
coalwaterkinda quiet isn't it lol01:23
Error404NotFoundwoot got my printer working01:32
raymondjtoth2!chat rooms02:23
ubot2Factoid 'chat rooms' not found02:23
ubot2The Instant Messenger client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete02:23
ubot2Factoid 'networking' not found02:24
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holsteinError404NotFound: pong03:37
=== semitones_tea is now known as semitones
philipballewif im running a ubuntu server that stores peoples files with xp running machines should i scan for viruses?07:58
philipballewif im running a ubuntu server that stores peoples files with xp running machines should i scan for viruses?08:15
geirhaphilipballew: Probably not a bad idea. Wouldn't want your windows users to get a virus from your share.08:21
philipballewmight make Ubuntu look bad... we dont want that haha08:22
ubot2Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus08:22
geirhaThat page has some software you can use iirc08:22
philipballewhaha that says it...08:22
philipballewone more question for the day...08:23
philipballewhow can i get grub2 too know what os to automaticly boot and therefor hide the boot menu?08:23
philipballewi havent edited grub since they were using anything before grub 208:23
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shimonmdsHey People! Installation question: I tried to install Ubuntu on my Windows 7 system. It didn't fully install because it couldn't find a certain iso file (?), I tried to uninstall and start over, but nothing helped.  Now I can't get rid of the dual-boot option whenever I turn the computer on.  How do I get rid of that--or at least get Ubuntu to work?15:04
coalwaterwelcome back ubot2 lol17:46
Sidewinder1Greetings bodhi_zazen  Nice to see you here.19:14
* Sidewinder1 Feels like bodhi_zazen is ignoring him.. Not a problem; I am more aware of the mega-contributions and time that you spend. I just wanted to say Hi...19:23
=== kristian_ is now known as kristian-aalborg
OmsniffiscentMy update manager is being weird. Giving me this error, is this serious? W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-desktop/gnome3-builds/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/source/Sources.gz  404  Not Found19:39
bodhi_zazen'lo Sidewinder1 , busy @ work at the moment, but hi =)19:40
Sidewinder1Just a "Hi" from you makes my day. I'm not kiddin'. :-)19:41
robbmunsonbodhi_zazen! VERY long time no see...then again...I've not been here in quite some time.19:41
Sidewinder1Have a great day all! It's shower time; ie: the fifth Tuesday in the month...19:46
bodhi_zazenrobbmunson: I've been lurking on this channel, here most work days19:47
robbmunsonLike I said..I myself haven't been here in a while. :)19:48
=== coalwater_ is now known as coalwater
philipballewhow can i hook up ssh on a dynamic ip?20:02
holsteinphilipballew: i use dyndns20:04
holsteinOmsniffiscent: have you added sources?20:06
holsteinhmm, actually that looks like a PPA source for gnome320:06
holsteini would try disabling it, and see how it goes.. (disable or purge)20:07
OmsniffiscentUh yes I did install gnome3 but I went back to gnome 2.20:08
OmsniffiscentHow do I remove gnome 3?20:08
Omsniffiscent(It's not made of easy.)20:09
holsteinOmsniffiscent: i would check out http://bigbrovar.aoizora.org/index.php/2010/01/10/how-to-safely-remove-ppa-repository-from-ubuntu/20:09
OmsniffiscentThank you.20:10
Anime-girlI just installed ubuntu 10.04 on my dell inspiron mini, and had to install the wifi drivers, not a big deal20:18
Anime-girlbut after running some updates, specifically the kernal headre updates, my wifi is not working anymore20:19
holsteinAnime-girl: it happens20:19
Anime-girland ive tried to recompile and install the drivers, but its not working20:19
holsteintheres nothing particularly wrong with just running the old kernel*20:19
Anime-girlok, so how do I go back to the old kernel?20:21
holsteini have had tricky setups in the past where i just set it in grub to boot an older kernel20:21
Anime-girlwhat if I don't have grub?20:21
holsteinive never done anything more permanent, since i wanted to try newer kernels20:21
holsteinAnime-girl: by whatever means you boot linux and whatever else20:22
holsteinjust point the bootloader to the older kernel20:22
Anime-girlI don't have a bootloader, it just boots straight into ubuntu20:23
holsteinyou probably have grub, and its just hidden20:23
ubot2GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)20:23
holsteinAnime-girl: one of the first things i do is unhide grub20:24
holsteinsudo nano /etc/default/grub20:24
holsteincomment out #GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=020:25
holsteinyou'll need to run sudo update-grub afterwards before rebooting20:26
Anime-girlok stnady by20:27
holsteinAnime-girl: you get a grub list?20:30
Anime-girlyup got the wifi working again20:30
holsteinAnime-girl: cool :)20:30
holsteinthats the path of least resistance i say20:31
holsteinyou should look for, and get involved in a bug report, or make one for your hardware and the latest kernel20:31
holsteinjust so the kernel team knows about it*20:31
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=== braiam is now known as braiam_
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philipballew_holstein, how would i install this onto my ubuntu server though?20:40
holsteinphilipballew_: i have a ddwrt router and it has a place for entering the dyndns account info20:41
holsteinit updates the dyndns domain name if my IP changes20:41
philipballew_alright. ill look at my router. its a 2wire20:41
holsteinphilipballew_: i didnt have it back when i ran windows, so i used the updater software in XP20:42
holsteini know theres updater software for linux too though20:42
philipballew_update what. the router?20:42
philipballew_or update the ip?20:43
holsteinphilipballew_: it updates the domain name to point at your IP20:43
philipballew_oh i see. there's probably a guide somewhere. i dont immagine it comes standard with ubuntu-server20:43
holsteinphilipballew_: i think theres a package in the repos20:44
philipballew_alright. that would be nice then i can just apt-get it20:44
holsteini remember trying to set it up in fedora, but i ended up going with ddwrt on the router, and it solved more than just that issue20:44
philipballew_so if i logged in to my router i could see if it supports ddwrt probably20:45
holsteinphilipballew_: i think its going to be ddclient - address updating utility for dynamic DNS services20:45
holsteinor ipcheck - Dyndns.org client to register your dynamic IP address20:45
holsteinphilipballew_: im pretty sure those 2wire modem/routers dont, but it wont hurt to look20:45
philipballew_sudo apt-get ddclient should probably work then. what ip address do i give dyndns then?20:46
holsteinapt-get install*20:46
holsteinphilipballew_: you'll see, you set up an account, and the ip will be dynamic of course20:46
holsteinthe updater just checks everynow and then *whatever time interval you set20:47
holsteinand if the IP has changed, it tells dyndns, and the domain you set points to the new IP :)20:47
philipballew_alright. ill have some fun this afternoon. im setting up a media server to store music files i can play then in mutiple rooms in the house20:47
holsteinyeah, it works quite well for me with ssh20:48
holsteini need a nap though... good luck :)20:48
philipballew_alright. sleep well my friend20:48
DarkwingDuckhey hggdh20:50
hggdhhi DarkwingDuck20:51
=== braiam__ is now known as Braiam
elks294i installed vmware and somehow i have two virtual wirless interfaces now vmnet 7 vmnet 8 can i delete these for good somehow21:11
A_B_Question: Why when adding a user he's automatically added to a group by his username and not added to the "users" group?21:31
Anime-girlanyone know why I can't do full screen with dual monitors?21:48
A_B_Anime-girl: I has to do with a limitation in X. I tried that myself22:01
elks294how can i figure out which GPU is in my ubuntu system22:27
bioterrorlspci |grep VGA22:27
philipballewHow can i tell grub to not show the boot menu and then select the default kernel to boot into?22:33
coalwaterphilipballew, maybe u can set the count down timer to zero, i know it's a silly work around but that's what i could thing of22:36
philipballewthats an intresting point because ive had sometimes the times appear at zero and other times there is no timer at all22:36
coalwateru mean like 0 = unlimited? im not sure22:37
coalwaterthen set it to 1 lol22:37
Anime-girla_b: HMMM thats interesting, how do I get the X settings?23:41
mordagarhello all. i need some heeelp!23:59

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