
phillwpleia2: do you have time for a PM?00:18
pleia2phillw: sure, but my internet is pretty lousy so I might drop off00:18
RainCTphillw: Hey07:16
RainCTphillw: (btw, you can email me at rainct@ubuntu.com)07:17
Fudgeanyone usine oneiric yet for testing08:32
UndiFineDFudge, what testing ?08:43
Fudgeorca in oneiric08:52
UndiFineDhmm, no orca still keeps crashing on me, and my audio is broken too09:01
UndiFineDI think I need to load classic for that to work properly09:02
leoquantindeed i can confirm that09:04
Fudgei can too, i jsut came back from failures10:42
Fudgei do not believe classic is included with oneiric now?10:42
Fudgeor are you somehow able to isntall classic10:42
MrChrisDruifFudge; What are you talking about?11:03
PendulumMrChrisDruif: for Oneiric the 2D default will be Unity 2D, not 'Classic Gnome Desktop'11:05
Fudgeyes, that is what i was talking about, tks11:05
PendulumFudge: I suspect that they have not gotten around to making that change, however, in whatever is available for testing Oneiric. (although I've not tried installing it so I can't tell you for sure)11:06
MrChrisDruifWon't Oneiric be based on Gnome 3 without the shell and with Unity instead?11:06
MrChrisDruifA1 already out?11:07
PendulumA1 is due thursday11:07
UndiFineD#ubuntu-testing : <jibel> guillemhs, the current package is not installable with at-spi2.11:41
UndiFineDso that is a likely to be a w.i.p.11:41
jibelthe context of this quote is ldtp/python-ldtp11:44
Fudgefun fun12:13
charlie-tcaalpha1 is much too early for accessibility to be working. Not even the installs using the desktop cd are working without orca14:14
macoFudge: oneiric isn't even booting for some of the devs right now, let alone working *well*16:49
skaetmaco,  there's some known issues on todays builds that are being sorted.    When the alpha 1 images show up on the iso tester, try again then.   Note,  there's a known issue running under kvm that won't be sorted in time for the release. 18:12
skaetand yes,  charlie-tca is right,  its too early for accesibility to be working.   Lots of transistions going on right now. 18:13
macoskaet: i havent tried at all. i just saw ev & dholbach saying their oneirics weren't booting18:13
charlie-tcaAlanBell: thanks for the update on Onboard menu item. It never occurred to them that they have been doing exactly that same thing for years?22:04
AlanBellcharlie-tca: I believe it was a "decluttering" excercise22:05
AlanBellbut as we now have all that clutter of offering other stuff to you to download it got more confusing22:05
AlanBellI believe the theory was you could start it from GDM so the menu option wasn't strictly neccessary22:06
charlie-tcaI see. I guess I will go beat my head on another wall now22:06
charlie-tcaYes, that's right. The GDM thing, which you couldn't really do either when you really needed it.22:06
charlie-tcaah, well. At least we get something out of all that.22:07

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