
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
* gmb lunches12:44
* gary_poster wonders what schedule thing he's forgotten about with bac13:28
gary_posterbut meanwhile...13:28
gary_posterbenji, danilos, gmb, kanban now, skype rsn13:28
* danilos tries to find his skype13:30
gary_posterbac, we can hear you13:31
gary_posterbenji, you not here?13:31
benjidarn it!13:31
benjiok gary, I'm signed into skype now13:32
* benji considers putting skype in cron.13:37
bachi gary_poster, question about removing wiki_names from the web service14:53
bacgary_poster: any problem with just stopping the export?  it will break our contract for the web service but since the field is going to be removed from the db there isn't much we can do.14:54
gary_posterbac, that's an interesting question15:03
bacgary_poster: yeah...15:03
gary_posteris there any easy way to keep the export and have it return nothing?15:03
baci guess for 'devel' we could mock it up to return nothing, as you suggest15:04
gary_posterIMO idealy we would have it exported in "beta" and "1.0" to return nothing15:04
gary_posterand devel would not export it at all15:04
gary_posterI think the version machinery supports that--in fact I'm pretty sure it does15:04
bacer, right, i got my releases ordered wrong15:04
gary_posteroh ok cool15:04
gary_posterso does that plan work practicaly?15:05
gary_posterok, let's run with it then15:05
baci just sent off a MP that i'll retract15:05
gary_posterbenji I'm having trouble with test_title_ellipsisification.  Is that something you know about?  ISTR you looked at that17:19
benjigary_poster: yep, what's up?17:20
gary_posterso...on Chrome17:21
gary_posterare you looking at the test?  That would be helpful17:21
gary_posterWhen you get to the Assert in the test,17:21
benjiyep, I'm pulling the test up17:22
gary_posterheader is "Add a mail subscription for A very long name for the current project bugs"17:22
gary_posterand full_title is that except "bugs"17:23
gary_posterbenji, the display looks fine17:25
gary_posterwith an ellipisis17:25
gary_posteran easy way to fix the test is to add ' bugs' to the end of full_title17:25
gary_posterbut then...what the heck am I testing?17:25
benjiI'm not understanding your problem.17:25
gary_posterthe problem is that the test fails17:26
gary_posteron Chrome17:26
gary_posterit fails because full_title does not contain all of header17:26
benjioh! that test shouldn't run on chrome17:26
gary_posterand therefore it is not a match17:26
gary_posterthat would make sense17:26
gary_postermostly :-P17:26
benjisince Chrome implements the nice shorten-this-text-and-add-ellipsis CSS fucntionality, then doing it manually doesn't need to be done17:27
gary_posterI suspect the comments should also mention that "bugs" is left out intentionally as part of the test--it's not really what the comment says17:27
gary_poster"This is the title we would expect if there were no shortening."17:27
benjithat would be good17:27
gary_posterdo you happen to know if there is a "conditionally run this test" flag in the testrunner?17:28
gary_posterI can always just futz within the test itself if not17:28
benjiyou might want to use (or refactor so it is usable) the test the code itself decides to run or not as your conditional17:28
benjiI don't know if there is a way to spell that for the test runner17:28
gary_posterheh, good point17:29
gary_posterI can just do an if17:29
gary_posterok thanks!17:29
benjicool, thanks for improving that test17:29
* benji resumes eating the best pulled-pork sandwich he has ever had.17:30
bacbenji: where are you that you find such good pork?18:30
benjibac: Middle Tennessee18:30
benjithe local Rotary was selling smoked boston butts as a fundraiser; came with sauce in a canning jar18:31
bachi gary_poster -- you have a moment to do a review?20:26
gary_posterbac, sure20:26
* gary_poster looks20:26
bacgary_poster: i got bogged down on making the web service backwards compatible20:27
bacthis branch is UI only.20:27
gary_posterbac ok, sounds good20:27
gary_posterbac, I don't understand the change in person-portlet-contact-details.pt .  What does two-column-list do, and why did you wrap some new part of the template with it?20:30
gary_posterother than that looks good20:30
bacgary_poster: i moved the Code of Conduct from the first column to the middle one for balance20:34
bacotherwise it looked funny since the wiki names were previously in the middle column20:34
gary_posterbac ok.  Sounds reasonable.  It didn'y make sense to just remove the columns entirely--that is, the columns still add value to your eyes?20:35
bacgary_poster: i don't understand your question20:35
gary_poster("yes" is fine; just want to ask)20:35
bacgary_poster: look at https://launchpad.net/~bac20:35
bacand imagine the wiki names is gone.20:35
* gary_poster does not see wiki names20:36
* gary_poster will go to ~gary20:36
bacsorry, it is just "Wiki" in the UI20:37
gary_posterYeah, bac, I can't see "Wiki" on your page.  Can you see it on mine?  https://launchpad.net/~gary20:38
bacyes, at the top of the middle column20:38
bacyou don't see that on mine?20:38
gary_posterI see IRC20:38
gary_posterthen spave20:38
gary_posterthen Languages20:38
gary_posterthen Karma20:38
bacoh, that's b/c i don't have one20:39
bacit is shown to me because i have lp.edit20:39
bacah so?20:39
bacso you don't think moving the code-conduct makes sense?20:40
gary_posterFWIW, https://launchpad.net/~gmb20:40
gary_posterwe can both see that he does not have a wiki20:40
gary_posterso yeah20:40
gary_posterI'm inclined to say that keeping the CoC where people are used to it is more valuable, but if you want to leave it as is in your branch, that's fine.  this is mountain out of molehill20:41
baci can revert that part.  i think it is harmless but some people may have an affinity for seeing code of conduct over there20:41
bachey, molehills -> mountains are what we do!20:41
gary_posterbac, otherwise looks fine.  Will approve now, with or without the CoC change20:42
baci'll revert the template20:42
gary_posterbac, my side is done20:45
benjigary_poster: I don't know if you have time for an ad-hoc call, but I'd like to share my progress on the syncifinator and see how best to use my remaining time with it.21:03
* benji will be right back.21:03
gary_posterHey benji.  I'm supposed to have a call with flacoste now-ish21:04
gary_posterLemme check with him...21:04
gary_posteryeah talking now21:05
* benji discusses his options with a big glass of Mello Yello instead.21:06
gary_posterbenji, wanna talk now, or did the Mello Yello have some good advice, or is it all too late anyway?21:42
benjigary_poster: I was indeed enlightened by my sparkly fluorescent friend, but I'd still like to chat.21:43
gary_posterlol, ok21:43
benjigary_poster: https://code.launchpad.net/~yellow/+junk/lp2kanban21:48

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