
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== Lopi is now known as Lopi|idle
sveinseI'm bumping my question from yesterday: Are there any descriptions available how to cross compile non-debianized source software (I'm building Qt) with xdeb?08:40
hrwxdeb is to build debianized sources08:54
sveinsehrw, So since the ubuntu/linaro toolchain don't support sysroot, there are no way of building non-debianized sources?09:34
sveinse(Of course you know in advance the build deps for the sources)09:38
hrw./configure --host=arm-linux-gnueabi;make kind?09:38
sveinseI wonder if that works for Qt?09:39
sveinseQt does support cross compilation. The only problem are target armel library dependencies. And without sysroot, the rpath in these libs will be off09:41
hrwsveinse: during oneiric cycle I hope that we will finally get multiarched headers so development will be much easier then is now09:42
sveinseto make some progress: If I want to cross build qt4-x11 from deb source, how do I do that?09:43
sveinsewith xdeb that is09:44
hrwxdeb -a armel --prefer-apt --only-explicit qt4-x1109:45
hrwI would try that09:45
sveinsethanks, I'll do that09:46
hrwcooloney: hi10:29
cooloneyhrw: hi10:53
=== chuck_ is now known as zul
ppisatiGrueMaster: when you have time - http://people.canonical.com/~ppisati/imx51/linux-image-2.6.31-608-imx51_2.6.31-608.26_armel.deb15:12
ppisatiGrueMaster: is another kernel with some mor CVEs fix, if you can boot test it15:12
ppisatiGrueMaster: it would be nice, so i can pull req15:12
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GrueMasterppisati: Didn't I test this on Friday?15:39
ppisatiGrueMaster: new one15:50
ppisatiGrueMaster: more cve fix etcetc15:50
ppisatiGrueMaster: version didn't change since i didn't close it15:50
ppisatiGrueMaster: and you will get more and more :)15:50
GrueMastersigh.  Ok.15:50
ppisatiGrueMaster: just give me a "it boots" check15:50
hrwdid someone know a tool which will give me filesystem with just selected packages fetched (with deps) and unpacked?15:51
GrueMasterYou mean like rootstock?15:52
hrwforgot about that one...15:52
GrueMasterppisati: In the future, when you post these kernels, please increment some number so that I hve a way of knowing which one is installed.  Thanks.15:54
ppisatiGrueMaster: uhm, i don't know if i can without closing the release15:55
ppisatiGrueMaster: i'll check15:55
hrwrootstock auto assume armel?15:55
GrueMasterI know it is possible.  Others send me test kernels with bug ids in the version number all the time.15:55
hrwand is also wrong tool. I need fs with 'libc6-dev libc6-dbg' and dependencies - no rootfs stuff needed in it15:56
ppisatiGrueMaster: ok, i'll put some custom "grue1, grue2, grue3, etcetc" so you can distinguish it15:56
GrueMasterhrw: I have no other suggestions.   Sorry.15:56
hrwno problem15:56
ppisatihrw: but do you need a "release", or do you want some total custom image?15:58
GrueMasterppisati: boots.  No errors.15:58
ppisatiGrueMaster: k, pull is coming15:58
* GrueMaster wanders off for morning shower & coffee.15:59
hrwtotal custom fs16:00
ppisatihrw: i see, then i don't know any tool...16:03
ppisatihrw: i mean, deboostrap still install a minimal system16:04
ppisatihrw: if minimal + custom is ok, deboostrap16:04
ppisatihrw: but i think (but i could be wrong) that rootstock exploits deboostrap16:05
hrwit is using it16:09
=== Sarvatt_ is now known as Sarvatt
ZeZuOn natty/omap4 if i build something w/ g++ -marm and try to change a pages attributes,  it fails (where-as it does not with the default build, read: thumb) ... thumb interop is not disabled so i'm confused as to why,  anyone have any thoughts on the subject before I dig it further / file bug report ?19:54
ZeZuData I pass looks valid :  Attempting to change atribs of 2 pages (PageSize: 4096) @ 0x116400019:59
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