedPhoenix, thats fine.. it's dosmbr09:18
c1728p9PCdoc: also how hard it is to set ubuntu as my default though the new linux mbr?09:18
iceman8489hey when i run  echo 'main(){}' > dummy.c && gcc -o dummy dummy.c i get the error collect2: cannot find 'ld'09:18
PCdocc1728p9: u need to install startup-manager from the synaptic manager09:19
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manlymatt83Question... the new Ubuntu 11.04 takes some getting used to.  I accidentally hit the "windows" key and somehow opened up banshee (since it is linked to "listen to music") and all of a sudden all these directories got created, like Ubuntu One, etc.  Ubuntu won't auto-sync my music anywhere or anything like that without me explicitly signing up right?09:19
PCdocor u can use sudo apt-get install startup-manager from the terminal09:19
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: No. An entry in a partition table is simply some bits stating where a partition starts and where it ends, changing the partition table alone doesn't change the contents at all (though if you make the new partition entry wrong then the filesystem contained within the partition will not be properly accessible).09:19
yagooWoundedPhoenix, however the ubuntu installer may set the wrong boot partition for winbloze.. just change the # afterwards (bootmgr is not on /dev/sda1 )09:19
PCdocfrom there u can choose what operating system u wanna default and set timeout if none is selected etc09:19
c1728p9PCdoc: can i install that after i install ubuntu?09:19
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: Fixparts will probably fix the partition table for you in an automated way if you'd prefer.09:19
c1728p9PCdoc: ok cool09:19
PCdocc1728p9: that is to be installed only after installing u ubuntu09:19
yagooWoundedPhoenix, u dont have to worry about partition resizing.. gparted is included in the ubuntu installer.. (gparted resizes filesystem and updates partition table)09:20
tx0105i've given up on Unity09:20
yagooWoundedPhoenix, trust me.09:20
tx0105hopefully it magically becomes amazing in 11.1009:20
Jordan_Uyagoo: As libparted refuses to modify partition tables which are invalid in this way gparted will not be able to fix this particular issue.09:21
WoundedPhoenixyagoo: I'm using Ubunto 10.04, remember?09:21
c1728p9PCdoc: can you turn the timout off for choosing an operating system?09:21
c1728p9PCdoc: well not turn it off, just have it automatically go to one operating system09:21
yagooWoundedPhoenix, i'm saying don't use the manual tools.. it's too cumbersome.. if u use a partition editor in command mode.. u have to make sure u do both->filesystem resize and partitiontable update.. gparted takes off all this worries and does both transparently09:21
WoundedPhoenix=The stuff included with 10.04 dos NOT recognize my partitions, and will NOT fix them automatically. the gparted included with ubuntu 10.04 does NOT fix it.09:22
iceman8489hi can someone help me out09:22
PCdocc1728p9: if u select none when it asks u .. it will automatically load the default one09:22
yagooWoundedPhoenix, you mentioned other things like sdcards.. try unplugging everything else and have just that drive seen09:22
WoundedPhoenixyagoo: If I do an install I have two options 1) format the entire drive 2) do it manually, which gives me 1 option: create a new partition that covers some or all of the entire drive.09:22
WoundedPhoenixnothing was plugged in then.09:22
PCdocafter a timeout seconds u have set09:22
PCdoclike i have set to 10 seconds09:23
c1728p9PCdoc: can i just set one as the primary so there is no countdown?09:23
lillem4nIf my touchpad stops working, and it starts working if I reboot. Is there a way to fix it again without rebooting?09:23
PCdocc1728p9: its difficult to tell step by step so here is the link u shld read them and follow the steps .. the steps for recovering ubuntu after windows or recovering  windows after ubuntu are almost same https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows09:23
bullgard4[OO.o 3.2] What does an embedded HSQL database do with the information contained in its file /database/script?09:24
WoundedPhoenixok, I'm going to try to fx this with fdisk. if that dont work install the new gparted. if THAT dont work, im taking 4 freaking xanax and going to bed because I am literally shaking, I've been trying to get this computer working for over a week.09:24
c1728p9PCdoc: ok thanks09:24
PCdocc1728p9: if u set that then there's no need for dual bot .. just have ubuntu or windows and delete the other os09:24
WoundedPhoenixand no not only on linux.09:24
fratzbcanybody having knowledge of gidentd?09:24
PCdocdual boot *09:24
iceman8489het when i run  echo 'main(){}' > dummy.c && gcc -o dummy dummy.c i get the error collect2: cannot find 'ld'09:24
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: Since the partition table is incorrect be prepared for the fileystem to be damaged already if it also was trying to use an area of the disk which does not exist. The good news is that the area past the end of the disk was less than 10 MiB large, so I doubt there will be any data loss.09:25
PCdocWoundedPhoenix: one reason for not detecting partitions at install or afterr install is the partition is damaged or is in incorrect order09:25
PCdocyeah Jordan_U :)09:25
yagooWoundedPhoenix, looking again at ur fdisk list.. why is partiton 1 id 27?09:26
WoundedPhoenixJordan_U: yeah, I won't be crying much if it's lost09:26
KM0201c1728p9: i *believe* if you set grub2 "Timeout" to -1   it turns the countdown off09:26
WoundedPhoenixyagoo: It's a Toshiba factory/system partition.09:26
WoundedPhoenixIt contains a boot image and boot loader.09:26
WoundedPhoenixI have no effing clue what's on it as I've never managed to get it to boot.09:26
yagooWoundedPhoenix, it's probably protected09:27
yagooWoundedPhoenix, that's outside my scope..09:27
PCdocJordan_U: i used testdisk software in terminal to fix the mounting problem after upgrading to 11.04 from 10.1009:27
WoundedPhoenixI'm going to try to figure out how to get it to boot in GRUB one of these days.09:27
WoundedPhoenixcause I'm curious as heck as to what's on it.09:27
yagooWoundedPhoenix, is this a laptop?09:27
WoundedPhoenixyagoo: ya.09:27
yagooWoundedPhoenix, what's hte model?09:27
KM0201WoundedPhoenix: i doubt yuo'll get a restore partition to boot in grub, but it's possible i guess09:27
WoundedPhoenixSatellite A215-S580809:27
KM0201WoundedPhoenix: what have you done to try and get it to boot.?09:28
DrManhattanhow can I get vsync in flash videos09:28
DrManhattanI don't care for the line in them09:28
DrManhattanI have applied the setting in nvidia-settings, however flash appears to ignore it09:28
WoundedPhoenixKM0201: tried a few different techniques a friend told me in the windows boot loader (XP)09:28
KM0201WoundedPhoenix: well thats dumb right from the get go09:29
PCdocWoundedPhoenix: use this in windows (if u have) http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk to automatically fix the corrupted partition09:29
KM0201WoundedPhoenix: out of curiosity, did you try F10, while booting?09:29
yagooWoundedPhoenix, research see if toshiba bios is protecting the partition table09:29
KM0201WoundedPhoenix: http://www.techsupportforum.com/forums/f108/solved-toshiba-a210-recovery-partition-326954.html09:29
PCdoc<< bbl09:30
BlessJahbzip2 gzip xz zip lzip lzma, which is best for compressing 500MB mpeg file? (which will produce smallest file)09:31
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: I'm writing up instructions now.09:31
Henke37I was dualbooting ubuntu with windows 7, it's been a while since I last used ubuntu and now it only shows some error about ntfs or something before rebooting before I can read the error09:31
yagooWoundedPhoenix, what's the bios version? apparently there's a bootissue fix for one of the bios editions09:32
riz|workBlessJah: mpeg is already compressed, zip won't save you much09:33
BlessJahriz|work: and rest of them?09:33
yagooWoundedPhoenix, upgrade to the latest bios.. it may do some magiv09:33
WoundedPhoenixKM0201: f10? no... what does f10 do?09:34
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: Ok. First unmount sda1 and sda2 (if they're mounted) "sudo umount /dev/sda1; sudo umount /dev/sda2" should do that (and if they're already unmounted it won't hurt anything). Then run "sudo parted -u /dev/sda" that should bring you to a new prompt. Type "d" (for Delete) and hit return. Then type "2" for partition 2, then type "n" for new partition, "p" for primary, "2" to create partition number 2, "3074048" to have it start at sector ...09:34
WoundedPhoenixf10 isn't a listed option on my bootscreen09:34
riz|workBlessJah: doesn't matter which, you could convert the video to lower quality to make smaller09:34
Jordan_U... 3074048, then just hit enter to choose the default end sector, then "p" to print the new partition table. After all that no changes will have been made on disk. Pastebin the entire session of fdisk and if it looks good I'll have you write the new partition table to disk with "w".09:34
KM0201WoundedPhoenix: according to that link, you press F10, and it boots your restore partition.09:34
BlessJahriz|work: ok, thx09:34
KM0201WoundedPhoenix: so what... just reboot, and at the bios screen, keep pressing F1009:35
bullgard4[OO.o 3.2] What does an embedded HSQL database do with the information contained in its file /database/script?09:35
WoundedPhoenixoh cool09:35
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: I made a typo in my instructions. That should be "sudo fdisk -u /dev/sda" not "sudo parted -u /dev/sda".09:35
WoundedPhoenixJordan_U: HAH! PWNED!09:35
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: :)09:35
WoundedPhoenixcouldn't resist.09:35
yagoobullgard4, runs it?09:36
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bullgard4yagoo: Where do you know from? At what time does it do that?09:37
yagooWoundedPhoenix, "Updated Phoenix 1.49 core code to correct a Windows Vista and Windows 2000 SATA drive slow boot issue." http://www.csd.toshiba.com/cgi-bin/tais/support/jsp/modelContent.jsp?ct=DL&os=&category=&moid=1909190&rpn=PSAFGU&modelFilter=A215-S5808&selCategory=3&selFamily=1073768663#09:37
yagooWoundedPhoenix, there's improvement code for the bios when it comes to the hd performance09:38
=== godfrey is now known as Guest85973
oscarr_Hello. How do I install gcc 4.1 on Natty? apt-get only seems to have 4.4 and 4.509:40
WoundedPhoenixJordan_U: you still typing, or did I miss some?09:40
DrManhattanhow can I get vsync in flash videos? I have applied the setting in nvidia-settings, however flash appears to ignore it.09:40
Guest85973Is there anyone using ipv6?09:41
DrManhattanI need some help installing the helvetica fonts09:42
DrManhattanthey dont see to show up in my screensavers09:42
yagooDrManhattan, look into fc-cache09:42
bullgard4oscarr_: I would suggest that you use Ubuntu 10.04 for that endeavour.09:42
yagooDrManhattan, copy the font to .fonts09:42
alesan_hi the clock at the top of the bar (I am using the "classic view") is "cut" meaning that I can read 10.4 instead of 10.48; what should I do?09:42
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: That's everything (though It had to be split into two comments with '...' since there is a length limit to IRC comments).09:43
WoundedPhoenixJordan_U: I only got one of them.09:43
WoundedPhoenixbut I think I got the gist09:43
DannyButtermanDrManhattan : sudo fc-cache -fv09:43
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: ... 3074048, then just hit enter to choose the default end sector, then "p" to print the new partition table. After all that no changes will have been made on disk. Pastebin the entire session of fdisk and if it looks good I'll have you write the new partition table to disk with "w".09:44
oscarr_bullgard4: I've spent an entire day configuring my Natty box for this program which seems to need gcc 4.1, and I'd rather not do it all over from scratch.09:44
DrManhattanyeah it doesn't work, says unable to load font, using fixed09:44
DrManhattanmolecule: unable to load font "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-180-*", using "fixed"09:45
sklorpioni got question to hddtemp, if i run it in console hddtemp /dev/sdc  it works, but not as a deamon why? when i run deamon nc brings me |/dev/sdc|???|ERR|*|09:45
* yagoo uses "<command> |tee outputtoohere.txt "09:45
bullgard4oscarr_: Depending on your situation, you may spend even more setup time with using gcc 4.1 on Natty.09:46
yagooDrManhattan, it cant find hint information09:46
oscarr_bullgard4: any particular reason why it's not available on 11.10?09:46
yagooDrManhattan, use a compatible font09:46
alesan_how do I install the REAL acrobat reader?09:46
ubottuThe Portable Document Format is created by Adobe; PDF files are viewable in Ubuntu with Xpdf, Okular, Evince and also Adobe Reader (free download, but closed source)09:47
DrManhattanyagoo, it works just fine in every other distro I've tried09:47
onetwoalesan_, winetricks09:47
WoundedPhoenixJordan_U: nah, I've done enough partition work to know it looked fine to write.  I was just worried about losing data from modifying it. But what the hell, I had to take a chance either way, so.09:47
DrManhattanyagoo, thats also the default font09:47
alesan_onetwo, ??09:47
yagooDrManhattan, maybe09:47
bullgard4oscarr_: Technical progress in Linux kernel development.09:47
onetwoalesan, you need wine and winetricks..there you can install the adobe reader09:47
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: I would boot into Windows and run chkdsk on sda2 before doing anything else just to be sure.09:47
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe
onetwoalesan_, if you need just a pdf viewer take an alternative09:48
alesan_no I need the real acrobat reader09:48
WoundedPhoenixI don't have a windows install anymore in preparation to install ubuntun, I deleted windows from the live CD, then went to install and ran into all these wonderful problems.09:48
alesan_I found it is more precise when printing09:48
robin0800oscarr_, its also in the partner reprositries09:48
onetwoalesan_, then wine..09:48
yagooWoundedPhoenix, gparted does checkdisk automatically if u resize ntfs/fat3209:48
WoundedPhoenixI should try to reinstall windows, heh, see if it works now. lol09:48
insoIf anyone has the time, could you have a look at my thread in the ubuntu forums? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=177108809:48
alesan_why wine what are you talking about09:48
inso*could anyone09:48
alesan_there is an acrobat for linux from adobe09:49
alesan_maybe they even have a 64bit version09:49
alesan_oh I found itn synaptics nevermind09:49
JurajHello, I would like to install Ubuntu as dual boot on HP notebook (new), but loading is just stuck now, before I reseted unbuntu on partition part of instalation. looked on forum no good advise there for me :(09:49
yagooalesan_, so..?09:49
alesan_yagoo, so why should I use wine?09:49
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=== Scheissekopfhass is now known as themacg33k
yagooalesan_, people drink wine09:50
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yagooalesan_, what's da matta boy you too young :pp09:50
onetwoalesan_, oh didnt know there is a linux version09:50
oscarr_bullgard4: thank you very much for your answer. I'll start all over with 10.04. But I would like to know some more about the reasons behind it. I'm no kernel hacker, but I can read and understand tech documents. Are there any discussions on it?09:50
DrManhattanso, basically no solution for the fonts issue except "use another font"?09:50
DrManhattanand no vsync in flash video?09:50
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: There only way to really fix an ntfs partition is within Windows, so I'd boot a Windows install CD and use the recovery shell (or whatever it's called) to run chkdsk.09:51
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DrManhattanso, basically no solution for the fonts issue except "use another font"?09:51
DrManhattanand no vsync in flash video?09:52
WoundedPhoenixJordan_U: this is really annoying.  The gparted that runs in the installer is NOT letting me change the size of the two partitions.09:52
shockratescan someone upload the last version of kmess at ubuntu? (this one has network connection loss bug)09:52
JurajHello, I would like to install Ubuntu as dual boot on HP notebook (new), but loading is just stuck now, before I reseted unbuntu on partition part of instalation. ( CD was first medium, got USB and same results)09:52
yagooWoundedPhoenix, ..09:52
yagooWoundedPhoenix, yeah09:52
Ubuntu_Beginnerhi all, just started using Ubuntu for the first time for few days. i see the Firefox bundled with 11.04 isn't the latest version, so i go to Firefox site to upgrade to the latest version but not sucess.. it's not like Windows, just download and double click it to install?09:52
WoundedPhoenixyagoo: yes?09:52
yagooWoundedPhoenix, i said livecd.09:52
Name141Is the website down at the moment ?09:52
yagoo(gparted live cd)09:52
DrManhattanyeesh, kmess is right. Back to scientific for me. At least it didn't bork my HD this time...09:52
WoundedPhoenixyagoo: i cannot make a gparted livecd.09:52
yagoowell then make one first.09:53
Name141ubuntu.com that is.09:53
yagooI said this more than 4 hours ago09:53
WoundedPhoenixI have no method to do so.09:53
yagooJordan_U, u obviously don't know much about ntfsresize.09:53
llutz!manual | Ubuntu_Beginner09:53
ubottuUbuntu_Beginner: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/09:53
WoundedPhoenixThe working method of computing is currently an Ubuntu livecd.09:53
yagoontfsresize is 100% stable in linux.09:53
KM0201WoundedPhoenix: can the machine boot USB?09:53
onetwogparted live cd is available09:53
KM0201WoundedPhoenix: also, if you have an ubuntu live cd, it has Gparted on it... so there's no reason to create a "Gparted" live cd..09:54
WoundedPhoenixKM0201: hmm, I think so.09:54
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: Boot the Windows install CD, run chkdsk, boot back into the Ubuntu installer, and I think you should be able to resize / install normally.09:54
Name141ok thanks for checking09:54
WoundedPhoenixokay. ill try another 12 hours of running chkdsk.09:54
yagooWoundedPhoenix, you're just wasting a 5th hour here dude.09:54
yagooWoundedPhoenix, I've been doing this for years.09:54
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KM0201yagoo: i've not really followed along, but 5hrs?   i'd ahve done nuked that drive and reinstalled.09:55
Jordan_Uyagoo: I never said it wasn't. I suspect there may have been minor filesystem damage from the start due to the invalid partition table. There probably isn't, but it's better safe than sorry.09:55
KM0201i lose interest after 30min09:55
* WoundedPhoenix sighs and gives up09:55
yagooJordan_U, nope.09:55
WoundedPhoenixI'm taking four xanax, drinking what's left in my bottle of meade, and going to bed.09:55
WoundedPhoenixI quit.09:56
yagooJordan_U, seeing those misalignments are benign..09:56
yagoovery common..09:56
[manas]can someone help me, when im trying to connect my ipod im getting this error Error mounting: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb2,09:56
yagoothey always appear when installing any m$ on its own partitioning terms.. then seeing the list partitions under linux tools09:56
Dr_Willis|2[manas]:  check your mount options/command line. thats the generic 'you did somthing wrong' error message09:56
WoundedPhoenixI'm sending $20 to Toshiba for another Vista disk, and let THEM sort it all out. fuck the data on the drive, pardon my french.  The wife wants windows, she can bloody well HAVE windows, at the expense of her precious effing music collection and cat pictures.09:56
Name141Can someone  give me a mirror to the latest 32bit ISO ?09:57
Name141Since I can't get to ubuntu.com09:57
Jordan_U!language | WoundedPhoenix09:57
ubottuWoundedPhoenix: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.09:57
[manas]Dr_Willis|2, can u tell me command09:57
yagooWoundedPhoenix, if u listened like 4-5 hours ago.. Just use the gparted live cd.. and i'm sure it'll do09:57
Dr_Willis|2[manas]:  what command are you usin g exactly?09:57
yagoojust make the cd.. and come back on here tomorrow.. we'll help u some more09:57
WoundedPhoenixJordan_U: This is my seventh day, with around four to five hours a day. so stick a sock in it.09:57
yagooWoundedPhoenix, ?09:58
yagooWoundedPhoenix, yah but I've been doing this for years.09:58
WoundedPhoenixyagoo: what part of "I can not create a live cd of gparted because I am already using a livecd to run this computing environment" does not make sense?09:58
yagooWoundedPhoenix, u can also make a usbboot of gparted..09:58
[manas]Dr_Willis|2, i was trying to delete some music from it with banshee i forgot umnte it and im getting this error now09:58
* YankDownUnder ponders making sense out of that09:59
=== Dr_Willis|2 is now known as Dr_Willis
yagooWoundedPhoenix, why not fixboot the windows and burn the iso from there?09:59
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: I understand your frustration but that does not make it OK to swear, or talk to anyone like that, in this channel. Be sure it doesn't happen again.09:59
Dr_Willis[manas]:  if you frogot to Unmount it befor removeing it. You may need to fsck the filesystem (check the filesystem) to verify its not currupted09:59
WoundedPhoenixyagoo: I'm 33 years old, and have been working with and programming computers since age 5.  Just because I've run into one issue that's whipping my *ahem* backside dosn't mean ... nevermind. I'm overstressed, etc.09:59
WoundedPhoenixJordan_U: yes sahib *bow*09:59
yagooWoundedPhoenix, so?09:59
HyperbyteHow can I force a umask for all users (including Gnome logins), without changing anything in their /home/ directory?09:59
WoundedPhoenixyagoo: deleted the windows already. heh.10:00
yagooWoundedPhoenix, that doesn't mean you know what you're doing..10:00
YankDownUnderWoundedPhoenix, Mate - s'all good...take a breath...we're all cool...10:00
naxahi! is there a software tool what can detect if my mobo supports high-density DDR pc3200 ram? i have aopen i865gm-i with chipset 82865G/PE/P. i downloaded the user manual pdf but it didn't said a thing about this.10:00
yagooWoundedPhoenix, i hold linux certs..10:00
WoundedPhoenixYankDownUnder: yeah I know. it's just at this point I feel like pulling out all the hair on my head (beard included), and all the "little and curlies"10:00
yagooWoundedPhoenix, so i know what i'm saying.. i cant speak for others.10:00
YankDownUndernaxa, Instead of the "User Manual" what about getting the tech specs on the board?10:01
Jordan_Uyagoo: I don't think that this discussion is going anywhere productive. Can we please move on?10:01
sklorpionnaxa: you dont have any data in specyfication?10:01
YankDownUnderWoundedPhoenix, I've done that - it's not pretty - and it's fairly painful... ;) "Arguing online is like winning the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded" ;)10:01
naxaYankDownUnder, i couldn't find it on the homepage10:01
naxasklorpion, well no... i did lshw but i missed if there was relevant info10:01
YankDownUndernaxa, Heaps of times it's in the depths of the product support pages...I'd honestly try looking there mate.10:02
[manas]Dr_Willis, it seems ok there10:02
WoundedPhoenixyagoo: as do I, likely vastly different from the ones you hold, as I specialized in things like web hosting, the Internet, servers, etc... rather than desktop issues. gah, it's not a measuring contest... inches is inches.10:02
WoundedPhoenixYankDownUnder: unless someone brings up the nazi's... then they're special, AND the loser. ;)10:02
Dr_Willis[manas]:  after fscking the file system, try mounting it again. tell us the exact command you are using to try to mount it.10:02
* YankDownUnder thinks centimetres are centimetres10:02
naxaYankDownUnder, well i only found this: http://global.aopen.com/products_detail.aspx?auno=942  and maybe i just miss it but it didn't contain the word "density" :(10:02
yagooWoundedPhoenix, you obviously could of fixed this 5 hours ago. :p.. move on.10:02
WoundedPhoenixJordan_U: My apologies to you for the bow and scrape comment earlier.10:03
Jordan_UWoundedPhoenix: np :)10:03
WoundedPhoenixOkay I'm out for the night.  goodnight.10:03
yagoognite... comeback tmorrow if u need more help10:03
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[manas]Dr_Willis, sorry mate it doesnt show in fsck that is mounted10:04
YankDownUndernaxa, Well, just in looking at this (I've got a similar board), you're going to have two 1gb chips, and that's all she wrote.10:04
naxaYankDownUnder, yes but is it ok to have 2 pieces of 1gb _high-density_ ram?10:05
naxaeven the intel site didn't say anything about density...10:05
YankDownUndernaxa, On mine - which is very very similar, max is two x 1gb - and they have to be the same.10:05
=== llama is now known as Guest74353
naxaYankDownUnder, yes. but are they high-density? or low-density? (e.g. 64*8bit (low) or 128*4bit (high) modules?)10:06
YankDownUndernaxa, Mine are 128's10:07
naxaYankDownUnder, hey that sounds promising!10:08
naxaYankDownUnder, thanks for the effort! :)10:08
YankDownUndernaxa, S'all good mate....s'all good10:08
[manas]Dr_Willis, im lost dont know what to do10:08
YankDownUnderWe're all lost.10:08
shockrateshey i get this error10:09
shockratessudo apt-get update10:09
shockratesE: Type 'src' is not known on line 2 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kmess-packages-kmess-stable-natty.list10:09
shockratesE: The list of sources could not be read.10:09
DrManhattannaxa - you can probably use decent cheap memory in that10:09
shockrateswhat to do?10:09
Dr_Willis[manas]:   you dont fsck a mounted filesystem.   sudo fsck /dev/sdXX    with it UNmounted10:10
DrManhattanI checked out the manual too, says nothing about high or low density ram :(10:10
YankDownUnderDrManhattan, It's an older board, yeah, cheap is good.10:10
llutzshockrates: check that line, it should start with "deb-src"10:10
[manas]Dr_Willis, fdisk /dev/sdb210:11
[manas]Unable to open /dev/sdb210:11
[manas] not mounted10:11
naxaDrManhattan, may i ask what do you mean by cheap memory? i live in hungary, ddr prices are very high, so if i order from ebay, everything is cheap for me in terms of ddr...10:11
shockratesllutz: the file contains those 2 lines10:11
shockratesdeb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/kmess-packages/kmess-stable/ubuntu natty main10:11
shockratessrc http://ppa.launchpad.net/kmess-packages/kmess-stable/ubuntu natty main10:11
Dr_Willis[manas]:   what are youy trying to do.. to file system CHECK  -- its 'fsck' not fdisk10:11
shockratesllutz: should i remove the second line?10:11
llutzshockrates: the 2nd line is wrong10:11
DrManhattannaxa, sadly ddr1 is going to be expensive now - I sold 2g of ddr1 for MORE than what I bought it for a couple of months ago10:11
Dr_Willis[manas]:  sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb    would show what FS's are on the device10:11
llutzshockrates: yes10:11
Guest74353naxa: he probably refers to low-cost RAM compared to the higher priced premium RAM that's mostly used for overclocking purposes10:11
YankDownUndernaxa, Don't bother ordering online - find a computer store that sells used stuff - find a few DDR400's that are used.10:12
DrManhattanGuest74353, naxa , that is correct sir10:12
shockratesk ty llutz10:12
naxaYankDownUnder, the point is ordering from ebay is cheaper in my country than if i buy in the shop...10:12
naxaYankDownUnder, about 50% cheaper10:12
YankDownUndernaxa, Hmmm....what about just stealing it? ;) => (joking)10:12
naxaDrManhattan, Guest74353 thank you!10:13
naxaYankDownUnder, ;)10:13
naxaYankDownUnder, I don't think anyone would miss it actually ;)10:13
Jurajhey, anyone have little time for me ?10:13
[manas]Dr_Willis, sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb10:13
[manas]Note: sector size is 4096 (not 512)10:13
[manas]Disk /dev/sdb: 119.8 GB, 119832539136 bytes10:13
[manas]255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 1821 cylinders10:13
[manas]Units = cylinders of 16065 * 4096 = 65802240 bytes10:13
[manas]Sector size (logical/physical): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes10:13
[manas]I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes10:13
[manas]Disk identifier: 0x0000000010:13
Guest74353naxa, tough luck; I recently gave away 2 gigs of old DDR-RAM... could have gifted it to you :P Is it DDR1 you need, definately not DDR2 ?10:13
[manas]Disk /dev/sdb doesn't contain a valid partition table10:13
YankDownUndernaxa, Hehehehehehe....yer right matey...10:13
Jordan_U!pastebin | [manas]10:14
ubottu[manas]: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:14
naxaGuest74353, i'm sure it's DDR1 (one). the original... :P10:14
Guest74353still got something like 6 gigs of DDR2 strolling around here10:14
Dr_Willis[manas]:  you sure the disk is sdb? sounds like that one. is very messed up if its not showing any partition tables.10:14
naxaGuest74353, on the other hand if you absolutely need to get rid of some ddr2s, i think i could use them someday :)10:15
Somedude7Hi, I have Ubuntu Desktop. I'm trying to do something with screen + cronjobs, can anyone help?10:16
lolmatichi guys. did i alraedy mention that libreoffice sucks? it crashed 2 times while having only one spreadsheet open which had 2 simple formulas in it and only 100 cells used!10:18
[manas]Dr_Willis, so what should i do???10:18
yagoonaxa, if u gonna get ur ram on ebay.. only go for the good brand names.. like kingston, guarantees compatibility10:18
lolmaticwhat is the difference between libreoffice and ooo anyways?10:18
naxayagoo, thanks!10:19
Cr4z33Hello everybody10:19
sklorpionquestion - if i have system on /dev/sdc5 and i want to rebuild system to have only one new disk so it will be /dev/sdaX can i change this /dev/sdc5 to whatever i want?10:19
Dr_Willis[manas]:  is that the right hard drive a 120gb hd?10:19
yagoonaxa, ddr1 << i dont think there's a last manufacturer alive still making them.. and your ebay vendor would not be happy if u try to return ur incompatible brand back to him10:19
KM0201lolcat: i've had zero problems out of Libre... it actually seems faster than OO.org to me..10:19
naxayagoo, sure10:19
Guest74353oh, btw - anyone know why my recently bought Western Digital Elements External HDD is impossible to mount on Ubuntu 10.0410:20
yagoonaxa, if its new out of the box then of course it's easier to say its incompatible yada yada10:20
Cr4z33Can someone please tell why it is so hard to install Ubuntu (whatever version) into a RAID0 system? I can't get it working...10:20
yagoo(like ddr3)10:20
Dr_Willissklorpion:  sdx5 would be the frst logical partition in the extended partition on the hard drive.. Primaries are 1-4, logicals are 5+10:20
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto10:20
[manas]Dr_Willis, yes it is10:20
=== Guest22438 is now known as Benji
=== Benji is now known as EveryNickBeTaken
Jordan_Usklorpion: I don't understand the question. What are you acctually trying to accomplish?10:20
aboradyhow to restore nautilus as the default file manager10:20
Dr_Willis[manas]:  its possible its failed.. or you totally messed it up if you unplugged it while mounting. You may want to try some of the recovery tools if theres a lot of imporntant data on it.10:21
naxayagoo, yes. however the shipping would still be a problem i think10:21
DrManhattannaxa, im pretty sure you can use low or high density ram in that10:21
Guest74353naxa, yagoo is right - before buying some sticks, try looking for the compatibility list of the motherboard manufacturer online.10:21
DrManhattanin fact im sure of it10:21
Somedude7Is there an easy way to run a .jar file in a screen on a desktop version of ubuntu?10:21
aboradyhow to restore nautilus as the default file manager10:21
naxaDrManhattan, you think so?10:21
Dr_Willis[manas]:  never never seen a fulesystem get so currupted it dosent show partition tables on the disk.10:21
DrManhattannaxa, yeah10:21
[manas]Dr_Willis, its an ipod maybe thats why it doesnt show partition, no its no important data on it10:21
Dr_Willissolexious:  clarify 'in a screen'10:21
DrManhattanyou just have to make sure to use the same density chips10:22
yagoonaxa, corsair is another good brand10:22
Somedude7a Screen, like you would on a ubuntu server; and you can name it10:22
Cr4z33Guys can you please answer me? :P10:22
Dr_Willis[manas]:  no idea on ipods..  you may want to check the forums and askubuntu.com site.10:22
shashwatpnswhenever i try install something i get an error always - http://paste.ubuntu.com/614858/. I dont even have software sources in my menu. 11.04. Help please10:22
sklorpionJordan_U: i want to copy my system to new disk. now i have 3 different disks and few partition on them, my ubuntu is on /dev/sdc5. I want to have only 1 disk and i gues it will be /dev/sda so system will not work properly after copying all files?!10:22
[manas]Dr_Willis, and its shows fine when i connect it to mac10:22
aboradyhow to restore nautilus as the default file manager10:22
nigel34hello guys, sometimes when i log on to ubuntu, ther is a black bar across the screen,like  a glitch or something,what is it and how can it be fixed?10:22
yagoosklorpion, maybe clonezilla does this10:22
Somedude7usually on a server you use "screen -S NAME"10:23
Jordan_UDr_Willis: It may be using Apple Partition Map, which fdisk does not understand.10:23
Dr_Willis[manas]:  i would have the mac scan/verify the filesystem.10:23
sklorpionyagoo: thx for tip10:23
DrManhattannaxa, hell, in the install picture they're putting in a stick of Kingston HYperX ddr 350010:23
LordTrevnigel34: your boot screen will eventually die in my experience.10:23
naxaDrManhattan, haha i missed that10:23
DrManhattannaxa, yeah thats pretty intense ram, from back in the day10:24
[manas]Dr_Willis, i done ipod restore on it its works fine just when im connecting it to ubuntu its give me error10:24
nigel34lordrev:it boots perfectly, but its on the desktop background thats the problem10:24
naxaDrManhattan, oh by the way i think that install picture is some generic image. i have only two slots! the actual image is on the top opage10:24
yagoo[manas], i believe ipods may use hfs+10:24
nigel34lordrev:i mean everything works well, but its just a black bar or band down the screen10:24
aboradyhow to restore nautilus as the default file manager ??????10:25
yagoo[manas], u reminded me about my new ipod touch.. i never bothered mounting in linux :p10:25
DrManhattannaxa, aha! well I guess you take your chances, but my bet is that motherboard will handle it just fine10:25
alexeyHi all! I have problem with Serios Sam First Enc (linux game edition). So it is very fast. I think that is and SDL timer bug/problem. Any know how fix it? Ubuntu 10.04 LTS?10:25
Cr4z33Guys tell me at least yes or no. Is there a 100% working method to install Ubuntu SUCCESFULLY on a RAID0 system with already 2 NTFS partitions in it?10:25
yagoo[manas], i dont know anything if its possible to mount ipods in linux.. so i'd be clueless about this10:25
[manas]yagoo, its an ipod clasic10:25
=== KptKorsarz is now known as kichawa
DrManhattanCr4z33, I did that in ubuntu 10.10 and it worked fine, even resized my ntfs partition on the raid0 device10:25
DrManhattanI cannot vouch for it in 11.0410:26
Cr4z33DrManhattan, and were you able to see RAID0 partitions during Ubuntu setup? I didn't10:26
nigel34could it be  a graphics problem, or just  a bug?10:26
[manas]yagoo, i mounted it after try to delete some music forgot to umnout it and swich off my pc, done restore on mac now im getting this error10:26
DrManhattanCr4z33, that is correct sir - what raid controller are you using?10:26
Cr4z33DrManhattan, ICH Intel stuff. I have an Asus RAmpage III10:27
Cr4z33ICH 1010:27
DrManhattanCr4z33, I have an asus p5qse/r and it worked great for me10:27
yagooCr4z33, well u do dedicate the RAID0 system to one OS to be safe.. I don't know much about advanced RAID setups.. but i don't believe RAID was meant for multi-Oses bootups.. (however u can use Vmware/virtualbox in case u really don't have further time)10:27
DrManhattanich10r here10:27
DrManhattanCr4z33, do you have ich10 or ich10r10:28
[manas]yagoo maybe its somethere blovk log or how it called10:28
Cr4z33DrManhattan, let me check. brb :P10:28
onaipHello people...  I've intalled Ubuntu 11.04 but cannot get Bluetooth to work..  .10:28
Guest74353Rampage III should be ICH1010:28
onaipcan anyone help ? ?10:28
DrManhattanhow is he pulling off raid0 with ich10?10:28
DrManhattansoftware raid?10:29
Guest74353err, ICH10R i meant10:29
aboradyhow to restore nautilus as the default file manager ??????10:29
* DrManhattan passes some coffee to Guest74353 10:29
Cr4z33DrManhattan, it's an ICH1010:29
yagooaborady, for what.. gnome?10:30
Cr4z33DrManhattan, it's an ICH10R sorry!10:30
Guest74353DrManhattan thanks #sip10:30
aboradyi installed Nautilus-Elementary with some stupid way10:30
DrManhattanCr4z33, it SHOULD pick it up - maybe you need to put in dodmraid at the command line?10:30
aboradyi cant restore nautilus as default10:30
naxaI've gotta go. thank you everyone for helping!10:30
onaipCould anyone help me how I can install bluetooth driver in my Ubuntu 11.0410:30
onaip? ?10:30
Cr4z33DrManhattan, I am a Linux newbie. However I tried both normal and alternate setups of 10.10 too10:31
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|ZNC
yagooaborady, probaby there's a better site-> https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=902795  (u may need to use gconf edit tool if can't change it system/preferences)10:31
yagoonaxa, good luck10:31
DrManhattanCr4z33, have you tried putting in dodmraid when you install? I think its in the f6 options but I could be wrong - please give it a shot?10:31
onaipI'm new to Linux or Ubuntu10:32
Cr4z33DrManhattan, sorry what's that? you mean loading RAID drivers disk?10:32
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
yagooaborady, unity.. not sure10:33
DrManhattanCr4z33, no I mean when you go to install ubuntu10:33
aboradyi dont have system / prefrences in unity10:33
aboradyno way to edit gconf to restore nautilus ?10:33
yagooaborady, if u cant find something for it graphically.. maybe launching gconf editor manually from somewhere may fix things10:33
Cr4z33DrManhattan, no I didn't try it. What is it?10:33
aboradyok i opened gconf-editor10:34
DrManhattanHmm - can anyone a little more familiar with the ubuntu 11.04 boot process please tell Cr4z33 when/how to punch boot options in? He needs better support for dmraid10:34
yagooaborady, a simple easiest way is to make another account, log in to it and compare the gconf values10:34
Guest74353is there a substitute for MS-Silverlight on Ubuntu? I'm fond of watching streams of sporting events that rarely get broadcasted around here, but most of those streams use Silverlight :-/10:34
Dr_Willisaborady:  the webupd8 blog site has dome commands mentioned in a posting about 3 weeks ago on resetting unity, gnome, and compiz back to defaults10:35
DrManhattanCome on guys - pretty simple stuff here - where does one put in options for boot on the ubuntu livecd?10:35
Cr4z33DrManhattan, I actually want to install v10.4 but I think it's same thing right? :P10:35
yagooGuest11276, silverlight is avail to linux.. m$ fears linux enough to make a plugin10:35
Somedude7Can anyone help me get this BASH code running on my Ubuntu Desktop? http://pastebin.com/J7SSDbDA10:35
Dr_WillisDrManhattan:  hit space when you see the man/logo and then theres some F keys on the next screen10:35
DrManhattanCr4z33, in 10.4 you have a screen at the beginning, I believe10:35
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Guest74353oh really? Great news. Never actually tried installing it, I figured it would not work regardless10:35
DrManhattanDr_Willis, thank you10:36
Cr4z33Dr_Willis thanks10:36
Dr_WillisGuest11276:  if they yse the DRM feature of silverlight. then the Linux alternative wont work.10:36
Cr4z33DrManhattan, and should I try the normal or alternate setup?10:36
yagooSome_Person, that's not strictly true..10:36
yagooSome_Person, you may need to use a classpath variable10:36
jiohdifirefox used to have a silverlight sort of linux sub which stopped working in firefox 410:37
DrManhattanCr4z33, I'd use the normal but I'd stick dodmraid in as a boot option if I wanted to go side by side with windows on a raid0 device10:37
Guest74353still traditional 3.something here. No FF410:37
DrManhattanCr4z33, Ubuntu 10.10 will do it, I can verify that personally - I don't know about 10.4 though10:37
Cr4z33DrManhattan, OK so normal setup then SPACE at logo loading to get dodmraid right?10:38
DrManhattanCr4z33, <Dr_Willis> DrManhattan:  hit space when you see the man/logo and then theres some F keys on the next screen10:39
nnubuntui cant install Ubuntu on Compaq SG314512 if UBUNTU  installed its hang forever10:39
yagooSomedude7, you may need to use a classpath variable10:39
DrManhattanim buying that in a couple of days10:40
yagooSomedude7, (and know if u should be using sunjava or to avoid gcj-java)10:40
Cr4z33DrManhattan, OK thanks.10:40
=== damaltor1 is now known as damaltor
DrManhattanCr4z33, let me know how it goes10:41
Somedude7yagoo, I don't know what a classpath variable is.10:41
nnubuntuhi all help10:41
yagoonnubuntu, can u rephrase ur question?10:42
yagoonnubuntu, u installed ubuntu, yes or no?10:42
nnubuntui cant install Ubuntu on Compaq SG31451210:42
Somedude7yagoo, the java is for a minecraft server. I need to run a .jar. Sunjava JRE is what runs it10:42
nnubuntuya installed but its hang for long time10:43
akshatjI am running 11.04 on an ec2 t1.micro instance and SSH hangs when it sends too much text.10:44
JurajHello, I would like to install Ubuntu as dual boot on HP notebook (new), but loading is just stuck now, before I reseted unbuntu on partition part of instalation.10:44
yagooSomedude7, be sure its the java (maybe the latest?) -- whatever java ver requirement10:45
yagooSomedude7, often a CLASSPATH would be used10:45
=== AndIrc is now known as Guest75946
Dr_WillisJuraj:  you did make a dvd/backup recovery dvd set for your new laptop first?10:45
xbmcuserI am mapping a remote. "showkey -k" gives me info for EVERY keypress, but "showkey -s" only gives info for certain keys. Can I somehow map the unknown scancodes to custom ones?10:45
Cr4z33DrManhattan, sorry for late reply. I am downloading v10.10 and preparing partitions. Will come back later and let you know :P10:46
JurajDr_Willis of windows yes10:46
DrManhattanCr4z33, right on10:46
Guest75946ubuntu wont boot for me. im stuck at a prompt saying (initramfs) i guess its busybox shell or something. help me please im online from my phone :(10:46
yagooJuraj, u resetted ur machine while the partitions we're being changed with the ubuntu installer?10:46
Dr_WillisJuraj:  check your disk partition layout. I have seen new windows machines that come with 4 primary partitions. this makes it much harder to get linux installed.10:46
JurajYagoo: yes10:47
Dr_WillisJuraj:  from the ubuntu live cd, check 'sudo fdisk -l' output for the hard drive.10:47
Somedude7yagoo, I can run the server fine already. The script i linked is supposed to be used to make it so the server restarts at different times. from what I can tell, I just need to have the server started in a screen.. I'm wondering if there's an easy way to do that on ubuntu desktop10:47
yagooJuraj, it may have just been doing checkdisk at the start.10:47
JurajDr_Willis yes it has 4 but it won even start10:47
yagooJuraj, run a checkdisk against the ntfs...10:47
Dr_Willisresetted = rebooted - :)  if it has 4 primary then you must do some deletion to make one an extended10:47
yagooJuraj, nways.. i can't say more than that.. u pretty much um.. should of let it finished.10:48
Guest75946anyone? :(10:48
Dr_WillisIve found that windows can resize ntfs MUCH faster then the Ubuntu installer does also.  IF you dont have 4 primary, you could  resize one of the logicals from within windows and save some time when you install ubuntu.10:49
Jurajokey, thanks very much10:49
yagooSomedude7, look into crontab stuff10:49
Guest75946ubuntu wont boot for me. im stuck at a prompt saying (initramfs) i guess its busybox shell or something. help me please im online from my phone :(10:49
yagooGuest11276, yah.. thats grub10:50
yagooGuest11276, use initrd with grub setting... maybe a symlink got missing or something10:51
Guest75946yagoo, how do i fix this? when i type exit it says cant find etc/root/console or something and wont go furter10:51
yagooGuest11276, u can post ur grub.cfg if its grub210:51
Guest75946yagoo, im a noob. no idea about any of that stuff. sorry :(10:51
yagooGuest11276, u installing more than 1 linux?10:51
Guest75946im online from my phone because ubuntu is the only os ive got10:52
nnubuntuyagoo :- i have 20 Wipro PC but the problem on Compaq PC its  freezes after login10:52
Guest75946the windows install is corrupt10:52
rajuevery time while i am login to ubuntu , i am getting a message that " cannot find /tmp , press F to fix or I ignore blah blah blha...." how can i solve this problem10:52
r0fs3ck5MattMurray: you're trying to boot windows or ubuntu?10:52
yagooGuest11276, can fix that ..10:52
yagooGuest11276, hmm10:53
r0fs3ck5Guest75946: you're trying to boot windows or ubuntu?10:53
yagooGuest11276, tell ur friedn to do irc.. it'll be much easier..10:53
MattMurrayim in ubuntu right now, but i need help with my wireless10:53
Guest75946it says No init found10:53
nnubuntuyagoo.......you have a time for my problem10:54
MattMurrayubuntu sees my network, but does not connect, how do i fix this please?10:54
pvh_sahey there i'm trying to add an identi.ca account to gwibber... i click authorise, add the details, it says 'authorised', but nothing shows up in my accounts pane - any clues??10:54
pvh_sathis is on ubuntu 11.04 with gwibber 3.0.010:55
MattMurrayanyone help?10:55
yagoonnubuntu, u logging into Compaq how?10:55
kapuif suddenly all my terminals seem to ignore my Xdefaults settings, what are some possible reasons?10:55
rajupvh_sa:  then click at add shown at the bottom of that window10:55
r0fs3ck5MattMurray: sudo service networking restart10:55
r0fs3ck5r0fs3ck5: tell us the output10:55
yagookapu, maybe it's .xsessions.. check on ubuntu wiki10:56
kapuyagoo: thanks10:56
Name141How could I setup samba to password protect a folder so I can use it as a private backup instead of open to all the network such as that of music, etc?10:56
MattMurrayrofs3ck5, im a total noob, what does that mean please?10:56
nnubuntuyago :- i have 7 Compaq PC same model and every PC having same problem ..10:56
kapuseems to have happened after installing xxxterm10:56
Guest75946yagoo, any idea what i could do? im stuck :(10:56
fabioHOW Install Urban TError On LInux?10:57
Dr_Willis!info xxxterm10:57
ubottuPackage xxxterm does not exist in natty10:57
fabioHOW Install Urban TError On LInux?10:57
ubottuFor information on how to play Unreal Tournament, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games/Native/UnrealTournament - for Unreal Tournament 2004, see !ut2k410:57
yagookapu, i saw this.. but it may be outdated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CustomXSession10:57
r0fs3ck5Name141: create a new user and share it to that user only10:57
Dr_Willisheh wrong factoid.10:57
kapuyagoo: ty10:57
rajupvh_sa:  do u10:57
Name141r0fs3ck5: I meant for windows -> ubuntu server , then later ubuntuserver -> backtowindows10:57
r0fs3ck5MattMurray: open a terminal, type "sudo service networking restart"10:58
MattMurrayin terminal it comes up with restart: unknown instance10:58
Name141but not allow people to access it besides me on my windows machine10:58
yagoofabio, i believe it can be just extracted and run10:58
Dr_WillisMattMurray:  try tab completion on the 'net<tab>' part - it may be network, not networking10:58
yagoofabio, i play it but on another platform10:58
* yagoo has a r.a.t7 cyborg10:58
nnubuntuyagoo :- UBUNTU 10.10 installed but  after login UBUNTU freezes ?10:58
pvh_saraju, ok, then it goes back to the 'add account' pane10:58
MattMurrayDr_Willis, ow do i do that?10:58
yagoonnubuntu, doess the login manager display show up?10:59
r0fs3ck5Name141: when you browse to that folder from windows, it will request a user name and password. Enter the details for the ubuntu user account you created10:59
Dr_WillisMattMurray:  hit the tab key as you enter the command. make it auto-comnplete the name...10:59
Dr_Willissudo service net<TAB>10:59
akshatjanyone here used 11.04 on an EC2 t1.micro instance? Please help10:59
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.10:59
Name141r0fs3ck5: ok, and I"m assuming all I need to do is not allow guest access ?10:59
MattMurraywhat command?10:59
pvh_saraju, oh now it works, thanks10:59
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe
rajupvh_sa:  so , it will adds u r account to that panel. i mean if your account exist then u r done11:00
xbmcuserI have a remote which gives keycodes using showkey -k, but no scancodes. Isn't this supposed to work the otherway round, and is it possible to map keycodes which don't have a scancode?11:00
r0fs3ck5MattMurray: try this then: 'sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart'11:00
Dr_WillisTab completion in Ubuntu  - is very very wel done. works in all sorts of places.11:00
rajupvh_sa:  you are welcome11:00
Guest75946r0fs3ck5, how do i get in? :(11:00
kapuyagoo: noteworthy is that I no longer have vimkeys either. .profile is ignored as well11:00
rajuevery time while i am login to ubuntu , i am getting a message that " cannot find /tmp , press F to fix or I ignore blah blah blha...." how can i solve this problem11:01
yagooGuest11276, u can attach usb drives, use a livecd linux and backup ur stuff..11:01
MattMurraymatt@Matts-PC:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart11:01
MattMurray[sudo] password for matt:11:01
MattMurray * Running /etc/init.d/networking restart is deprecated because it may not enable again some interfaces11:01
MattMurray * Reconfiguring network interfaces...                                          Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0.11:01
FloodBot1MattMurray: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:01
yagookapu, vimkeys .. like u mean bash preference?11:01
Guest75946im starting to hate ubuntu. whyd this hhappen in the first place?11:01
Guest75946it was a fresh install11:01
yagookapu, somewhere in shopt command (bash builtin) there's a pref for vim/emacs i believe11:02
kapuyagoo in .profile 'vim -o'11:02
MattMurraynothing happened11:02
MattMurray^ came up11:02
kapui mean vi -o11:02
r0fs3ck5MattMurray: now type 'ifconfig wlan0'11:02
yagookapu, if u use console then this isn't ubuntu related11:02
nnubuntuyagoo :- UBUNTU 10.10 not freezes on login ...its freezes after login ....UBUNTU gives me time for play but after 3 or 4 minutes its freezes11:03
yagookapu, you should know how to fix this..11:03
YankDownUnderDr_Willis, Something to think about: http://www.fukung.net/v/31579/343c368fdd587e0a3ab96c0362dade02.png11:03
kapuyagoo: fair enough11:03
kapui'm on openbsd yikes11:03
kapubut all very posix no?11:03
FragyHi. After a fresh install of ubuntu 11.04 I get error: out of disk message. After pressing Enter, it boots up fine. Does this have to do with the fact that I have that WD green that should have 4k sectors?11:03
MattMurrayshould i write what came up?11:04
yagoothey implement startx differently.11:04
r0fs3ck5MattMurray: did it have an IP address?11:04
yagooso better to ask #*bsd/related11:04
kapuyagoo: yeah my bad11:04
MattMurraylots' of things, but i can't see an ip11:05
r0fs3ck5MattMurray: you need to access your nmapplet, which is the little network icon near the clock.11:05
yagoou can dteremine if u use .Xsessions/.xsessions/.xinitrc/etc/etc by studying the startx script and /etc/X11 stuff11:05
YankDownUnderFragy, I've had issues with the WD green drives - my resolution for ALL of them is now to stick them in an external drive housing, partition them THERE, then use them in the system I'm setting up. Sounds like a kludge, but it works - at least here for me and my clients. I try to steer clear of the WD green drives...11:05
MattMurrayi have got access to tat11:05
Dr_WillisI have not heard anything good about the WD green drives either. I advise my friends to avoid them also.11:06
r0fs3ck5MattMurray: tell me if you see a wlan there11:06
yagooDr_Willis, they don't run as fast..11:06
MattMurraywhats a wlan11:06
yagooMattMurray, wlan0 is the first wifi device11:06
amin`i try to create a bootable cd with BOIS file to update my BOIS but the iage of dos bootable and the bois update program which I downloaded from the company site is in exe and it hould be open by archive manager but it does not how could i open them?11:06
rajuMattMurray:  wireless lan11:07
amin`iage ****image11:07
MattMurrayyes, it sows 5 wifi netowrks11:07
r0fs3ck5MattMurray: you need to enable the wlan011:07
MattMurrayhow do i do that please11:07
r0fs3ck5MattMurray: you simply click on it.11:07
MattMurrayenable wireless, and enable networking are both ticked11:08
r0fs3ck5MattMurray: youi need to *left* click on the nmapplet11:08
sklorpionif i do "sleep 20 && conkey "  <- is it 20 sec or min? or what?11:08
MattMurrayi did, then should i click on my network yh?11:08
yagooamin`, mount a fat16 bootdisk image.. copy the program and bios firmware to mountpoint.  (u can extract floppies from .exe from bootdisk.com -- use msdos622)-- Burn this specially->> use disk-emulation burn option, to burn this floppy image to cd.. then boot with cd11:09
r0fs3ck5MattMurray: then *left* click on wlan011:09
icerootsklorpion: man sleep (its seconds)11:09
sklorpioniceroot: ty11:09
Fragy<YankDownUnder>, I have one external box for disks, which you can connect to computer with USB cable. I should create a new partition table there?11:09
MattMurraysorry, im a total noob, is wlan0 the first network11:09
r0fs3ck5MattMurray: your wlan0 device should then be up11:09
MattMurrayit is up11:10
MattMurraybut it wont connect to it11:10
yagooamin`, is the .exe an archive or program?11:10
r0fs3ck5MattMurray: select the wireless network you wish to connect to and enter your details11:10
yagooMattMurray, u reading me? :)11:10
sklorpioniceroot: so i put that thing in gnome autostart and nothing happnd how can i find out if gnome even tryed to start it?11:10
yagooMattMurray, I said its the first wifi device11:10
yagooMattMurray, it's the physical component of the local machine11:11
sklorpioniceroot: no process "conky" at all11:11
YankDownUnderFragy, Mate, this is the resolution I've had to come up with - I banged my head badly trying to get a WD green drive to work, ended up buying another (non WD) for the client - in being stuck with the WD green, I experiemented and found this to be the resolution that works; so yeah, do all yer partitioning manually in the external housing, then stick it in the target machine, make sure you do the "manual partitioning" and you11:11
YankDownUnder don't have to really format any of the partitions, just let the installer write the map to the drive and off you go mate.11:11
MattMurrayi did, i clicked on it entered the pasword, it tries to connect for a while, but then just disconnects11:11
yagooMattMurray, like first harddrive or first mouse..11:11
rajuyagoo: both , first it will extract and run the program11:11
yagooraju, ?11:11
icerootsklorpion: use absolute path11:11
r0fs3ck5MattMurray: can you please type iwconfig?11:12
amin`yagoo: the upadte bois is program i think and i got the drive free dos from that site U meaned and the name isdrdflash.exe and itg should be archive11:12
r0fs3ck5MattMurray: in the terminal11:12
MattMurrayi did11:12
yagooamin`, msdos622 is downloadable from bootdisk.. i only trust msdoss622 for bios upgrades..11:12
MattMurraylo        no wireless extensions.11:13
MattMurrayeth0      no wireless extensions.11:13
MattMurraywlan0     IEEE 802.11bgn  ESSID:off/any11:13
MattMurray          Mode:Managed  Access Point: Not-Associated   Tx-Power=14 dBm11:13
MattMurray          Retry  long limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off11:13
MattMurray          Power Management:on11:13
FloodBot1MattMurray: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:13
sklorpioniceroot: befor it was just "conky" and it worked after adding sleep 20 && conky nothing happend, what for is those "&&" why not "|" or just one "&" ?11:13
MattMurray          11:13
yagoouse 7za or asimilar to extract the .exe files (these exes have zip headers in them)11:13
rajuyagoo:  that executable program will archive and when we click that code will comeout and run from that archive . run any .exe click at show details it will show first the extraction and next execution11:13
Dr_Willissklorpion:  you want sleep 20   then conky on the next line.. no & after sleep 2011:13
r0fs3ck5MattMurray: that means you probably have an authentication problem.11:13
Dr_Willissklorpion:  so perhaps   sleep 20           then  conky &11:13
yagooraju, so is there a dos bios upgrade method, yes/no?11:13
MattMurrayhow do i solve tat?11:13
yagooraju, if there's windows and u going the windows way.. then dunno what u asking11:14
rajuwe can upgrade dos11:14
r0fs3ck5MattMurray: check the password is correct.11:14
r0fs3ck5MattMurray: also check you are connecting to the correct network11:14
MattMurrayit's definately correct, i checked like 3 times,11:14
rajuyagoo:  i am not asking , just telling to yours messgae11:14
* yagoo amin`, raju working together same call spot?11:14
amin`yagoo this site that u gave me look at it the  i got "Driver Free Disk For BIOS Flashing" the 3rd in line is it that?11:14
yagooraju, can um11:14
* yagoo ignores raju11:14
MattMurrayits connects fine on windwpos, just on ubuntu it dosn't11:15
* raju ignore yagoo 11:15
* raju ha ha ha 11:15
sklorpionDr_Willis: i want that becouse of my problem with conky i found out that sometimes there might be some problems if u run conky during the start (i had diffrent window then when i run it manually), the answer was sleep 20 && conky but after this nothing happend11:15
r0fs3ck5MattMurray: hang around, I'll find you a link for enabling wireless in ubuntu.11:15
=== SyGeek1 is now known as SyGeek
sklorpionDr_Willis: so i want system to wait 20 sec and then start conky11:16
Dr_Willissklorpion:  there should be no need to do 'sleep &&'11:17
sklorpionDr_Willis: i'll try to do simple script and put it in autostart of gnom11:17
tonysanI can't use arrow keys to "reuse" my previous commands in ubuntu 10.04 server. how can I fix this?11:17
Dr_Willissklorpion:  'sleep 20'  should work.. sleep 20 &&  - runs the next command IF sleep returns a succss error code.11:17
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Dr_Willissklorpion:  sleep 20 &   -> is TOTALLY differnt.. it will run the command  and sleep in the background, then run the next command.. so sleep des nothing in that case11:17
sklorpionDr_Willis: yes but i cant solve my problem with out sleep. If conky starts with system/gnome it makes strange window not the same as if i start it manually11:18
r0fs3ck5MattMurray: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WirelessTroubleshootingGuide11:18
Dr_Willissklorpion:  i aways make a startconky.sjh script that  does sleep 20  then runs conky on the next line.11:18
sklorpionDr_Willis: all try to do mine then11:18
sklorpionDr_Willis: I'll*11:19
Dr_Willis#!/bin/sh     sleep 20    conky              <----------- 3 lines in an executable script file11:19
amin`anybody help me with my bios update11:19
nnubuntui have 7 Compaq SG3145IL PC (P-E2140( 1.6 GHz) 512 RAM)11:20
nnubuntuafter UBUNTU installation its freezes11:20
nnubuntu...Some time its working fine but after 30-50 minutes suddenly Freezes11:20
nnubuntuand i m 20 Wipro PC working fine11:20
FloodBot1nnubuntu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:20
sklorpionDr_Willis: is it enought: #!/bin/bash11:21
sklorpionsleep 20 && conky11:21
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nnubuntuCompaq SG3145IL PC (P-E2140( 1.6 GHz) 512 RAM)11:22
nnubuntuafter UBUNTU installation its freezes11:22
dudiHi I have big problem with broadcom drivers. Ubuntu didn't recognize my device.11:24
paradox_Hello, everyone.11:25
bl4ndam i in the right place to talk about ubuntu11:26
bl4ndok im tryin to instal ubuntu server on a drive, do i need it formatting first, as no matter what option i choose the monitor jst goes blank ?..11:26
sklorpionwhat is the differenc in performerence id i compile systm from sources like gentoo? Is it visable?11:27
sklorpionDr_Willis: works perfectly :]11:27
Dr_Willissklorpion:  what does? :) I dont find recompiling stuff - worth the effort.11:27
thegoodcushionbl4nd: the ubuntu installer can format it11:27
Dr_Willisbl4nd:  whats your video chipset?11:27
mithranbl4nd: if you are installing it over a network, you should give it some time11:28
Dr_Willissklorpion:  i mentoned earlier that you dont need sleep 20 &&   unless you feel the need to have both commands on the same line..11:28
Dr_Willisskeep 2011:28
bl4ndi get the option to instal in english then the 5 other options , then when i click instal server, it jst goers blank11:28
Dr_Willisworks just as well.11:28
sklorpionDr_Willis: my script :] conky runs great!11:28
bl4ndits a tower on its own at the minute11:28
bl4ndnot on a network jst yet11:29
sklorpionDr_Willis: looks more pro :-) lol11:29
Dr_Willislooks more silly :)11:29
Dr_Willisim not sure how  'sleep 20' could ever fail. unless you did a ctrl-c to it,11:30
sklorpionso u dont find compiling fom source as good idea to speed up system?11:30
mithranbl4nd: what version?11:30
bl4ndthe new one , erm , 1111:30
Dr_Willissklorpion:  i doubt if you will gain much.. and spend a lot of time doing it..11:30
mithranbl4nd: sorry have not tried11:30
bl4ndshould i get 10 down again ?..11:31
Dr_WillisI used gentoo for some time. spent all day just recompiling stuff...11:31
zvacetbl4nd:  if you reinstall it if you mean downgrade11:31
bl4ndits jst an old drive, its no trouble gettin 10 and stickin that on a disc to try, i'll be back in a bit, thanx for your time ;)11:33
mithranbl4nd: i just used 10.04 because it was LTS..not so adventerous with the servers :)11:33
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zvacetbl4nd: if you vat server then 10.4 id probably better choice11:34
sklorpionDr_Willis: i found some info about it, ppl say that u can gain about 1-2% performerence :]11:34
yagooamin`, join #ubuntu-dea11:35
yagooamin`, join #ubuntu-de11:35
Guest41559hai i'm join ubuntu firts11:35
jarzakrzysiek smierdzi11:35
Dulijarza to debil11:36
jarzahi men11:36
Dulihi hi nie masz jaj11:36
jarzai have one question11:36
Duliu can say11:36
Dulispeak !!11:37
Dulimother fucker11:37
zvacet!ask | jarza11:37
ubottujarza: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:37
jarzahave you dotter?11:38
zvacet!language | Dull11:38
ubottuDull: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.11:38
lo2-1rozumisz czynie ?11:38
jarzaod barka do barka11:38
lo2-1skurczu jeden11:38
sklorpionco za czasy11:38
jarzaod barka do barka11:39
jarzaod barka do barka11:39
jarzaod barka do barka11:39
FloodBot1jarza: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:39
Chory_jebac sie luje !11:39
Duli2 kinder11:39
thunder1212i have a querry11:39
jarzachory na wory11:39
* Hyperbyte frowns11:39
thunder1212regarding netwok sharing11:39
Duliich habe 2 kinder11:39
thunder1212can someone help11:39
Hyperbyte!ask | thunder121211:39
ubottuthunder1212: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:39
Dulii can help u11:40
jarzai vave big problem11:40
jarzamy mother don't love me:(11:40
sklorpionj #ekg211:40
yagoojarza, stop spamming11:40
metbsdxubuntu is for xfce11:40
LjL!ot | jarza11:40
ubottujarza: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:40
axle3don an unknown wifi network with no dhcp server, is there a way to find the local default gateway or ip range (so as to associate)11:41
Guest41559no spam11:41
spacetimewhat does the "l" command do? I could'nt find any man pages.11:41
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe
yagooaxle3d, yeah..11:41
LjLspacetime: it's an alias for "ls" i believe11:41
Duliumcyk umcyk11:42
LjLspacetime: specifically, it's an alias for "ls -CF"11:42
axle3dyagoo: which is?11:42
LjLspacetime: you can open the file ~/.bashrc to see that11:42
yagooaxle3d, is the AP yours?11:42
axle3dthis is for educative purposes11:42
yagooaxle3d, then use google.. this isn't a ubuntu setup question11:43
Guest41559ubuntu easy11:43
benccI can't use "sudo su debarchiver" is it because of the way the user was created? "adduser --home /var/lib/debarchiver --system --disabled-password --gecos "Deb archiving tool" --group debarchiver"11:43
Dr_Willisbencc:  the proper way would be to do 'sudo command' not sudo su command11:43
benccGuest41559: the user a package named debarchiver created11:43
Dr_Willisif you want a root shell , then sudo -i  is the normal way tod o it.11:44
yagoobencc, sudo is not su11:44
sklorpionsudo su -11:44
benccDr_Willis: I want to to run something as the :debarchiver: user11:44
Dr_Willissudo su is redundant11:44
LjLbencc: does the home exist?11:44
Dr_Willisbencc:  the sudo command has a 'run as this user' option i recall11:44
benccLjL: yes. if not shouldn't I see an error?11:45
Hyperbytethunder1212:  ask in here, don't private message me.11:45
yagoojust use "su -"11:45
yagoo(same as su -l)11:45
Dr_Willisyagoo:  su -  will not work on ubuntu by default11:45
benccyagoo: that switches to the root user11:45
Dr_Willisat least not normally :)11:45
LjLbencc: not sure actually, but for some of my users it just drops me back to the old user's shell11:45
yagoobencc, then don't use it.11:45
yagoobencc, u mentioned it.11:45
LjLyagoo, no he didn't11:45
benccso how can I switch to this user or at least run a command as that user?11:45
Dr_Willisbencc:  sudo has options to run a command as a user..11:46
rhada777what is alternative to the "find" command11:46
Hyperbytebencc:  man sudo... look at the -u option11:46
thunder1212i have a pc which connects to the net using a usb modem11:46
benccDr_Willis:  sudo -c?11:46
Dr_Willisrhada777:  locate command.  but it depends on your needs11:46
thunder1212i have ohter pcs which is connected via lan cables11:46
Dr_Willisbencc:  check man sudo11:46
thunder1212i want to share the net connection11:46
yagoomanpage sudoers11:46
Dr_WillisIm not on a Linux box.. so cant veryify11:46
LjLbencc, i've just tried creating a user the way you described, and the shell is set to "/bin/false" by default11:46
LjLbencc: so you probably want to edit /etc/passwd and set it to /bin/sh instead11:47
LjLbencc: (or /bin/bash)11:47
rhada777Dr_Willis looking for a python egg I installed11:47
* yagoo says chsh11:47
benccLjL: so that's the problem?11:47
benccLjL: they should have specify the shell?11:47
LjLbencc: i think so. without it, it just drops me back to my shell without saying anything.11:47
Sidewinder1!modem > thunder121211:48
ubottuthunder1212, please see my private message11:48
yagooLjL, you're old craft unix.. juse use chsh11:48
LjLyagoo: bash is the Ubuntu default.11:48
yagoochsh is a command11:48
benccLjL: trying to change the shell11:48
thunder1212the modem connects to the internet11:48
LjLyagoo: i have no idea what you're on about.11:48
HyperbyteMost modems do. :)11:48
thunder1212i want to share the connection over the lan11:48
thunder1212yeah :)11:49
yagoomanpage chsh < can changes  login shell.. no need to ever edit /etc/passwd <<< this is old slow unix way of doing things11:49
LjLyagoo: ah i see, yeah that's probably a better way to do it11:50
benccLjL: works11:50
LjLbencc: nice11:50
benccLjL: is this a bug in the debarchiver package?11:50
rhada777zvacet: locate command not found  uum11:50
benccLjL: or is there another way to run a command as that user without changing his shell?11:50
rhada777thought it was standard11:50
sklorpionDr_Willis: is there some global log for errors/warnings from apllications? Those errors which are normally displeyed in terminal if u run them there.11:50
Hyperbytethunder1212, sharing internet connections in Linux is not that easy actually.  If it's for a home network, you're better off getting a modem that supports it.  Else have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing11:50
LjLbencc: i don't think so - it's common practice for "special" users to have no shell (and Dr_Willis is probably right, but i didn't try, that you could use sudo's command-running abilities to bypass the shell requirement)11:51
benccLjL: how can I check it? echo $HOME or something?11:51
Hyperbytethunder1212, although the networkmanager method described on there seems pretty easy actually, on second thought.11:51
LjLbencc: echo $SHELL11:52
yagoobencc, ?11:52
yagoobencc, linux would be pretty insecure if u can do that.. i would suspect if u can bypass it with sudo u won't get the same env needed for ur script11:52
metbsdi'm thinking about getting xubuntu, what you think11:53
bencc"sudo -u debarchiver echo $HOME" gives me /bin/bash so it's not running as the debarchiver user11:53
firsttimeircguy1ive just tried xubuntu pretty lighweight and fast11:53
Dr_Willismetbsd:  depends on your needs.11:53
yagoometbsd, i think u should download it right now. RIGHT NOW!11:53
LjLbencc: try sudo -u debarchiver 'echo $HOME'11:53
Dr_Willislubuntu - is also very light and very useable.11:53
firsttimeircguy1+1 lubuntu11:53
LjLbencc: no that won't work, nevermind11:53
metbsdsorry, how many buntus are there? what's lubuntu?11:54
ubottulubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.11:54
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|ZNC
LjLbencc: well i don't know actually11:54
Dr_Willislubuntu isent an official Ubuntu variant.. yet.. but its close.. oh sooo close.11:54
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
Hyperbytebencc:  finger debarchiver11:54
sahilskhi, i renmae username to new username from user and groups settings and also renamed my home folder. Now, after restarting my computer, it does accept password with new username , but it says "could not update ICEauthority file /home/myOldUsername/.ICEauthority"  and there's no such directory as myOldUsername in my system. I've delted it. what should i do? i can't see any gui on my ubuntu.11:54
HyperbyteShows all user info.11:54
yagootyping that command (sudo) is started off from not-debarchiver.. I don't see the practicality of this when u can just use a scheduled script11:55
metbsdbut xubuntu is official?11:55
metbsdand there's speedy apt-get?11:55
firsttimeircguy1yeah its ubuntu with xfce11:55
sathisis there any ways that we can install yahoo in ubuntu11:55
Dr_Willismetbsd:  they all use the same repos.11:55
Dr_Willissathis:  clarify what you neam by installing 'yahoo'11:55
zvacetrhada777: try with witch <packagename>11:55
sathisDr_Willis i like have yahoo messenger11:56
ubottuThe Instant Messenger client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete11:56
Dr_Willisthers dozens of IM clients that can do yahoo chat protocall.11:56
thunder1212theres an option in the network manager in the to share the internet connection to other computers11:56
thunder1212when i select that option11:56
thunder1212the eth disconnects11:57
Dr_Willistry the default IM client yet sathis?11:57
thunder1212when i do auto dhcp it connects11:57
firsttimeircguy1xubuntu installs with pidgin by default too11:57
thunder1212that is the problem11:57
sathisu mean that ekiga Dr_Willis11:57
Dr_Willissathis:  i dont use any of the IM clients. so no idea11:57
yagooDr_Willis, liar..11:58
metbsdi mean, is there plugin to speed up download speed of apt-get11:58
yagooDr_Willis, you're using irc right now11:58
benccDr_Willis: LjL:  su - targetuser -s /bin/bash11:58
Dr_Willisirc is not an IM client11:58
Dr_Willisits IRC.11:58
yagooyes it is.11:58
sathisall we have xchat with ubunt11:58
yagooirc is an instant messenger.. even pidgin does irc11:58
benccHyperbyte: finger debarchiver ?11:58
sathisbut i need yahoo messenger11:58
Hyperbytebencc:  finger shows all user info, shows you which shell they have, which home, etc.11:58
Dr_WillisNo its not...  ive been on irc since its been out...    the fact some IM clients do IRC does not make IRC an IM client11:58
thunder1212what should i do11:58
benccHyperbyte: I know the shell by looking at /etc/passwd11:59
yagooDr_Willis, IM IM11:59
Dr_Willissathis:  most of the IM clients can do Yahoo.  Yahoo has no official Linux im client that i know of.11:59
firsttimeircguy1sathis: you can setup pidgin to handle yahoo messenger and many more11:59
Hyperbytethunder1212:  be patient!  What you should do is enable internet connection sharing on the interface you want to share it -on-, not the internet you want to share.11:59
Sidewinder1sathis, Pidgin works with yahoo IM.11:59
Dr_WillisMost of the IM clients out work with Yahoo i imagine.11:59
=== yagoo is now known as yahoo
Hyperbytebencc, then what exactly is your problem now? :)11:59
yahooIM IM11:59
thunder1212i know11:59
=== yahoo is now known as yagoo
sathisSidewinder1 so just apt-get install pidgin enough12:00
Dr_Willis!info pidgin12:00
ubottupidgin (source: pidgin): multi-protocol instant messaging client. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.7.11-1ubuntu2 (natty), package size 539 kB, installed size 1664 kB12:00
Dr_WillisWhat is the default IM client these days anyway?12:00
yagoopidgin.. its on mac/linux/win12:00
firsttimeircguy1pidgi is still top dog iMHO12:01
sahilskI change my username to NewUsername from OldUsername and rename my home dir accordingly. after restart I get the following error,12:01
sahilskUnable to update ICEauthority.file/home/OldUsername/.ICEauthority12:01
sahilskFollowed by :12:01
Dr_Willisempathy proberly does  yahoo i imagine.12:01
metbsdi mean, is there plugin to speed up download speed of apt-get??12:01
=== Guest7136 is now known as vega-
metbsdi mean, is there plugin to speed up download speed of apt-get??12:01
yagoometbsd, ?12:01
Sidewinder1sathis, If it's not already installed, yes; then you'll have to configure it to work with whatever services that you want: Yahoo, AIM, etc...12:01
yagoometbsd, closer mirror12:01
Dr_Willismetbsd:  not that ive noticed.12:01
Hyperbytethunder1212, you need one interface that connects to your modem.  Another interface that connects to your local network or computer you want to share with.  The interface to your modem can be anything, DHCP, static... the interface you want to share on cannot be 'auto' and it needs to have internet connection sharing enabled.12:02
vega-a plugin to speed up download.. heh12:02
riz|workmetbsd http://www.debian.org/mirror/list12:02
metbsdbut redhat has it.. they have plugin to use aria2c to download stuff with yum12:02
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Natty, and help keeping the servers' load low!12:02
metbsdmaybe ubuntu has it?12:02
yagooHyperbyte, i believe there are kits for this..12:02
vega-riz|work: this is #ubuntu ..12:02
Dr_Willisredhat uses rpm and totally differnt servers. :)12:02
riz|workoops, wrong cjannel, thx12:03
metbsdno, not server im talking about, the plugin, aria2c.. you see?12:03
Dr_Willis!info mirrorselect12:03
ubottuPackage mirrorselect does not exist in natty12:03
DiverdudeHow do i unrar a rar file in linux?12:03
metbsdit has nothing to do with server12:03
Dr_WillisDiverdude:  the unrar command can do that12:03
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free12:03
* yagoo hears m$ now says it supports a hyper-v module for Centos12:03
metbsdit download deb from multiple sites12:03
yagoometbsd, that's what resolving dependencies means..12:04
DiverdudeDr_Willis, unrar jRating.rar did not do it12:04
thunder1212i have another interface ethernet12:04
thunder1212i am sharing through that12:04
Dr_WillisDiverdude:  check unrar --help and man unrar  - you need to tell it an option12:04
Dr_Willisx or X or e  i forget which12:04
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression12:04
Dr_Willis!info unp12:04
ubottuunp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0~pre5 (natty), package size 14 kB, installed size 120 kB12:05
sahilskcan anyone solve my query ? http://www.pasteall.org/22050/applescript12:05
benccHyperbyte: what was missing is "-s /bin/bash" when a user has a shell set to "/bin/false"12:05
yagooanyone knows if 7z does rar?12:05
lolmaticNO IT DOESNT12:05
Dr_Willisyagoo:  it has a rar plugin yes.12:05
metbsdyagoo, resolving dependencies will try to download the same .deb package from multiple sites to speed up download speed?12:05
lol128where are you from guys? :)12:05
yagoometbsd, i already answered ur question12:05
lolmatici am from rapist land12:06
lolmatici mean germany12:06
lolmaticsry for the typo12:06
lol128do you know some fun terminal commands :)12:06
yagoometbsd, if u think the mirror being used or resolved to is slow.. try manually using traceroute and find out the fastest repo12:06
lol128i know some12:06
lolmaticme too12:06
Dr_Willis!find mirrorselect12:06
lolmaticsudo rm -rf /12:06
ubottuPackage/file mirrorselect does not exist in natty12:06
Dr_WillisThere used to be some mirror scan/pick the fastest tool12:06
lol128what is that command for?12:06
metbsdmaybe i'll try another way to say this, so you people will understand.12:06
thunder1212i want to set the ip manually if u could tell me that i will connect12:06
lolmaticit deletes everything12:07
lol128su (name of the computer)12:07
Dr_Willisand gets you banned from IRC cjhannels12:07
DiverdudeDr_Willis, x ?12:07
lol128passwd - change your pass :)12:07
DiverdudeDr_Willis, maybe e?12:07
benccis there a "junk" local email address by default?12:07
Dr_WillisDiverdude:  unrar --help will tell us :)12:07
Dr_Willis!apt | metbsd12:08
ubottumetbsd: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)12:08
yagoometbsd, you think it's the tool that affects your net speed.12:08
* yagoo thinks if he jumps while talking on the phone will make the volume louder12:08
DiverdudeDr_Willis, i tried -e but everything is just unzipped in the same folder12:08
Diverdudewhich is bad12:08
Dr_WillisDiverdude:  perhaps tahts how x and e differ12:08
yagoometbsd, stop thinking like a caveman.. we've all seen wheels before12:09
metbsdeverybody keeps avoiding my question or everybody simply don't know what i am consulting here12:09
yagoometbsd, stop please12:09
metbsdso, is there such thing in ubuntu?12:09
Dr_Willismetbsd:   i imagine its covered in the apt-get manual url i mentioned earlier.  - ive never seen it changed to anyting other then wget, or perhps curl12:09
riz|workmetbsd: changing wget and curl won't solve your problem12:10
Dr_Willis!info apttorrent12:11
ubottuPackage apttorrent does not exist in natty12:11
Dr_Willistheres some apt torrent tool.. but never seen that commonly used either12:11
Dr_WillisFor a network with several pcs  - the use of  apt-cacher-ng can help a great deal12:12
metbsdwget is slow due to its single connection download12:12
metbsdi want multi connection implement during apt-get downloading time12:12
yagoometbsd, ?12:12
yagoometbsd, you guess about how networks work.. the server can be limitting the "bandwidth".. so it has nothing to do with any control on the client side12:13
bastidrazormetbsd: just change mirrors. normally the download speeds will max out your available bandwidth.12:13
BorgTK2001Q: How can I shape network useage on Ubuntu, for example prevent Skype from using my connection as a super node by throttling its access to the internet12:14
metbsdi really just want to use a multi connection application be used in apt-get. Multiconnection apps such as aria2c, axel. Is there such way to config apt-get to that multiconnection apps?12:15
LjLmetbsd: https://github.com/tatsuhiro-t/apt-metalink12:15
yagoo(10 connections can be as fast as 1 connection to the same server-- because of bandwidth reserve per client)12:15
sathishow to get connected to my ubuntu-VM from putty in my windows12:15
metbsdok how to use it?12:15
metbsdhow to use apt-meta12:15
Dr_Willissathis:  install a ssh server on the  vm, and ssh to its ip#12:16
Dr_Willis!info apt-meta12:16
ubottuPackage apt-meta does not exist in natty12:16
LjLmetbsd there is a readme on that site12:16
xskydevilxAre there any open source graphic drivers available instead of the proprietary ones?12:17
Teknomanceris there a way to uninstall unity and go back to gnome version in 10.04 ?12:17
Dr_Willissathis:  you could install xming and connect that way to the remote/vm also and be able to run X apps and have them appear on the windows desktop12:17
LjL!classic | Teknomancer12:17
ubottuTeknomancer: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.12:17
Teknomancercool, thanks LjL i'll try that, i thought classic gnome was completely removed and i needed some pkg fiddling12:17
sathisDr_Willis i was only able to ping the vm-ubuntu12:17
Dr_Willisthe classic gnome desktop is not  totally like the old gnome. but its lose.. of course classic gnome is going to not be in the next release i hear.12:18
LjLTeknomancer: it will be removed in the next version, but for now it's there12:18
Dr_Willissathis:  you did install a ssh server?12:18
Name141How do I login to my shared folders via windows?12:18
Name141Do I need to make samba users?12:18
sathisno ides Dr_Willis12:18
yagooLjL, that's old.. it mentions debian but not ubuntu so it's all pretty dangerous for him to try this no?12:18
Dr_Willissathis:  i guess thats a NO then.12:18
Name141Or is it possible to login with the user on the machine ?12:18
sathisok is that was missing how  can i find that ssh was not installed12:18
thunder1212how to manually set ip12:18
thunder1212for sharing net connectoin12:19
Dr_WillisName141:  i make identical named users on windows and linux, give them a samba password via 'sudo smbpasswd -a username'12:19
metbsdyes apt-metalink is what im looking for12:19
riz|worksathis: suo apt-cache policy openssh-server12:19
Dr_WillisName141:  and be sure to insatll the samba service. and define some shares12:19
Dr_Willis!info apt-metalink12:19
ubottuPackage apt-metalink does not exist in natty12:19
sathisriz|work lemme give a try and will come back12:19
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)12:20
LjLyagoo: the site i got the link from (the aria2 site) mentions ubuntu. still youre right, its sort of untreaded territory12:20
Name141Dr_Willis: so if my user was test2 on Ubuntu, I couldn't just \\computername\folder, then login with test2:pass , as if I was connecting via SSH ?  I need to 'smbpasswd -a test2' ?12:20
Dr_WillisName141:  samba is totally differnt then ssh. each samba user can have their own smb password.. that can be differn tthen their login password.12:20
Dr_Willis!info samba-doc | Name14112:20
ubottuName141: samba-doc (source: samba): Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.2 (natty), package size 1627 kB, installed size 7744 kB12:20
yagoometbsd, consider that apt metalink sort of experimental.. it's a year old too.. but remember if u connect many times to the same server, this doesnt make the downloads faster.. and other mirrors can be much slower even if ur doing concurrent downloads from very seaprate servers12:21
Dr_WillisName141:  you CAN define guest shares that anyone can connect to12:21
sathisriz|work it says that has not be installed12:21
sathisDr_Willis how to install openssh server in ubunt12:21
Pi31415trying some compile some legacy code (lame 3.70) under 11.04.  make gets gtk-config not found, gtk/gtk.h no such file/directory.  tried apt-get install of oem-config-gtk.  what is correct dev package to get the missing headers.12:21
Name141Dr_Willis: I don't want that, I'm backing up data on this machine after a supposed boot virus (I think it's a false positive.. but.. *shrug*) , and I don't want everyone finding out my passwords/email, so on12:21
riz|worksathis: install it then. sudo apt-get install openssh-server12:21
thunder1212r u there mr hyperbyte12:22
Dr_WillisName141:  you need to clarify what you are trying to do exactly then. perhaps we can suggest alternatives12:23
Name141Dr_Willis: backup data over the network to keep private, and then put it back on this machine after a format .  My externals are full already and thus can't use them.12:23
Dr_Willisive not seen a bootsector virus in years.. :) and any that would affect a linux box.. i would find even more rarer.12:23
Dr_WillisName141:  backup from what exactly to what os exactly?12:24
Name141XP -> ubuntu12:24
Dr_Willisyou can use winscp and ssh     for that Name14112:24
Name141then later that data back to XP12:24
Name141ah yeah..12:24
Dr_Willisbe a little slower.. but easier to get going12:24
Name141I forgot12:25
TaevI just booted ubuntu, and logged on using the gnome default desktop and my taskbars at the top and bottom are gone12:25
Taevhow do I fix this?12:25
sathisDr_Willis and riz|work thanks12:25
sathisits working well12:25
riz|worksathis: welcome12:25
sathisi was now able to get conneted via putty12:26
Sidewinder1!classic > Taev12:26
ubottuTaev, please see my private message12:26
TaevIm not using 11.04 or unity, its 10.1012:26
Taevi just rebooted the computer and now my taskbars are gone12:26
Name141Dr_Willis: I'm assuming SFTP is the same /12:27
Sidewinder1Taev, Sorry, didn't realize; early here, need more coffee. :-)12:27
Hyperbytethunder1212:  stop private messaging me.  Ask in the channel.12:27
FuchsTaev: run gnome-panel12:27
jollster101Can anybody tell me how I can tell how many USB ports I have on my system within mythbuntu?12:27
FuchsTaev: either Alt+F2 works, or you can  CTRL+ALT+F1, log in, DISPLAY=:0 gnome-panel & disown   CTRL+ALT+F712:27
TaevCannot register the panel shell: there is already one running.12:27
Fuchskill it first12:27
thunder1212sorry : )12:30
Pi31415jollster101:  have you tried 'hwinfo'.   sudo apt-get install hwinfo  and then run from command line.  which release/12:30
thunder1212 just a bit anxious12:30
zanzibarwindshi all, I am having issues on my first install of ubuntu 11.04 from livedisk onto my Win 7 pc as a dual boot, could someone help me out please ?12:30
zanzibarwindsbtw, this is my first ever install of linux so complete nub12:30
Hyperbytethunder1212, so, ask.12:31
jollster101I havent tried that app no, I am running 10.10 as well12:31
thunder1212can i manually set ip of my eth0 on pc so that the modem connection gets shared accross the lan12:32
zanzibarwindsok I plop the disk in reboot pc and it loads the installer. Asks me if I want to install next to windows, i choose yes, it ask partition size, i chose 250 gb and it starts. Gets to the location selection and says it failed to mount file system of type swap on partition #6 (sdf) at none failed and clicking continue or go back does nothing12:32
HyperbyteWhat interface is the modem connected to?12:32
thunder1212mobile broadband12:33
HyperbyteInterface... eth0, eth1, eth2...12:33
r0fs3ck5zanzibarwinds: hang tight, will provide you a link on that12:33
zanzibarwindscheers mujch appreciated12:33
jollster101Pi31415: Basically I am trying to avoid using echo "USB1" > /proc/acpi/wakeup and then listing out each USB port to enable them.  I am trying to get my ir transceiver and MCE remoe to wake my system from suspend12:34
Name141how would I make a new user? useradd?12:35
llutz_Name141: sudo adduser12:35
Pi31415jollster101:  ok.  beyond what I can do to help you.  sorry.12:35
sreejudrives formatted in windows format is not showing in places or filebrowser12:35
sreejuplease help12:35
r0fs3ck5zanzibarwinds: follow the steps within: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot12:36
Name141llutz: adduser: Only one or two names allowed.12:36
llutz_Name141: sudo adduser <newusername>12:36
Pi31415which dev package do I need to resolve missing  gtk-config and gtk/gtk.h header missing also?12:36
Pi3141511.04 release12:37
Name141llutz: Alright, and how about removing a user?12:37
sreejunot even the pendrive is not showing.12:37
llutz_Name141: sudo deluser <newusername>12:37
Name141llutz: it looks like I need to add the new user to "sudoers list" first12:38
zanzibarwindsthanks rofs3cks, btw those partitions created by ubutnu have been deleted into one large partition now, is that going to be an issue or should i reformat them into ntfs first or are they selectable to be used again by the ubuntu install ?12:38
llutz_Name141: sudo adduser newuser admin                     no need to edit sudoers12:38
r0fs3ck5zanzibarwinds: you should be able to repartion that space12:39
llutz_Name141: all members of group admin are "sudo users"12:39
rigoriousanyone able to help me with an ubuntu cloud installation?12:39
zanzibarwindsok many thanks again :)12:39
r0fs3ck5zanzibarwinds: if you use LVM you can make better use of logical partitions12:40
rigoriousi'm trying to install a cloud node and a cloud controller on one machine... unfortunately the cloud node does not get registered...12:40
zanzibarwindsLVM ?12:40
thunder1212i want to manually set my ip to share internet connection what should i do12:40
Sidewinder1sreeju, Have you tried to "see" the drives using:System-->Administration--> Disk Utility?12:40
Pi31415sreeju:  have you tried from the menus:    System -> Administration -> Disk Utility?12:41
sreejuya its showing there12:42
sreejuin disk utility12:42
Pi31415sreeju:  then you should be able to mount the partition using the utility.12:43
sklorpionset theme dmilith12:43
sathisnow i have to install pidgi but i was not able get install > apt-get install pidgi12:43
sathisany thing that i'm missing in there ?12:44
Dr_Willissathis:  its name,.12:44
Dr_WillisYou spelt it wrong12:44
llutz_sathis: pidgin you mean?12:44
sathisoh sorry12:44
sathislemme give a try now12:44
Dr_WillisThe default IM client dident work for you?12:44
llutz_sathis: write what you mean and you'll be fine :)12:44
sreejuyes , thank you both. :)12:44
sreejumounted all the drives12:45
Pi31415sreeju:  does that get your problem solved?12:45
sathisroot@ubuntu:~# apt-get install pidgin12:45
sathisReading package lists... Done12:46
sathisBuilding dependency tree12:46
sathisReading state information... Done12:46
sathispidgin is already the newest version.12:46
sathis0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 117 not upgraded.12:46
FloodBot1sathis: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:46
sreejuyes , thanks :)12:46
spikecan you refresh the list of applets or something? I've installed timer applets and when I right click on the bar to add the applet there's nothing there about timer12:46
Name141llutz: it's saying the user is currently logged in even though I exited12:46
Pi31415sreeju:  you are welcome.12:46
spikeI have the same problem with workrave applet12:46
XaevGreetings everyone12:46
spikewon't show up in the list when I do "add to panel"12:46
sathisam i stil mute12:46
spikesathis: no12:46
spikeanybody got an idea about that problem?12:46
XaevI'm having a problem That I've had enough of my laptop using natty narwhal randomly and suddenly just logs off12:46
Xaevcan anyone help ?12:47
Dr_Willissathis:  its installed....12:47
sathisafter i get install pidgin still i dnt see as they show in web page12:47
Dr_Willissathis:  so run pidgin and have fun12:47
Pi31415any fortran programmers?    i have a legacy code that uses the old UNIX  time() function.  any way to get it back with gfortran?12:47
llutz_Name141: some still opened terminals/consoles?12:47
Name141llutz: I don't think so, let me restart12:47
Pi31415time() was available under the old g77 compiler12:47
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Name141llutz: er yeah there was, I had SFTP on12:48
Pi31415i know about time8()    :-)12:48
XaevCan anyone help me with my problem guys ?12:48
Sidewinder1sathis, That means that Pidgin is already installed, :-)12:48
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Xaev I'm having a problem That I've had enough of my laptop using natty narwhal randomly and suddenly just logs off12:48
r0fs3ck5sathis: dpkg-reconfigure pidgin12:48
Xaev I'm having a problem That I've had enough of, my laptop using natty narwhal randomly and suddenly just logs off12:49
Sidewinder1!repeat > Xaev12:49
ubottuXaev, please see my private message12:49
neil_what is the chances of a USB Digital TV receiver like this one http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/USB-HDTV-TV-tuner-DVB-T-4-Laptop-PC-Record-digital-TV-/120667853872?pt=AU_Laptop_Accessories&hash=item1c185d5430 working under ubuntu?12:51
spikeanybody knows how to refresh the list of installed applets please?12:51
spike"Add to panel" shows nothing12:51
spikeafter installing a couple new applets12:51
Dr_Willisneil_:   the MythTV forums normally have very good info on what Tuners can work and not work. theres also the MythBuntu forums.12:51
ma3xhi if i do search with find / -name *gz  how can I unpack every file within its directory?12:52
Dr_Willisspike:  one way, log out/back in.12:52
HyperbyteXaev, sounds like an ACPI problem12:52
Dr_Willisspike:  not the beest way :) you could try killall gnome-panel also12:52
XaevACPI ?12:52
spikeDr_Willis: ok, might try that second one, don't really want to logout right now. thanks.12:52
Dr_Willisspike:  or they may show up in a few min.12:53
XaevI'm sorry im a newbie12:53
joakimkHow do I disable (or auto-hide) the "top menu" in Ubuntu 11? I'm trying to run a (java) program in fullscreen mode12:53
llutz_ma3x: ... -name *gz |xargs tar xf12:53
joakimkI mean, the menu with the clock etc in it12:53
Xaevany idea on how to solve it ?12:53
HyperbyteXaev, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingACPI12:53
Sidewinder1neil_, Some TV tuners (like mine) will also run with Kaffeine.12:53
XaevThank you Hyperbyte!12:53
spikeDr_Willis: not counting on that, it's been 15 mins already12:54
spikealso, does anybody know what I can doa bout https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/linux/+bug/700292 ?12:54
ubottuUbuntu bug 700292 in bluez (Ubuntu Natty) "Bluetooth keyboard after natty upgrade not working" [Undecided,New]12:54
spikemy bt keyboard comes and goes every few seconds12:54
Dr_Willisspike:  you srue its not an app you actually run and it addes itself to the panel?12:54
ma3xllutz, it's a gz file not tar gz12:55
spikeit's really annoying12:55
llutz_ma3x: ... -name *gz |xargs gunzip12:55
llutz_ma3x: or         ... -name *gz -exec  gunzip {} +12:56
spikeDr_Willis: workrave actually is, that was a bad example. timer-applet is not, on maverick I just added it from the "add to panel"12:56
sathisDr_Willis that works fine with yahoo.. but not gmail and others12:57
Dr_Willissathis:  i dont use any of them. so no idea.12:57
sathisand i have some dout , likw its not get show all contacts12:57
sathisonly online contacts are visible12:58
sathisDr_Willis no proble,12:59
sathiswhat the command to view my available space with ubuntu dr13:00
Sidewinder1sathis, I don't use my Pidgin anymore, either; but if I remember correctly, you need to configure each IM service (AIM, Yahoo, etc....) separately within Pidgin...Frankly I forget exactly how but it can be done...Separate passwords to each service, etc.13:00
monkeywhats up bitches!!!13:00
sathisSidewinder1 yes ur right and i have done with that13:00
tsimpsonmonkey: please watch your language and content in this channel13:00
hungryhubbywrongplace monkey13:01
monkeytsimpson: Doh!13:01
sathiswhen i get connected to aim and also with yahoo all that nly shows the available online users Sidewinder113:01
Sidewinder1sathis, Sorry I can't be more speiific, hell getin' old...:-)13:01
llutz_sathis: pidgin has an option to hide offline buddies13:01
sathismonkey from india ?13:01
monkeyhungryhubby: munch munch13:01
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llutz_sathis: and for sure a documentation to read too13:01
sathisllutz where that can be enabled13:02
monkeysathis: u racist bastard13:02
sathisoh that llutz13:02
llutz_!ops | monkey13:02
ubottumonkey: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!13:02
Sidewinder1Here comes the BAN..13:02
tsimpsonmonkey: stop13:02
Sidewinder1Bye Monk.13:02
tsimpsonsathis: deep to the topic in here13:02
* monkey farts ooops13:03
Sidewinder1llutz, They must be all getting coffee. :-)13:04
sathisbangaloru monkey lolz13:04
tsimpsonsathis: I won't ask again13:04
monkeySathis : u r a leet h@acker ! ..13:05
* monkey drooling :-P13:05
tsimpson!ot | monkey13:05
ubottumonkey: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:05
r0fs3ck5monkey: try sudo rm *13:06
monkeyr0fs3ck5 :will do that thru ssh on ur ip lolz13:07
XaevHyperbyte I checked the acpi page you gave me and I checked the BIOS version turns out there is a newer one13:07
Xaevthe only thing is the new bios im downloading is of .exe extension13:07
Xaevwill i be able to update my bios13:08
Sidewinder1Xaev, Then you'll need to boot into Win and run the .exe file.13:08
Dr_Willisits either a tool that does it.. or its a self extacting arcvhive Xaevo13:08
Dr_Willisits either a tool that does it.. or its a self extacting arcvhive Xaev13:08
hungryhubbycan i check that how much ram my mobo supports13:08
Dr_Willisive seen some pc's these days that can update the bios from the bios screens13:08
llutz_Dr_Willis: i wouldn't buy anything else :)13:09
Dr_WillisIve rarey ever needed to update my bios13:09
LAcananyone good with ettercap?13:09
joakimkAnyone know how to hide top menu/bar in Ubuntu 11? The one with the clock, etc?13:09
XaevI'll check If i can do that Dr willis13:10
Xaevsidewinder I dont have windows installed on mylaptop13:10
Hyperbytejoakimk, why would you want to do that?13:10
XaevI only use Ubuntu here13:10
Dr_Willisjoakimk:  sounds like that java app is not fullscreening properly. perhaps try to set its layer to be 'on top'13:10
Ddpbfdoes somebody know what script is managing xapian in USC13:10
joakimkHyperbyte: in order to run a program in fullscreen...13:10
Hyperbytejoakimk, if it's for kiosk mode you could consider not starting gnome-panel at all13:10
kLownIs it possible to run netflix view now on ubuntu yet?13:11
Dr_Willisjoakimk:  ive seen java apps do all sorts of things.. badly in  fullscreening and other areas13:11
XaevDr willis when you are amidst your work and suddenly your screen goes black and it logs off, I'm thankful I hve very calm nerves13:11
Dr_WilliskLown:  not that ive seen/heard of.13:11
Sidewinder1Xaev, Most times one sees an .exe file, it's windows based.13:11
Hyperbytejoakimk, otherwise you could set the panel to hide automatically in the options13:11
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joakimkHyperbyte: kiosk mode, yes :) OK I see13:11
hungryhubbycan i sniff over network in ubuntu13:11
kLownDr_Willis: thanks.  thats one thing thats going to keep me from switching over to ubuntu completely.13:11
joakimkDr_Willis: yes, fullscreen in Ubuntu 10 worked fine...13:12
Hyperbytejoakimk, ah, well, then gnome-panel is the program that creates the bottom/top panels for Gnome.  If you don't want people to be able to use them, make sure gnome-panel doesn't get started.13:12
Dr_WilliskLown:  they only recently got netflix supported on some android phones.. and Google/chrome and netflix are supposuibly  a comming thing with the html5 stuff.13:12
Xaevoehh what?13:12
sathisDr_Willis i have installed the sirc in via putty13:12
sathisbut now how to get connected to ird13:12
sathisbut now how to get connected to irc13:12
kLownDr_Willis: yeah I was real excited when it was released to my phone :D13:13
XaevI just had an idea I want to ask you guys about13:13
XaevoXaev: dun steal my nicl D:13:13
Dr_Willissafire:   most irc clients have a /connect command13:13
Sidewinder1hungryhubby, Try nmap13:13
Hyperbytejoakimk, you could probably even 'apt-get remove gnome-panel' without breaking Gnome, and then create a ~/.gnomerc file to start the program you want for the kiosk mode (not sure if this is the best way though)13:13
XaevI'm sorry man but mine contains a latin character and it doesnt show here13:13
Dr_WilliskLown:  it dosent work on my phone yet. :) but i got a dozen other devices that can do netflix. so i dont really need it on my linux box's13:13
XaevI'll flip to my other nick13:13
=== Xaev is now known as Awolf
hungryhubbyusc says ethercap?13:14
Guest83285How do I update the TeamSpeak3 server correctly when my old version was installed using this guide? http://robert.penz.name/296/howto-install-teamspeak-3-server-on-ubuntu-10-04-lucid/13:14
Awolfdone Xaevo you can flip back to yours13:14
sathishow do get a fixed sever and identf my nic too13:14
Xaevothis'z mine =313:14
Xaevoonly, i get highlighted13:14
Xaevowhen you use Xaev13:14
AwolfKeep it man it's just a nickname13:14
Awolfguys can I use virtual machine to install windows and update the bios would that work ?13:15
nlsthzn... easy enough to register nick's :)13:15
tsimpsonAwolf: no, virtual machines have no real access to hardware13:15
nlsthznBlou_Aap: hehe, nice nick btw :)13:15
AwolfI hate toshiba!13:16
riz|worksathis: you'll have more luck finding documentation on you irc client in man pages or developer website13:16
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Sidewinder1hungryhubby, Or the GUI version of nmap, "Zenmap" which is best run with gksudo...13:16
Dr_Willisfor console/text based irc clients -- you will want to read the clients docs and hopefully they have a quick start guide13:16
gregdieselhello everyone, I'm having a php or lamp issue.  I have a php script where I want to do a shell command.  So I do shell_exec('theshellcommand');    It works when I do something like echo hello > newtxt.txt or a cp command but when I try to launch a program like gedit, I run into issues.  I tried changing permissions on the shell commands, but that didn't seem to help.  Any thoughts?13:17
ChessTeachI am not sure the correct forum for this problem, but Skype will no longer run on my computer. It crashes on load, could someone help me troubleshoot or point me to a better channel13:17
AwolfBe back later everyone hope someone can help me by then13:18
Guest83285How do I update the TeamSpeak3 server correctly when my old version was installed using this guide? http://robert.penz.name/296/howto-install-teamspeak-3-server-on-ubuntu-10-04-lucid/13:18
riz|workChessTeach: what is the error message?13:18
DdpbfChessTeach: start it from terminal an paste otput somewhere13:18
Hyperbytegregdiesel, you can't run interactive programs via shell_exec() in PHP.  You'd find more help about this in the PHP IRC channel.13:18
Hyperbytegregdiesel, also see exec()... that might more be what you want, but again, seek PHP support, not Ubuntu. :)13:19
Dr_WillisGuest83285:  extract the new vertion to the proper /opt/ dir.. or remove the old.. and insatll the new.13:19
onetwohi i need help with a shell script..spawn ssh root@router | expect "root@router's password: " | exp_send "password\r"..the login seems to work..when i then fe put a ifconfig eth0 down..the command is not executed on the device13:19
gregdieselHyperbyte, ok thank you.  I will go searching13:20
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onetwowhen i manually run the script step by step it works fine13:20
Guest83285Dr_Willis: Can you guide me on how to do that?13:20
Hyperbytegregdiesel, good luck. :)13:20
Dr_WillisGuest83285:  not really. get the new archive/tar.gz and put it where you got the old one installed is the basics of it. its all in /opt/ts3 it seems13:21
Guest83285I don't even know how to access the user I created for TeamSpeak13:21
Dr_WillisGuest83285:  you may want to get a better nick also.. the user name is 'teamspeak' and you dont login as that user.13:22
Guest83285I have a nick, but for some reason it's not working atm.. Maybe someone else registered?13:22
Dr_Willispick a differnt one then...13:23
=== Dr_Willis is now known as ICantThinkOfAnic
=== Guest83285 is now known as Bluelight
ICantThinkOfAnic-->   /nick ICantThinkOfAnick13:23
ICantThinkOfAnicoops :)13:23
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SyriaHi, I want for my usb devices to be detected on virtual machine how can i do that please? I am using natty.13:23
onetwohttp://pastebin.com/QHccsDJz could someone please give me a hint why the ifconfig eth0 down is not working please13:23
Dr_WillisSyria:  using what VM?13:23
BluelightI'm Guest83285..13:23
SyriaDr_Willis:  Vbox.13:24
SyriaDr_Willis:  This instructions were not helpful, it didnt work https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox/USB13:24
onetwohttp://pastebin.com/QHccsDJz pls someone help why the command "ifconfig eth0 down" is not executed..13:26
akyrosGRwho the fuck has taken my nickname?13:26
metbsdwhat is xubuntu alternative?13:26
bazhangakyrosGR, no cursing13:26
akyrosGRf*** u13:27
bazhangakyrosGR, thats enough.13:27
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SyriaGuys stop cursing please!13:27
akyrosGRor maybe no13:27
sudokillakyros stop having a paddywack like a baby13:27
nlsthznwhy don't people register their nicks :/13:28
bazhang!language > Agent00813:28
ubottuAgent008, please see my private message13:28
tina_morgan123my boyfriend jus dumped me because i didnt want to use ubuntu in my laptop13:28
nlsthznproblem solved13:28
Agent008what message?13:28
onetwohaha tina..you guy has taste13:28
Syriatina_morgan123:  and you came to the right place.13:28
Agent008I didnt see it13:28
jiohdiis there a way to block websites so that none of the browsers will go to them by re-direct?13:28
bazhangAgent008, no cursing. period.13:28
SyriaAgent008:  The message says "Stop cursing!!"13:28
bl4ndhlo again13:28
onetwosomeone familiar with shellscripting with ssh???13:29
SyriaDr_Willis:  Windows Xp sp3 on Virtual box.13:29
Agent008and you kick me out?13:29
mac_how i connect nokia c300 to ubuntu 10.10 for using internet13:29
ChessTeachriz|work: Ddpbf https://pastee.org/d5pp713:29
bl4ndI got ubuntu server 10 now , and now its hanging on the list of 0.215 etc kernel thread helper , is this normal ?...13:29
bl4ndjst on initial instal at the minute13:29
tina_morgan123whats is so really good about ubuntu13:30
riz|workChessTeach: you have 64 bit system?13:30
Syriabl4nd:  I think that you should ask in #ubuntu-server13:30
bl4ndno , 32 bit13:30
jiohditina_morgan123, compared to what?13:30
cpc4anyone know how to do a command line install via the grub2 boot on the alternate cd?13:30
bazhangtina_morgan123, lets take chit chat to #ubuntu-offtopic13:30
sudokilltina_morgan123, ull have to research it urself13:30
onetwotina its free13:30
bl4ndcheers Syria ';_13:30
sudokilltina_morgan123, stop trolling13:30
Syriabl4nd:  :)13:30
onetwosomeone please help me with this script here ->>>http://pastebin.com/QHccsDJz13:30
ChessTeachriz|work: yes, i believe so13:31
pianolenderhello evedybody, I have a raid5 partition and I want to install ubuntu 8.04 on it - is it possible?13:31
cpc4so far I am unable to boot the "old / normal" install screen where I can press f4 and change the install mode13:31
SyriaHow can I activate  usb on my virtual machine? vbox13:31
sudokillSyria u have to select the usb device13:31
cpc4pianolender, yes of course, but why 8.04?13:31
tina_morgan123i'm using windows vista nd its really handy.. everything is just there already .. just hav to go to start and click13:31
ChessTeachriz|work: didn't buy the computer, but skype seems to want the 64 bit version installed13:31
gaelfxdoes the new amahi alpha function in any meaningful way yet, or is it basically a really drawn out way to bork your system?13:31
sudokillSyria, from the vbox window13:31
bazhangtina_morgan123, did you have an actual support question13:32
Syriasudokill:  How can i do this?13:32
onetwois there a way to record a telnet/ssh session and let it be replayed??13:32
sudokilltina_morgan123, just go13:32
bazhangsudokill, thats enough.13:32
Agent008ps -A13:32
sudokillSyria, in the virtual machine window there should be a usb icon click it and choose ur device13:32
Agent008kill + no.13:32
sudokillbazhang, he/she is obviously trolling13:32
tina_morgan123sudokill is very mean13:32
cpc4"don't feed the trolls"13:33
Syriasudokill:  What if it is not existed? i am sure.13:33
sudokillseriously ur bf dumped u cos u didnt use ubuntu yea whatever13:33
pianolendercpc4: it is a long story. VMWare  Server supports it, and does not support many modern distros13:33
bazhangsudokill, move on please.13:33
DdpbfChessTeach: check this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ia32-libs/+bug/64686213:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 646862 in ia32-libs (Ubuntu Maverick) "skype crashes after signing in" [High,Fix released]13:33
Agent008you got a better way?13:33
bazhangtina_morgan123, lets take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic please13:33
pianolendercpc4: so, what should I do to tell installer thah I have a raid partition?13:33
metbsdwhich is best? xubuntu?ubuntu?edubuntu?kubuntu?13:33
ChessTeachDdpbf: i did a search for the error message (after you suggested the command line) and found something similiar13:34
bazhangmetbsd, depends on your needs13:34
ChessTeachDdpbf: that fixed it, thanks alot13:34
tjiggi_fometbsd, there is no best - that's why there's a choice13:34
cpc4pianolender, I'm not sure you'll likely use the alternate cd and depending on if you're using llvm or mdadm (sp?)13:34
metbsdbazhang, im now downloading xbuntu, will i be ok to convert xubuntu to edubuntu?13:34
greenmang0metbsd, the one which you like13:34
metbsdgreenmang0, i haven't installed any, just downloading xubuntu13:34
sudokillmetbsd, what do u mean convert13:34
bazhangmetbsd, sure the edubuntu-desktop package can do that iirc  (let me check)13:34
cpc4metbsd edubuntu is just a different selection of packages13:34
metbsdsudokill, i mean,now i installed xubuntu, later i make it become edubuntu13:35
metbsdor kubuntu even13:35
pianolendercpc4: I have seen notices about mdadm and lvm, but didn13:35
bazhangmetbsd, yes, install that package (metapackage) and it will bring in the rest13:35
sudokillyea u can use all ur files13:35
mac_<mac_> how i connect nokia c300 to ubuntu 10.10 for using internet13:35
pianolendercpc4: I have seen notices about mdadm and lvm, but didn't understand where they must be started from if I haven't a system yet?13:36
Ddpbfmetbsd: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop13:36
cpc4pianolender, is raid already set up or are you looking to set up a new raid install?13:36
bazhangmetbsd, similarly for kubuntu-desktop etc13:36
metbsdbazhang, when im in xubuntu, will i have xubuntu-desktop?13:36
metbsdis that ok to remove my xubuntu-desktop ?13:36
pianolendercpc4: I have a built-in raid controller on MB, and raid partition is already configured13:36
bazhangmetbsd, its a metapackage, removing it will do nothing13:36
Ddpbfit wont do anything13:36
cpc4pianolender, sorry I can't help you more specifically, i have not set up softraid myself, though between the ubuntu and arch wikis you should be able to figure it out13:36
cpc4pianolender, ahh, but no data on it?13:37
pianolendercpc4: yes13:37
metbsdso i remove my xubuntu-desktop, and install edubuntu-desktop, my os become edubuntu?13:37
cpc4pianolender, from what I have read, it is generally advised to use software raid (at least i am in that camp)13:37
metbsdwhat's a minimim installer iso i can get without any buntu13:37
Ddpbfmetbsd: It will allways be ubuntu13:37
cpc4pianolender, becaues if your HW raid controller craps out you'll have a more difficult recovery13:37
bazhangmetbsd, again, removing xubuntu-desktop wont get rid of xubuntu, so no. choose edubuntu at the login window13:37
metbsdi may install that first, and then decide which desktop13:37
cpc4pianolender, and software raid performance has come quite far13:38
sudokillmetbsd ud have to use another distro13:38
sudokilland put ur own de on it13:38
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bazhangsudokill, thats not correct.13:38
cpc4pianolender,sorry, that's all I've read :)13:38
pianolendercpc4: so, the choice is to install alternate edition and configure a raid after installation?13:38
sudokillis there an ubuntu without a de?13:38
compdocpianolender, typically, those onboard raid devices are also known as fake raid, which require drivers to work, and those drivers are typically for windows. Linux usually only sees the individual drives13:38
sudokillstandard one13:38
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metbsdso when i install ubuntu, if i remove ubuntu-desktop, is it still ubuntu?13:38
bazhang!metapackage | metbsd13:39
ubottumetbsd: A meta-package is a package that simply depends upon other packages and brings them in. It's not a real package, but a very useful package that can drag in other package versions.13:39
Guest25351how i connect nokia c300 to ubuntu 10.10 for using internet13:39
metbsdubuntu iso without ubuntu-deskop, is the same as kubuntu iso without kde-desktop?13:39
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=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|ZNC
sudokillmetbsd, if ur removing something and it warns u that "ubuntu desktop" will be removed as well dont be scared it doesnt do anything13:39
bazhang!minimal | metbsd13:39
ubottumetbsd: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD13:39
metbsdand same as xubuntu iso without xfce i guess?13:39
cpc4pianolender, again, I don't know, but that's where I'd start looking if you have time, check out the differences between lvm and mdadm13:39
Agent008how to register?13:39
bazhangAgent008, join #freenode13:40
llutz_!register | Agent00813:40
ubottuAgent008: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode13:40
cpc4so nobody has set up a command line install on a very new mainboard or laptop? One that boots to EFI / Grub2?13:40
pianolendercompdoc: ok, considering software raid controller, is ubuntu installer meant to be able to create raid partitions before conpying system files?13:41
jibleanyone good with modding gtk themes who could help me out for a sec?13:41
cpc4pianolender, yes, that's part of the disc / partition setup13:41
pianolendercpc4: and it exists only in alternate edition?13:42
cpc4pianolender, pretty sure, yes13:42
Dr_Willisive not even seen a EFI mainboard yet..13:42
compdocpianolender, Im not really sure the capabilites of the ubuntu installer concerning raid13:42
compdocbut you can certainly set up the raid after13:43
Zeevguys whats this thing about registering nicknameS?13:43
cpc4Dr_Willis,they're pretty common now, most new laptops (at least lenovo ones)13:43
compdocneed a registered nick to join some channels13:43
pianolendercompdoc: in that case system files will not be on raid partition, or is it meant that they will migrate after raid setup?13:43
compdocthe are copied after13:44
bazhangsudokill, dont do that.13:44
compdocwhen you set up the software raid, one disk is copied to the other13:44
bazhangsudokill, just dont.13:44
cpc4pianolender, compdoc, it depends on your setup, right? you could have system on one non-raid partition and data or whatever else you want on raided partitions13:44
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cpc4pianolender, either way, alternate is what you want13:45
cpc4especially if you're just getting into this adn won't be setting up the partitions manually after an install13:45
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pianolendercpc4: hw raid is, then, that expensive pci modules in pricelists?13:47
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cpc4pianolender, i don't understand the question13:48
bl4nddo i stop this memory test after a set number of passes , or leave it going ?..13:48
bl4ndfresh instal13:48
bl4ndoh i see its % of passes13:49
sudokillblan memtest usually errors quickly13:50
sudokillbut leave it for few hours if u can for peace of mind13:50
compdocbl4nd, if you have the time, run it overnight, or at least a few passes13:50
axscodehttp://pastebin.com/d9VcZzeh any help?13:50
bl4ndits on 56%13:50
Sidewinder1bl4nd, If you think you've got memory problems, a few hours is best.13:50
sudokilllet it do 2 passes if ur in a rush13:50
sudokillhave u overclocked ur ram13:51
compdocIve seen errors right away, or after 4 or 5 passes13:51
bl4ndits the only thing thats worked s ofar from two instal discs lol13:51
bl4ndeverything else just hangs13:51
sudokillr u running memtest cos u cant install?13:51
bl4ndit was the last thing to click sudo13:51
compdocbl4nd, what about you hard drive? ever look at the SMART data?13:51
DevilSolutionbl4nd, whats your problem? does it fail to install?13:52
sudokillsmart data lies13:52
DevilSolutionyou lie :P13:52
bl4ndyeh instal fail , jst hangs , on that first list  after clicking instal13:52
compdocsmart data is very useflu13:52
Sidewinder1bl4nd, Did you md5sum the ISO image prior burning it to the disks?13:52
DevilSolutionon the area list?13:52
bl4ndwhta does that mean sidewinder l(13:53
compdocif smart shows reallocated sectors, you are a fool to ignore it13:53
cpc4anyone know if there is a boot flag or parameter i can pass into grub to make it run the command line installer?13:53
sudokillbland its probably a hardware problem13:53
DevilSolutionif we say your disk runs fine for now, if its a HD problem i would think it would flag an installation error13:53
pianolendercpc4: I once saw a pci raid controller in a price list, it's cost was about 2000$. I was surprised because I know about far more cheap mainboards with onboard raid controllers.13:53
sudokill99% of the time its not ur ram or a bad disk13:53
Sidewinder1!md5sum | bl4nd13:53
ubottubl4nd: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows13:53
compdocbad disks are very common13:54
LjLsudokill: please can you try spelling out you and your and the like? people may not be native speakers here and get all the various abbreviations13:54
sudokillcompdoc hdds last ages13:54
cpc4pianolender they are not the same :)13:54
sathiswell any one please get me the link to post the error13:54
sathisi was not able to past in this window13:54
compdocsudokill, you dont know much about hdds, then13:54
sathisso please link to post the message out tere13:54
bazhangbl4nd, Sidewinder1 's suggestion is the one I'd follow first and foremost13:54
qin!paste | sathis13:54
ubottusathis: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:54
sudokillcompdoc i know enough to know my dads got one still working fine from 20 years ago13:54
DevilSolutionbl4nd, exactly how long did you leave it to hang? usually if it gets stuck on an install it will at some point flag the problem/file13:55
Sidewinder1bazhang, Thanks!13:55
pianolendercpc4: now I know more about the difference13:55
compdocsudokill, that means nothing here in the real world13:55
bl4ndabout half an hour13:55
bl4ndi know ;(13:55
bazhangbl4nd, md5 the iso, burn again slowly, and do the disk integrity check.13:55
sudokillcompdoc, ok, someones been using an os, been wokring fine, then installs ubuntu. all of a sudden it wont install. how convenient disk went bad _just_ at that time of the install13:55
DevilSolutionit does sound like a Mother board problem, not hard drive or disk (they usually come up with error fairly quick)13:56
cpc4pianolender, it's always about performance, reliability, support, most  of the time "big iron" is big bucks13:56
bl4ndyeh i did really slow speed burn and verified fine13:56
compdocsudokill, that sort of thing happens all the time13:56
damianwhat ever happened to this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Specs/AndroidExecutionEnvironment13:56
gabriel_1980Hi everyone13:56
cpc4but that is being mitigated with clever software and architecture now13:56
sudokillnah its just generic answer13:56
sathisafter past there what i need to do13:56
bazhangbl4nd, then try some bootoptions, or failing that the alternate installer, which works where the live cd sometimes chokes.13:56
damiania it dead?13:57
sathishere is the link error when i get connected to irc13:57
=== Blizzerand is now known as Chris_H
r0fs3ck5damian: not sure, I'll look into it.13:57
sathisthanks r0fs3ck513:58
damianawesome, would be hands to have. or atleast to know whats happening :)13:58
BluelightWhat is the syntax of cp command and how do I copy a folder to another location with another name?13:58
gabriel_1980I Installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my Dell Latitude D800, it has a Nvidia 5200 go graphics card, the problem is that the drivers are activated but not in use, how can I fix this? I downloaded th drivers from the Nvidia website13:58
sudokillBluelight just use cp file newfile13:58
Bluelightsudokill: Does it work for folders as well?13:59
s0u10xrproblems with installing google chromium. any suggestions?13:59
r0fs3ck5sathis: no commits since 2009.  Contact this guy: https://launchpad.net/~julian-edwards and see how it's going.13:59
anggussmy ubuntu server, running apf firewall is blocking my IP, even though it's in the allow/whitelists, i can connect if i stop the firewall. anyone know how i could fix this?13:59
compdocangguss, connect with what?14:00
s0u10xrproblems with installing google chromium. any suggestions?14:00
anggussanything, ping, ftp or ssh. with the firewall on, it blocks all of those.14:01
Mrokiihello. Can somebod ytell me how I activate a VPN in Ubuntu 11.04 after I have created the entry in the network-manager?14:01
bl4nddo i NEED a sound card instaled to instal ubuntu ?.... or can i do that later ?..14:02
Sidewinder1!chromium > s0u10xr14:02
ubottus0u10xr, please see my private message14:02
BluelightI get the message: Omitting directory14:02
anggusscompdoc, anything, ping, ftp or ssh. i have opened the ports correctly, it was working, and others can ping the server with no issues14:02
ijHow to enable all apt repositories?14:02
sagacibl4nd, no14:03
dr0idhey guys14:03
dr0idubuntu 11.04 gnome is quite buggy, is KDE that buggy ?14:03
gabriel_1980Hi, can somebody help me?14:03
gabriel_1980I Installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my Dell Latitude D800, it has a Nvidia 5200 go graphics card, the problem is that the drivers are activated but not in use, how can I fix this? I downloaded th drivers from the Nvidia website14:03
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BluelightHow do I copy a folder with cp command?14:04
cpc4gabriel_1980 the nvidia current drivers from the software center did not work?14:04
Ddpbfgabriel_1980: do you have 3d effects14:04
sudokillcp -r14:04
Chris__HHi, how do I manage multiple email accounts with Evolution?14:04
s0u10xrobuttu, how to see the private message. on webchat.freenode.net14:04
=== Timic_ is now known as Timic
cpc4Timic do you play S2?14:05
gabriel_1980the drivers from the software center didnt worked, that is why I downloaded the drivers from the Nvidia website14:05
cpc4Chris__H, edit> preferences14:05
sudokillgabriel_1980, it should be in additional drivers14:06
Chris__Hcpc4: Thanks14:06
sudokillfor nvidia14:06
sudokillclick activate14:06
Sidewinder1gabriel_1980, I would not suggest downloading drivers directly from nvidia; try system--> Administration--> Hardware Drivers and install/enable and see which one works best for you>14:06
metbsdwhat's new in 11.04?14:07
cpc4gabriel_1980: the nvidia-current drivers should work for you14:07
sudokillmetbsd, new interface, newwer kernel, newer software14:07
edbianYesterday I burned a .avi file to a DVD-R to play on my home player using devede.  It worked ok except that occasionally (about every 10 minutes) the movie would skip forward roughly 1 second.  What might be the cause of this.  Who / Where else can I ask to learn and get help?14:07
gabriel_1980I did that but I had trouble booting to ubuntu, it shows a lot of white cubes and freezes14:07
s0u10xrinstalling chromium from ppa fails any suggestions?14:07
edbianmetbsd: Kidding right?  an entirely new interface called 'unity'14:07
s0u10xrsudo add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily/ppa && sudo apt-get update doesnt show up chromium-browser package in ubuntu14:07
Ddpbfs0u10xr: it works like charm14:08
sudokills0u10xr, ubuntu tweak is an easy way to add repos and install things14:08
sudokillfor common programs14:08
Dr_Willisthey really need to work on an official tool similer to ubuntu-tweak.14:09
sudokilli agree14:09
sudokillsuch a useful program14:09
Ddpbfs0u10xr: keep in mind that there is 4 ppas for chromium14:09
s0u10xrDdpbf it doesnt work!14:09
edbianDr_Willis: sudokill I think it's called 'the terminal'14:09
MonkeyDustunetbootin, too, is adopted by ubuntu14:09
sudokillthats the whole point of tweak14:09
sudokillu can do all the useful thigns from a gui14:09
Ddpbfwich doesnot?14:10
s0u10xrsudo add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily/ppa && sudo apt-get update doesnt show up chromium-browser package in ubuntu14:10
Dr_Willisunetbootin has been a litlte flakey lately. Its also lacking in features of some of the other iso->usb tools out there.14:10
edbiansudokill: I know, I'm just kidding14:10
Dr_Willispendrivelinux web site has some nice alternavbies to unetbootin14:10
s0u10xrDdpbf, chromium-daily/ppa14:10
sudokills0u10xr, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily/ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install chromium-browser14:10
sudokillor, install ubuntu tweak, install chromium from there and click the repo u want from there e.g. stable dev beta etc14:11
sudokillthen sudo apt-get update14:11
sudokillwhich it should od for you too14:11
MonkeyDustdaily build ppa un-stabilized my whole system14:12
* MonkeyDust does not trust ppa's14:12
sudokillor, install arch and do pacman -S chromium14:12
s0u10xrsudokill : only if it showed the package. the package doesnt show up in synaptic for installation. how can i proceed?14:12
Sidewinder1!pm > gabriel_198014:12
ubottugabriel_1980, please see my private message14:12
gaelfxMonkeyDust: well, that's why it's generally recommended that you don't use PPAs unless absolutely necessary14:12
s0u10xrsudokill: arch?14:13
Sidewinder1gabriel_1980, Unfortunately it kind of a trail and error sort of thing...:-(14:13
gabriel_1980do I need to load an older version of the driver? I had no problem in ubuntu 10.1014:13
metbsdjust type yum update14:13
metbsdfedora is the best so far14:14
bl4ndeverything is locking up on instal kepboard the lot14:14
metbsdwithout trying xubuntu yet14:14
Sidewinder1gabriel_1980, What ver of Ubuntu are you using?14:14
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|ZNC
Sidewinder1gabriel_1980, Then why not go back to 1014:14
Ddpbfsudaya: yaourt -S chromium-browser-ppa14:15
gabriel_1980Can I send the dmesg as a pastebin?14:15
Sidewinder1gabriel_1980, Or better yet the LTS version Lucid 10.04?14:15
Sidewinder1gabriel_1980, Sure but it's beyond my abilities; I'm an LTS guy. :-)14:16
bl4nddo i need ubuntu instaled before i instal ubuntu server >.?14:16
edbiangabriel_1980: I'll take a look at it.  What is the issue?14:16
edbianbl4nd: no14:16
Ddpbfbl4nd: no14:16
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
gabriel_1980ok, im going to post it now14:16
gaelfxbl4nd: but just so you know, Server edition has no GUI by default14:17
bl4ndoh great14:17
bl4nd ;(14:17
semi-flywhat is the easiest way to update/upgrade python from the base install of 2.7.x to 3.2 ?14:17
bl4ndwindows server it is then , booooo14:17
gaelfxbl4nd: it's ok, you can just 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop' after you install it14:17
bl4ndcan i do desktop first ?14:18
bl4ndas server isnt havin none of it14:18
gaelfxbl4nd: yeah, but I'm not sure what package differences there are between the two14:18
gaelfxbl4nd: what do you want to do with this server?14:18
gabriel_1980Here is my dmesg: http://pastebin.com/auQVHLii14:19
bl4ndi want the mrs to be able to access the drives on it at work or from where ever she is14:19
Ddpbfgaelfx: he could install ubuntu-desktop14:19
Ddpbfther is no any problem14:19
sugis master shaper is available for ubuntu ?14:19
=== McPeter_ is now known as McPeter
Ddpbfcli apps are customized for server use14:19
Sidewinder1bl4nd, Did you do the md5sum on the ISO, prior to reburning the server version?14:19
gaelfxDdpbf: yeah, I told him that already14:19
bl4ndis that a must ?...14:20
Ddpbfbl4nd: it is safer14:20
gabriel_1980edbian> here is my dmesg: http://pastebin.com/auQVHLii14:20
edbiansemi-fly: There is a python3 package I believe14:20
edbiangabriel_1980: What issue are you having?14:20
bl4ndok , im going to go with the desktop version and see how that gets on ,14:20
Sidewinder1bl4nd, That may be why the server "is having none of it", remember I'm saying maybe; got to eliminate all of the variables to solve problems. :-)14:20
ravionrailsany webmin user here, how to create sub-domain14:20
gaelfxbl4nd: so you want to be able to access the files on it from anywhere? it sounds like you need dynamic dns rather than a server version14:20
semi-flyI saw it but does it actually update or just install beside the base version?14:21
bl4ndwhat do you mean gael ?..14:21
ravionrailsany free best cpanel alternative14:21
SultansElephantravionrails: you gotta go to a channel that supports webmin, this is for ubuntu14:21
gabriel_1980My problem is that the nvidia drivers are activated but not in use14:21
ravionrailsi know tha14:21
ravionrailsis there any irc channel for webmin14:21
gaelfxbl4nd: how would she be accessing the files? and what types of files?14:22
bl4ndgaelfx: what do you mean ?..14:22
Sidewinder1!webmin > ravionrails14:22
ubotturavionrails, please see my private message14:22
bl4ndgaelfk: liek images, photoshop , html , anything web design like14:22
bl4ndits mianly for a storage solution for her so all her files arent all over the place that she can access anywhere14:23
edbiangabriel_1980: hello?14:23
gaelfxbl4nd: ok, so you can do that with SSH14:23
gabriel_1980edbian> my problem is that the nvidia drivers are activated but not in use14:23
bl4ndwhat is ssh ?...14:24
gaelfxbl4nd: the main obstacle is knowing the IP address of your home computer, which can be solved with something like Dynamic DNS14:24
gaelfxbl4nd: don't worry what it is right now14:24
edbiangabriel_1980: Are you talking about that silly 'hardware drivers' GUI.  It is buggy and has confusing output.  Here are some CLI tools that will make things easier for you.  lsmod lists all the modules currently being used.  (driver is a module) you can do lsmod | grep 'nvidia' to see if the nividia driver is being used.14:24
anonymous_hi, how i can connect to my freenode account please ?14:25
bl4ndyeh thats cool Gael im jst wandering now , do i even need the server, or what ?... or jst shared fodler she can access over dns14:25
dsathetest 12314:25
gaelfxbl4nd: you should check out www.dyndns.org14:25
gabriel_1980edbian> when I try to see videos from any site they are slow14:25
edbiangabriel_1980: The nvidia cards give you two options for modules/drivers.  nouveau and nvidia (there are a couple versions of nvidia).  lspci -k will list all devices and the drivers they're currently using14:25
bl4ndthanx yeh , ; )14:25
edbiangabriel_1980: Which driver are you using right now?14:26
gaelfxbl4nd: and also Winscp, which is some software you can use for doing lots of things between two computers connected via internet14:26
edbiangabriel_1980: Using lsmod / lspci -k    don't tell me what 'hardware drivers' is saying.14:26
gaelfxbl4nd: shared folders would probably work as well14:26
bl4ndgaelfx: your an angel ;)14:26
gaelfxno prob14:26
edbiangabriel_1980: BTW, I see no errors in your dmesg.  It indicates the nvidia module was loaded but I'm more interested in what lspci and lsmod say about it14:27
gabriel_1980edbian> the 173 version downloaded from Nvidia website14:27
BluesKajHowdy all14:27
edbiangabriel_1980: What card do you have?14:27
gabriel_1980edbian> I have a Geforce 5200 go14:27
gabriel_1980edbian> im going to pastebin the lspci14:28
* gaelfx trying to resist using the 90's called and they want their graphics card back joke14:28
edbiangabriel_1980: Here is a list of all the different packages that contain nvidia drivers in the 11.04 repos.  I'm not really up to date on which works for which card or the differences between all of them.  Basically I suggest that you try out these different drivers, confirm that each is being used using lspci -k / lsmod and see which works best.14:29
edbiangabriel_1980: lspci -k  please :)14:29
gabriel_1980edbian> here is my lspci: http://pastebin.com/rPZEvEki14:29
bl4ndi'll be back in a bit im sure, thanx for your help guys , you rock !!! \m/14:30
edbiangabriel_1980: lspci -k14:30
edbiangabriel_1980: All I can see there is what hardware you have.  You do indeed have a GeForce FX Go520014:30
gabriel_1980edbian> here is the lspci -k: http://pastebin.com/A8DHNH2m14:31
edbiangabriel_1980: Thanks14:31
edbiangabriel_1980: See under your graphics card?  You are currently using nvidia.  You have currently installed 'nvidia, nvidia-173, nouveau, and nvidiafb'  Do you see that?14:32
boghogwhat's a good way to install ubuntu on an asus eee pc?14:32
gabriel_1980edbian> how can I fix that?14:32
edbianboghog: Make a live USB14:32
edbiangabriel_1980: What do you mean 'fix' ?14:32
Zonetti[boghog]: use unetbootin to make a pendrive :)14:33
gabriel_1980edbian> The videos when I try to see them are slow, like it has no acceleration14:33
edbiangabriel_1980: Try different drivers.14:33
boghogthanks Zonetti, edbian, going to try unetbootin14:33
phillip4672anyone know  how to adjust my screen resolution? I've got 800x576 and I want to get 1024x768.14:33
edbianboghog: awesome :)14:34
Zonetti[boghog]: ;p14:34
Dr_Willisphillip4672:  and your video chipset is? and you did install any extra drivers it needs?14:34
gabriel_1980edbian> so I should remove them14:34
phillip4672Dr_Willis. How do I find out my chipset? is it a case of using lspci? Do I get the driver from Dell directly?14:35
edbiangabriel_1980: The easiest way to force the system to use one driver is to have only 1 installed at a time.  So yes, remove the ones you don't want to test right now.14:35
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:35
Dr_Willisphillip4672:  run the addational-drivers tool and see if it suggests any drivers.14:35
gabriel_1980ok, thanks for the help Edbian14:36
edbiangabriel_1980: sure14:36
edbianmaiconlp: hello14:36
maiconlpI m Maicon From Brazil....and I just installed my ubuntu 11.414:36
=== sergio_ is now known as Guest37751
maiconlpI have a problem with my Display Drivers14:37
Ddpbfmaiconlp: you play for inter fc :)14:37
maiconlpI'm using Toshiba L50514:38
gaelfxmaiconlp: what kind of graphics card do you have?14:39
maiconlpWho can help me about Display Drivers on Toshiba Notebook ?14:39
maiconlpit's a toshiba notbook14:39
Ddpbfmaiconlp: sudo lspci | grep VGA14:40
victornavarroes mejor windows14:40
gaelfxmaiconlp: can you open terminal and type 'lspci' and then pastebin the result?14:40
alejandrorajadelits better windows14:40
alejandrorajadelbill gates is the best14:40
maiconlpok...a moment14:40
gaelfx!pastebin > maiconlp14:41
ubottumaiconlp, please see my private message14:41
myrmidettehello, I'm about to install ubuntu 10.04 LTS. I have my entire disk (except for 15 gb) allocated, what will happen if I click 'install side by side'?14:41
maiconlpVGA compatible controller: Matrox Graphics, Inc. MGA G200eW WPCM450 (rev 0a)14:41
alejandrorajadeljamon spanish is very hungryy14:41
edbianmyrmidette: It will create a new partition and put Ubuntu in it.14:41
victornavarrooye porke hablas con numeros?14:41
alejandrorajadelyour fucking14:41
myrmidetteedbian, will it erase anything?14:42
bazhangalejandrorajadel, thats enough14:42
gaelfx!language > alejandrorajadel14:42
edbianmyrmidette: You wanna do manual and choose your freed space.  (there used to be an option to install in the 'largest continuous free space'14:42
ubottualejandrorajadel, please see my private message14:42
edbianmyrmidette: No14:42
FloodBot1victornavarro: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:42
FloodBot1alejandrorajadel: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:42
alejandrorajadelare you speak spanish?14:43
Sidewinder1You should behave.14:43
gaelfxmaiconlp: unfortunately, I'm totally unfamiliar with that graphics card, but you could try to use google to find out how to make it work, chances are someone on the forums has dealt with the same problem before14:43
bazhang!es | alejandrorajadel14:43
ubottualejandrorajadel: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:43
victornavarroespera ke llamamos a sara14:44
bazhangvictornavarro, english here.14:44
alejandrorajadelim speañ english me to14:44
victornavarroenglish mierda14:44
bil21alhi,  if we open 1 app in 1st workspace  are we able to open  same app in 2nd application??and is that  app in  2nd workspace  will not match with  the app in in 1st workspace?????14:44
bazhangalejandrorajadel, ubuntu support question?14:44
victornavarropablo calla14:44
maiconlpok....but do you think that there is no support driver for ubuntu ?14:44
bazhangvictornavarro, thats enough14:44
victornavarropablo idiota14:44
maiconlpon this Display VGA ...14:45
gaelfxmaiconlp: there might not be an official driver from the manufacturer, but there is probably a free driver from the community14:45
maiconlpok thank!14:46
Sidewinder1!es > nataliasanz14:46
ubottunataliasanz, please see my private message14:46
jessicabenllochperooo qe acess14:46
bil21alhi, if we open 1 app in 1st workspace .are we able to  open same app in  2nd workspace?and is the  app in 2nd workspace   will not match with the app in 1st workspace???14:46
Ddpbfmaiconlp: lspci|grep -i vga what it sad?14:46
gaelfxit looks like it's time to ban the rima-tde.net folk14:47
Sidewinder1bil21al, Depends on the App; some will only run one instance of itself...14:47
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joakimkHyperbyte: right... /quit14:48
maiconlpVGA compatible controller: Matrox Graphics, Inc. MGA G200eW WPCM450 (rev 0a)14:48
BluesKajyup, P.rima-tde.net..are changing their nicks and rejoining just be a nuisance it seems14:48
Ddpbfmaiconlp: тханџ14:48
roel-i've just set up a preseeding configuration which works fine. however, I would like the installation to prompt for hostname and ip address, but nothing else. it it possible to explicitly prompt for those two values?14:48
Ddpbfmaiconlp: thx14:48
Ddpbfi ll se now14:49
maiconlpok...see later14:49
gaelfxthank you sooooo much :D14:49
Sidewinder1maiconlp, Try SYStem--. Administration--> Hardware Drivers and try different ones until you find one that works for you.14:49
maiconlpi will14:50
Ddpbfmaiconlp:you should have installed free driver14:50
maiconlpsorry...more a question14:50
Sidewinder1maiconlp, Shoot.14:51
maiconlpmy keybord it isn't work very well14:51
DdpbfI guess it is right driver14:51
boriscan anybody help me with ubuntus vnc server14:51
bil21alsidewinder1,  but  all the apps that i have opened like  chromium,empathy internet messaging,home foder, software center, irc chat ,terminal  when i open them  in  1st work space and go to in  2nd workspace to open them  they took me to the 1st workspace..,,so what to do??is this a bug or something else????14:51
borisi have installed the most recent ubuntu-server distro. after the install i used sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop to get the GUI ... i turned on remote desktop in the UI but after a reboot it wont connect to the vnc server14:53
roel-any preseeding gurus in here?14:53
Tm_Tbil21al: the workspaces are not separate desktops, think of it as just a different sections of a wide desktop14:53
linsuxy11G enough for ubuntu?14:53
borisi have ssh access . anyway i can check that the vnc server is still running14:53
maiconlpas I'm Brazilian.....I hasen't found a key in my keyboard14:53
Sidewinder1bil21al, I'm not sure; of all that you mentioned, the only one I'm sure of is "Terminal" that should open multiple instances in multiple work-spaced; it does on mine.14:53
bazhanglinsuxy, sure14:53
edbianroel-: I'll pompously respond to that14:53
gaelfxboris: you said you installed server, but did you install any GUI on it?14:53
Ddpbfmaiconlp: sudo lshw -C display14:53
gaelfxboris: I've never tried using VNC without a server, so I'm not sure if/how that would work14:54
Ddpbfcould you post that output?14:54
borisyea .. i used "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"14:54
PolahHow can I revert from GNOME3 to GNOME2 on 11.04?14:54
gaelfx*without a GUI14:54
roel-edbian: lol :)14:54
bazhangPolah, best to reinstall, honestly14:54
edbianroel-: What do you need help with?14:54
gaelfxPolah: 11.04 doesn't use Gnome314:54
DdpbfPolah: use ppa-purge14:54
roel-seen my question above?14:54
roel-i want to configure everything except ip address and hostname, and have the installer prompt for that14:55
bazhangPolah, that PPA is unsupported and frankly breaks things14:55
bil21altm_t,but as sidewinder1 said and as i know  terminal opens in different workspace  with  new app???14:55
* Skaperen had to switch back to 10.10 from 11.0414:55
roel-my current preseed works fine14:55
benccis there a shell command that does nothing so I can replace it with sendmail?14:55
Polahgaelfx: It was from a PPA. Bazhang: I thought about that but I'd rather not have to re-install every program, and that is as I found out14:55
edbianroel-: Ahh, I did see that.  I have no idea.  I've never done that :P14:55
Tm_Tbil21al: different apps acts differently14:55
roel-i'm now trying to simply omit those preseed options, let's see14:55
borisgaelfx: i installed the gui afterwards .. so it looks like the normal ubuntu distro. i enabled remote desktop in the settings . but after i rebooted it seems to be off again ... anyway i can reactive VNC from ssh?14:55
roel-because I think it sets the hostname to 'ubuntu' by default14:55
bazhangPolah, well good luck. ppa-purge I suppose but back up everything important and prepare for reinstallation14:56
bil21altm_t,ok thanks man14:56
alien2601just re installed ubuntu and I and trying to install a emerald theme but i get a segmentation failure when trying to replace the window ..14:56
gaelfxboris: I think the name of the service is vino-server14:56
* Skaperen wonders whether the total screen mess was due to a bug in Ubiquity, or that the video driver (NVIDIA) was changed14:56
edbianroel-: I think it asks you the hostname14:56
borisgaelfx: thnks i will try it now14:56
gaelfxboris: you should be able to restart it the same way you restart other services14:56
roel-edbian: trying now14:56
roel-edbian: i get the promp for ip address, but not hostname14:56
Skaperenin 11.04, whenever anything was updated on the screen, other parts of the screen were splattered with random bit garbage14:56
borisvino-server command not found :(14:56
Polahbazhang: I have everything on a second drive already. I just don't want to reinstall as I'd have to install and reset all my settings and whatnot14:56
maiconlpit wasn't work sudo lshw -C display14:57
roel-edbian: waiting for the installation to complete to see the hostname14:57
maiconlpcommand not found14:57
Skaperenso really it looks more like a driver issue14:57
edbianroel-: I don't know.14:57
bazhang!info ppa-purge | Polah14:57
ubottuPolah: ppa-purge (source: ppa-purge): disables a PPA and reverts to official packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.8+bzr56 (natty), package size 4 kB, installed size 56 kB14:57
edbianI'm not the guru you're looking for14:57
roel-edbian: thanks anyway, maybe somebody else here wakes up?14:57
gaelfxboris: hang on a sec14:57
borisgaelfx: thanks14:57
Polahbazhang: Yeah, I'm just about to do it14:57
maiconlp       description: VGA compatible controller14:59
maiconlp       product: Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller14:59
maiconlp       vendor: Intel Corporation14:59
maiconlp       physical id: 214:59
maiconlp       bus info: pci@0000:00:02.014:59
maiconlp       version: 0714:59
maiconlp       width: 64 bits14:59
maiconlp       clock: 33MHz14:59
maiconlp       capabilities: msi pm vga_controller bus_master cap_list rom14:59
maiconlp       configuration: driver=i915 latency=014:59
maiconlp       resources: irq:44 memory:d0000000-d03fffff memory:c0000000-cfffffff ioport:5140(size=8)14:59
maiconlp  *-display:1 UNCLAIMED14:59
maiconlp       description: Display controller14:59
phillip4672I can't seem to find "additional-drivers" in System-->Administration, and it's not coming up in Ubuntu Software Centre either. Am trying to change resolution on my laptop.14:59
borisgaelfx: i could try to install tightvncserver .. but i dont want to mess with the distros vnc server. they might conflict each other i think14:59
edbianphillip4672: Don't install it.  It's buggy.  What are you trying to do?15:00
gaelfxboris: actually, did you try just 'vino'?15:00
phillip4672edbian: Trying  to change from 800x576 to 1024x768.15:00
borisyea .. doesnt work for me. does it work for you?15:00
Ddpbfmaiconlp: Xorg does not to15:01
Ddpbfload real driver15:01
edbianphillip4672: What graphics card do you have?15:01
borisgaelfx: sudo apt-get install vino doesnt work either15:01
gaelfxboris: ack, nevermind15:01
gaelfxboris: does ps show the process vino-server?15:02
phillip4672edbian: Not sure lol. LSPCI tells me that I have an Intel Corporation System Controller Hub if that's any use.15:02
borisPID TTY          TIME CMD15:02
boris 1665 pts/0    00:00:00 bash15:02
boris 2120 pts/0    00:00:00 ps15:02
FloodBot1boris: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:02
phillip4672Edbian: should I revert to windows to find out?15:02
edbianphillip4672: That is not helpful :P  Can you pastebin the output of lspci -k  ?15:02
edbianphillip4672: No no no, we don't need windows15:02
borisgaelfx: it only shows bash and ps as the running processes15:02
phillip4672Edbian lol15:03
DdpbfMilos_SD: М :>15:03
edbianphillip4672: :P15:03
gaelfxboris: ah, you have to do ps -A15:03
maiconlpXorg ?? do you suggest I search   in Xorg ?15:03
Ddpbfmaiconlp:  do you have xorg.conf?15:04
borisgaelfx: nope there is no vino running. http://pastebin.com/Vj87wf6d15:04
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gaelfxboris: try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26698115:05
boristhanks :)15:05
Guest67254hello all.15:05
Guest67254so, I'm new to ubuntu. trying to get unity working w/ nvidia GT 430 card...15:06
phillip4672edbian: have pasted it to pastebin. Called it For_Edbian115:06
Guest67254having troubles15:06
edbianphillip4672: Give me the link15:06
phillip4672edbian: http://pastebin.com/uMh2kMgC - I think15:07
edbianphillip4672: that's it15:07
edbianphillip4672: Does your wifi work?15:08
gaelfxboris: no prob. Just to be clear, you should 'cd /usr/lib/vino' and then try to run 'vino-server'15:08
phillip4672edbian: Yes, no problem with it.15:08
edbianphillip4672: Oh boy. That is the most vague video line I've ever seen.  (Many people have problems with BCM43XX cards)15:08
gaelfxor just follow the thing that I sent :p haha, sorry I'm a little stupid today15:08
borisgaelfx: oh ok . that could be the issue . one sec15:08
phillip4672edbian: lol.15:09
gaelfxboris: when you try to run vino-server, be sure to put a '&' after it15:09
gaelfxlike this: 'vino-server&'15:09
edbianphillip4672: dell mini?15:10
borishmm i have a feeling my distro installation is messed up gaelfx. when i cd to the directory and type ls it says command not found . even though i can see it with ls15:10
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borisi noticed it did that with another sh file15:10
phillip4672edbian: exactly: Dell Inspiron Mini 101015:10
borisis there something i forgot to write15:10
gaelfxboris: er...maybe you need to use sudo?15:10
edbianphillip4672: Bad news:  http://phoronix.com/forums/showthread.php?18409-No-Intel-Poulsbo-Driver-For-Ubuntu-9.1015:11
IMPif he'd be a su, it would say permission denied or so?15:11
edbianphillip4672: Read the 2nd post.  Seems like you're at the best resolution you're gonna get without a serious amount of work.15:11
borisserver@kellerpc:/usr/lib/vino$ sudo vino-server15:11
phillip4672edbian: okay... I'll have a read. Thanks for trying.15:11
borissudo: vino-server: command not found15:11
boriswhat the ...15:11
IMPsudo ./vino-server15:12
gaelfxboris: what IMP said15:12
gaelfxtricky scrippies15:12
IMPoh yes, they are :D15:12
borisIMP: what does ./ mean ? in my osx bash i never have to use that15:13
qchnboris: It means to execute something.15:13
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gaelfxboris: it's to execute a shell script15:13
IMPwell, normally you execute executables via a path to the file, if you do not pass it, the bash does not know what to do with15:13
phillip4672edbian: Right. That's a pain. Thanks again.15:13
edbianphillip4672: yeah.  :(  Wait for newer kernels with better drivers15:14
borishmm it just lets me run help15:14
edbianIMP: It looks in the $PATH variable too ;)15:14
IMPedbian: seriously?15:15
edbianIMP: Yeah.  That's how it knows all the programs you've installed.  /usr/bin15:15
boristhats what i thought : i think my install is messed up . i tried with a different sh script earlier today . went into the path . tried to type the file name . and it didnt run15:15
IMPif i use ./executeable it's not going to loop up the path env variable15:15
boriswhen i type sudo ./vino-server it says it cannot open display... should i just install tightvnc?15:17
FlavioTrashPunkALGUEM AI SACA DE MULTITERMINAIS.. como configurar o arquivo  mdm.conf e o xorg.conf.mdm  AJUDA AI MANO15:17
IMPboris: i've just join, therefore i don't know what you are trying to do, please tell me15:18
qchnDoes anyone know where the difference in the initramfs between Debian and Ubuntu is?15:19
boristrying to get the vnc server to run... it worked fine but after the reboot it stopped working15:19
borisIMP: I just found that the problem with VNC is that it stops working .. only after a user logs in15:19
qchnboris: Maybe you have to start a deamon for it?15:19
borisi would love to know how .. i cant even start it manually by writing ./vino-server15:20
IMPmaybe cd back to some different directory and "vino-server&"15:21
borisonse sec15:21
MonkeyDustboris: if you use rdesktop to remotely log in on a windows machine, the win machine itself logs out15:21
borisit says command not found15:22
borisi am using chicken of the VNC for OSX15:22
borisas the client15:22
IMPbut still trying to setup a vnc on a ubuntu machine?15:22
kiamoi cannot get my HDTV to work as an extra monitor.  When I enable it as a separate X screen in the Nvidia settings, and then restart, it becomes disabled again15:23
chinnappanany one help me15:23
kiamois there a known bug?  or can anyone point me towards helpful reading ^^15:23
IMPkiamo: seperate x server?15:23
boriscan one of you guys type in sudo gdmsetup .. for me it says cannot open display .. it does that for me on quite a few commands15:23
jack_^boris: are you connected via ssh?15:24
kiamoIMP, I don't know...15:24
IMPboris: you have to specify a display15:24
borisJack: yea15:24
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borisspecifying a display?15:24
jack_^boris: are you using x-fowarding?15:24
chinnappanhelp me how to install IE in ubuntu15:24
jack_^chinnappan: lawl. get wine with winetricks. it should be able to install IE for you.15:24
borisnope . just using a plain old terminal in osx as the client15:24
boristo connect using ssh15:25
IMPkiamo: my nvidia driver had huge problems with the "Seperate X Server" setting15:25
jack_^boris: you cant open up graphical applications in ssh without x fowarding15:25
damianwhat ever happened to this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Specs/AndroidExecutionEnvironment15:25
damianis it dead?15:25
jack_^jack_^: in linux, specifying a -X will enable it. i dont know about osx15:25
borishow would i specify it?15:25
kiamoIMP, do you mean seperate X screen?  I don't see a seperate x server setting15:25
jack_^boris: i dont know about osx15:25
jack_^boris: you could always try to use its none-graphical counterpart15:26
IMPkiamo: yes, you are right.15:26
chinnappanany one help me related to samba with ads windows authentication15:26
borishow would i do that? i kinda expected that i would use the non graphical interface since i am in a terminal15:26
pav5088I want apt-get to ask low priority questions in a script...  can I use some kind of "-o" string or something to achieve this.  (I don't want to have to run dpkg-reconfigure15:27
borisbrb ... phone call15:27
IMPboris: maybe try the vnc-server package, as far as i remember it's 100% non-graphical15:27
AdeckerHey guys, before I start asking are we allowed to ask help questions here? I dont wana make anyone mad ha15:27
jack_^boris: you would either have to pass the command variables, or execute the correct command.15:27
jack_^boris: i dont know what gdmsetup does, but it sounds graphical to me.15:27
IMPjack_^: it is graphical, as it is part of gnome15:28
beliAdecker: just tell us your question15:28
jack_^thats what i suspected.15:28
jack_^boris: you'll need to use x-forwarding or setup vnc to remotely connect to the box to execute that command15:28
Adeckerok cool. So I have a Ubuntu Server 10.4 box, and I was going to make it a file server. Well, i found out after having installed everything that my wireless card, the Netgear WNDA 3100, wont work. It worked fine in the desktop edition. Is there a driver I have to install. I googled around and found a website that has a firmware on it that is for my card but Im not sure what to do with it?15:30
D4CHAnyone here knows about mobile broadband and usb-modeswitch and such?15:30
Adeckerhttp://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/carl9170 is the site15:30
IMPboris: sudo apt-get install vnc4server -y && vnc4server15:30
frankinwhat's wrong?15:31
beliAdecker: isnt that an usb wlan stick?15:31
IMPjack_^: the server he is trying to access may not have a graphical extension15:31
frankin3G wlan?15:32
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chinnappanhow to create samba administrator and windows ads administrator15:32
D4CHI can execute the usb-modeswitch fine. Then network options has been set correct. And the drive disappears, but it doesnt show up as internet. I just got it today15:32
beliAdecker: hmm ndiswrapper is a solution15:32
Adeckerbeli: yeah, i read that, but how do i install it if my box doesnt have internet :P ha15:33
chinnappanhow to create samba administrator and windows ads administrator15:33
frankinAre you networkmanger disappears?15:33
Adeckerbeli: I have treid to insatll it before, I though bout putting it on a USB flash drive...would that work?15:33
D4CHI never saw networkmanager15:34
KM0201Adecker: have you tried a current version of Ubuntu, to see if that device may be supported now?15:34
KM0201especially if its a newer device15:34
Adeckerits not a newer device... its quite old15:35
beliAdecker: no, you need to download the packages and copy them to some media...then install the packages on the box with the not working card and configure it15:35
frankinafter you install usb-swtich ,networkmanger should remake15:35
beliKM0201: device isnt supported and has firmware issues....only chance to make it work is via ndiswrapper15:35
frankinhold on15:35
Adeckerok well, Im not that great in linux command line...yet would you mind helping me with that?15:35
frankinI find a url15:35
AdeckerIm still kinda learning here15:35
KM0201beli: yeah... didn't he say its a mobile broadband card though?... i doubt even ndiswrapper would work w/ that15:35
AdeckerKM0201: no15:36
KM0201oh ok15:36
Adeckerthat was someone else lol15:36
Adeckerits a wlan card15:36
frankinCan you understander Chinese?15:36
linsuxyxubuntu installation picture feels like windows15:36
chinnappanhow to create samba administrator and windows ads administrator15:36
qchnlinsuxy: Why? :)15:36
beliAdecker: btw i wont use such a card for a file server ;)15:36
chinnappanhow to create samba administrator and windows ads administrator15:37
Adeckerits temp15:37
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sathismy irssi never get connected to dalnet server15:37
sathiscan any one tell me whats the reason15:37
AdeckerI just want to see if I like it and then ill go and get some cat 5 and go to work on the wires15:37
edbianAdecker: Are you trying to install Ubuntu or get your wifi working?15:38
belisathis: for sure no ubuntu problem...also i guess not an irssi problem...whats the error messag?!15:38
Adeckeradbia: wifi working on Ubuntu 10.4 server15:38
Adecker adbian: wifi working on Ubuntu 10.4 server15:38
edbianAdecker: What card do ou have?15:38
=== TibshoOT is now known as tib
edbianAdecker: My name is edbian :P15:38
Adeckeroh wow15:38
Adeckeri am blind!15:38
linsuxyqchn, it's like introducing abiword, pidgin, xmms, so on. it's like for newbie distro. as for oldbie, we all know what they are15:39
aukhello, if i encrypted my home partition opon installing ubuntu, is it using LUKS?15:39
edbianAdecker: no worries.  What card do you have?15:39
beliAdecker: you dont start building the roof of a house without having the base level complete....15:39
Adeckeredbian: Netgear WNDA 310015:39
frankinwhere are you from?15:39
D4CHhold on im pasting log15:39
qchnlinsuxy: XFCE under Xubuntu looks pretty ugly, in my Opinion.15:39
Adeckeredbian: they have it on their database here (ndiswrapper) http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/ndiswrapper/index.php?title=Netgear_WNA310015:40
pwrcyclehow can i kill iptables in a cron job? i'm testing new rules and need a safety.15:40
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Stormx2!cn | wangqinfeng15:40
ubottuwangqinfeng: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn、/join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk。15:40
edbianAdecker: This first post makes it much clearer  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88552015:40
Adeckeryes yes I read that15:41
Adeckerbut how does one go about doing that on server15:41
linsuxyand my name is Lin Su15:41
AdeckerNow go to the System --> Administration menu. After installing ndisgtk, there should be a new item in there named Windows Wireless Drivers. Start it and enter your password.  there is no GUI on server15:41
belipwrcycle: you can flush all rules with iptables -F15:41
kennydudeHi, I'm stuck using Quickly15:41
ghufranhi. just installed 11.04. cant seem to find the shortcut to launch the launcher. google told me to use "super" key? not sure what key that is ..15:42
Guest17017Does anyone know of a ubuntu app that will create a fillable pdf? I have a omniform form that i wish to convert, this one last step assures my winblows abandonment? any suggestions?15:42
frankinSorry my system is 10.1015:42
sathisbeli > http://paste.ubuntu.com/614927/15:42
D4CHfrankin does this make any sense to you? http://paste.ubuntu.com/614958/15:42
belisathis: setup identd15:43
belisathis: some irc networks require a functional ident response of your box15:43
bjurlingHi guys :)15:43
Adeckeredbian: my box currently is not connected to the net, therefore i cant use apt-get15:43
pwrcyclebeli: k, thnx15:43
ghufrannevermind. found it. the 'window' key appears to be the 'super' key. ironic eh?15:43
roel-any other preseed gurus around besides edbian? :D15:44
frankinI don't make it15:44
chinnappanms-visio file If there any application to viewer from linux15:44
sathisbeli > so what the solution> casue some other servers getting connection15:44
frankinyou should15:44
chinnappanms-visio file If there any application to viewer from linux15:44
chinnappanms-visio file If there any application to viewer from linux15:45
frankinyou maybe config your networkmanger15:45
chinnappanms-visio file If there any application to viewer from linux15:45
Adeckerthanks for the help guys15:45
frankinyou can google……15:45
belisathis: read what i told....install and configure some ident daemon --> pidentd for example15:45
chinnappanms-visio - VSD file If there any application to viewer from linux15:45
Camer0nhello, my network adapter has stopped working in ubuntu for some reason. I have a mobile broadband dongle i could use but i need to run this command:15:45
Camer0nsudo apt-get install usb-modeswitch15:45
frankinmy English is bad ,so I can't speak my mine15:46
edbianroel-: Not that I know of :/15:46
Camer0nhow would i do it without the internet?15:46
frankinyou can do it15:46
roel-edbian: thanks, i'll stick around for a while15:46
chinnappanms-visio  vsd file If there any application to viewer from linux15:46
Camer0nwho was that to frankin??15:46
chinnappanms-visio file If there any application to viewer from linux15:47
chinnappanms-visio file If there any application to viewer from linux15:47
anggussapf is blocking my IP, but deny_hosts.rules and iptables are empty, anyone any idea how to fix it?15:47
frankinsudo apt-get……15:49
chinnappan any open source application to Viewer the ms Vsd file15:49
Camer0nwill it work??15:49
chinnappan any open source application to Viewer the ms Vsd file15:50
chinnappan any open source application to Viewer the ms Vsd file15:50
chinnappan any open source application to Viewer the ms Vsd file15:50
chinnappan any open source application to Viewer the ms Vsd file15:50
FloodBot1chinnappan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:50
darkoricalchinnappan whats the normal program for that15:50
chinnappanMs -visio\15:51
ravionrailschinnappan, not interested15:51
mathezuladoes ubuntu have public relations strategists?15:52
ravionrailswhy not install wine and MSvisio15:52
frankinI have something 。bye15:52
darkoricalchinnappan there is a website called osalt.com it is a serchable directory of open sources programs searchable by their less than open counterparts15:52
linsuxxbuntu installation is so slow15:53
Maratichchinnappan: you can install just visio viewer15:53
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linsuxit's still retrieving file... i thougth i have already dl whole cd15:53
auki'm wondering what it takes to automatically mount-at-login a home partition that was encrypted with teh ubuntu 10.10 installer? is pointing the other distro installer to it, not re-formatting, and using same password and user info enough?15:55
auk*automatically mount... ...from another distro15:56
AwolfHey all15:56
chinnappan any open source application to Viewer the ms Vsd file15:56
rhada777I have to give read access to certain files not in apache directory what is command15:56
Trashihi. i did install the computertemp package but now i cant find the applet in gnome panel... could someone help to find/setup?15:56
AwolfGuys If I did a Bootable cd to update my bios It would work normaly on startup and install it right ?15:56
Awolfand my second question is15:57
drdozerI'm looking for word-lists for different languages15:57
drdozerin plain text, ideally15:57
edbianAwolf: The bios question is not Ubuntu related15:57
Awolfhow Can I make a bootable cd by ubuntu 11.04 any suggested software or maybe embedded software ?15:57
drdozerI was hoping to find them as raw input to spell-checker dictionaries15:57
drdozerbut have drawn a blank so far15:57
darkoricalchinnappan there are several15:57
edbianAwolf: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download   follow these instructions to make an Ubuntu live CD15:58
darkoricalstaruml argouml kivio openoffice draw as well as one called Dia that is speciffically designed to be like visio15:58
darkoricalif you would have read my link earlier you would have known that already15:58
darkoricalthere are other links on that page you may have to click to actually get to the software pages ... and more links after that to install one of them try clicking something besides copy and paste for a change15:59
AwolfOk Am back this is the second time today natty logs off randomly on its own it's quite annoying16:01
rhada777I have to give read access to certain files not in apache directory is it chmod 755?16:01
AwolfI got some help from Hyperbite who told me it might be a bios thing16:01
AwolfSo I'm going to make a bootable cd to update my bios since it is only for windows16:02
linsuxwhy i install xubuntu iso installation, and it's still downloading stuff to install?16:02
Awolfany idea how I can make this bootable cd16:02
Awolfand would that affect my system?16:02
dforthmanlinsux - there will always be updates to install16:03
edbianAwolf: I just gave you instructions on how to make an Ubuntu live CD.  What are you asking?  (the live Cd will not affect your system)16:03
linsuxi dind't ask for update16:03
victorhugo289Hey guys, what's the best peer-to-peer sofrware for Ubuntu that works like ARES?16:03
qchnvictorhugo289: peer-to-peer for what protocol?16:04
dforthmanyou can tell it to skip or if it's already installed and asking you to update, just ignore it if you don't want to update16:04
KM0201Awolf: are you sure the BIOS update will actually fix your problem?  BIOS updates aren't just something you should do w/o some precaution.16:04
edbianAwolf: I agree that a bios update is extreme16:04
AwolfWhat can the solution be guys16:05
victorhugo289They call it peer to peer right? ok, then what's the best? I don't know about the protocol! I want something like ARES!!16:05
dforthmanwhat's ares? is that a new-age napster? or a torrent program?16:05
Awolfim running version 1.2 and theres a 1.716:05
KM0201Awolf: well, first... before you go risking turning your machine into a useless piece of plastic w/ some electronic components, are you sure the BIOS update will fix the problem? (is it listed as a fix in the bios update?)16:05
victorhugo289Definitely napster!16:05
Awolfit's really annoying that It just logs off on its own16:05
edbiandforthman: It's like napster.  NOT bittorrent16:06
Awolfand I dont know how to debug it16:06
dforthmanOh. I'm not touching that one then. Google.com is your friend, sir.16:06
victorhugo289I wanna download music, guys!16:06
edbianAwolf: It logs off or shuts down?16:06
AwolfWell Hyperbyte told me it might be a ACPI problem and gave me a ling16:06
victorhugo289Ares works gggreat!16:06
victorhugo289But in Linux?16:06
edbianThat's illegal so we can't help you16:06
KM0201!frostwire > victorhugo28916:07
ubottuvictorhugo289, please see my private message16:07
Lung4nAny channel for shell scripting?16:07
edbianIf you wanted to download something legal, like linux distros, I would recommend bittorrent16:07
SyGeek!frostwire > Sygeek16:07
ubottuSyGeek, please see my private message16:07
linsuxthe installation has been 1 hour now, still downloading16:07
linsuxstupid installation, should let me update system16:07
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thegoodcushionare the 11.04 update servers slow for anyone else?  I keep timing out16:07
dforthmanlinsux - There should be a "skip" button if you're installing Ubuntu and it's downloading updates.16:08
JohnChi, can someone assit me with regaard to my (first ever) ubuntu install please, been strugglnig litterally all day :/16:08
KM0201thegoodcushion: no, seems to be fine.. you might want to set your source list to the "fastest" connection for you16:08
linsuxdforthman, it's xubuntu, there's no skip button, it's downloading language pack??16:08
linsuxxubuntu needs english language pack?16:09
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
KM0201linsux: just let it finish, it shouldn't take that long if you have a reasonable fast connection16:09
dforthmanYeah, not sure about the xubuntu install. Never installed it. But on a norman Ubuntu install, there is a skip buttong for the language packs download/updates. I'd just roll with it and let it do it's business.16:09
linsuxi have 100kb, but don't know it's download speed16:09
dforthmannorman = normal*16:09
thegoodcushionKM0201: good idea.  I was downloading from the US.  Oops.  Going like a rocket now.16:09
dforthmanI just fail at typing today.16:10
KM0201dforthman: yeah... but he probably let them completely download, then the skip button goes away, so theyare likely all installing right now16:10
zer0her0trying to install GWT and GAE plugins for Eclipse in Ubuntu & I keep getting an error16:10
gridbagIs there any more useful information about today's 10 DNS updates than this?  http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=2011-191016:11
KM0201gridbag: i dunno, i just done them, seems to have worked fine.. i don't argue w/ upgrades, i just do them.16:12
JohnCis manual partition swap type meant to take an hour and a 1/2 ?16:12
JohnCfor ubuntu 11.4 on dual boot system16:12
thegoodcushionJohnC: I have had ridiculous delays from the ubuntu installer16:12
thegoodcushionJohnC: just let it go16:13
wernerdevHey everyone, is there a way to move the notification popup to the top some more? Because at this moment its not all the way in the right-top...16:13
JohnCok i hope it does eventually work because the automated install failed 3 times16:13
KM0201john: unless you're partitioning a LOT of space, no... honestly, i never partition w/ the installer, it is very slow.. i usually partition off free space before starting an install, then start the install, and just "manually" configure the free space16:13
KM0201much faster16:13
gridbagIs there an official comment on a ubuntu blog/news webpage about updates? This chicken-scratch stuff is unacceptable.16:13
linsuxwhy my installer sometimes tell me 5 minutes to finish, sometimes 45 minutes to finish.. without download speed..16:13
Lung4nIf I'm writing a script, how do I write to open a second terminal to run a command, and the new terminal should also stay open16:13
KM0201gridbag: what are your concerns regarding the current update16:14
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JohnCwell i had a 450 Gb partition (Empty but formtted NTFS) but i set the swap to only be 4 GB and its been chugging away for 1.5 hours now and still have to do the / partition :(16:14
wernerdevOr is it just me who has the notification popup out of place?16:14
KM0201JohnC: somethin is wrong, if the drive was empty, that should have taken about 30sec16:15
gridbagKM0201, what is it, why was it made, what does it fix, why do they care?16:15
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linsuxit's downloading at 15kb/s16:15
KM0201gridbag: if you don't want to install it, don't16:15
linsuxdam it so slow download speed16:15
JohnCwhat should i do? Restart again by rebooting the pc ?16:15
linsuxwhy doesn't it use apt-metalink16:15
KM0201JohnC: most likely if you try rebooting to windows, you're gonna get a boot error.16:15
gridbagKM0201, dude, the description is, "RESERVED".16:15
Trashihi. i try to read out temperatures via the command "sensors" ... please help me to understand the output ... there are 3 "devices" > temp1, core0, core1 ... are core0 and core1 the cores of my dual core? and what does temp1 mean? for temp1 there is also a descript > Virtual Device > acpitz-virtual-016:15
TrfsrfrI have no sound.16:15
RichiieDoes anyone know where SSL certs for irssi should be placed?16:16
Trfsrfrno audio. anywhere16:16
Richiietrying to join an channel whit ssl, is it in /etc/ssl/certs ?16:16
jgouldAnyone have experence in taming a overly sensitive trackpad?16:16
Richiiethe .key -ca.crt and .crt file should be placed? im just getting error ssl handshake failed :(16:16
linsuxwhen do you think they will buy ubuntu and make it fork to enterprise ubuntu and free ubuntu desktop16:16
KM0201JohnC: can i pm you?16:16
JohnCyea please i am dtying here lol16:16
linsuxwhen do you think they will buy ubuntu and make it fork to enterprise ubuntu and free ubuntu desktop? when this channel reach 2000 total chatters?16:17
edbianlinsux: Who is they?16:17
linsuxedbian, some stupid fvck, i don't know16:17
wernerdevOk let me try it the other way: What position does your notification popup have? For example the network popup after booting...16:17
IdleOne!ot | linsux16:17
ubottulinsux: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:17
linsuxedbian, some stupid fvck who knows nothing about *nix16:17
edbianlinsux: Please don't swear16:17
IdleOnelinsux: also stop the swearing please16:17
linsuxok sorry16:18
linsuxbut i think that's ubuntu's strategy ?16:18
linsuxeventually sell ubuntu to some enterprise?16:18
wernerdevHmm ok, no way to get contact I see.16:18
wernerdevMust be the heat outside...16:19
IdleOnelinsux: this channel is not for discussing what Canonical might or might not do, you can use #ubuntu-offtopic for that.16:19
edbianlinsux: They sell support but they say that the software will always be free16:19
ActionParsniplinsuxit's not theirs to sell16:19
linsuxthat's what happen to suse and redhat16:20
edbianlinsux: suse is free and redhat has fedora16:20
linsuxof course the linux is not theirs, it's gpl license16:20
edbianand centos16:20
ActionParsniprehat is also free16:20
IdleOneAm I speaking in some language you don't understand...drop the offtopic please16:20
dforthmancentos is free16:20
linsuxthere is suse enterprise and rhel16:20
ActionParsnipIdleOne: gotcha :)16:20
edbianIdleOne: done16:20
IdleOnethank you.16:20
linsuxdone here16:21
ActionParsniphas got his LXDE + Unity2D working great :)16:21
linsuxthank me too?16:21
wernerdevWhat position does your notification popup have? For example the network popup after booting...16:21
Trfsrfrwould someone give me the command that identifies hardware, then help me read it?16:21
ActionParsnipTrfsrfr: install lshw-gtk16:21
edbianwernerdev: They're supposed to be right next to the applet that created them (the notification applet)16:22
Trfsrfrdoes linux have a  /? that describes commands like windows does?16:23
wernerdevedbian: Ok so the horizontal position is right. But its about 100px from the top. So there is a large gap between the top bar and the notification.16:23
iridiumlinsux, there's nothing in the GPL/BSD licences about that you can't earn money giving support16:23
ActionParsnipTrfsrfr: it has man pages which arefar more informative16:23
beliTrfsrfr: man16:23
MaratichTrfsrfr: man man16:23
edbianwernerdev: That's correct.  Ubuntu new notifications are beautiful aren't they? :P16:24
ActionParsnipTrfsrfr: some commands have /help or --help16:24
beliTrfsrfr: man ls    for example16:24
dforthmanTrfsrfr - It depends on the program. Usually `--help` works, but you can always read the man pages16:24
linsuxiridium, but with gpl, no one can sell software for money.16:24
wernerdevedbian: It doesn't look right, that's why I'm asking. Does everyone have that? Or is it just me? And is there a config file to adjust it?16:24
linsuxiridium, with bsd license, you are not prohibited to16:24
lee365New Linux user here too, tried Ubuntu 9, didnt enjoy, prefered the interface over 11.04, but this is user friendly-er :)16:24
Maratichlinsux y'rnot right16:24
Maratichyou can sell gpl soft for money16:25
Trfsrfrokay...so in terminal I would type --help after any command?16:25
ActionParsniplee365: some hate it, some love it16:25
Maratichbut you must give sources to customer16:25
SoupermanitoTrfsrfr, http://freeengineer.org/learnUNIXin10minutes.html16:25
belilinsux: for sure you can see gpl software for money16:25
ActionParsnipTrfsrfr: its worth a try16:25
edbianwernerdev: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/10/tweak-notifyosd-notifications-in-ubuntu.html16:25
lee365I dislike it. It's quite chunky, reminds me of Windows 7's lack of ability to handle vertical/side start bars lol. Still functions far better than Windows 7 in that regard.16:25
lee365I am indeed from a Windows background. I dual boot, used Wubi through Windows 7, surprisingly very fast after installing my ATI drivers16:26
ActionParsniplee365: you can log in to gnome classic and get the old style desktop16:26
Trfsrfrokay, give me a min, thanks yall.16:26
lee365Seems Ubuntu has come along way since 3-4 years ago. :)16:26
dforthmanTrfsrfr - If you need more information about a command you can also type `man <command>`. It's usually more information than you need, but there's almost always a syntax section16:26
lee365Really? How does it look? Anything like Ubuntu 9?16:26
ActionParsniplee365: linux is always moving :)16:26
lee365I think it was either 9 or 10 I used back a few years ago.16:26
newb_Somebody tried a manual fix for this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-sso-client/+bug/745540?comments=all16:26
ActionParsniplee365: it looks like the'normal' gnome desktop16:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 745540 in ubuntu-sso-client (Ubuntu) "Method "CreateItem" with signature "a{sv}(oayay)b" on interface "org.freedesktop.Secret.Collection" doesn't exist" [Medium,Triaged]16:27
gridbagHere's a good description of DNS updates today: http://www.isc.org/software/bind/advisories/cve-2011-191016:27
wernerdevedbian: Found that one too, but don't want to install extra stuff. Just fix the weird position of the current notifications. Guess we'll have to wait for a fix then.16:27
iridiumlinsux, they aren't, they are selling support to their enterprise variant, and even if they did what you're telling, there's nothing wrong with it and isn't against gpl or linux spirit16:27
lee365Indeed it does. I prefer the interface for Kubuntu, which I tried back a few years too, but since I'm using Ubuntu now, I don't want to keep changing between different interfaces16:27
chinnappani need linux samba16:27
ActionParsniplee365: I always use LXDE. Nice and fast with no nonesense16:27
lee365Nexius :P downloaded that earlier, haha so fun.16:27
ActionParsnipchinnappan: samba is in the repos16:28
lee365LXDE? Ubuntu uses Gnome16:28
dforthmanchinnappan - sudo apt-get install samba16:28
lee365confused, so many different types lol16:28
Trashilm-sensors outputs an virtual device "acpitz-virtual-0" as temp1 .. does anybody know what it is?16:28
ActionParsniplee365: by default, yes. You can install LXDE on ubuntu and choose it at login16:28
venkatIs there any software to view IP Camara / CCTV16:28
ActionParsniplee365: your OS is more flexible than you think16:28
belivenkat: this depends mainly on the cam used.....and the protocol it provides16:29
roel-trying to find the actual code of the debian-installer16:29
roel-in particular the code which defines the hostname16:29
lee365I've always known of Linux's flexibility, it'll just take some getting used to after spending 10 or so years on various Windows iterations.16:29
roel-any clues where I can find that code?16:29
ActionParsnipvenkat: look into zoneminder16:29
lee365Of course, Windows will come first for me, since I shelled out for WIndows 7, but I like change, hence using Ubuntu through Windows on wubi :)16:29
ActionParsniplee365: you'll learn with time16:29
edbianMaratich: But you have to produce the source code.  How can you sell the software if the sourcecode is freely available?  Why would anybody buy it from you?16:29
MonkeyDust!nl| roel-16:30
ubotturoel-: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl16:30
Trfsrfrokay, thats o whole ton of info, thanks all.16:30
lee365Already am. Java wasn't updated with 11.04, had previous version on, not too coolio for total noobies though16:30
ActionParsnipvenkat: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=142329116:30
TrfsrfrSo then what would the command be to see all of my hardware?16:30
lee365I am having slight issues with my sound and video playback :(16:30
roel-ubottu: cool :D16:31
Maratichedbian: you must give sources if people take your product and they want sources16:31
Maratichoffcource gpl16:31
edbianMaratich: If I buy the software, they have to provide the source.  Then the GPL says I can distribute it as a wish right?16:31
lee365Ahhh relief! Black background on Xchat, w00t, no eyestrain lolz16:32
chinnappani have install samba with ads authentication , how to create samba administrator and widows administrator16:32
Maratichyou can redistribute this as gpl soft too16:32
Maratichfor money or not - your choise16:33
tuliobuenas como paso para zona español16:33
Maratichbut gpl and dont change authors16:33
Maratichand give sources too16:33
edbianMaratich: What?  You just contradicted yourself.16:33
IdleOnetulio: escribi /join #ubuntu-es16:33
IdleOnede nada16:34
tulio /join #ubuntu-es16:34
chinnappanhow to create samba administrator16:34
edbianMe: "If I buy the software I get source code and I can re-distribute'  You'16:34
lee365So ActionParsnip, is there a way to change the interface back now to Gnome? Isn't this one called Unity? I don't dislike it, but I prefer the old look. If it effects functionality though, then I won't be overly keen.16:34
Maratich gpl license hasnt paragraph about soft cost16:34
tulio join #ubuntu-es16:34
edbianMe: "If I buy the software I get source code and I can re-distribute'  You: 'no' you: 'you can redistribute this as gpl soft too'16:34
IdleOne!es | tulio16:34
ubottutulio: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:34
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Maratichits developer choise16:34
MonkeyDustlee365: you can choose ubuntu claasic in the login screen16:35
edbianlee365: Log out, click your name, change the session at the bottom to ubuntu classic, log back in16:35
necro_hey, how do i install fastest mirror?16:35
=== nik0 is now known as Guest17722
chinnappani have install samba with ads authentication , how to create samba administrator and widows administrator16:35
Maratichi mean - redistribute with same gpl license16:35
tulio /join #ubuntu-es16:35
ActionParsnipnecro_: i recommend you install apt-fast too ;)16:35
DirtyDawgtulio: do it without the <space> first16:35
Maratichmaybe i missed some words ^)16:35
lee365Ah yes, he did mention that already. I'm pretty sure I checked once before, but I'll check again later. Will the inteface changes effect any functionality? Why which I mean, menu order, program functionality? etc?16:36
ActionParsnipnecro_: there is a button in software centre to select the fastest mirror16:36
edbianMaratich: oh, then yes.  You can redistribute.  So my question stands. Why would anybody try to sell open source software?16:36
lee365open source is free16:36
MonkeyDustlee365: no16:36
necro_E: Unable to locate package apt-fast16:36
ActionParsniplee365: you will have the same apps, just using the old school desktop16:36
ActionParsnipnecro_: its in a 3rd party ppa16:36
lee365oh, that's good then. :) I'll go back to Classic then, should be prettier than Unity. Anybody else using Classic?16:36
dforthmanopen source does not mean free16:36
lee365I figured @ Action, but best to ask first, just in cases :D muha16:36
edbianThere is free (it costs nothing) and free (you can edit / redistribute / get source code)16:37
ActionParsnipnecro_: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tldm217/tahutek.net; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install apt-fast16:37
sindulfoque es apt-fast ?16:37
edbianThere is no guarantee it costs nothing.  But why would anybody attempt to sell it?16:37
Maratichanybody can change opensource soft and sell soft with changes16:37
ActionParsnipapt-fast makes usig apt-get look slow16:38
birdmandontI tried the ubuntu 10.04 LTS live cd, and my network worked just fine, After I installed it, i get no network connection :( any ideas?16:38
dforthmandepends. they might add extra value with a purchase such as installing, providing it on a physical media, etc.16:38
iridiumedbian, I think that you're looking for this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhel#Rebuilds16:38
Maratichwith gpl license, sources, and old authors16:38
Trfsrfrhow do i find out if my os sees my sound card?16:38
iridiumwhich explains how flexible gpl can be16:38
edbianiridium: thank you.  Finally someone that understands what I'm asking.16:38
sindulfoapt-fast no esta en los repositorios16:38
ActionParsnipTrfsrfr: sudo lshw -C sound16:38
Maratichand new walpappers, like LinuxXP in Russia :))16:38
edbianTrfsrfr: The sound could shows up in lshw and lspci16:38
ActionParsnipsindulfo: read the commad I gave earlier16:39
benccis there a folder for repository keys?16:39
chinnappanPls help me how to create samba administrator ?16:39
lee365My audio is flat, but using Pulse Audio helped. Still get static when changing audio though :(16:39
chinnappanPls help me how to create samba administrator ?16:39
Maratich___anybody, who bought gpl soft16:39
lee365Aha I remember trying to get samba working years back, gave up on that.16:39
sindulfomuchas gracias ActionParsnip16:40
ActionParsnipchinnappan: have you asked in #samba16:40
ActionParsnipsamba rocks!16:40
Maratichor downloaded if developers make it freeware16:40
edbianiridium: They sell the Red Hat Binary operating system?  Why don't more people download and compile the source and not pay for a small convienience16:41
dforthmanchinnappan - http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-HOWTO-Collection/install.html16:41
Maratichedbian: Scientific Linux16:41
Maratichand CentOS16:41
iridiumthere's no need, fedora and centos are the same, but free16:41
iridiumbut you lose any kind of support16:42
edbianMaratich: You're not hleping16:42
Lung4nHow do I run another script, inside anoterh script?16:42
edbianiridium: The first sentence implies that they do not make money from support only anymore.16:42
dforthmanLung4n - You call it from the original script. #<Insert Programming Language Here>16:42
edbianLung4n: ./path/to/second/script.sh16:42
sindulfoActionParsnip, has the apt-fast search engine ?16:43
iridiumbut I understand why red hat done that, oracle just rebuilt their code and sold it as Oracle Enterprise Linux16:43
birdmandontI tried the ubuntu 10.04 LTS live cd, and my network worked just fine, After I installed it, i get no network connection :( any ideas?16:43
Lung4nedbian, how do I separte if I whanna run two scripts inside my main script?16:43
iridiumedbian, and still isn't again gpl16:43
edbianLung4n: in parallel?16:43
Lung4nedbian, Yep16:43
iridiumI don't know why you don't see the point16:43
edbianLung4n: bash does not support mult-thread (parallel) programming16:44
edbianLung4n: Not that I know of anyway16:44
Lung4nedbian, Hmm okey, that was too bad.16:44
iridiumtheres a lot of "gpl'ish" paid softare16:44
fxhpMy computer lags when i drag windows, running 11.04 with nvidia 26016:44
Lung4nedbian, Do you know anotheer way, I have 4 commands, that I wanna run each in a separate terminal, and one script is going to execute those commands in 4 diiferent terminals16:45
edbianiridium: How can anybody make money selling GPL'd software.  Nobody would buy it because the first person has the right to re-distribute it.  One person buys it and makes it freely available16:45
Maratichfxhp: try run "glxinfo|grep render" in terminal16:45
necro_apt-get, apt-metalink, apt-fast, they are all slow as shit16:45
edbianLung4n: Why does it matter.  Just run them sequentially16:45
Trfsrfrokay, how do I get to pastebin?16:46
Lung4nedbian, How?16:46
iridiumedbian, your reasoning is wrong, a lot of companies ARE PAYING a lot of money to red-hat16:46
bluebomber_satelebian: I'm jumping in late, but you're making a wildly inaccurate assumption by saying "nobody would buy it."16:46
edbianLung4n: Ummm, you could just do, script1&; script2&, script3&16:46
bluebomber_sateledbian *16:46
iridiumGPL soft can be free, but only can16:46
edbianiridium: What are they buying from Red Hat?16:46
Maratichedbian: in Russia - you cant buy soft with zero cost16:46
dforthmansupport, for one thing16:46
IdleOne!ot | edbian iridium16:46
ubottuedbian iridium: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:46
iridiumRHEL, licences, support16:47
edbianIdleOne: alright16:47
IdleOneedbian: you also know better...16:47
Maratichfor companies, i mean16:47
lee365Can you favourite servers on Xchat? :|16:47
edbianIdleOne: I got carried away :/16:47
fxhpglxinfo|grep render16:47
fxhpdirect rendering: Yes16:47
fxhpOpenGL renderer string: GeForce GTX 260/PCI/SSE2 GL_NV_conditional_render, GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color, GL_NV_copy_image,  GL_NVX_conditional_render, GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info, GL_OES_depth24,  GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap, GL_OES_get_program_binary, GL_OES_mapbuffer,16:47
edbianI'm in #ubuntu-offtopic those that want to flame me16:48
sindulfowhat is better, avidemux or kino16:48
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:48
Trfsrfrwould someone help me decipher this;16:50
chinnappanno response from samba16:50
chinnappanno user16:50
edbianTrfsrfr: It's saying you're using it wrong and it's explaining how to use it.16:50
edbianTrfsrfr: What command caused that error?16:50
chinnappanhow to give the access linux samba share folder from widows (domain user)16:51
Trfsrfrsorry, lshw16:51
hypatiachinnappan: please stop asking the same question over and over - if no-one answers, try again in an hour or so16:51
birdmandontI tried the ubuntu 10.04 LTS live cd, and my network worked just fine, After I installed it, i get no network connection :( any ideas?16:52
python__chinnappan so you trying to share a folder in linux for windows machine16:52
dforthman Trfsrfr - just typing 'lshw' should bring up  a list of all your hardware. Did you add anything after the lshw?16:52
hypatiachinnappan: no, i can't help you, and please don't PM users without asking first16:52
hypatiachinnappan: sorry I can't help, i'm not very good with samba :(16:53
Trfsrfrdforthman, yes a -c16:53
jawnahwhat's the samba question?16:53
jawnahI'm alright with samba16:53
dforthmanchinnappan - You may want to seek advise from #Samba.16:53
hypatiajawnah: chinnappan is having trouble with samba setup16:53
dforthmanTrfsrfr - You have to add a class after -c. Example: 'lshw -c multimedia' will show your sound cards16:54
chinnappani want give the permission on linux share folder from MS windows16:54
Trfsrfrhere is after lspci;16:54
jawnahchinnappan, you want to be able to assign the permissions on the Windows system?16:55
python__so that you can read and write to files from windows machine16:55
dforthmanTrfsrfr - Why are we looking at your hardware? I think I missed your question.16:55
edbianTrfsrfr: lshw   alone should work.16:56
Trfsrfrdforthman, sorry, I dont have any sound, at all.16:56
jawnahchinnappan, please don't PM... lets discuss this in the channel.16:56
edbianbirdmandont: wifi or network card?16:56
Trfsrfrjust attempting my own troubleshooting16:56
=== necro_ is now known as linsux
chinnappani am a new one on this16:57
edbianTrfsrfr: best guide around:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting16:57
dforthmanOh. Well, it's seeing your ATI and VIA sound devices - Which version of Ubuntu are you using?16:57
jawnahchinnappan, do you need to be able to set the permissions on the share from Windows or you just want the Windows system to be able to just read/write to the share?16:58
dforthmanNot sure how to do it on 11.04, but I had to set my SoundBlaster as the hardware and select it on the "Output" tab in my sound preferences before I got the sound to work.16:58
Trfsrfrdforthman, I had sound working at one time, back in meerkat. but then I updated it, and it went away.16:58
Trfsrfredbian, thanks.16:59
edbianTrfsrfr: sure16:59
dforthmanafk. gonna take the kid outside to play. he's bored.16:59
Trfsrfredbian, ive actually tried this, and got stuck about halfway through.16:59
edbianTrfsrfr: Stuck on what?16:59
linsuxthat apt-proz is simply silly17:00
nikolaibowww.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info www.xxxlivecam.info17:00
linsuxit divides a 4k files into 1k each, and download each from 4 connections17:00
Trfsrfredbian, I dont remember. it was a couple months ago and I have tried so many things since...17:00
edbianTrfsrfr: Is alsa installed?17:00
Trfsrfredbian, maybe, probably....17:01
edbianTrfsrfr: sudo apt-get install alsa   :)17:01
anonbootsWhat is the syntax to tunnel to a remote host via terminal, and connect to a port OTHER than 22? No, I do not want to use PuTTY or any other SSH client. I want to use the terminal.17:03
piotr17sluchajcie mam problem z instalacja Team Speak 3 client widzialem turtoriale ale nie ograniam dodam ze mam linluxa wlaczonego zaledwie 5h17:03
jawnahanonboots, ssh <user>@<host> -p <port>17:03
Trfsrfredbian, is this a way to install a program from gui instead of using the software center?17:04
subb1gooday everyone17:04
hypatiaTrfsrfr: you can use synaptic instead of software centre17:04
edbianTrfsrfr: It is a way to install a program using the CLI instead of the software center.  The software center is a GUI17:04
Trfsrfri see..17:04
subb1I have the same issue mentioned in https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34532 and I am trying to fix it. But I cant follow Steve's solution in Comment #2. Please help17:05
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 34532 in Power-Battery "Battery not detected" [Normal,Closed: duplicate]17:05
Trfsrfredbian, so I ran the command, now what?17:06
lacusI removed all my of authentication keys from Synaptic Package Manager. Now I can't install anything! help!17:06
RalliasHow do I change the background color to plymouth?17:06
Trfsrfredbian, should it show up in my appliactaions?17:06
=== travis is now known as Guest35322
subb1ubottu: I am sorry, i didnt get you.17:06
ubottusubb1: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:06
Guest35322is there a command in tty to change screen ressolution in ubuntu 11.04/?????17:06
Ralliaslacus: Not to worry, thats a reinstallation of a package away17:06
lacusRallias: i can't tell if that's a joke17:07
Ralliaslacus what version of ubuntu do you use17:07
Ralliaskk i'll get you the package17:07
lacusRallias: awesome17:08
Maratichfxhp: then i dont know :(17:08
number9I can't login to xubuntu after a hard reset. I can login to a vterm and a recovery console any one have any ideas?17:08
Rallias@lacus its actually 2 packages17:08
Ralliaslacus http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/ubuntu-keyring17:09
Ralliaslacus http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/ubuntu-extras-keyring17:09
Ralliasjust download the all version of the packages, and install them, tell them to reinstall, and your set.17:09
chinnappan<jawnah>: yes17:10
edbiannumber9: Any errors when trying to log into GUI??17:10
Trfsrfrhypatia, thank you. I am in the synaptic manager now, and it has many alsa items that are not checked...17:10
RalliasCan anybody tell me how to change the background color in plymouth? The current deep purple is drab and ugly to me.17:10
jawnahchinnappan, are you trying to give explicit permission to allow access to the share without a username/password AND allow full rw to the share?17:11
birdmandontI tried the ubuntu 10.04 LTS live cd, and my network worked just fine, After I installed it, i get no network connection :( any ideas?17:11
edbianbirdmandont: wifi or wired?17:11
Rallias@birdmandont did you select it in network manager?17:11
birdmandontedbian, wired17:12
birdmandontRallias, yes17:12
hypatiaTrfsrfr: backing up a bit, why are you installing alsa?17:12
Ralliasbirdmandont well... a temp solution would be sudo dhclient eth017:12
edbianhypatia: I made a wild stab in the dark and guessed he should17:12
Ralliasbut thats slightly messy17:12
number9edbian: like what? I don't get any errors, everything seems like it works vterm7 doesn't show any errors I know the password was correct and it just looks like it is about to start and then gets kicked back out17:12
hypatiaedbian: that's not terribly helpful17:12
hypatiaTrfsrfr: you probably don't need to install alsa.  what's the actual problem?17:13
edbiannumber9: switch to tty1, kill Xorg, start xdm, switch back to tty7, try to log in, switch to tty1 and look at the errors it gives17:13
edbianhypatia: I know, haahah, I was guessing17:13
U-b-u-n-t-uwhere does chrome save swf and flv from youtube?17:13
edbianhypatia: no sound17:13
hypatiaedbian: great, now you have probably screwed things up.17:13
Trfsrfrhypatia, I have no audio/sound at all. I havent since I updated 10.04 a couple months ago.17:13
RalliasU-b-u-n-t-u nowhere unless you use a plugin17:13
Trfsrfrhypatia, now I am running 11.0?17:14
number9edbian: command for stopping xorg? and are you sure it is xdm not gdm?17:14
edbianhypatia: He didn't do anything.17:14
hypatiaTrfsrfr: do you know what type of soundcard you have?  type lspci in a terminal and look for a line with sound in it; or just paste the whole output into pastebin17:14
hypatiaedbian: he or she ran your apt-get command17:14
birdmandontRallias, says no dhcp offers recieved.17:14
edbiannumber9: I'm not sure,  but if xdm doesn't start then do gdm.  sudo killall Xorg17:14
hypatiaedbian: anyway, i am done grumping at you :)17:14
edbianhypatia: Then uninstall it, sudo apt-get remove alsa17:14
U-b-u-n-t-uRallias suggestions on a plugin?17:14
edbianhypatia: ok :)17:15
edbiansorry! :P17:15
Ralliasbirdmandont is the ethernet cable fully plugged in? If its not 100% plugged in all the way it may not connect17:15
number9edbian: ok i'll be back in a few let me try that.17:15
RalliasU-b-u-n-t-u you could use the command line program youtube-dl as found in synaptic17:15
lacusRallias: what's the best way to install those?17:15
U-b-u-n-t-uRallias thanks17:16
Ralliaslacus if you are able, go into synaptic and right click mark for reinstall17:16
Ralliasif not just double click them once you download and open with ubuntu software center.17:16
birdmandontRallias, it was not clicked all the way in, is now, light on the card is on... trying to select in network manager first, then try sudo dhclient eth0 again.... stand by17:16
Trfsrfrhypatia, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/614994/17:16
hypatiaTrfsrfr: your sound card is: "00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 60)" so try googling that line plus ubuntu17:18
hypatiaTrfsrfr: let me know if you get stuck17:19
Trfsrfrhypatia, I have the onboard sound, which is what I think you just posted, and then I have an ATI 4650 which is apparently one of the accepted cards, and I believe I have it turned on in the bios right now.17:19
jiltdili have deleted redhat os but it is still showing in grub with ubuntu.How to remove grub entery of redhat from ubuntu17:20
nexaceim getting this error often, anyone recognize it:17:20
nexacesh: getcwd() failed: No such file or directory17:20
hypatiaTrfsrfr: oh, i missed that - i'd double check your bios17:20
hypatiaTrfsrfr: though it's showing up there - "02:00.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc RV710/730"17:20
hypatiajiltdil: start with updating grub17:21
hypatiasee if it cleans it up automatically17:21
jiltdilhypatia:what's the commmand for it17:21
edbianjiltdil: sudo update-grub17:21
chinnappanits is possible to configure ms-exchange server from thunder-bad17:22
lacusI'm getting a bunch of gpg errors when installing a package: http://www.pastie.org/199381017:22
IdleOnewhat is thunder-bad?17:23
lacusgpg: keyring_get_keyblock: read error: invalid packet17:23
hypatiaTrfsrfr: add pulse or pulseaudio to your searches if you're getting old results17:24
chinnappanthunderbird mail client man17:24
hypatiaTrfsrfr: i'm heading out for a bit, but feel free to PM me if you get stuck.17:24
Trfsrfrhypatia, thank you.17:24
IdleOnewhy not just that instead of using cryptic names, you might actually get the help you need17:24
IdleOnejust say*17:24
hypatiaTrfsrfr: you're welcome, and good luck!17:24
birdmandontI tried the ubuntu 10.04 LTS live cd, and my network worked just fine, After I installed it, i get no network connection :( any ideas?    wired connection, ive tried selecting in network manager, and running sudo dhclient eth0 (which shows a bunch of  offers and requests, but nothing connects)17:25
Lunixianvidia driver still active but not in use.. wtf sir17:26
ActionParsnipLunixia: try: sudo nvidia-xconfig    then reboot17:26
Lunixiadid that17:26
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Lunixiatrying that command again... see what we get17:28
Lunixia*crossing fingers*17:29
yuvatejamay i learn typing in ubuntu ? please tell what packages to be installed/17:30
zetahttp://i.imgur.com/bbEhN.png <-- how do i get the top panels to collapse into one again? like my sidebar (on the left has dissappeared) and the top panels have expanded17:30
zetabefore it used to be all in the top portion17:30
Trfsrfredbian, check this, $ fgrep -ie 'audio' /etc/group17:31
zetanow it's back to old school ubuntu17:31
chinnappani need help samba server17:31
ActionParsnipyuvateja: do you mean like touoch typing?17:31
HelloWorld321I'm having some trouble networking with windows, too17:31
Lunixiano luck. still says that driver is active  but currently not in use :(17:31
lacusI get this error when I try to update:  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available17:31
raoultMy gdm dont work well I need some help17:32
HelloWorld321Samba complains that my" /etc/samba/smb.conf" has an unknown directive "enables spoolss = yes" ... is spoolss a valid option?  should I remove that line?  comment it out?  leave it?17:32
zetaanyone know how to fix unity? unity --reset doesn't work for me17:32
Trfsrfredbian, I am in the sound troubleshooting link, and it says I shouldnt be in that audio group, but deosnt tell me how to remove myself from it.17:32
python__HelloWorld321 what you trying to do17:32
python__with windows17:32
gmulakyuvateja:  I believe there are some typeing tutorials in the kids educational programs.  Some are games, they are really good.  I have used them when I wanted to increase my typing speed.17:33
python__yuvateja look into games and then theres a typing tutor game17:33
HelloWorld321python__: anything!  heh.17:33
HelloWorld321python__: I've got a windows share that when I try to connect to from Ubuntu, it repeatedly asks my password, and I'm pretty sure I've got login, workgroup, and password correct17:33
piotrleeHello everybody, i just installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my laptop and im having some issues with web browsers(FF, google chrome, opera). To be correct its about Facebook only. I can log in and do some things but after a while of using FB and going from profile to main site for example it just keep connecting and doesnt load up at all. Anyboy have any idea what to do ? thanks in advance.17:34
Bartzy|workHow do I force unmount on busy filesystem? I tried fuser -m /mnt/mount_point and killing the processes using it, but umount still says it's busy.17:34
python__are you typing the user name and password for the windows machine in ubuntu17:34
HelloWorld321python__: on the other hand, when I try to connect to the samba shared from windows, it offers to diagnose my netowkr connection17:34
HelloWorld321python__: as it happens, I have the same username and password on both machines17:35
HelloWorld321python__: and I'm pretty sure that the workgroup is the default: "WORKGROUP"17:35
python__ya it should be17:35
python__Now thats just weird17:35
gmulakyuvateja:  try this link---http://www.google.com/linux?hl=en&q=typing+tutorial+games+programs&btnG=Search17:35
python__Can you see the other machine at all when you go into Network17:36
python__in ubunut17:36
python__They dont have the same Doman Name Do they17:36
HelloWorld321python__: Yes.  Both computers can see each other, plus a third windows machine17:36
yuvatejagmulak, thanku17:37
zetamy unity doesn't work anymore17:37
linsuxi need to list some avaiable pkg, delete it and pkgs it needs. how to do that in aptitude17:37
zetaanyone know how tofix?17:37
cocoa117 anyone know why my Ubuntu 9.10 domU never be able to mount the ext3 filesystem listed in the /etc/fstab during boot?17:37
cocoa117 i can always manually mounted by "sudo mount /srv/bkp"17:37
cocoa117 /dev/sda3 /srv/bkp ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 217:37
HelloWorld321python__: and now that you mention it ... both can connect to the third windows machine and browse it's directory17:37
cocoa117there is no error message in /var/log/dmesg17:38
HelloWorld321python__: they just don't like each other!17:38
=== patrik is now known as Guest3032
ActionParsnipzeta: press Alt+F2 and run:  compiz --replace17:38
zetaActionParsnip, doesn't work17:38
python__cocoa117 change it say /dev/sda3 /srv/bkp ext3 user,auto,exec,rw 0 017:38
ActionParsnipzeta: ok so does unity show at all? Has it ever shown up?What changed to cause the issue? DETAILS please....17:39
zetaunity has shown yet17:39
zetait was working yesterday17:39
FloodBot1zeta: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:39
zetai had the dock, etc. everything17:39
HelloWorld321python__: and now that you mention it ... the ubuntu can't browse *itself* through the network17:39
ActionParsnipzeta: ok run: compiz --replace   in terminal, the output may help17:39
python__HelloWorld321: Ya Thats weird cause if you can access your third machine then its not a problem with the network, Might be settings issue17:40
piotrleeHello everybody, i just installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my laptop and im having some issues with web browsers(FF, google chrome, opera). To be correct its about Facebook only. I can log in and do some things but after a while of using FB and going from profile to main site for example it just keep connecting and doesnt load up at all. Anyboy have any idea what to do ? thanks in advance.17:40
python__HelloWorld321: The Ubuntu and Windows Machine are named the same across the network are they17:41
zetaActionParsnip,  http://pastebin.com/SmmyBdT517:41
cocoa117<python__>, no luck17:41
s3r3n1t7HelloWorld321, can you reach smb://localhost ?17:41
brianb_does anyone know have a question re compiling  kernel: Question) if you wanted to compile a newer version kernel what version does the GCC have to be i.e. does it have to be the latest version?17:41
HelloWorld321Does "enable spoolss" have anything to do with anything?17:41
yuvatejathere are any mp3 cutters or converters are in ubuntu.17:42
HelloWorld321python__: I didn't answer before ... no there's no domain controller, but I think it would be "cool" to have that, if I ever get that advanced.17:42
linsuxi need to list some avaiable pkg, delete it and pkgs it needs. how to do that in aptitude?17:42
ActionParsnipzeta: is this one of those dual videochip monstrosities?17:42
HelloWorld321python__: the Ubuntu machine is named "Ubuntu"  :)17:42
zetaActionParsnip, dual videochip? no all it has quadro - there's no built in intel shenaningans17:43
ActionParsniplinsux: apt-get and aptitude handle that for you, remove what you don't need then run: sudo apt-get --purge autoremove17:43
ActionParsnipzeta: ok can you give the output of: sudo lshw -C display; lsb_release -a    Thanks17:43
zetaActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/sBcp1HZ117:44
amalgamai tried to activate rotating cube in ubuntu 11.04 running in classic mode (stupid, i know). Now the window decorations are a bit messed up (eg chrome has a window decoration, which it didnt have) and i cannot move windows at all. Any suggestions???17:45
HelloWorld321s3r3n1t7: "smb:\\localhost" like in firefox?  firefox refuses because the smb protocol isn't associated with an application ... I tried browsing to Ubuntu's own shared thru the network folders, and it failed, saying "Unable to mount location".17:45
zetai think the latest apt update installed something that made it go fubr17:45
s3r3n1t7HelloWorld321, no in a folder view17:46
HelloWorld321btw: do I need to do something to make sure that a samba daemon/service, etc. is running?17:46
HelloWorld321s3r3n1t7: it failed, saying "Unable to mount location".17:46
liTTle-FoXhi everyone17:46
birdmandontI tried the ubuntu 10.04 LTS live cd, and my network worked just fine, After I installed it, i get no network connection :( any ideas?    wired connection, ive tried selecting in network manager, and running sudo dhclient eth0 (which shows a bunch of  offers and requests, but nothing connects)17:46
HelloWorld321and "failed to retrieve share list from server"17:47
gmulakyuvateja:  you are welcome..17:47
s3r3n1t7HelloWorld321, you can browse the windows machine from ubuntu?17:47
HelloWorld321the day I installed the samba services, I was able to connect, and transfer a bunch of files.   maybe the daemon is off or a service needs to be restarted?17:47
ActionParsnipzeta: try removing the video driver, then reinstalling it. May help17:48
zetahm the video driver wasn't updated though17:48
HelloWorld321s3r3n1t7:  Ubuntu can see the Windows machine on the network, but can't connect to browse the shares17:48
zetaand i'm using developer cuda drivers17:48
ActionParsnipHelloWorld321: if you run: smbtree    do you see the shares?17:48
gmulakyuvateja:  You can make google search only for linux, type:  http://www.google.com/linux  --  then search.... :-)17:48
HelloWorld321s3r3n1t7:  and I can browse a third machine (that doesn't have any interesting files) from both machines17:48
s3r3n1t7HelloWorld321, the same error occurs when you manually specify the location with smb://<ip>17:49
beegeI'd like to find out why my internet connection is dropped  from time to time. Can anybody help?17:49
ActionParsnipbeege: if you run:  dmesg | tail    after it drops, what is output?17:50
piotrleeHello everybody, i just installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my laptop and im having some issues with web browsers(FF, google chrome, opera). To be correct its about Facebook only. I can log in and do some things but after a while of using FB and going from profile to main site for example it just keep connecting and doesnt load up at all. Anyboy have any idea what to do ? thanks in advance.17:50
HelloWorld321s3r3n1t7:  interesting .... smbtree sees all three computers, but for the first one ... ITSELF ... it adds "Error NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_REFUSED"17:50
ActionParsnippiotrlee: tried clearing cache and cookies?17:50
beege[  169.067317] usb 2-1: usbfs: interface 0 claimed by usblp while 'usb' sets config #117:51
beege[  169.072474] do_general_protection: 21 callbacks suppressed17:51
beege[  169.072479] brusb_ql570[2830] general protection ip:e3f7d0 sp:bfa17500 error:0 in libc-2.13.so[e33000+15a000]17:51
beege[  170.340726] brusb_ql570[2836]: segfault at 71685800 ip 0026cffe sp bfe032fc error 6 in libc-2.13.so[26b000+2000]17:51
beege[  170.353228] usb 2-4.1: usbfs: interface 0 claimed by usblp while 'usb' sets config #117:51
s3r3n1t7HelloWorld321, is there a firewall or has there ever been a firewall between the pc's?17:51
beege[  170.353262] usb 2-1: usbfs: interface 0 claimed by usblp while 'usb' sets config #117:51
beege[  355.306745] nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (14991 buckets, 59964 max)17:51
beege[  355.325369] ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team17:51
beege[  700.808038] eth0: no IPv6 routers present17:51
beege[  833.872043] eth0: no IPv6 routers present17:51
MonkeyDustvery nice beege :)17:51
piotrleeactionParsnip: yes, it doesnt help :(17:51
ActionParsnipbeege: don't flood like that in future17:52
ActionParsnipbeege: think next time17:52
ActionParsnipbeege: have you tried disabling ipv6?17:52
HelloWorld321s3r3n1t7: I don't know where I would enter an smb:// address ... I will check the firewalls ... both are inside the same hub, so the only firewalls would be software firewalls.  Where is the default installation for any Ubuntu firewalls?  (if I have a software firewall on the ubuntu machine, I didn't mess with it)17:52
beegeHow3 would I disable ipv6?17:53
ActionParsnipbeege: add the boot option: ipv6.disable=117:53
DerKurthi, i just change my monitor and now it is connected with an hdmi-dvi-adaptor. i can see the bios and grub, but everything stays black after that. it's an asus p5e-v hdmi with the intel gma x5300 onboard17:53
HelloWorld321s3r3n1t7: I turned off the windows firewall (just now) completely, but I suspect that's not it, because Ubuntu can't browse itself.17:54
s3r3n1t7HelloWorld321, nah i was more referring to the ubuntu machine. Hmm ...... You should be able to enter an address when you open any folder17:55
raidghostVery often my laptop goes into freeze (wont respond) modus when watching 1080P movies or the computer is just resting (idle) What could be the problem?17:56
BobTheGreatI have a laptop with an i3 with integrated graphics. I connect the laptop to two monitors. I monitors preferences I see all three monitors, but even when activated, the laptop monitor refuses to turn on. Is there a way to fix this or is this hw limit?17:56
cheapieI was connected via telnet to an Ubuntu machine and actively typing a command when the machine went to sleep. Also, the server doesn't like to wake up from sleep. Is there a way to disable it?17:56
HelloWorld321s3r3n1t7: I'm using Unity desktop.  The folders UI doesn't seem to have anyplace to enter a complete pathname17:56
s3r3n1t7HelloWorld321, euhm ... press ctrl L?17:57
HelloWorld321s3r3n1t7: that did it.  tx.  I'll try that now17:57
be9innerhi i`m installing 11.04 on system with sda (0,0,0) and sdb (0,1,0) and in partition menu i try to create 3 partitions inevery disk to join it in software raid 1, but ican not set bootable flag on sda an make partitions on it primary, does anybody faced problem like that?17:57
cheapieIs it possible to disable suspending to RAM/disk?17:58
beegeWhat file do I edit to add the disable ipv6 option? (Sorry for not knowing. New at this.)17:58
Maro__zHi, I just got back home to find my PC (Ubuntu 11.04) crashed randomly. Rebooted and now my appearance is all screwed up...how do I fix? It looks like this now: http://i.imgur.com/GL31Y.jpg Unity and everything works fine, but the window appearance is wrong at the top and the icons are wrong- tried setting it back to Ambiance in the 'Appearance' application and nothing happened...17:58
necro_i don't get it. sudo ask me for the user's password? not the root's password?17:58
_kadhey!! what is the command to match Keyword based on Rows17:59
=== hongkongfooey is now known as costre
BlouBlounecro_: sudo and admin passwords are the same on ubuntu17:59
necro_if i'm the user. why would i not know my password. what's the point of suod17:59
hypatianecro_: not all users get sudo permissions17:59
hypatiaonly the first user, by default17:59
BlouBlounecro_: the point is, if you are admin, you can use sudo.17:59
necro_so first user is admin?17:59
evilkidazwhen i do "service networking start" i get "networking stop/waiting"18:00
necro_so i should always run as 2nd user, not admin?18:00
BlouBlounecro_: why?18:00
Maro__zAnyone know how to fix my top panel appearance/icons?...18:00
necro_because i should not run system as admin?18:00
necro_admin has too much power to destroy system?18:00
ActionParsnipnecro_: first user is in the admin group, you can add others and they will be able to use sudo etc, too18:00
HelloWorld321s3r3n1t7: "smb://localhost/", "smb://192.ip.ip.ip" and  "smb://Ubuntu" all return "failed to retrieve share list from server, please select another viewer and try again" ... "smb://" returns a list of shares!!!18:00
cheapienecro_: It asks before doing anything that affects the entire system.18:01
s3r3n1t7HelloWorld321, wait what? localhost does NOT work but DOES work?18:01
HelloWorld321s3r3n1ty: so now Ubuntu can browse itself via ... that is correct: localhost does NOT work, DOES work18:02
necro_... adding more users will make them all admin and all sudo-able with their passwords?18:02
cheapienecro_: New users are not admin by default.18:02
_kadhey!! what is the command to match specific  Keyword based on Rows18:02
_kadlike i want the output of 2nd row only18:03
evilkidazwhen i do "service networking start" i get "networking stop/waiting"18:03
necro_so, is there root in ubuntu?18:03
BlouBlou!root | necro_18:03
ubottunecro_: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo18:03
s3r3n1t7HelloWorld321, i'd suggest taking a look at your ip and dns settings ... it seems those are ... a bit wrong18:03
evilkidazany help?18:03
ActionParsnipHelloWorld321: check the top few lines of /etc/hosts   it should resolve localhost to
ubottuUbuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/110418:04
HelloWorld321ActionParsnip, s3r3n1t7: the first line of /etc/hosts is ""18:05
ActionParsnipHelloWorld321: very strange18:06
be9innerhi i`m installing 11.04 on system with sda (0,0,0) and sdb (0,1,0) and in partition menu i try to create 3 partitions inevery disk to join it in software raid 1, but ican not set bootable flag on sda an make partitions on it primary, does anybody faced problem like that?18:06
ActionParsnipHelloWorld321: if you add the hostname to the line too, like this: D42018:07
ActionParsnipHelloWorld321: you can then use the hostname instead of localhost ;)18:07
DevilSolutionhow do enable a second monitor?18:09
HelloWorld321ActionParsnip: aha things are starting to make sense, the next line is (commented out?) "::1ubuntulocalhost6.localdomain6localhost6", and the line after that is "", and smb:// does NOT work18:09
DevilSolutionsecond monitor on gnome anyone?18:10
=== Guest68508 is now known as Logan_
sallyim on ubuntu 10.04 TS , and i when i open "Wcid" i cant see any wifi, when i type "service networking start" i get "networking stop/waiting"18:14
MNichieDevilSolution:Monitor Preferences18:14
=== marcelo is now known as Guest73260
cutoutI installed MS office 2007 using playonlinux but when I double click on a word file wine says there is no application configured to open it18:14
danbhfiveok, here is my question, how can I monitor a log file?  I just want what is added at the end18:15
edbiansally: the second command happens because it's already running you can't start it.18:15
edbiansally: What card do you have?18:15
sallyedbian i have a USB adapater18:15
Guest73260hello guys18:15
sallyedbian when i do "lshw -c network" i can see it in the list18:15
edbiansally: what is it listed as there?  (that's good btw)18:15
sallyedbian idk but there is "*-network DISABLED"18:16
Guest73260i'm running ubuntu 11.04 amd6418:16
edbianGuest73260: Do you have a question :)18:16
Guest73260and it doesnt turn off qhen i want it18:16
Guest73260could you help me?18:16
edbiansally: Can you pastebin that output?18:16
sally..its on the other pc18:17
edbianGuest73260: When do you want it to turn off?18:17
_kadhow to match column 1 with awk ? thx18:17
Maro__zCan anyone give me some ideas on how to fix this? PC crashed when I was out. Rebooted and it looks like this: http://i.imgur.com/GL31Y.jpg18:17
Guest73260those times you want your pc to sleep18:17
edbiansally: Can you read it and type it here then?  I'm looking for something like Broadcom BCM43XX18:17
Maro__z(Also, is it just me or is 11.04 really unstable...this is the second time its crashed when I've been away from my PC :S)18:17
edbianGuest73260: I usually turn it off using the thing in the upper right hand corner18:18
Guest73260ok i know18:18
piotrleeHello, i have problem with FF and using Facebook. I turned off all plugins in FF and tried using FB. its working for some time but after while i cant click anything on site. any idea how to fix this ? thanks in advance.18:18
be9innerhi i`m installing 11.04 on system with sda (0,0,0) and sdb (0,1,0) and in partition menu i try to create 3 partitions inevery disk to join it in software raid 1, but ican not set bootable flag on sda an make partitions on it primary, does anybody faced problem like that?18:18
Guest73260but this is the problem18:18
edbianGuest73260: ?18:18
Guest73260this buttom you say doesnt work18:18
Guest73260even: sudo halt doesnt work18:18
edbianGuest73260: what happens?  sudo shutdown18:18
_kadi have tried awk   "{print $4}" but not work18:19
sallyedbian yea i got NetXtreme BCM578218:19
Guest73260ok i'll try it edbian18:19
sallyedbian but thats not the writeless card18:19
KM0201sally: good luck on that one, i don't think that broadcom device is well supported in linux yet18:19
Guest73260see you soon: to thank you or to ask you some more!18:19
sallyKM0201 thx god, cuz i dont wana use that18:19
sallyKM0201 and i had ubuntu 8.10 it worked just fine ...18:20
KM0201sally: wel what is your wireless device then?18:20
HelloWorld321ActionParsnip: but it's not making enough sense that I know what to do.  :P   The first line is "" ...  change that to "" ?18:20
HelloWorld321ActionParsnip: and then do I need to reboot it for changes in etc/hosts to take effect?18:21
SystemParadoxafternoon. I'm getting very strange corruption with flashplayer (have had this at least since Ubuntu 10.04). It shows through on the black in all other tabs or apps, including text- it's very strange. Any ideas? Is this a known problem?18:21
DevilSolutionMNichie, it keeps erroring me18:21
edbiansally: BCM5782 is a wifi device.  Are you saying you have two?18:21
DevilSolutionMNichie, with not the right resolution18:21
Faustus2how do i remove packages completely from the dpkg -l list, some are stille there with rc as prefix18:22
Faustus2how do i remove packages completely from the dpkg -l list, some are stille there with rc as prefix18:22
python__Faustus2 dpkg -purge "package18:23
sallyedbian nope i have only one ...18:23
edbiansally: Than that is the one18:23
HelloWorld321I'm looking at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3407 to see how to edit the hosts file.  It was auto-configured before.18:24
edbiansally: what do you mean nope?18:24
sallyproduct : NetXtreme BCM5782 Gigabit Ethernet18:24
edbiansally: Oh you're right.  That's ethernet.  Not wifi18:24
sallyedbian ... :/18:24
edbiansally: Sorry for the confusion!  Why did you paste that in the first place?18:24
xsinick#3d-coat channel all welcomed18:25
MNichieDevilSolution:What is the error message?18:25
Faustus2python__: dpkg: unknown option -u18:25
sallywait let me write down the wifi stuff18:25
edbiansally: ok18:25
marcelo_please edbian18:25
edbianmarcelo_: ?18:25
be9innerhi i`m installing 11.04 on system with sda (0,0,0) and sdb (0,1,0) and in partition menu i`m trying to create 3 partitions in every disk to join it in software raid 1, but i can not set bootable flag on sda an make partitions on it primary, does anybody faced problem like that?18:25
edbianmarcelo_: please what?18:25
marcelo_i'm geuest 7326018:26
edbianmarcelo_: Oh, hello. Can't shutdown?18:26
edbianmarcelo_: sudo shutdown -h now18:26
edbianwhat does that do?18:26
marcelo_ok i try it again18:26
edbianmarcelo_: k18:26
marcelo_see you18:26
edbianmarcelo_: Hopefully18:27
KM0201edbian: lol, i'd say it worked18:27
edbianKM0201: what a surprise18:27
sally*-Network DISABLED18:28
sallydescription : Wireless interface18:28
sallyphysical id : 118:28
sallybus info : usb@1:618:28
sallylogical name : wlan018:28
FloodBot1sally: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:28
sallyserial : 00:19:70:12:22:f518:28
Kuun-Lanni got a problem with ubuntu 11.04 and my sound. After using my sound with apps (like rhytmbox ou games).. If i stop and replaying some sound.. There's no sound. And if i click on my sound's setting i got a message "waiting for sound's server" or something like this.. I try to restart pulseaudio but it didnt work.. Bu if i reboot my computer my sound comes back..Anyone can help me plz ?18:28
sallyedbian ok here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/615013/18:28
edbiansally: oh good. you got cutoff before18:29
sallyedbian mmm huh?18:29
edbiansally: In the channel.  just now.  See you didn't finish. the floodbots cut you off.  Please don't paste stuff to the channel like that btw18:29
edbiansally: One of the rules here18:30
sallyedbian yea sorry my bad :)18:30
marcelo_hello again edbian18:30
sallyedbian : so u got it? or u need the link again?18:31
edbiansally: Unfortunately that doesn't show me the chipset.  In the interest of not making you type 1000 things.  Can you run lspci, find your wifi card, and tell me just the line with the wifi on i?18:31
edbianmarcelo_: hello18:31
marcelo_what i cant understand is why after receiving order to shutdown my system stops on its last screen18:31
sallyedbian hold on18:31
edbianmarcelo_: Did that command work?18:31
edbiansally: sure18:31
marcelo_it didnt18:32
FloodBot1marcelo_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:32
edbianmarcelo_: ?18:32
edbianIt did or it did not?18:32
KM0201marcelo_: sudo shutdown -h now didn't work?18:32
edbianmarcelo_: What is the 'last screen' ?18:32
marcelo_my sistem stops18:32
sallyedbian ... i got lots of lines ... cant tell which one is my wifi ....18:32
HelloWorld321the two top lines in my hosts file are "" and "", and I've rebooted since changing them.  I have the Sambar Server Configuration GUI up, just in case.  "smb://" still works, but "smb://localhost" and "smb://ubuntu" still do not.18:33
marcelo_last screen means i doesnt respod anymore18:33
edbianmarcelo_: what?18:33
Cr4z33I need help installing Ubuntu v10.10 in a RAID0 multi partition system. I simply can get it working18:33
marcelo_when i try to turn off my computer, it doesnt respond anymore18:34
edbiansally: It should say "Ethernet controller: ' on it.  It's the one that isn't your physical wired network.  I know it's a lot.  It's all your hardware and controllers18:34
marcelo_so i must press the on/off buttom18:34
edbiansally: You could do this: lspci | grep Network18:34
marcelo_untill it ends18:34
edbianmarcelo_: How old is this machine?18:34
KM0201or "lspci | grep Wireless"18:34
edbianthat too18:35
marcelo_its pretty new, 2months18:35
edbiansally: | grep thing   filters for 'thing'18:35
marcelo_2 - months ago18:35
marcelo_what could it be edbian?18:35
sallyedbian there s only one ethernet controller, and its the wire oe18:35
sallyedbian oki trying 2nd command18:35
marcelo_ebian : something to do with my kernel?18:36
Cr4z33I need help installing Ubuntu v10.10 in a RAID0 multi partition system. I simply can get it working18:36
KM0201!pastebin | sally go here and pastebin your lspci output, then give us the link18:36
ubottusally go here and pastebin your lspci output, then give us the link: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:36
edbianmarcelo_: MMM... I don't know.  I'm really not that famailar with that problem18:36
MagicJI have a system that tells me: 17 packages can be upgraded, etc. every time I connect.  I run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and it upgrades sometimes, other times tells me there is nothing to do.  But I continue to get the messagee - HELP!18:36
sallyKM0201 cant paste it all im on another pc18:36
marcelo_edbian : it first heppend when i tried this last version of ubuntu.18:36
edbiansally: That's not too crazy.  Does the wireless device show up in lsusb ?  (is it a wifi dongle?)18:36
KM0201sally: and we are talking an internal wireless device, right?18:37
edbianmarcelo_: Then it is the kernel most likely.  If it really bothers you switch to the older kernel18:37
sallyedbian  yep it does show on the lsusb18:37
Kuun-Lanni got a problem with ubuntu 11.04 and my sound. After using my sound with apps (like rhytmbox ou games).. If i stop and replaying some sound.. There's no sound.  I try to restart pulseaudio but it didnt work.. Bu if i reboot my computer my sound comes back..Anyone can help me please ?18:37
sallyKM0201 nope18:37
KM0201sally: well thats why it doesn't show on lspci, its a usb device18:37
KM0201how does lsusb identify it18:37
marcelo_ok, thanks edbian!18:37
be9innerhi i`m installing 11.04 on system with sda (0,0,0) and sdb (0,1,0) and in partition menu i`m trying to create 3 partitions in every disk to join it in software raid 1, but i can not set bootable flag on sda and make partitions on it primary, does anybody faced problem like that?18:37
sallyKM0201 its sagem  Model : XG-762N18:38
sallyKM0201 u tell me...18:38
edbianmarcelo_: sure18:38
edbiansally: what is it listed as there?18:38
KM0201sally: lsusb doesn't say anything about the device?18:38
nit-witMagicJ, can you pastebin the text from running this command in a terminal  cat /etc/apt/sources.list18:38
sallyKM0201 nothing ...18:38
edbiansally: what is Model : XG-762N18:38
Cr4z33I need help installing Ubuntu v10.10 in a RAID0 multi partition system. I simply can't get it working. dmraid doesn't detect my RAID partitions18:39
edbianYou just told me that was it and then you told KM0201 It's not listed?!18:39
sallyedbian the device name ...18:39
edbiansally: then that's it18:39
MathuinWhere in 10.04.2 LTS are the permissions set for /dev/dsp and /dev/mixer ?18:39
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KM0201sally: what version of ubuntu are you using?18:39
sally10.04 ts18:39
MathuinThere was a recent update, and now I'm finding I have to 'chmod 666 /dev/dsp' to allow my app to access it.18:39
KM0201why don't you try booting 11.04, see if it works w/ it?18:39
MagicJnit-wit:  I have no such file or directory18:39
sallywait, when i unplug it the plug it it again i get : usb 1-6: Could not load frieware file zd1211/zd1211b_ub. error number -218:40
nit-witMagicJ, when you run that command nothing happens18:40
sallyand 3 more lines18:40
sallyalmost same thing18:40
edbiansally: ah, finally, the driver we need :)18:40
sallyedbian yay ...18:41
MagicJnit-wit:  which command - the cat - gives me the no such file or directory18:41
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MagicJnit-wit: I even ran it with sudo18:41
edbiansally: hang on18:41
sallyedbian oki18:41
edbian10.04 LTS right?18:41
ray24How do you create problems on ubuntu so you could fix?18:42
nit-witMagicJ, copy and paste this whole command, also identify your OS   cat /etc/apt/sources.list18:42
MagicJnit-wit:  now that there is an i in the list - I do get output - how do I pastebin18:43
edbiansally: belkin wifi dongle??18:43
acehow to disable/enable my devices (e.g. laptop's webcam or network card)??18:43
xsinickany info on unity and the new 11.x  ubuntu18:43
sallyedbian i guess its Sagem18:43
sallyedbian ii got the windows driver if u want ..18:44
edbiansally: not needed18:44
xsinickare we gonna see ubuntu get back to  10.10 excellence and beyond?18:44
nit-witMagicJ, Dude you miss reading the posts the apt sources list is the repo list.18:44
ace how to disable/enable my devices (e.g. laptop's webcam or network card)??18:44
MagicJnit-wit: yes - and I have that now - so how do I pastebin that for you18:44
sallyedbian in ubuntu 8.10 it worked just great ... all what i had to do is start the network >.< ...18:44
edbiansally: Can you pastebin the card listed in lsusb for me?  I'm googling and having a hard time finding the card and stuff cause the info I have is very thin18:45
sallyhold on18:45
ghostnik11quick question, just installed ubuntu 11.04 on compaq presario laptop for my mom, who usually is a windows user but got fed up with all the stupid malware getting on computer, how do i tell empathy to open when computer turns on every time18:45
alex___What can I do?18:45
nit-wit! pastebin | MagicJ18:46
ubottuMagicJ: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:46
ghostnik11like it comes on automatically so that she doesn't have to click on it18:46
pepeeso, there is this game which hasn't been updated in the repos. who does package updates?18:46
opiumI just installed phpmyadmin and I'm on the url but it's asking me for a username and pw. I have tried "admin with no pw" I have tried "my root account with my root pw" and have tried the username and password in /etc/phpmyadmin/config-db.php   Anyone know what I put?18:46
sallyedbian "Bus 001 Device 006: ID 079b:0062 Sagem XG-76NA 802.11bg"18:46
edbiansally: Thanks18:47
sallyedbian :) np18:47
vex_on my apache2 webserver when i connect to in my browser it will show me an old version of my index.html file located in /var/www even when i have stopped the server. Why is this page not reloading?18:49
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mbishopI've got a laptop with an ati 9600 mobile card, and ubuntu 11.04 is using the radeon driver, but I get bad screen tearing.  Anyone know why/how to fix it?18:49
nit-witMagicJ, http://paste.ubuntu.com/18:49
alex___Any ideas guys?18:49
edbiansally: sudo apt-get install zd1211-firmware18:50
jitshi guys, I have a query related to iptables. My network gateway runs squid proxy, but it is not the default gateway for my lan. I have disabled forwarding on my gateway so that everyone goes thru proxy. Now I want to enable port forwarding on gateway for a single port. How do i do that without allowing everything to be forwarded!18:50
sallyedbian ..1sec18:50
edbiansally: See if that's even a package18:51
sallyedbian couldnt find packge18:51
ghostnik11what is the command for empathy, when you want to tell it to start up at boot18:51
edbiansally: yeah, yeah.  Hang on18:51
=== chad is now known as Guest99749
MagicJnit-wit: I have done the paste - now what?18:52
sallyoki :)18:52
raoultMy gdm crash18:52
nit-wit! pastebin | MagicJ18:52
MagicJnit-wit: I have pasted18:53
alex___nit-wit, quit spamming that guy with pastebin stuff18:53
jitshi guys, I have a query related to iptables. My network gateway runs squid proxy, but it is not the default gateway for my lan. I have disabled forwarding on my gateway so that everyone goes thru proxy. Now I want to enable port forwarding on gateway for a single port. How do i do that without allowing everything to be forwarded!18:53
nit-witMagicJ, use this and paste the HHTP http://paste.ubuntu.com/18:53
arosen1Anyone know anything about how to get glibc-profile on ubuntu?18:53
nit-witalex___, STFU18:53
alex___you've done it at least 3 times since I joined the channel18:53
oCeannit-wit: stop that language18:53
MagicJhey guys - what's happening here - is nit-wit helping or not?18:54
alex___MagicJ, doesn't look like it18:54
edbiansally: researching...18:54
MagicJalex___:  ty18:54
alex___hi raylin18:54
sallyedbian take your time :s ...18:55
rww!stfu > nit-wit18:55
ubottunit-wit, please see my private message18:55
hypatiaraylin: not everyone here is a man :p18:55
nit-witMagicJ, alex___ is having a reading problem you were asking how to post they should be minding their own business or help.18:55
Mathuinis anyone here familiar enough with 10.04.2 LTS to tell me where the permissions are set for /dev/dsp and /dev/mixer?  I had to change them by hand last boot, I would like to not have to do that.18:56
alex___I haven't got any reading problems.18:56
opiumI just installed phpmyadmin and I'm on the url but it's asking me for a username and pw. I have tried "admin with no pw" I have tried "my root account with my root pw" and have tried the username and password in /etc/phpmyadmin/config-db.php   Anyone know what I put?18:56
IdleOnealex___: please drop it.18:56
rwwMagicJ: You have to actually post the page that's created when you make the pastebin, by the way.18:56
opiumI've also put 'root' and my root sql password18:56
=== Tharlinn_ is now known as Tharlinn
IdleOnenit-wit: the attitude needs to go18:56
raylinI have a slight problem. On bootup, my laptop loads to GRUB command-line. When I fdisk, the results show a partition that doesn't end on cylinder boundaries. Is there any way to delete this partition and make the computer boot to Ubuntu like normal?18:56
nit-witIdleOne, fine18:56
IdleOnenow back to happy support :)18:56
MagicJrww: ty - you mean the http://paste.ubuntu.com/615022/18:56
rwwMagicJ: indeed18:57
edbiansally: sudo modprobe ZD121118:57
* rww grabs scrollback to see what the problem is18:57
edbiansally: sorry, lowercase, sudo modprobe zd121118:57
MonkeyDustwhat does rfkill stand for?18:57
alex___For the past few days, apt-get has told me to use apt-get -f install, but this happens: http://paste.ubuntu.com/615019/ Any ideas how I can fix this?18:57
sallyedbian ok 1sec ^18:57
sallyedbian "FATAL : Module zd1211 not found"18:58
edbiansally: ok, hang on18:58
hypatiaalex___: your gnome-session package is busted18:58
hypatiatry removing it, alex___18:58
sallyedbian :s sorry for taking ur time btw, and thx alot for ur help18:58
hypatiaalex___: or reinstall it18:58
raylinAnyone not busy?18:59
alex___Nah, I'm gonna try xfce instead of gnome18:59
alex___too much ram usage18:59
edbiansally: no worries.  I appreciate your patience while I work18:59
edbiansally: sudo ifup wlan018:59
alex___hypatia: this is the error I get when removing gnome-session: http://paste.ubuntu.com/615026/18:59
sallyedbian interface already configred19:00
ubuntucu_ahmethello everbody!19:00
edbiansally: sudo iwlist scan19:00
sallyedbian u want the wlan0 resault?19:01
edbiansally: Is it long?19:01
edbiansally: Does it list wifi networks? or does it just say 'network down' or something similar?19:02
sallyedbian interface dosnt support scanning : Network is down19:02
edbiansally: For which interface does that refer?19:02
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ghostnik11is there a way to have your password for laptop to be saved so a person doesn't have to input password when installing stuff through upgrade manager19:02
sallyedbian wlan019:02
ubuntucu_ahmetwith ubuntu 11.10 will add this feature : Utilities for building localized CD’s " what is this ? something like remastersys ?19:02
raylinCould someone answer my question before I run out of battery please?19:03
rwwubuntucu_ahmet: Please don't crosspost. #ubuntu+1 is the correct location for your question.19:03
raoultwhere are gdm logs ?19:03
edbiansally: iwconfig     ??19:03
sallyedbian the other lo and eth0 : interface dosnt support scannin19:03
edbiansally: Yeah I expected that from those two19:03
sallyedbian ok want the whole wlan0 result?19:04
sallyedbian IEEEE 802.11bg ESSID:off8ay19:04
edbiansally: yes.  In a pastebin please19:04
sallyok 1sec19:04
beegeI'd like to know how to add a disable ipv6 parameter to the (which file?)19:04
DuvrazhIs anyone here an expert on Raid-5 Arrays?19:05
MathuinWhatever brain surgeon decided to change the default editor to something other than vi, I hate you.19:05
raylinI have a slight problem. On bootup, my laptop loads to GRUB command-line. When I fdisk, the results show a partition that doesn't end on cylinder boundaries. Is there any way to delete this partition and make the computer boot to Ubuntu like normal?19:05
sallyedbian here u go http://paste.ubuntu.com/615027/19:06
edbiansally: I believe the card is working.  What is talked about wlan0 in /etc/network/interfaces  ??19:07
sallyedbian mmm how do i check19:08
edbiansally: gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces19:08
sallyedbian nothing happened ...19:09
edbiansally: Is this a server?19:09
ubuntucu_ahmetis there any way to change Mac adress and using the new number without restart the system ?19:09
edbiansally: You have a gui right?19:09
edbiansally: then there should be a box asking for your password19:09
sallyok opened it19:10
edbiansally: does it say anything about wlan0 ?19:10
sallywant the "wlan0" lie?19:10
sallyauto wlan0  iface wlan0 inet dhcp19:10
ChronicSyncopewhy is 10.10 making me do a partial upgrade, did i break something?19:11
edbiansally: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart19:11
Matt_799how exactly is Multithreading implimented??19:11
BlouBlouChronicSyncope: it may be the cause, yes19:12
alex___This is the error I get when removing gnome-session: http://paste.ubuntu.com/615026/19:12
sallyedbian ... thats lots of lines....19:12
alex___And this is what happens when I do apt-get -f install:19:12
edbiansally: You don't have to tell me what it said unless you get an error.19:12
sallystill working19:13
edbiansally: Do you see anything regarding wlan0 ?19:13
sallyedbian yep19:13
ghostnik11can someone explain to me how to get wireless to automatically connect to my preferred network without putting in the keyring password19:13
edbiansally: What about it?19:13
sallynetwork is down19:13
sallyedbian send_packet : Network is down19:13
edbiansally: mmm. anything else19:14
alex___alright, I'm gonna try posting on ubuntuforums instead, not making any progress here19:14
sallyedbian DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to port 67 interval 2119:14
sallyNo DHCPOFFFRS recived19:15
edbiansally: yeah ok.  Can you see networking in the little applet thing then.  In the upper right hand corner?19:15
Dr_Willisghostnik11:  you could disable the keyring19:15
sallyNo workig leases in persistent database - sleeping19:15
sallyedbian what u do mean ?19:15
tobiasfHey, guys. I'm having a problem running Natty Narwhal out of failsafe graphics mode in that all I see is a black screen with a blinking _. I'm using an NVIDEA graphics card and I'm pretty sure that's the issue. I haven't really done much since 10.10 after I updated to 11. Can someone help me out?19:15
ghostnik11dr_willis: cool how do i do that? and will it then connect automatically19:15
edbiansally: Upper right hand corner, little wifi thingy, lets you connect to networks.19:16
edbiansally: Do you have it?19:16
Dr_Willisghostnik11:  when you login. it just wont ask for the keyring pass. so it will do whatever it does after3wards19:16
XenoPhoenixSince the upgrade to 11.04, my video is green until I unplug the HDMI cable and plug it back in, If i then turn the TV off and on again it's green again till I replug it again, (intel driver) and idea what might be causing this and how to solve it?19:16
ghostnik11dr_willis: perfect, thats the answer to my solution but should i just type !keyring19:17
edbiansally: ... This: http://www.geekyard.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Fix-Network-Manager-Disabled-Problem-in-Ubuntu-10.04.png19:17
infidmy printer all-of-a-sudden just wants to 'queue' new things to print but won't start printing. Any idea what i can do to get it started?19:17
ghostnik11dr_willis: ubottu said he doesn't know anything about keyring19:17
infidit's a basic non-networked printer19:17
edbiansally: Do you have that thing?19:17
TMMhi all! I was looking at the ubuntu supported device list, and the Thinkpad X220 is listed as "When preinstalled" is there anyone that knows where one can actually go and buy a system like that?19:18
fisteriis linux linpus any good?19:18
blzis there a way to get python-snippets and acire working on 11.04?19:18
tobiasfI pretty much want to update my NVIDIA driver. Can no one help me?19:18
silverbacksomatican someone help me mount something that wont auto mount?19:18
blztobiasf:  update to what?19:18
Dr_Willisghostnik11:  you run the seahorse program and set the default password to be blank basically. theres proberly some guides/videos of doing it  out there. You have to check the right-click menu item for the login: entry i belivbe19:19
oCeanfisteri: topic here is ubuntu, not other distributions19:19
fisterithere is no channel for linpus :(19:19
tobiasfblz: Whatever the most recent version is. I'm just trying to fix the compatibility issues that my graphics driver had with Ubuntu 11.10 when I updated that caused it to black screen19:19
blzfisteri:  you can always ask on #ubuntu-offtopic19:19
blztobiasf:  check out envy19:19
sallyedbian nope19:19
Dr_Willisfisteri:  sounds like a good reason to not use it.. You could check the disrtos homepage19:19
silverbacksomatiits kinda like an ipod19:20
raoultmy gdm crash help19:20
edbiansally: Right click and try to add notification-area to your panel.19:20
ghostnik11dr_willis: actually in forms it said just go into startup and tell it to disable keyring, i think its because i choose to tell my mom's computer to automatically log in19:20
silverbacksomatii get19:20
silverbacksomatiError mounting: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdd1,19:20
silverbacksomati       missing codepage or helper program, or other error19:20
silverbacksomati       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try19:20
silverbacksomati       dmesg | tail  or so19:20
fisterimaybe I just buy computer for ubuntu =)19:20
silverbacksomatibut i dont know what it means19:20
blzHas anybody managed to get acire and python-snippets to work on 11.04?19:20
Dr_Willisghostnik11:  the keyring dialog would still pop up even if you autilogged in i belive19:20
fisteripresent comp wont take ubuntu in =( tried 4 different versions19:21
blzfisteri:  if you want lightweight distros, try xubuntu, lubuntu, puppy linux or DSL (damn small linux)19:21
Dr_Willistinycore linux = 10mb :)19:21
sallyedbian nothing19:21
tobiasfblz: Envy is outdated.19:21
ghostnik11dr_willis: diasbled it in start up in system now restarted computer to see if it will not do it19:22
fisteriI liked Ubuntu last time....19:22
edbiansally: Mmm, this is a bigger problem than I thought.  Do you have a notification-area or indicator applet ?19:22
edbianmarcelo: hey19:22
=== marcelo is now known as Guest41573
oCeanfisteri: chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic, this is support only19:22
edbianGuest41573: Why would you switch to this name?19:22
blzfisteri:  try xubuntu, lubuntu, puppy linux or DSL19:23
Guest41573i dont really know19:23
edbianGuest41573: ha19:23
Guest41573but i came here to tell you19:23
edbianGuest41573: One line please19:23
Guest41573i've discovered19:23
Guest41573it was a problem with my wireless drivers19:24
edbianGuest41573: curious19:24
plumhi guys19:24
sallyedbian nope19:24
silverbacksomatican someone help me mount a usb filesystem that wont automount?19:24
fisteriokay, well back to work19:24
Guest41573but now its gone19:24
silverbacksomatiError mounting: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdd1,19:24
Guest41573thank you!19:24
sallyedbian cant see it19:24
silverbacksomati       missing codepage or helper program, or other error19:24
silverbacksomati       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try19:24
silverbacksomati       dmesg | tail  or so19:24
Dr_Willissilverbacksomati:  deoenbds on what fs its using19:24
edbiansally: You don't have those applets or you can't add them or adding them didn't bring the network manager icon19:24
oCeansilverbacksomati: please don't paste in this channel19:24
silverbacksomatihow can i figure that out?19:24
Dr_Willissilverbacksomati:  thats the generic 'it failed, use better options' error message19:24
=== Guest41573 is now known as marcelo_
oCean!pastebin > silverbacksomati19:24
ubottusilverbacksomati, please see my private message19:24
sallyedbian idk how to add them19:24
ghostnik11dr_willis: it still comes up even though i disable keyring in startup app, i don't get it how come it still comes up even though its been diabled?19:25
Dr_Willissilverbacksomati:  start with sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdX  where  sdx is your hd19:25
marcelo_see you edbian!19:25
silverbacksomatiwhat is better options?19:25
edbianmarcelo_: bye19:25
edbiansally: Right click the panel, add to panel.19:25
Dr_Willisghostnik11:  if somthing access the keyring - it will come up...  you need to set a blank password. then it will comeup and automatically get used. no entry needed19:25
sallyedbian and?19:25
edbiansally: And choose indicator applet.19:26
Dr_Willissilverbacksomati:  totally depends on what you are mounting.19:26
edbiansally: Is it not in the list?19:26
ghostnik11Dr_Willis: your a genius, will try that but i think it will work thanks19:26
Dr_Willisghostnik11:  theres numerous guides on disabling the keyring out. some have videos. :)19:26
sallyedbian there s : add widgets, add panel , lock widgets, panel settings, remove this panel19:26
Karenhi all at first sorry for my english im not good in english  , anyone here can help me with my linux error i have 2 operating system win7 and ubuntu 10.10 or something like that i dont remember i update that , i played game in my win7 and my computer bring me error and when i want to restart it , it bring me a error GRUB RESCUE now i want to go to my win7 to take out from there some files that i need please anyone help me with that19:26
edbiansally: Are you using KDE?19:27
edbiansally: I didn't know that :P19:27
Dr_Willis!fixgrub | Karen19:27
ubottuKaren: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)19:27
sallyedbian xD same .. just noticed ..19:27
plumIs there a recommended way to ghost or mirror your drive?19:28
sallyedbian so ? ....19:28
Dr_Willisplum:  depends on how you want to store/restore the drive image19:28
edbiansally: See the little icon (at the bottom unless you moved it) that looks like an ethernet jack?  CLick it, does it list wifi networks?19:28
sallyedbian nothing therer ...19:28
plumDr_Willis: what is the way you recommend for this...?19:28
edbiansally: That icon between speaker and i   http://nowardev.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/nm_disabled.png19:28
sallyedbian only the 4 desktops, mixer , clipboard19:29
edbiansally: Click the arrow to show all19:29
Dr_Willisplum:  Theres a dozen ways.. it depends on how you are going to use the backup. and how you want to restore it.19:29
Dr_Willis!backup | plum19:29
ubottuplum: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning19:29
raoultmui gdm crash  Everytime that screen block plz help :(19:29
linsuxhow to enable player to watch rmvb, mkv and so on19:29
plumooooh awesome, okay19:29
plumthanks Dr_Willis :)19:29
ActionParsniplinsux: install w32codes from medibuntu repo19:29
sallyedbian there s only driver notifier and akonandiTray19:29
Dr_Willislinsux:  i just install vlc and watch them all in that. :) the ubuntu-restricted-extras package should pull in needed codec packs19:30
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate19:30
silverbacksomatidr_willis sdx is the drive im trying to mount or the home drive? its a music playing usb device19:30
Dr_WillisIm not even sure if i need w32codecs lately.. I dont recall enabling medubuntu on my last install and i watch3ed most all my videos19:30
Dr_Willissilverbacksomati:  its the drive you are mounting. your home drive is allready mounted. :)19:30
edbiansally: I'm exhausted.  I think your wifi card is working19:30
sallyhow to activate it then?!19:31
edbiansally: Figure out how to connect to a network in KDE and you'll be good19:31
edbiansally: Find it in the GUI. I don't have KDE memorized19:31
sallyservice networking start19:31
edbiansally: ?19:31
silverbacksomatiit looks like and ipod but doesnt have itunes. it has some other software19:31
linsuxhow to enable player to watch rmvb, mkv and so on?19:31
sallyedbian i googled they said "service neworking start"19:31
silverbacksomatisdx= the name it has in the "places" menu?19:31
Dr_Willissilverbacksomati:  fdisk -l, will show what filesstem its using.19:31
Dr_Willislinsux:  i just install vlc and watch them all in that. :) the ubuntu-restricted-extras package should pull in needed codec packs19:31
edbiansally: Alright run that.19:31
_kadhey!! what's wrong with my command i wanna to edit hi to hii but it's not working!! sed  's/hi/hii' hi19:31
Dr_Willis!mount | silverbacksomati19:32
ubottusilverbacksomati: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount19:32
ghostnik11dr_willis: okay solved problem of keyring by using blank password but still the wireless is saved but doesn't automatically connect to my home network router even though information is safe19:32
edbianDr_Willis: help sally connect to her wireless in KDE?  I'm too tired19:32
linsuxyDr_Willis, how to install those restricted extra package?19:32
Dr_Willisghostnik11:  check the network manager settings. Mine auto connects here.19:32
Loshki_kad: echo hi | sed  's/hi/hii/'19:32
Dr_Willislinsuxy:  use the software center.19:32
Dr_Willislinsuxy:  or sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras19:33
_kadLoshki, thx19:33
sallyedbian but whe i type that i get "networking stop/waiting"19:33
sallyedbian :s sorry ...19:33
edbiansally: I told you. That means networking is already running.  You can't start something that is already running.19:33
sallyedbian then why there s not wifi when i open Wcid19:34
sallyedbian i can see wifis on my windows ..19:34
edbiansally: I have no idea why wcid is not working19:34
edbiansally: I have never used it.  Just because 'networking' is up does not mean you can connect to wireless networks19:34
edbiansally: It means that the service is running19:35
silverbacksomatiok got it how to i tell you about it without paste?19:35
sallyedbian any other way to connect19:36
edbiansally: Adding the correct widget to the panel.  I have no idea which it is19:36
andre_how to install ie7 ???19:36
tensorpuddingandre_: it doesn't work on ubuntu19:37
tensorpuddingandre_: it's written by microsoft for windows, and while there is a program called WINE that can emulate windows programs, it is not good at it19:38
tensorpudding!wine | andre_19:38
ubottuandre_: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu19:38
sallyedbian :( ok vm , thx for ur help anyways xD19:38
harginodo i need a app to recognize my usb stick?19:38
birdmandontI tried the ubuntu 10.04 LTS live cd, and my network worked just fine, After I installed it, i get no network connection :( any ideas?    wired connection, ive tried selecting in network manager, and running sudo dhclient eth0 (which shows a bunch of  offers and requests, but nothing connects)19:39
silverbacksomatiDr. Willis that command doesnt seem to work19:39
gkxHey, all. Whenever I start up Ubuntu outside of failsafe graphics mode, I get a black screen with the error message "mountall: Disconnected from Plymouth". Any advice?19:39
ghostnik11dr_willis that did the trick, should i change my mom's keyring back to a password instead of a blank password now that her wireless connects automatically b/c the ubuntu OS said that people might have access to here files now that there is a blank keyring, also when they say access is that from outside like can a hacker access her files or is that just for people who use her laptop19:39
silverbacksomatifdisk -l /dev/8.6GB Filesystem19:40
uraganroot@bt:~# airmon-ng start wlan019:40
uraganInterface       Chipset         Driver19:40
uraganwlan0           Intel 3945ABG   iwl3945 - [phy1]SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such device19:40
uragan                                (monitor mode enabled on mon0)19:40
uraganwhy its happen?19:40
uragananybody here ?19:41
uraganhelp me19:41
andre_the other thing is, I use emesene and never managed to get the webcam to work: (19:41
birdmandonturagan i would get the same message on a laptop with that wireless card. device can still capture on mon0 instead of wlan019:41
Caboose885hello everyone19:41
Dr_Willisghostnik11:  it will start asking for a keyring password if there is one.19:41
* Caboose885 waves19:41
ghostnik11dr_willis: that did the trick, should i change my mom's keyring back to a password instead of a blank password now that her wireless connects automatically b/c the ubuntu OS said that people might have access to here files now that there is a blank keyring, also when they say access is that from outside like can a hacker access her files or is that just for people who use her laptop19:41
Dr_Willisghostnik11:  i doubt if anyont is going to hack you - from just having no keyring password.19:42
uraganwhat we shall do?19:42
uraganwlan0 and mon019:42
birdmandontjust capture on mon0 and it will work19:42
Dr_Willisbye all.19:43
ghostnik11dr_willis: cool thanks19:43
silverbacksomatimaybe i am not naming the /dev/8.6 GB Filesystem19:43
silverbacksomatioh i guess he not gonna help me anymore19:43
Trfsrfris it just flat out impossible to run some windows programs in linux? I only want to run 1 windows program and I cannot.19:43
TrfsrfrNot having any luck with wine19:44
Caboose885Trfsrfr: have you tried using WINE?19:44
TrfsrfrCaboose885, yes19:44
[TK]D-FenderTrfsrfr: Yes19:44
Caboose885Trfsrfr: what version of WINE are you running?19:44
TrfsrfrCaboose885, not sure...but I tried 3 different versions.19:45
borishey guys i am really stuck with my ubuntu server and connecting to it via VNX19:45
Caboose885Trfsrfr: try in terminal: wine --version19:45
jmknsdMy laptop went to sleep and now when I move the mouse, nothing appears19:45
Kalistothis is driving me crazy, google has no heap. im trying to compile: gcc -o test test.c -lsocket -lnsl -Wall i have build essential installed but i keep getting /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lsocket any ideas?19:46
silverbacksomaticannot open /dev/sdd119:46
TrfsrfrCaboose885, 1.3.1519:46
borisi can connect to it via SSH. also if i log into the account remotely i can start remote desktop and the VNC server works ... but only until i restart the machinge .. anyone know of a good solutiion19:46
TrfsrfrCaboose885, the software i want to run installed. just nothing opens when I try19:46
Caboose885Trfsrfr: what software are you trying to run?19:47
arlesferlahello, somebody can help me? i have a problem with my ubuntu19:47
borisanyone ever used their unbuntu distro as a VNC server?19:47
TrfsrfrCaboose885, its a small company's CAD program. ViaCad its called.19:47
boriswhen i set up the VNC it only works until i restart the machine19:48
Caboose885arlesferla: whats your problem19:48
Kalistoarlesferla, ask19:48
borisanyone know of a solution19:48
TrfsrfrCaboose885, if I could get this to run, I would never use windows again.19:48
Caboose885Trfsrfr: how new is this software?19:48
Kalistoboris there are a few docs on that, try google. ubuntu vnc server19:48
TrfsrfrCaboose885, im running the latest version, so probably 6 mos...19:49
arlesferlatk, i cann't see files .jgp19:49
borisKalisto: you know the solution? setting up the vnc server is not a problem! it works. but when i reboot the server than i cant connect to the vnc anymore . only ssh19:49
Caboose885Trfsrfr: pulling up information on the program now..19:49
Kalistoboris do you know if vnc server is started on boot?19:49
borishow can i check?19:50
TrfsrfrCaboose885, how do you mean?19:50
AlexandrosGRcould anyone help to install 270 nvidia driver?19:51
Kalistoboris take a look at this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=191564&highlight=vnc+gnome19:51
oCeanTrfsrfr: the software not running on wine is not an ubuntu issue. Stop by in #winehq and try there19:51
Caboose885Trfsrfr: well I need to get an idea of what kind of program you are trying to install that way I know how to try and help19:51
AlexandrosGRit tells me You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before19:51
Kalistoboris actually thats really old.19:51
AlexandrosGR         installing.  For further details, please see the section INSTALLING19:51
AlexandrosGR         THE NVIDIA DRIVER in the README available on the Linux driver19:51
AlexandrosGR         download page at www.nvidia.com.19:51
FloodBot1AlexandrosGR: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:51
GskelligRIP 2.619:51
Caboose885Trfsrfr: lets try getting your WINE to the most recent version19:52
gdizhi everyone, I am trying to get apache or php or I'll just say lamp to run commands as a user other than nobody.  Can I do that in ubuntu?19:52
Caboose885Trfsrfr: Run this command in the terminal: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa19:52
Kalistoboris try this: http://www.havetheknowhow.com/Configure-the-server/Run-VNC-on-boot.html and instead of vim use nano19:52
Kalistoor gedit19:52
Gskelligdoes anyone have experience with the mainline kernels?19:52
Caboose885Trfsrfr: then run: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade19:53
TrfsrfrCaboose885, okay...19:53
tdb30_Anyone know why unity won't load.  Compiz says it is because I am using software rendering but every test I've done shows I'm using hardware rendering?19:53
oCeanTrfsrfr: the command Caboose885 is suggesting will install a third party repository. Please be aware that such software is NOT supported19:53
Kalistotdb30 what does glxinfo return?19:53
cygnus_Is there any other key besides alt + tab to switch windows in gnome? I am running in vbox and it won't let me press that19:53
tdb30_OpenGL renderer string: Mesa X1119:53
Kalistotdb30_ what graphics card are you using?19:54
Caboose885oCean: that doesn't mean people won't be able to help...19:55
Kalistotdb30_, try: lspci | grep VGA19:55
jmknsdMy laptop went to sleep and now when I move the mouse, nothing appears. Is there a way to fix this without restarting?19:56
arlesferlahello, somebody can help me? i have a problem with my ubuntu: i can't see files .jpg19:56
tdb30_Thats what I did19:56
oCeanCaboose885: correct. But help might be harder to find.19:56
tdb30_Intel Corporatino 82945G/GZ integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)19:56
linsuxi've installed restricted extra, but still can't play rmvb and avi, mkv file19:56
Karenjmknsd try  take out the battery and then put it in and start the computer19:57
Caboose885linsux: what media player are you using?19:57
TopGearlinsux: get VLC ;)19:57
Kalistotdb30_, have you run the restricted driver search?19:57
jmknsdhow does that improve anything over rebooting?19:57
TopGearAnd btw, your name is kind a not good :')19:57
tdb30_Err No, I haven't how do I do that19:57
Caboose885TopGear: I was just going to suggest that. ;)19:57
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TrfsrfroCean, Caboose885 so what am I installing ?19:57
oCean!ppa | Trfsrfr19:57
ubottuTrfsrfr: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk.19:57
Kalistotdb30_, ok System->Admin Addional drivers19:58
Karenjmknsd its dont showing u the desktop or your computer didnt starting SORRY FOR MY ENGLISH19:58
Caboose885Trfsrfr: the latest version of WINE. Its not officially supported by Ubuntu but I think in your situation it doesn't really matter...19:58
ash_hi audio device not recognizing19:58
linsuxhow to add multibuntu repo?19:58
jmknsdnp, but It never shut down, just locked the screen and turned off the monitor19:58
Usuario_I have an ICEautohirty problem19:58
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tdb30_I'm in unity-2d right now.19:58
Kalistotdb30_, did it find any drivers?19:58
jmknsdI can still go to virtual terminal19:58
tdb30_There is no system/admin19:59
borishi sorry i disconnected19:59
oCeanTrfsrfr, Caboose885:  but, once more, the fact that software does not run on wine, is a topic for #winehq, not here19:59
Usuario_pleas help me with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1708173&page=219:59
Karenjmknsd i cant help u with that sorry19:59
jmknsdk, thanks for trying19:59
Caboose885Trfsrfr: you may want to look at CrossOver. They give a free 30 day trial. http://www.codeweavers.com/products/crossover/19:59
TrfsrfrCaboose885, im okay with that...I just want to be able to run this one windows program, so whatever works19:59
borisi was asking about VNC and ubuntu19:59
Caboose885Trfsrfr: PM me then if we can't talk in this channel19:59
Kalistotdb30_, ok log out, and at the bottom select ubuntu classic (dont know my way around unit)19:59
birdmandontI tried the ubuntu 10.04 LTS live cd, and my network worked just fine, After I installed it, i get no network connection :( any ideas?    wired connection, ive tried selecting in network manager, and running sudo dhclient eth0 (which shows a bunch of  offers and requests, but nothing connects)19:59
ash_it work in live cd20:00
Kalistobirdmandont do you do not get ip assigned?20:00
birdmandontkalisto no20:00
Kalistohave you checked syslog kernel.log?20:01
ash_but not allways recognized in installed system20:01
Usuario_what happens if I run sudo apt-get install gnome-panel? will it erase my data? instelled things?20:01
tdb30_Under system administration I only have login screen synaptic package manager, system monitor and update manager.  Nothing else is listed.20:01
birdmandontKalisto, just type syslog on terminal?20:01
fooman2011 i'm using the last version of "ubuntu server". I have to launch a java program. So I need the jre. But i'm not   sure but it seems that the jre requires Xlibs. I'm using ubuntu server so i don't have any X... How to solve my   problem ?20:01
Kalistotdb30_ is there a way to search?20:02
borisi need some help guys with VNC and ubuntu,, everytime i reboot my server VNC does not work20:02
boriseven though i set it up in remote desktop20:02
Kalistoboris did you follow the link?20:02
elkcloneboris use tight vnc20:02
oCeanfooman2011: just a tip: there's also a specific #ubuntu-server channel20:02
fooman2011oh ok thank you sorry20:02
boristightvnc? sudo apt-get install tightvnc?20:03
Kalistoelkclone, why use tightvnc20:04
ash_tere are audio guru here20:04
elkclonebecause I like it and by default it may allow remote connection20:04
arosen1anyone know how to get glibc-profile working in ubuntu?20:04
Guest54710Hello, Stephen here. I was on yesterday about the problem about playing dvd's and i have sorted out this problem. I do have one small problem again tho.When streaming video through my Wireless connection from my desktop windows 7 computer i.e recorded tv, i find the file and it has doesnt play?20:04
Kalistoelkclone the issue is that it does not start on boot up i think20:04
boristightvnc can not be found using the apt-get install command20:05
Karenbye all20:05
elkcloneoh ok just add to cron then20:05
KalistoGuest54710, where are you streaming to?20:05
Guest54710to my laptop, which is this one Ubuntu20:06
KalistoGuest54710, yea but what application handles the stream?20:06
tdb30_I'm not seening anything20:07
Guest54710I dont understand. It plays on Windows media player, and i try to play it on VLC20:07
Usuario_what are the dangers of reinstalling gdm?20:07
arlesferlahow do i to see files .jpg?20:07
Kalistoboris, take a look here: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-server-73/running-vncserver-at-startup-655667/#post321406120:08
Usuario_what are the dangers of reinstalling gdm?20:08
ash_how to force ubuntu check sound card20:09
KM0201boris: are you sure?.. i'm pretty sure tightvnc is in the repos20:09
ash_how to force ubuntu check hardware20:09
Kalistotdb30_, ok log out of the session. bottom of screen select classic theme. log in again and look for System->....20:09
KalistoUsuario_ no dangers really20:10
Lenin_CatI got my Kodak 7250 AIO printer to print over my network with my ubuntu computer, now how can I get my printer to scan to my computer? :/20:10
tdb30_Thats what I did kalisto, the problem is that I only have 4 entries under Administration.  I don't have the large list I used to see before upgrading.20:10
knipsterWhy can't apt-get find jaunty sources at us.archive.ubuntu.com?20:10
borisKM0201: thats the weird thing .,, i would assume its in the repos .. but it says not found20:10
Kalistotdb30_, ok sec20:10
KM0201!info tightvncserver | boris20:10
ubottuboris: tightvncserver (source: tightvnc): virtual network computing server software. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.9-6.1 (natty), package size 752 kB, installed size 1568 kB20:10
KM0201boris: make sure you have universe installed.20:11
e01hello, i am using ubuntu natty on my acer aspire, but when i want to using it as desktop (external, monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers) i have troubles with my 5.1 surround, i am plugged in, but sound is still outing from the internal laptop speakers, any idea how can i get it works20:11
borisKM0201: do you know how to do it via ssh?20:11
KM0201boris: no20:12
borisKM0201: thats the whole reason why i want to get vnc to work,,, not confident enough with ssh20:12
Logan_e01: Have you looked at this wiki help page? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SurroundSound20:12
Kalistotdb30_, run this in terminal: /usr/bin/jockey-gtk20:12
birdmandontKalisto, no apparent errors in /var/log/kern.log20:13
KM0201boris: vnc is fairly easy to set up.. what problem are you having?20:13
knight_i have a question i cant seem to get my laptop from identifying that my screen is number 120:13
knight_ i have tried the catalyst control center but it always identifies it when i try to olay a game using wine20:13
Kalistobirdmandont, so it shows the interface in ifconfig?20:13
Logan_!es | Onicev20:13
ubottuOnicev: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:13
ash_Hi. ubuntu 10.4 cant recognize my sound card. but it work from live cd20:14
OnicevI need help to go a spanish help channel20:14
Kalistoboris to configure the server to do what you want you will have to use command line20:14
Lenin_CatI got my Kodak 7250 AIO printer to print over my network with my ubuntu computer, now how can I get my printer to scan to my computer?20:14
Logan_Onicev: /join #ubuntu-es20:14
e01Logan_, yes, but i it is for setting up on boot, i want to using when i plugged the surround cables20:14
OnicevThank you20:14
birdmandontKalisto, yes under eth020:14
e01if i am not then to using the internal speakers20:14
knight_can someone help me20:14
Logan_!please | knight_20:14
ubottuknight_: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude20:14
tdb30_It said no proprietary drivers are in use on this system20:14
Kalistotdb30_, so it also did not find any?20:15
ash_Hi. ubuntu 10.4 cant recognize my sound card. but it work from live cd20:15
Logan_e01: I'm not sure that I understand your question.20:15
Logan_!sound | ash_20:15
ubottuash_: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.20:15
KM0201ash_: yo're probably not using ubuntu, if you're using 10.420:15
Logan_KM0201: S/he probably meant 10.04.20:16
KM0201Logan_: i know what she meant, thats just a pet peeve20:16
=== Gurty` is now known as Gurty
knight_has anyone had this problem with amd video drivers20:16
Kalistotdb30_, check intel website for current linux driver20:17
OnicevI am not lucky in spanish help. Can you help me, please? When I installed the OS, it was in spanish, and now is in english20:17
tdb30_I'm there checking now.20:17
OnicevI wish my system in spanish. Is more easy for me. :-))20:17
Kalistotdb30_, check if they are legacy drivers or if current kernel and X supports them20:17
Andy50bah, grub error 17...my system drive died20:18
cygnus_Is there a way I can make the sidebar stop appearing so much? Whenever I want to press the back button on chrome the panel pops up with the ubuntu icons?20:18
Kalistobirdmandont, can you ping localhost?20:18
e01Logan_, do u using ubuntu on aspire laptop?20:18
Logan_e01: No, I don't.20:19
=== Send_ is now known as Send
ash_ubuntu 10.04.220:19
_kadhey...if i configure a static ARP located my ROuter MAc, if someone try to Spoof my Gateway, it won't change right ?20:19
e01hm.. i can`t get explain :(20:19
birdmandontKalisto, yes can ping localhost20:19
Logan_e01: What is your native language?  There is a local Ubuntu channel for almost every language.20:19
ash_cant see sound card in lspci -v20:19
Kalistobirdmandont, and eth0 does not have an ip... what exactly does dhcp return?20:20
Kalistotdb30_, oh and check here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedDrivers20:20
toastyhow can i get the remote desktop to be enabled on boot?  for vnc20:21
knight_does anyone here have amd catalyst drivers installed on their computer?20:21
birdmandontKalisto, you mean when i type dhclient eth0?  that command requests ip from gateway ( and tries several different ips but nothing establishes20:22
ash_Hi. ubuntu 10.04 cant recognize my sound card (can't seeit in lspci =v). but it work from live cd20:22
redgonehey guys. i upgraded to 11.04 but didnt copy my encryption keys. I know the passphrase but still decrypt. is there a way?20:22
redgoneim using seahorse20:22
Kalistoredgone. nope sorry you need the keys. the passphrase is only there to decrypt the keys20:23
knipsterUbuntu 9.0420:23
Kalistobirdmandont, ok so it finds the gateway?20:23
Kalistoredgone, but how did you lose the keys in an upgrade? did you format?20:24
redgoneKalisto, yes20:24
knipsterUbuntu 9.04: /etc/apt/sources.list points to http://us.archive.ubuntu.com  apt-get update returns 404 (How can I fix?)20:24
A_B_Hi, I'm using 10.10. When I add a user it doesn't get added to the "users" group. Why is that? I'm tryin to learn Samba configuration and the documentation I'm using assumes that all users are automatically added the the "users" group.20:24
Logan_!9.04 | knipster20:24
ubottuknipster: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.20:24
Kalistoredgone, can you ping the gateway?20:24
fbdystangA_B_ what do you have the drive formatted in?20:24
Kalistowhoops birdmandont can you ping the gateway?20:25
A_B_what drive? why is formatting important?20:25
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades20:26
Kalistoredgone, then there is not much you can do unless you want to get ueber technical, try google on this specific problem with seamonkey20:26
fbdystangA_B_ the reason I say that is because I can't change any permissions on mine and it is NTFS20:26
Usuario_I need help with a ICEauthority problem20:26
Usuario_HLEP ME PLEASE20:26
A_B_fbdystang: ntfs doesn't support permissions like unix formats....20:27
KalistoUsuario_, whats the issue?20:27
fbdystangA_B_: exactly, i thought that was your problem but you are aware of it20:27
Usuario_kalisto, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1708173&page=220:27
Usuario_kalisto, last post, the one by hihihi10020:28
A_B_i'm not using NTFS, I'm using EXT4 on both server and client20:28
fbdystangA_B_: really? I would like to know more about your setup as I would like to do sometihng similar but didn't know if it work20:29
agrundnerHi. I'm looking for a way to save my sound preference settings in 11.04 (pulseaudio) so I don't have to change them after every time I reboot. There used to be away to do this with alsamixer http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159028720:30
KalistoUsuario_, not sure about that, but what are you looking to copy over? if its just files they can be copied easily20:30
SendOK so where did the System menu go in 10.10 and 11.4?20:30
A_B_fbdstang: Here's a good how to. it's a 4 parts article.:20:30
A_B_fbdstang: 1 - http://www.linuxjournal.com/magazine/paranoid-penguin-samba-security-part-i?page=0,020:30
Usuario_kalisto, it took me months to compile a large ammount of files from source20:30
KalistoUsuario_, so these are system files? application files?20:30
A_B_fbdstang: 2 - http://www.linuxjournal.com/magazine/paranoid-penguin-samba-security-part-ii?page=0,020:31
redgoneKalisto, will there be anything?20:31
Usuario_kalisto, as of now I am, strangely, IN the GUI gnome GUI, downloading some updates, so my machine can be used a little bit, but every option in applications is missing,20:31
A_B_fbdstang: 3 - http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/1029220:31
vexati0nSend, in 11.4 the system menu is gone, and the stuff that was in the system menu is just kinda mixed in with that pile of apps you see when you hit the ubuntu button.20:31
Usuario_kalisto, no, just ubuntu and me that f*cked it up trying to migrate from hihihi100 (old user) to dexter (new user)20:32
SendHmmmmm Ok20:32
vexati0nyeah it's really user friendly. they're calling it the Needle in a Haystack API.20:32
Kalistoredgone if you have lost the private keys then there is nothing you can do, you may attempt to find them by very technical inspection of the hdd google retrieve formatted files with files (if the key has been written over with other data then 0 chance)20:33
fbdystangA_B_: Awesome!! I have spent like 4 hours trying to find a howto like that. I thank you greatly for the link :)20:33
heminHi guys, I want to contribute in developing ubuntu operating system.. where should i start from?20:33
vexati0ni moved on to Gnome 3... I couldn't handle all the disorganization and kinda-sometimes-functional stuff in Unity.20:33
KalistoUsuario_, the thing is that the base system is the same for both users, so the only thing diff is whats in your home dir20:33
Usuario_kalisto, please read http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1366173&page=2 number 1820:34
A_B_fbdstang: 4 - i lost the 4th part..... hold on20:34
Usuario_kalisto, its been 3 days already trying to move everything owned by hihihi100 to dexter, and I stillge t that error20:34
Usuario_kalisto, your apportations are welcomed20:34
KalistoUsuario_, ok let me read it again20:34
Usuario_kalisto, if it means something, I just acceded synaptic, so my machine has some fuctionality20:35
vexati0nUsuario_, you could have just chown'd the entire directory hihihi100 and everything in it to dexter, renamed it dexter, and logged in.20:35
fbdystangA_B_: can you easily use a windows client with the ext4 samba share? Does it have any issues?20:35
A_B_fbdstang: 4 - http://www.linuxjournal.com/magazine/paranoid-penguin-samba-security-part-iv20:35
Usuario_vexation, I have chowned the whole /home/dexter (old home/hihihi100) tried to log in, error popup appeared20:36
roger21hello, where can i change the default ntp update ? is ther a cron for that ?20:36
vexati0nwhat error?20:36
Usuario_vexation, could not update could not update ICEauthority file /home/dexter/.ICEauthority20:36
KalistoUsuario_, check this out: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-983311.html20:37
birdmandontKalisto, sorry had a customer come in. NO i can not ping the gateway20:37
vexati0nyou did " sudo choen -R dexter /home/dexter " right?20:37
heminHi,I want to contribute in developing ubuntu operating system.. where should i start from? anyone?? please guide me20:37
vexati0nUsuario_, ^20:37
Kalistobirdmandont, try ifconfig down and then back up while watching logs20:37
Usuario_kalisto, I guess the important part is . Edit /etc/passwd (in Fedora) and change your UID & GID from 500 to 1000. You also need to edit /etc/group as well.20:38
Usuario_2. Edit /etc/passwd (in Ubuntu) and change your UID & GID from 1000 to 500. You also need to edit /etc/group as well.20:38
A_B_fbdstang: the directory you'll share will have to be already mounted in the system for samba to access it. so the format issue should already be resolved while mounting the drive. Samba will present the content of the share as SMB/CIFS to the client so the client won't care about the disk formatting20:39
KalistoUsuario_, i dont want to say anything wrong since I lack the knowledge on this subject20:39
KalistoUsuario_, but back up everything20:39
Usuario_kalisto, dexter's ID is 1001,20:39
Usuario_how do I edit /etc/group?20:40
jawnahwell, you can use a text editor... or groupmod... or groupadd...20:41
ThinkT510Usuario_: with a text editor as sudo20:41
jawnahand then there are also some GUI editors as well20:41
fbdystangA_B_: Thats exactly what I thought. I have NTFS right now and can't do permissions so I am considering reformatting to ext4 or zfs. Which do you recommend if it needs mac/windows/linux clients?20:41
NobleAnyone got 11.04 running on a recent Macbook Air?20:41
A_B_fbdstang: zfs is not ready for production AFAIK so I recommend EXT4 or XFS20:43
=== eris23 is now known as NetRiot
Kalistobirdmandont, is there a chance when you were running the livecd it used wireless?20:43
Juesthi, was using 10.10, i got a trouble with hicolor-icon-theme and it affects almost every app, and when i upgrade to natty i run into the same problem i had with hicolor-icon-theme when i try to apt-get20:44
Juesthow i can repair it?20:44
RA_drc_i'm trying to get an ov5642 camera to work with ubuntu.  when i searched for a driver, i found this website: http://boundarydevices.com/blogs/camera-driver-example-code  i went and downloaded the kernel that was mentioned in the previous blog post, but i could not successfully make it.  is this the right approach?20:44
Usuario_kalisto, as soon as my machine finishes downliading some update packages im doing the last post of http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=917306&highlight=sanity-check&page=420:44
KalistoRA_drc_ is it usb?20:45
ZykoticK9fbdystang, zfs cannot be included as a "native" filesystem for linux :(  It will only ever have userland support, due to some licensing issue - so I would recommend against zfs (although it's a truly amazing file system for BSDs)20:45
adamkexany good open source RTS?20:45
* Juest is away...20:46
fbdystangA_B_: This dude seems to like zfs on his samba shares http://www.devquotes.com/2011/03/27/how-to-build-htpc-nas-server-final-tweaking/ either way thanks for you help :)20:46
KalistoJuest change icon theme?20:46
Juestwell, no, i can barely use appareance properties20:46
Juestand change20:46
RA_drc_Kalisto: yeah, i plug it in through my usb port20:46
Juestbut i can't use gnome-session or Openbox20:46
KalistoJuest, ok so its a matter of not seeing the screen cause its F***?20:46
Juesti see screen20:47
RA_drc_adamkex: have you tried TA Spring?20:47
Juestand i can use XOrg fine20:47
KalistoJuest ok log out and bottom of screen change to different theme20:47
Juestwhat you mean with that?20:48
KalistoRA_drc_, does it load ok in logs?20:48
adamkexRA_drc_: nope20:48
Juesti use wdm, xdm and gdm20:48
RA_drc_Kalisto: i'm pretty new, which logs should i check?20:48
fbdystangZykoticK9: I understand the licensing issues but what does userland support mean?20:48
Juestand themes are ok, just can't run apps properly because of missing hicolor-icon-theme parts20:48
KalistoRA_drc_, try syslog and kernel20:49
ZykoticK9fbdystang, zfs can be used with fuse somehow20:49
ThinkT510!fuse | fbdystang20:49
ubottufbdystang: FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems20:49
KalistoJuest log out. under user/password you can select another theme to use20:49
A_B_fbdstang: zfs still doesn't have utilities to check and repair drives so if anything goes wrong, and usually it will, you won't be able to fix it. Also as ZykoticK9 noted above it's  only supported in userland at the moemtn. that means that you'll mount it as a user which is problomatic for server configurations.20:49
jbrenI've mounted to a samba share using "connect to server" with Nautilus but what I would really like to do is "cd" to that location and run a command from the terminal. Is it possible to do something like "cd smb://myfiles;sudo dpkg -i *.deb"?20:49
JuestKalisto: that works20:50
A_B_fbdstang: also zfs benefits you when you have multiple disks and configured in RAID over LVM.....20:50
KalistoRA_drc_, maybe it already works, do you have vlc installed?20:50
Juestjust applications and session managers that can't run properly or don't run because of hicolor-icon-theme parts/icon20:50
A_B_fbdstang: when zfs is ready for production it will be awesome but it's not yet.20:51
KalistoJuest, with another theme you have the same problems?20:51
ZykoticK9A_B_, oh zfs is ready for production - it will just never be on linux :(20:51
knipsterGents: Stuck on 9.04, how can I incrementally upgrade to 9.10 (Server not desktop) so that I can get out of EOL versions?20:51
RA_drc_Kalisto: i don't have vlc installed, but i tried going to chat roulette and the ov5642 camera didn't show up as an option.20:51
Juestnothing, just applications can't run properly or they don't run20:51
Juestit has nothing to do with themes, but is related to icons and applications20:52
fbdystangahhh, ok yea now i get it. So how do they use it on servers. Oh i guess its becuase they run on solaris servers20:52
ZykoticK9fbdystang, zfs is supported on both solaris and the BSDs20:52
JuestKalisto: pm me, i will be away, this channel is too noisey20:52
KalistoRA_drc_, yea thats cause linux will not allow you to have even less of a life by going there. but in the meantime install vlc, then click on Media-OPen Capture device and under capture mode see if your camera is there20:52
A_B_ZykoticK9: I though the check and repair tools for zfs are still missing20:53
tdb30_Well, apparantly I am running 3d on my intel card but compiz doesn't like that it doesn't have a feature it needs.  So I am stuck with unity 2d.  Anyone know how to disable the launcher?  It just gets in my way.  I don't want it to ever load.20:53
ZykoticK9A_B_, the way ZFS is organized, I doubt either are really required - you could just roll-back an error (i imagine)20:54
jitsiptables port forwarding help needed. Please review and let me know why my 8080 port is not forwarded http://paste.ubuntu.com/615066/20:54
ZykoticK9A_B_, I only used ZFS for a short time on OpenSolaris - it was very cool (kinda like Windows System Restore actually)20:54
Kalistotdb30_, yes this is a common problem with older graphics cards that are no longer fully supported, best is to stay away from unit and compiz, so log out, then bottom of login screen select the classic ubuntu and log back in20:55
Usuario_HELP, I, as dexter, tried to access my home folder (/home/dexter), but it says that I dont have the permissions to do so, why?20:55
Kalistotdb30_, having done that check Compiz themes are fully turned off. == much faster pc20:55
fbdystangOK that make the choice easy. I will use ext4 and get posix permissions for now until  zfs is not userland. Thanks for all the help guys, this channel rocks and always helps me solve my issues :)20:55
toastyis there a better way to connect to a ubuntu computer remotely from windows 7 than vnc?20:55
DdpbfUsuario_: have you ever run nautilus as sudo?20:55
jitssomeone plz help on port forwarding .. http://paste.ubuntu.com/615066/ been struggling for a long time :-(20:56
ZykoticK9toast, ssh :p20:56
KalistoUsuario_, ok but you logged back in?20:56
KM0201toasty: if you're looking for ease of use, and there's a person at each pc... google "Teamviewer"20:56
toastyZykoticK9: i need gui20:56
=== Mr is now known as Guest99203
toastynot a person at each pc20:56
Usuario_kalisto, no, but I just discovered that there are some folders that are still owned by 1000, thats it my old username20:57
ZykoticK9toasty, ssh with X forwarding :p  -- try NX if you want fast-GUI20:57
kishmore ubuntu themesM ;(20:57
Usuario_ddpbf, no20:57
Kalistotoasty google ubuntu windows vnc20:57
Usuario_ddpbf, AFAI can remember20:57
RA_drc_Kalisto: when i'm looking for those log files you mentioned, would they be in /var/log ?20:57
DdpbfUsuario_:  sudo chown yourusername:yourgroup /place/to/own20:57
KalistoRA_drc_, yes those but if you go to System->Adminis->log file viewer its easier (top bar)20:58
KM0201toasty: as long as you set teamviewer to run on startup, and set a "constant password", teamviewer would still work20:58
Ddpbfit is syntax to giv dexter permissions20:58
toastyhmm NX20:58
KM0201!info nx20:58
ZykoticK9!nx | toasty20:58
ubottuPackage nx does not exist in natty20:58
ubottutoasty: FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX20:58
KalistoUsuario_, change owner on all files to yourself20:58
Usuario_ddpbf, now lets hope I can get to opean a terminal from WITHIN the GUI, not in the recovery mode20:58
Kalistoin home dir20:58
Ddpbfyou could allways use live cd20:59
toastyi'll try FreeNX thanks20:59
KalistoRA_drc_, in the log files unplug and replug the camera and watch the bottom lines of the file20:59
rhizmoeby default does ubuntu use something other than ntp for timekeeping?21:00
rhizmoeor is it just bios?21:00
Guest99203Just started using ubuntu on Dell Lattitude D600.  It's a bit slow, but can't get Available Wireless networks to show up on list.21:01
RA_drc_Kalisto: it's showing up....but it's talking about a "bidirectional printer"21:01
RA_drc_Kalisto: *the log file refers to a bidirectional printer21:02
KalistoRA_drc_, hrmmm ok one sec21:03
arlesliedoes anyone know if unity will ever support tri-monitor setups (such as being able to drag windows from the middle one to the far ones when the middle is default) I currently have a 1080p monitor and two 1024x1280 monitors and it doesn't allow me to move my windows.21:03
KalistoRA_drc_, whats the camera model again?21:03
KM0201Guest99203: opena  terminal and type "lspci" no quotes, and hit enter(thats a lowercase L)... go throught he list (don't paste the whole freakin list here)... and find your wireless device, and tell us what it is.21:03
Usuario_How can I get rid of user ID 1000 and get just a single one for all my machine, 1001?21:04
RA_drc_Kalisto: ov5642.  the best information i found was on this site, look at this blog post and the previous one: http://boundarydevices.com/blogs/camera-driver-example-code21:04
Usuario_how do I change an user ID?21:05
gnrusuario:and usermod21:05
KM0201Guest99203: did you find it?21:07
toastyNX> 204 Authentication failed.21:07
Usuario_how do I change an user ID from the recovery mode shell?21:07
=== jay is now known as Guest58287
gregLUsuario_ why do you want to change?21:07
gnrusuario:usermod -u 1001 myuser21:07
KalistoRA_drc_, yea it looks as if the driver is not yet in the kernel (must be very new camera) either attempt what it says on the page (got to know its very technical) or wait a couple of months21:07
Usuario_gregl, ICEauthority problem21:08
KM0201toasty: repo is downi guess ( i got the same thing)... just try teamviewer, as long as its running ont he "remote" PC, and you know the username password for it.. you should have no problem.21:08
Guest99203How do I get my Wi-Fi SSIDs to show up?21:08
Usuario_gnr, so after $:usermod -u 1001 dexter (dexter is my new username)21:08
KM0201Guest99203: i've told you twice... we need to know your device, i told you above how to figure out your device.21:08
brylieGuest99203, is wireless enabled?21:09
tavelramHi, some keys on my netbook (eg. ctrl and alt) "stutter" a bit when i press them - ive verified this with xinput text-xi2. Is there a way for me to "supersample" or something to make those keys less sensitive to this? like prolonging every keypress to a few 100ms or somehing?21:09
KM0201brylie: he has a Dell, it's probably a broadcom or ralink21:09
Guest99203Wireless is enabled.  (Looking for device.)21:09
JarvixHi, my apt is missing any dev packages. How do i fix that? Ubuntu Natty 32bit21:09
brylieGuest99203, have you tried 'lspci' from the terminal?21:09
gnrusuario:usermod manipulates the available user account21:09
Usuario_good news, for all that are following my progress, I repaired nautilus, I now can access to the recovery shell from the log in menu21:09
Usuario_LADIES AND GENTLEMAN, MY PROBLEM HAS BEEN SOLVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!21:10
Jarvixgood to know -_-21:10
Beretta021Usuario_: Congratulations!!!!21:10
RA_drc_Kalisto: do you know someone who would be experienced with that?  and i looked in vlc, all i see in there is video for linux 2, pvr, dvb, and desktop.21:10
oCeanUsuario_: drop the caps please21:11
edbianUsuario_: Just got here.  Am I that helpful.21:11
Guest58287how do i check my ip address from terminal?21:11
JarvixHi, my apt is missing any dev packages. How do i fix that? Ubuntu Natty 32bit21:11
Guest99203Forgive me, I came from Debian.  (1st time on Ubuntu - Looking for terminal.  LOL)21:11
edbianGuest58287: ip addr is how I do it but it's messy21:11
Usuario_edbian, not anymore, my problems with ICEauthority are gone21:11
edbianUsuario_: Hurray :)21:12
KM0201Guest58287: ifconfig if youw ant a "local" IP (ie, one you're getting from yoru router.... if you just want your IP form your service provider, just go to http://www.whatismyip.com21:12
Usuario_edbian indeed, after 3 days of depressions and roads to nowhere...21:12
damisioHi huys21:12
damisioI am new in IRC21:12
edbianUsuario_: haha.  You made it.21:12
edbiandamisio: hello21:12
Usuario_edbian you have no idea how many times I have yelled f*ck god...21:13
damisioI am from Peru and need help about the lenguage AIML21:13
Jarvixwhat does the Peru part matter21:13
oCeanUsuario_: mind your language in this channel21:13
Usuario_odean, i censored meself21:13
damisioII am student21:13
Usuario_ocean, i censored meself21:13
Jarvixmy apt is missing any dev packages. How do i fix that? Ubuntu Natty 32bit21:13
oCeanUsuario_: the obfuscasted swearing is also not allowed, thank you21:13
damisioexcuse me guys, but I speak little English21:14
oCeandamisio: this channel is for ubuntu topics21:14
Usuario_i've been walking on the railroad...21:14
Guest99203Broadcom Corporation BCM4309 802.11a/b/g (rev 02)21:14
damisioI need help about AIML21:15
damisioAIML connected to JAVA21:15
oCeandamisio: not in this channel21:15
edbianGuest99203: sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer and then sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter   then sudo modprobe b4321:15
edbianGuest99203: If you'd like I can explain them.  (please don't make me repeat them or the order)21:15
Guest99203I'll give it a whirl.21:15
kezzawdJarvix: have you installed build-essential ?21:15
JarvixE: Unable to locate package build-essential21:16
JarvixSee my problem?21:16
rosycan anybody help with my problem with compiz? my windows are not so smooth after a while and they lag around my screen21:16
Jarvixno -dev package anywhere, no binutils, no gcc, no libc21:16
Guest99203nah, I'm good... Installing first one now.21:17
edbianGuest99203: :)21:17
kezzawdJarvix: surely there's a repo missing somewhere - have you checked software sources21:17
oCeanJarvix: are you sure you have the main repository enabled?21:17
Jarvixlemme check again21:17
guntbertJarvix: did you !pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list already?21:17
Usuario_edbian, and eveyone that helped, goodbye21:17
Jarvixafaik nothing changed about the sources.list21:17
Jarvixno extras enabled21:17
edbianbye forever apparently21:18
Guest99203b43-fwcutter is already the newest version.21:18
Guest99203b43-fwcutter set to manually installed.21:18
Guest992030 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.21:18
Jarvixlemme do that :P21:18
edbianGuest99203: That's fine21:18
kezzawdJarvix: You could always select a different mirror to force a reload21:18
jahman_hi mike are in21:18
edbianGuest99203: I 1/2 expected that.21:18
jahman_what is your name21:18
Guest99203modprobe returns nothing.21:19
jahman_are you being M21:19
edbianGuest99203: Yeah I expected that too.  Is the card now working?21:19
oCeanjahman_: do you have a support question?21:19
crutexhow do i set the ulimit of "nobody"21:19
crutexor check it21:19
edbianGuest99203: modprobe returning nothing means the module was loaded successfully21:19
jahman_I will ask them in a moment21:19
edbianGuest99203: Does the card now work?21:20
Juestwhat's the nobody user propouse/role in the system?21:20
jahman_just seraching out some one21:20
oCeanjahman_: this channel is for ubuntu support issues only, social chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic21:20
Guest99203Wireless tabbed list shows nothing.21:21
jahman_ocean tap the noise man you probable dont have the answer anyway21:21
edbianGuest99203: sudo iwlist scan    does that list networks?21:21
Guest99203I have 5 other systems that all see the SSID.21:21
kezzawdJarvix: Could be that the nl mirror is having problems - try switching mirrors and reload21:21
Guest99203stand by.21:21
idefinej #osx21:21
idefineI continuously have to add my keys via ssh-add, is there a way to make it permanent?21:22
Jarvixjust replace nl by de?21:22
=== Michael is now known as Guest26074
jahman_mike bw21:22
Guest99203wlan0     Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down21:22
edbianGuest99203: Good to know about the networks. We'll get it working.  What was it again?  BCM4305?21:22
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
kezzawdJarvix: if you go into the software sources gui you should be able to select a replacement mirror from hundreds21:23
kezzawdwell 10's anyway21:23
edbianGuest99203: Broadcom what?  Broadcom BCM4305?21:23
Jarvixkezzawd, I dont run the GUI21:24
JarvixSSH, all CLI21:24
akshay2000Anybody can tell me why xChat isn't connecting this channel while Pidgin did?21:24
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kezzawdJarvix: Oh - ok - I'm not so sure but if you substitute UK for NL - I think that'll be ok21:24
edbianGuest99203: Ahh, thanks.  Hang on.21:25
adamkexakshay2000: you maybe failed21:25
akshay2000How come?21:25
sveinseI've just installed subversion-tools and it pulled in exim4 as a reccomendation, which I don't want. What pkg tool do you normally use to remove package trees (like exim4 and its "sub packages")? Because I see aptitude is not installed in Natty per default21:25
Jarvixsubs NL for UK u mean?21:25
oCeankezzawd: Jarvix I'm using the nl repositories, nothing wrong here21:25
Jarvixuve the dev stuff too?21:26
oCeanJarvix: sure21:26
Jarvixcould u paste ur sources/.list?21:26
akshay2000adamkex: Would you explain?21:26
oCeanJarvix: wait, I'm not on 11.04 though21:26
edbianGuest99203: I may have been trying to use the wrong driver.  reasearching...21:26
Bagatellehow can I change the permissions of any given folder?21:26
adamkexakshay2000: you probably made a mistake when trying to connect using xchat21:26
JarvixoCean, so not using the natty sources21:27
oCeanJarvix: nope, I'm on Lucid21:27
edbianGuest99203: Can you try this: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart   ?21:27
damisioI need connect JAVA with AIML21:28
Jarvixhow do i reload?21:28
Guest99203 * Running /etc/init.d/networking restart is deprecated because it may not enable again some interfaces21:28
Guest99203 * Reconfiguring network interfaces...                                                                                                                 Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0.21:28
akshay2000Hey, how do you type server commands in pidgin?21:29
Guest99203net is still down.21:29
edbianGuest99203: Yeah yeah.  Do wireless networks show up now in the applet?21:29
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ArmyMan007hello... how do I work with a netstick in ubuntu?21:30
ArmyMan007Guest99203, meaning?21:30
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fogobogoakshay2000: /something?21:30
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adamkexakshay2000: i use irssi so i don't know21:30
ymn3m0nicwhat the hell :O21:30
edbianGuest99203: still no wifi?21:30
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ArmyMan007emm... can anyone help me?21:30
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit21:30
Bagatellehow can I create an user with id 1000?21:30
Guest99203list is still blank.21:30
Bagatellebetter, how do I change my current username to ID 1000?21:30
JarvixoCean: how do I reload?21:30
JarvixI am not used to a non-working apt :P21:30
Guest99203wlan0     Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down21:30
Pr070calhi im downloading to a separate drive than the ubuntu filesystem, why am i losing space rapidly on the filesystem drive with nothing to delete ???21:30
oCeanJarvix: reload what21:30
unknownhello all21:31
oCeanJarvix: after editing sources.list, just run sudo apt-get update21:31
ArmyMan007what should I type in order to work out with my netstick?21:31
Jarvixyou said ive to reload21:31
ZykoticK9Pr070cal, logs?  "du -sh /var/log"21:31
edbianGuest99203: gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces    is wlan0 in there?21:31
Jarvixwirjs biw21:31
Jarvixworks now21:32
akshay2000How do you enter server commands in pidgin IRC?21:32
oCeanJarvix: ok. maybe error in natty nl repositories21:32
JarvixI am chanhing to NL again, and doing update]21:32
oCeanJarvix: if you feel like it, you could try to switch back to NL, but that can be done later on also21:32
Jarvixto verify21:32
Jarvixso had to just do an update21:33
oCeanJarvix: yay21:33
Guest99203 is empty21:33
edbianGuest99203: No ~  /etc/network/interfaces21:33
KindOneakshay2000: try in #pidgin21:34
edbianGuest99203: gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces21:34
MagicJI have a system that tells me that there are 17 packages tjat can be updated, etc, whenever I log on - when I do an apt-get dist-upgrade it does not clear this, why?21:35
Jarvixsudo apt-get upgrade21:35
Jarvixtry that21:35
Pr070caldamn theres nothing i can delete on my filesystem, and it keeps filling up21:35
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JarvixPr070cal: sure you emptied ur trashcan?21:35
edbianMagicJ: sudo apt-get upgrade    not dist-upgrade21:36
Jarvixthats what I said :P21:36
guntbertMagicJ: server? there has been a glitch in updating /etc/motd - simplest: rename that file21:36
edbianGuest99203: What's in that file?21:36
Pr070calJarvix: yep21:36
Pr070calim downloading to another drive and the filesystem is filling up21:37
Guest99203Gave up on getedit went with "vi".  No wlan there.21:37
Logan_!diskfree | Pr070cal21:37
ubottuPr070cal: Graphical representations of where your disk-space is being used are: baobab (GNOME), filelight / kinfocenter (Kubuntu). On the terminal: df -h -T21:37
MagicJguntbert: I thought of that, even modified the motd file manually and something keeps resetting it with the message21:37
Guest99203auto lo21:37
Guest99203iface lo inet loopback21:37
edbianGuest99203: and another for eth0 ?21:37
Guest99203Those are the two lines in there.21:38
MagicJedbian: I get the same with either dist-upgrade or upgrade21:38
edbianGuest99203: This is 11.04 right?21:38
edbianMagicJ: Hang on a second21:38
MonkeyDustMagicJ: reboot and choose recovery mode in the grub menu21:38
guntbertMagicJ: for now uninstall update-motd21:38
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edbianGuest99203: sudo apt-get install firmware-b43legacy-installer21:39
MagicJMonkeyDust: I do never see the grub menu - and even if I did, then what21:39
Guest99203ok, hang on21:39
edbianGuest99203: I think you need the legacy driver21:40
damisiook makey21:40
ZykoticK9MagicJ, hold SHIFT when first booting to get Grub2 menu21:40
MagicJguntbert: and if I disable it, then what, surely I am just masking the symptom21:40
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jitssomeone plz help on port forwarding .. http://paste.ubuntu.com/615066/ been struggling for a long time :-(21:40
MagicJZykoticK9: ty21:40
gcristianis there a command to know which Shell i'm using ??21:40
guntbertMagicJ: in my experience there is nothing to update, your system is fine, its just that update-motd package acting up21:40
Guest99203do I need to remove the old one?21:41
MagicJZykoticK9: but even so, what will I gain what am I going to fix21:41
edbianGuest99203: no, we'll manually ckeck first21:41
blzgchristian: doesn't finger <youruser> tell you what your default shell is?21:41
Guest99203E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)21:41
MagicJguntbert: that may be so, but how do I know that21:41
ZykoticK9MagicJ, ? i have no idea - i was just giving Grub2 advice only - the rest is others ;)21:41
edbianGuest99203: What was the error?21:42
MagicJZykoticK9: ty21:42
edbianThis website: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43/devices?highlight=%284309%29  says that BCM4309 is support but it doesn't say by which driver.  How can I find that out??21:42
guntbertMagicJ: well I did exactly that on one ubuntu-server, after apt-get and aptitude confirmed that everything was uptodate21:42
nincompooopedbian: check the kernel?21:42
Guest99203Not supported card here (PCI id 14e4:16521:43
Guest99203Use b43 firmware. This is just for the b43legacy driver.21:43
Guest99203dpkg: error processing firmware-b43legacy-installer (--configure):21:43
FloodBot1Guest99203: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:43
Guest99203 subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 121:43
edbiannincompooop: I don't know how to do that21:43
nincompooopedbian: hm, do you know the chip inside?21:43
blzhas anybody successfully installed acire and python-snippets on 11.04?21:43
edbianGuest99203: It's insisting that this driver (legacy) is not for this card.21:43
roger21the login screen settings has "play login sound" disabled and still i have the drum bit when i switch user (i auto login so i don't know about first login) is it a bug or am i missing something ?21:43
edbiannincompooop: It's Guest99203 bcm430921:44
MagicJguntbert: how would I confirm that?21:44
Guest99203Thats what it appears.21:44
blzroger21:  not the same thing.  the login sound is that drum+music when you successfully log in.  not that clear, though =/21:44
nincompooopedbian: sorry... Guest99203: sorry21:44
coz_nincompooop,          which manufacturer is this?21:44
edbiannincompooop: sorry for what?21:45
guntbertMagicJ: when neither apt-get nor aptitude find anything to upgrade - I'd say the system is fine -- but you are entitled to being sceptic and running the same ways I ran :)21:45
roger21blz, and do you know how to disable it anyhoo ?21:45
edbiannincompooop: no worries. I've been googling!21:45
gcristianblz: thanks21:45
blzroger21:  there's an option in ubuntu tweak that I used21:45
blzgchristian, np =)21:45
damisioI nedd open port in Dlink- 30021:45
damisioi need open port in Dlink-30021:46
guntbert!ubuntutweak | blz21:46
ubottublz: Ubuntu Tweak is a tool that automates some things; however, it is potentially dangerous an informal review of its code is pending and most of the things it does can be done by the use of other tools. Please don't ask for or provide support for it in #ubuntu.21:46
ubotturoger21: Ubuntu Tweak is a tool that automates some things; however, it is potentially dangerous an informal review of its code is pending and most of the things it does can be done by the use of other tools. Please don't ask for or provide support for it in #ubuntu.21:46
blzthere it is lol21:46
blzroger21:  in any case, that's how I did it.  for what it's worth.21:47
Guest99203Sorry as in we're not able to help?21:47
edbianGuest99203: ugh.21:47
roger21blz, ok thanks21:47
Guest99203no problemo.  I'm patient.21:48
blzroger21:  and using it to disable the drumbeat isn't the kind of thing that will break your system.  just don't mess with stuff you don't understand, obviously21:48
edbianGuest99203: Can you reboot and then pastebin the output of dmesg    ?21:48
nincompooopedbian: the confusion21:48
nincompooopWOAH, POPUP!21:48
Guest99203Sure...   But before I do, would you mind telling me how to properly set my xchat to the correct nick name?21:49
edbiannincompooop: Do you know what driver to use for a BCM4309 card?21:49
edbianGuest99203: The easy way is /nick newName21:49
=== edbian is now known as edbian2
=== edbian2 is now known as edbian
Steristwhen is 11.04.1 coming?21:49
FlannelSterist: 11.04 is not LTS, and as such, will not have point releases.21:49
Steristflannel silly me. thanks a bunch21:50
Guest99203I tried that.21:50
FlannelSterist: You could consider 11.10 to be the point release for 11.04 :)21:50
ultrixxdoes 10.04 update to firefox 4 or do i have to install new packet sources?21:50
edbianGuest99203: What does it say?21:50
Steristflannel indeed lol do you know what the focus of 11.10 is?21:50
Guest99203Keeps going back to Guest99203.  (It's been a long, long while since I used chat).21:50
Guest99203When i use the /nick nothing happens.21:51
edbianGuest99203: Maybe you have to register on freenode.  I don't know21:51
=== Guest99203 is now known as DenverDave
edbianwell there ya go21:51
edbianDenverDave: Much better21:51
blzTen bucks says DenverDave is from Denver and is named Dave.21:51
blzany takers?21:52
DenverDaveDoesn't like spaces..   No problem..  I'll be back in a few.21:52
FlannelSterist: Not off the top of my head, no.21:52
DenverDaveOh, and to use this paste bin thingy....21:52
ultrixxdenver must be a great city. my grandma used to watch dynasty on tv21:52
=== Indestructible is now known as akshay2000
FlannelSterist: I don't think there's any major changes, just continuing down the same path as 11.04 (I do know that there's no classic gnome option)21:52
ThinkT510!pastebin | DenverDave21:52
ubottuDenverDave: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:52
edbianDenverDave: Yeah.  You just paste it, click submit, then give me the link.21:53
george__Hello. I'm runnig Kubuntu 11.04. A test at Shields Up showed that port 80 is open for incoming connections. It seems that it should be closed by default. How can I close it?21:53
nincompooopGuest61029: bcm43xx21:53
nincompooopI'm not sure21:53
nincompooopdownloading the kernel now...21:53
DenverDaveCool...   Chat has really come far since VAX VMS days...  LOL21:53
edbiannincompooop: You mean the kernel source?  What can you tell from that?21:53
edbianDenverDave: yes21:53
akshay2000george__: how about using firewall block?21:54
nincompooopedbian: I can see the actual drivers XD21:54
edbiannincompooop: How?21:54
nincompooopedbian: and I (might) be able to recompile my kernel21:54
george__akshay2000: You mean ufw?21:54
Steristflannel yeah i use xubuntu so i'm not too concerned about that but it that is a big mistake on canonical's part21:54
ultrixxgeorge__: as long as you don't have a webserver or other services running on port 80, it doesn't matter at all21:55
nincompooopwhy would I do that? I don't know.21:55
george__ultrixx: How can I check what services are running there?21:55
nincompooopedbian: make xconfig and then by searching bcm430921:55
edbiannincompooop: How do you 'look at the kernel' and how does that tell you what driver should be used.21:55
akshay2000george__: I second what ultrixx said.21:55
toad`I need help erasing a partition21:55
edbiannincompooop: Make xconfig ?21:55
nincompooopedbian: that's how I managed to find out how to NFS root the thing XD21:56
toad`particularly erasing and then reinstalling Ubuntu 10.04 back onto the machine, it dual boots at the moment with Win7 and Ubu LTS.21:56
akshay2000dsouz401: Hello.21:56
ultrixxgeorge__: what happens if you type "localhost" into your webbrowser?21:56
edbiannincompooop: 'NFS root the thing.'  What are you talking about?21:56
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nincompooophey dsouz40121:56
nincompoooptoad`: that or reinstalling GRUB or GRUB 221:57
nincompooopedbian: network booting21:57
edbiannincompooop: what?!  You don't make any sense.21:57
toad`I guess whatever I'm using now21:57
toad`its working great like21:57
FloodBot1toad`: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:58
nincompooopedbian: 0.o... network booting... eg: using another computer to provide services to boot said computer off the network21:58
nincompoooptoad`: condense messages please... the floodbots don't like multiple lines21:58
edbiannincompooop: I know what the words 'network booting' mean.  What does that have to do with anything?21:58
blztoad:  you don't want to anger the mighty floodbots21:58
nincompooopedbian: NFS root in the kernel...21:59
nincompooopblz: nice.21:59
toad`well should I just boot from livecd21:59
toad`and then reinstall?21:59
toad`is it that easy?21:59
nincompoooptoad`: mmhm21:59
toad`sudokill was helping me before I think but that was a while ago21:59
blztoad`, don't anger the floodbots. srsly.21:59
toad`heh ok21:59
edbiannincompooop: Network File System root the kernel.  That is gibberish.  And how does that help me understand what driver one should use for a bcm4309 ?!21:59
george__ultrixx: It displays an error message on rekonq. Connection refused, as if it wasn't able to connect to the internet or wrong address.22:00
nincompooopedbian: iono... it's a example of what one can do while looking things up with xconfig22:00
manlymat183Hi... I accidentally deleted my .local directory.  Seems like ubuntu just recreated it all upon reboot.  Are those "." directories simply re-creatable if they are removed?22:00
ultrixxgeorge__: so you obviously don't run a webserver on your port 8022:00
edbiannincompooop: What package is xconfig in22:00
edbianmanlymat183: yes22:00
blzmalymat183:  .directory means it's hidden.  some apps will re-create the directory if it's missing.  what were you trying to do?22:01
edbianmanlymat183: They are settings stored by programs. For example firefox bookmarks are stored in .mozilla somewhere22:01
manlymat183edbian: Yeah, I noticed that.  But .local seemed really important.22:01
manlymat183blz: Remove a different directory but fiddle fingered22:01
george__ultrixx: so.... that means there is nothing to worry about?22:01
edbianmanlymat183: perhaps.22:01
akshay2000dsouz401: what are you trying?22:01
ultrixxgeorge__: ubuntu comes with turned off firewall because there are no services running in default install22:01
akshay2000Its logout22:01
blzmanlymat183:  use the terminal next time ;-)22:01
ultrixxgeorge__: yes22:02
manlymat183blz: I was :)22:02
manlymat183had used ctrl-r and was editing a previous command22:02
blzmanlymat183:  ouch!  In any case, it should be recoverable in a .trash folder if i'm not mistaken22:02
akshay2000@george__ : Exactly why are youworried?22:02
akshay2000 b22:02
george__ultrixx: I see... thanks.22:02
ultrixxgeorge__: you are welcome22:03
jmknsdMy laptop locked the screen and turned off the monitor (after I afked) and now when I move the mouse, nothing appears. Is there a way to fix this without restarting?22:03
nincompooopjmknsd: well, did it go to standby?22:03
manlymat183Based on /etc/skel, it looks like almost all of the . directories are created on first login.  I just didn't know if a single directory missing would mess things up.22:03
george__akshay2000: computer hijacking :)22:03
jmknsdnincompooop, no22:03
jmknsdI can still access the VTs22:03
nincompooopjmknsd: alright, try pressing some buttons on the keyboar22:03
manlymat183edbian: Thanks22:04
blzmanlymat183:  mine seems to have cache items and zeitgeist logs... doesn't seem like it's anything that will sorely be missed22:04
jmknsddid that, still nothing22:04
edbianmanlymat183: sure22:04
DenverDaveDMesg found here:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/615085/22:04
blzmanlymat183:  but you can always restore from a .trash file22:04
nincompooopjmknsd: hmm...22:04
edbianDenverDave: awesome22:04
nincompooopjmknsd: beat it with the force of two meteors colliding to teach it a lesson?22:04
jmknsdIt's a new laptop =(22:05
nincompooopjmknsd: yeah, I guess restart's your best option then...22:05
blzjmknsd:  try ctrl+alt+f222:05
manlymat183blz: cool, thakns22:05
edbianDenverDave: This is very good news.  I see some info about your card.22:05
nincompooopjmknsd: or that...22:05
nincompooopmight work...22:05
jmknsdIt does22:05
DenverDaveProbably better than I found out for you.  Eh?22:05
blzjmknsd:  should drop you to a terminal where you can log in and start Xorg22:05
jmknsdI can go to VTs22:05
jmknsdIt is running22:06
blzX is running?22:06
blzthen restart it22:06
Ryuno-KiGood evening - could anyone explain me, where I can find the German-Ubuntu-IRC-Channel?22:06
jmknsdI'd rather not, since this happens frequently22:06
ubottuRyuno-Ki: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.22:06
jmknsdI know restarting X fixes it22:06
kesccchange Alt+F2 shortcut to the Right Windows key? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1770970 Please take a look and see if you can help me? Thanks22:06
blzjmknsd:  oh ok! good22:06
jmknsdIn fact, I know I logged in, and I happened to be in IRC with that last one, and can see my input22:07
george__Ryuno-Ki: I believe you should join #ubuntu-de channel22:07
DenverDaveI got an error regarding trying to install the bcm legacy driver.  Is there some place I need to clean that up?22:07
jmknsdso, everything is still running, but my screen i black with a cursor22:07
Ryuno-Kithanks, george__ and ubottu22:07
Ryuno-Kihave a nice day22:07
blzand blz!22:07
nincompooopjmknsd: sounds like an xscreensaver problem to be22:07
Ryuno-Kioh, yeah, thanks :)22:08
blzjmknsd:  yeah, I'd restart then, if I were you22:08
edbianDenverDave: Yeah I remember that.  Here is the thing.  dmesg (as you probably read) thinks we need b43legacy firmware.  That's certainly in firmware-b43legacy-installer but when we tried to install that it told us that the card you have is not appropriate for that so...22:08
edbianDenverDave: sudo apt-get purge firmware-b43-installer      then sudo apt-get install firmware-b43legacy-installer    That's my guess22:09
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe
edbianI have no idea about b43-fwcutter,  leave it there I guess?22:09
edbianDenverDave: Makes sense?22:09
kesccchange Alt+F2 shortcut to the Right Windows key? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1770970 Please take a look and see if you can help me? Thanks22:10
blzare there any equivalents to acire/python-snippets that work with natty?22:10
nincompooopkescc: what does the right windows key do? 0.o22:10
DenverDaveI'm trying it.   It makes senses.22:10
kesccnincompooop: nothing, thats why i want to change the Alt+F2 shortcut to the right windows key, so it would be easier..22:11
nokia3510How can I make the launcher auto-hide in natty ?22:11
Logan_!ccsm | nokia351022:11
ubottunokia3510: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz22:11
christenis it possible to undate to ubuntu 11.04 without losing my windows vista partition?22:12
nincompooopchristen: yes.22:12
blzchristen:  yes22:12
Logan_christen: yes22:12
edbianDenverDave: It calls your card a BCM4306  on line 708 of your pastebin22:12
gdizhi everyone,  does anyone know how I can give a program like apache2 user privelages.  I don't want it to run as nobody22:12
edbianDenverDave: To confuse even more22:12
blzchristen:  run the installer and follow the directions.  it will be very obvious22:12
nokia3510thanks Logan_ I'll re-check the options22:12
christenSo I should just go ahead and update it? will it delete my windows files?22:13
nincompooopchristen: not if you tell it not to22:13
christenOr should I back everything up just incase anyways?22:13
hesterprynnehey so i have ubuntu installed - can i change the partition and install windows 7 beside it without having to reinstall ubuntu?22:13
blzchristen:  always back up.22:13
DenverDaveGetting an error running purge..   http://paste.ubuntu.com/615086/22:13
Logan_!dualboot | hesterprynne22:14
ubottuhesterprynne: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot22:14
nincompooopchristen: it's not evil like windows. ;)22:14
teddyroosebeltare there any download managers available in ubuntu? i need something that sorts files into specific folders when i save-as them. ex: .jpg files would be sent to /foo/myphotos22:14
kesccchange Alt+F2 shortcut to the Right Windows key? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1770970 Please take a look and see if you can help me? Thanks22:14
edbianDenverDave: It tried to install b43legacy firmware as part of the purge.  IDK why22:14
christenOkay. I'll back it up and give it a go...I'll come back if there's a problem. thanks!22:14
DenverDaveYeah, I saw that IDK either.22:15
nincompooopteddyroosebelt: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DownloadManager22:15
teddyroosebeltoh how ignorant of me, ty nincompooop22:16
edbianDenverDave: NO clue.  Time for dinner22:16
edbianGood luck!22:16
jnlsnl_umm i pressed something and the screen is now zoomed in and following my mouse :D running maverick here22:17
ubuntu_i want to join in the C++ programing channel but i couldn't22:17
kesccchange Alt+F2 shortcut to the Right Windows key? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1770970 Please take a look and see if you can help me? Thanks22:17
ubuntu_how to join?22:17
ThinkT510ubuntu_: some channels need you to be registered before you can join22:18
ThinkT510!register | ubuntu_22:18
ubottuubuntu_: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode22:18
ubuntu_how to register?22:18
nincompooopubuntu_: message NickServ22:18
nincompooopubuntu_: register PW email, I believe22:19
demian0where is the 'default' runlevel, located in the /etc/runlevels on gentoo.. im trying to follow this guide http://0.mk/16f722:19
kesccchange Alt+F2 shortcut to the Right Windows key? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1770970 Please take a look and see if you can help me? Thanks22:19
birdmandontI tried the ubuntu 10.04 LTS live cd, and my network worked just fine, After I installed it, i get no network connection :( any ideas?    wired connection, ive tried selecting in network manager, and running sudo dhclient eth0 (which shows a bunch of  offers and requests, but nothing connects)22:20
nincompooopdemian0: it's runlevel 4, I believe22:20
jnlsnl_Image quality is so poor in open office :(22:20
jnlsnl_anyone know ways to improve it ?22:20
nincompooopjnlsnl_: it's poor? 0.o22:20
nincompooopjnlsnl_: I thought it was okay...22:21
nincompooopthat's odd, IMHO22:21
jnlsnl_yeah image looks pixelated compared to google docs at least22:21
nincompooopjnlsnl_: hmm... you sure you have the latest version?22:21
jnlsnl_maybe i just need to play around with it a bit :)22:21
outer_spacehow do you compile something that just has "configure.in" ./configure does nothing22:22
jnlsnl_ 3.2.122:22
nincompooopjnlsnl_: if I recall right, openoffice is now libreoffice22:22
nincompooopouter_space: look at the documentation.22:22
nincompooopouter_space: different programs have different ways to compile22:22
Logan_nincompooop: LibreOffice is a fork of OpenOffice.org22:22
nincompooopLogan_: it is? ok.22:22
outer_spacethres only README and TODO nothing that says how to compile22:22
Scunizinincompooop: yes.. faster.. more features22:23
nincompooopI thought it was a replacement when openoffice got taken over by oravle.22:23
kesccchange Alt+F2 shortcut to the Right Windows key? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1770970 Please take a look and see if you can help me? Thanks22:23
nincompooopaw well, I guess this is what I get for not checking... XD22:23
hacktoliveouter_space: have you tried running configure.in? with:   ./configure.in22:24
outer_spaceyes, I tried to chmox +x and run that but everything is a syntax error22:25
multi_ioin Thunderbird 3.1, did they REMOVE the instant search/filter in the inbox tab?22:26
wthpr0anyone know a packed for wirless network drivers on a toshiba M100 ?22:26
multi_ioit's no longer instant here (only works when pressing enter), and it opens a new tab.22:27
multi_iowtf were they THINKING??22:27
aszuromif I'm trying to connect to a windows box with a share, is mount.cifs the command I should be using?22:29
sburwood1is there a command or a program to restore from CD or DVD to hard drive according to file types?  All .doc, all .odt, all .txt?22:29
hacktoliveouter_space: it seems "configure.in" is used to generate the usual "configure" file: http://bit.ly/msDCP122:30
sburwood1in one shot ... do a cp *.doc,*.txt,*.odt /home/....?22:31
outer_spaceI give up, its supposet to be used "automake configure.in" but instead prints a bunch of errors22:31
wthpr0aszurom: I use smbmount22:33
hacktoliveouter_space: make a request on launchpad and if the app is open-source it probably will be on the repositories sooner or later...22:33
=== jsedore is now known as striderj
outer_spacethe most current version is on the repositories22:34
wthpr0aszurom: or you can use mount -t smbfs22:35
johnnyjoehi :)22:35
aszuromI find it amazing that the man entry on all of this doesn't show an example22:35
grendal-primeok this is making me crazy!  Isnt there a voice recognition system that runs on linux that is...reasonable22:36
wthpr0aszurom: mount -t smbfs -o username=<username>,password=<password> //<win-box>/<share> /mnt/<name-of-mountpoint>22:36
grendal-primei cant find a single....front end type app for doing this..yet..my android phone is able to send off mpeg to google and then  get the transcription.22:37
kesccchange Alt+F2 shortcut to the Right Windows key? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1770970 Please take a look and see if you can help me? Thanks22:37
aszuromyeah, it was the format of the hostname that was tripping me up22:37
johnnyjoedid somebody know how to change sh alias ? when i try "sh" command it prompt to me an sh shell but i prefer use a bash one, i rtfm but did not found anythink22:37
aszurom/ or \\ or what22:37
grendal-primei just need something like...well something like Jarvis would be good...(ironman refrence)22:37
wthpr0aszurom: //22:37
wthpr0aszurom: like in what i wrote22:37
grendal-primesomething where i could say.."computer, make me a vanilla latee.22:38
=== szal_ is now known as szal
lidbjorkCan anyone tell me the difference between Safely Remove Device and Eject? (I.e. when right-clicking on a mounted usb memory)22:38
grendal-primeno speech recognition?22:38
grendal-primefor me?22:38
iskinAfter I install the ATI proprietary driver is restarting the GDM enough or do I actually have to restart my computer?22:39
Scunizilidbjork: eject seem to allow me to remount the device on the next plugin without rebooting... the other doesn't22:39
grendal-primelidbjork, eject will send the item an eject command...if it has access to that it will...safely remove would be like usb devices22:39
motioncontrol1Good evening have a problem with my application on Ubuntu 8.04 the error is :  Major opcode of failed request:  53 (X_CreatePixmap)  can help please ?22:39
DarkEraiskin, restart the computer :)22:39
motioncontrol1the complete error is : X Error of failed request:  BadIDChoice (invalid resource ID chosen for this connection)22:39
motioncontrol1  Major opcode of failed request:  53 (X_CreatePixmap)22:39
motioncontrol1  Resource id in failed request:  0x32ab0a922:39
motioncontrol1  Serial number of failed request:  12951235522:39
motioncontrol1  Current serial number in output stream:  12951236622:39
iskinDarkEra, Thanks. That isn't what I wanted to hear. = (22:40
nicofsMy Skype is not working any more... The program just terminates... has anyone had that problem? Any ideas?22:41
elly_i had the problem i fixed it by removing .skype/shared.xml file22:43
lidbjorkgrendal-prime: I don't understand what you meant with the last thing you said (about usb devices)22:43
Ddpbfnicofs: start it from terminal22:44
Ddpbfand past output on paste.ubuntu.com22:44
nicofsDdpbf, i did - some GTK warnings and then abort22:44
lidbjorkBut I gotta go now...22:44
nicofspaste on the way22:44
Ddpbfnicofs: ther was some guy today22:45
Ddpbfwith same problem22:45
nicofsDdpbf, http://paste.ubuntu.com/615094/22:45
andrebhi all22:46
andrebnyone up22:46
andrebhas anyone done bind in chroot ? on buntu 10.04 ?22:46
Ddpbfnicofs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/skype/+bug/78862522:47
ubottuUbuntu bug 788625 in skype (Ubuntu) "Skype crashes after login with 11.04 (dup-of: 788573)" [Undecided,New]22:47
ubottuUbuntu bug 788573 in skype (Ubuntu) "Skype crashes during start" [Undecided,Fix released]22:47
tdb30_Is there any way to disable the keyring?  I would rather the computer ask me for passwords than having them stored on the system even if they are encrypted.22:47
Ddpbfcheck this22:47
andrebi have read this : http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu-10.04-lucid-lynx-ispconfig-2-p422:47
andrebbut bind fails to start22:47
andrebgives me a permission error22:47
=== Wolf is now known as Guest99667
MattyLadHello world.22:48
nicofsDdpbf, so no solution yet?22:48
PhoebusHello world!22:48
Ddpbfthere is22:48
harginoHow do I change my username?22:48
Ddpbfnicofs: this bug is duplicate of an older22:48
andrebthis si the exact error : http://pastebin.ca/207249622:48
MattyLadCan I get some installation advice for a noobe?22:48
jiohdihargino, create a new user account and delete the orginal22:48
nicofsDdpbf, just found that... thanks22:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 788573 in skype (Ubuntu) "Skype crashes during start" [Undecided,Fix released]22:49
slgmaanyone else having problems with DeVeDe since upgrading to natty? always errors at the very end and says that you may have ran out of diskspace22:49
harginothat easy, nice22:49
harginoshould have tried that first, thanks22:49
andrebguys any ideas for me ?22:49
slgmai dont think im ever upgrading ubuntu again22:49
slgmaive used it since 8.1022:49
yabukwhat command or program should I use to find a ip from a known mac address using a range of ip to find within ?22:49
slgmaand each time it seems to have gotten worse22:50
slgma10 new features, but 2-4 old ones screwup22:50
jenkHi ! Could someone help me resolve package dependencies in installing 'Q4Wine' ? Screenshot here : http://imageshack.us/f/834/screenshotvhn.png/22:50
marchdownHow do I check what's sitting on TCP port 80?22:50
slgmaanyone else having problems with DeVeDe since upgrading to natty? always errors at the very end and says that you may have ran out of diskspace22:50
ryanakcaIS there a reason why configuring a network inferface through /etc/network/interfaces no longer works on natty? (i.e. it worked with maverick, no longer works after a dist-upgrade)22:50
marchdownOr, generally, what process keeps some file/port open?22:51
marchdownWhat keywords should I apropos for?22:51
andreb... needs some help.. please22:51
ryanakcamarchdown: man lsof22:52
e0aj2[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JUNE 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   e0aj2 toxic bc_ Trfsrfr pilatii striderj marchdown Mumblefoot jenk ilDeSa yabuk MattyLad guampa Guest99667 Kickaxe2 andreb jibadeeha VCoolio adrian15 farmer- sirninja22:52
e0aj2[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JUNE 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   jsurfer Defense plustax jakemp ecnabilw2rk kvm2k zenguy_vm Bagatelle dejan_spasic larstov danjac bluebomber gdiz Daekdroom nokia3510 jenvy Levander kescc [TK]D-Fender22:52
e0aj2[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JUNE 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   quem vexati0n_ momoz Granis martiner5 Neo-- Cain pr0ton_ mekwall brontosaurusrex tehnef or4n jackster elryry fahadsadah_ sabalaba WildZeck knittl AntiSpamMeta asavard22:52
e0aj2[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JUNE 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   lrvick1 Bachmair DroidAgent_ Emmanuel_Chanel_ LouisJB multipass|2 gotsanity__ addisonj_ muon_ Lajnold smallfoot- j0nr_ desudesudesu dgm_077 lahwran_ askhl___ hoarycri22:52
FloodBot1e0aj2: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:52
=== toxic is now known as Guest2742
MattyLadWhats SASL?22:53
rwwMattyLad: That message is spam. Feel free to ignore it. SASL is a method for authenticating to freenode without sending your password in cleartext.22:53
bc_Anyone else experiencing this particular crash with the Google Chrome builds from `deb http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main`? -> egg-secure-memory.c:829: sec_release_pages: Assertion `sz % getpagesize () == 0' failed.22:53
Guest2742hello, I use ubuntu 11.04, I have trouble with empathy, it got uninstalled and is not get installed, can anybody help me22:53
MattyLadOK cheers - now ignored :)22:53
MattyLadIs there someone that can help me with my first installation alongside Windows 7 please?22:54
DdpbfMattyLad: what is problem?22:54
jenkMattyLad, What installation advice do you need exactly ? As in partitioning ?22:54
andrebCAN an yone help me with bind9 ???22:55
bc_andreb: what's the question?22:55
jenkMattyLad, If you try the installed you'll find it intuitive and easy to follow.22:55
=== bc_ is now known as bc
MattyLadsort of - I have a 500b drive on my laptop, partitioned to c-system/e:empty where I want linux and F: all my files.22:55
andrebBC : i have followed this http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu-10.04-lucid-lynx-ispconfig-2-p4 to install bind in chroot22:56
ryanakcamarchdown: lsof -i :80 # will give you what's open on 80. You could also try: sudo netstat -plant | grep :8022:56
andrebBC: but i am getting a permission error when i try to start bind22:56
christenWhere do I tell the upgrade manager not to touch my windows partition?22:56
MattyLadI want to install ubuntu on E: (SDA3) but when I'm going through the install I get to a slider that has SDA3(files) and SDA4 (ubuntu) - is this making SDA3 into 2 drives?22:56
marchdownthanks, ryanakca, you're most helpful.22:57
ryanakcaIS there a reason why configuring a network inferface through /etc/network/interfaces no longer works on natty? (i.e. it worked with maverick, no longer works after a dist-upgrade)22:57
jenkMattyLad, Copy the sizes of your partitions, when it comes to the installer you might find it helpful.22:57
kesccchange Alt+F2 shortcut to the Right Windows key? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1770970 Please take a look and see if you can help me? Thanks22:57
MattyLadHow? I can tell using the live CD that the drive I want to install on is SDA3, SDA4 is my file store. so when it comes to the install how do I tel it just to install itself on SDA3 ?22:58
bcandreb: chances are goog apparmor is refusing read/write to that chroot location. Check /var/log/messages for apparmor errors22:58
andrebbc : k22:59
k3kshi, i have bash scripting difficulties22:59
andrebbc : I dont have apparmor installed22:59
bcandreb: `dpkg -l apparmor' shows nothing?23:00
k3ksi want to start synergyc when a network interface comes up23:00
andrebbc : exact error http://pastebin.ca/207249623:00
adrian15MattyLad: I think you should do manual partitioning. This will let you not modify sda3 and remove sda4 and so on if you need to remove them.23:00
k3ksit's working quite well, only does synergy not connect to my server23:00
pmitrosI am about to install a .deb of a commercial application. Being a commercial application, I don't entirely trust it, so I'd like to be able to monitor all changes to the file system during the install process. What is a quick and easy way to do that?23:00
bcandreb: that's apparmor23:00
marchdownActually, I tried lsof befor asking, but didn't realize that it has to be installed first. I thought that it's provided by default if at all available.23:00
MattyLadOK cheers - is there a chat program in the live cd that I can use while installing?23:01
k3ksto cut it down to one question, how can i set the enviroment of the script to my normal bash enviroment?23:01
jenkMattyLad, Choose the option that allows you manual configuration. And select the appropriate partition. Again, it would be very helpful if you know the sizes, used/free space of your partitions.23:01
DdpbfMattyLad: http://www.linuxbsdos.com/2011/05/22/how-to-dual-boot-windows-7-and-ubuntu-11-04/ ther s tutorial with pictures23:01
bcandreb: denied read on /var/lib/named/etc/bind/named.conf by named23:01
DdpbfMattyLad: yes there is23:01
christenSo I was told to "tell" ubuntu's upgrade manager not to delete my windows partition and I was wondering how i go about that since this upgrade thing seems like its doing everything on its own..23:01
MattyLadPictures! cheers - I like help with pictures :rofl:23:01
andrebbc: http://pastebin.ca/207250323:01
adrian15MattyLad: I think so. I do not know what is the Ubuntu current chat program. Probably someone related with instant messaging.23:01
bcandreb: edit /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.named23:02
marchdownHow is it possible to have *three* processes on the same port?23:02
=== hacked_ is now known as hacked
andrebbc:  can i uninstall apparmor ?23:02
MattyLadOk I'll go read that - looks just the ticket - thank you folks.23:02
Ddpbfadrian15: i guess it is emapthy23:02
qinpmitros:  inotifywait23:02
adrian15christen: Who has told you that an ubuntu upgrade deleted windows partition? What reason did he give you ?23:03
vadi2Any easy way to place a script onto the dock or the panel?23:03
Russdrag and drop23:03
bcandreb: I'm not sure; probably. Does /etc/init.d/apparmor still exist?23:03
* pmitros mans inotifywait23:03
jenkHi ! How do I resolve package dependencies in installing 'Q4Wine' ? Screenshot here : http://imageshack.us/f/834/screenshotvhn.png/23:03
adrian15MattyLad: Be careful about manual partitioning. And the client is probably empathy as Ddpbf says.23:04
christenno, I was just wondering if it would take out that partition. People told me no, not if I told it not to. So i was wondering where I would go to make sure that didn't happen.23:04
andrebbc : nope it does not23:04
adrian15christen: I assume you are upgrading from inside your installed Ubuntu system ?23:04
MattyLadOK, would it be better to install on a middle partition or the last partition?23:04
christenyes, I am23:04
MattyLadall partitions are on the same physical drive23:05
christenfrom update manager23:05
adrian15christen: Do not bother about windows partition then.23:05
pmitrosinotifywait seems pretty close, but it appears to not be really suitable for whole filesysytem monitoring.23:05
christenSo it won't affect it in anyway?23:05
jenkMattyLad, imo, not much of a difference. You might want to have a separate home partition though.23:05
MattyLadwhats that?23:06
DdpbfMattyLad: when you boot live cd23:06
vadi2Russ: doesn't work, thinks it's a text file23:06
adrian15christen: The worst thing it can happen is that grub configuration is not updated ok and that you cannot access windows. But windows data will not be modified at all.23:06
Ddpbftype sudo fdisk -lu23:06
bcandreb: you may have to reboot. have you rebooted since it was removed?23:06
abstrakthow do I find the timezone that my server is using? this is just a shared host, i only have ssh23:06
Ddpbfin terminal and paste output23:06
bcandreb: the simplest way at least23:06
squireboyJust upgraded to 11.04 and now PC boots only to command prompt :(23:06
christenby "cannot access windows" do you mean that I can enter that OS when I reboot?23:06
k3kshow can i set the shell enviroment in a script to be the same as in my gnome-terminal?23:06
christenThats bad..23:07
adrian15abstrakt: I think the command is tzdata.23:07
andrebbc : nope not yet23:07
andrebbc : rebooting now23:07
andrebbc :be back ina  sec23:07
snfohey guys, how come brasero sucks so bad? I've tried to give it a chance but it just flat out blows and is not good enough to be in Ubuntu.23:07
sparrHow can I add "Guest Session" as an option when my screen is locked, so that other people can use my computer when I'm afk?23:07
adrian15k3ks: #!/path/to/shell          as the first line.23:07
Ddpbfsquireboy: log in and try sudo service gdm start23:07
pmitrosShoot. Laptop battery almost dead.23:08
squireboyDdpbf> Will do23:08
jenkMattyLad, Your 'home' partition is like 'Libraries' rolled into one and you could think of '/' or 'root' partition as the 'Program Files' folder you have in Win.23:08
k3ksadrian15, but if the the script is run from networkmanager dispatcher all the enviroment variables don't seem to be set23:08
MattyLadOK brb from inside the lice cd (hopefully)23:09
jenkMattyLad, Remember to create a swap partition as well.23:09
KaiDOgWhat if I have 4 gigs of memory. How large should my swap partition be then?23:10
MattyLadDo I have to make all these? does it not just do it itself?23:10
adrian15k3ks: That's the way on which script is run from network-manager.23:10
DdpbfKaiDOg: 2 giga ll do the job23:11
qinKaiDOg: Do you hibernate?23:11
jenkMattyLad, It does, if you allow it to, that is the guided install.23:11
KaiDOg2 gigs?? But my hard drive is only 2 terabytes!!!23:11
andrebbc : ia ma back23:11
k3ksadrian15, and is there a way to pretend the script logs in as me?23:11
MattyLadok brb23:11
bcandreb: bind9 working?23:11
squireboyDdpbf> "Checking battery state..."   LOL23:11
adrian15k3ks: What variable values do you need exactly? I ask myself if using bash -k /path/to/script    or a similar command should work ?23:11
jenkHow do I resolve package dependencies in installing 'Q4Wine' ? Screenshot here : http://imageshack.us/f/834/screenshotvhn.png/23:11
KaiDOgjenk is queer 4 wine lol23:12
andrebbc: nope23:12
andrebbc: it fails23:12
Ddpbfsquireboy: what GPU?23:12
bcandreb: same problem?23:12
mattkdoes anyone know how to install ubuntu on a laptop with a dead gpu?23:12
adrian15k3ks: So... the network-manager is running as root? You are talking about network manager applet ? Then something like: su - user -c command should work. I do not remember the exact syntax.23:12
squireboyDdpbf> AMD23:12
andrebbc : interesting different error23:13
jenkKaiDOg, You could say I'm desperate considering that my pleas for help have gone unanswered until now.... Can you help ?23:13
adrian15mattk: What do you mean? Don't you see the screen ?23:13
k3ksadrian15, i don't really know but i have a hard time to set the PATH and debugging the script and it makes me go crazy23:13
andrebbc : : /etc/bind/named.conf:11: expected quoted string near 'include23:13
squireboyDdpbf> Oh GPU, not CPU23:13
KaiDOgjenk - haha, sorry I like to kid around. I'm not sure what "unresolved dependencies" mean but I can check23:13
k3ksi just want it to work like i was executing it23:13
squireboyDdpbf> GPU?23:13
k3ksbecause then it works23:13
mattkThe gpu is dead. I can remote into xp. The laptop is fine other than the fried graphics card23:13
bcandreb: pastebin that area?23:13
mattkthe screen is black23:13
adrian15k3ks:  What is the first line of the script ?23:13
mattkcan't hook up an external monitor23:14
Ddpbfsquireboy: is that NVIDA?23:14
jenkKaiDOg, Have a look at the screenshot !23:14
bcandreb: good news is that isn't apparmor anymore. prob just syntax error.23:14
andrebbc :  fixed it.. now bind stgarts... time to edit my conf file....23:14
squireboyDdpbf> Oh, yes, I have an nvidia GeoForce 55FX23:14
andrebbc : thanks23:14
jenkKaiDOg,  Screenshot here : http://imageshack.us/f/834/screenshotvhn.png/23:14
yassine_hell_! hi23:14
andrebbc: let me see if i can edit this right now23:14
bcandreb: great, no problem23:14
adrian15mattk: It could be possible with a network installation. A prepared one with a default password. I am not aware of such live cds though.23:14
squireboyDdpbf> or 5500 FX - something like that23:14
Ddpbfsquireboy: it could be dkms issue23:15
kesccchange Alt+F2 shortcut to the Right Windows key? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1770970 Please take a look and see if you can help me? Thanks23:15
bcandreb: later, you might want apparmor again. instead of that old guide, try this one instead -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIND9ServerHowto23:15
squireboyDdpbf> We'll figure it out.23:15
mattkI can access xp only because I had remote desktop on. I still want to use the computer as a server23:15
anonbootsIm having problems with dpkg, its hard for me to explain, so I need to talk with someone in PM where I can paste Terminal logs. Anyone willing to help?23:15
KaiDOgjenk - Have you tried installing it via apt-get?23:16
squireboyDdpbf> Rebooted and it is scanning drives.  HMMM. One drive not ready and "Plymouth" failed23:16
squireboyDdpbf> Logging in as you suggested now23:16
andrebbc : thanks23:16
yassine_hell_what does : ioctl(SIOCSIFFLAGS) Failed no such file or directory"23:16
KaiDOgAnyone else know what an unresolved dependency is?23:17
silverbacksomatii am trying to mount an ipod-like device but i am getting an error msg23:17
silverbacksomatican someone help me mount it?23:17
bcKaiDOg: some package depends on another package in order to be installed23:17
squireboyDdpbf> "Job is already running: gdm"  Now what?23:17
silverbacksomatii did sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdd123:17
mattkcan I install ubuntu from Windows and then ssh into the machine?23:17
jenkKaiDOg, Yes. It gives the same error message, albeit in a terminal window.23:17
Ddpbfsquireboy: wich drivers you hav used on maverick?23:17
adrian15mattk: Try to get in touch with blind people. Or the people that do automated installed. Maybe the FAI ones.23:17
silverbacksomatiand it gave me lots of information but i dont know what it means23:18
bcyassine_hell_: what ever you ran, use strace to find out what it's trying to open23:18
adrian15mattk: Humm.. Yes... wubi... that could be an easy workaround23:18
KaiDOgthanks bc23:18
squireboyDdpbf> I was on Lucid.  No issues.  Upgraded to Marverick and then N23:18
yassine_hell_bc : im trying to run airodump-ng mon023:18
KaiDOgjenk - it sounds like you just need to install those dependencies. Have you checked the installation instructions?23:18
squireboyDdpbf> This is above my head23:18
mattkwubi will work for that? I though wubi was just for installing ubuntu on top of XP. I really don't want xp if the GPU isn't working23:18
mattkI just need to turn on the machine and ssh or remote into it23:19
Ddpbfsquireboy: have yoou installed drivers from adtional drivers23:19
Ddpbfor you left default ones?23:19
squireboyDdpbf> Nope23:19
bcyassine_hell_: sudo strace airodump-ng mon023:19
squireboyDdpbf> I went with default of the upgrade.  You think it zapped my NVIDIA driver?23:20
jenkKaiDOg, Yes. I've tried googling for it. Usually, it'll ask to install the unmet dependencies. Here, it doesn't. Can you translate that error message for me ? Like into layman's language ?23:20
yassine_hell_bc : i have problem with this wifi , when i open the "Wcid" i cant see any wifi, but when i search in Windows, i get many wifis, and on ubuntu 8.10 i can connect, but i installed ubuntu 10.04 ... the wifi adaptater didnt work23:20
Ddpbfsquireboy: there are some issues with nvidia cards23:20
squireboyDdpbf> At command line awaiting your sage counsel.23:21
bcyassine_hell_: I'm not too well versed in wireless problems23:21
Ddpbfdo you have live cd23:21
squireboyDdpbf> Such is Ubuntu.  Whaty next?23:21
Ddpbfby some chance?23:21
yassine_hell_bc : :/ aw ok...23:21
squireboyDdpbf> Old one.  Not N23:21
bcyassine_hell_: sounds vaguely familiar, but I'd just waste your time probably, sorry23:21
adrian15mattk: Hummm.... Wubi will let you install ubuntu.23:22
yassine_hell_bc ... ok23:22
squireboyDdpbf> Upgraded via System\Upgrade Manager23:22
Ddpbfsquireboy: i ll look litle a bet trough net23:22
mattkNo way to format the drive, start from scratch and install ubuntu remotely?23:22
squireboyDdpbf> How do we know what the issue is?  100% Nvida?23:22
anonbootsIm having problems with dpkg, its hard for me to explain, so I need to talk with someone in PM where I can paste Terminal logs. Anyone willing to help?23:22
adrian15mattk: You will be able to define ubuntu as the default boot entry manually in boot.ini (or w7 equivalent). And finally you will need to make sure in the installation that network and openssh server are well installed.23:23
silverbacksomatii am trying to mount a usb device. it gives me an error msg - error mounting: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock23:23
MonkeyDustanonboots: you can use http://paste.ubuntu.com/ to paste logs23:23
mattkI have ubuntu installed on it already23:23
silverbacksomatii did fdisk -l23:23
Ddpbfsquireboy: i am noth sure23:23
silverbacksomatibut i dont know what that means23:24
Ddpbfbut reboot23:24
adrian15mattk: There should be a way to format the drive, start from scratch and install ubuntu remotely. Yes. You should ask either to Fully Automatic Installer people or to blind people. I do not know any easy live cd that has this builtin feature myself.23:24
Ddpbfand try nomodeset23:24
squireboyDdpbf> HMM.  Not sure where to begin to even trouble shoot this one23:24
squireboyDdpbf> I did reboot23:24
Ddpbfin grub menu23:24
mattkadrian15: thanks for the help. I have ubuntu on my computer already but I'm not sure how to remote into it.23:25
Ddpbfsquireboy: in grub menu select kernel you want to boot23:25
squireboyDdpbf> nomodeset?  command line?23:25
Ddpbfpress e23:25
squireboyDdpbf> ok23:25
Ddpbfand in the end of line add nomodeset23:26
squireboyDdpbf> Okay, rebooted and pressed "e"  Now what?23:26
squireboyDdpbf> Flashing "root (hd0,0)23:26
Ddpbfsquireboy: just a sec23:26
rp_squireboy is that you sir!23:26
adrian15mattk: So your question is: How do I ssh remotely into my computer? or How do I vnc into my ubuntu session? Other people around here might help you then.23:26
anonbootsHere is the problem I was talking about with dpkg. Ive never had this trouble before, and there doesnt seem to be any solution. http://paste.ubuntu.com/615106/23:27
squireboyrp_> ?23:27
squireboyrp_> yes it is I23:27
mattkThe GPU is dead. I have xp and ubuntu partitions. I can access the xp one. I would like to use ubuntu remotely or through ssh.23:27
rp_squireboy run to the chopper!23:27
evilbugrp_: :)23:28
adrian15anonboots: Close synaptic before running the commands on the terminal.23:28
evilbugrp_: good call.23:28
traceback0Is there an easy way to add a cron to crontab w/o doing crontab -e (I need to do something programtically.)23:28
bcsilverbacksomati: formatted disk? what filesystem? how did you attempt to mount it?23:28
adrian15mattk: Did you ever install ssh into your Linux partition ?23:28
anonbootsadrian15: synaptic isnt running23:29
adrian15anonboots: Ubuntu software center maybe ?23:29
MonkeyDustanonboots: try sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock23:29
Kateontraceback0: add your cron job by appending to /var/spool/cron/<username> maybe?23:29
nerdshellwhat is pts/2 ?23:29
DarkStar1going back to 10.1023:29
Jordan_UMonkeyDust: Never just rm a lock file.23:29
DarkStar1way too many issues with 11.10 atm for me23:29
MonkeyDustJordan_U: that's how I solved that error message23:30
anonbootsMonkeyDust: i did. Several times. I go around in circles. Eventually it attempts to reinstall the Chromium package that is causing all of this.23:30
squireboyJordan_U> Man, I'm stuck.  Just upgraded to 11.04 and pc boots to command line only23:30
anonbootsMonkeyDust: Then the package crashes when its trying to install23:30
silverbacksomatiid like to mount this usb drive but it wont automount. i get an error message wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/ssd1. i tried fdisk -l /dev/ssd1 but i dont know how to interpret the information, or where to go from there. help?23:30
MonkeyDustanonboots: have you tried booting in recovery mode / repair?23:30
anonbootsMonkeyDust: Then I am back at square 1.23:30
Jordan_UMonkeyDust: And if anonboots is running dpkg somewhere it could corrupt some very important databases.23:30
daksonhello everybody23:30
daksondoes anybody know how to configure a VPN connection under ubuntu 10.10, using a 3g zte broadband usb modem?23:31
adrian15anonboots: I will try to remove chromium package. I will also try to use aptitude: It gives you many choices to solve your problem.23:31
daksoni tried in several ways using the network manager included in the distro, but no matter the configuration i choose, the VPN connection fails23:31
MonkeyDustanonboots: ultimatley, you can backup your data and reinstall23:32
mattkadrian15: I don't think so. I don't know how to gain access to it23:32
Jordan_U!aptlock | anonboots MonkeyDust23:32
ubottuanonboots MonkeyDust: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »23:32
dakson I am sure about the basic parameters: gateway, username, password and  domainname are correct23:32
MonkeyDustanonboots: have you tried what Jordan_U suggests?23:33
daksonbut as i have to connect to a ms vpn server, perhaps there are other advanced parameters i have to get configured right, but i do not know them23:33
anonbootsI just tried what Jordan_U says. MonekyDust. I get: "dpkg: status database area is locked by another process23:33
birdmandontI tried the ubuntu 10.04 LTS live cd, and my network worked just fine, After I installed it, i get no network connection :( any ideas?    wired connection, ive tried selecting in network manager, and running sudo dhclient eth0 (which shows a bunch of  offers and requests, but nothing connects)23:33
MonkeyDustanonboots: what's the outcome of ps -e|grep dpkg?23:34
Ddpbfsquireboy: are you here?23:34
anonbootsMonkeyDust: 10648 ?        00:00:00 dpkg23:34
anonboots24848 ?        00:00:00 dpkg23:34
anonboots25167 pts/9    00:00:00 dpkg23:34
adrian15mattk: You should be able to boot into ubuntu with pressing SHIFT key somewhere at the boot. And... pressing down arrow key once and pressing enter. But once in ubuntu... we do not know if you are going to have ssh.23:34
squireboyDdpbf> Yea, I think I need to uninstall the nvidia driver and reinstall23:34
mattkI might try to reinstall using wubi23:35
mattksee where that goes23:35
anonbootsMonkeyDust: Maybe try killing all of those pids?23:35
MonkeyDustanonboots: try killing all the dpkg processes23:35
Ddpbfsquireboy: easy first to get in23:35
squireboyDdpbf> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/FglrxInteferesWithRadeonDriver23:35
squireboyDdpbf> ?  You mean try that?23:35
Ddpbfbut you have nvidia?23:35
squireboyDdpbf> yes23:36
Ddpbfthis is for ati graphics23:36
squireboyDdpbf> Look down toward botton23:36
anonbootsMonkeyDust: All of those processes successfully killed. What now?23:36
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squireboyDdpbf> Worth a try?23:36
Githzeraisquireboy: how exactlly did you install nvidia driver?23:37
silverbacksomatii am trying to mount a usd device. i get an error msg about filesystem. i did fdisk -l /dev/sdd1 because someone suggested it. but i dont know what it means or what i should try now. help?23:37
adrian15mattk: Well, the problem is about not knowing if ssh is installed or not.23:37
MonkeyDustanonboots: try and install whichever package you like23:37
adrian15mattk: Does anyone know if ubuntu23:37
anonbootsMonkeyDust: just tried. Same problem.23:37
squireboyGithzerai> Upgraded from L to M to N using Update Manager and just selected the prompted recommendations23:37
adrian15Does anyone know if ubuntu installs ssh package by default? Thank you.23:37
MonkeyDustanonboots: reboot first23:37
ZykoticK9adrian15, ssh client yes, ssh server no.23:38
MonkeyDustthat's the windows trick23:38
squireboyGithzerai> Reboots only to command prompt now.  Used to boot to User select screen23:38
Githzeraisquireboy: sudo lspci -vnn |grep VGA23:38
adrian15mattk: I recommend you to install thanks to wubi then.23:38
squireboyGithzerai> only clue is "Stopping System V runlevel compatiblity mountall: Plymouth command failed23:38
squireboyGithzerai> then disconnects from Plymouth23:39
Githzeraisquireboy: that points to graphics driver issue23:39
mattkadrian15: thanks for the help23:40
squireboyGithzerai> 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: nVidia Corp. NV34 [GeForce FX 5500] [10de:0326] (rev a1) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])23:41
Jordan_U!install | mattk23:42
ubottumattk: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate23:42
squireboyGithzerai> Should I do this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/FglrxInteferesWithRadeonDriver23:42
Githzeraisquireboy: oh, boy. So noonet told you that Nvidia 173 driver, that your card requires, doesn't work with Xorg in Natty?23:42
squireboyGithzerai> see results of command line?23:42
squireboyGithzerai> Nope.  I'm screwed?23:43
Githzeraisquireboy: not 100% sure. There is a newr 173 driver, just not that sure that it is in repoes right now.23:44
squireboyGithzerai> No option to use other driver that works?23:44
squireboyGithzerai> ideas?23:44
Githzeraisquireboy: You may try with nouveau23:44
squireboyGithzerai> nouveau?  new to me23:44
squireboyGithzerai> command line?23:45
nerdshellwhy does the pts numeration start with pts/2, what is pts/0 and pts/1 ?23:45
Githzeraisquireboy: it's the default nvidia driver in Ubuntu, free, but a lot less powerfull23:45
Githzeraisquireboy: you need to remove your current nvidia driver23:45
=== Guest3233 is now known as Maninho
squireboyGithzerai> SO run "sudo nvidia-settings --uninstall " ??23:46
MonkeyDustnerdshell: http://www.question-defense.com/2009/09/11/what-do-pts-and-tty-mean-on-linux-what-is-the-difference-between-the-two-terminal-types23:46
Githzeraisquireboy: sudo apt-get autoremove nvida-173 nvidia-kernel-common23:46
addai was trying to repare the grub after windows reinstall but now i have complete unusable computer, can somebody help me23:46
kingofswordshow do i search in a folder?23:46
Githzeraiif i'm not mistaking23:46
nerdshellMonkeyDust: Thanks a lot ;)23:46
nerdshellkingofswords: clarify please23:47
PoTeadda: what happens when you turn on your computer?23:47
addai read in the docs, and installing it, i get the grub menu with ubuntu and ubuntu recovery mode, but when i click to enter, i get blank screen23:47
squireboyGithzerai> Said it was not installed but REMOVED a whole bunch of stuff23:48
kingofswordsnerdshell, sorry...i have folder with 1380files, i want to search for files with certain words in the filename23:48
Githzeraisquireboy: sudo lsmod  |grep nvidia23:48
squireboyGithzerai> Well, asking.  Say "Y"es?23:48
PoTeadda: do you get *anything* from ubuntu at any point on your screen after selecting ubuntu or is it safe to say that grub is not pointing correctly to your ubuntu boot partition?23:48
kingofswordsin windwos you normally go file>find or edit>find...is that in ubuntu?23:49
tripelbI hope you can help me with this. I have a dell. I can see 6 usb's on the back and 2 on the front of the computer. When I do lsusb I see 8 listings, when I unplug two things I see 2 less. Mystery. I got a hub (just now!) and I want to make certain that I plug it into the ONE that is listed as USB 2.0 and not all the others which are USB 1.1 -- Undersatnd? ... Thanks.23:49
squireboyGithzerai> removing a lot of "K" stuff23:49
nerdshellkingofswords: ls -a | grep "the pattern of the name"23:49
* soyo 23:49
addaPoTe: yes, the "Ubuntu" logo in the center and the 4 dots then screen going black23:49
MonkeyDustkingofswords: Places > Search23:49
Githzeraisquireboy: let it finish, then reboot23:50
squireboyGithzerai> now run the lsmod |grep nvidia?23:50
SammyjkNeed some help, getting a kernel panic message when loading 11.04 from cd23:50
squireboyGithzerai> ok23:50
kingofswordsnerdshell,  ah yeh im using the search tool.but wondered if it could be done in the folder kinda thing23:50
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tripelbkingofswords I that's in the terminal (command line interface, like the old dos) AND that only searches in the directory that you are in. Just so you know. (I'm still learning about this one so I'm telling you from "a little knowledge". Heh)23:50
squireboyGithzerai> lots of trigger processing happening  LOL23:50
squireboyGithzerai> here goes reboot23:51
nerdshellkingofswords: I don't realy get it. You mean, you don't want a Console solution ?23:51
PoTeadda: ok, so it looks like it's pointing to the correct place. What happens after loading? Does it abort and turn off the computer? Does it do anything? Have you tried pressing alt + f1-10 keys to go to the alternate ttys? that way you should be able to see what is going on behind the scenes while ubuntu is loading23:51
tripelbkingofswords, if you want to search the subdirectories too you have to add something else after the - but "I dont know what"23:51
PoTeadda: that might give us a clue:)23:51
kingofswordsnerdshell,  yeh sorry kinda hard 4 me to explain23:51
kingofswordstripelb,  yeh im newbie too23:52
Em0ryI'm fairly new to Ubuntu, can someone tell me what the best dvd burning software there is for Linux please?23:52
tripelbkingofswords, I can help you with the console. I can tell you how to do it in the GI too. Are you using GNOME?23:52
PoTekingofswords: recursive search of all subdirectories is done with -R23:52
nerdshellkingofswords:  you are in a folder, and you want to search for files with specific blocs of letters in their names, right ?23:52
tripelbEm0ry, ubuntu comes with it's own.23:52
MonkeyDust!best| Em0ry23:52
ubottuEm0ry: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.23:52
squireboyGithzerai> Ok.  Back.  Plymouyh still failing23:52
Githzeraisquireboy: no GUI ?23:52
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:52
KuwangerIs there a simple way to invoke tc upon the connection of a ppp device?23:52
addaPoTe: i was trying with alt+f1-10 to enter the terminals, but i cant, screen is just blank, and only one i can do is ctrl+alt+del that reboot system, may be some wrong with plymouth23:52
bobbydhi, am I correct that there's no fsck tool for btrfs and so it shouldn't be used outside of test environments?23:53
squireboyGithzerai> nope23:53
addabecause i was try to make dual boot with super boot manager that i have read in omgubuntu site23:53
kingofswordsnerdshell, im have the folder open..it has 1380 files in there and i wanted to search by filename but not first word in filename23:53
PoTekingogswords: ls -R | grep 'pattern'23:53
Em0ryOh ok thanks, sorry, didn't mean to break the rule23:53
Sammyjkanyone know about a kernel panic message when trying to load Ubuntu 11.04?23:53
tripelbEm0ry, ubuntu comes with it's own. [and there's a no asking for best int he channel] if you go into applications, then sound and video then Brasero you have a great Burning Program. Guaranteed to work with Ubuntu.23:53
kingofswordsnerdshell, oh yeh what you just said23:53
Githzeraisquireboy: ther must be some residual config file that was left after removing nvidia driver23:53
* Khisanth has a Search for Files option under Places23:53
Em0ryok, i'll try that tripelb, thanks alot23:53
Khisanthbut this is an old release23:53
Jordan_Ubobbyd: Yes.23:53
kingofswordsits ok ive done it now by using the search thing23:54
nerdshellkingofswords: It's quit simple with the console , but I don't have any idea of how to do it with a GUI23:54
puffI have a new thinkpad t520 with a new lucid 10.4 LTS install.  Resume-from-suspend does not work properly.  The screen stays dark.  Other happy lights come on, and I suspect that it's resuming the OS & etc, but I can't get the screen to come on.  I have to hold down the power button for 4 seconds and reboot it.23:54
Githzeraisquireboy: sudo lspci -knn |grep VGA23:54
kingofswordsok thx23:54
Githzeraisquireboy: please use pastebin for output23:54
tripelbkingofswords, if I can help you any more, use my username because then I will see it. This is a fast channel.23:54
PoTeadda: that's odd, have you tried with the recovery option? is this a fresh install? did you run any major updates?23:54
kingofswordstripelb,  ok thx23:55
squireboygithogori> same as before23:55
tripelbkingofswords, I can tell you how to do it with the gui IF you tell me what version of Ubuntu you have.23:55
kingofswordstripelb,  10.04lts gnome23:55
addaPoTe: fresh install with last updates, recovery mode show me the boot messages then goint to blank screen23:55
nerdshelltripelb:  I'd like to know how to do it with the gui, I'm on Natty (11.04)23:55
squireboygithogori>  01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: nVidia Corp. NV34 [GeForce FX 5500] [10de:0326] (rev a1) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])23:56
addaat all, everything going to the blank screen :(23:56
PoTeadda: which boot messages? any new info at all?23:56
Em0ryanother question, seems i need to read the rules of chat here. Can someone tell me where i can find that? Thank you.23:56
squireboyGithzerai> 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: nVidia Corp. NV34 [GeForce FX 5500] [10de:0326] (rev a1) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])23:56
soyoEm0ry: Read the channel topic23:56
PoTeadda: what I would *always* recommend in fresh installs is to FIRST install windows and then ubuntu, since windows rewrites the master boot record23:56
squireboyGithzerai> Oh, sorry.  okay.  On two different computers23:56
soyoEm0ry: http://goo.gl/cEF1w23:56
Em0rywow, total noob here. Thanks guys!23:57
PoTeadda: If things go downhill you can always try that, reinstalling both OSs in the correct order :)23:57
tripelbkingofswords, OK let me do it anyway, I'm waiting for help on my USB SLOTS QUESTION. OK great on the gnome. That's a yes. --1. do you know how to open a file browser window. ... nerdshell this is gnome. never used unity ... king.. the file browser window is what you get when you click on something in "places".  The experts call it Nautilus but that word only exists in the "about" menu so forget it.23:57
addaPoTe: is there way to make windows apearing in the boot menu?23:57
addai am from livecd now23:58
Githzeraisquireboy: sorry, needed a few more lines. please, sudo lspci -vnn |grep -A 10 VGA23:58
PoTeYes, but it actually should have been configured automatically23:58
kingofswordstripelb, yeh have the folder open....its my dl folder23:58
PoTeyou will need to map it manually, probably, by booting from a live cd23:58
tripelbkingofswords, once you are looking at the directory you want -->just like Windows, press control-F ((surprise nothing tells you to do that either)).  then type in the pattern you want. If that doesnt work try *pattern* -- try it and tell me how it works23:58
PoTeadda: Yes, but it actually should have been configured automatically23:58
PoTeadda: you will need to map it manually, probably, by booting from a live cd23:58
nerdshelltripelb: nautilius is also the name of the process, it may be useful to know it's name :p23:59
PoTeadda: there's an utility for that, I believe, you will need to google the steps to follow.23:59
PoTeadda: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows :)23:59

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