
=== ldunn_fn is now known as ldunn
gggshey guys, I installed 11.04 yesterday, having issues with firefox; for some reason, every now and then it'll completely halt my system for 4 or 5 seconds08:47
firtvid20I've never really used firefox08:48
firtvid20gggs: Just Google Chrome for me. Maybe it's an old version of Firefox?08:48
* firtvid20 is back08:51
gggsanyone have a similar issue? the issue seems to Xorg, which explains why everything stops09:10
* firtvid20 thinks this channel is AFK09:14
sagacihead_victim, pingg11:57
head_victimsagaci: pong13:28
sagacihead_victim, tried to test out the bot in #mootbot-test, but doesn't seem to be working there13:30
head_victimFeel free to have a practice here :)13:30
head_victimI can play along 13:30
sagacioh, so what stops john smith mucking around with it, or is it open to all13:33
head_victimIt's pretty much open13:34
head_victimProvided as a service.13:34
head_victimUse it in here if you like, we'll do a quick run through of commands to have a play13:38
sagacisorry, just watching that foo fighters doco13:39
head_victimNo worries mate13:40
gorillaevening all.14:13
head_victimEvening gorilla 14:19
gorillahi head_victim, sagaci and also the lurkers.. we know who you are :-P14:23
* head_victim is a serial lurker14:23
gorillahead_victim: so that's where you keep going wrong... if you say something then you are not lurking.14:24
head_victimOh see, I can't even lurk right :P14:24
head_victimNah I do it alright in other channels, just hard to lead a group you don't speak to ;)14:25
gorillahead_victim: you nominate a sock puppet :-P14:25
head_victimHah I thought I was the sock puppet heh14:25
head_victimgorilla: do you use social media much?14:26
gorillahead_victim: not much no.. I mean, I have a facebook account but wish that I didn't.14:26
gorillaI mean I wish that I didn't have to have one.14:26
head_victimFair enough, just sussing out as many people as I can to see the best way forward for the team in that regard.14:26
head_victimThe whole group versus individual account thing14:27
gorillayeah. I have been following the thread on the mail list and not sure what the best option is.14:28
* firtvid20 is not AFK14:36
firtvid20How do I set a mode on IRC?14:37
head_victimfirtvid20: dpends on what sort of mode14:39
head_victimgorilla: cool just checking14:40
firtvid20Like say if you wanted to hide your hostname?14:40
head_victimfirtvid20: that's a cloak, not a mode.14:41
lubotu2Want to hide your IP while connected to freenode? See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks - More information available in #freenode14:41
head_victimHeh typo14:41
firtvid20lubotu2: Cool, I'll have a looksie14:42
lubotu2firtvid20: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:42
head_victimNo worries14:42
lubotu2Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!14:42
firtvid20lol, I have to pay to get a cloak.14:43
head_victimNo, you CAN pay to get a cloak14:44
head_victimYou can get unaffiliated ones for nothing I thought14:44
firtvid20Oh yeah14:45
firtvid20Also, when I tried upgrading my Ubuntu from 10.10 to 11.01, some of the repo packages couldn't download from the Optus repo. D:14:45
head_victimMight have just been in the middle of a sync14:46
firtvid20Yeah, I should try again tomorrow14:47
firtvid20I also had this problem with another friend's laptop updating from 10.01 to 10.10. It wouldn't update just because it couldn't download an "important" package from Optus14:48
head_victimI'd suggest trying a different repository14:49
head_victimaarnet is pretty good14:49
firtvid20Ok, I'll take note of that. Thanks.14:50
* firtvid20 gives head_victim a cookie14:50
head_victimHah thanks14:51
sagaciaarnet or internode14:52
head_victimEvening quail_laptop 14:57
head_victimsagaci: I'm off for the night but if you want to test out mootbot feel free.15:34
=== quail_linux is now known as quail_laptop

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