
DeltaEpsilonare there going to be kde 4.7 beta packages in the repo?00:00
DarkwingDuckDeltaEpsilon: Expect to see 4.7 around 11.10 B200:00
Newbiathon__ok weird00:01
DeltaEpsilonDarkwingDuck, that is a lot of wait :\00:01
Newbiathon__im not seeing the quassel clients anywhere00:01
DdpbfNewbiathon__: type alt+f200:02
Ddpbfthen type quassel00:02
Newbiathon__ah ok00:02
Ddpbfit will point you there is opened00:02
Ddpbfwindow and you ll be able to switch on it00:02
DdpbfDeltaEpsilon: kubuntu-beta-backports ppa00:04
=== Newbiathon_ is now known as Newbiathon
Ddpbfthey will pack 4.7 beta i guess00:04
Newbiathonok so is there a way to set up kubuntu where it goes to a window or something00:04
DeltaEpsilonddpbf, "will"? so they haven't yet?00:05
Ddpbfi dont no00:05
Ddpbfi am looking00:05
DdpbfDeltaEpsilon: ppa is empty ther is not 4.7 yet00:11
Newbiathonhow can i see all my stuff that is running without having to go to alt f2?00:11
Ddpbfin konsole top00:11
Ddpbfor system monytor00:11
DeltaEpsilonDdpbf, I was looking forward to 4.7 beta packages for Kubuntu :(00:12
Newbiathonwhere is system monitor?00:14
Newbiathonhmmm, it was just putting things in windows before00:15
Newbiathontill i rebooted00:15
=== eugen is now known as Guest73685
Guest73685Hello. Is it possible to use the newer akonadi server with kubuntu 11.04 ( 4.6.3 using ppa =00:16
=== Guest73685 is now known as EugenMayer
EugenMayerHello. Is it possible to use the newer akonadi server with kubuntu 11.04 ( 4.6.3 using ppa =00:18
Newbiathonhow can i make it to where i can minimize programs into a certain area in kubuntu 11.04?00:18
DdpbfNewbiathon: use system tray00:19
Ddpbftype f700:20
Ddpbfin quassel00:20
Newbiathonwell the sys tray doen't show opened apps00:20
Newbiathoni see ...00:20
Ddpbfit shows icon00:20
Newbiathonnetworking, volume, clipboard00:20
Ddpbfquassel should be there00:21
Newbiathonit isn't00:21
Ddpbfthere is little arrow00:21
Ddpbfok press00:21
Newbiathonyeah printer and file indexing00:22
Newbiathonis all i see00:22
Ddpbfpress f7 in quassel00:22
Ddpbfand in interface00:22
Ddpbfshow system try icon00:23
Newbiathonnow i see it00:23
Newbiathonbut what about other progs?00:23
Ddpbfhm they shoud be shown in taskbar00:24
Newbiathonthey arent00:24
Newbiathonanything i should do in sys tray settings?00:24
Ddpbfright click on kde panel00:24
Ddpbfadd new widget00:25
Newbiathonor panel settings00:25
Ddpbfadd task manager00:25
EugenMayeranybody in here being able to use caldav / carddav with kde 4.6.3 ?00:25
DdpbfNewbiathon: there is not something like this?00:26
Newbiathonyeah mine is on the left though00:27
Newbiathonmy sys tray00:27
Newbiathonand diff icons00:27
Ddpbfyes i know is kde 4.100:28
Ddpbfbut there is nothing between sys tray00:28
Ddpbfand K-menu?00:28
Ddpbfright click on panel00:29
Newbiathoni right clicked the desktop and hit add panel00:29
Newbiathonnow all my windows are at the top00:29
Ddpbfok i guess it ll als do th trick00:30
Newbiathonhow do i get my speakers working now00:30
Newbiathoni see the volume button00:30
Newbiathoni have a xtreme gamer sound blaster card00:30
Newbiathonwon't work on kubuntu?00:31
Ddpbfpulse is kind00:31
Ddpbfit ll work00:31
Ddpbfbut i dont know to help you00:31
Newbiathonwhat is pulse00:31
Newbiathonwhen i right click on the vol icon it says select master channel00:31
Ddpbfpulse is audio server in ubuntu00:31
Ddpbf(naturally in kubntu also since that is same distro with other DE)00:32
Newbiathonok do i need to download the pulse drivers?00:32
Ddpbfjust a sec00:33
DdpbfNewbiathon: are you here?00:36
SIR_Tacotime to put Virtualbox back on I guess....00:47
latinloverhi can any one tell me how setup the fireweall on kubuntu00:55
SIR_Tacolatinlover: firestarter is a decent frontend for setting up a firewall00:57
latinloveris that somting i have to download?00:58
SIR_Tacolatinlover: yes, unless you like editing text files :) do you have a router though?01:00
latinloveryes i have the linksys router wrt610n01:01
SIR_Tacolatinlover: then you already have a firewall with it...01:02
latinloveryou think thats enough ?01:03
SIR_Tacodepends on what you think 'enough' is I guess.... it's enough for me01:04
SIR_TacoI'm not exactly a target for international espionage :)01:04
latinloveryou never know01:06
SIR_TacoI'm sure they're going to take down Canada with my blender files and random code :)01:06
latinlovercoud kubuntu get infected whit virus?01:08
Newbiathoncan someone please help me get my speakers to work in kubuntu01:08
Newbiathoni have a sound blaster xtreme gamer card01:09
Newbiathonand also at boot, i cannot choose whether to go to  linux or win 701:10
Newbiathonhow do i fix this01:10
Newbiathonwin7 is on a seperate partition01:10
SIR_Tacolatinlover: first... kubuntu has a basic firewall to begin with.... and your router helps more than you'd think. I'm sure that Kubuntu could get infected with a virus, but viruses for Linux are few and far between. And I've never heard tell of a machine getting infected, only 'possibilities'01:10
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: as for the boot problem.... try "sudo update-grub"01:11
latinloverhow do i enable the basic firewall on kubuntu?01:11
SIR_Tacolatinlover: it's already enabled.... that firestarter program I suggested would allow you to tweak it, but it's not something to do unless you really know what you're doing01:12
Newbiathonok i upgraded grub01:12
Newbiathonalso i just tried a "kdesudo upgrade"01:13
Newbiathonand got ...01:13
NewbiathonQInotifyFileSystemWatcherEngine::addPaths: inotify_add_watch failed: No such file or directory01:13
NewbiathonQFileSystemWatcher: failed to add paths: /home/greyboy/.config/ibus/bus01:13
FloodBotK1Newbiathon: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:13
Newbiathonoh sorry01:13
latinloverok thankyou for you help01:13
SIR_Tacolatinlover: say you had a web server.... you might want to close ports for IRC, MSN, etc. closing things you don't need is just a safety precaution.01:13
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: should be "sudo apt-get upgrade"01:14
Newbiathonoh my bad01:14
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: but might want to run "sudo apt-get update" first01:14
shane2peruanyone know how to change the kde menu to the old style?  I find the new style slow and bulky.01:14
latinloverkubuntu dont detect my iphone 401:15
Newbiathonnow it is saying need to get  0 B/2,151 kb of archives01:15
Newbiathonand any help with the sound?01:16
Newbiathonim liking kubuntu, but would like it better with sound lol01:16
SIR_Tacoshane2peru: if you unlock your widgets (right-click on the kde menu icon at the bottom, select "unlock widgets") then right-click on the kde icon again, and select "Switch to classic menu style"01:16
shane2peruSIR_Taco: ahh, ok, thanks!!!  And switching back is that simple too?01:17
SIR_Tacoshane2peru: yep01:17
shane2perugotta love it!01:17
shane2peruthanks SIR_Taco01:17
shane2perusweet that is nice.  I like that old style menu, it is old, but it is efficient.01:18
SIR_Tacolatinlover: I do not believe that the IPhone4 will work via USB as it does in Windows.... Apple locks it down and doesn't release drivers01:18
Newbiathonsound help pleeeeeeeeeeeeaaase01:18
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: what sound card again? (I am only one man lol)01:18
Newbiathonxtreme gamer sound blaster01:19
latinloverit works on ubuntu!!!!01:19
Newbiathonthanks sir taco01:19
latinloversit taco you the best!!!!01:19
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: does any sound work? startup sound, anything?01:22
Newbiathonwant me to right click on the volume icon?01:23
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: in knosole, if you type "alsamixer" check to see if your volumes are up01:24
Newbiathonunder master channel there is a  SB-xFi analog stereo button01:24
Newbiathonfront mi shows nothing01:24
SIR_Tacomake sure at the bottom of the volume bars, it has "00" and is green and now "MM".... if it's "MM" use the arrow keys to highlight the volume control and hit "m" (to unmute)01:25
SIR_Tacomight want to start some music while you mess with the settings a bit :)01:25
Newbiathonstill no sound01:28
Newbiathonon youtube.com01:28
SIR_Tacolatinlover: if it works in Ubuntu it should work on Kubuntu01:28
Newbiathonthe kmix controller01:28
Newbiathonwhat master channel should it be on?01:28
=== william is now known as Guest26376
=== Guest26376 is now known as Shelbycub
Newbiathonwhen i right click the volume icon?01:29
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: where all the volumes up full in the alsamixer window?01:29
Newbiathoni hit f6 and went to sound blaster too01:29
SIR_Tacodo you have an on-board sound card?01:30
Newbiathonhmmm dunno but prob01:30
Newbiathoni think i disabled it in bios01:30
SIR_Tacowell when you hit F6 what options do you have?01:31
Newbiathondefault, 0 hda intel, 1 hda audio generic, 2 creative x-fi, enter device name01:32
Newbiathonthat is the options01:32
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: so your onboard soundcard isn't disabled... the quick and easy way is just to disable it in the BIOS.... will save time and energy01:33
Newbiathonmaybe i restored defaults01:33
Newbiathongoing to bios01:33
SIR_Taco0 in the list is your default...01:33
SIR_Tacoand he's gone haha01:34
SIR_Tacolatinlover: http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/Media_Device:IPod#Supported_Devices is for amarok... but I guess you could install the program that you used in Ubuntu to get it working (Rythmbox maybe?)01:35
latinlovercan i remote control a windows computer on kubuntu?01:39
SIR_Tacolatinlover: how so? like the remote assistance in windows?01:39
Newbiathonsir_taco I love you01:40
Newbiathonit works now01:40
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: lol01:40
SIR_Tacogood to hear01:40
Newbiathonbut the grub update didn't work for logging into win 701:40
Newbiathoni don't know why it won't prompt which os to go into01:40
Newbiathonguess i could always install wine01:41
Newbiathonbut kind of bad for gaming01:41
Newbiathoni like to use win 7 for gaming01:41
Newbiathonis wine for kde?01:43
SIR_Tacolatinlover: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=155527 ... but if you install krfb (sudo apt-get install krfb) it should give you options for it01:43
Newbiathonor just gnome?01:43
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: use the paste.kde.org to paste what your "sudo update-grub" output is01:43
SIR_Tacosee that... a virus just entered #kubuntu... and immediately quit :P01:44
latinloverwho is  virus?01:45
Newbiathonhow do i pull up the output to paste01:45
Newbiathonjust type in kdesudo update-grub?01:45
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: if you highlight it (click and drag) and then middle-click it into the paste part of the past.kde.org01:45
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: nooo.... Alt-F2 -> type in "konsole" -> enter -> type in "sudo update-grub"01:46
Newbiathonok i pasted01:47
NewbiathonSIR_Taco: can you see it?01:48
latinloversir taco do you know how get the redhat OS  ?01:49
Newbiathonshould be able to get it on the linux site01:50
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: odd that it's not detecting your windows drive01:51
Newbiathonoh oh there is a  /dev option in the boot priority01:51
SIR_Tacolatinlover: redhat.com I would imagine01:51
Newbiathoni disabled it01:51
Newbiathonmight have something to do with it01:51
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: maybe haha01:51
Newbiathoni just didn't know what it was01:52
Newbiathonill try to set it to 1st01:52
Newbiathonsee what happens01:52
andrebhi all01:53
SIR_Tacohi andreb01:53
andrebhi taco01:53
andrebi am trying to configure bind and it am at a lost01:53
andrebi chrooted it and not it doenst want to start01:54
andrebgiving me the following error01:54
andreb/etc/bind/named.conf:10: change directory to '/var/lib/named' failed: file not found01:54
andrebany pointers or ideas ?01:54
SIR_Tacoandreb: I'm afraid I'm not the one to be asking about bind.... hopefully someone else is around01:55
Newbiathonno dice01:56
Newbiathonthere is a removable dev option in  my boot up priority01:56
Newbiathoni don't know what for01:56
SIR_Tacoandreb: this might help (though it's for Suse) http://forums.opensuse.org/archives/novell-archives/308711-cant-start-chrooted-named.html01:56
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: likely for SD cards/flash drives etc.01:57
Newbiathonk yeah01:57
Newbiathonwell durn01:57
Newbiathoni still want to  go to win 701:57
Newbiathoni see the partition is there and all01:57
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: give me a min and I'll figure it out01:58
NewbiathonQInotifyFileSystemWatcherEngine::addPaths: inotify_add_watch failed: No such file or directory01:58
Newbiathonthat pops up when i try to update the grub01:58
Newbiathonusing kdesudo  upgrade-grub01:58
andrebTaco : thanks read that already.. dont think it applies to me thou01:58
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: this might fix it: http://askubuntu.com/questions/22698/update-grub2-not-finding-windows7-partition02:01
Fester77i need a "unmount" to counter some mounts that went wrong02:01
Fester77seems the old mounts keeps piling up even if they not really there02:02
SIR_TacoFester77: umount wont work?02:02
Fester77not sure .... im a newbie ... just installed kubuntu in virtualbox and im trying to get the hostfolders02:03
SIR_TacoFester77: where are the mounts piling up?02:03
Fester77cant get the clipboard from the guest else i´d point u to the page i have with those intructions02:03
Fester77in media where i set them02:04
SIR_TacoFester77: in the media directory? or in the device notifier in the taskbar?02:04
Fester77hold a sec plz....02:04
Fester77i see nothing in the taskbar .... just @ /mount ....02:06
Newbiathonhow do you mount drives in kubuntu?02:06
Newbiathoni only know how to do it in  gnome02:06
Fester77can u tell me how to get the vbox guest clipboard and then i can paste the url02:07
andrebanyone GOOD WITH BIND ?02:07
SIR_Tacoyou have mounted drives in /mnt  or /media that aren't there? you can always type "sudo umount /media/<name>" to get rid of it.... but if it's a CD/DVD/Removable drive... it's really not causing any problems and will disappear when you reboot02:07
SIR_Tacoandreb: try "/j #bind" they'll know more than me for sure :)02:08
andrebi am there Taco but all seem to be sleeping :(02:08
Fester77found it02:08
SIR_Tacoandreb: argh, well that sucks02:08
andrebthanks so much Sir_taco :)02:09
Fester77they went wrong as i´ve wanted to mount several letters and they first went into windows share ...02:09
SIR_Tacohelping too many people at once... confused... lol02:10
SIR_TacoFester77: aaah, ok02:10
Fester77so i rebooted kubuntu and repated and they old ones are left and keeps piling up02:10
SIR_Tacodoesn't help it's 30+ degress in here lol02:10
SIR_TacoFester77: are they network mounts?02:11
Fester77hmm ... i not sure what u mean ... but vbox folder are recognized as "networkdrives" per say ... but there not "real" network drives02:12
OntologPolicyKit keeps crashing. Also it always asks me for a passord which I don't want. I want it confgured like I have for sudo ("NOPASSWD").02:13
OntologAny tips for me?02:13
Fester77thougt the mount seemed similar to dosbox mount so i assumed the could be a -u in mount but nooooooo :P02:13
SIR_TacoFester77: ok... lets step back a second.... so you are running Kubuntu in virtualbox? and you have mounts in your /media directory that you don't wish to have?02:14
NewbiathonSIR_Taco: when i go to my windows partition and click the windows folder, I see the "Boot" folder with a capital "B"; However, i do not see a "boot" folder02:14
Fester77i wish to have them but to readd them and delete the faulty ones02:15
SIR_TacoFester77: ok.... and what are you running Virtualbox on? windows? linux? and what do the unwanted mounts point to?02:15
Fester77win 7 pro x64 guest kubuntu x6402:15
SIR_TacoFester77: ok, and they show up every time you restart your Virtualbox image?02:15
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: ok... well that's not it then.... you don't have some odd setup? like windows/linux on an external drive or anything?02:16
Fester77yup i go in gnome commander and it show those mounts since before even though they wont work02:17
Newbiathonno it is all on my single internal drive02:17
Fester77no biggie really ..... just not famiar with standard linux commands in the terminal02:18
Newbiathonok my linux partition has a boot folder, windows 7 has Boot?02:19
Newbiathonis this the prob02:19
Newbiathonwhich do i change02:19
Newbiathoni don't want to mess anything up02:19
Fester77i can right click those mountnames and select delete but then it access denied02:19
Fester77so i figure it must be dine thru a terminal command02:20
Newbiathonthat has to be the problem02:20
SIR_TacoFester77: it is possible they are in your /etc/fstab file.... and are being loading automatically02:20
Newbiathoni was just a bit confused02:20
Newbiathondo i change the windows folder to boot?02:20
Newbiathonsince it is Boot atm02:20
Fester77w8 a sec ... will try to get there and check02:20
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: no.... don't mess with the windows partition lol02:20
Newbiathoni could always just change it back though right?02:21
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: do you only have one drive then?02:21
Newbiathonbut yeah my root folder is "boot" and window dir is "Boot"02:21
Newbiathonjust one drive02:21
Newbiathoni made a partition for kubuntu02:22
Newbiathonim thinking if i change that to "boot" it might  work02:22
Newbiathonand if it doesn't can't i just change back to "Boot"02:23
SIR_Tacoso you should be able to do "sudo grub-install /dev/sda" and see if it will reinstall02:23
Newbiathondidn't work02:24
Fester77gnome commander will let me view but not edit fstab ... when i view i can see lots of shit i can cant comprehend and some of it says mount .... cant make out my mountnames .... entry seems more like taken from regedit .... five 23421-24214-fdw3d etc etc02:24
NewbiathonQInotifyFileSystemWatcherEngine::addPaths: inotify_add_watch failed: No such file or directory02:24
SIR_TacoFester77: go into the console.... type "sudo nano /etc/fstab"02:25
SIR_Tacoor konsole... whatever you're comfortable going into02:25
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: try doing a "sudo dpkg --configure -a" something's not right with your installation02:26
SIR_Tacoalso... the Boot folder in Windows is completely separate from what we're talking about.... just don't mess with it :)02:27
SIR_TacoI'm thinking I need some sponsors lol02:28
Fester77not sure what that did ... but it seems like "type blah.txt" in dos .... i got the contents of fstab in the console ....02:28
Newbiathonkdesudo: Unknown option 'configure'.02:29
Newbiathoni am on 64-bit version02:29
Newbiathonif that matters02:29
SIR_TacoFester77: so you have the fstab file open? do you see the mounts that are unwanted?02:29
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: I want you to forget about kdesudo for a moment, and just open Konsole and type what I said (this technical support brought to you by Pepsi... mmmm goood... lol)02:30
Newbiathonoh lol02:31
Newbiathoni thought it had to be kdesudo on kubuntu lol02:31
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: only if you want to open a GUI program in KDE with as root.... which is generally a bad idea02:31
Newbiathondang ok02:32
SIR_Tacomost GUI programs that need root access to finish a task will prompt for a root password02:32
Newbiathonok so now it asked for passwd, i typed it and now it must be thinking or something02:33
SIR_Tacogood sign02:33
Newbiathonhow long do i wait02:34
SIR_Tacountil it's done :)02:34
Newbiathonok what is a guesstimate02:34
Newbiathonsorry if im being annoying02:34
Newbiathonoh wait ... no, it isn't thinking02:35
SIR_Tacoit will check every I/O device to see if there could possibly be an OS on it... and install Grub to the MBR02:35
Newbiathonjust went right back to the reg konsole setup02:35
Fester77i get the first page and i dont know how to scroll .... say letter^ ... like "page down w^" .... dont know if thats ctrl+w or alt etc.... the " ^ " thing .... but as of the first page cant make out anything that seems relevant ..... to mounts with those "regedit" type names02:35
SIR_Tacook... now what do you get if you type "sudo update-grub"02:36
Newbiathonwhat was that pastebin site again02:37
Newbiathoni don't want to  flood02:37
Newbiathonor can i pm you?02:37
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: sure02:37
SIR_TacoFester77: fstab should look something like this : http://paste.kde.org/76597/02:38
SIR_Tacowhere after the UUID (for hard drives anyway) marks where they are mounted. ie: in my example /dev/sdb1 is mounted as / or root drive02:39
Fester773 entries ....1st about linux image .... /boot/vmlinuz something 2nd initrd image ... /boot/vmlinuz blahblah 3rd memtest86+ image /boot/memtest86+.bin .... then right after says done02:39
Newbiathongoing to reboot right fast02:39
Fester77@taco : is there no unmount command ?02:40
Newbiathonoh what is this taco?02:40
SIR_TacoFester77:  yes there is... umount is the command02:40
Newbiathoni did a sudo apt-get uprade as well02:41
Newbiathoni was using kdesudo apt-get upgrade/update before02:41
Newbiathoni was told wrong previously02:41
Fester77mkay ... i´l play with that a little .... bbl02:41
Fester77thx anyway02:41
SIR_TacoFester77: you can umount a directory/folder or device.... so I can do "sudo umount /dev/sda1" or I can do "sudo umount /media/windows" if my mount were called "windows"02:42
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: that will work great.... so long as there are no errors.... then you're lost in the woodwork02:43
Newbiathonand why isn't it asking for root passwd anymore02:43
Newbiathondid the configure02:43
Newbiathonmess up my password?02:43
Newbiathonhow can i tell if a  root password is still set02:44
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: when you type your password for the first sudo... it assumes you're still you for a while in that terminal session and doesn't ask again02:44
Newbiathonok so if i close and reopen02:44
Newbiathonit should ask again?02:44
Newbiathonlol sorry for newbing02:45
Newbiathonyou will prob. start logging off when you see me coming lol02:45
SIR_Taconot a problem, been there02:45
Newbiathonbrb im going to reboot and see what happens02:45
SIR_Taconaw, I started on a not so user friendly system lol02:45
Newbiathondidn't say anything about win702:47
SIR_Tacoit's a good thing I'm stubborn :P02:48
Newbiathonthat is the sudo upgrade-grub02:49
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: good... was just about to ask you for it :)02:49
Newbiathoni am stubborn too02:49
SIR_Tacoyou're learning :)02:49
Newbiathonyeah im a fast learner02:49
Newbiathonwith the proper instructor02:50
Newbiathonis the vm virtual machine?02:50
SIR_Tacothat's what runs in your RAM to boot into Linux02:51
Newbiathonoh ok02:51
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: try this maybe? http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9397658&postcount=1302:53
Fester77taco this is going to be tricky since umount states that it is´nt mounted .... however gnome commaner sees it and that native file mangager sees it too ... none of them can however those mount to trash/delete them... used to sudo thing u told me ..... "sudo umount /media/e_drive"02:53
SIR_TacoFester77: but if you open the mounted directory.... can you view the files? or do you get an error? (I mean open the files, not jsut get a directory listing, as it may be cached)02:54
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: however, instead of (hd0,1), if your windows partition is on the first partition of your drive it should be (hd0,0)02:55
Fester77nah ... cant browse them either ... but as for now its kinda logical since I´ve unshared them from the vbox dialouge02:55
Newbiathonok so i go to my root folder, then etc02:56
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: nope, ignore that haha02:56
Newbiathonwell which part do i do02:56
Newbiathonentry added to 40_ custom?02:57
Newbiathonjust add that?02:57
SIR_TacoFester77: it's likely they are placeholders... but.... I haven't run into it myself02:57
Fester77yeah thats also my take ... just reshared the folders and doing a guest reboot ...02:59
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: try adding the second code box to your /etc/grub.d/40_custom file02:59
SIR_Tacothen a "sudo update-grub"02:59
Newbiathonok and to get to the grub.d/40_custom i go to root/etc/grub.d/40_custom03:02
SIR_Tacoin konsole: type "sudo nano /etc/grub.d/40_custom" or you can do your "kdesudo kate" and find the file that way03:03
Newbiathoni got a 41_cusom file there too03:03
SIR_Tacothere is no 40_custom?03:04
Newbiathonyeah there is03:04
Newbiathonjust saying03:04
Newbiathonthere is also a 4203:04
SIR_Tacojust ignore the rest :P03:04
FloodBotK1Newbiathon: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:04
SIR_Taco40 is what we're after03:05
Newbiathonok where in the file do i paste it03:06
BronxDad1956does anyone know how to put ubuntu back to default w/o re-installing the OS again?03:08
Newbiathonok i pasted the code03:08
Newbiathonand you said to change the hd0,1?03:09
shane2peruBronxDad1956: mv the .kde folder to .kde.bak and it should reset the desktop I think.03:09
Newbiathonhow do i check my partitons in kubu to see the part name or whatnot?03:09
shane2peruBronxDad1956: that is the folder in the User account, it is hidden03:09
BronxDad1956i think i am on gnome03:09
BronxDad195611.04 ubuntu03:09
SIR_TacoBronxDad1956: you want to go back to Gnome2?03:10
BronxDad1956i just want it back to the way it was when i installed it03:10
BronxDad1956whatever works03:10
shane2peruBronxDad1956: ahh, I did that too, since I totally botched Unity 2 times in two days, I think it is .local, .gconf2 or something like that don't remember, but renaming them will work, and you don't lose data.03:10
NewbiathonSIR_taco: do i change the hd0,1 part of the code?03:10
BronxDad1956please remember. i don't want to experiment03:11
Newbiathonhow do i tell if it is the first partition03:11
shane2peruBronxDad1956: or just move them to a backup folder in case you later want to restore a file or something from them, I never did any restoring03:11
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: leave it as is, and run the "sudo update-grub" see if it detects it... if not change the 1 to a 0....03:11
shane2peruBronxDad1956: that was well over a month ago, Ubuntu channel would be of more help to you.03:11
BronxDad1956ok.. i will do research.. be back soon03:12
shane2peruBronxDad1956: those two folders are safe experiments03:12
shane2peruI dumped unity/gnome, so I don't know.03:12
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: its always easier if I am there to see it lol03:12
shane2perupossible .gnome2 as well, BronxDad1956  moving them doesn't hurt anything and should restore you.03:12
Newbiathonok so rebooting brb03:13
Fester77nevermind made some superlong statement that i lost when trying to get u in pm03:14
SIR_Tacolol ok, try again if you want03:14
Fester77dint want to fill up the whole chat03:14
guest09876hello i need some help with my wireless on a old laptop its a inspiron 1525 network card PRO/Wireless 4965 AG03:14
guest09876i have the driver for it but its not working03:14
guest09876i also have the radio button for the wireless turn on03:15
Newbiathonwell durn03:15
Newbiathondidn't work03:15
Newbiathonchange to 0 now?03:15
c2tarunguest09876: from where did you get the driver?03:16
guest09876its comes with the kernal03:16
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: sure.... but it should show up when you do the "sudo update-grub", if not, there's no point in rebooting03:16
guest09876i havnt added any drivers to the kernal03:17
guest09876its a fresh installation of kubuntu 11.0403:18
Newbiathonnot working03:18
guest09876everything works great on it03:18
guest09876all but my wifi not working03:19
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: ... what if you type in konsole "ls /dev/sda*" how many numbers do you get after sda?03:19
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Fester77ok taco ....i made it .... guest is browsing host ... need to make http://www.giannistsakiris.com/index.php/2008/04/09/virtualbox-access-windows-host-shared-folders-from-ubuntu-guest/ "You could use the /etc/init.d/rc.local script to execute these commands on startup to have the shared folders automatically mounted every time you start your Ubuntu VirtualBox." .... have found rc-local and upon03:19
Fester77edit it looks like some c++ script ... not at all like a windows/dos .bat file as i exepted as it says to add lines to it ... how to i add the lines ? just at the of the file ? line for line ?03:19
FloodBotK1Fester77: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:19
Newbiathonbash: ls/dev/sda: No such file or directory03:20
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SIR_TacoFester77: no, it's not like a bat file unfortunately03:20
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: you need a space between the "ls" and the rest03:21
Newbiathonjust says /dev/sda in  yello03:21
Fester77@ taco : http://paste.ubuntu.com/615153/03:21
Newbiathonno numbers03:22
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: you typed "ls /dev/sda*" without quotes?03:22
Newbiathonoh sorry03:22
Newbiathondidn't do the *, doh03:22
SIR_TacoFester77: sorry man, I have no idea, I don't mess much with virtualbox, only to test web pages on old Internet Explorers03:23
Newbiathonok there is /dev/sda, /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2, /dev/sda3, /dev/sda403:24
Fester77mkay .... brb03:24
Newbiathonshould i delete that code i put in to my  custom_40 file?03:25
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: without getting into crazy detail.... change that value before.... (the one we changed from 1 to 0) to 4, do "sudo update-grub" then 3, and update grub, etc. try them all03:25
SIR_Tacoone of them should give you a windows boot option lol03:26
guest09876ok people this is weird03:26
guest09876it started working03:26
SIR_Tacoguest09876: it's magic :)03:27
guest09876im the guy having the wifi problem03:27
guest09876i have no idea what i did03:27
Newbiathonso change to 0 update, change to 1 update, change to 2 update, all the way to 4 right?03:27
guest09876the laptop is probably just old03:28
Newbiathonor copy and paste the code 4 times with each set a diff. number?03:28
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: yes, but run "sudo update-grub" in-between each03:28
SIR_Taco(someone's going to kick me for suggesting this I'm sure... but it's the less painful way lol)03:28
guest09876i never had any problems with linux before unless something was just misconfigured03:28
guest09876i think it maybe something to do with the radio button03:29
guest09876not working right03:29
guest09876thank you everyone that help me03:30
SIR_Tacoguest09876: best of luck03:30
Newbiathonok done03:34
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: none had a windows entry?03:35
Newbiathonshould i reboot?03:35
Newbiathonlol they all had the same entry03:35
SIR_Tacothen no.... there's no need to reboot03:35
Newbiathoni swear i think it is bc my windows has "Boot"03:35
Newbiathonand linux is "boot"03:35
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: so let me make sure I know what's going on here: you have 1 harddrive, with 4 partitions?03:36
Newbiathonthis is a headache lol03:36
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: no, it's not a boot/Boot problem haha03:36
Newbiathoni have a kubuntu, swap, win7, and file storage03:36
Newbiathonthose are my four partitions03:37
SIR_Tacoyou installed windows first or second?03:37
Fester77@taco : http://paste.ubuntu.com/615159/03:37
Newbiathoni made a partition in   win7 to put kubuntu on03:38
Newbiathoni thought wine was for gnome03:41
Newbiathonis there a kde wine03:41
Newbiathonor is it for both?03:41
SIR_TacoFester77: that's where the /etc/fstab comes in to play.... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions03:43
SIR_TacoNewbiathon: wine will work on Gnome/KDE/or any other desktop environment03:44
MK``I don't think WINE does anything but get the applications to run on Linux, I don't think it uses a toolkit03:44
c2tarunNewbiathon: I think wine works for both, kde and gnome'03:44
MK``Well yes it will work for both :) definitely03:44
MK``but I don't think it uses either, it is just its own thing completely03:45
c2tarunNewbiathon: and any gnome application must work on KDE as well, just with a cartoonish look :)03:45
MK``then difference between gnome, kde etc. is just the toolkit they use (visual style) and the philosophy used when developing the look and feel03:45
SIR_Tacowhich KDE tries to fix with a GTK->Qt style.... and works well, mostly03:46
MK``I use GNOME, but I prefer some kde applications03:47
SIR_Tacolike Kate :)03:47
SIR_Tacoor K3b03:47
MK``Ktorrent is much better than Transmission03:48
SIR_Tacoso can anyone with more expertise than me help Newbiathon with his boot problem? (now that some people are waking up)03:48
Newbiathonhehe oh god, i have to explain again.. no biggy03:50
Newbiathonheck, i might just grab what i need filewise and reinstall win7 if easier03:50
SIR_Tacook... so Newbiathon has installed Kubuntu 11.04 (yes?) and Windows 7 wont show up in his grub menu03:52
Fester77@ taco : hmm i´ve open fstab with kate and added the lines but it wont let me save , prolly writeprotected i dunno03:53
SIR_TacoFester77: if you're using kate then you need to use "Alt-F2" -> type:"kdesudo kate" -> type your root password -> open the file03:54
c2tarunSIR_Taco: I always hear that for KDE applications we have to use kdesudo and not sudo, I just used kate with sudo and its also working, what is diff b/w kdesudo and sudo03:56
Newbiathoni was told that too c2tarun03:57
SIR_Tacoc2tarun: yes... depends on where you use the command03:57
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SIR_Tacoif you want to use a GUI program with root/administrative privilidges, then by all mean use kdesudo..... if you're doing command-line things like 'apt-get' if you use kdesudo, it will either error out or will give you no feedback04:00
SIR_Tacoand everyone is suddenly very quiet.... where are you getting your info from?04:03
Newbiathonhehe i got that same info from this #04:05
Newbiathonfrom valorie i think04:05
Newbiathonon the whole kdesudo topic that is04:05
Newbiathoni understand what it is now04:05
Newbiathonkdesudo is for ui etc..04:06
Newbiathonand sudo is for terminal04:06
SIR_Tacoexactly, and don't forget and/or misuse it lol04:06
* Linkmaster once used an GUI application with 'sudo'...04:07
SIR_Tacothere is a time and place for everything.... what you need to understand is that root can destroy your system if you're not careful.... that's why 'sudo' was created04:08
Fester77@taco kdesudo made editing possible ... adding to lines to fstab gave me some mount error during boot .... however adding them at the bottom of rclocal did the trick ... automount now on reboot .... thanks your help :D04:09
SIR_TacoFester77: not a problem, glad I could help04:09
SIR_Tacomaybe didn't help... just pointed you in the vague direction lol04:10
Fester77maybe there is something else.... ( of a zillion things)04:11
Fester77whenever i install something i have to enter a pass ... is there any way of disableing that/autotying it ...?04:12
c2tarunFester77: my friend blogged once about a trick for this, let me get that for you04:13
Fester77seems a little silly since > I < am logged in the it should know its me04:13
SIR_Tacoit's a security feature.... if you do it via command-line it will remember your root password for a time04:13
Fester77for a time?04:14
LinkmasterSIR_Taco: isn't it ~2 minutes?04:14
c2tarunfor 15mins^^ or till you close terminal04:14
c2tarunFester77: http://www.tricksfind.in/2011/05/remove-password-prompt-for-ubuntu.html04:14
* Linkmaster now knows why it only lasts 2 minutes..he closes them out frequently04:14
SIR_TacoI have no idea how long04:15
c2tarunI read this waiting time somewhere.04:15
* c2tarun guesses in ubuntu pocket guide04:15
SIR_Tacoc2tarun: better than my guess, so we'll go with that04:16
c2tarunFester77: if you are making any changes in sudoers or anyother file, make its backup first04:19
Fester77hmm figures ... where is it located?04:19
c2tarunFester77: /etc/sudoers04:20
SIR_TacoI really don't think that Fester77 is going to make changes to sudoers04:20
SIR_Tacoand I really wouldn't recommend that to most04:22
c2tarunI too will never recommend that04:22
c2tarunthere is an easy way. you can log into root account by sudo su, that way you have to enter password only  once. But that is also not advisable.04:23
Fester77will that for intance invalide my my user pass if i fuck it up?04:23
SIR_Tacoc2tarun: yes, you can... but that's a bad practice...04:23
Fester77so i can log in etc...04:23
Fester77hmm if so i think its way of limits for my newbie head04:24
c2tarunFester77: if you want to experiment go on :) but create a backup of sudoers file by    some diff name in some handy location.04:24
SIR_Tacono no no, stop04:24
c2tarunok stop :)04:24
Fester77doing so whould mean stopping the vbox and doing a copy of the entire harddisk before proceding04:24
Fester77too much hassle04:25
SIR_Tacojust leave well enough alone04:25
c2tarunvbox??? O_O04:25
c2tarunfrom where comes vbox?04:25
Fester77from the sun04:25
Fester77yeah .... the sun made it04:25
c2tarunyou are using kubuntu on a vbox?04:25
Fester77yup ... still too catious to go into it for real04:26
c2tarunSIR_Taco: did you know that he is on vbox?04:26
SIR_Tacoc2tarun: yes I did... but still04:26
c2tarunhmm.... vbox is specifically good for experimentations. but still dont try to go againse SUDO :)04:27
Sentynelookay, this is one hell of a weird problem. I use a Saitek Eclipse 2 keyboard. it has a button to change the keyboard backlight colour. for reasons that escape me, pressing this button is actually registered by the OS as ButtonPress and ButtonRelease events for random mouse buttons (it changes depending on the colour of the keyboard backlight)04:27
SIR_Tacolook.... as much as it's virtualized... the mounts are still REAL..04:28
Sentynelmostly this isn't a problem, but the colour change to purple is interpreted as a right mouse click which also screws up KDE's window focus (it gets stuck)04:28
Sentynelanybody know what's going on or how to stop it?04:28
SIR_Tacoyou can ignore me, but just remember: I told you so04:28
c2tarunSIR_Taco: what do you mean  by mounts are still real?? I think vbox uses some virtual space and just like chroot they are bound that they cann't use anything outside its space.04:29
c2tarunFester77: dont ignore SIR_Taco... you try to get some more experience before editing such files04:29
Fester77tell me something .... when i did the visido command it open this nanoviewer (i think) .... again there was this ^n ^e for etc for navigating in the document shown in the termanil .... that ^ ... is that ctrl + n , ctrl +e etc ... cuz i tried various shift + n, alt and so on... could get none to respond so i had to quit the terminal04:30
c2tarunFester77: try using kate in place of nano04:30
SIR_Tacoc2tarun: yes, the OS and it's space is virtual.... but if you mount a windows and/or linux partition within your 'virtual' os.... those mounts are real and changes you make to them are real.04:31
* c2tarun my friend is a nano freak, specially after TATA launched nano ;)04:31
SIR_Tacoie: can be very dangerous04:31
Fester77that´s what i am cuz to me its just more straightforward but on the visido (not that im going to go thru with that userpassthingy) i could choose kate04:31
Fester77could not i mean¨04:32
c2tarunSIR_Taco: oh.. I didn't know that. I thought that when we close our vbox it stores the changes somewhere in some diff format and on restarting it restores them from there. That new information :) thanks04:33
SIR_Tacoc2tarun: yes, that's true, for that file-system ONLY... not mounted filesystems04:33
Fester77oh its real alright ... i cant get guest to host clipboarding to work so i use a temp file on the host ... i e copy/paste clipboard to a file on host, then as i can access host filesystem i open that file on the host from within the guest to get the clipboard as a textfile04:34
SIR_Tacoc2tarun: I would never under any circumstance walk anyone through editing their /etc/sudoers file... ever04:35
Fester77so that virtual mount is a real mount ... much like a dosbox does ... i think it just a network resource ... not a "harddisk"04:35
SIR_TacoFester77: absolutely04:35
c2tarunSIR_Taco: actually while creating accounts in chroot, we have to edit our accounts to sudoers file :) so I did it before, and I thought it might not be that dangerous04:36
Fester77does linux have "failsafe" as windows?04:36
SIR_TacoFester77: the only virtual part is the native file system of that virtual install.... everything else is real and binding... there is no going back04:36
SIR_Tacoc2tarun: I would not recommend it in general04:37
SIR_TacoFester77: what do you mean by failsafe?04:38
c2tarunSIR_Taco: than how can we add an account to sudoers file?04:38
Fester77im not sure what that last u where getting at taco .... im just thinking in terms of .... say i open a partitioning program from the host ... i dont think it be considering those mountpoint as harddrive space04:38
SIR_Tacoc2tarun: you can use the old-school user-add program :P04:39
c2tarunSIR_Taco: that just create account but didn't add them to sudoers list04:40
SIR_Tacoc2tarun: can't use groupmod?04:40
Fester77well im off .... thanx for everything ... might check back some day ... cheers m8s04:41
SIR_Tacoto late for that explaination I guess04:41
c2tarunhmm... I'll try sometime :)04:42
SIR_Tacoanyway, arguement aside.... I wouldn't recommend any new-ish person to edit any file like that04:43
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SIR_Tacoone typo and they're done04:45
c2tarunyeah :)04:45
c2tarunthat's why I always insist on creating backups04:45
SIR_Tacowell... whatever works for you04:46
valorieglad y'all got that worked out04:47
valorieone would not use kdesudo in the cli04:47
SIR_Tacovalorie: thanks for that :)04:48
valoriebut kdesudo kate = good practice04:48
* valorie runs off to the grocery store04:48
JCSpresseranybody know how to fix blackbuntu not seeing the wireless modem issue?04:53
FirefisheIs there a way to get the current version of kde -- 4.6.x -- working on Lucid?04:54
c2tarunyeah install it.04:54
Firefishec2tarun: Is there a ppa or something?04:55
c2tarunFirefishe: yeah I am looking for that04:55
c2tarunFirefishe: ppa:kubuntu-ppa04:55
Firefishec2tarun: Yes, but I've got Lucid 10.04 LTS.  Has someone backported the 4.6.x KDE tree for this ?04:56
c2tarunhmm.... we have to check that.04:56
claydohFirefishe: you aren't going to get 4.6 into lucid easily into lucid, too many library changes that would probably break exisiting stuff04:56
claydohplus no one went out and did it for lucid04:57
c2tarunclaydoh: here ^^ you got the answer :)04:57
claydohfor the reason above04:57
c2tarunopps sorry that was for Firefishe04:57
SIR_Tacodeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu natty-backports main universe multiverse restricted04:57
c2tarunBTW what version does lucid have?04:57
c2tarunFirefishe: ^^04:58
claydoh4.4.something, probably a 4,5 in a ppa04:58
SIR_Tacoclaydoh: that should be safe04:58
FirefisheSIR_Taco: Judging from the deb line, that's the backports repository for Natty Narwhal, correct?04:58
SIR_TacoFirefishe: yes it is04:58
claydohnow how would that be safe?04:59
c2tarunSIR_Taco: he is on lucid04:59
FirefisheSIR_Taco: Are you saying, if I use that, I should be able to install 4.6.x on Lucid?04:59
SIR_Tacowe'll just go back to ingoring me, lol04:59
claydohyou could try manually adding maverick's 4.6 ppa repo and try that, but I think there would be some qt and other conflicts04:59
claydohFirefishe: no, what sir taco posted  would pull in natty and replace lucid I do believe05:01
SIR_Tacono, I didn't realize that Firefishe was still on Lucid, so continue ignoring me05:01
olskolirchow can i set an html wallpaper on natty05:01
FirefisheSIR_Taco: Are you saying scratch the above?05:01
claydohignore who?05:01
claydohheh we will not ignore you, why would we do that05:01
SIR_Tacoclaydoh: exactly :)05:01
c2tarunolskolirc: what is an html wallpaper?05:02
claydohbut Firefishe do try out a livecd of natty05:02
claydohyou may find it quite nice05:02
Firefisheclaydoh: I guess I could do that.  I need to get a faster connection, though.05:02
olskolircI want to make facebook my desktop wallpaper I don't like that widget05:02
Firefisheclaydoh: What I'd really like to do is just set up a separate kde 4.6.x environment--say in /opt--and use that.05:03
c2tarunolskolirc: I dont think we can do that... SIR_Taco do u know anything about desktop wallpapers05:03
claydohkde iirc provide scripts to do just that05:04
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claydohFirefishe: ^^05:04
claydohI just can't remember what they call it05:04
claydohwell it build it for  you05:05
SIR_Tacowhat do you want to know about wallpapers?05:05
SIR_Tacooh, I see...05:05
Firefisheclaydoh: Yes, I'm looking that up now.  I remember it, but it's been hard to set it up.  I'm ready for a challenge, though.05:05
c2tarunSIR_Taco: sorry HTML wallpepers05:05
c2tarundamnn... its a typo day for me05:05
SIR_Tacoolskolirc: you can add the "facebook widget" to your desktop area.... or there's an web widget too05:07
olskolircyeah im playing with it now SIR_Taco I'm not impressed05:07
olskolirci gotta find a way to get it done i remember in previous versions of ubuntu we used to load html wallpapers05:08
SIR_Tacoolskolirc: you can use webslice or webbrowser too05:08
olskolirchow do I do that SIR_Taco05:08
SIR_Tacogo to "add widgets" and select "webbrowser"05:09
SIR_Tacothen you can resize it to whatever you want.... if you want it to be the whole screen, or half, or whatever05:11
SIR_Tacodon't leave me in suspense... it's 32 degrees in here lol05:13
Linkmasterrandom fact about Linux: you have a LOT of libraries installed if you can grab a random file from the internet, run './configure' and it spends 30 minutes looking through everything, and does it without any issues.05:17
Linkmasterand just to add to that, you run the configure, then make, then sudo make install, correct?05:19
SIR_Tacorandom facts are best before midnight :)05:19
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: should be: ./configure; make; sudo make install05:20
Linkmasterjust making sure I remember right. Some people say it should be 'make install' w/o sudo, and then some say it should be 'sudo make'[I learned that was NOT the right way]05:20
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: some are that simple... but most arn't05:21
LinkmasterYep :P05:21
LinkmasterI love apt even more since I had an experience with dependency hell awhile back05:22
SIR_Tacotry dependancy hell 10+ years ago... compiling a new Qt was a nightmare05:23
Linkmasteroh gosh, I've heard people say stuff about that05:23
LinkmasterWasn't that back when there wasn't nearly as much uniformity?05:23
c2tarunSIR_Taco: you are using linux since last 10 year? O_O05:23
DeorumHey all...I'm a novice at working with Linux in general. I've done some stuff here and there and can work my way around but just did something I'd never done before and I'm a bit stuck. I can clarify the issue via PM if anyone is interested in helping out.05:24
c2tarunDeorum: clarify here in the channel :) its not a prob05:24
SIR_TacoI started with Slackware in '99..... yes.... not fun, but very interesting and I learned a lot05:24
DeorumHaha okay05:24
LinkmasterSIR_Taco: I'm thinking of going to slackware/arch as a side project. Just to learn more about Linux05:25
DeorumWell, just reformatted my lappy, and went ahead and created a partition for Kubuntu and installed it. Now uh, it goes straight to Kubuntu and I can't run any windows or linux discs...05:25
c2tarunSIR_Taco: wow... salutes to SIR_Taco I am using linux since last 10 months :(05:25
SIR_Tacoc2tarun: lots to learn :)05:26
DeorumAt this point I really just want to start anew and install Windows first, but it won't pick up the fact that there's a disc in there at all...05:26
SentynelDeorum: you need to change the boot order in your BIOS05:27
LinkmasterSIR_Taco: one last thing..the INSTALL file on this says 'make install' should I run it as root anyways?05:27
* Linkmaster knows that running as root can create issues05:27
c2tarunSentynel: why boot order?05:27
DeorumI see no bios options whatsoever...it takes me straight into the Grub countdown05:28
DeorumAm I screwed? :<05:28
SentynelDeorum: it'll be del or f12 or something as soon as it starts05:28
LinkmasterDeorum: no, just power it off, then power it on and prss F2 repeatedly05:28
c2tarunDeorum: have patience05:28
DeorumAlright, one sec05:28
Linkmasteror F12...F2 is usually full BIOS specs though05:28
c2tarunSentynel: what do you think is the problem? Why boot order?05:28
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: when you run "make" and you have no errors, the program is compiled and ready to go. You can run it from that directory/folder and should have no problems. IF it's a program that you trust, you and run "sudo make install" which will put it into your filesystem (ie: /usr/..... whatever)05:28
Sentynelc2tarun: it's not booting off CDs at all, therefore it's booting off the hard disk before checking the CD05:29
DeorumOh man yesss. It didn't occur to me that it was F2, haha. I was bashing F8 and F12 this whole time05:29
DeorumThanks, give me a sec.05:29
LinkmasterSIR_Taco: oh really? I learned something new..'make' pretty much makes the program usuable, and the 'sudo make install' makes it system-wide. is this accuraet?05:29
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: exactly05:30
c2tarunSentynel: but he said that he installed kubuntu and Grub is not giving option for windows.05:30
c2tarunkubuntu and windows both are on HDD05:30
Sentynelc2tarun: he said he formatted it, and that linux or windows disks won't work05:30
c2tarunSentynel: [09:55] <Deorum> Well, just reformatted my lappy, and went ahead and created a partition for Kubuntu and installed it. Now uh, it goes straight to Kubuntu and I can't run any windows or linux discs...05:30
DeorumOh sweet. The Livecd is running again. I appreciate it!05:31
c2tarun"created a partition for kubuntu and installed it "05:31
DeorumI'll see if I can fix this now. Damn.05:31
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: so I could have Gimp 2.blah installed on my system... I can download gimp 5.amazing and save it to /home/whoever/gimp-amazing/ run ./configure and make and run it from that directory, and everyone else would be running Gimp-blah :)05:31
c2tarunSentynel: I dont think this is going to help him starting windows, unless he knows how to update grub05:31
DeorumLike I said, I am still a newb haha.05:31
DeorumI've messed with the menu.lst, if that helps05:32
Deorumlike, successfully.05:32
Sentynelc2tarun: if he's formatted it, windows ain't installed05:32
DeorumIt's just Kubuntu on here at the moment05:32
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: but if you were to do the "sudo make install" part... then everyone would be running gimp-amazing05:32
LinkmasterSIR_Taco: sounds...nice! I like it. a good way to be sneaky[and to run programs without root priviledges..need to make sure if I have to lock someone up to not allow them access to a konsole]05:32
c2tarunDeorum: did you format your whole HDD or just one partition?05:33
DeorumThe whole HDD05:33
DeorumI was meaning to reinstall Windows and Kubuntu05:33
c2tarunDeorum: damn... then how were you expecting and option for windows :)05:34
SentynelDeorum: you shouldn't need to fiddle with grub, it'll detect windows automatically, but note that windows installing WILL overwrite GRUB05:34
DeorumI wasn't. I was just hoping I could boot the disc05:34
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: yes and no.... often you need to install libraries and programs to build it... so you would  still need root access05:34
c2tarunDeorum: and since you are a newbie and MS's boot is darn IDIOT :) I'll not suggest you to install win over kubuntu05:34
DeorumMy only issue was it wasn't booting any discs05:34
c2tarunor win after kubuntu05:34
Deorumhaha right05:34
DeorumI've always installed Windows first05:34
SentynelDeorum: yeah, sensible. you can do it the other way around, though; you just need to fire up the linux livecd and run grub-install05:34
Sentynelafter installing windows05:35
LinkmasterSIR_Taco: would it be possible to move the 'make' file elsewhere? Say, I want to 'make' a whole bunch of stuff, and put it all in one folder...can that be done?05:35
c2tarunSentynel: dont you think we have to mount the partition containing kubuntu on some location into live cd and then install grub in it?05:35
DeorumI appreciate the bumps in the right direction, thanks for not going all "RTFM" :)05:35
* c2tarun hate manuals :(05:36
c2tarunLinkmaster: read the fu***ing manual :)05:36
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: make files are dependent on their programs.... essentially Make files tell the OS what libraries/programs it needs in order to compile successfully05:36
LinkmasterOhh, hm. well, I'm learning new stuff, this is good :D05:37
Sentynelc2tarun: you need /boot on the disk mounted somewhere, but it doesn't matter how or where you put it, you just pass the location to grub-install05:37
SIR_TacoI would love to be sleeping right now.... but it's too hot, so you're stuck with me haha05:38
DeorumYessss. Finally. It pulled up the Windows disc05:38
c2tarunDeorum: do you understand the concept of mounting?05:38
DeorumNow I shall start fresh05:38
DeorumSorta :P05:38
c2tarunSIR_Taco: where are you from?05:38
LinkmasterSIR_Taco: so, you compile stuff from source, I know keeping the original tar.gz/bz2 files are suggested, what about the folders? Can I move them into their own folder of 'make-etc' so that it doesn't clog up a certain folder??05:38
SIR_Tacoc2tarun: Canada05:39
SentynelDeorum: okay I'm going to bed, g'luck with getting windows to play nice05:39
c2tarunSIR_Taco: Canada is also hot?? O_O I heard its very cold there throughout the year.05:39
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: with Kubuntu/Ubuntu I would stay away from source stuff if you can.... or run it locally (ie don't run sudo make install)05:40
* Linkmaster has shifty eyes05:40
LinkmasterI already ran it as root, though it works just fine05:40
SIR_Tacoc2tarun: yep, it's all polar bears and igloors lol05:40
LinkmasterI'm just wondering if I can quarentine the folder for future use if I ever want to 'sudo make uninstall' it05:41
c2tarunSIR_Taco: :)05:41
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: it's just a matter of down the road when you update, you'll have random files lying around.... not really a huge deal with the way harddrives are now, but still05:41
Linkmasterah, okay. Though compiling from source is probably more recommended for slackware/arch?05:42
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: you need to realize that there wasn't a 'nice' package manager back then.... man I feel old lol05:43
LinkmasterSIR_Taco: call it wisdom!05:43
SIR_Tacoyou always ended up with orphaned files here and there... not a bid deal... most are all tiny (>1k)05:44
SIR_Tacoer less than 1k, whatever, not a big deal now... was a big deal then05:45
SIR_TacoI remember compiling the kernel overnight on my Pentium-133.... lol05:46
innominatumЧто творится?06:23
Tm_T!ru | innominatum06:24
ubottuinnominatum: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke06:24
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Guest20403coming from ubuntu / gnome iam used to type in my passphrase for a key once, being able to reuse thise for the current session. With KDE i have to retype every time. Is there a way to change that?08:16
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fayaz_EugenMayer: could you explain that a bit more?08:34
thoegerHi folks; I have a problem that my time settings in KDE only allow me to select the UTC time zone, which is not the one I need. How can I add more options than just UTC?08:47
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thoeger...Might be worth mentioning that I am running KDE from an original Ubuntu GNOME/UNity install where I scrapped most of the software and installed the Kubuntu-desktop package through synaptic.08:48
k0sлюди ау09:01
Newbiathonhow can i see .php files in my  home folder that i create09:13
Newbiathonin kubu09:13
Newbiathonanyone up?09:29
Newbiathonwhere is SIR taco lol09:29
Newbiathonanyone awake yet?09:41
Tm_TNewbiathon: yes?09:44
fayaz_Newbiathon: are you trying to execute the php files?09:44
Newbiathonor even just see them in the folder09:51
Newbiathoni want to cut on my lamp and click my index.php09:51
Newbiathonwhich isn't saving or showing up09:51
Newbiathonimm using bluefish09:51
iliashi all. well, well. i just came to 10.04 from 11.2 suse as i told yesterday. i have 2 problems. the first is that after booting the language flag in task bar is becoming pixelized. the same view has the icon of dolhin in tip above it when i pass the mouse over it in the task bar. the 2nd problem is that although the system saw my PixelView PlayTv-USB PRO (PAL) FM kdetv says no  devices found any hepl plz?09:52
Newbiathonif i name a file whatever.php and save it to /home/website/whatever.php09:52
Newbiathonwhy cant i browse to the folder and see the file09:53
Newbiathonif i make a folder i can see it09:53
Newbiathonbut not files09:53
fayaz_what exactly did you name the file...09:53
fayaz_did you try refreshing the browser?09:55
Newbiathondriving me nuts09:55
Newbiathoni mean really... something this simple09:58
Newbiathonso far, linux is the most broken os ever09:59
iliasany idea?10:02
fayaz_Newbiathon: could it be that you're not creating the file at the location you're seeing?10:11
Newbiathonok in blufish i do a save as/ then go to /home/user/website/file.php10:12
Newbiathonenough said10:12
Newbiathonit should be there when i browse to /home/user/website10:13
Newbiathonbut.. it isn't10:13
iliasdoes anyone know why my language flag becomes "pixelized"?10:20
iliasanyone can help me to setup my usb tv card?10:38
iliasanyone does he know how can i setup bttv driver?10:41
Newbiathonok is anyone awake who knows about kubuntu10:57
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c2tarunI have two kubuntu's on my system, one maverick and one natty. I am not able to start my natty. System is freezing on kubuntu splash screen. :(11:18
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larsjaaaHi, Anyone else have login problems? I got a message from a friend, and found this was posted a couple of hours ago: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1088429912:33
larsjaaalibpam* packages was updated a short while ago, hope this Kubuntu 10.04 login problem is a local one..12:37
=== fishwithapipe is now known as f|shy
sourav7mishraHi can some one please tell how to find the parameters for the cmake command, while compiling a software package..?12:56
bbrhola... quizas alguien pueda decirme un gestor de grub?13:11
bbrantes, en la version 9.1 tenia uno muy bueno pero no recuerdo cual era.13:11
Pici!es | bbr13:12
ubottubbr: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:12
Chronixi wonder if i should go back on windows or stay on linux13:25
BluesKajChronix, , we can't make that decision for you , but in my experience windows has it's place , but Linux is definitely my choice due to it's versatility13:27
BluesKajChronix, what's your issue(s) ?13:28
Chronixwell the doubt is made up because i want to program games in C++13:28
Chronixso thats why im wondering13:28
Chronixwell i know SDL and opengl should be cross platform13:28
Chronixbut im also new to linux so that kinda slows me down or maybe if i stay on here it will help me later on twice more13:28
BluesKajChronix, I know practically nothing about games or programming, but stick around , there's lots who do.13:29
melkorI cannot figure out how to make my desktop icons show up.13:35
melkorokay, folder view is almost what I want, but now I would like to make it use the Desktop folder.13:38
BluesKajlook in the kmenu/apps addto desktop or for folders., drag and drop , then choose icon view13:39
BluesKajmelkor, in the kmenu , right click for those options13:41
se3nhello there :)13:42
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the_p_hi. i have a big prolem with kmail. it constantly freezes when i try to send an e-mail.13:43
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ogzyi installed 10.04 from alternate cd with disk encryption, when i try to add a network printer from the web, the step never comes to the driver selecgtion part always looping between Connection and then Name, description entrance, any idea?14:16
BluesKajadd a network printer from the web,?  ogzy14:18
ogzyBluesKaj: by choosing AppSocket/Jet14:20
ogzyBluesKaj: then i enter socket:/ip_number:9100, then it asks me to give name and description but the next step never is driver choosing coming back to the connection entrance screen14:20
BluesKajogzy, where is this printer located ,on your LAN or is it on a remote network?14:25
ogzyBluesKaj: yes i added it from KDE PrinterManagement interface but from the web i couldnt managed to add14:30
amichair_how do I gracefully logout a local kde session when connecting remotely via ssh?14:37
BluesKajogzy, I'm not sure but justusing an IP address probly won't work , ssh into the printer port would be one method, but I haven't tried it14:38
amichair_i.e., is there a command that does a clean user logout from console?14:38
BluesKajlogout should work , amichair_ ...works here14:41
BluesKajamichair_,  exit used to work until I install NFS server and client on the network14:42
BluesKajer installed14:43
amichair_BluesKaj: when I type logout, it just writes a few lines and closes the ssh session, but the kde session stays on14:43
BluesKajclose the kde session first14:43
amichair_BluesKaj: I'm looking for a console command, that can be run from a remote ssh session, that will gracefully shutdown a kde session14:43
amichair_BluesKaj: what's the command to close a kde session?14:44
BluesKajI just close whatever open folder or app I have running remotely as I would if it was on my desktop14:45
BluesKajamichair_, are you X forwarding in ssh to use GUIs remotely?14:47
amichair_BluesKaj: no, just console ssh, no X over connection (the X is running on the target host only)14:48
amichair_BluesKaj: to be more precise, the screen is frozen on one pc, can't interact with it. But I can ssh from another pc and everything in the background seems to be ok - i.e. only the display (nvidia drivers?) are stuck. I want to gracefull shut the running session down rather than do a violent reboot and lose data.14:49
melkoramichair_: can you use ctrl+alt - f2, to change your tty ?14:50
amichair_nope, keyboard isn't responding either14:50
amichair_I just saw (via remote ssh) that X is taking 100% cpu14:51
melkoramichair_: you can 'shutdown' which will end your session pretty normally.14:51
amichair_so I want to kill it, but looking for the graceful way to do it rather than just kill it and all the running apps within14:51
melkorare you using kwin ?14:51
amichair_melkor: shutdown will shutdown the whole pc no? not just the user session?14:51
amichair_melkor: yep, standard kubuntu natty14:52
melkormine locked up the other day, and I killed kwin then I was able to log out.14:52
amichair_melkor: if I kill X or kwin, what happens to all the apps which are open in the session?14:52
melkorwell when you kill kwin nothing happens, but then your display is really bad.  If you kill x I think your applications will go down with it.14:53
amichair_melkor: ok, then I can try killing kwin14:54
amichair_for the record, what would be the right way of gracefully shutting down X?14:54
melkordo you know what rckdm is?14:55
amichair_melkor: ok, killed kwin, now I see a flicker on the screen every few minutes, but everything still stuck, and ssh session barely responding too14:56
amichair_every few seconds, that is14:56
amichair_rckdm? doesn't ring a bell14:56
melkoramichair_: it looks like you could use kdm but I don't know.14:57
amichair_melkor: but how do I kill X first? there must be something better than kill -9 or such (which will kill all apps under it violently too, if I understand correctly)14:58
melkoryou should be able to go through an x service, such as start x or kdm.14:58
amichair_melkor: can you explain? I don't get how to do it15:00
melkoramichair_: can you use the keyboard yet?15:01
amichair_no, the pc is completely unresonsive other than via ssh15:01
amichair_if I just kill X using 'kill' do the apps in the session close normally or get killed violently?15:02
melkorWhat is a violent death?15:03
iliasany idea how can i setup under 10.04 my Pixelview usb tv device?15:03
amichair_melkor: I mean just killing a process cold-turkey, rather than letting it do it's own clean shutdown routine15:04
Henson_Dcould someone help me verify a bug in dolphin's column view?15:04
amichair_melkor: like happens with kill -9 for example, as opposed to selecting 'quit' from an app's menu15:04
melkorYou might want to try linux and ask about restarting an xserver, but at this point it sounds like your apps are going to die a miserable death.15:07
BluesKajamichair_, how about kdm service stop15:09
amichair_BluesKaj: doesn't help15:09
amichair_oh well, I guess I'll have to kill -9 X and everything under it, hope nothing gets corrupt15:10
BluesKajilias, http://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/USBVision_devices15:11
BluesKajHenson_D, columnview bug ?15:12
amichair_ok, I killed it all (with kill -9), starting session anew ok (hope nothing got corrupt)15:13
BluesKajstopx maybe , but you left15:13
amichair_BluesKaj: yeah, I see that now :-)15:14
amichair_will try it next time... thanks15:14
amichair_BluesKaj: although kill <x> didn't work either, so I don't know if it would work. only kill -9 <x> did it15:15
Henson_DBluesKaj: if you have a column with more icons in it than can fit on the screen (you have a scroll bar on the side of the column) and you click the last item that's visible on the screen, it will highlight the item after the one you wanted it to highlight.  It won't do this when you first enter the directory, but if you scroll around a little, then it will.15:15
masesehi guys, what program on ubuntu reads documents in microsoft publisher format?15:15
Henson_DBluesKaj: the item below the one you wanted will be highlighted in blue, but the item you wanted will have a little underline beneath it.15:16
Henson_Dmasese: I ran into this problem a month ago, and was unable to find anything.15:17
maseseooh dear, that means i can't read these files.15:19
iliasok. i read it, but where is the driver?15:19
BluesKajHenson_D, I'm not seeing that here15:19
BluesKajHenson_D, which kde ?15:19
Henson_DBluesKaj: what KDE version are you using?15:19
masesehow do you read it?15:19
Henson_DBluesKaj: :-) 4.6.215:19
Henson_DBluesKaj: ok, thanks for your input.  I'll upgrade and see if the problem has been resolved.15:20
iliasi mean i went to the link provided but i cannot find any driver15:21
BluesKajHenson_D, it's bit less stable if you use nondefault windows decor and themes15:21
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Henson_Dmasese: I wasn't able to read the file.  Is the creator of the file able to save it in another format?15:21
BluesKajon both 4.6.2. and315:21
Henson_DBluesKaj: I'm using the standard themes, so I haven't noticed any problems.  Everything seems to work better than the 4.5.x versions for me.15:22
maseseno he can't coz he is not using ubuntu15:22
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bakouchskii Saluu tout l'monde !15:40
BluesKajbakouchskii, bonjour , c'est canal anglais. le canal francais - #ubuntu-fr15:42
bakouchskiiBlueskaj,... ha d'accord! Je te remercie, Bonne journée a toi.15:44
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melkorthe expose is very nice, is there a shortcut for it?16:29
EugenMayermelkor: yeah, esp the "search"16:31
flykillerscan anyone help me... E: Error http://archive.canonical.com natty InRelease16:32
akiscan anyone help to setup my prolink usb tv device under 10.04?16:32
Ddpbfflykillers: what exactlly you want?16:36
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SeanTaterOut of curiosity, is there a way to lower the threshold before the OOM-killer starts killing off processes?16:57
SeanTaterIt seems silly to wait 10 minutes for it to fill up the swap really slowly when it could kill it off earlier16:58
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jebulaHi, I've been trying to launch geany as a normal user and I get a segmentation fault. I can however launch it when I issue the sudo command prior. Any ideas or help is appreciated.17:11
jebulaI have even tried to compile this from source myself and get the same result.17:12
jebulaIt crashes after trying to load the ~/.config/geany configurations17:13
macojebula: try deleting that then17:13
jebulaI have17:13
jebulaIt recreates it and then seg faults again17:13
jebulaI have tried creating a new user and launching it same effect.17:14
macosounds like a bug then17:15
jebulaWould you be willing to install it and then let me know if you get the same result. I'm running 11.0417:15
macoim running 10.1017:16
macothey have different versions of geany17:16
jebulayeah hmm17:16
jebulathink i could try to fallback to version from 10.10?17:17
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nicolinohi there18:02
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eXistensLis anyone awake!?!?18:03
Peace-eXistensL: ?18:03
eXistensLcan i ask a question regarding kubuntu?!?18:03
akishow can i setup kubuntu firewall?18:03
Peace-akis: easy there i amoduel18:04
shane2peruok, kubuntu locked up when I tried to print a document!  That was annoying18:04
Peace-akis: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2011/01/25/easy-firewall-for-kde4-kubuntu/18:04
akiswhere can i find it. it is not in my menu.18:05
Peace-shane2peru: mm18:05
eXistensLok, nevermind the etiquette, does anyone know where the themes downloaded via kdm-theme-changer (in system settings) are downloaded!?!?18:05
shane2peruPeace-: ubuntu in general has HP printer issues, or at least for the last few releases I'm always fighting with my HP 1022n Laser Printer18:05
Peace-shane2peru: you need to look at log18:05
Peace-shane2peru: noppe18:05
Peace-shane2peru: i have a hp18:05
akisis it in settings? why i didn't see it?18:06
Peace-no problem with hat18:06
FloodBotK1Peace-: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:06
Peace-akis: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/UFW+KControl+Module?content=13778918:06
shane2peruPeace-: xorg was up to 105% cpu usage, what log should I check?18:06
Peace-akis: you need to compile it it's easy18:06
Peace-shane2peru: what did you use? hp-toolbox?18:06
Peace-akis: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2011/01/25/easy-firewall-for-kde4-kubuntu/18:06
shane2peruPeace-: well my network printer has been problematic since probably Lucid, and on my wifes computer it prints without a problem I think sh is running Lucid.18:07
Peace-shane2peru: without some informations i can't help.18:07
Peace-shane2peru: did you use hp software?18:07
eXistensLakis: i remember using a program to setup firewalls but i'm struggling remember the name18:07
akisdo i have just to give this command?18:07
shane2peruPeace-: I usually set it up the default ubuntu way, printers add printer, it is reconginzed and setup,  then it has problems, so I usually install the hp way via command line.18:07
Peace-shane2peru: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2011/01/25/easy-firewall-for-kde4-kubuntu/18:08
Peace-shane2peru: sorry18:08
Peace-shane2peru: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/31/plasma-desktopjO1748.jpg18:08
eXistensLakis: gotcha, "Firestarter"18:08
Peace-eXistensL: it's gtk18:08
Peace-eXistensL: it's not kde software18:09
Peace-eXistensL: there is a kcm module for that18:09
akisalthough firewall is not compiled runs behind the scenes?18:09
eXistensLi though was a generic question18:09
Peace-akis: btw fireware is already installed18:09
Peace-akis: you need only a interface18:09
Peace-to configure it18:09
shane2peruPeace-: what log should I check out, I just repeated the error18:10
akisok, ic, if i dont configure it, it is protect it by default the whole system?18:10
shane2perugive me about 2min my system is super slow because of this lockup18:10
Peace-akis: you need to activate it18:10
Peace-shane2peru: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/31/plasma-desktopej1748.jpg18:10
Peace-akis: are you under router?18:11
Peace-akis: you have an private line?18:11
akisyes of course i am18:11
* Peace- he uses linux system since 4 years , he uses a router with a private lan and he doesn't use firewalls18:12
Peace-because the router has an integrate firewall18:12
Peace-like every routers18:12
akisrouters have their own firewall, i know...but why not activate softaware's also?18:12
eXistensLstill noone responded to "where i can find the files automatically downloaded via kdm-theme-manager (assuming they aren't in /usr/share/whatsoever-kde/kdm/themes" ?18:12
Peace-akis: you don't need18:13
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME)  and Guarddog (KDE Lucid and Maverick) also exist.18:13
shane2peruPeace-: oh yep, lots of udev-configure-printer18:13
cousin_marioIs it possible to alter the behaviour of the mousewheel in Kaffeine?18:13
Peace-shane2peru: ok so ...18:13
Peace-shane2peru: please remove your printer18:14
akisor you think is nothing to win adding it?18:14
shane2peru  p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }  Queue ipp://localhost:631/printers/LaserJet1022n has matching device URI  that is the error18:14
Peace-shane2peru:  sudo apt-get install hplip-gui18:14
Peace-akis: look kid , i don't use a firewall since 4 year18:14
Peace-akis: and i have a router...18:15
Peace-no problems18:15
shane2peruhplip-gui installed18:15
Peace-shane2peru: ok18:15
Peace-shane2peru: hp-setup18:15
shane2peruPeace-: right, that was the command I used to setup the printer with18:15
Peace-shane2peru: oh ok18:16
Peace-shane2peru: then do the same stuff18:16
Peace-shane2peru: and then go here18:16
shane2peruyou mean re-set it up?18:16
Peace-shane2peru: yes18:16
Peace-shane2peru: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/31/plasma-desktopAO1748.jpg18:16
akisi didn't have any problems too using for years suse distros. but i am new in kubuntu distros on my notebook and this is the reason i am wondering.18:17
Peace-shane2peru: then read this could work as not http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2009/09/09/hp-fucking-photosmart-7762/18:17
Peace-akis: wth , then , linux doesn't need of 2 firewall... if you are in a private lane with a router18:18
Peace-it's useless18:18
shane2peruPeace-: what is your desktop?  I see the k menu, but it isn't the kde menus?18:18
Peace-akis: btw there is a gui for that18:18
Peace-!firewall | akis18:18
ubottuakis: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME)  and Guarddog (KDE Lucid and Maverick) also exist.18:18
Peace-shane2peru: ok it's shelf a part of lancelot18:19
Peace-shane2peru: you can find how to get it here automatically18:19
Peace-shane2peru: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2011/05/27/unity-kde-another-test/18:19
Peace-that is my blog of course18:19
akisok, it's clear. thanks...could u maybe help me to setup my Prolink usb tv device to make it work with a tv program under 10.04?18:19
shane2peruhmm, I like my old fashioned k menu.  Just looked almost like unity in a k setting.18:20
Peace-akis: sudo apt-get install kaffeine18:20
Peace-akis: then try kafffeine18:20
Peace-should work for the most of usb tv device18:20
akisi installed kaffeine to play dvd's to, but i dont't think is enough. i think kaffeine plays only digital tv18:21
Peace-akis: lsusb | grep -i prolink18:21
akiswhy kdetv answers that "no device present although lsusb says it is?18:22
akisdo i have to install any driver or the appropriate driver is pre-installed?18:22
Peace-akis: i have said18:23
Peace-akis: lsusb | grep -i prolink18:23
Peace-give me18:23
akisok. ok. i c. i am not on this machine now. i do have to understand so i can try tomorrow. what is about this command?18:24
Peace-akis: i need of ID18:25
DaskreechPeace-: Just checking did you make a KDE version of Unity in JS18:27
akisi 'll get it tomorrow 10 am GT and i 'll write it here. i wish i 'll meet you to help me.18:27
akisdo u think there is a chance to fix it?18:28
Peace-Daskreech: i have modified the layout of panels to give it a touch of unity18:28
Peace-yes with javascript18:28
Peace-akis: of coruse there is18:28
Peace-akis: basically you need to run kaffeine on konsole18:28
Peace-and see what it says18:28
DaskreechPeace-: how long did that take>18:29
Peace-then i guess there is some stuff to do18:29
Peace-Daskreech: 10 minutes18:29
Daskreechhow close is it?18:29
Peace-Daskreech: i did the same for gnome218:29
Peace-Daskreech: well it's not close18:29
Peace-it's "like"18:29
DaskreechI suppose  just the parts that you care about18:30
Peace-Daskreech: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/27/UNity.gif18:30
Peace-Daskreech: http://nowardev.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/macstyle2.jpeg18:31
DaskreechThat's pretty nice :)18:31
Peace-Daskreech: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2011/04/17/kde-configure-panels-in-gnome-way-configure-kde-desktop-for-each-user/18:31
Daskreech did you see the new Canonical mockup for the file explorer?18:31
akisok. i will come back for this. something else for the end. i realised that language keyboard flag is getting sometimes 'pixelized'. The same is happening with the icons on the tips of minimized windows in task bar. do u have any idea why happens this?18:31
Peace-akis: bad video driver  i guess18:32
Peace-akis: try to use xrender instead of opegl18:32
Peace-akis: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/31/plasma-desktopKx1748.jpg18:33
akisi guess too that, but how can i fix it. the video driver was installed from the system during the installation.18:33
akisook. i am reading.18:33
Peace-Daskreech: no i ahve not seen18:34
akisi have disabled desktops effects to make kde faster18:34
Peace-Daskreech: i use only their kernel18:34
cousin_marioIs there a PPA for KDE 4.7 yet?18:34
Peace-cousin_mario: i guess no18:34
Peace-cousin_mario: kde 4.7 it's beta.18:34
Peace-beta = not stable18:35
cousin_marioPeace-: good enough for a PPA though18:35
Peace-users shoudl use only stable stuff18:35
cousin_marioPeace-: I wanted to test it in a VM.18:35
Peace-that is a good idea18:35
akisa ok. i understood. does this change also the appearence?18:36
cousin_marioBut I couldn't find packages for any distro, let alone ubuntu.18:36
Peace-akis: if you have not effects that modications = no effect18:36
Peace-akis: so .. ==> you have to change the driver18:36
Peace-because the video driver sucks18:37
Peace-cousin_mario: opensuse should have18:37
Peace-cousin_mario: ubuntu is slower18:37
Peace-a bit for kde...18:37
akisthe change of driver isn't so easy though18:38
Peace-akis: video card?18:39
Peace-akis: it's easy... but.. you need to understand what your are doing...18:40
akisgforce but i dont remember the exact type. i am not on this machine18:40
Peace-nvidia righ?18:41
Peace-there are 2 driver noveau = open18:41
Peace-then the proprietary one18:41
Peace-so if you want enalbe or disable it18:41
Peace-just do this on konsole18:41
cousin_marioPeace-: thanks, I'll have a look at it18:41
Peace-akis: jockey-kde18:41
Peace-that can enable or disable video drivers18:42
Peace-or of course there is the ppa18:42
Peace-but you can break the video stuff i mean xorg = konsole login18:42
Peace-and you could even be NOT able to run X so = konsole only :D18:42
akisyou r very helpful. i save the log of this conversation and i ll try tomorrow. i wish i ll meet you tomorrow afternoon.18:44
Peace-akis: this is the ppa https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa BUT BE CARE18:44
Peace-akis: with that you can break Xorg18:44
Peace-so you nedd to remove the ppa and reinstall nvidia drivers18:45
Peace-so you nedd to remove the ppa ===> remove alpha driver ===and reinstall nvidia drivers18:45
Peace-akis: adding ppa and removing the dirvers is not for noob18:46
Peace-make sure you have understood that18:46
Peace-ok i have to go , in italy it's time to eat something18:46
Peace-bye bye18:46
akisok. thanks a lot.18:46
akisr u form italy?18:47
cousin_marioRight, in fact it's dinnertime for me as well!18:58
DaskreechPeace-: http://cdn.omgubuntu.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/marlin_file_browser_by_danrabbit-d2xxmmu.png19:02
okku56plz any moreon e click19:15
okku56somybody go there19:16
kaddilol, i almost reported that19:17
armaancn anybody tell me ,,where cn i find the source code of remastersys19:28
Isis___hello everyone, Im trying to get the desktop search running, i dont see it in the settings for layout. Which packages sould i install*?19:30
Isis___I have nepu ok but strigi is not running19:32
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Isis___hello everyone, Im trying to get the desktop search running, i dont see it in the settings for layout. Which packages sould i install?19:48
MaDiNfO_i am using kubuntu20:02
MaDiNfO_10.04.2 LTS and uses php 5.3.220:02
MaDiNfO_it is going to be updated soon ?20:03
DaskreechMaDiNfO_: not in LTS20:04
DaskreechLTS gets bugfixes only20:04
MaDiNfO_that php version contains lots of bugs...20:04
jjjjoegimp keeps crashing on my kubuntu 11.0420:05
MaDiNfO_gets them resolved....20:05
jjjjoe(gimp:4435): GLib-WARNING **: /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.28.6/./glib/goption.c:2132: ignoring no-arg, optional-arg or filename flags (8) on option of type 020:05
jjjjoe[1]+  Segmentation fault      gimp20:05
MaDiNfO_or later20:05
jjjjoeAnyone else seeing this?20:06
jjjjoeGimp just exits on load20:06
jjjjoewith error above20:06
Ddpbfjjjjoe: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1078855520:09
fester77i got ubunto ... installed kde .... afterwards unistalled gnome ... that makes it Kubuntu right ? just to make sure im the right chat...20:11
Ddpbffester77: it is same distro only difference is desktop environment20:12
Ddpbfkut kde is 1000 times better :)20:12
fester77anyway ... iǘe installed dosbox from the KpackageKit and now im interessted in locating the installation so i can edit dosbox.conf20:12
fester77tried searching for it but i get zip20:12
fester77being a windows user it just seemed more convinient20:13
jjjjoefester77, Thanks so much!20:14
fester77from / ?20:14
jjjjoefester77, =)20:14
fester77mkay .... dolphin is chewing thry the hdd atm .... hope uŕe right20:16
Ddpbffester77: press alt+f220:16
fester77when ?20:16
Ddpbfthen type kate ~/.dosboxrc20:16
Ddpbfwhen little window pops up20:17
Ddpbfor dolphin ~/.doxbox20:17
Ddpbfand see if there is any file dosbox.conf20:17
Ddpbfor something simmilar20:18
fester77did that but it open kate .dosboxrc  without the ~/20:18
Ddpbfok nepomuk and strigi found it20:18
fester77isńt there a "program files" that u can got to from / ?20:19
Ddpbfprogramms are installed in /usr/bin20:19
Ddpbfbut linux (and unix) works pretty much different than windows20:20
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natman2hi, im looking for some help with searching folders inside kubuntu20:20
Ddpbfnatman2: http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/kdebase-apps/kfind/kfind.html20:22
natman2Ddpbf: thanks20:26
mbnoimiwhere can I request to add new software in ubuntu repositories?20:29
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports20:29
Ddpbfmbnoimi: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter= check if there is that package in launchpad20:31
Sebas_I'm having problems with installing Kubuntu 11.04 and a seagate 1TB hdd drive.. when the installer comes to prepare partitions.. I get an awkward screen and cannot continue the install.. what kind of bug is this? and I've googled some but cannot find anything like this prob.20:32
mbnoimiDdpbf: nop, q7z doesn't exist20:32
Sebas_I've tried repartitioning and such but all the same20:32
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natman2is it normal that java is very slow to load on my browser, it s a linux/64bit thing?20:33
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DaskreechMaDiNfO_: you can probably add a PPA with a newer version20:40
DaskreechSebas_: does parted show the HDD correctly?20:42
Sebas_Daskreech: yes and hdd is healthy20:42
Sebas_I can install win np on it20:43
Sebas_did many 11.04 installs and np20:43
DaskreechSebas_: so just one of the times it randomly started crashing?20:43
Sebas_no with this hdd I cannot do the Disk Setup part of the installer20:44
Sebas_Daskreech: that event goes bad and get an different screen than usual with partitioning a hdd20:45
DaskreechSebas_: can you run partitionmanager ?20:45
Newbiathonanyone up?20:48
Newbiathonhow come i cannot turn off my lamp server with "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop"20:48
Daskreechcause that just turns off a ?20:49
Newbiathonand it is running under my computer name instead of local host it is running on
Newbiathonhow to turn off mysql etc...?20:50
DaskreechNewbiathon: /etc/init.d/mysqld stop20:53
DdpbfDaskreech: you forget sudo20:57
Newbiathonthat wasn't right20:57
NewbiathonRather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8)20:57
Newbiathonutility, e.g. service mysql stop20:57
Newbiathonw/e that means20:58
DdpbfNewbiathon: sudo service mysql stop20:58
Newbiathonstop: Unknown instance:20:58
Ddpbftry sudo/etc/init.d/mysqld stop20:59
Ddpbf*sudo /etc/init.d/mysqld stop20:59
Newbiathonsudo: /etc/init.d/mysqld: command not found21:00
DaskreechNewbiathon: sudo service mysql stop21:00
Newbiathonstop: Unknown instance:21:00
DaskreechI think it might be sudo service stop mysql21:00
DaskreechI hardly use that command :)21:00
Newbiathonoh well server isn't running anymore21:01
Newbiathonapache2 is off now21:01
DeltaEpsilonis kubuntu going to provide kde 4.7 beta packages?21:01
Newbiathoni have dynamic ip so doesn't matter21:01
DdpbfDeltaEpsilon: check on kubuntu.org21:02
Newbiathonwhich kind of sucks for testing websites21:02
DeltaEpsilonDdpbf, no news about kde 4.7 beta21:02
Ddpbfso there are not packages yet21:02
Newbiathonis there a good lamp help channel on any server?21:03
DeltaEpsilonDdpbf, if you say "yet" that means there are going to be packges for kde 4.7 beta21:03
DaskreechNewbiathon: You can use a dyndns service or you can just check whatsmyip.com21:03
DdpbfDeltaEpsilon: have you ever tought about installing arch linux they have 4.7 beta21:03
Newbiathonfor what?21:03
DeltaEpsilonDdpbf, I heard archlinux is pain in the ass to install21:04
Ddpbferr not realy21:04
Ddpbfyou have to configure it by your self21:04
DeltaEpsilonDdpbf, that is the pain in the ass part21:05
Ddpbfand install de by yourself21:05
Ddpbfkind off21:05
DeltaEpsilonI need a newbie distro21:05
Ddpbfkubuntu is best for you then21:05
Ddpbfthere will be 4.7 packages in few days21:06
Ddpbfbut you'll have to add ppa for it21:06
DeltaEpsilonk, then I am gonna install kubuntu to replace windows21:07
DaskreechDeltaEpsilon: why are you replacing windows?21:08
DeltaEpsilonDaskreech, I feel unsafe using it21:09
DaskreechAh good enough reason21:09
DaskreechYou can switch it for being unsure :)21:09
Newbiathonwin 7 is pretty safe21:09
DeltaEpsilonother than that I don't have any problem with it. it is extrejely stable21:09
Newbiathonas long as you aren't running a server or something21:09
Ddpbfthis is linux irc channel21:10
Newbiathonbut linux is freeeeeeee21:10
yofelDeltaEpsilon: 4.7 is delayed, we'll try to get 4.7 beta2 packages at least21:10
Newbiathoni like linux better, when i can make things work lol21:10
Ddpbfyes but it is not windows21:10
yofelyou can use Project Neon in the meanwhile ;)21:10
Newbiathoni like that linux has intelligent apps too21:10
Newbiathoncomes with like math games and great tools for doing things21:11
DeltaEpsilonyofel, beta 2? so there aren't going to be beta 1 packages?21:11
DeltaEpsilonDaskreech, and I am also seek of the theme of win 7. I can't change it21:11
yofelwell, we simply won't make it before beta2, other things were more important and the 4.7 release layout is... argh21:11
Ddpbfyofel: kde 4.7 beta is released 6 days ago21:12
yofelI know21:12
Ddpbfso there wont be packages in kubuntu-ppa?21:12
DeltaEpsilonthere won't be a beta 2 any time soon. so why no beta 1 packages?21:12
yofelbeta2 is due on the 8th21:12
DdpbfDeltaEpsilon: there are complications with building packages21:13
DeltaEpsilonthen I will just install kubutu amd64 tonight21:13
yofelerm, they split the sources up a lot so we'll have to redo many packages from scratch, that's not really trivial21:13
sithlord48sup all ?21:13
Ddpbfkind like 4.4->4.5 transition?21:13
* DeltaEpsilon is going to make a backup 21:14
yofelno, that was a bit of a splitup on the binary package side, this time we have a splitup of the source tars, which is a different category of more work21:15
sithlord48yea i was trying to make packages for a program i wrote, but it lacks a ./configure and i kinda loose it on the dependcy checking part (for my control file)21:15
yofelyeah, now do ~30 new packages :P21:16
Ddpbfsithlord48: if you want to compile kde packages you need to use cmake21:16
sithlord48Ddpbf:  no it a program i wrote and it does not use Cmake just qmake (as it generates a makefile for make)21:17
yofelwell, if you don't use configure, add an empty override_dh_auto_configure: rule in rules and just make a simple makefile21:17
Ddpbfthan it is pure qt21:17
sithlord48yofel: ill have to try that (but im not at that machine atm) so ill prolly ask later.21:18
* yofel doesn't know much about packaging qmake :/21:18
yofelsithlord48: there's #ubuntu-packaging too, maybe someone there can help you21:18
Ddpbfthere is nice tutorial on ubuntu help21:18
sithlord48qmake just generates  either a project file (for var IDE's) or a makefile for building via make21:18
sithlord48yofel: that ill have to check out (but idk if anyone wants to include my program w/ the distro)21:19
yofelwell, start with a PPA, then you can use revu to get your package reviewed21:19
Ddpbfyofel: you are making kde .deb packages?21:20
Ddpbf*are you. Sorry i am bad with english21:21
sithlord48idk how many *buntu users play FF7 ? its just an editor for savegames,but  a ppa is not a bad idea lol21:21
yofelDdpbf: I'm a packager yes, no dev though.21:21
* yofel thinks of firefox7 when he hears FF7 ^^21:21
DeltaEpsilongonna install kubutu now21:22
sithlord48yofel:  lol21:22
DeltaEpsilonwish me luck please21:22
Ddpbfyofel: i am trying to make .deb package for qtfm. Only dependency for it is Qt21:22
sithlord48DeltaEpsilon: GL :D21:22
Ddpbfbut i dnt need what to put in debian/control21:22
DeltaEpsilonthough I know my laptop is fully supported by kubuntu21:22
DeltaEpsilonsleep/hybernate also works21:23
yofelDdpbf: as build dep libqt4-dev for qt, got the rest of the file?21:23
sithlord48Ddpbf: my program depends only on Qt also that quide shoudl help. and exactly my problem what do i put in control for dependcies21:23
Ddpbfyofel: i ll paste it21:23
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sithlord48how amazingly relevent this conversation is , and i was just expecting to help ppl (not be helped)21:24
Daskreechyofel: what's the delay with the first beta?21:24
sithlord48Daskreech: teh packaging is a bit different from what i have read21:24
DaskreechNewbiathon: That's not really what I would call intelligent Apps but ok :) I understand the sentiment21:24
dmatthello, anybody has problem running gimp in kubuntu natty? Mine crashes with segmentation fault ... but works with sudo21:24
yofelDaskreech: we had to resync our packaging with debian, they had server issues which delayed it further. So we're almost done with the debian merge and will start with 4.721:24
Ddpbfyofel: http://paste.kde.org/76903/21:24
Ddpbfwhat to put in depends?21:25
Newbiathonthat came out wrong21:25
Newbiathonuseful apps21:25
Ddpbfi guess libqt4-core, libqt4-dbus21:25
Ddpbfand libqt4-network?21:25
Newbiathoni like linux because it is minus all the junk marketing software21:25
sithlord48dmatt: check you configs for gimp prolly an issue w/ ur user's config. should be in ~/.gimp<version>21:25
yofelno, ${shlibs:Depends} will take care of the library dependencies as long as you have the build-deps21:26
DaskreechDdpbf: most of the time You are... ? and are you... ? can be changed21:26
yofelso the Depends: line is complete unless you need something extra21:26
sithlord48yofel: what if i wanted to start w/ a binary ?21:26
dmattsithlord48:  .gimp<whatever> does not exist21:27
yofelsithlord48: That is the correct control file for a binary package21:27
DdpbfDaskreech: i dont se why somebody need to know what is my profession?21:27
Ddpbfi did not wrote it i am just building .deb of it21:28
Newbiathonwhich flash player is for kubuntu? the tar.gz?21:28
sithlord48Newbiathon: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer <- that one21:28
sithlord48try to use the repos first, that software is tested. you will almost never have to install anything outside of a repo21:29
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sithlord48dmatt:  should be /home/<ur user name>/.gimp<version>21:30
sithlord48but woot work day over ttu later!21:30
DaskreechDdpbf: no. It's because you corrected yourself earlier and excused your english. I was just saying that it was correct english before you corrected it21:31
Daskreechthough it is much more often expressed how you said it when you corrected yourself21:32
Ddpbfok. sorry21:32
Ddpbfi tought you are talking about21:32
Ddpbfmy control file21:32
DaskreechDdpbf: Nope that's fine :)21:32
dmatti do understand, ~/.gimp<x> simply does not exist...21:34
yofeldmatt: curious, does this return something? env | grep QT_GRAPH21:40
dmattyofel: i got the solution now21:41
dmattjust fore the record, if gimp segfaults, look into workaround described here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174534121:42
dmatti would have never guessed that21:42
dmattknown bug #74251621:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 742516 in gimp (Ubuntu) "gimp-2.6 crashed with SIGSEGV in g_closure_invoke()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74251621:43
Newbiathonhey my flash player in firefox is jacked up21:43
Newbiathoncan't play youtube vids21:43
Newbiathonit is saying "You need to upgrade your Adobe Flash Player to watch this video. "21:43
Newbiathoni click the link and takes me to flash site21:44
Newbiathonim on 64-bit21:44
GithzeraiDdpbf: try this21:44
Newbiathonthere are several options to download21:44
GithzeraiDdpbf: ldd /usr/bin/qtfm21:44
LinkmasterNewbiathon: go to KPK, and download the flashplugin-installer21:44
Newbiathonwhat should i type in the search in kpk?21:45
Newbiathoni already tried to do it the command line way, didn't work21:46
Newbiathonit is saying i already have it21:46
GithzeraiNewbiathon: which version of flash do you have?21:48
Newbiathonwhere do i check21:48
Newbiathondoesn't say there21:48
Newbiathonhow do i update it or whatnot21:49
Newbiathoni think it is flash 921:49
Githzeraigo to Tools -> Addons -> Plugins in Firefox21:49
Newbiathoni don't see flash in there21:50
GithzeraiThere should be an info on Shockwave Flash, version included21:50
Newbiathonbut kpk says installed21:50
Githzerairestart Firefox21:50
LinkmasterIf that doesn't work, uninstall flash, then reinstall it. Or use rekonq :P21:51
Newbiathonstill no dice21:52
GithzeraiNewbiathon: means that Flash is not properly installed21:53
GithzeraiNewbiathon: try reinstalling: sudo apt-get install --reinstall flashplugin-nonfree21:54
Newbiathondidn't work21:55
Newbiathoni updated and upgraded too21:55
Githzeraiany output?21:55
Githzeraiafter  sudo apt-get install --reinstall flashplugin-nonfree21:56
Newbiathonis there a command to just reinstall firefox21:56
Delta_install of kubuntu was a piece of cake21:56
Delta_everything works out of the box21:56
GithzeraiNewbiathon: won't help21:56
=== Delta_ is now known as DeltaEpsilon
Githzeraithis is a flsh issue21:56
Newbiathonstill not working21:59
GithzeraiNewbiathon: have you tried flash package from Canonnical partner repo?21:59
Githzeraitry it :)21:59
Newbiathonwhat is it?22:00
DarkwingDuck** Changed in: openoffice.org (openSUSE) Importance: Unknown => Medium22:00
Newbiathoni don't even know what that means lol22:00
DarkwingDuckOops, sorry22:00
GithzeraiNewbiathon: got to softvare sources. Should be in second or third tab22:01
DeltaEpsilonkubuntu running fine so far22:02
DeltaEpsilonbut I want kde 4.7 so badly22:02
GithzeraiNewbiathon: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=SoftwareSources-Partner.png should be simirar22:03
GithzeraiDeltaEpsilon: it actally is not that different compared to 4.6. There are a few new cool things, but in general it feels almost the same.22:05
LinkmasterIt's probably the feel of bleeding edge. I'd like 4.7 myself22:06
DeltaEpsilonGithzerai: I read that kwin has immproved performance22:06
DeltaEpsilonthat is very important to me22:06
GithzeraiDeltaEpsilon: only if drivers are good, and currently they are nothing but trouble. Especially nvidia.22:06
DeltaEpsilonGithzerai: I have intel HD22:07
GithzeraiMany users complain about Intel too. They say that it can be unpleasant.22:08
GithzeraiThough, betas usually can be like that22:08
DeltaEpsilonGithzerai: soe times the UI lags, this is version 46.322:09
* Linkmaster has noticed few issues with KWin and his intel stuff22:10
Linkmasterexcept for the fact that I run my computer off of less then 1gig of RAM. that sucks :l22:11
DeltaEpsilonRAM is not a problem. RAM is cheap and can be upgraded easily22:11
GithzeraiDeltaEpsilon: "UI lags" is a not much of an info for debugging. :) No, it really can be almost anything22:11
DeltaEpsilonyou can't upgrade a gfx card in a laptop22:11
DeltaEpsilonI recently upgrade my laptop's memmory to 6GB :-)22:11
DeltaEpsilonGithzerai: the effects are not smooth22:12
DeltaEpsilonespecially when dealing a window with a lot of content22:12
DeltaEpsilone.g. a webbrowser22:12
GithzeraiDeltaEpsilon: all of them, or just some?22:12
DeltaEpsilonGithzerai: ^^22:12
GithzeraiHm, I'm not familiar with tha effect. Do you mean webbrowser applet?22:14
DeltaEpsilonGithzerai: no. take for example. the unminimize effect of the webbrowser window with a webpage open22:15
DeltaEpsilonthe transistion from the task bar to the display of the window is not smooth22:16
Githzeraionly web browser or any window?22:16
Githzeraiand which browser ? :)22:16
DeltaEpsilonGithzerai: any window with a lot of content22:18
DeltaEpsilonQuassel is another example22:18
LinkmasterDeltaEpsilon: RAM might be cheap, but if you have a netbook as your only computer, its definitely not upgradable22:20
DeltaEpsilonLinkmaster: I am sure netbooks support up to 4GB these days22:21
LinkmasterMajority of netbooks support 2GB. Mine is two years old :/22:21
LinkmasterThe only netbook I know of that supports 4GB isn't really a 'netbook'[since its almost twice as large as any netbook I've seen at my school]22:22
GithzeraiDeltaEpsilon: any other effect you have issues with, or only that one? I belive that one is called "Fade"...22:22
DeltaEpsilonmy perfect laptop woudl be a a 15" super slim laptop w/o dvd drive, with at least 15 hours bat life, 8GB of ram and 128GB SSD drive. :-)22:23
DeltaEpsilonand a nice gfx that can run kde 4 silk smooth22:23
DeltaEpsilonGithzerai: only that one22:23
DeltaEpsilontransparency is flawless22:23
LinkmasterThat would be a great laptop22:23
DeltaEpsilonblur is also perfect22:24
LinkmasterBecause DVD drives cause them to get bulky. Just tote along an externel CD-drive, and your good to go22:24
DeltaEpsilonLinkmaster: yea and most of us don't use dvd's any more22:24
GithzeraiDeltaEpsilon: that could be related only to that particular effect, not to kwin in general.22:24
DeltaEpsilonI now install the os from my usb stick22:24
LinkmasterExcept at home; computers don't need em much anymore22:24
stiwyHello, have anyone same problem as me? If I try to move terminal window on the top of screen to maximize window, system just freze and I need to restart computer. KDE 4.6 This happen only with terminal window22:25
Daskreechstiwy: Nvidia card?22:25
Githzeraistiwy: nvidia22:25
Linkmastertrue, installing from USB is more efficient too. Once your done, wipe it, and you have a perfectly functional data storage. need it again, move the data, create an OS again22:25
Githzeraistiwy: nvidia-beta 275.09 should fix it22:26
stiwyGithzerai thanks, Im gonna test it :-)22:27
DeltaEpsilontime to customize kde to my liking22:29
DeltaEpsilonI am sleepy but I still need to install 20gb of software :(22:36
GithzeraiDeltaEpsilon: than go to sleep while downloading :)22:39
=== cpatrick08 is now known as cpatrick008
stiwyGithzerai: Thanks a lot, new nvidia beta drivers solved my problem :-)22:45
=== Githzerai is now known as Githz|away
* Githz|away ošo: Odsutan za sada22:50
Newbiathonyo, if i want to make a file index.php in /home/user/website folder how do i do it?22:58
Newbiathonto test a webpage22:58
Newbiathoni only see create new folder when i right click22:58
luis_una pregunta23:00
luis_¿alguien sabe de dónde puede provenir una ip 2.137.xx.xxx?23:00
luis_join #ubuntu23:00
Ddpbfluis: #ubuntu-es23:01
luis_gracias :-)23:01
luis_join #ubuntu-es23:01
Ddpbfluis: /join ;)23:02
DeltaEpsilonhttp://imageshack.us/f/192/snapshot1vb.png/ :-)23:02
m_tadeuhi...what criteria should I use to choose the compositing type from system settings->Desktop effects?23:03
Ddpbfm_tadeu: it depends of capabilities of your gpu23:04
m_tadeuDdpbf: I see...is xrender "lighter" for the supported effects?23:05
Ddpbfm_tadeu: try cube23:06
Newbiathonhow do i make a .php file in my home/user/ folder?23:25
Newbiathonyo if i want to make a .php file in my /home/user folder how do i do it?23:27
Newbiathondo i need superuser privs?23:27
Newbiathonwhen i right click in the folder i only see create new folder23:27
AlvyrenNewbiathon: is "text file" not under "new folder"?23:28
Alvyrenshould be a whole slew of things23:28
Alvyren(I'm assuming you're using Dolphin)23:28
DaskreechNewbiathon: No23:30
Newbiathoni need to make a php file for a website23:30
Newbiathoncan you tell me what im doing wrong?23:30
DaskreechNothing under your home folder should need root privis23:30
Newbiathoni make a file in bluefish called index.php and save as to /home/$user/website23:31
DaskreechNewbiathon: Create New -> Text File23:31
Newbiathonwhen i nav to the folder it isn't there23:31
DaskreechNewbiathon: there is a ~/website folder ?23:31
Newbiathonwith what prog? sorry new to linus23:31
Newbiathonone that i made yes23:31
DaskreechNewbiathon: and nothing is in it?23:32
Newbiathonbut when i go to bluefish and file/open/ i see it in the folder23:33
Newbiathonand can open it in the editor23:33
DaskreechNewbiathon: ha ok press F5 in Dolphin23:33
Newbiathonbut when i go kmenu/computer/home/user/website23:33
Newbiathoni dont23:34
Newbiathonf5 didn't do anything23:34
DaskreechNewbiathon: strange23:34
Newbiathonim on 64-bit sys if matters23:34
LinkmasterDaskreech: were you trying to get him a terminal in Dolphin?23:36
DaskreechLinkmaster: No he made a file in bluefish which he can see in bluefish but cannot see in Dolphin23:37
LinkmasterAh, okay23:37
DaskreechNewbiathon: as a test open kate and navigate to the same spot23:39
AlexZionhi guys , i have some problem to watch .mp4 streaming video on firefox, maybe I just broke some dependencies , whichoneshould be the default player to integrate with firefox !?!23:41
Newbiathonyup i see it in kate23:41
Newbiathonso i just have to use kate each time?23:46
wintellectGot kubuntu running on my aceraspireone - but I want the standard KDE desktop, not this "page one" version. What do I have to do to get the standard KDE?23:53
Linkmasterwintellect: your probably using a laptop/netbook. go to 'system settings -> workspace behavoir[the big cashew] -> workspace type' and switch from netbook to desktop. You can invoke system settings with 'alt+f2'23:55
Newbiathonwhere do you set up alias in quassel23:55
Newbiathonto make macros for nickserv and all23:55
wintellectLinkmaster, ok, trying now...23:56
wintellectLinkmaster, AWESOME - that worked. Thanks23:57
LinkmasterNo problem wintellect23:58
wintellectnice to know KDE supports such an option23:59
wintellectbut the standard desktop suits me perfectly :D23:59
DaskreechNewbiathon: No just checking if the file exists23:59

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