
radjahzikin cant use the fonction alt tab01:33
holsteinradjahzik: control+atl+tab?01:34
holsteinwhat are you trying to do?01:34
radjahzikto use alt tab or ctrol alt tab with compiz01:35
holsteinbut, what are you trying to do?01:36
radjahzikwhy this question ?01:36
holsteinradjahzik: because i dont know what you are trying to do01:36
radjahzikto select windows open01:36
holsteini mean, if you trying to hit the alt+tab keys01:37
holsteinjust hit em01:37
radjahzikmad ealt tab01:37
holsteinif you want them to do something01:37
holsteinthen tell me what you want them to do01:37
holsteinand i can help with that :)01:37
holsteinradjahzik: alt+tab works with or without compiz01:38
radjahzikbut it work just without compiz to me01:38
radjahziki have uninstall compiz and install01:39
holsteinradjahzik: maybe you dont have compiz running01:39
radjahziki have compiz fusion icon to pass metacity to compiz01:39
holsteinthat doesnt mean its running01:40
holsteinand that doesnt mean your graphics card supports 3d in linux01:40
radjahzikbut no01:40
holsteini would start here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion01:41
holsteinradjahzik: one easy check is, hit the superkey+e01:43
holsteinif you see a fancy graphic, then compiz is running01:43
holsteinso, compiz is not running01:44
radjahzik??, i have the cube01:44
radjahzik??? $01:44
holsteinradjahzik: yeah?01:44
holsteinwell, you probably messed with the shortcuts then01:44
radjahzikwhy super key +e01:44
holsteinthe default shortcut keys01:44
holsteinsuper+e should be expo01:45
holsteinby default01:45
holsteinradjahzik: i mean, mess with them all you want01:45
holsteinits just, when you wonder why alt+tab doesnt work01:45
holsteinthats why*01:45
radjahzikyou are realy cool01:45
holsteinradjahzik: you are :)01:45
radjahzikwhy you help me01:45
radjahzikits your job ?01:46
holsteinwhy do i help you?01:46
holsteinradjahzik: nah01:46
holsteinnobody here gets paid to support ubuntustudio01:46
radjahzikso realy cool01:46
holsteinits my way of giving back to the community that im passionate about01:46
radjahzikthe solution : dont use compiz01:47
holsteinradjahzik: thats one way ;)01:47
radjahzikbut the help come better for the other after01:47
radjahziki can deselect him01:48
radjahzikand ...01:48
radjahziki have more problem with samba and share files01:48
radjahziki use samba in a clic01:48
radjahziki clic right on a files and script rw01:49
radjahzikthat gone share to the other linux01:49
holsteinsamba can be challenging01:49
holsteingood for you01:49
radjahzikbut when a restart the other linux dont see me , im obliged to share again after a rebooting ???01:50
radjahzikis it normal ?01:50
holsteinyou shouldnt have to do that01:51
holsteinradjahzik: you might want to find a loco channel01:51
holsteinyou are more than welcome to hang out here and ask questions01:51
holsteinbut, for samba and compiz01:52
holsteinyou can probably get more help from one of the less specific avenues01:52
holstein*i gave up on samba01:52
holsteini decided to make my windows boxes talk to linux, instead of the other way around01:53
holsteinthen, i ditched the windows boxes01:53
radjahzikwhy go to loco01:54
radjahzikjust to find help in french ?01:54
holsteinradjahzik: that too01:54
holsteini thought you might get more help with samba01:54
holsteinor #ubuntu-beginners01:54
radjahzikthe guy o ubuntu.fr speak but no help realy01:55
holsteinthis is really ubuntustudio specific, so we dont deal much with samba01:55
radjahzik?? !!!!01:55
holsteinradjahzik: not that im trying to get rid of you :)01:55
holsteinim just trying to get you help01:55
radjahzikfor jackd its realy cool01:56
radjahzikall is ok01:56
holsteinradjahzik: thats great01:56
holsteinradjahzik: i think there are some GUI samba tools01:56
radjahziki have test with Qtractor and hydrogen*01:56
radjahziksamba is install01:57
holsteini would probably check out http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Natty#Samba_File_Sharing01:57
radjahziki have to much problem with this ubuntustudio 1102:01
radjahziki think change it02:01
holsteini use 10.04 with KXstudio ppa's added02:01
radjahziki have x64  cpuu02:02
holsteinyup, 64bit02:02
holstein*my studio machine02:02
radjahziki have kxstudio1102:02
holsteini have a 64bit test laptop too02:02
holsteini have 10.10 and 11.04 installs02:02
radjahziki have test on 32b all02:03
holsteinand i'll have ubuntustudio 11.10 soon02:03
radjahzikbut for my 6402:03
holsteinradjahzik: not much reason to worry about runnint 64bit now02:03
holsteinflash and all that works fine (like i care about flash on my studio box)02:03
radjahziki have install a 32b02:03
radjahzika x32 on a x64computer02:04
radjahziki have 4Go ram02:04
holsteinyup, i had 3gb, but i recently upgraded02:04
radjahzikand you have install a x32 on a x64 hardware too ?02:04
holsteini went for the 64bit install02:05
holsteini have several 32bit 10.04 installs as well though02:05
radjahzikwhere you fin KXstudio ppa's02:06
radjahzikyou have not install a ubuntu studio ?02:07
radjahzikjust install ubuntu10.0402:07
holsteini have a 10.04 install with falks PPA's added from kxstudio02:07
radjahzikwich ppa's there are a lote of verion02:08
radjahzikits lucid02:08
holsteinradjahzik: yup, read them carefully02:08
holsteinradjahzik: 10.04 = lucid02:09
radjahzikkernel 263802:09
holsteinhowever, those PPA's support 10.04 10.10 11.04 and 11.1002:09
holsteini have only used them in 10.04 though02:09
radjahziklinux-realtime-33 2.6.33-29.1+all1~lucid102:10
holsteinmy testing installs of 10.10 and 11.04 are just ubuntustudio02:10
holsteinradjahzik: yup, thats one of the -realtime kernels02:10
holsteinagain, not trivial02:10
holsteinright, thats the -realtime kernel02:11
holsteini still need it for my firewire device02:11
holsteinfor me, i have a USB device that actually performs better with a -generic kernel02:11
radjahzikalsa-firmware 1.0.20-0medibuntu4.2+rebuild1~lucid102:11
holsteinreally just depends02:11
radjahziklinux-lowlatency 2.6.38-8.42+all1~lucid102:12
radjahzikbut if i take a ubuntusutdio 10.04 is not lts02:13
holstein10.04 is the LTS02:14
holsteinlucid = 10.04 = the latest ubuntu LTS version02:14
holstein12.04 should be the next02:14
radjahzikwhy dont install kxstudio02:15
holsteinradjahzik: try it02:15
holsteini dont like KDE02:15
radjahziki have try soon02:15
holsteinand, with kxstudio, jack starts at login, and pulse is routed through jack02:16
holsteini dont need or want that02:16
holsteinbut, falk is great, and KXstudio is awesome02:16
holsteinradjahzik: its a live CD, the kxstudio.iso02:16
radjahziklive dvd 32bits02:16
radjahziki was don't like it too02:17
radjahziktest not realy good02:17
holsteinwell, KDE is just not for me02:18
radjahzikme too02:18
radjahziki like mint 902:18
holsteinthats the 10.04 one right?02:18
holsteinyeah, thats right02:19
radjahzikone right ?02:19
holsteinthats based on ubuntu 10.04's LTS02:19
radjahzikyes + mint menu very nice02:20
holsteini think its a bit much02:20
holsteinbut, it looks great02:20
radjahzikbit much02:20
radjahziktranslate me i think its a bit much02:21
holstein*the mint menu02:21
holsteini think its a bit too heavy looking02:21
holsteintoo much02:21
holsteinagain, it looks great though02:21
radjahzikif i want add jackd and else on it02:22
holsteinradjahzik: mint uses the ubuntu repositories02:23
holsteinso, you just add what you want02:23
holsteinand it should be fine02:23
radjahziki add thje ppa's kxstudio02:23
holsteinsudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-audio02:23
holsteinfor example*02:23
holsteinradjahzik: i havent tried falks PPA's with mint02:23
holsteinsomething might break02:23
holsteinbut, as long as you know how to purge PPA's, try it02:23
radjahzikwaoo the adventure for all02:24
radjahzik                02:24
holstein   02:24
radjahziktake care holstein02:25
holsteinradjahzik: sure :)02:25
radjahziki go back tomorrow02:25
holsteinyou too02:25
holsteini'll be here02:25
radjahzikafter 1 week install lunix ubunru studio kxstudio, mint, etc02:25
holsteinthats the way to do it02:26
radjahziki was pass 1 week02:26
holsteinwe call it 'distro-hopping'02:26
holsteincheck out a bunch of them, and see what you like02:26
radjahziki have just a ntfs to coserve02:27
radjahzikuse carefull the install to do not erase my little history02:27
radjahziki prefer lucid version gnome and the rest ...02:28
holsteinradjahzik: o/02:28
holsteino/ is me waving bye :)02:29
radjahzikin french a+   is at soon02:29
ubstudhi, I've tried installing UbuntuStudio versions 8~11 in a VirtualBox but VBox guest additions do not compile in UbuntuStudio, is there a solution?05:22
ubstudPlain Vanilla Ubuntu 8-10 works fine though, guest additions install properly05:23
jerry_lhi room.07:17
arnbonjour, je viens d'installer unbuntu 10.04 je souhaite ajouter un package studio19:31
arnque me conseillez vous?19:31
holsteinarn: hello19:32
arnholstein :19:32
holsteinyou speak english?19:32
arnyou know me19:32
holsteinok :)19:32
arnyour help was fine19:32
holsteinwelcome back19:33
arni have find my solution to ntfs share19:33
arnsimply use the pakage ntfs-config19:33
holsteincool, that was easy19:33
arnso yesteday you talk to me about your add of kx studio19:33
arnyes samba and ntfs-config19:34
arncan you give me your source ? please19:34
arnyes realy fine19:34
holsteinthose are the PPA's19:34
holsteinits really up to you which ones you want to add19:34
holsteinfor example, the JACK1 ppa19:35
holsteinthat forces JACK1 instead of JACK219:35
holsteinso, you probably *dont* want that one19:35
arnok what link i click to start19:36
holsteinactually, i would say, only add them if you need them19:36
holsteinarn: ??19:36
holsteinyou would add the PPA's19:36
holsteini do it in the terminal19:36
holsteinsudo apt-add-repository ppa:kxstudio-team/ppa19:36
holstein^ for example19:36
arnyes it's better19:36
holsteinsame thing with the kernel one if you want the kernels19:36
arncool i type this one and finish ?19:37
holsteinsudo apt-add-repository ppa:kxstudio-team/kernel19:37
holsteinarn: this command will add the PPA19:37
holsteinarn: again, i would only add them *if* you need tem19:37
holsteindont think of them as 'better'19:37
holsteinthink of them as newer19:37
holsteinalso, falk adds some extra packages that we dont have19:38
arni need all package to be sure its gone with jack and the rest19:38
holsteinarn: thats what im saying19:38
holsteinyou done *need* these19:38
holsteinyou should only get them if you *want* them19:38
arn Executing: gpg --ignore-time-conflict --no-options --no-default-keyring --secret-keyring /etc/apt/secring.gpg --trustdb-name /etc/apt/trustdb.gpg --keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg --primary-keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv A809F6C307B583133B3891B287538FEDDF8063EB gpg: requête de la clé DF8063EB du serveur hkp keyserver.ubuntu.com gpg: clé DF8063EB: clé publique « Launchpad PPA for KXStudio Team19:39
arnis it normal ?19:39
holsteinthats what the command did19:40
arnthe result of sudo yes19:40
holsteinsudo apt-add-repository *19:40
holsteinarn: so now19:40
holsteinsudo apt-get update19:40
holsteinthen, if you want to update to falks versions of the pacakges19:41
holstein*which will take some time19:41
holsteinsudo apt-get dist-upgrade19:41
holsteinarn: personally, i would wait19:42
holsteini would wait til you are comfortable and familiar with what PPA's are, and what they do19:43
holsteinand how to purge them, if needed19:43
holsteinfalks PPA's are quite stable though*19:43
arnhow can i understand that and use it ?19:44
holsteinarn: use what?19:44
holsteinthe PPA?19:44
arni see nothing19:44
holsteinyou added it19:44
holsteinarn: ?19:44
holsteinyou wont see anything19:44
holsteinfor example19:44
holsteinJACK is at a certain version19:44
arnits change the library package ?19:44
holsteinwhen you add falks PPA19:44
holstein*if* he has a newer verion of JACK19:44
holsteinwhen you run19:45
holsteinsudo apt-get update19:45
holsteinthat updates the this of availalbe packages19:45
holsteinand then19:45
holsteinsudo apt-get dist-upgrade19:45
holsteinthat will upgrade your verion of JACK to his19:45
holstein*as well as other pacakges that falk has packed that are newer19:45
holsteinarn: theres nothing to see19:45
arni have nothing install so i can install a pack of sound , iwill sure after that will the newest version , right ?19:46
holsteinarn: pack of sound?19:46
holsteinarn: not the newest version19:47
holsteinthe newest available version19:47
holsteinfrom your PPA19:47
holstein*from your sources19:48
arnpack of soft (jackd, audur, so i search to install all19:48
holsteinarn: theres a metapackage19:48
arnif i search ubuntustudio au19:48
holsteinarn: just open synaptic19:48
holsteinand search ubuntustudio19:48
holsteinand you'll see them19:48
holstein*you *dont* need them all19:48
holsteinor any of them for that matter19:48
holsteinyou can just install what you want19:48
holsteini usually get the 2 audio ones19:48
arnok : so the update ppa has afect the version19:48
holsteinubuntustudio-audio and ubuntustudio-audio-plugins19:49
holsteinarn: the PPA effects your sources in general19:49
holsteinALL of your sources19:49
holsteinIF falk has a newer version19:49
holsteinthen, you'll get falks version19:49
arnand to have realtime kernel19:49
holsteinif not, then you'll keep the other one19:49
holsteinarn: do you need the -realtime kernel?19:49
arnits in tu ubuntu package ?19:50
holstein*i urger you to try the -generic19:50
holsteintry the -lowlatency19:50
holsteinthen, if you still need it19:50
holsteintry the -realtime19:50
arnwith jackd its possible to use no realtime ?19:50
holsteinarn: ubuntu does not have a -realtime or -lowlatency kernel in the default repos19:50
holsteinarn: JACK will run just fine with the -generic kernel19:51
holsteinarn: thats why i say 'try it first'19:51
arnok i have never try it , so i must be try19:51
holsteinarn: debian doesnt even support a -realtime kernel anymore19:51
holsteinFOR EXAMPLE http://wiki.debian.org/DebianMultimedia#Realtime_kernel19:52
holsteinarn: the same is true of ubuntu19:52
holsteinwe will not have/need a -realtime kernel much longer19:52
holsteinBUT, if you do find that you need it19:52
holsteinyou can add falks PPA with the command i linked above19:53
holsteinsudo apt-add-repository ppa:kxstudio-team/kernel19:53
holsteinsudo apt-get update19:53
holsteinsudo apt-get install linux-realtime19:53
holsteinthen, you'll need to edit your grub setup in order to boot it19:54
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)19:54
holsteinthen, in a terminal, run19:54
holsteinuname -a19:54
holsteinand that will tell you what kernel you are running19:54
holsteinarn: OR, as i suggested, just take your time, and add things as you need them19:54
holsteinadd a package or 219:54
holsteinand learn how to use them19:54
holsteinadd falks ppa to update19:54
holsteinthen, add the -realtime kernel later if needed19:55
holsteinotherwise, *all* of these steps are quite time consuming19:55
arnyes i have made a file .txt "holdstein  realtime "" :)19:56
holsteinarn: :)19:56
arnon my doc19:56
holsteinyeah, save them for later19:56
holsteintake it one step at a time19:56
holsteinotherwise, it can be quite overwhelming19:56
arnits made19:56
arnso in the first time i must be learn how install quickly, im not finish :)19:57
arnif that  coll i made some backup19:58
arni have install like your "conseil" ubuntu 10.04 lts19:58
arnand im realy fine19:58
holsteinyeah, i find it more stable19:59
arni have test a turkish kde x64 but nodriver ?19:59
holsteingraphics driver?19:59
arnPardus distro " just print driver19:59
holsteinyeah, who knows20:00
holsteinhardware is so cheap now20:00
holsteinjust buy a printer next time you need ink20:00
arnno driver for the old print in x64 ,  but all was to much menu ""kde" but very nice install20:00
holsteinin the US, thats about the same price :/20:00
holsteinink or a new printer20:00
arnyes that why i conserve my old ip1600  with add ink20:01
arnsame in france20:01
arnone ink = pirnt20:01
arncut talk20:02
arni'm not alone on this chat sorry bye20:04
holsteinarn: a+20:04
arno__holstein : ?20:26
holsteinarno__: o/20:27
holsteinwhats up?20:27
arno__i m just test jackd i have start : 1024 /2 or 3 and all was right but it stop and i must reboot20:27
holsteinyeah, you'll need to trouble shoot20:28
holsteinmake sure you are in the audio group20:28
holsteingksudo qjackctl20:28
holsteinto troubleshoot permissions*20:28
arno__so i decided to start agian and yet with the same setup it  start and close it self20:28
holsteinsudo adduser YOU audio20:28
arno__all 2 seconde20:29
holsteinarno__: right20:29
holsteinyou just have to trouble shoot it20:29
holsteintry the internal sound card with JACK running as root *temporarily20:29
arno__so yet another after type gksudo qjackctl   no message buffer overruns JACK compiled with System V SHM support. loading driver .. apparent rate = 44100 creating alsa driver ... hw:0,0|hw:2|1024|2|44100|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit control device hw:0 the playback device "hw:0,0" is already in use. Please stop the application using it and run JACK again cannot load driver module alsa 21:29:30.079 JACK a été arrêté avec succès. 220:30
holsteinright, so you know its not permissions then20:31
holsteinsudo killall jackd20:31
arno__on the start i havent this message i was running normaly20:31
holsteinsudo killall jackd20:31
holsteinthen, try starting it as root again20:31
arno__same message20:32
holsteinso, you'll need to double check the device settings20:32
arno__i can modify the info list20:32
arno__sudo gedit /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf20:35
holsteinarno__: right20:35
holsteinthats why i suggest running as root20:35
arno__@audio - rtprio 95 @audio - memlock unlimite20:35
holsteinyou wont need to mess with that stuff running as root20:35
holsteinAND, also20:35
holsteinmost of that has been depricated20:35
holsteinhowever, if you will run, *temporarily* for testing purposes, in a terminal20:36
holsteingksudo qjackctl20:36
holsteinthen, when JACK starts like that20:36
holsteinyou know you have JACK talking to the hardware20:36
holsteinthats when you can move to starting JACK as a normal user20:36
holsteinand trouble shoot permissions errors20:36
arno__no more sound but it start20:37
holsteinarno__: there shouldnt be sound20:37
holsteinit should just start20:37
holsteinJACK wont make any sounds til you route something20:37
holsteinand play it20:37
holsteinyou dont need to do that right now20:37
holsteinjust get JACK running as root20:38
holsteinlet it run for a second20:38
holsteinstop it20:38
holsteinclose qjackctl20:38
holsteinand reopen it as a normal user20:38
holsteinand *dont* mess with the config20:38
holsteinarno__: when installing those meta packages20:38
holsteinyou should have been asked about running JACK with realtime priority20:38
holsteinyou answered yes to that right?20:39
arno__its cut it self alone20:39
holsteinit stopped on its own?20:39
arno__yes on realtime or not same result20:39
arno__gksudo qjackctl20:40
holsteinarno__: make sure you are up to date20:40
holsteinsudo apt-get update20:40
holsteinsudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:40
arno__i restart after20:41
arno__gksudo qjacktl  ?20:41
holsteinthats just running JACK as root20:42
arno__as root ?20:42
arno__on the panel ?20:42
holsteinthe root user?20:42
holsteinas a test20:42
holsteinthat allows you to bypass the permissions issues common to making JACK *not* start20:43
arno__same result20:44
holsteinarno__: are your packages up to day?20:44
arno__im must start su  jackd20:44
holsteinsudo apt-get dist-upgrade?20:44
holsteinwhat device are you using?20:44
holsteinthe internal sound card?20:45
arno__when you type after i do20:45
holsteinarno__: select the internal sound card for now20:45
holsteinas a test20:45
holsteinjust to make sure JACK is working20:45
arno__its gone20:46
arno__no stop with internal20:46
holsteinarno__: OK20:47
arno__so conflict usb device ?20:48
holsteinso, its something to do with your USB device then20:48
holstein*again, a reason *not* to down grade to 10.0420:48
arno__nothing to do20:48
holsteinbut, we'll move on20:48
holsteinarno__: this is linux20:48
holsteintheres alwasy something to do ;)20:48
holsteinarno__: with the USB device plugged in20:48
holsteinrun lsusb20:48
holsteinyou want to see the device there20:49
holsteinyou want to run20:49
holsteinaplay -l20:49
holsteinarecord -l20:49
holsteinthat is also where you want to see it20:49
arno__on the link of maudio there is a message20:49
holsteinarno__: ??20:49
arno__**** Liste des PLAYBACK périphériques **** carte  0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], périphérique 0 : ALC662 rev1 Analog [ALC662 rev1 Analog]   Sous-périphériques: 1/1   Sous-périphérique: #0: subdevice #0 carte  2: USB [Producer USB], périphérique 0 : USB Audio [USB Audio]   Sous-périphériques: 1/1   Sous-périphérique: #0: subdevice #0 carte  3: Generic [HD-Audio Generic], périphérique 3 : ATI HDMI [ATI HDMI]   Sous-périph20:49
arno__**** Liste des CAPTURE périphériques **** carte  0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], périphérique 0 : ALC662 rev1 Analog [ALC662 rev1 Analog]   Sous-périphériques: 1/1   Sous-périphérique: #0: subdevice #0 carte  1: VX5000 [Microsoft LifeCam VX-5000], périphérique 0 : USB Audio [USB Audio]   Sous-périphériques: 1/1   Sous-périphérique: #0: subdevice #0 carte  2: USB [Producer USB], périphérique 0 : USB Audio [USB Audio]   Sou20:50
holsteinarno__: looks like ALSA is seeing it20:52
holsteinSO, just double check, like i suggested20:52
holsteinin JACK20:52
holsteinunder 'setup'20:52
holsteinthere are 2 drop down menus20:52
holsteinnear the word 'interface'20:52
holsteinmost people just see the one drop down menu20:53
holsteinthere are actually 2 arrows20:53
holsteinone pointing right20:53
holsteinand the other point down20:53
holsteinlook for your USB interface both places20:53
holsteinassuming that is still failing, then i would suggest trying a different kernel20:54
holsteinthe -lowlatency for example20:54
arno__lok can you read this to me ?20:54
arno__after clic on this link opensource im lose20:55
holsteinthat is suggesting you get drivers from http://www.opensound.com/download.cgi20:56
arno__yes but after im lose20:56
holsteinhowever, alsa is seeing the device, so i would try some other things first20:56
holsteinarno__: yeah, i havent used these20:56
holsteini would try some other things first20:56
holsteinarno__: the device worked in 11.04 right?20:57
holsteinthere are 2 major differences20:57
holsteinkernel and the ALSA version20:57
holsteinarno__: however, im not convinced that its not working20:57
holsteini feel like you just need to find the proper config in JACK setup20:58
holsteinunder interfaces20:58
holsteinarno__: dont trust those labels20:58
arno__yes i have test and its bad20:58
holsteinand, when the machine reboots, ALSA can randomly change the order20:58
holsteinhw:1 or whatever20:58
holsteinthats what was happening to you before i think20:58
holsteinwhen you were running 11.0420:59
holsteinand you would restart and the USB device would work sometimes20:59
holsteinand sometimes not20:59
arno__the same messgae20:59
holsteinarno__: with all the options?20:59
arno__no just realtime tes20:59
holsteinhave you literally tried all possible combonations under 'interfaces20:59
holsteinarno__: this has *nothing* to do with realtime21:00
arno__i have try no block memory21:00
holsteinarno__: yeah, *dont* mess with those settings please21:00
holsteinthat will *not* help21:00
holsteinarno__: get those back to default21:01
holsteinand leave them alone21:01
holsteinJACK works fine with the internal sound device21:01
holsteinSO, JACK, and the JACK config are *not* the problem21:01
arno__ok the device problem21:01
holsteinthe problem is, either the device is not getting the support it needs frm the kernel21:01
holsteinOR, you are not selecting in properly in 'interface'21:02
arno__i see all input21:02
arno__and all output21:02
holsteinarno__: JUST interface21:02
holsteinthats all you want to mess with right now21:03
holsteinIF its not working21:03
holsteinthen, you can try either or both of these options21:03
holsteintry a newer/different kernel21:03
holsteinthe -lowlatency one for example21:03
holsteinor -realtime21:03
holsteinOR, you want look and update ALSA21:03
arno__ojk lets start your like21:03
arno__so i never updata amlsa21:04
holsteinyou can try http://www.opensound.com/download.cgi to21:04
holsteinOR, you can run 11.0421:04
holsteinwhich seems to support your hardware well21:04
holsteinwhich is why i suggested *not* going back, just in case21:04
holsteinbut, you can sort it out :)21:04
arno__on opensound i take the linux 2.6 x86 ?21:06
arno__rpm den or tar what is easy ?21:06
holsteinarno__: that depends21:07
holsteinx86 is the 32bit21:07
holsteinamd64 is 64bit21:07
arno__yes mys sys 3221:07
holstein.deb is for debian/ubuntu21:08
arno__unbuntu 10.0421:08
holsteinso, for a 32bit ubuntu install, you would want an x86.deb for the 2.6 kernel21:08
arno__yes go21:08
holsteinarno__: all ubuntu's are .deb based and either 32 or 64bit21:08
arno__dpkg –I   the name21:10
arno__its _i or -l21:10
holsteinarno__: just click on it21:11
arno__it runnin21:12
arno__its oss21:12
arno__no more alsa normaly that make dummy21:12
holsteinyeah, i dont know anything about it21:12
arno__if i remember21:12
holsteinbut, you should just be getting a module21:13
arno__i must restart21:13
arno__ao/ after21:13
arno__holstein :$21:19
arno__nomore sound21:20
arno__this update has shut all setup input21:20
arno__i must unisntall this one21:21
arno__holstein : i have reste open source oss21:42
arno__and start new kernel21:42
holsteinarno__: hey21:42
holsteini thought i missed you21:42
arno__and it real cool21:42
holsteinarno__: good :)21:42
arno__reoot 221:42
arno__in real als not real the same qualité21:42
arno__in 128 4800021:43
arno__128 /2  4800021:43
holstein-realtime should be more capable21:43
holsteincan be*21:43
arno__m-audio usb producer21:43
holstein128 /2 is really quite good21:44
arno__is compatible with the kernel realtime21:44
holsteinarno__: OH, hey thats eve better21:44
holsteinyou added device support :)21:44
arno__5.33 ms21:44
holsteini knew you'd get it sorted out21:44
holsteini think anything near 10ms is acceptable for realtime work21:45
arno__i must test the accurency of the systeme now21:45
arno__and after test write a tutoriel to help other to use very well the install of usb maudio21:46
arno__but now test21:46
holsteinarno__: thats awesome21:46
holsteinthanks for doing that21:46
holsteindocumentation is *always* appreciated21:46
arno__you know the link to write about this21:47
arno__wiki ? ubuntu21:47
holsteinarno__: yeah, some wiki page21:47
arno__yes its global21:48
* holstein looking21:48
arno__in a week after my job for 24h of le mans21:48
arno__CARs evenemnt21:48
holsteini say, anywhere you want21:48
holsteinand link from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToJACKConfiguration21:48
arno__its rec on holstein files21:49
arno__i have take the defauft max latency of micro usb21:50
arno__start ardour21:51
arno__great just setup the master low ;;;; enjouy of a normal , ingeniorius tools21:56

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